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GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-F, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).

Hereinafter called AUTONET

I General

1. Application and offers

1.1 These general conditions (hereinafter: General Conditions) are applicable on all offers and
agreements where AUTONET offers or delivers goods and/or services of whatever nature, to
client, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing.
1.2 Application of possible general (purchase) conditions from client are explicitly rejected,
unless AUTONET and client have agreed otherwise in writing.
1.3 If these General Conditions are in conflict with the (general) conditions of the client that have
been declared as applicable by AUTONET and/or client on an agreement, the provisions of
these General Conditions will prevail.
1.4 The provisions in chapter I are also applicable as well as to the provisions in the chapters II, III
and IV. Insofar any provision from chapter I is in conflict or incompatible with a provision in
the other chapters, what is stated in the other chapters will prevail.
1.5 If any provision of these General Conditions is void or should be annulled, the other
provisions of these General Conditions will remain in full force.
1.6 AUTONET can always impose (further) requirements on communication between parties or
to perform legal actions per email.
1.7 AUTONET reserves the right to refuse orders without giving reasons.

2. The offer

2.1 All offers from AUTONET are without obligations, unless explicitly indicated otherwise by
AUTONET in writing.
2.2 AUTONET has the right to withdraw the acceptance of the client within two working days
after taking note of the acceptance by the client, if the client accepts a non-binding offer in a
quotation or offer from AUTONET. Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, the quotations and
offers from AUTONET are valid for a period of thirty days.
2.3 The offer will explicitly state if the offer has a limited validity period or is subject to certain
2.4 The offer includes a full and detailed description of the goods, software and service offered
by AUTONET. The description is sufficiently detailed to enable a good assessment of the offer
by the client. Apparent mistakes or errors in the offer will not bind AUTONET.
2.5 Client guarantees the correctness and completeness of the details provide by him or on his
behalf to AUTONET, on which AUTONET bases its offer.

3. Conclusion of agreements

3.1 An agreement with AUTONET is only concluded by written confirmation thereof on its parts
and replaces the (non-binding) submitted quotations or mutual agreements.
3.2 The client accepts these General Conditions by his written order or request and declares that
these are applicable on the agreements with AUTONET
3.3 Between AUTONET and the client applies the content of the order or request of the client as
this is received by AUTONET. Input errors and other mistakes made by the client with the
order or request will be for the account and risk of the client.

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. -1-

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

3.4 The copy of an agreement archived by AUTONET, that was electronically concluded is not
accessible for the client.

4. Prices and price adjustment

4.1 All prices are exclusive VAT and possible other taxes that are imposed by government
4.2 All prices are valid from place of delivery or are exclusive transport and possible other
additional costs.
4.3 AUTONET has the right to adjust the prices mentioned on its website(s) and in adverts or
other, without prior notice.
4.4 Insofar possible, AUTONET will inform the client about the price adjustment beforehand.
4.5 If the client cannot agree with a price increase by AUTONET, the client has the right to
terminate the agreement with AUTONET in writing. If the client has not terminated the
agreement within 30 days after the notification by AUTONET of the price increase, the client
is considered to have agreed with the price and/or tariff increase.

5. Payment

5.1 Payment is made based on the invoices sent by AUTONET in the currency of the invoice.
5.2 The client will pay the owed amounts within fourteen (14) days after delivery of the invoice.
5.3 AUTONET has the right to request a full advance payment of the agreed price. When advance
payment is stipulated the client cannot enforce any right regarding the execution of the
relevant order or service(s) before the stipulated advance payment has been made.
5.4 All payments that are made by the client will first serve to fulfil all owed interest and costs.
After that the payment will service to fulfil the eldest and outstanding payable invoices,
regardless if the client mentions that the payment is related to a later invoice.
5.5 Not at any moment has the client got the right to settle his payment obligation towards
AUTONET with a claim of the client on AUTONET, for whatever grounds, unless AUTONET has
explicitly given written approval thereof.
5.6 Not at any moment has the client got the right to suspend his payment obligation towards
AUTONET, for whatever grounds.
5.7 All payment terms stated by AUTONET are deadlines. The client is at default, without having to
give notice, with late payment.
5.8 AUTONET has the right to charge the legal trade interest from the expiry date of the invoice.
5.9 If the client does not pay or pays too late, the client also owes AUTONET extrajudicial costs.
These will be calculated based on the Recommendation II of the Report Pre-work II. Without
prejudice to the other what is stated in these General Conditions, AUTONET has the right to
charge the client for the actual made costs, including possible court costs and legal fees, is
these exceed the amount that is calculated based on the Recommendation II of the Report
Pre-work II.
5.10 Complaints regarding the invoicing should be submitted to AUTONET in writing within 8 (eight)
calendar days after date of invoice, with a clear description of the complaint, failing to do so
means that the invoice is considered to be correct.

