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HAND (2008) 3:316–319

DOI 10.1007/s11552-008-9129-8


Is Therapy Necessary After Distal Biceps Tendon Repair?

Edwin E. Spencer Jr. & Anita Tisdale & Kevin Kostka &
Robert E. Ivy

Received: 27 January 2008 / Accepted: 8 August 2008 / Published online: 11 September 2008
# American Association for Hand Surgery 2008

Abstract The EndoButton technique of distal biceps 22], while now there is a trend toward surgical repair or
tendon repair provides strong biomechanical fixation. This reconstruction of the distal biceps tendon [2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 18].
strength of fixation may allow earlier postoperative range of Several studies have cited superior results with repair of the
motion (ROM). A retrospective review of 15 male patients biceps tendon with the patients being able to return to their
undergoing single incision EndoButton repairs was used. preinjury level of activity after surgery [1–3, 8, 18, 21]. The
Six subjects participated in conventional supervised post- evolution of the distal biceps repair has led the authors to
operative rehabilitation while nine subjects were allowed adopt a single incision, EndoButton (Smith & Nephew,
unrestricted ROM after 2 weeks. Final ROM, time to full Andover, MA, USA) technique. The strength of this
ROM, and Disabilities of Arm Shoulder and Hand (DASH) fixation has been documented clinically and biomechani-
scores were compared. There was a significant difference cally [2, 23]. In light of the advent of stronger fixation, the
for time to full ROM (p<0.05). The mean time to full ROM purpose of this study was to determine if we could
was 8.67 weeks for the supervised therapy group and accelerate the postoperative rehabilitation. Our hypothesis
4.38 weeks for the unrestricted group. There were no was that patients with a surgically repaired distal biceps
reruptures in either group. There were no significant tendon via the EndoButton could undergo an accelerated
differences in final ROM or DASH scores. These data rehabilitation process with a low risk of rerupture.
suggest that unrestricted ROM results in a quicker return to
full ROM without an increased risk of rerupture.
Materials and Methods
Keywords Distal biceps tendon . EndoButton . Therapy .
Tendon repair A retrospective chart review was performed of all patients
undergoing a distal biceps tendon repair using the Endo-
Button fixation from 2003 to 2005 with at least a 1-year
Introduction minimum follow-up. The senior authors (EES and REI)
performed the surgery on all patients. A total of 17 patients
Rupture of the distal biceps brachii tendon accounts for were considered for the study, but two were unavailable for
only 3% of biceps tendon ruptures [18]; however, authors follow-up. Of the 15 patients that were available for follow-
have cited an average loss of 40% supination strength and a up, four required repairs of the nondominant arm and 11 of
30% average loss in flexion strength [3, 19]. Initially, a the dominant arm. All patients were male with ages ranging
conservative, nonsurgical approach was advised [3, 12, 19, from 31 to 64 years and a mean age of 46 years at the time
of surgery.
All surgeries were performed with Loupe magnification
E. E. Spencer Jr. (*) : A. Tisdale : K. Kostka : R. E. Ivy using the EndoButton fixation technique with number 2
Shoulder and Elbow Center, Knoxville Orthopaedic Clinic,
Fiberwire (Arthrex, Naples, FL, USA) through a single
260 Fort Sanders West Boulevard,
Knoxville, TN 37922, USA anterior incision described by Bain et al. [2]. Capture of the
e-mail: [email protected] EndoButton was confirmed with intraoperative fluoroscopy.
HAND (2008) 3:316–319 317

