Civil Engineering Skills India Estimation, Quantity Surveyor and Extra Knowledge

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Construction Related Theory for Exercise 4.5.

Draughtsman Civil - Estimateing & costing

Estimation - Purpose - Technical Terms - Datas And Classification

Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define the term estimate
• state the importance and purpose of estimate
• define technical terms used in estimation
• state the datas for estimate.
• state the classification of estimate.

Introduction Importance of estimate

Before undertaking the construction of a project it is Estimate helps us in many ways before, during and after
necessary to know its probable cost which is worked out construction works. The use and importance of estimating
by estimating. An estimate is a computation or calculation are listed below:
of the quantities required and expenditure likely to be
incurred in the construction of work. The primary object of • To give approxiamate cost of construction work.
the estimate is to enable one to know beforehand; the
cost of the work (building, sturctures etc.). The estimate • To know whether the work can be completed according
is the probable cost of a work and is determined to given specifications and within the financial limit.
theoretically by mathematical calculations based on the
• To invite tenders for work and arrange the contract.
plans and drawing and current rates. Apporoximate
estimate may be prepared by various methods but accurate • To get an idea of the material requirements.
estimate is prepared by Detailed Estimate Method. The
acutal cost should not differ much from the estimated cost • To check out work done by contractors during
worked out at the begining. execution.
• To calculate the payment to the contractors according
Accuracy in estimate is very important, if estimate is
to the actual measurement compared with existing
exceeded it becomes a very difficult problem for engineers
to explain, to account for and arrange for the additional
money. Inaccuracy in preparing estimate, omission of • To calculate the sale value of buildings.
items, changes in design, improper rates, etc. are the
reasons for exceeding the estimate, though increase in • To fix standard rent.
the rates in one of the main reason. In framing a correct
omissions of any kind of work or part thereof. The rate of Technical terms
each item should be reason. In framing a correct omissions
of any kind of work or part thereof. The rate of each item Project: Project means a full scheme consisting of detailed
should be reasonable and workable. The rates in the technical report, history design data and calculations,
estimate provide for the complete work, which consists of drawings, specifications, rates, project estimates etc. It
the cost of materials, cost of tools and plants, cost of is the detailed requirements of proposal or scheme. The
labour, cost of scaffolding, cost and tools and plants, cost project gives full details of all works involved for both
of water, taxes, establishment and supervision cost, structural and financial requirements.
reasonable profit of contractor, etc.
It requires preliminary investigation and surveying and
Estimate includes cost of material, cost of transportation, selection of site or alignment to start with and then the
cost of labour, cost of temporary structure (scaffolding etc.), detailed surveying before taking up preparation of details
cost of tools, equipments and plant, estamlishment, of the project. Detailed estimate of all works are prepared
supervision charges, cost of water, taxes, profit of contrator separately and a general abstract of cost is prepared
etc. Before starting the work of estimate it is important to showing the cost of the whole project. Drawings of all works
study the drawing carefully. - plans, elevations, sectional elevations and nessary
detailed drawings - and layout plan or index plan of the
Definition: works are given seperately and detailed specifications of
each item of works are also given fo all works.
An art of calculating or computing the various items of
work or project to find out its approximate cost likely to be Besides the buildingm, structurres etc. provisions are
incurred, the quantity required or various materials, made for external services as outer water supply and
requirement of labour etc. is called “Estimation.” sanitary works, strom water drains, road, electric service
lines, etc. Cost of land and levelling and dressing of land
are also included. The cost of preliminary investigation
work is also included in the project estimate.