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. -2-

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

6. Property retention, reservation of rights, retention and risk

6.1 All matters to be delivered to client will remain the property of AUTONET till all owed amounts
to AUTONET under this agreement have been fully paid to AUTONET.
6.2 Client does not have the right to resell the matters to third parties, or to pledge or dispose
otherwise as long as these have not been paid.
6.3 In occurring case rights will always be granted or transferred to client under the condition that
client will pay the agreed fees fully and on time.
6.4 In the context of the agreement AUTONET can retain received or generated matters, products,
property rights, data, documents, databases and (interim) results of the service provision of
AUTONET, despite an existing obligation to release these, till client has paid all amounts owed
6.5 The risk of loss, theft or damage of matters, products, software or data that are subject of the
agreement, will transfer to the client at the moment that these have been placed in the actual
possession of the client or assistant of client.

7. Delivery terms/response times

7.1 The place of delivery will be the address agreed by both parties.
7.2 All delivery terms and/or response times mentioned by AUTONET are determined, at best
knowledge and belief, based on the details at the time the agreement was concluded. The
delivery terms used by AUTONET are target dates and no deadlines.
7.3 AUTONET is not bound to a, whether or not, final (delivery) term or (delivery) date that
cannot be achieved anymore due to circumstance beyond its control that appeared after the
conclusion of the agreement. Nor is AUTONET bound to a, whether or not, final (delivery)
date or delivery term if parties have agreed on the content or scope of the agreement.
7.4 If exceedance of the mentioned terms is unavoidable AUTONET will inform client of this as
soon as possible and parties will immediately enter consultation.
7.5 The single exceedance of the, whether or not, final (delivery) term or (delivery) date
mentioned by AUTONET or agreed between parties will not bring AUTONET in default. In all
cases – therefore also in case parties have explicitly agreed a final (delivery) term or
(delivery) date in writing – AUTONET will first be in default due to time exceedance after
client has informed AUTONET in writing to be in default and has granted a reasonable period
of at least 14 (fourteen) days for compliance. The notice of default should contain a fully and
detailed description, as possible, of the shortcoming, so AUTONET is given the opportunity to
respond adequately.

8. Cooperation client

8.1 If necessary for the execution of the agreement, the client will give its cooperation, for
example by providing the useful and necessary information on time, to provide equipment
and/or materials and such.
8.2 Client is responsible for the correct application and the use of the delivered products and/or
services in its organisation and for the correctness of the choice for the use of these products
and services for (the achievement of) its business (objectives) as well as the security of its

