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Roll no: 2221BM010103
Specialization: HR

Chapter –I
• Introduction
• Scope of the Study
• Need of the study
• Objectives of the study
• Limitation of the study
• Research Methodology
• a) Data Collection
• b) Primary data
• c) Secondary Data
• d) Research Design
• e) Research Gap
• f) Research question
• g) Hypotheses


• Review of Literature

All the employees feel high level of job stress. The major cause of their stress is low
job security, overload and un proper working schedules. The problems at home also interfere
with their job performance and are a cause of job stress. There is high affect of job stress on
the general health of employees. Some of them have to work in nights shifts. There are no
management programs in organizations for coping stress. In this article briefly discuss the
employee problems in the organization Job stress is one of the common problems that
employees confront with increasing frequency.

Recently job stress is becoming an epidemic in the work environment. Therefore, a large
number of researches have focused on job stress and its effects on the various aspects of the
organizational outputs. Stress is the reaction that people have to excessive pressure or other
types of demand placed on them. It arises when they worry that they cannot cope. The pressures
of working life can lead to stress if they are excessive or long-term. Examples of long-term or
chronic stress are the fear, frustration and anger that may be the unhappiness of an unsuitable
job. However, if pressure becomes excessive it loses its beneficial effect and becomes harmful.


Stress exists in every aspect of life. The IT environment poses stressful working
conditions. The demands of meeting the required project deadlines added to this factor, things
such as job repetition, potential job dissatisfaction, poor ergonomics or low pay results in
higher level of stress. This study focuses on the level of stress due to the working conditions,
sources of stress, its consequences and the steps taken to manage stress in the work place. The
present study is to make an attempt to mainly identify the level of stress, various sources of
stress, its consequences and the stress management techniques adopted by organization.

Stress becomes a problem when there is an excessive work load as it puts a person under
tremendous pressure. This may consider into two forms that is qualitative work overload which
implies performing a job that is complicated or beyond the employee's capacity and the
quantitative work overload arises when numbers of activities to be performed in the prescribed
time are many. Employees may be subject to poor working conditions. It would include poor
lighting and ventilations, unhygienic sanitation facilities, excessive noise and dust, presence of
toxic gases and fumes, inadequate safety measures, etc. All these unpleasant conditions create
physiological and psychological imbalance in humans thereby causing stress.

If stress in the workplace is not on the agenda, the results of stress are revealed through higher
absenteeism than other parts of the company, higher Worker's Compensation claims and
ultimately in reduced customer satisfaction. This operations topic focuses on various
approaches to managing stress. Raising the pay isn't necessarily the solution. There are many
other creative means of managing stress. Every organization has strong competition with each
other hence wants greater productivity with proper utilization of resource, high sale and high
profit. The purpose behind the study is to find out the key factors responsible for creating the
level of stress. In addition to this the researcher also wants to study the cause of stress and
propose remedies to control stress among employees "stress is a mentioning development in
which an alone is long past searching with an opportunity, inspiration or offer going with to
what the man or woman being insinuated wishes and for which the yielded outcome genuinely
is each doubtful and fundamental".

Stress is not usually scary liberated from a few different man or woman. At the same time as
enunciation is ready analyzed in a losing placing, it too has absolute worth. It is an event for if
it gives suspended growth. Throughout people use strain completely to reviving to the ruin and
attain at or one by way of the opposite their commonly mindless. The more alive faraway from

strain is as tested by the going with; "a versatile reaction, impelled through by myself variations
correspondingly as cerebral structures that a conceded final results of any pariah action,
situation, or scene that spots wearisome cerebral or probable sturdy needs on an person". All
of the greater robotically, include is associated with goals and offers. The goals imagine you
from carrying out what you need. The commercial enterprise assurance to the scene of previous
wanted. A bit of assessment has been created into emphasize over the drive forward through
hundred years. A bit Of the speculations abaft it are after a short time acclimatized and
recollected that; others are so far getting tested and pointed out. During this time' there seems
to peer been something encircling open struggle amidst persuading theories and definitions:
facet see been nonsensically enchanted and proficiently watched. What confuses that is
purportedly we through and big vibe that we apperceive what feature is, as it's far some thing
we see all created. A simple need to in like manner act typically clear… of direction, truly isn't.

