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There are many idioms used in the business world. If you don’t understand these
expressions, it’s easy to get lost in a conversation.
In this lesson, we will learn some of the most used expressions in the
business world.

❖24/7: means 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

❖ A tough break: When something unfortunate happens, it can be called

a "tough break."
❖ Ahead of the curve: To be "ahead of the curve" means to be more
advanced than the competition.
❖ Ahead of the pack: To be "ahead of the pack" means to be better or
more successful than the competition.
❖ ASAP: "ASAP" is an acronym for "as soon as possible."

❖ At stake: "At stake" means at risk.

❖ Back to square one: To go "back to square one" means to start

something over again.

❖ back to the drawing board: To go "back to the drawing board" means
to start something over and go back to the planning stage.
❖ backroom deal: A "backroom deal" is an agreement or decision that is
made without the public knowing about it.
❖ ballpark number/figure: A "ballpark number" is a very inexact
❖ behind someone's back: To do something "behind someone's back"
means to do something without someone's knowledge and in an unfair
❖cut one's losses: To "cut one's losses" means to stop doing something
that is unproductive and won't ever generate results.
❖ fifty-fifty: "Fifty-fifty" means something is divided equally -- 50% for
one party, 50% for the other party.
❖ from the ground up: If you start a business, project, or something
else from zero, you start it "from the ground up."
❖game plan: A "game plan" is a strategy or plan.

❖ get down to business: To "get down to business" means to stop

making small talk and start talking about serious topics related to
❖loophole: A legal "loophole" occurs if a law is unclear or omits
information. This lack of legal clarity allows people or corporations to
pay less in taxes or gain some other advantage.
❖ nine-to-five: A "nine-to-five" is a job during normal working hours. The
term came into existence because many work days start at 9 a.m. and
end at 5 p.m.
❖ on top of something: To be "on top of something" means to be in

control of a situation and aware of changes.
❖ pink slip: Someone who gets the "pink slip," has been fired by their
❖ start off on the right foot: To "start off on the right foot" means to
start something in a positive way
❖play hardball: To "play hardball" means to be competitive in a cruel
and merciless way. Playing hardball means doing anything possible to
❖ safe bet: A "safe bet" means something that will probably happen.

❖ see eye to eye: To "see eye to eye" with someone means to agree with
that person.
❖ stand one's ground: To "stand one's ground" means to not change
one's opinion or position.
❖ win-win situation: A "win-win situation" is a situation where everyone
involved gains something.

Exercise 1
1. Use any three of the expressions in sentences.
2. Do you know any other business expressions?
3. What is the opposite of the expression “start off on the right foot”?

Exercise 2
Provide us with meanings of these expressions:
1. At stake
2. safe bet
3. from the ground up
4. game plan
5. ballpark number

Management Speak and Corporate Jargon
- How to cope with common business-related expressions
A. Match the ‘Management Speak’ expression with its meaning:

1. a ballpark figure a) the combination of resources and skills that

2. step up to the plate distinguish a company in the marketplace
3. move the goalposts b) to motivate someone to do something
4. think outside the box c) think differently or from a new perspective
5. blue-sky thinking d) extend the limits of what is possible
6. push the envelope e) an estimation of the cost
7. knowledge base f) a person’s range of skills or abilities
8. core competencies g) making the customers’ satisfaction the first
9. win-win situation priority
10. client focus h) make something better
11. deliverables i) take action in response to an opportunity or
12. incentivise crisis
13. take it to the next level j) a factor that differentiates a product from its
14. bring something to the table competitors
15. skill set k) a good or service, produced as a result of a
16. USP (unique selling point) project, that is delivered to a customer
l) open-minded thinking
m) contribute something of value
n) an available store of information or data
o) a result that is good for everyone involved
p) unfairly change the rules during a process

Management Speak and Corporate Jargon
- How to cope with common business-related expressions
B. Choose appropriate expressions to complete the following sentences:

1. Let’s have a look at the cost implications and reach a

………………………………………. for the total project.
2. I want to do something to ………………………. the staff, so I’m setting up an Employee
Of The Month award.
3. The product’s ……………………………………… is its combination of practicality and
sophistication compared to other products on the market today.
4. If we can get our trainees to work on this project alongside the designers, it will be a
………………………………. for everyone.
5. It was only after we had signed the contract that our client tried to
……………………………… by changing the specification.
6. We all need to …………………………………… to try and find a solution to this complex
7. Which of the people you interviewed has the best ………………………………. for the
8. Now that we have established our basic offer, we need to
…………………………………… in order to increase our sales.
9. As a service provider, ………………………………….. is vital to our success.
10. This is a great opportunity to get yourself noticed, so I hope
you’ll……………………………….. on this project.