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. -3-

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

8.3 If data, materials and/or cooperation that is necessary for the execution of the agreement is
not provided to AUTONET, or not on time or not in accordance with the agreement,
AUTONET will have the right to suspend the execution completely or partially as well as to
charge extra costs to the client according the applicable tariffs.
8.4 In case employees of AUTONET perform work activities on the location of the client, the
client will provide, free of charge, the reasonable required facilities for these employees. The
work area and facilities will comply with all applicable (legal) requirements regarding
employment circumstances. The client indemnifies AUTONET from claims of third parties,
including employees of AUTONET, that suffer damage in relation to the execution of the
agreement as a result of the actions or negligence of the client or due to unsafe situations in
its organisation. Client inform the employees of AUTONET on time about the house and
safety rules applicable within its organisation.
8.5 If telephone communication facilities, including internet, are used with the execution of the
agreement, the client is responsible for the right choice and the timely and adequately
availability thereof, except for those facilities that are under the direct use and management
of AUTONET. AUTONET is never liable for damages or costs due to transmission errors,
malfunctions or unavailability of these facilities unless client can prove that these damages or
costs are the result of intent or wilful recklessness of AUTONET or its supervisors. If
telephone communication facilities are used with the execution of the agreement, AUTONET
has the right to assign access or identification codes to the client. AUTONET can change
assigned access or identification codes. In an occurring case the subscriber will give the
necessary cooperation to this.
8.6 Client will treat the access codes confidentially and with care and will only reveal these to
authorised members of staff. AUTONET is never liable for damages or costs that are a result
of loss or abuse of the access or identification codes. The client should immediately inform
AUTONET in case of loss, theft or abuse by third parties of the access code.

9. Involving third parties

9.1 AUTONET has the right to involve third parties for the execution of the agreement.
9.2 In and insofar AUTONET makes available/provides software and/or equipment or serviced
from third parties to the client, the conditions of these third parties will apply and overrule
the provisions in these General Conditions. Client accepts the meant conditions of these third
parties. AUTONET will send these provisions or make them available via its website. If and
insofar the meant conditions of third parties are considered, for whatever reason, as not
applicable or are declared as not applicable in the relation between the client and AUTONET,
the provisions in these General Conditions apply without restrictions.

10. Warranty

10.1 AUTONET cannot guarantee that the services, software, databases and products will function
without faults, limitations or malfunctions at all times, partly due to necessary maintenance,
the dependence of the services, software, databases and products of its suppliers, of internet
and technologies in development. AUTONET strives to solve malfunctions and limitations as
soon as possible and possible disturbance thereof by the client will be limited as much as

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. -4-

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

10.2 On products, software and services produced by AUTONET, AUTONET will give a 30 days’
warranty from the date of acceptance. In case of delivery of equipment this warranty only
includes the repair of manufacturing and assembly faults for the account of AUTONET and to
it best ability.
In case of delivery of software this warranty only includes the repair of failures to ensure that
the software complies with the written agreed specifications. The warranty does not include
that the software or services will work without failures or disruptions. The parts that were
replaced by repair work activities will become the property of AUTONET. The repair work
activities are done based on CARRY IN; if for whatever reason it will be necessary for
AUTONET to carry out the work activities at the client, the call-out costs will be at least
10.3 The warranty expires if there is a question of incorrect or incompetent use, adjustment or
repair work activities by others than AUTONET, or due to other causes not for the
accountability of AUTONET, as well as if the failures could have been established at the
moment of acceptance by means of (acceptance) test.
10.4 Work activities and costs for repair outside the context of this warranty (such as call-out
costs) will be charged by AUTONET in accordance with the usual tariffs.

11. Intellectual property rights

11.1 The copyright as well as all other rights of intellectual or industrial property on all software,
websites, databases (including the databases that are used in Proxyparts), equipment and/or
materials, analysis, designs, results of service provision, as well as database rights, which are
or will be provided/supplied or made available to the client by AUTONET, are exclusively with
AUTONET or its suppliers.
11.2 The client is not allowed to remove or adjust any marking regarding the confidential
character or the relevant copyrights, brands, trade names, database rights or (other) rights of
(intellectual) property from the software, websites, databases, equipment or materials.
11.3 AUTONET retains the right in view of the agreed limitations in the duration or the scope of
the use, to take all necessary (technical) measures to protect provided user rights, software,
equipment or databases that were made available. The client is never allowed to
remove/have removed or to bypass/have bypassed such (technical) measures.
11.4 AUTONET has at all times got the right to use and have free access to knowledge, techniques,
ideas and materials, parts, general principles, designs, documentation, works, programming
language and such, acquired and developed for and/or applied in products or services
delivered to client, also after the relevant delivery.
11.5 AUTONET indemnifies client against any legal claim from third parties which are based on an
alleged infringement on the database, software and website created by AUTONET itself or on
an existing database right respectively copyright under the condition that the client will
immediately notifies AUTONET of such a legal claim and provided that the client will give full
cooperation to AUTONET and will leave the processing of such issue, including the making of
possible settlements, complete to AUTONET. Therefore, client will grant the necessary power
of attorney to AUTONET so it can defend itself, and if necessary in name of the client, against
these legal claims. Then AUTONET will take all necessary costs as well as the determined
damages in the final verdict for its account.

