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Department of Education Region III

Brgy. Bacong, San Luis, Aurora

Learning Activity Sheet


The Executive Branch of Government

Alternative Learning

Subject: Philippine Politics and Governance

Subjetc: Phillipine Politics and Governance
Learning Activity Sheet

First Edition, 2023

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Welcome! This Learning Activity Sheet will help you understand the
Executive Branch of the Philippine Government.
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
a. identify the different powers of the president,
b. appreciate the president’s good exercise of powers by citing its
benefits through an editorial cartoon; and
c. write a short campaign material emphasizing personal platform to
elevate general living of the Filipino citizens.

IDENTIFICATION. Find the word/s from the table

that fit the descriptions given. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

Suffrage One-Party System Recall COMELEC
Referendum Multi- Party System Election
Plebecite Initiative Political Party

1. It is a form of government where the country is ruled by a single

political party.
2. It is a formal decision-making process by which the citizens of the
country vote and select certain officials to hold public office.
3. This commission is empowered to supervise every aspect of campaigns
and elections in the country.
4. It is defined as an organized and presumably durable association, either
of individuals or of distinguishable groups of individuals, which
endeavors to place its members in governmental offices for the purpose
of bringing about the adoption of favored political policies or programs.
5. It is a political system in which multiple political parties across the
political spectrum run for national election.
6. It is the right and obligation to vote of qualified citizens in the election
of certain national and local officers of the government and in the
decision of public questions submitted to the people.
7. It is the name given to a vote of the people expressing their choice for or
against a proposed law or enactment submitted to them.
8. It is the submission of a law or part thereof passed by the national or
local legislative body to the voting citizens of a country for their
ratification or rejection.
9. It is the process whereby the people directly propose and enact laws.
10. It is a method by which a public officer may be removed from office
during his tenure or before the expiration of his term by a vote of the
people after registration of a petition signed by a required percentage of
the qualified voters

The Philippine Government

The Philippine government, according to the official website of the

Embassy of the Philippines, is structured around a presidential,

representative, and democratic system, with the president serving as the
nation's chief executive (the body responsible for enforcing laws), head of
state, and head of government (the law-interpreting body). The government,
under the president's direction, exercises executive power. Both the
administration and the two-chamber congress—the Senate, which is the
upper body, and the House of Representatives—have the authority to pass
laws (the lower chamber). The Supreme Court of the Philippines is the
country's highest court, and the courts have full judicial authority.

Executive Branch of Government

The majority of the executive branch of the Philippine government is

made up of the executive department. The majority of the government's
bureaucracy is made up of these divisions. The Cabinet of the Philippines
refers to the secretaries of various departments; the two terms, however, are
not interchangeable because certain members of the Cabinet do not head
their own distinct departments. The executive branch is composed of:

1. The President

The executive branch is headed by the President who functions as

both head of the state and the head of the government. The president is also
the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The
president is elected by popular vote to a term of six years. The president,
then appoints (and may dismiss) his/ her cabinet members whom he/she
presides over. The executive seat of the government is administered officially
from the Malacañang Palace- also the official residence of the president- in
Manila. The President may no longer run for re-election, unless he/she
becomes president through constitutional succession and has served for no
more than for years as president.

Powers of the President

As of July 15, 2020, according to the webpage of The Official Gazette

of the Philippine Government and Garcia (2015), the following are the
powers of the President of the Philippines:

o Executive Power –The power to enforce and administer laws. Grants pardons
and reprieves

o Power of Appointment- The president has the power to appoint government

officials in the following posts:

1. Heads of executive departments.

2. Members of the Constitutional Commissions
3. Ambassadors, public ministers
and consuls.
4. Officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) from the rank of
colonel or navy captain.

o Power to Control – As head of the government, the president is the chief

executive who has the responsibility to carry out government decisions. The
President has control over all executive departments, bureaus, and offices.

o Military Power- As the Commander –in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the

Philippines (AFP), one of the military powers of the President is that he can
order the AFP to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion or rebellion
exercised through the Department of National Defense.

o Diplomatic or Foreign Relations Power- As head of the state, the President

is the chief diplomatic officer of the country.

The qualifications for an individual aspiring to become the President
of the Philippines are outlined in Article VII, Section 2 of the 1987
Constitution. According to the Constitution, an individual may become
President provided he meets the following criteria;

1. Natural-born Filipino
2. A registered voter.
3. Must be able to read and write
4. 40 years of age at the day of the

election and;
5. Must have resided in the Philippines ten years before the election is held.
Line of Succession
The constitution provides for a line of succession in the event that the
elected President of the Philippines is not able to discharge the duties of his
office due to death, disability, or resignation. The following are the line of

o Vice president – in cases of death. Disability, or resignation of the President.

o Senate President- in cases of death, disability, or resignation of President or
o Speaker of the House of Representatives- in case of death, disability, or
resignation President, Vice-President, and Senate President.

2. Vice- President

The Vice-President of the Philippines is elected by direct vote by the

people for a term of six years, and may run for re-election once. The term of
the Vice President of the Philippines starts at noon of the 30 th day of June
after a regular election is held.