The surgical dissection for this procedure is similar to Results

others in that the distal biceps tendon is isolated and the
radial tuberosity is exposed while protecting the radial Follow-up averaged 23 months (12–36 months) and all
nerve and its branches. Number 2 Fiberwire or other patients were satisfied with their results. The DASH score
nonabsorbable suture is passed through the end of the for group 1 (supervised therapy) averaged 3.1 and group 2
tendon in a locking fashion with at least four throws to grab (no therapy) averaged 1. The six patients who participated
sufficient tendon. The Endobutton is tied to the end of the in therapy achieved an average of 139.1° flexion, 1.5°
biceps tendon with a small 2-mm gap between the end of extension, 76.6° supination, and 75.8° pronation in an
the tendon and the Endobutton. The radial tuberosity is average of 8.6 weeks. The nine patients who did not receive
prepared in full supination and the near cortex is decorti- formal therapy achieved an average of 138.5° flexion, 1.5°
cated down to cancellous bone. The far cortex is drilled extension, 76.5° supination, and 77.5° pronation in an
with a bit the same width as the Endobutton. Passing average of 4.1 weeks. There was a significant difference in
sutures are placed in the peripheral holes in the Endobuton the time to full ROM between the two groups (p<0.05)
and these passing sutures are passed through the radial hole with the unsupervised group achieving full ROM more
with a blunted Keith needle and retrieved percutaneously rapidly. Manual muscle testing revealed 5/5 strength for
on the dorsal side of the forearm. Traction is placed on one elbow flexion and supination. There were no cases of
of the passing sutures and the biceps tendon is pulled into heterotopic ossification or reruptures. There were two cases
the radial corticotomy. Once the Endobutton is through the of transient lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve palsies that
far cortex, the other suture is pulled thereby flipping the resolved in 6 weeks.
Endobutton locking it on the other side of the radius and
securing the biceps tendon. This portion of the procedure
can be performed with fluoroscopic guidance. Discussion
The patients were evaluated with range of motion
(ROM) measurements and clinically at 1 year with Nonoperative treatment of distal bicep tendon ruptures has
Disabilities of Arm Shoulder and Hand (DASH) scores. been reported to result in loss of flexion and supination
The patients were divided into two groups: supervised strength along with decreased patient satisfaction [3, 12, 19,
therapy (group 1, n=6) and no therapy (group 2, n=9). Of 22]. This prompted many surgeons to recommend surgical
the 15 patients that were contacted, 13 agreed to complete repair. Most of the various surgical repairs and reconstructions
the DASH questionnaire (group 1, n=4; group 2, n=9). In have yielded good functional and clinical results [3–5, 7, 9].
both groups, a posterior splint at 90° was worn for the first There are, however, several complications such as hetero-
2 weeks. In the supervised therapy group, a hinged brace topic ossification and neuropraxias that have occurred with
was worn for the next 4 weeks. Passive ROM was initiated particular methods of repair [10, 11, 14]. There has been a
at 2 weeks but extension was limited to 40° and increased natural evolution of the repair techniques to avoid the
by 10°/week as tolerated with full extension allowed at complications and improve fixation strength.
6 weeks postoperative. The nonsupervised therapy group One of the proposed advantages of the single incision
had the postoperative splint removed at 2 weeks and were approach is a decrease in complications such as heterotopic
allowed to use the arm for simple daily activities such as ossification and radioulnar synostosis and injury to the
bathing, lifting a coffee cup, and simple lifting of no greater posterior interosseous nerve [2, 4, 18, 24]. Single incision
than 2 lbs. techniques usually involve the use of suture anchors, the
Descriptive statistics comparing end ROM and time to EndoButton, or an interference screw [2, 4, 13, 15, 16, 25].
full ROM in both groups of patients were computed. A one- A recent study compared the strength of fixation of
way analysis of variance was used to compare the time to suture anchors to the EndoButton [23]. Biomechanically,
full ROM of the two groups. DASH scores were calculated the EndoButton was found to have a higher load to failure
and compared between the two groups. The DASH and remained in contact with the bone longer before failure,
Outcome Measure is a 30-item self-report questionnaire but the difference did not reach statistical significance [23].
designed to measure physical function and symptoms in One of the best biomechanical studies was performed by
people with any of several musculoskeletal disorders of the Mazzocca et al. and compared the fixation strength of
upper limb. Each item of the DASH has five response suture anchors, the EndoButton, traditional bone tunnels,
options with a score summation range from 0 (no disability/ and interference screws. They found that the EndoButton
symptoms) to 100 (greater disability/symptoms). A high had a statistically higher load to failure than the other three
DASH score indicates more disability. The mean DASH methods [17].
score in population controls is 6.2. Manual muscle testing The first clinical results using the EndoButton were
was also performed by the examiner. reported by Bain et al. [2]. They reported on 12 patients
318 HAND (2008) 3:316–319

with no significant complications and good results. We, return to full strength but some of these data are reflected in
therefore, started performing our repairs using the Endo- the DASH score.
Button technique. Based on the good results of some of our In conclusion, the EndoButton fixation has been shown
noncompliant patients that removed their splints, we to have superior fixation strength at time 0 and yields
modified our postoperative therapy protocol. Instead of equivalent clinical outcomes with decreased operative time
supervised physical therapy with hinged braces, we simply and complications. It also seems to be strong enough to
removed the splint 2 weeks postoperatively and asked the allow early active ROM with quicker return of normal
patient to not lift anymore than 2 lbs. They were allowed to ROM with minimal risk for rerupture.
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