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For a big project in the interior, as for a dam project, the Quantity survey: Quantity survey is a list of schedule of
temprary accomodations for staff and a workmen are quantities of all the possible items of work required for
required and included in the project estimate. cost of the construction of any building or sturcture. These quantites
approach road with bridges and culverts have also included are worked form the plan and drawings of the structure.
in the project estimate. Thus the quantity survey indicates the quantites of work
to be done under each item which when priced per unit
Provisions for contingencies, work charged establishment gives the amount of cost. In short quantity survey means
and tools and plants are also made in the estimate. estimating of the quantites of different items of works.
Departmental charges 5% to 10% of the whole project
estimate is added to meet the expenditure for the Plinth area: Plinth area is the built up covered area of
preparation and execution of the project. building measured at floor level of any storey. Plinth area
is calculated by taking the external dimensions of the
State of financial return, rent statement, etc., are also building at the floor level excluding plinth offsets if any
prepared to justify the project. Courtyard, open areas, balconies and cantilever
projections are not included in the plinth area. Supported
Subwork: A large work or project may be consist of several porches (other than cantilevered) are included in the plinth
buildings or small works and each of these work is known area.
as sub-work. Detailed estimate of each sub-work is
prepared seperately and accounts of expenditure are kept The following shall be included in the plinth area
sub-work wise.
i All floors, area of wall at the floor level exculding plinth
offsets, if any.
Site plan: For all building plans site plans are prepared to
small scale of 1 cm = 5 m to 1 cm = 10 m showing the ii Internal shafts for sanitary installations provided these
orientation of the building, boundries of land, position of do not exceed 2 sq. m in area air condition ducts, lifts,
roads, drains, sewer line, water pipe lines, and adjoining etc.
plots of lands with their ownership. the north direction line
iii The area of barasti and the area of mumty at terrace
is also shown on one corner of the site plan to show the
geographical orientation of the building. In site plan, the
building and other details are dawn in line diagram. From iv Area of proches other than cantilevered.
the site plan, location of the wrok with respect to the
surrounding is known. The following shall not be included in the plinth area:

Layout plan: For a project consisting of a number of i Area of loft.

buildings and structures a layout plan of the whole area is ii Internal sanitary shafts provided these are more than 2
prepared to small scale of 1 cm = 10 m to 1 cm = 20 m sq.m. in area.
with all proposed buildings, structures, etc. showing their
sizes, positions, locations and orientations. Besides the iii Unenclosed balconies.
buldings are sturctures the roads, lanes, drains, pipe lines, iv Towers, turrets, domes etc. projecting above the terrace
electric lines, parks, etc. are also shown in the layout level not forming a storey at the terrace level.
plan with their proper notations. The boundary, the main
approach roads and adjoining areas with their ownership, v Architechtural bands, cornices etc.
name, nature etc. are also shown in line diagram. The vi Sunshades, Vertical sun breakers or box louvers
North direction line is also shown in one corner of the projecting out.
layout plan to indicate the geographical orientaion of the
buildings. The layout plan gives a general idea of the project Floor area: Floor area of a building is the total area of
at a glance. floor in between walls and consists of floor of all rooms,
verandahs, passages, corriodos, staircase room, entrance
Index plan: For road project, irrigartion project, water super halls, kitchen, stores, bath and latrine (W.Cs.) etc Sills of
project, sanitary work project, major building project etc, doors and openings are not included in the floor area. Area
an index plan to a scale 1 cm = 0.5 km is prepared showing occupied by wall, pillars, pilaster, and other intermediate
alignment with position of culvets, outlets and other main supports are not included in the floor area. In short, floor
works or main outlines of the whole work so that at a area is equal to plinth area minus area occupied by walls.
glance an idea of the project may be formed. For big project
the index plan is drawn with a much small scale and is For deduction of wall area from pilnth area to obtain floor
known as key plan. area, the wall area shall include:

i Door and other openings in the wall.

ii Intermediate pillars and supports.
iii Pilasters along walls exceeding 300 sq. m. in area.
iv Flues which are within walls.
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But the following shall exculded from the walls areas: d Kitchen and pantries
e Stories in domestic buildings
i Pilaster along wall not exceeding 300 sq.m in area.
f Entrance hall and porches
ii Fire place projecting beyond the face of wall in living
rooms. g Staircase and mumties
iii Chulla platforms projecting beyond the face of walls in h Shafts for lifts
i Barsaties
The floor of each storey and different types of floor should j Garages
be measured and taken seperately. The floor area of
k Canteens
basement, mezzaninies, barsaties, mumties, porches,
etc. should be measured separately. l Air conditioning ducts and air conditioning plant room

Circulation area: Circulation area is the floor area of The carpet area of an office building may be 60% to 75%
verandahs, passages, corridors, balconies, entrance hall, of plinth area of the building with a target of 75%. The
porches, staircases, etc., which are used for movements planners should aim to achieve a target to 75% of the
of persons using the building. The circulation area of any plinth area. The carpet area of residential building may be
floor shall comprise of the following; 50 to 65% of the plinth area of the building.