Diagram what is strain the board? Strain the executives mediations emerged in the course of
the 1960s with the development of the network emotional wellbeing and emergency
intercession trends, disappointment with clinical version methods to cope with emotional
nicely-being and disappointment with normal psychiatry, the development of conduct and
subjective social remedies, the growing acknowledgment of mental issues within the network
and the surgence of self improvement methods to cope with intellectual prosperity (Auerbach,
1986). There had been absolutely a big quantity of articles expounded on pressure the board.
A hunt of the PsychInfo datatbase suggests 3433 articles distributed somewhere within the
range of 1958 and 2004 on distinctive utilizations of pressure the board, as an example, stress
the executives in social insurance, word associated settings, instructive settings, network
software engineers and primary episode pressure the board. It's far tough to find a excellent
which means of strain the board that is sufficiently complete to consolidate all of the strain the
executives methodologies and mediations which as of now take place within the writing
underneath this terminology and to be safely selective to separate these intercessions from
different varieties of intellectual medicines. In its broadest definition, pressure the board
mediations are supposed to assist people to evolve to stressors and with the poor feelings,
physiological excitement in addition to health outcomes that emerge from those stressors
through changing their mental and passionate reactions to the cause events. To understand
strain the executives from numerous intellectual intercessions, diverse admonitions ought to be
summoned. To start with, stress the board is typically implemented to sufficiently running folks
who might be confronting tough situations of their phrase associated or social settings

The study is conducted to study the stress level and its management among the
employees of DR REDDY’S The researcher concludes that DR REDDY’S has already
performed well, in order to reduce employees stress in the work place. It has to provide
well performance in future also. Meanwhile, it has some obstacles in the way of
providing facilities to the employees. In the workplace, stress can cause a wide scope
of enterprise issues and worries. These troubles and concerns left unaddressed will
eventually harm willpower and advantages. One essential reaction for regulating strain
is to understand what pressure the administrators is and the way to control workplace
pressure. Anyways, before we get into publications of movement have a look at greater
motives why strain the board within the place of work is noteworthy.

• To find out of the personal information of the employees
• To identify the main reasons of stress among management people.
• To study the effect of stress on their performance
• To find out level of satisfaction of the employees with the system of performance

Stress at work is a relatively new phenomenon of modern lifestyles. The nature of
work has gone through drastic changes over the last century and it is still changing at whirlwind
speed. Stress produces numerous symptoms which vary according to persons, situations, and
severity. These can include physical health decline as well as depression. According to the St.
Louis Psychologists and Counselling Information and Referral, the process of stress
management is one of the keys to a happy and successful life in modern society.

The present study proposes to address specific problems related to stress management among
the employees in DR REDDY’S


• Lack of time period allowed for this study.

• The employees were busy at their work and hard only a little time available for
interviews and conversations.
• The study is an opinion survey; caution may have to be exercised while extending the
result to other areas.
• Due to time constrict only 100 numbers of respondents were considered.
• The result fully depends on the information given by the respondents which may be


Research methodology is the set of various methods to be followed to find various

information's regarding collecting data or techniques used to identify, select, process, and
analyse information about a topic. Research methodology is required in every industry for
acquiring knowledge of their product.



The primary data was collected by means of survey. Questionaries’ were prepared and
PHARMA employees working in various company in Chennai approached to fill up the The
questionnaire contains 25 questions. The response of the customer recorded as age, gender, and
multiple-choice questions.

SECONDARY DATA The secondary data was collected from old journals and depth study of
various sources such as books and research papers.

SAMPLING SIZE: The study was conducted toward PHARMA employees. The size of the
population is 100

A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure”

e) Research Gap : Any research requires a proper understanding of the problem. A well-
defined problem is “half well done”. Statement of problem is the section were the reason for
taking up a particular topic for research is justified. Many creative efforts fail because is either
unclear or it is focused in the wrong place. If people have different opinions of what the
problem really is, they will constantly diverge and never be able to find clourse on a suitable

A comprehensive questionnaire covering all aspects of the organizational function
was drawn and used in this study. The questionnaire comprised multiple choices and
closed ended questions

Null Hypothesis

H0- There is no significant relationship between gender and Cause of the stress among the

H0- There is no significant relationship between level of stress and employees stress

Alternative Hypothesis

H1- There is significant relationship between gender and cause of the stress among the

H1- There is significant relationship between level of stress and employees stress management.





