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School: South Crest School Grade Level: Grade 6

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Junar P. Marquez Learning Area: English

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: Quarter: 2nd


I. OBJECTIVES  Distinguish various types of informational/factual text
 Infer meaning of borrowed words and content-specific terms using context clues;
 Note significant details of informational text;
 Gather relevant information from almanac and encyclopedia;
 Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate adverbs of intensity; and
 Use appropriate graphic organizer for pre-writing tasks.

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of:

-Various verbal elements in orally communicating information;
-Various non-verbal elements in orally communicating information;
-Oral standards of English in order to participate in various oral communication demands
-Stories by noting their details; answering questions using who, what, when, and where; completing a dialogue; writing a slogan; drawing things related to the story
sequencing events; and learning new words.
-A change in stress that entails a change of meaning to evaluate the author’s purpose and meaning;
-Various linguistics nodes to comprehend various texts;
-Text types to listen for different purposes from a variety of texts;
-Text types in order to construct feedback;
-Printed words made up of interconnected letters with separate sounds that are blended together to form coherent patterns of sounds;
-Words composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending on the context;
-Figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings to develop word consciousness; and
-Construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction of print, non-print, and digital materials.
B. Performance Objective The learner should be able to;
-orally communicates information, opinions, and ideas effectively to different audiences using a variety of literary activities
-orally communicates information, opinions, and ideas effectively to different audiences for a variety of purposes
-prepares for and participates effectively in a range of conversations and collaboration with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own
clearly and persuasively
-reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
-uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately evaluate the speaker’s intention, purpose and meaning
-analyzes text types to effectively understand information/ message(s)
-uses linguistic cues to effectively construct meaning from a variety of texts for a variety of purposes
-uses literal information from texts heard to construct an appropriate feedback
-uses knowledge of phonics (analytic and synthetic) to effectively decode grade-appropriate words
-uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context
-uses figurative language appropriately in various contexts
-uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a variety of texts for a variety of purposes
-uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational texts
-uses diction (choice of words) to accurately analyze author’s tone, mood, and point of view
-uses literal information from texts to aptly infer and predict outcomes
-drafts texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
-edits texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
-rewrites/revises texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
-publishes texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
-uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse (oral and written)
-speaks and writes using good command of the conventions of standard English
-applies knowledge of non-verbal skills to respectfully give the speaker undivided attention and acknowledge the message
-uses paralanguage and non-verbal cues to respond appropriately
-uses a variety of strategies to provide appropriate feedback
-utilizes discrete techniques (general or specific) and applies appropriately them to all or most fields of study
-uses a variety of research strategies to effectively write a variety of texts for various audiences and purposes
-applies knowledge of the various forms and conventions of print, nonprint, and digital materials to appropriately comprehend print, non-print, film and moving texts
-evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing texts
-applies different views of the real world to effectively interpret (deconstruct) constructed meaning in print, non-print and digital materials
-applies understanding of forms and conventions of viewing texts to appropriately create and recreate meaning/ messages
C. Learning Competencies
( Write the LC code for each)

II. CONTENT Making an Outline Yuuki and the Tsunami Informational Texts: Main Idea Adverbs of Intensity Quiz
( Subject Matter) and Supporting Details

A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages
2. Learners Material Pages
3. Textbook pages Pages 116-117 Pages 118-121 Page 123 Pages 126-127
4. Additional Materials Laptop, projector, Laptop, projector, powerpoint. Laptop, projector, powerpoint Laptop, projector, powerpoint
presentation. presentation.
B. Other Learning Resources
IV. PROCEDURES Series of questions will be Questions will be asked to Some questions will be asked Some questions will be asked
A. Drill asked to review the lesson review the lesson yesterday. to review the lesson to review the lesson
yesterday. yesterday. yesterday.
B. Review
C. Establishing a purpose of the A video presentation about Will unlock the difficult words The teacher will present a The teacher will present some
new lesson (Motivation) outlining will be presented. that the students might paragraph and will let the example sentences with
encounter while reading the students determine the main adverbs of intensity.
text. idea.

D.Presenting Examples/ instances of What is outlining? Video talk related to the story. Giving an overview of the  Adverbs of Intensity
the new lesson( Presentation) lesson to be discussed.
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will give an The teacher will give an ample  Main Idea  How does it
practicing new skills no.1 ( Modeling) example outline for the time for the students to read  Supporting Details functions?
students to observe. the text.
F. Discussing new concepts and The students will be tasked to Questions will be asked to Questions will be asked to the The students will be asked to
practicing new skills no.2 do their own outline with the ensure their understanding. students to observe their give their own sentences using
( Guided Practice) topic “My Daily Routine” understanding. some adverbs of intensity.
G.Developing Mastery The students will reflect on The students will reflect on The students will reflect on The students will reflect on
( Independent Practice ) their understanding about the their understanding about the their understanding about the their understanding about the
lesson through a diverse text through a diverse text through a diverse text through a diverse
activities. activities. activities. activities.
H.Finding practical application of
concepts and skills in daily living
( Application/Valuing)
I. Making Generalization and Some questions will be asked Some questions will be asked Some questions will be asked Some questions will be asked
abstraction about the lesson to the students just to to the students just to to the students just to to the students just to
(Generalization) summarize the lesson for summarize the lesson for summarize the lesson for summarize the lesson for
today. today. today.
J. Evaluating Learning Answer page 117. Answer page 121 Checking Answer Pages 123-124 Answer Page 127 Exercise 1
Your Understanding. Exercise 1
K. Additional activities for application Answer Pages 125-126 Answer Pages 127-128
and remediation ( Assignment) Exercise 2 Exercise 2
A. No. of learner who earned 80%
B .No. of learner who scored below 80%
( needs remediation)
C. No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No of learner who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies work well?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal /supervisor can help me sove?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share w/other

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