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. -5-

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

11.6 This obligation of indemnity expires if the alleged infringement is related to (i) databases,
software or materials provided by client to AUTONET to use, edit, process or incorporate, or
(ii) adjustments that client has made or had made by third parties in the software, website,
databases, equipment or other materials.

12. Force majeure

12.1 Either party is obliged to comply with any provision if it is prevented from this as a result of
force majeure. Force majeure also includes force majeure of suppliers of AUTONET, incorrect
compliance of obligations of suppliers of AUTONET as well as defectiveness of matters,
materials, software of third parties that are used for the execution of an agreement (such as
disappearance of computer files, malfunctions in the network of the involved telephone
communication company(ies), complete occupancy of the dial-in lines, overloading of the
12.2 If a situation of force majeure has lasted for more than 90 (ninety) days, both parties have
the right to terminate this agreement in writing. All that was already executed under this
agreement, will be paid accordingly, without both parties owing anything else towards each

13. Liability and indemnity

13.1 AUTONET only accepts liability insofar it appears from this article.
13.2 The total liability of AUTONET, due to accountable shortcoming in the compliance of an
agreement is limited to compensation of the direct damages for a maximum amount of the
agreed price in the agreement (excl. VAT). If the agreement is mainly a duration agreement
with a term of more than one year, the agreed price in the contract will be determined on
the total fees (excl. VAT) agreed for one year. Not in any case will the total compensation for
damages be more than €10,000.00 (ten thousand Euro).
13.3 Direct damages only include:
a. Reasonable costs that client has made to match the performance of AUTONET to the
agreement; this replacement damage will however not be compensated if the agreement
has been terminated by the client or on his order;
b. Reasonable costs that client has made to keep the old system or systems in operation
longer as forced and the associated provisions because AUTONET has not delivered on a
final delivery date that was binding, deducted with possible savings that are the result of
the delayed delivery;
c. Reasonable costs, made to establish the cause and the scope of the damages, insofar the
establishment is related to direct damages in the sense of these conditions;
d. Reasonable costs, made to prevent or limit damages, insofar client can prove that these
costs have led to limitation of direct damages in the sense of these conditions.
13.4 Without prejudice to the provisions in article 13.2 AUTONET is only liable for damages if the
client has given a detailed and motivated notification of these damages within 10 days after
the damages occurred. The provisions in this article 13.4 is only applicable between
AUTONET and the client if and insofar an appeal of the client on the settlement as mentioned
in article 13.3 is not legally honoured.

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. -6-

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

13.5 If it was legally established regarding what was delivered by AUTONET that the offer or use of
it was in breach with intellectual property rights of a third party, AUTONET is only obliged,
such at the discretion of AUTONET, to commit itself to ensure that:
a. By providing an adjusted matter or software so the client will experience as little
disturbance as possible in its (operational) use; or
b. By paying back the received fees for the delivered, with deduction of a reasonable
consumer fee, in and insofar applicable after returning of the matter or the software, or
the discontinuation of the use of the software and the deleting thereof.
In this context AUTONET is not obliged to any damage compensation.
13.6 The liability of AUTONET for damage due to death or physical injury or due to material
damages to matters will never be more than (1,250,000).
13.7 Liability of AUTONET for indirect damages, consequential damages, loss of profit, missed
savings, reduced goodwill, damage through business interruptions, damages as a result of
liabilities of buyers of client, deformation or loss of data, damages related with the use of
matters, materials or software from third parties prescribed by the client to AUTONET,
damages related to the involvement of suppliers prescriber by the client to AUTONET and all
other types of damages than mentioned in article 13.3 and 13.5, on whatever grounds, is
13.8 The liability of AUTONET due to accountable shortcoming in the compliance of an agreement
only arises in all cases if client has given immediate and appropriate notice of default in
writing, where a reasonable period has been stated to solve the shortcoming and AUTONET
remains to be in accountable default to comply with its obligations after this period. The
notice of default should contain a complete and detailed description of the shortcoming, as
possible, so AUTONET is able to respond adequately.
13.9 Condition for any right on damage compensation is that the client always informs AUTONET
in writing of the damage as soon as possible after it occurred. Each claim for damage
compensation against AUTONET will expire after a period of 24 months after the occurrence
of the claim.
13.10 Client indemnifies AUTONET for all damages as a result of claims of third parties, related to
product, software, data and/or services delivered by AUTONET, including: claims from third
parties as a result of damages arising from actions or negligence of client at the time of the
execution of the agreement or other causes for which client cannot be accountable.

