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Company Profile

The project on the company profile should include:

Name, logo, Location, and address of the Company, organizational structure type of the Organisation, type
of Industry, and Organizational setup. Products /Services, Annual turnover. Number of employees, future plans,

For Projects dealing with Marketing aspects:

Product: uses prices. Brands, Present market share, After-sales service, Major competitors, Major markets,
Customer profile, Distribution channels Advertising/Promotion strategy. Product Life Cycle and present stage,
Positioning, and Branding. Segmentation, Marketing control system, Organizational setup, Marketing strategies,
plans, if any, etc.

For Projects dealing with Human Resource aspects:

Culture, Values/ethical values, Mission, Organizational set up. Number of employees, Job profile and
responsibilities, Corporate Social responsibility, HR practices followed (Recruitment and selection strategies,
composition policies, fringe/non-monetary benefits, appraisal. growth prospects, retention policies, career
prospects, succession planning, etc.).

For projects dealing with Financial aspects:

Financial performance in terms of abridged financial statements for current and preceding year/(s)(may be
published data), ratios: liquidity, profitability, solvency (may be given in form, no need of showing calculations),
Important Auditor Important tabular Comment/(s), if any, Information regarding corporate governance or CSR,
Corporate Social Responsibility: (may be found in the Annual Report). Funding structures (ie. Share Capital and
Debt Capital composition), Market price of shares in case of a listed company, Comparative data of 52 weeks"
high/low and ratio to book value of shares plus price earning (PE), multiple. Landmark developments in the
Company like mergers/acquisitions, technology tie-ups/new issues etc.


Research in simple terms, refers to a search for knowledge. Thus, research is an original addition to the available
knowledge, which contributes to its further advancement. It is an attempt to pursue truth. through the methods of
study, observation, comparison, and experiment.

Research design:- A research design helps to decide upon issues like what, when, where, How much, by what
means, etc., about an inquiry or a research study.

Data collection- Data collected from two methods they are explain below-

A) Primary Data: - Information which is gathered directly from the original source. Primary data collection is
necessary when a researcher cannot find the data needed in secondary sources Following are some type of colleting
primary data- Survey, Observation, Interview, Questioner.
B) Secondary Data:- Data which is are taken published and unpublished copies it is known as secondary data.
Following are some types of secondary data Books, Magazine, Printed articles, E-mails.
"Sample unit" It is the specific entity or individual being studied within a larger population.
For instance, if the population is all university students, a sample unit could be a single student selected for study.

"Sample design" refers to the methodical plan for selecting sample units from the population.
For example, if researchers are using random sampling, they'll randomly select individuals from the population to
be part of the study.

"Sample size" is the number of sample units included in the study. For instance, if researchers aim to survey 500
university students, then 500 is the sample size.

BIBLIOGRAPHY - Works or list of the works referred in a text or consulted by you for writing report. It should
be arranged in alphabetical order by name of the authors.
For Books Name of the author (Last name first. Title of the book, Edition, Year of publication, No. of Vol.
(If any) Name and Place of Publisher,

Example: Kothari, C.R.: Research methodology, 3 edition, 1997, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,

For Research Papers, Published articles, Magazines, Periodicals, Journals, Newspapers etc.

Name of the author (last name first), Title of the article quotation mark). Name of the
Journals/Periodicals/Magazines etc in italics. Volume number, Year, Page Numbers (in

Example: Wortman, Maxs (Jr.): "Entrepreneurship: An Integrating Typology and Evaluation of the Empirical
Research in the field", Journal of Management, Vol. 13 (2), 1967, pp259-279. Online published material on World
Wide Web (Alphabetically arranged Webliography)

Name of Website, Date and time of referring the Website, Name of the Author, Title /Topic


The project report should be strictly prepared according to the following guidelines.
Finalization of the Project Report Students should obtain clearance from their respective guide before final printing
of the final project report.

The size of the Paper sheet: A4
Font Type: New Times Roman,
Size: 12
Line Spacing: 1.5 line
Alignment Title page: Centre
Chapter heading: Centre Sub heading: Left
Body of text: Justify
Titles - All titles and subtitles should be printed in BOLD.
All the Tables/Graphs/Charts should have appropriate titles.
Open-ended question
• These questions allow respondents to answer in their own words, without being limited to predefined
options. They encourage participants to provide detailed, qualitative responses, and invite respondents to
express their opinions, experiences,
• Example: "What are your thoughts on the current state of public transportation in your city?"
Close-ended question
• These questions offer respondents a set of predefined options to choose from. They typically yield
quantitative data and are easier to analyze because responses are structured and standardized.
• Example: "Which mode of transportation do you use most frequently to commute to work?"