The qualifications for aspirants to the office of the Vice President are
outlined in Article VII, Section 3. According to constitution, the qualification
for the Vice President is the same with the President.

Duties of the Vice President

According to the constitution, the vice president may concurrently
assume a cabinet position should the President of the Philippines offer the
former one. The vice president will become secretary concurrent to the
position of the vice president. Aside from the cabinet post, the vice president
is mandated to assume the presidency in case of death, disability, or
resignation of incumbent President.

Line of Succession
Should there be a vacancy of the office of the Vice President, the
President of the Philippines is required by the constitution to nominate a
replacement with the concurrence of Committee on Appointments.

3. Cabinet Secretary

Cabinet secretaries act as the alter ego of the President executing with
his authority. The number of cabinet secretaries varies from time to time

depending on the need of an administration. According to the Administrative
Code of 1987, the President of the Philippines may create or dissolve any
department as he sees it.

Cabinet secretaries possess the power to issue directives relatives to

their departments such as department orders. These orders only apply to
offices under a specific department under the cabinet secretary’s
jurisdiction. Cabinet secretaries also act as advisors to the President of the
Philippines for their areas.

Directions: Create an editorial cartoon showing the benefits of the
president’s good exercise of powers. Refer to the rubric provided below. Use
a short bond paper.

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartooning Rubric

Criteria Description Score
The message is clear and easily understood.
The image is well drawn and originally made.
Teacher’s Comment

Directions: Now that you know the different powers being exercised by the
president, write a campaign material anchored with the questions below.
Write it on a separate sheet of paper. Please be guided by the rubric

If you would be the next president of Republic of the Philippines,

what powers would you prefer? How these powers would help you carry
out your platforms to elevate the general living of the Filipino citizens?


Rubric for Writing Campaign Material

Criteria Description Score
Content The campaign material is content related and
(70%) ideas are well organized.
Mechanics The material is well written and has an
(30%) application of the different mechanics in writing.
Teacher’s Comment

Answer the following questions. Write your answer on your answer
1. Based on the information you got about the executive branch of the
Philippines. How important is this branch in our country in
achieving prosperity?

2. Among all the powers of the president, which do you think is the
most important one? why?

3. There are essential qualifications to be a president. If you were

given the opportunity to add their qualifications, what would it be
and why?

Directions: Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. If the president and the vice-president can no longer serve, who

becomes the President?
A. Cabinet Secretary C. President of the Senate
B. Governor D. Speaker of the House

2. Which of the following statements about Executive Branch is true?

A. The Vice-President must be in the same political party as the
B. The Four presidents have been impeached.
C. The Vice-President earns the same salary as the President.
D. The Vice-President must meet the same qualifications as the

3. Some of the qualifications for the presidential position are the following
A. A registered voter
B. Must be able to read and write
C. Must be wealthy and powerful
D. Natural-born Filipino Citizen

4. Who among the following personalities below can run for the
presidential position according to Article VII, Section 2 of the 1987
A. Ella who is twenty-nine-year-old and owns a large business
firm in the city.
B. Franczys, a twenty-year-old multi-millionaire in South
C. Isko who is a farmer, forty-five-year-old, registered voter and
is currently living in the Philippines.
D. Yusuf who is a forty-year-old, half- American, half- Chinese,
and a registered voter.

5. A man was convicted for illegal possession of fire arms in 1990 but was
released 3 years later after the president granted him conditional
pardon. What power of the president was practiced?
A. Diplomatic or Foreign Relation Power
B. Executive power
C. Military Power
D. Power to control
Direction: Analyze each statement below. Identify what power of the
President is used in each situation. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. The president appointed the vice-president as DepEd Secretary.

2. The president negotiates treaties and international agreements.
3. The president calls out the armed forces to prevent or suppress lawless
violence, invasion, or rebellion.
4. The president ensures that laws must be faithfully executed by the
different departments of the government.
5. The president gives total extinction of the criminal liability of the
individual to whom it is granted without any condition.

Learning Activity Sheet in Subject

Key to Corrections

Let’s Recall Let’s Practice Let’s Enrich Let’s Perform LET’S ASSESS

Answer may vary Answer may vary Answer may vary MULTIPLE
1.One-Party CHOICE
2.Election 1. C
4.Political 3. C
Parties 4. C
5.Multiparty 5. B
8.Referendum 1. Power Of
9.Initiative Appointmen
10.Recall t
2. Diplomatic
Or Foreign
3. Military
4. Power To
5. Executive

1.One-Party System
4.Political Parties
5.Multiparty System


Philippine Government: The Executive Branch. (2022).

Retrieved 10 August 2022, from

The Executive Branch | GOVPH. Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.
(2022). Retrieved 10 August 2022, from

The Philippine Government | Embassy of the Philippines in Norway. (2022). Retrieved 8 August 2022, from government.

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education – Region III
Schools Division of Aurora
Learning Resource Management and Development Section (LRMDS)
Sitio Hiwalayan, Brgy. Bacong, San Luis, Aurora
E-mail Address: [email protected]

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