Yan, H. & Xie, S. (2016) Work stress define as a series of physiological, psychological and
behavioural responses due to the continuing effects of one or more stressors on individuals in
an organization

Latif, et al. (2020) highlighted that muscle tension, increased heart rates associated with high
blood pressure, are all due to the stress leading to gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, respiratory,
musculoskeletal, skin, immune, and psychological disorders.

Y Tatheer (2022) Majority of the bankers of Pakistan claim that they are highly stressed
because their jobs that not only affect their performance in banks but also equally affect their
health and personal life. They also declare that the organization politics and bureaucracy are
the main reasons of stress in their banks.

Viljoen and Rothmann, have investigated the relationship between occupational stress, ill
health and organizational commitment‖ (2019). They found that organizational stressors
contributed significantly to ill health and low

organizational commitment. Stress about job security contributed to both physical and
psychological ill health. Low individual commitment to the organization was predicted by five
stressors, such as Work-life balance, Overload, Control, Job aspects and Pay.

Srivastav AK (2021) The article focusses on the nature of role that causes stress. It says role
performance encountered the problems of stress so they should be tried to reduce or eliminated.
The nature of role stress was found to be whole. Hence, specific problem related solution or
interventions should be adapted heterogeneous which cannot be dealt with one uniform
solution or intervention as for better organization prefinance and effectiveness.

Kodavatiganti K & Bukusu V (2011) The aim of the article is to have a clear understanding of
the phenomenon that causes stress among the academicians.

According to the article women educators face comparatively higher level of stress than men
counterparts. The stress amongst the academicians are caused because of lengthy working
hours, inadequate resources and long working hours, class rooms that are over filled.


Dr. P.Kannan & Suma.U (2015) in order to manage stress, the organization has to encourage
employee development and embark on training interventions for employees. Training
specifically related to policies and policy implementation is a key priority. Stress in banking
sector is mostly due to excess of work pressure and work life imbalance the organization should
support and encourage taking up roles that help them to balance work and family.

Charu. M (2013) He in his study started that higher stress is directly proportional to quality of
work life for IT professionals. He outlined few factors namely fire pay structure, steady role
demands, supervisory support, congenial job environment capability fit of the job, role
autonomy and stress that directly affect the quality of work life. The main reason of stress
amongst the associates of IT industries is the rapid change in technology.

P.S. Swaminathan & Rajkumar S. in their work on ―Stress levels in Organizations and their
Impact on Employees’ Behaviour (2013). They have conducted a study that focused on the
levels of stress among the age group, profession, different varieties of jobs, hours of work and
the influence of work environment on the degree of stress faced by employees. Stress in an
employees’ individual in nature. This study indicates that, an optimum level in which every
individual can perform with his full capacity and identified three conditions responsible for
work stress they are 1) Role overload 2) Role self distance 3) Role stagnation.

Pratibha G (2010) The impact of distress level on the quality of life is level in the banks can
only be reduced by various stress management programmes or intervention that would also
improve the quality of work life. Organisations, where the workers are said to be stressed are
more likely to be successful in the competitive market. Singh A.P. & Singh. S (2009) His study
emphasizes on the phenomenon of job satisfaction in the organization. According to him, job
satisfaction is directly related to stress and work culture that an organization provides. He
identified three sectors in the stress originate and classified stress into two main type that is
eustress distress. Further he pointed the importance of positive stress and positive events for
better performance and satisfaction of employees.


Satija S. & Khan W. in their research work titled ―Emotional Intelligence as Predictor of
Occupational Stress among Working Professionals (2013). According to them Occupational
Stress is as same as Job Stress that needs to be controlled at the workplace otherwise it will
negatively affect on employee’s work attitudes & behavior.This study investigates that, the
relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Occupational Stress. This study revealed
findings that, Emotional Intelligence is a most significant predictor of Occupational Stress.

Kavitha in her research titled ―Role of stress among women employees forming majority
workforce at IT sector in Chennai and Coimbatore (2012), she has focuses on the
organizational role stress for the employees in the IT sector. She found in her research that,
women face more stress than men in the organization and she viewed to be more specific
married women faces more stress than the unmarried women.

Weiss. M (1983) The Author investigated the source of Job Stress hat is linked to the job
dissatisfaction, job related tension and anxiety and reduced productivity and effectiveness. He
tried to reduce source of stress so that he can prevent the deleterious health consequences.
Through his study he determined the potential of social support that alleviate the deleterious
consequences of stress.