Sample questionaries
1. Name (optional).
2. Gender
male Female
3. Age
Below 20
Between 20-30
Between 30-40
Above 40
4. Education background
High school education
Bachelor of Degree
Masters or Professional Degree.
5. Employment status

Consumer satisfaction Closed-ended:

1. On a scale of 1 to 4, how satisfied are you with our product/service?
2. Did our product/service meet your expectations? (Yes/No)
3. How likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague? (Scale: Not likely - Very likely)
4. How would you rate the quality of our customer service? (Scale: Poor - Excellent)
5. How satisfied are you with the value for money of our product/service? (Scale: Very dissatisfied - Very satisfied)
6. How frequently do you use our product/service? (Scale: Rarely - Frequently)
7. How easy was it to navigate our website/app? (Scale: Very difficult - Very easy)
8. Did you encounter any issues or problems while using our product/service? (Yes/No)
9. How satisfied are you with the delivery/shipping time of your order? (Scale: Very dissatisfied - Very satisfied)
10. Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience with our company? (Scale: Very dissatisfied - Very

1. What aspects of our product/service do you like the most?
2. What improvements would you suggest for our product/service?
3. Can you share a specific experience you had with our company?
4. How does our product/service compare to others you've used?
5. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience with us?
6. What made you choose our product/service over competitors?
7. How has our product/service made your life easier or better?
8. Can you describe a situation where our product/service exceeded your expectations?
9. What challenges have you faced while using our product/service, if any?
10. How likely are you to continue using our product/service in the future?

marketing strategies Closed-ended:

1. On a scale of 1 to 4, how effective do you find our current marketing strategies?
2. Are you aware of our latest marketing campaigns? (Yes/No)
3. How likely are you to engage with our brand after seeing our advertisements? (Scale: Not likely - Very likely)
4. How frequently do you interact with our social media content? (Scale: Rarely - Frequently)
5. Do you find our email marketing efforts informative and engaging? (Scale: Strongly disagree - Strongly agree)
6. Have you ever purchased as a result of our marketing efforts? (Yes/No)
7. How satisfied are you with the clarity and consistency of our brand messaging? (Scale: Very dissatisfied - Very
8. How likely are you to recommend our brand based on our marketing efforts? (Scale: Not likely - Very likely)
9. How effective do you find our use of visuals in our marketing materials? (Scale: Not effective - Very effective)
10. How well do you think our marketing efforts align with your needs and preferences? (Scale: Not aligned at all
- Completely aligned)

1. What aspects of our marketing strategies do you find most appealing?
2. What improvements would you suggest for our marketing campaigns?
3. Can you recall any memorable marketing messages or advertisements from our brand?
4. How do you feel our marketing efforts compare to our competitors?
5. Is there any particular marketing channel or platform where you prefer to interact with our brand?
6. How has our marketing influenced your perception of our brand?
7. Can you describe a situation where our marketing successfully persuaded you to take action?
8. What challenges do you think our marketing strategies currently face?
9. Are there any specific types of content or promotions you would like to see more of from us?
10. How do you think our marketing strategies could better address your needs and interests?

Consumer preferences Closed-ended:

1. On a scale of 1 to 4, how satisfied are you with the variety of options available from our brand?
2. How likely are you to purchase our product/service again in the future? (Scale: Not likely at all - Very likely)
3. How important is price when making a purchase decision? (Scale: Not important - Very important)
4. How satisfied are you with the level of customization/personalization offered by our brand? (Scale: Very
dissatisfied - Very satisfied)
5. How likely are you to recommend our brand to friends or family? (Scale: Not likely at all - Very likely)

1. Can you describe your experience with our product/service and how it aligns with your preferences?
2. What features or attributes do you look for when choosing products/services like ours?
3. Are there any specific aspects of our brand that you feel set us apart from competitors?
4. Can you recall a time when our brand exceeded your expectations in terms of meeting your preferences?
5. How do you think our brand could better cater to your needs and preferences in the future?

Literature Review
1. Introduction
Introduction to the topic and its importance and Purpose of the literature review.
2. Background
Contextual information about the topic and Key terms or concepts relevant to the review.
3. Review of Literature
Summary of findings from relevant studies and Discussion of key theories or concepts.
4. Synthesis and Discussion.
Identification of patterns, trends, or inconsistencies. And Analysis of strengths /weaknesses of the research.
5. Conclusion
Summary of key points covered in the literature review.

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