Video activity: Job Interview Dos and Don’ts

(Vault’s Video Guide Interview Dos and Don’t’s)

a) Listen to the following tips and fill in the gaps

Most interviews, no matter what the industry, are desiring to assess a few key areas:
………………………………, interest in the job being offered, …………….. for the job including
applicable ………….. and ………………………….
Dress for success
Do be sure to dress ………………………………….for your interview.
If you are a man, wear a ……………… You can never go wrong with ………………………… or
choco grey, a ……………… shirt and a nice ……………
If you are a woman, do make sure you wear a ……………………… for the interview. Either a
…………….. suit or a …………… suit is fine. Don’t wear…………… jewellery, ……………….
colours or …………………………. make-up.
Don’t give a ………….. handshake. Do give a firm but not ……………………………. Handshake.
Also don’t forget to make ……………………………… and ……………..

How to handle some key questions
This isn’t a licence to tell your ……………………………… Rather use this as an
……………………. to give a ………………… summary of your career abilities and …………
Assessing your weaknesses
Interviewers want to know how you assess your good points and bad points. When discussing your
weaknesses, ………………………… personality and character flaws. Instead
……………………………….. areas that can be improved upon over time.
Inappropriate questions
It is actually ……………………….. for interviewers to ask certain personal questions such as your
…………………. or …………………………, so you don’t need to volunteer that information.

b) Read the following tips for a successful interview. They appear in the video.

Some important things to remember….

1. Stand up and greet your interviewer.
2. Don’t wear too much perfume or cologne.
3. Bring a copy of your resume.
4. Ask for your interviewer’s business card.
5. Turn off your cell phone!

Lesson: Employment


FT sales person needed to work M-F, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Exp. required. .Hourly
pay with benefits of health insurance and 1 week paid vacation. Must be at least
18 yrs. old. Apply in person to Best Buy, 2016 Briarfield Rd., Newport News.
Ask for Mrs. Rosemund. Applications accepted Mon. – Wed., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Circle the answer to the questions.

What are the benefits of this job?
a. Experience
b. Medical coverage
c. Experience and medical coverage
d. Medical coverage and paid vacation

What are the requirements for this job?
a. Must be 18 years old
b. Must have health insurance
c. Must work Mon. – Wed.
d. Must be at least 18 years old and have experience
What must you do to be hired for this job?
a. Must apply online
b. Must send a resume
c. Must meet Mrs. Rosemund
d. Must apply in person and ask for Mrs. Rosemund
What information does this ad not give?
a. Where to apply
b. Benefits
c. Amount of pay
d. When to apply


PT workers needed for Sat. & Sun. Must be able to work afternoons and
evenings. $2/hr. + tips. Must be friendly, reliable, neat and clean. No exp. nec.
Apply in person at Red Robin Restaurant, Patrick Henry Mall, Newport News
before Feb. 20. Ask for manager..

Answer the following questions:

Is this job full-time or part-time? ______________

What days will your work if you get this job?
What time will you work if you get this job?
What are the requirements for this job?
What is the pay for this job? __________________
Where is this job?___________________________

How do you apply for this job? _________________


Employment ads are also called “Help Wanted” ads and “Want” ads.
Common abbreviations are:
PT Part-time M or Mon. Monday
FT Full-time T or Tues. Tuesday
Exp. Experience W or Wed. Wednesday
Exper.Experience Th or Thurs. Thursday
Nec. Necessary F or Fri. Friday
Req. Required Sat. Saturday
Hrs. Hours Sun. Sunday
Ins. Insurance Sun. Sunday
Pd. Vac. Paid Vacation
Inc. Included

Health insurance and medical insurance mean the same thing.

The Internship - the movie

(00:27 – 1:15)

1. Discuss these with your partner:

What is your dream job?

Is the appropriate education necessary to get a good job?
Have you ever thought of changing the sphere of work?
If you hadn’t chosen your current profession what would you be?
When is the best time to change your life?
Do you get on well with people who are way older/younger than you?
Is it okay to “grab a cold one” with your boss after work in your company?
What is your recipe for success at work?

This is how it started:

Billy McMahon and Nick Campbell were once very successful watch salesmen, but their
company is closed now and they have to build their lives from scratch. Nick finds a job at a
mattress store, and his manager is his sister’s boyfriend who is quite an unpleasant person to
deal with. Billy’s wife leaves him, he is trying to find a job on the internet when he suddenly
gets an idea… He offers Nick to apply for the internship at Google, which may or may not end
up with a getting a job there. They take an interview. Oddly enough they are accepted and go
to California. They are the oldest of the interns.