14. Confidentiality & Privacy

14.1 AUTONET and client are obliged to keep confidentiality and therefore will take all necessary
precautions regarding all confidential business information, including software, databases
and documentation provided or made available by AUTONET. Confidential is that information
that explicitly is marked as such as well as all information which confidential character can
reasonably be noticed.
14.2 The client is obliged to keep the software and databases confidential, not to disclose this to
third parties or provide to be used and will only be used for the objective for which it was
made available.
14.3 AUTONET complies to the legal obligations regarding de processing of personal details.
AUTONET will ensure for appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure the
(personal) details against loss or any kind of illegal processing.

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. -7-

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

14.4 Client guarantees that all legal instructions regarding the collection and processing of
personal details, including the instructions that are stated in the Law Protection Personal
Details, will be strictly observed and that all prescribed notifications have been done and all
required approvals for processing of personal details have been obtained. Client will provide
AUTONET immediately with all requested information.
14.5 Client indemnifies AUTONET for all claims of third parties towards AUTONET regarding a
breach of the Law Protection Personal Details and/or other legislation regarding the
processing of personal details from which AUTONET cannot be accountable.
14.6 Client indemnifies AUTONET for all claims from third parties, including government
institutions, towards AUTONET as a result of breach of legislation regarding the legal
retention period.

15. Duration and Termination

15.1 If an agreement is related to a period or regular service provision (such as a subscription,

maintenance or back up services) the agreement is concluded by both parties for an agreed
period, if this is not the case, a period of one year will apply. The duration of the agreement
will be implicitly renewed for the same period as the original one, unless the client or
AUTONET terminates the agreement in writing while taking into account a notice period of
sixty (60) days before the end of the relevant period. Notice will be done by registered letter
to the counterparty.
15.2 AUTONET has the right to immediately terminate the agreement by written notification,
without prior notice of default, if:
- The client, despite being in default, accountable fails to comply with his obligation;
- The client has used what was provided or made available by AUTONET in breach with
applicable user rights or user restrictions and/or has breached any intellectual property
related to what was provided or made available;
- The client is in receivership or has applied for receivership;
- The client is declared bankrupt;
- A request for debt repayment has been submitted for the client;
- The client is gone into administration;
- Goods of the client are seized regarding substantial debts and this seizure is maintained
for more than two months;
- The client discontinues or otherwise liquidates his business operations completely or
15.3 AUTONET has the right to immediately terminate an agreement in writing, if:
- It discontinues the issue or any provided software;
- The management rights in the company of the client are transferred to a third party,
completely or partially;
15.4 In case of termination of the agreement all owed payment by the client to AUTONET have to
be paid immediately.
15.5 If client at the moment of the termination has already received performances for the
execution of the agreement, these performances and the associated payment obligation
cannot be undone, unless client proves that AUTONET in in default regarding these
performances. Amounts that were invoiced by AUTONET before the termination and that are
related to what it has performed or delivered correctly for the execution of the agreement,

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. -8-

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

will, without prejudice, still be owed, taking into account the provision in the last sentence
and will have to be paid immediately at the time of termination.
15.6 AUTONET is never obliged to any damage compensation or payment towards the client due
to the termination of the agreement based on article 15.2, without prejudice to the right of
AUTONET for full damage compensation by the client as a result of breach of its obligations
as meant before and without prejudice to other rights AUTONET might be entitled to.

