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1. Within the provided periods of time, public officials and employees are required to file their statement
of assets and liabilities and financial disclosure in the following instances EXCEPT __________:
a. compulsory retirement
b. v o l u n t a r y r e s i g n a t i o n
c . acce ptan ce of for eign s cholarship
d. a s s u m p t i o n t o o f f i c e

2. Which of the following is not a function normally performed by the Directorate for Personnel?
a. recruitment
b. training
c. accounting
d. welfare.

3. Career development is implemented in the agency in the following manner, EXCEPT?

a. Seminars
b. Trainings
c. Awards
d. Encouragement to pursue higher learning

4. ___________ is the process of assessing and evaluating each employee in their performance of
their duties.
a. Training
b. Performance Appraisal
c. Awards
d. Promotion

5. Fire Officer 1 is classified as ___________ in the career service.

a. First Level
b. Second Level
c. Third Level
d. Primarily confidential position

6. The following are the grounds for disapproval of application for initial entry in the Bureau of Fire
Protection, EXCEPT:
a. Lacks any of the minimum qualification for appointment
b. Has been found guilty of crime involving moral turpitude
c. Has been dismissed from the service for cause
d. Members of cultural communities

7. ____________ are the minimum and basic requirements of positions which shall be used and
applied in the internal selection process in the Bureau of Fire Protection.
a. Qualification Standards
b. Academic requirements
c. Appointment
d. Personnel actions
8. Which of the following is an example of competency?
a. IT skills
b. Pleasing personality
c. Political awareness
d. Gender sensitivity

9. What personnel action which involves the advancement of an employee from one position to
another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law, and usually accompanied
by an increase in salary.
a. Transfer
b. Promotion
c. Reassignment
d. Demotion

10. Who is not entitled to 15 days vacation and 15 days sick leave with full pay in the government?
a. Permanent employees
b. Employees appointed on a casual status
c. Employees hired on a contractual basis
d. Employees appointed on an emergency status

11. You were hired as Fire Officer 1 in the national headquarters, what is the right thing to do if you
will be issued an order reassigning you to Mindanao area?
a. Appeal your case to the Civil Service Commission
b. File a complaint with the Grievance Committee
c. Obey the order
d. Talk to your immediate superior and request for retention in the National Headquarters

12. For the rank of Fire Officer 1, who is the appointing authority in the National Headquarters?
a. Regional Director
b. Chief, BFP
c. Director for Personnel
d. Chairperson, Personnel Selection Board

13. The following are exempted from the operation of the rules on nepotism, EXCEPT:
a. Teachers
b. Physicians
c. Members of the Bureau of Fire Protection
d. Persons employed in a confidential capacity

14. What is the compulsory retirement age in the Bureau of Fire Protection?
a. 60
b. 56
c. 65
d. 70

15. How would you react if a team member was not contributing towards a project?
a. Report it to your immediate superior
b. Replace that team member
c. Communicate with that team member to find out what the cause of the problem
d. Ignore the problem and continue to work at your best with other members
16. Merit and fitness are determined in the appointment in the Civil Service through______.
a. Background investigation
b. Competitive examinations
c. Skills inventory
d. Academic achievements

17. It is an employment status issued to a person who meets the education, experience and training
requirements for the position to he is being appointed except for the appropriate eligibility but only in
the absence of a qualified eligible actually available.
a. Substitute
b. Permanent
c. Co-terminous
d. Temporary

18. The following are prohibitions pursuant to Civil Service Commission Omnibus Rules, EXCEPT:
a. No appointive official shall hold any other office or employment in the government unless
otherwise allowed by law or by primary functions of his position.
b. An officer or employee under investigation may be allowed to resign pending decision of
his case without prejudice to the continuation of the proceedings until finally terminated.
c. An employee who files a certificate of candidacy, even if later on disqualified or has withdrawn,
is still considered resigned.
d. No person who has been dismissed or perpetually excluded/disqualified from the government
service shall be appointed or reemployed unless he has been granted executive clemency.