2. Now watch the part of the movie and match the words to their definitions:
intangible a) something you can’t touch b) something you can’t

unexceptional a) ordinary b)included

to get high a) to accend b) to use drugs

to frown upon smth. a) to disapprove of smth. b) to laugh at smth.

to dress smth. up a) to make smth. seem better b) to put clothes on smth.

to be hot for smb. a) to be attractive b) to be sexually attracted to


to gobble a) to drink quickly and greedily b) to eat quickly and greedily

to have a crush on smb. a) to hit smb. b) to fall in love with smb.

to dogfood a) to use your own product (in b) to feed dogs

order to test it)
a muggle (from Harry a) a normal, non-magical person b) a fairy
Potter books)

a hoop a) a square b) a circle

mercy a) the act of sparing smb’s life b) the act of killing

a welder a) a person who joins pieces of b) a tool who joins pieces of
metal by welding them together metal by welding them together

a tie a) an unfair play b) a game with an equal score

a nap a) a short sleep b) a snack

a convo a) =conversation b) =convenience

Bear with me! a) I’m with a bear. b) put up with me for a while

to rally a) to come together b) to win

a long shot a) a favourite b) a participant who has little

chance of winning

to numb a) to energize b) to render senseless

tuition a) short for intuition. b) money paid for education

I’m positive a) I’m optimistic b) I’m sure

3. Correct the plot:

Nick and Billy will spend the summer competing in teams against other interns, also known as
"Nooglers" (which stands for No Googlers), in a variety of tasks, and only the members of the
winning team will be guaranteed jobs with Google. Billy and Nick are teamed with other
interns seen as rejects: Stuart, who is usually engrossed in a book of some kind; Wo-Wo, a
Filipino-American boy who was breastfed until the age of 9 and beaten by his schholteachers;
and Neha, an Indian-American girl who is a cosplay lover. The team is led by Lyle, who is a
rsther selfconfident guy and an experienced teamleader. Another intern, Graham, aggressively
bullies Billy and Nick's team. Mr. Chetty, the head of the internship program, also expresses
his doubts about the older men's abilities. Stuart, Wo-Wo, and Neha see Billy and Nick as
useless during a task focused on debugging, and send away them to chase the fictional character
- Terminator. They find him and he helps them find a bug. Their team wins the first
competition. Later, during a game of Muggle Quidditch against Graham's team, Billy rallies
his team to a comeback that unifies them as a team and they win again.

When the teams are tasked with developing an app, Billy and Nick convince the team to spend
the night out. They first go to billiards and end up at a strip bar. Neha admits to Billy that, she
doesn’t only have a rich fantasy life but also has way too much experience in real world and
feels confident; with his support, she decides to go back to campus. Nick gets Wo-Wo to drink
and receive lap dances. And, encouraged by Billy, Lyle approaches one of the dancers,
Marielena, who is also a dance instructor at Google on whom he had developed a crush. She
doesn’t like him at all, also another customer challenges Lyle for her attention and a fight
breaks out; the team is kicked out of the club. Before sunrise that same night, overlooking the
Golden Gate Bridge, Stuart admits it was the worst night in his life, Lyle is drunk and wants to
send a lovely message to Marielena, which inspires the team to create an app that protects you
from yourself when you are sober; they win the task by earning 5 times more downloads than
the other teams.

?Do you think the guys will win the competition?

Lesson: Get hired

A. These 12 individuals have their own careers in different fields.

Version A: occupation

Jane works as Lee is currently in Thomas runs 10 miles Herman opened his
a police officer Russia for his training every day as part of his dental clinic months
in the next space training in trying to win ago
mission a gold medal for the
next championship
Farid studied Gina has witnessed Farhana intends to Brian’s job allows him
medicine at lots of fire outbreaks pursue her dream in the to travel to so many
the University throughout her music industry places in the world
of Cambridge career
Salina’s Raji’s passion in Caleb is organizing a Dyna feels that her job
paintings were quantum theory is workshop to prepare his will help many pet
displayed in the reason why he students for job owners in seeking
an art has decided to interviews medical treatment for
exhibition become a physicist their pets

B. These are 12 different descriptions of occupations that match the jobs of the 12

Version B: occupation

An astronaut travels to outer A police officer prevents A dentist helps people with
space crime teeth problems
An athlete competes in sports A vet helps to treat sick and A teacher teaches school
competition injured animals students
A scientist performs A pilot navigates an aircraft A Firefighter extinguishes fire
A musician entertains people A doctor helps to treat An artist draws and sells
diseases paintings

Get Hired

List what specific job each of the 12 individuals does based on the information from the two
tables. Make sure each sentence has a subject, a verb and an object.

No. Subject Verb Object

e.g. Pamela Cuts People’s hair
Jimmy Bakes Cakes





Pick a Job

Write 5 sentences about any of the occupations. Follow the basic pattern of the sentences
presented below. Each sentence has to have at least a subject and a verb followed by
object, adjective, adverb and noun.