16. Transfer of rights and obligations

16.1 The client is not allowed, without prior written approval of AUTONET, to transfer any rights
or obligations arising from the agreement to third parties.
16.2 AUTONET retains the right to transfer rights and obligations from an agreement to a third
party, completely or partially, without prior written approval of the client. The client is
obliged, at first request of AUTONET, to give the necessary cooperation for the transfer.

17. Other provisions

17.1 If one or more provisions in an agreement between AUTONET and the client and/or these
General Conditions are void or should be annulled, the validity of the agreement, the General
Conditions or other provisions will remain in force.
17.2 All costs that AUTONET has to make to retain or execution of rights towards the client under
the agreement and/or General Conditions, both in and out of court, will be for the account of
the client.
17.3 Adjustments of additions of an agreement can only be agreed in writing between both

18. Applicable law and disputes

18.1 All offers from and agreements with AUTONET are exclusively subject to Dutch law. The
application of the Vienna Sales Convention is excluded.
18.2 Disputes which may arise between AUTONET and client as a result of a concluded agreement
between AUTONET and client, or as a result of further agreements arising from this, will be
settled by way of arbitration according the Arbitration regulation of the Stichting
Geschillenoplossing Automatisering ( (Foundation Dispute Settlement
Automation), with registered office in Rijswijk, all without prejudice to the right of both
parties to request summary arbitral proceedings and without prejudice to the right of both
parties to take precautionary legal measures.


The provisions mentioned in this chapter are, apart from the General Conditions, applicable if
AUTONET and client have concluded an agreement (subscription) for use and access to Proxyparts
and/or have concluded an agreement for other services available via internet, such as online backup

19. Proxyparts

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. -9-

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

19.1 A subscription will start on the access date (date when subscriber is/will be connected to the
server of AUTONET) and is valid for the period of one year.
19.2 AUTONET has the right to refuse subscribers, without giving reasons. If the maximum
number of subscribers, to be determined by AUTONET, is reached, AUTONET has the right to
place new applications on a waiting list.
19.3 A subscription gives subscriber access to information provided by AUTONET, or the provision
of information. Subscriber is not allowed, in any way, to give access to this information to
third parties.

20. Back up services

20.1 AUTONET will perform the backup services with care according to the written stipulated
procedures and agreements with client. AUTONET is obliged to regular control and
appropriate maintenance of the systems used for the backup services and will ensure for
sufficient capacity so no disturbances will take place with normal use due to overloading.
20.2 All data that is to be processed in the back up will be prepared and delivered by client in
accordance with the conditions to be stated by AUTONET. Client will take the data to be
processed in the back up to the place where AUTONET performs the backup service and
client will also take the results of the processing from here. Transport and transmission, in
any way, will be done for the account and risk of the client, also if this is performed or
arranged by AUTONET.
20.3 Client guarantees that all data provided by him to AUTONET for the performance of the
backup services, is always correct and complete and that all information carriers provided to
AUTONET comply with the specifications of AUTONET.
20.4 Client is at all times obliged to retain its own recent copy of all data provided to AUTONET.
20.5 All equipment, software and other matters used by AUTONET with the backup service remain
the property respectively subject of intellectual and industrial property of AUTONET, also if
client pays a fee for the development or purchase thereof by AUTONET.
20.6 AUTONET is not responsible to check the correctness and completeness of the results of the
backup service. Client will check the results himself after receipt. AUTONET does not
guarantee that the backup service is provided without errors or disruptions. If failures in the
results of the backup service are a direct result of products, software, information carriers,
procedures or operations for which AUTONET is explicitly responsible under this agreement,
AUTONET will repeat the backup service in order, to its best ability, to repair these failures,
provided the client has informed AUTONET in writing and given details of these failures as
soon as possible but no later than one week after receipt of the results of the backup service.
Only if AUTONET is accountable for the failures in the back up service, this repeat will be
carried out for free. In all other cases AUTONET will charge the costs for a possible repeat to
the client, in accordance with its usual tariffs. If repair of the failures for which AUTONET is
accountable, is technically or reasonably not possible, AUTONET will credit the owed
amounts by client for the relevant back up service, without being further or otherwise liable
towards client. Client is not entitled to any other rights as a result of failures in the back up
service than the ones that are described in this warranty regulation.

