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Electroencephalogram (EEG) for Brain

Disease Detection: A Bibliometric

Analysis on 2013-2023 Research in the
Scopus Database

Agus Muliantara1,* and Komang Dian Aditya Putra 2

1 Department of Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana Univer-
sity, Badung, Bali, Indonesia
2 Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University,

Badung, Bali, Indonesia

Abstract. The diversity of brain disease can be attributed to the complexity of the
nervous system. External,genetic, and epigenetic factors such as physical trauma,
illness, and environmental factors can cause and worsen brain disease. The ad-
vancement of technology has led many to seek a lifestyle that is both health-
conscious and easy. Biomedical research and treatment use several signals, in-
cluding electroencephalograms. EEG captures spontaneous electrical activity in
the cerebral cortex and can detect, monitor, and help brain disease patients. This
study employs the Scopus database to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the EEG
research for brain disease detection. The data was evaluated using the RStudio
and VOSviewer applications. One hundred ninety-three papers from 2013 to
2023 were included in the final bibliometric dataset. China is known as the most
impactful country, and Harvard Medical School is well recognized as a highly
productive institution with significant global contributions. Wang J is recognized
as the most prolific author.The article authored by Oh et al. in 2020 holds sub-
stantial influence in the field. The most frequently appearing keywords were elec-
troencephalogram (173 occurrences with a link strengthof 4740). These results
are performed to provide a broad understanding of EEG research for braindisease

Keywords: EEG, Brain, Disease, Bibliometric, Research, Database.

1 Introduction

The brain, with its 100 billion neurons connected by over 100 trillion synapses, is cen-
tral to all cognitive and physiological processes, including movement, perception, and
breathing [1]. Understanding the complex neuronal mechanisms behind these functions
is crucial for researchers, especially as various neurological and mental illnesses affect
© The Author(s) 2024
K. Dharmawan and N. A. Sanjaya ER (eds.), Proceedings of the First International Conference on Applied
Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing (ICAMSAC 2023), Advances in Computer Science Research 110,
104 A. Muliantara and K. D. A. Putra

both the central and peripheral nervous systems [2,3,4]. Such diseases are influenced
by multiple factors like trauma, genetics, and the environment, with well-known con-
ditions including multiple sclerosis (MS) [7], Alzheimer's disease (AD) [8], Parkinson's
disease (PD) [9], cerebral palsy [10], autism spectrum disorder (ASD) [11,12], amyo-
trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) [13], myasthenia gravis (MG) [14], traumatic brain in-
jury [15], and epileptic seizures [16,17,18].
The rapid technological progress has heightened interest in health monitoring
through biological signals like ECG, EEG, and others, with EEG being particularly
valuable for its insights into brain activity [19,20,21]. This study uses a bibliometric
approach to analyze scientific literature on EEG from 2013 to 2023, as no such com-
prehensive analysis exists in the Scopus database. The goal of bibliometric approach is
to map out and evaluate the complex body of knowledge on EEG, assessing its use in
understanding and treating brain disorders [22,23,24,25,26].
Moreover, it is imperative to comprehensively evaluate the study's intrinsic merit,
thoroughly examine the primary areas of research, and anticipate the future direction of
subsequent investigations [27]. So far, no bibliometric analysis has been undertaken on
the electroencephalogram (EEG) from 2013 to 2023, as documented in the Scopus da-
tabase. This study conducts a thorough bibliometric analysis to examine the complex
conceptual framework of the subject. The analysis employs a retrospective research
approach, focusing on publication trends, organizations, sources, papers, keyword co-
occurrence networks, and informative overlays. Our review aimed to gain a compre-
hensive understanding of the application of electroencephalograms in detecting and
treating brain disorders.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Methodology and Information Retrieval Approach

This research utilized data from the Scopus database, specifically selecting English
publications from the period between 2013 and 2023. Keywords including "electroen-
cephalogram," "brain," "disease," and "detection" guided the search. Post-extraction,
the data was meticulously cleaned to remove any duplications and confirm the focus on
EEG's role in identifying Brain Diseases (BD). The resulting collection of papers was
then organized into an Excel CSV file for comprehensive analysis.