a Verandahs and balconies For a framed multi-storeyed building the area occupied by
wall may be 5% to 10% of the plinth area (a standard 3%
b Passages and corridors
for external walls and 2% for internal walls). For ordinary
c Entrance halls building without frame, the area occupied by wall may be
10% to 15% of the plinth area.
d Staircase and mumties
e Shafts for lift External services: In a project besides the building
structure, certain outside work are required which come
The circulation area may be divided ino two parts (i) under external services. External service or work include
Horizontal circulation area and (ii) Vertical circulation area. the following:

Horizontal circulation area: Horizontal circulation area i Digging, filling, levelling and dressing of road.
of a building is the area of verandahs, passages, corridors,
ii Road including approach road, if any.
balconies, porches, etc., which are required for the
horizontal movement of the users of the building. This may iii External sewerage, sewage, disposal of works.
be 10% to 15% of the plinth area of the building.
iv Exrternal electrical service line with posts, if any.
Vertical circulation area: Vertical circulation area of a v Storm water drains, fencing or compound wall, gate,
building is the area or space occupied by staircases, lifts etc.
and the entrance halls adjecents to them which are
vii Arboriculture plantation of trees.
required for vertical movement of the users of the building.
This may be 4% to 5% of the plinth area of the buildings. The cost external service works should be included in the
complete estimate. The cost of external services works
Carpet area: Carpet area of building is the useful area or
may vary from 10% to 20% depending on the nature and
liveable area or lettable area. This is the total floor area
size of the project.
minus the circulation area, verandahs, corrdors, passages,
staircase, lifts, entrance hall etc., and minus other non- Contingencies: The term ‘Contingencies; indicates
usable areas as sanitary accommodations (Bath and incidental expenses of miscellaneous character which can
W.Cs), air conditioning room etc. For office building carpet not be classified under any distinct item sub-head, yet
area is the lettable area or usable area and for residential certain to the work as a whole.
building carpet area is the liveable area and should
excluded the kitchen, pantry, stores and similar other room In an estimate a certain amount in the form of contingencies
which are not used for living purposes. of 3% to 5% of estimate cost, is provided to allow for the
expenses for miscellaneous petty items which do not fall
The carpet area of building for any storey shall be the floor under any sub-head of items of works. Miscellaneous
area excluding the following: incidental expenses which cannot be classified under any
sub-head or item, are met from the amout provided under
a Sanitary accomodation
b Verandahs
c Corridors and passages

