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Time allowed: 2 hours 15 minutes

Name: ______________________________________________________________

School: _____________________________________________________________


Read the following instructions carefully:
1. The paper has two sections: A and B

2. Section A has 40 questions (40 marks)

3. Section B has 15 questions (60 marks) FOR EXAMINER’S USE ONLY

4. Answer ALL questions. All answers to both Sections A

and B must be written in the spaces provided. Qn. No MARK SIGN

1 – 10
5. All answers must be written using a blue or black ball
11 – 20
point pen or ink. Diagrams should be drawn in pencil.
21 – 30
6. Unnecessary crossing of work may lead to loss of marks.
31 – 40
7. Any handwriting that cannot be easily read may lead to
41 – 43
loss of marks. 44 – 46
8. Do not fill anything in the boxes indicated; 47 – 49

For Examiner’s use only. 50 – 52

53 – 55
Turn over TOTAL

1. Give the importance of a key to a map-reader.

2. State the opposite direction of North East.
3. In which town do we find Uganda’s international airport?
4. What is the main duty of the police?
5. How do people near Lake Katwe benefit from it?
6. Why do we save money?
7. Write KCCA in full.
8. Mention one cause of road accidents.
9. Why do people plant trees in their compounds?
10. What forced Nambi to go back to her father Gulu?
11. Mention one example of a cash crop grown in your community.

12. Give any one activity which people do to get money.
Study the diagram below and answer question 13.

13. What is the work of the above tool?

14. What is an island?
15. Name any one district surrounded by water.
16. How do we call a storage house where farmers keep dry crops?
17. Name one element of a good map.
18. What is a nuclear family?
19. Why are nimbus clouds important to a farmer?
20. In which season do farmers harvest crops?
21. Why was Kampala city divided into divisions?

22. Why is the peak of Mt. Rwenzori snow capped?
23. Give one problem people who live in urban areas face.
24. How do people meet their needs?
25. Give one importance of commercial banks to the people of Uganda.
26. Name the peak of Mt. Elgon.
27. Name the ministry that controls all schools in Uganda.
28. Give one source of energy.
29. What is the importance of saving energy?
30. Give one example of a project.
31. Mention one role of a teacher in a community.
32. Draw a map symbol which represents a dam.

33. Write one danger of valleys to people.
34. What is a valley?
35. Name the LCI committee member who is in charge of children affairs.
For each of the questions 36 to 40, answer EITHER the Christian OR Islamic
question but not both. No marks will be awarded to any one who answers
both alternatives.
36. Either: Who was the mother of Jesus?
Or : Who was the mother of Prophet Muhammad?
37. Either: Name Jesus’ apostle who doubted the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Or : Who was the best friend of Prophet Muhammad?
38. Either: What name is given to the fasting period of Christians?
Or : What name is given to the fasting period for Moslems?
39. Either: Who baptized Jesus?
Or : What is the meaning of Tayyamum?
40. Either: Name the angel who announced the birth of Jesus Christ.
Or: When do Moslems go for Juma prayers?
41 Match the words in list A to the correct sentences in list B
List A List B
(i) Teacher - flies aeroplanes
(ii) Policeman - teaches children
(iii) Doctor - enforces law and order
(iv) Pilot - treats sick people

(a) Teacher ______________________________________________________

(b) Policeman _____________________________________________________
(c) Doctor _______________________________________________________
(d) Pilot _________________________________________________________
42 (a) What is child abuse?
(b) State any one cause of child abuse?
(c) Give any two rights of children.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
43. (a) Name the main natural source of water.
(b) Give any three importance of water at home.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(iii) _____________________________________________________________
44. Study the diagram below and use it to answer questions that follow.
N (a) Name the instrument drawn.
a ____________________________________
b c (b) Identify the points labelled;
d (i) a _______________________________
(ii) d _______________________________
(c) Mention any one group of people who use the above instrument in their
daily activities.
45. In the space below, draw the following symbols used on maps.
(a) bridge (b) mountain

(c) swamp (d) Waterfall

46. (a) What is communication?

(b) Give any two means of modern communication.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________

(c) Why do few people in Uganda read newspapers?

47. (a) How many colours make up the Uganda national flag?
(b) Name any two of the colours of the Uganda flag.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(c) Give the name of the bird found in the middle of the Uganda national flag.
48. Complete the table correctly.

(a) hen ________________________

(b) _______________________ milk

(c) _______________________ pork

(d) Sheep ________________________

49 Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Identify feature marked X.

(b) Name side A of the mountain.
(c) What type of rainfall is shown above?
(d) State one problem faced by people living around mountainous areas.
50. (a) What are social services?
(b) Give any two examples of social services.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(c) Which social service is provided at school?

For questions 51 to 55, answer EITHER the Christian OR Islamic question but
not both on one number.
(a) Write down four Christian names for boys.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(iii) _____________________________________________________________
(iv) _____________________________________________________________
(a) Write down four Moslem names for girls.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(iii) _____________________________________________________________
(iv) _____________________________________________________________
52. Either:
(a) Who received the Ten Commandments of God?
(b) Write down any two commandments of God.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(c) On which mountain did Moses receive the Ten commandments?
(a) State four things that annoy Allah.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _______________________________________________________________
(iii) _______________________________________________________________
(iv) _______________________________________________________________
53. Either:
Match the words in List A with the correct statement in List B.
List A List B
(a) Good Friday the day Jesus entered Jerusalem.
(b) Easter Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
(c) Christmas day the day Jesus was crucified.
(d) Palm Sunday the day Jesus was born.