2.2 Data analysis

The keyword co-occurrence analysis in this study was performed using the
VOSviewer tool, version 1.6.19, from Leiden University's Center for Science and Tech-
nology Studies. Data cleaning was conducted in Excel using its thesaurus function to
minimize redundant data. Analysis was carried out using RStudio 2023.03.0-386, rec-
ognized for its statistical capabilities, in collaboration with the Department of Econom-
ics and Statistics at the University of Naples Federico II. The study's main aim is to
explore current trends in scholarly publications.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) for Brain Disease Detection 105

3 Result and Discussion

3.1 Data searches

Using the search terms "electroencephalogram," "brain," "disease," and "detection"

in Scopus, 388 papers were identified. However, 195 were discarded as they were not
within the recent ten-year scope (2013-2023) or relevant article categories, emphasizing
the commitment to using the most current and accurate data. Consequently, 193 papers
were selected for the bibliometric study.
This bibliometric study, utilizing the esteemed Scopus database, aims to depict
knowledge concepts related to EEG in BD diagnosis both precisely and visually [28].
It encompasses performance analysis and scientific mapping: the former evaluates con-
tributions from international scholars and institutions, while the latter clarifies the re-
search's conceptual framework and future trajectories [29]. The study also articulates
the complex interplays among various research elements and their cohesive strengths,
as detailed in the publication criteria listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Criteria for the selection of the publications.

Criteria Value
Data Source Scopus
Search Terms "electroencephalogram" AND "brain" AND "disease"
AND "detection"
Publication Period January 2013 – September 2023
Document Type The article
Language English
Number of articles 193/(388)

3.2 Publication trend

The RStudio software package was used to create visual representations of the tem-
poral distribution of published data, as shown in Figure 1 and Table 2. The analysis
sheds light on the changing patterns of publication over time. On average, each paper
received six citations per year, with an overall average of 17.55 papers published annu-
ally. The year 2022 stands out with 37 publications, marking it as the year with the
highest scholarly output. In contrast, 2020 was significant for generating 22 papers and
had the highest average citation per paper and per year, underlining the importance and
influence of research in that period. Kraus et al. (2014) suggest that a high number of
citations in a paper is indicative of its scientific impact and lays the groundwork for
future research [29].
106 A. Muliantara and K. D. A. Putra

3.3 Analysis of the contributing country

Table 3 and Figure 2 detail the leading countries in EEG research for BD detection,
with China at the forefront with 45 articles. The United States follows with 21, India
with 19, Japan with 10, and Australia with 9. The table distinguishes between research
produced within one country and collaborative international efforts.

Table 2. Publication of data trends by year using the RStudio application

Year Number of Mean Total Citation Mean Total Citation Citable

Articles per Article per Year Year
2013 13 27.92 2.54 11
2014 9 26.56 2.66 10
2015 18 26.44 2.94 9
2016 5 11.8 1.48 8
2017 6 29.67 4.24 7
2018 13 30.46 5.08 6
2019 12 26.58 5.32 5
2020 22 31.27 7.82 4
2021 29 9.03 3.01 3
2022 37 5.49 2.74 2
2023 29 1.76 1.76 1
Average 17.55 20.63 3.6 6

Fig. 1. Annual scientific publication

Table 3. The most impactful countries

Country Number of Single Country Multiple Country
Articles Production Production
China 45 38 7
USA 21 17 4
India 19 19 0
Japan 10 7 3
Australia 9 4 5
Electroencephalogram (EEG) for Brain Disease Detection 107

Fig. 2. Globe heatmap of countries

3.4 Analysis of the contributing institution

The co-authoring index reveals Harvard Medical School in the United States as the top
institution in EEG research for BD detection with 19 articles. Queensland University
of Technology in Australia, Shandong Normal University, and Fudan University in
China follow with 12 publications each, with Fudan University alone contributing 11

Table 4. The institution that demonstrates the utmost productivity with the RStudio application

No. Institution Country Documents

1. Harvard Medical School USA 19
2. Queensland University of Technology Australia 12
3. Shandong Normal University China 12
4. Tianjin University China 12
5. Fudan University China 11

3.5 Analysis of the contributing source

Table 5 indicates "Biomedical Signal Processing and Control" as the most cited pub-
lication in EEG research for BD detection, with 11 documents and 249 citations, yield-
ing an H-index of 6. This highlights its productivity and impact in the field. Other no-
table sources include "Computers In Biology and Medicine" with 73 citations from 7
documents, "IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics" with 149 citations
from 7 papers, and "IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engi-
neering" with 249 citations from 6 documents. "Brain and Development" also features
with 35 citations across five papers.
Figure 3 illustrates the connections among author affiliations (AU_UN),
sources/journals (SO), and author nations (AU_CO), where the size of rectangles in the
visualization corresponds to the number of associated entities, showing the degree of
108 A. Muliantara and K. D. A. Putra

their contribution and collaboration. The analysis suggests that countries, particularly
China, have been actively disseminating their research through various prestigious
channels, including "Nature Communication" and "IEEE Transactions on Neural Sys-
tems and Rehabilitation Engineering," among others.