21. Conditions use internet services

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. - 10 -

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

21.1 The client will observe the commonly accepted code of conduct regulations on the internet
as recorded in RFC1855 (Netiquette).
21.2 Client is obliged to observe all obligations, instructions and limitations, made known by
AUTONET, regarding the use of the internet services of AUTONET, as stated in these General
Conditions and the agreement, and as will be published by AUTONET from time to time on its
website via written notice or otherwise.
21.3 The services and the files and data provided or made available in the context of this
agreements will not in any way be used/have used by client for illegal actions, to commit
criminal fats and/or actions that can burden or disturb the services, the data and files of the
internet traffic, including: (a) breach of intellectual property rights; (b) theft of data, (c) illegal
and/or criminal distribution of secret or confidential information; (d) illegal and/or criminal
distributions of content and/or image and sound material, including racist expressions, child
pornography, criminal data traffic, insulting expressions, spamming; (e) to access computers
or networks without permission; (f) destroying, damaging or disabling systems or automated
work and software of others; (g) to break technical securities; (h) to distribute viruses or the
otherwise intentional disturbance of communication or data storage; (i) to gain access by
using a false key, false code or false capacity; (j) to start or to continue processes from which
it can reasonably be expected that this will hinder the other users of the internet or has a
negative effect on the execution of the subscription.
21.4 AUTONET has the right to immediately disconnect the client, to block the connection, to
terminate the agreement or to take other (technical) measures recommend if AUTONET
suspects based on the available information that the client is using the connection in breach
with one of the provisions in this article. In this case the client will not receive any restitution
of a prepaid fee. The client is not entitled to damage compensation. AUTONET retains the
right to recover any possible damages that was suffered by this from the client.
21.5 AUTONET will take all reasonable precautions regarding the information it provides to the
subscribers of Proxyparts or other internet services of AUTONET. AUTONET will not take any
responsibility for loss arising from inaccuracy of this information, regardless the fact if the
inaccuracy was caused by the supply through interested parties or by AUTONET or by other
subscribers; its messages; its employees or agents, or by incorrect functioning of AUTONET
computers and/or equipment.
21.6 Unless agreed otherwise, the client himself will arrange for electricity, connections,
hardware, software, devices and other provisions that are required for the access to the
internet. These facilities are not included in the responsibility of AUTONET and AUTONET
rejects any liable thereof.
21.7 The client commits itself towards AUTONET to comply with the instructions related to the
registration, the use of internet network numbers and domain names that are stated by the
responsible agencies and indemnifies AUTONET for any claim of third parties thereof.
21.8 AUTONET will strive to secure the connection or the access to data of client that is stored.
AUTONET will not give any guarantees for the implemented security. AUTONET excludes any
liability for damage, that might occur despite its implemented precautions regarding the
security of data.
21.9 AUTONET is not liable for any possible costs made or to be made as a result of adjustments in
the welcome image, the call-in numbers of AUTONET, the AUTONET index or the access

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. - 11 -

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

21.10 AUTONET is not liable for damage that occurs by the leaking of confidential details, the use of
credit card acceptance mechanism or electronic payment, damage by maintenance work
activities or damage arising from liabilities of third parties towards client.
21.11 The access to the internet services is offered on a network connection on the location that
has been agreed with the client.
21.12 AUTONET has the right to implement procedural and technical adjustments and/or
improvements on the connection and/or access code, if this is required for the functioning of
the connection. AUTONET will inform the client of this in time, if this can have a negative
effect for the client on the availability of the internet and/or networks connected to this.
21.13 AUTONET has the right to technically set up the content of its service(s) as AUTONET decides
at any time. AUTONET has the right, in the context, to implement procedural and technical
adjustments and/or improvements regarding the services.