No. Basic pattern of Sentences

1 Subject – verb e.g. John ( subject) sleeps ( verb)
Jill (subject) is eating (verb)
Jack (subject) will arrive (verb) next week.

2 Subject-verb- e.g. I (subject) like (verb) rice ( object)

She (subject) loves ( verb) her job (object)
He ( subject) is eating ( verb) an orange ( object)

3 Subject- verb- e.g. He (subject) is ( verb) funny ( adjective)

Karen ( subject) seems ( verb) angry ( adjective)
The workers ( subject) are (verb) lazy (

4 Subject-verb- e.g. Jim (subject) is ( verb) here ( object)

He ( subject) drove ( verb) slowly ( adverb)
Ryan (subject) arrived ( verb) late ( object)

5 Subject-verb-noun e.g. She ( subject) is ( verb) my mom ( noun)
The men ( subject) are ( verb) doctors ( noun)
Mr. Jones (subject) is ( verb) the teacher (

List the three most important jobs out of the twelve jobs based on their qualifications,
expertise and contribution to the public. Provide your reasons.

Rank of Occupation Reason


Get the Job Done!

Write an essay and answer the following questions in your essay:

1. Out of the twelve occupations, which occupation you want to do most? Give and
explain three reasons for you choice
2. List three most important and three least important jobs out of the twelve jobs based on
their qualifications, expertise and contribution to the public. Provide your reasons.
3. Suggest three personal characteristics that a person needs in order to do any of these
jobs. You may focus on one job only.

Lesson: Advertisements

There are 6 advertisements on 6 different jobs. Read and understand the requirements for
each of the jobs.

Version A: advertisements

Graphic Designer Required Tour Guide needed

A position is available for a part SeeWorld travel centre is looking for

time graphic designer to join professional tour guides to
Drawtivity advertising agency. accompany tourists from all corners
of the world. Applicants must have
You must be expert relevant travel experience and be able
in using various to communicate in at least two
computer programs. languages.
RM 35,000 per year
RM 100 per day plus all
travel expenses

Teaching Position Available Receptionist

Our top performing school is HKL company seeks part-time front

looking to recruit passionate and desk receptionist. You must be:
competent teachers. You must be - excellent communication skills
proficient in English. - competent in basic computer skills
25 hours per week - versatile
( flexible times ) - polite and approachable!
RM 40 per hour
Starting salary: RM 28,000
Plus bonuses

Television Host Chef Wanted!

GBSC T.V. channel is looking for Top fine-dining restaurant requires

a now host of its new primetime skilled chef for daytime service.
talk show. You should have… Minimum 1 year cooking experience
☼ a confident & vibrant is necessary.

☼ Minimum 2 years experience of RM 15 per hour plus free
working in the entertainment meals.
☼ excellent
communication skills
Be popular!!!

The email from an employment agent below provided additional information about particular
Version B: email
From: [email protected]
Subject: Jobs Details

Dear Jessie,

It is good that you emailed me first for consultation about the jobs that you are planning to
apply for because there are details that might not be included in the advertisements.

I have called each of the companies and there are a few additional things you may need to take
into consideration. If you are interested in being a graphic designer, you have to know how to
organise advertising, design television adverts and create posters in order to be eligible for the
job. Although the job can be tiring, you can actually work at home. Working as a chef requires
you to work from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. while working as a receptionist needs you to work from 8.30
a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Even though both jobs are within office hour, you only need to work from
Wednesday to Sunday as a chef and during weekend shifts as a receptionist. If you choose to
be a tour guide, you will be able to travel everywhere across the country since you will have to
take lots of tourists to visit various tourism spots. Interestingly, you will have flexible working
hours as a teacher but you must have a university degree and teaching experience in order to
be eligible to apply. You should also consider working as a TV host especially when the salary
is RM 60, 000 per year.

I hope this information helps you to decide which you would like to apply for. If there is
anything, you can just email me and I will be happy to reply. I wish you all the best.

Kind Regards,
William Thomas
Employment Agent

Job Hunt
Using the email from an employment agent and the advertisements about the six jobs you
are interested to apply. Complete the table below.

No. Occupation Skills/ Qualifications Salary Working Time


Describe the pros and/or cons for every job in a full sentence with subjects and verbs. You
need to use at least two conjunctions in each sentence.

No. Job Description

E.g. Bricklayer If I work as a bricklayer, I will earn less than a welder but I have more
flexible working time.
Flight attendant I would like to work as a flight attendant because I enjoy travelling and
meeting people.
Nurse I do not want to be a nurse even though the salary is good because I am
afraid of blood


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