Table 5. The most productive and influential source using the RStudio application

Source Documents Citations H-index

Biomedical Signal Processing and 11 158 6
Computers In Biology and Medicine 7 73 4
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and 7 149 4
Health Informatics
IEEE Transactions on Neural 6 249 4
Systems and Rehabilitation
Brain and Development 5 35 4

Fig. 3. Three-field plot between author affiliations author's country (AU_CO), journals (SO),and
author affiliation (AU_UN) using the RStudio application

3.6 Analysis of contributing author

Table 6 presents authors with significant contributions to EEG research for BD detec-
tion. Wang J from Fudan University leads with eight articles and 171 citations, boasting
an H-index of 5. Li Y from the University of Southern Queensland follows with seven
articles and 275 citations, also holding an H-index of 5, marking them as the second
most impactful author in this domain. Zhang X from Henan Polytechnic University has
authored seven works with 144 citations and an H-index of 4, ranking third in terms of
influence and productivity.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) for Brain Disease Detection 109

Table 6. The most prolific author using the Rstudio application

Author Total Docs Citations H-index Affiliation

Wang J 8 171 5 Fudan University

Li Y 7 275 5 University of Southern Queensland
Zhang X 7 144 4 Henan Polytechnic University
Acharya Ur 6 277 4 University of Southern Queensland

3.7 Analysis of contributing paper

The citation count of an academic article reflects its significance and impact within
a field. In EEG research for BD diagnosis, the frequency of citations is indicative of a
study's contribution and relevance. Data from RStudio confirms that the most impactful
articles, as evidenced by citation counts, were produced by a collective effort of 193
papers, details of which are displayed in Table 7.

Table 7. Most cited articles using the RStudio application

Author Title Source Total
[34] A deep learning approach for Parkinson’s Neural Computing and 243
disease diagnosis from EEG signals Applications

[35] Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG Signals IEEE Transactions on 123

Using a Unified Temporal- Spectral Neural Systems and
Squeeze-and-Excitation Network Rehabilitation Engineering

[31] Deep Multi-View Feature Learning for IEEE Transactions on 96

EEG-Based Epileptic Seizure Detection Neural Systems and
Rehabilitation Engineering
[32] Epileptic seizure detection based on Seizure 89
imbalanced classification and
wavelet packet transform

The 2020 article by Oh et al., cited 243 times, is pivotal in EEG research for Parkin-
son's disease (PD), offering a CNN model for PD diagnosis based on EEG signals. The
study capitalized on EEG's ability to detect early brain abnormalities by using signals
from 20 PD patients and 20 non-PD individuals. The developed CNN, with 13 layers,
bypassed traditional feature representation and achieved 88.25% accuracy, 84.71% sen-
sitivity, and 91.77% specificity, showing promise for broader clinical application [34].
Li et al.'s 2020 paper, "Epileptic Seizure Detection in EEG Signals Using a Unified
Temporal-Spectral Squeeze-and-Excitation Network," cited 123 times, introduces an
innovative EEG seizure detection framework. The CE-stSENet leverages spectral-tem-
poral analysis for feature integration and employs a unique loss function to address
overfitting. This model outperformed existing methods in tests on three EEG datasets,
proving its proficiency in identifying epileptic seizures [35].
The 2019 article by Tian et al., titled “Deep Multi-View Feature Learning for EEG-
Based Epileptic Seizure Detection,” cited 96 times, proposes a novel multi-view deep
110 A. Muliantara and K. D. A. Putra

feature extraction method for improving EEG-based seizure detection. The method em-
ploys FFT and WPD to generate features, which are then processed by a CNN to reduce
dimensionality and enhance recognition accuracy. A Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy sys-
tem based on these features results in a highly generalizable classification model, which
outperforms traditional methods in terms of classification accuracy at least 4% greater
Yuan et al.'s 2017 article, "Epileptic seizure detection based on imbalanced classifi-
cation and wavelet packet transform," cited 89 times, addresses the challenge of detect-
ing seizures in imbalanced EEG data. The study presents a weighted extreme learning
machine (ELM) algorithm that analyzes EEG features via wavelet packet transform and
a pattern match regularity statistic, improving seizure detection in clinical EEG record-
ings. This method shows promise for clinical adoption and further testing with contin-
uous EEG data is planned [32].