(a) Good Friday ___________________________________________________

(b) Easter Sunday _________________________________________________
(c) Christmas day _________________________________________________
(d) Palm Sunday __________________________________________________

Match the words in List A with the correct statement in List B.
List A List B

(a) Prophet Muhammad the mother of prophet Mohammad.
(b) Khadijah the city where prophet Mohammad was born.
(c) Amina the first wife of Prophet Mohammad.
(d) Mecca the founder of Islam.

(a) Prophet Muhammad ____________________________________________

(b) Khadija _______________________________________________________
(c) Amina ________________________________________________________
(d) Mecca ________________________________________________________
54. Either:
(a) How many apostles did Jesus have?
(b) Mention any three of Jesus’ apostles.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(iii) _____________________________________________________________
(a) How many times do a true Moslem pray in a day?
(b) Give two reasons why Moslems pray to Allah.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(c) Mention one of the daily prayers performed by Muslims.

55. Either:
(a) Where is God living?
(b) What will happen to people who obey God?
(c) Give any two kinds of people who need your help.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(a) Where is Allah living?
(b) What will happen to people who obey Allah?
(c) Give any two kinds of people who need your help.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________

Good Luck

P.4 SST Mid-term I 2015 Marking guide 24. Through working so hard/Through
1. Explains the meaning of symbols used on getting education
a map. 25. They offer loans/They keep money
2. South West safely/They give financial advice to
3. Entebbe traders/They keep important
4. To keep law and order/To arrest law documents/They provide jobs
breakers 26. Wagagai
5. Lake Katwe provides salt to the people/It 27. Ministry of Education and Sports
provides fish to people 28. Natural sources - wind (e.g. sailing boats,
6. We save to meet our needs/We save to driving wind mills),water
improve on our standards of living/We Artificial sources – Fuel (diesel, petro,
save for future use wood, charcoal), electricity
7. Kampala Capital City Authority 29. To minimize costs/To avoid wastage of
8. Over loading/Over speeding/Drunkard energy
drivers/Bad roads 30. Bee keeping/Tree planting/Poultry
9. To get shade/To get fruits from them/To keeping/Brick making
act as wind breakers 31. To guide learners/To be exemplary/To
10. She wanted to collect millet for her hen reach learners
11. Coffee, tobacco, cotton, millet, maize 32.
12. Digging, trading, tailoring, plumbing, 33. They flood during heavy rains/They hide
carpentry, teaching, weaving, working in disease vectors/They make construction
a bank of roads and railway lines difficult.
13. It provides/used by people for security 34. A valley is a low land between two close
14. An island is an area of land surrounded hills or mountains
by water. 35. Vice Chairperson
15. Kalangala, Buvuma, 36. Either: Mary
16. Granary Or: Aminah
17. Key, compass direction, title scale, flame 37. Either: Thomas
18. Nuclear family is the type of family Or: Abubaker
where there is father, mother and their 38. Either: Lent
own children Or: Ramadhan
19. Nimbus clouds provide rainfall to people 39. Either: John the Baptist
20. Dry season Or: This is the purifying of the Body
21. For easy service delivery/To create more using clean soil when going for prayers.
jobs/to extend services nearer to 40. Either: Angel Gabriel
people/For easy monitoring of Or: Friday
government programmes 41. –
22. The peak of Mt. Rwenzori crosses the (a) Teaches children
snow line (b) Enforces law and order
23. High crime rate, poor housing/high cost (c) Treats sick people
of living/unemployment/Traffic (d) Flies aeroplanes
jam/floods 42. –

(a) Child abuse is the violation of children’s (b) Health services/Transport services/
rights. (c) Education services
(b) Broken families, alcoholism, poverty 51. Either:
(c) A right to play/A right to education Mathew, Mark, Luke, John
43. – Or:
(a) Rain Aisha, Amina,Khadijah, Fatuma
(b) Water is used for cooking/Water is used 52. Either:
for washing/Water is used for bathing (a) Moses,
44. – (b) Do not steal/Do not kill
(a) A compass direction (c) On mountain Sinai
(b) a. North West d. South East Or:
(c) pilots, sailors, mountain climbers Stealing, abusing, killing, fighting
45. – 53. Either:
(a) The day Jesus was crucified
(b) We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus
(c) The day Jesus was born
(d) The day Jesus entered Jerusalem
46. – (a) The founder of Islam
(a) Communication is the sending of (b) The first wife of Prophet Mohammad
messages (c) The mother of prophet Mohammad
(b) Radios, Televisions (d) The city where Prophet Mohammad
(c) Newspapers are expensive/Some people was born.
do not know how to read. 54. Either:
47. – (a) Twelve apostles
(a) Three colours (b) Matthew, John, James, Judas Iscariot,
(b) Black, Yellow, Red Simon Peter
(c) Crested Crane Or:
48. – (a) Five times in a day
(a) Eggs (b) To ask for forgiveness/To get blessings
(b) Cow/goat (c) Subh, Zuhur, Aswir
(c) Pig 55. Either:
(d) mutton (a) In Heaven
49. – (b) They will go to heaven
(a) Nimbus clouds (c) Blind people, sick people, elderly
(b) Windward side Or:
(c) Relief rainfall/Orographic rainfall (a) In Janah
(d) Land slides, mudslides, soil erosion (b) They will go to Janah/paradise
50. – (c) Blind people/sick people/elderly
(a) These are services done by the
government for people to live a better

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