Sinha V. & Subramanian K.S (2012) The study highlights that various levels of organization
experience different kind of organizational role stress. It also states that stress is influenced by
various focus like shortage of resources, Inadequacy within a person, overload with a role,
stagnation of a role and isolation and expectation of a role.

Sharma S Sharma J & Devi A (2012) The level of stress within a role varies because of
individual difference in mindset, age, gender, and their performance in job.

However various factors that influence stress are age where the younger employees are more
stressed as compared to other employees, level of qualification, pay, authorities of control,
awards, word of praise, improved designation and working couples. The study recommended
a reinforcement approach that should be positive in nature so as to reduce the degree of stress
at the work place.

Gladies J.J & Kennedy V (2011) The author revealed a singnificant correlation between
organizational climate and job stress among the women working in IT Companies of India.
According to him, learning how to manage stress is a very crucial issue that should be
developed in IT companies so that the they can reduce or

eliminate the causes of stress and poor working environment Khalid A. in his research titled
―Role of Supportive Leadership as a Moderator between Job Stress and Job Performance
(2012), have found that, there is a direct relationship between stress and job performance in
any organization. To improve the performance of an individual in an organization an employee
should receive good support from their leaders. Therefore, a supportive leader can improve the

performance of an employee even at unfavorable situations.18


Amir Shani and Abraham Pizam (2009) ―Work-Related Depression among Hotel Employees‖
have conducted a study on the depression of work among hotel employees in Central Florida.
They have found that, incidence of depression among workers in the hospitality industry by
evaluating the relationship between the

occupational stress and work characteristics.

J.E. Agolla in his research titled ―Police Officers: The Case of Botswana Police Service,
(2009). He has conducted a study in Botswana, among the police to find out

work stress symptoms and coping strategies among the police service. This study reveals that
the police work stressors are; getting injured while on duty and the use of force when the job
demands to do so, etc. The coping strategies were identified as exercising, socializing, healthy
eating or diets, career planning and employee training.

Connolly, John F and Willock, Joyce and Hipwell, Michele and

Urska Treven, Sonja Treven & Simona Sarotar Zizek in their research titled ―Effective
approaches to managing stress of employees (2011), have found that, where the workers are
said to be stressed are more likely to be unsuccessful in their work. Various approaches of
managing stress, good work organization and good management are the effective ways of
preventing stress. They categorized stress broadly into three types; such as i) Transient Stress
ii) Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) and iii) Chronic Stress.


Michailidis M. & Georgiou Y (2005) The author focusses on the degree of occupational stress
that is influenced by the factors like level of education, various patterns of their relaxation and
any other habits like drinking or smoking. The

implications say that consuming alcoholic drinks is the main factor that determines the degree
of occupational stress in an individual. Schmidt, Denise Rodrigues Costa; and et al, in their
work on ―Occupational stress among nursing staff in surgical settings. They aimed at
evaluating the presence of occupational stress among nursing professionals working in surgical
settings and investigating the relations between occupational stress and work characteristics.

Li-fang Zhang have conducted a study on titled ―Occupational stress and teaching approaches
among Chinese academics (2009). Researcher suggested that,

controlling the self-rating abilities of the participants, the Favorable conceptual changes in
teaching approach and their role insufficiency predicated that the

conceptual change in teaching strategy is negative.

Rosana J.H.A, Blevins R.C, Gaohu, Tengb W.Y & White. J (2011) It reveals the levels of stress
that differ by occupational position, and not by age and gender. The analysis shows that female
had higher stress rates than males. The main problems faced by students due to stress are
sleeping, depression and irritability.

Chisholm, Vivienne in their research titled ―Occupational Stress & Psychological Well Being
following University Relocation (2009) they describe and analyze that management standards
for work related stress (demand, support, control, role, relationships and change) can be
analyzed by examining 1) overall levels of psychological strain 2) job satisfaction, and 3) the
psychosocial working conditions.

Kayoko Urakawa and Kazuhito Yokoyam in their work on ―Sense of Coherence (SOC) may
Reduce the Effects of Occupational Stress on Mental Health Status among Japanese Factory
Workers (2009) has found the result i.e., adverse effects on mental health due to the job demand
and job stress was positively associated with SOC, the mental health status of males in
managerial work was adversely negative, where as it was positive among the female co-
workers. Finally, they found that, SOC is an important factor determining the coping ability
over the job stress for both the genders.


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