Table 8. Review of BD Detection by Electroencephalogram

Type of Refer-
Methods and Measured Parameters Results
BD ences
Parkinson’s The research employed EEG signals to train a The CNN model was able to diagnose PDmore [34]
Disease CNN model to distinguish PD patients from accurately (88.25%), moresensitively (84.71%),
(PD) healthy individuals by analyzing brainwave pat- and more specifically (91.77%). The study re-
terns. The model's diagnostic effectiveness was vealed that the CNN model accurately diag-
gauged by accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. nosed Parkinson's Disease with high precision,
Additionally, the CNN's learned features and its outperforming traditional SVM and ANN meth-
computational demands were evaluated for po- ods. It effectively differentiated PD EEG pat-
tential real-world application scalability. terns through key features like frequency and
complexity, proving efficient for real-time and
large-scale applications due to lower memory
and computational requirements.

EpilepticSei- The paper presents the CE-stSENet model for The study demonstrates that the CE-stSENet [35]
zure automatic seizure detection in EEG data, which model sets a new standard in epileptic seizure de-
combines temporal and spectral analysis with tection, surpassing previous deep learning and
maximum mean discrepancy for improved dif- conventional models. It captures EEG signal
ferentiation. It was evaluated using various per- characteristics both in the spectral and temporal
formance metrics on Bonn, TUSZ, and CHB- domains and maintains data integrity. The model
MIT datasets. The model excels in identifying also effectively prevents overfitting, a common
seizure-specific EEG patterns, thereby advanc- challenge with limited seizure data, by employ-
ing seizure detection technology. ing an MMD-based loss function to maximize in-
formation extraction.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) for Brain Disease Detection 111

Type of Refer-
Methods and Measured Parameters Results
BD ences
EpilepticSei- The article details a novel approach for extract- The article demonstrates that the proposed multi- [31]
zure ing features from EEG data for seizure detec- view feature extraction method achieves superior
tion using FFT and WPD to capture signal char- classification accuracy over traditional methods
acteristics, which are then enhanced by a CNN like PCA, FFT, and WPD. It effectively identifies
for depth and dimensionality reduction. The re- key seizure characteristics, resulting in a robust
fined features are utilized by a MV-TSK-FS and intelligible classification model. The method
classifier for high accuracy. Key parameters in- also scores high sensitivity(96.66±0.14%), speci-
clude the detailed capture of signal aspects by ficity (99.14±0.14%), accuracy (98.33±0.18%),
FFT and WPD, the dimensionality reduction by latency (1.0431 s), and sensitivity as measured by
CNN, and the classification accuracy of MV- onsets (99.95%). These results are higher than
TSK-FS. Performance is quantified through those obtained using standard feature extraction
sensitivity, specificity, and accurate detection methodssuch as PCA, FFT, and WPD alone or
of seizure onset. single-view deep features.

EpilepticSei- The article discusses the use of a radial basis func- The study's results revealed a higher rate of [36]
zure tion neural network to detect high-frequency os- HFOs in brain regions involved in seizure on-
cillations (HFOs) in the 80-500 Hz range from set and an increase in HFO rate in the temporal
long-term EEG recordings of 15 patients with fo- and parietal areas during certain sleep stages,
cal epilepsy. The parameters measured were the with no such increase in frontal regions. There
rate of HFOs (occurrences per minute), HFO du- was no significant difference in HFO charac-
ration (average length in milliseconds), HFO am- teristics like length, amplitude, or frequency re-
plitude (average peak-to-peak measurement in lated to seizure initiation zones or sleep stages.
microvolts), and HFO frequency (average fre- The HFO rate was positively linked with daily
quency in hertz). seizure frequency and inversely with time to
next seizure, suggesting potential as a bi-
omarker for epileptogenicity and seizure fore-
casting. The findings also indicated the sleep-
wake cycle's varied effects on HFO modulation
across different brain regions.

