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Crisis Events
-refer to sudden and unexpected situations
that pose significant challenges and risks to
individuals, communities, or society as a
Types of crisis
Crisis events can be categorized into various types based on
their nature, origin, and impact. Some common types of
crises include:

Developmental crises: This type of crisis is part of the

process of growing up. Sometimes, a crisis is actually a
predictable part of the cycle of life, like the crises that
are described in Erikson’s stages of psychosocial
Types of crisis
Existential crises: These types of inner conflicts that
lead to a crisis are related to ideas like your life
purpose, direction, and spirituality. A midlife crisis is an
example of a crisis that is rooted in existential anxiety.
Situational crises: Sudden and unexpected crises
include accidents and natural disasters. Getting in a car
accident, being affected by a flood or an earthquake, or
being the victim of a crime are a few examples of
situational crises.
Types of crisis
Public health emergencies: Outbreaks of infectious
diseases, pandemics, or health-related crises, like the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Economic crises: Financial downturns, recessions, or
currency collapses that have widespread economic
Political crises: Events involving political instability,
conflicts, coups, or government breakdowns.
-are extreme events that cause widespread
destruction, loss of life, and disruption of
normal life and community functioning.
Types of Disaster
Natural disasters: Events caused by natural processes,
such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts,
volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis.

Technological disasters: Crises resulting from failures or

accidents in technological systems, such as nuclear
accidents, chemical spills, industrial accidents, and
infrastructure failures.
Types of Disaster
Complex emergencies: Situations characterized by a
combination of factors, such as armed conflict, political
instability, displacement of populations, and humanitarian
Phases of Disaster
Mitigation Preparedness Response Recovery

Activities Immediate Long-term

Actions actions taken to
undertaken efforts to rebuild
taken to save lives, communities,
to enhance
prevent or protect restore essential
readiness and property, and
reduce the services, and
capacity to meet basic promote
risk of
respond needs during resilience in the
disasters and
effectively to aftermath of a
occurring. immediately disaster.
after a disaster.
Filipinos’ reactions, attitudes,
beliefs, and behaviors towards
crisis events and
1. Filipinos often demonstrate resilience,
solidarity, and resourcefulness in the
face of crisis events and disasters.
Cultural values such as bayanihan
(community spirit) and pakikisama
(social harmony) play a significant role in
shaping their responses.
2. Common attitudes and beliefs include trust in
family and community networks, reliance on
faith and spirituality for strength, and a sense of
fatalism or acceptance of fate.

3. Behaviors during crises may include

cooperative decision-making, mutual
assistance, and adaptation to adverse
Vulnerable Special
Children Persons with

Vulnerable due to Prone to physical Face barriers to

frailty, chronic evacuation,
their dependency,
health conditions,
developmental communication,
and social isolation,
needs, and limited and accessing
making them more
capacity to cope susceptible to harm
essential services
with stressors. during disasters. during crises.
Vulnerable Special
Pregnant women

Require specific Including ethnic minorities,

indigenous peoples,
medical care migrants, and refugees, who
may experience
and support discrimination, exclusion, and
during crises. limited access to resources
and support during disasters.

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