Apart from the General Provisions, the conditions in this chapter are applicable on the software and
databases provide and made available by AUTONET. In this context software also includes websites.

22. User right software and databases

22.1 Without prejudice to the provision in article 11 AUTONET grants client the non-exclusive and
non-transferrable right to use a database of Proxyparts and/or the right to use the software
as is stated in the agreement. User right of the software is in object code. Client will always
strictly observe the user limitations that were agreed between both parties.
22.2 Without prejudice to the other provisions in these General Conditions, the user right of the
client only contains the right to load the software and to run it and regarding the database,
to request online data from it. Any other further right of client to multiply the software,
websites, databases or other materials is excluded.
22.3 The software and the recommended or requested data can only be used by client in his own
company or organisation. The software only on one processing unit and/or for a certain
number of users or connections for which user right has been granted. With possible
disturbance of the meant processing unit the software can be used on another processing
unit for the duration of the disturbance. The user right can be related to several processing
units insofar this explicitly appears from the agreement.
22.4 The client is not allowed to sell, rent, sub-licence, dispose the data(base) and software and
carriers on which this is recorded, or to grant limited rights on this or in any way or for any
purpose make available for a third party, to give (remote) access to a third party to the
database or software or to host the software with a third party, not even if the relevant third
party is only using the software for the benefit of the client. Client will not adjust the
software other than in the context of the repairs of faults. Client will not use the software in
the context of processing data for the benefit of third parties (‘time-sharing’).
22.5 Immediately after termination of the user right of the software and the database the client
will destroy all copies of the software and database in his possession, client will immediately
inform AUTONET in writing of this destroying. The user right obtained by the client on
software and of the database is limited to own use and to copy this is only allowed with the
eye on security against loss.

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. - 12 -

GENERAL CONDITIONS AUTONET B.V. (Daltonstraat 30-b, 3316 GD Dordrecht, Netherlands).
Hereinafter called AUTONET

23. Maintenance software

23.1 If a maintenance agreement was concluded for the software, the client will report identified
faults in the software to AUTONET in accordance with the usual procedures of AUTONET.
After receipt of the notification AUTONET will strive to its best ability to repair the faults
and/or make improvements in the later versions of the software. The results will, depending
on the urgency, be made available to the client in a way and within a period to be
determined by AUTONET. AUTONET has the right to implement temporary solutions of
program bypasses or problem avoiding restrictions in the software. If no agreements were
made for this, the client himself will install, set up, parameterise and tune the corrective
software or available new versions and if necessary adjust the used equipment and use
environment. Unless explicitly agreed otherwise, AUTONET is not obliged to perform data
23.2 AUTONET can charge to costs of repair in according with its usual tariffs if there is talk of user
errors or incompetent use or other causes for which AUTONET cannot be accountable or if
the software has been changed by others than AUTONET. Repair of deformed or loss data is
not included in the maintenance.
23.3 If a maintenance agreement was concluded AUTONET will provide the client with better
versions of the software once they become available. Three months after an improved
version was made available AUTONET is no longer obliged to repair possible faults in the old
versions and to grant support in relation to the old version. For the provision of a version
with new possibilities and functions AUTONET can request from client that he will enter a
new agreement with AUTONET and that he will pay a new fee for the provision.
23.4 AUTONET is not responsible for the system and/or network management of the client that
works with products of AUTONET, unless this has been explicitly agreed otherwise in writing.


Apart from the General Provisions, the conditions in the chapter are applicable on the equipment
provided by AUTONET.

24. Transport damage and loss

24.1 The risk of damage and/or loss and/or deformation of the equipment to be provided is with
AUTONET till the moment of delivery to the client, unless explicitly agreed otherwise.
24.2 In case equipment is transported for the account and risk of the client, the client will ensure
for appropriate packaging.
24.3 Client will insure the products for transport damage, theft and other external calamity for the
duration that these are in its actual possession.
24.4 With clear visible damage to the products in case of transport that is for the account and risk
of AUTONET, the client will immediately inform AUTONET of this after delivery, on the
penalty of losing any right on compensation.

2016 / General conditions AUTONET B.V. - 13 -

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