Autism The study described in the article employed the Py- In the study, the researchers discovered that the [37]
spectrum Caret framework, a machine learning library, to de- Angle-Based Outlier Detection (ABOD) module
disorder tect anomalies in EEG signals from children with was the most effective in identifying anomalies
(ASD) autism and typically developing children. This within EEG signal data. The study's findings fur-
methodology suggests a data-driven approach to ther suggest that EEG-based anomaly detection
better understand and distinguish the neural patterns methods could be instrumental in the early iden-
associated with autism. tification of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The research demonstrates the potential of using
EEG-based anomaly detection to pinpoint early
biomarkers for ASD. Overall, the study provides
significant insights into the application of EEG
signals and anomaly detection methods in the di-
agnosis and treatment of ASD.
112 A. Muliantara and K. D. A. Putra

Type of BD Methods and Measured Parameters Results
EpilepticSei- This article presents an innovative technique for The article highlights a sophisticated epilepsy [38]
zure managing epilepsy involving an implanted device management system involving an implantable
to monitor and stimulate the brain. A handheld device that:
device and cloud computing resources are also - Continuously captures and transmits intracra-
utilized to assess and regulate the therapy. The ar- nial EEG (iEEG) data to both a handheld de-
ticle states that the implanted device measures the vice and cloud-based storage.
EEG parameters, which encompass: - Enables real-time analysis and categorization
- The iEEG data were recorded from 16 elec- of iEEG through machine learning on the port-
trodes placed in various brain areas. able device and cloud.
- Power spectral density (PSD) analysis of intra- - Delivers electrical brain stimulation governed
cranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) signals by set or adaptable protocols to manage brain
over several frequency ranges. activity.
- Interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) refer - Modulates brain activity to potentially reduce
to atypical spikes or waves observed in the in- the frequency and severity of seizures.
tracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG). - Provides ongoing feedback to patients and
- High-frequency oscillations (HFOs) refer to physicians about the disease status and treat-
rapid and intense fluctuations in the intracra- ment efficacy.
nial electroencephalogram (iEEG). - Offers promise as a personalized, adaptive
- Seizure onset zones (SOZs) refer to specific ar- treatment platform, particularly for individuals
eas in the brain where seizures originate.Sei- with drug-resistant focal epilepsy, aiming to
zure propagation patterns refer to the specific improve their quality of life.
routes through which seizures spread inside the
brain. Duration, frequency, and intensity of

Autism The author used longitudinal EEG power readings The article concluded that: [39]
spectrum from 3 to 36 months old in either low- or high-risk - EEG power patterns in the first year of life are
disorder babies with ASD to see how and when power can highly indicative of ASD, differentiating it
(ASD) tell the difference between ASD risk and diagno- from other developmental outcomes. Specifi-
sis by age three years. The authors measured EEG cally, delta and gamma frequencies were con-
power in four frequency bands: delta, theta, alpha, sistently distinct in infants later diagnosed with
and gamma. They did this in different parts of the ASD.
brain and at various stages of growth. They used - Over time, there's a noticeable shift towards re-
data-based models to find the best combinations liance on higher frequency powers for outcome
of EEG power features to tell the difference be- differentiation. Notably, low alpha and gamma
tween ASD diagnoses and other results. growth rates over the span of three years were
significant markers for ASD diagnosis.
- These insights underscore the potential of
early-life EEG power assessment as a diagnos-
tic tool for Autism Spectrum Disorder. They
also emphasize the importance of the timing
and progression of development in understand-
ing ASD's etiology.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) for Brain Disease Detection 113

Type of BD Methods and Measured Parameters Results
Dravet syn- The study described in the article focused on us- In the EEG study, mice with Nav1.1 haploinsuf- [40]
drome ing EEG signals to detect Dravet syndrome in ficiency, which is associated with Dravet syn-
mice with a deficiency in the Nav1.1 gene. The drome, showed significantly higher spike fre-
researchers measured several EEG parameters quency, amplitude, duration, and area in their
such as spike frequency, amplitude, duration, EEG readings compared to controls. They also
area, and specific waveforms like sharp wave, exhibited more frequent occurrences of complex
polyspike, and spike-and-wave. They further ana- spike waveforms such as polyspike and spike-
lyzed the EEG for power spectrum, coherence, and-wave patterns. These mice demonstrated re-
and phase synchronization across different brain duced EEG power in theta and gamma frequen-
areas during rest and social interaction. Addition- cies, less coherence between the hippocampus
ally, the mice were subjected to behavioral tests and other brain areas, and lower phase synchro-
assessing social preference and spatial memory, nization in the gamma band, especially during so-
including the Morris water maze. cial interaction. Additionally, these mice showed
less social behavior and impaired spatial learning
and memory. This research suggests that EEG
could be an effective tool for diagnosing Dravet
syndrome due to the clear disruption in brain net-
work activity and cognitive function caused by
the Nav1.1 deficiency.