19. It is generally defined as a right granted to officials and employees not to report for work with or
without pay as may be provided by law.
a. Monetization
b. Cumulation of leave credits
c. Leave of absence
d. Terminal leave

20. Who may go on maternity leave?

a. Married woman
b. Unmarried woman
c. Separated woman
d. All of the above

21. The following are considered as a penalty in an administrative case, EXCEPT:

a. Admonition
b. Reprimand
c. Suspension
d. Dismissal\

22. If you believed your immediate superior was wrong how would you handle the situation?
a. Respect it and obey his/her instruction
b. I would present my reasons to the immediate superior and provide an alternate solution
c. I would make a complaint against him/her
d. I would tell my co-employees that he/she was wrong so that they may be aware.
23. How would you react if an assignment you had been working on suddenly changed or the deadline
had been changed?
a. I would inform my immediate superior that I could not make it
b. I would feel that my effort was being taken for granted
c. I would develop a strategy to move forward with a new assignment/deadline
d. Continue to work with my own pacing

24. The government is established for the furtherance and guarantees of certain inalienable human
a. Deferment
b. Preservation
c. Pronouncement
d. Allocation

25. Education is not a preparation for life, it is life itself.

a. Education does not prepare us for life
b. We do not need to study, we only need to live
c. Education is useless when we have short life
d. Education has no beginning or end

26. Elective or appointive public officials or employees cannot accept any present, compensation,
office or title of any kind from any foreign government without the consent of:
a. The President
b. The Agency Head
c. The Chief Justice
d. The Congress

27. R i g h t t h a t g u a r a n t e e s s i m i l a r t r e a t m e n t t o a l l p e r s o n s s i m i l a r l y s i t u a t e d a n d
p r e c l u d e s arbitrary or unjust discrimination to secure and safeguard such right is called the _________.
a. r i g h t a g a i n s t d o u b l e j e o p a r d y
b. r i g h t t o j u s t c o m p e n s a t i o n
c. rig ht to eq ual prot ection o f th e law
d. r i g h t t o d u e p r o c e s s o f l a w

28. Which of the following is NOT represented in the House of Representatives

through the party-list system:
a. R e l i g i o u s
b. W o m e n
c. L a b o r

29. Every government agency is required to develop, update regularly, and make available to the
transacting public __________
a. t h e n a m e s o f a c t i o n o f f i c e r s
b. t h e p e r f o r m a n c e t a r g e t s
c. t h e r a t e s o f s e r v i c e f e e s
d. a d i r e c t o r y o f o f f i c i a l

30. Which of the following statements indicates a good disciplinary system?

a. An employee must be reprimanded in public
b. An employee must not be reprimanded at all
c. An employee must be reprimanded in private
d. An employee must not only be reprimanded but also be suspended

31. Who appoints the Chief, Bureau of Fire Protection?

a. The President
b. The Secretary, DILG
c. The Congress
d. The Chief Justice, Supreme Court

32. How many deputy chiefs that assist the Chief, Bureau of Fire Protection?
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5

33. What is the tour of duty of the Chief, Bureau of Fire Protection?
a. 6 years
b. 2 years
c. 4 years
d. 3 years

34. The following are the minimum qualifications in the appointment of Fire Officer 1, EXCEPT:
a. A person of good moral character
b. Must possess a baccalaureate degree from a recognize institution of learning
c. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude
d. Must possess the first level civil service eligibility

35. It is the executive department of the Philippine government responsible for promoting peace and
order, ensuring public safety and strengthening local government capability aimed towards the
effective delivery of basic services to the citizenry.
a. Department of National Defense
b. Department of Labor and Employment
c. Department of the Interior and Local Government
d. Department of Justice

36. It is one of the most common and basic forms of courtesy in the uniformed service.
a. Proper grooming
b. Wearing of uniform
c. Saluting
d. Exit Call

37. The following are the legal mandates of the Bureau of Fire Protection, EXCEPT:
a. Prevention and suppression of all destructive fires
b. Enforcement of the Fire Code of the Philippines
c. Maintain peace and order
d. Investigate all causes of fire
38. The Bureau of Fire Protection was established pursuant to Republic Act No. 6975 on
a. February 10, 1990
b. January 1, 1991
c. March 2, 1991
d. January 14, 1990

39. ___________ provides for the professionalization of the Bureau of Fire Protection.
a. Republic Act No. 9592
b. Republic Act No. 9263
c. Republic Act No. 6975
d. Republic Act No. 9262

40. This is an annual event of the Bureau of Fire Protection pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No.
1312 issued by the late President Ferdinand E. Marcos to commemorate the three (3) firefighters who
died during the fateful fire incident at Meralco Rockwell Power Plant in the year 1973.
a. Fire Prevention Month
b. Fire Service Recognition
c. BFP Anniversary
d. BFP New Year’s Call

1. How does communication play a vital role in an organization?

2. What type of people do you work with most effectively?

3. Tell us about a time when someone asked you to do something you are not in favour with. How
did you handle the situation?

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