Schizophre- The article discusses a diagnostic method for The study presents a method for diagnosing [41]
nia schizophrenia using EEG and deep learning to dif- schizophrenia using EEG signals, showing high
ferentiate patients from healthy individuals. EEG accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity when tested
data is converted into visual time-frequency rep- on 14 healthy individuals and 14 schizophrenia
resentations through continuous wavelet trans- patients. Utilizing EEG data from the frontal,
form (CWT), and these images are analyzed by central, parietal, and occipital brain regions with
four pre-trained CNNs—AlexNet, ResNet-18, a ResNet-18-SVM model yielded the best results,
VGG-19, and Inception-v3—to extract features. achieving an accuracy of 98.60%, sensitivity of
These features are then classified by a support 99.65%, and specificity of 96.92%. The findings
vector machine (SVM), with optimized parame- suggest that this method outperforms other exist-
ters via grid search, to accurately identify schizo- ing diagnostic approaches and could be a reliable
phrenia. tool for the early detection and management of

Attention The authors presented a novel method to identify The study showed high accuracy in using EEG [42]
Deficit Hy- individuals with ADHD using a serious game that data to identify ADHD, with machine learning
peractivity captures EEG data. They analyzed the EEG sig- differentiating control types in a game and
Disorder nals for power spectral density (PSD) and event- ADHD diagnoses. Achieving up to 96% accuracy
(ADHD) related potentials (ERP), which reflect brain ac- for game control and 98% for ADHD identifica-
tivity distribution and response to stimuli, respec- tion, the method outperforms existing ones in
tively. For data collection, participants wore a precision. The approach offers a non-invasive
wireless EEG headset with 14 electrodes captur- tool for recognizing and potentially improving at-
ing activity from the brain's key regions: frontal, tention in individuals with ADHD.
temporal, parietal, and occipital regions
114 A. Muliantara and K. D. A. Putra

Fig. 4. Visualization topic area by VOSviewer using network visualization

3.8 Analysis of keyword co-occurrence

The study applied VOSviewer software to analyze keyword co-occurrence from col-
lected articles, aiming to enhance the identification and classification of topics in EEG-
based research for Bipolar Disorder (BD) detection. It employed a full counting method
to quantify the prevalence of keywords, reflecting their cumulative frequency in the
literature. The visual network produced by VOSviewer, illustrating the relationships
between topics, is shown in Figure 4 of the study.
The VOSviewer analysis delineated four clusters, showing the interconnectedness
of topics within EEG research for BD detection. It employed color-coding to represent
keyword frequency in titles and abstracts, with the sizes of circles and letters indicating
frequency. A corpus of 193 relevant articles yielded 632 keywords, with "electroen-
cephalography" and "electroencephalogram" being the most common, reflecting ad-
vancements in the field as visualized in Figure 4.

4 Conclusion

A bibliometric analysis found that 193 scholarly papers have examined how electro-
encephalography (EEG) can be used to find BDs. The average annual publication count
was found to be 17.55. However, the average number of citations per publication had a
significant value of 20.64. The performance analysis results show that China emerged
Electroencephalogram (EEG) for Brain Disease Detection 115

as the most influential nation. Harvard Medical School was the institution with the
highest productivity level, with 19 papers. The source that demonstrated the highest
level of productivity was the journal "Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,"
which published 11 articles and gained a notable 158 citations. In contrast, the "IEEE
Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering" emerged as the most
prominent source of influence, with a noteworthy contribution of 6 publications and
249 citations. A comprehensive scientific mapping analysis has determined that Wang
J has made a significant scholarly contribution, as shown by an H-index of 5 and a total
of 171 citations derived from 8 distinct articles. The scholarly article written by Oh et
al. in 2020 [34] has garnered considerable recognition, seen by its notable citation total
of 243. The most commonly occurring keyword is "electroencephalogram."
Through bibliometric science mapping analysis, researchers can strategically devise,
contemplate, and formulate prospective avenues of research about the potential appli-
cation of electroencephalography (EEG) in identifying BDs. However, this

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