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If there is any saving against the amount provided under At the end of the abstract of estimated cost or summary
contingencies, this amount may be utilised with the of estimated cost there should be signature of the assistant
sanction of the competent authority, to meet the expenses engineer, executive engineer and superintendent engineer
of extra items of work, if any unforeseen, expenditure, and on the back page head of account should be given.
expenses to minor changes in design, etc.
Schedule of rates: Schedule of rates is a list of rates of
Work-charged establishment: Work-charget various items of works. To facilitate the preparation of
establishment is the establishment which is charged to estimates, and also to serve as a guide in setting rates in
works directly. During the construction of building or a connection with contract agreement, a schedule of rates
project, a certain number of work-supervisors, chaukidars for all items of work is maintained in the engineering
mates munshies, etc., are required to be employed, and department in the form of a printed books known as
their salaries are paid from the amout of work-charged “schedule of rate books.”
estamblishment a percentage of 1 1/2 to 2% of the
estimated cost is included in the estimated. The work- Administrative approval or sanction: For any work or
charged employees are temporary staff and their project required by a department, an approval or sanction
appointment shall have to be sanctioned by the competent of the competent authority of the department, with respect
authority for a specific period. Their services are terminated of the cost and work is necessary at the first instance.
at the expiry of the sanctioned period, if their services are The approval authorises the engineering department to take
required fresh sanction shall have to be taken. Their up the work. Administrative approval denotes to formal
services can, however, be terminated at any time but usually acceptance by the department concerned of the proposal,
one month’s notice should be given. and after the administrative approval is given the engineering
department (P.W.D) take up the work and prepares detailed
Tools and plants (T. and P.): For big work or project a design, plans and estimates and then executes the work.
percentage of 1% to 1 1/2 % of the estimated cost is The engineering department prepares approximate
provided in the estimate for the purchase of tools and plants estimate and preliminary plans and submits to the
which will be required for the execution of the work. department concerned for administrative approval.
Normally the contractor has to arrange and use his own
tools and plants. Expenditure sanction: Expenditure sanction means the
concurrence of the Government of the expenditure
Centage charges or Departmental charges: When the proposed and represents allotment of the money to meet
engineering department takes up the work of other the expenditure. No expenditure can be incurred before
department a percentage amount of 10% to 15% of the expenditure sanction is given. Expenditure sanction means
estimated cost is charged to meet the expenses of the allotment of fund or money for a specific work and is
establishment, designing, planning, supervision, etc., and usually, accorded by the finance department.
this percentage charge is known as centage charge. The
centage charge is provided in the estimate of the work of Technical sanction: Technical sanction means the
Central Government is undertaken of execution. These sanction of the detailed estimates, design calculation,
charges also known as supervision charges for works. quantities of works, rates and cost of the work by the
competent authority of the engineering department. After
Complete set of estimate: Detailed estimate is prepared the technical sanction of the estimate is given, then only
in standard forms and the complete set of estimate the work is taken up for construction. In case of original
consists of: work the counter signature of the local head of the
department should be obtained in the plan and estimate
i Title page giving name of the Engineering Department, before techical sanction is accorded by the engineering
division, district, of sub-division, Estimate No., Name department. The power for technical sanction differs from
of work, and Amount of estimate. State to State.
ii Index of contents and plan and drawings.
Bill of quantities: It is statement of the various items of
iii Report. work giving the description quantites and unit of rates. It is
iv Design calculations. prepared in a tabular form similar to the ‘abstract of
estimated cost’ of the detailed estimated, but the rate and
v General specifications. amount columns are left blank (unfilled). When priced,
vi Detailed specifications. that is, the rates and the amounts are filled up and
totalled, this gives the estimated cost. It is primarily meant
vii Analysis of rates if required. for inviting tender, and supplied to the contractor to fill up
viii Details of measurement and calculations for quantities. the rates and amounts columns. Om receipt of the
tenders the rates and amounts are compared and
ix Abstract of Estimated Cost. decision about entrusting the work is finalised.
x General abstract of cost.
xi Drawings - plans, elevations, detailed drawing, site plan,
index plan, etc.
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Data for estimation: To make an estimate for a work Estimates
following data are necessary:

i Drawing - Plan, Section, etc.

Rough Cost Estimates Item Rate Estimate
ii Specification.
iii Rates
1 Approximatel/Preliminary/ 1 Detailed Estimate
Abstract estimate
i Drawings: Plan, Sectional elevations and detailed
drawings to scale, fully dimensioned are required. The 2 Plinth Area Estimate 2 Revised Estimate
plan, elevaion and sectional elevaions are usually drawn
3 Cubical Content Estimate 3 Supplementary
to a scale of 1 cm = 1 m and detailed drawings are
prepared to scales of 1 cm = 10 cm to 1 cm = 30 cm.
4 Approximate Quantity 4 Supplementary and
ii Specifications
Method Estimate Revised Estimate
a General specifications or brief specification: These
5 Annual repair
give the nature, quality and class of work and
materials, in general terms, to be used in the various
parts of the work. General specifications help to form a 6 Extention and
general idea of the whole building or sturcture and are Improvement
useful inpreparing the detailed estimate.
7 Extention and
b Detailed specification: These give the detailed Improvement
description of the various items of work laying down Estimate
the quantites and qualities of materials, their
proporations, the method of preparation, workmanship i Preliminary or Approximate or Abstract estimate:
and execution of work. Detailed specifications describe Preliminary or approximate or abstract estimate is
every item of work seperately, in detail and are helpful required for preliminary studies or various aspects of a
for the execution of the different items of work. work or project, to decide the financial position and
policy for administrative saction by the compenent
iii Rates: The rates per unit of various items of work, the
administrative authority. In case of commercial projects
rates of various materials to be used in the
as irrigation projects, Residential building projects and
construction and the wages of different categories of
similar projects which earn revenue income, the
labour, skilled or unskilled a mason, carpenter, mazdoor,
probable income may be worked out, and from the
bhishti, etc., available for preparing estimate. The
preliminary estimate the approximate cost may
location of the work and its distance from the source of
be known and then it may be seen whether the
materials and the cost of transport should be known.
investment, on the project is justified or not. for non-
These rates may be worked out by the “Analysis of
commercial projects or for projects giving no direct
rates” method.
return, their necessity, utility, availability of money, etc.,
may be considered before final decision is taken. The
Estimates are mailnly in two types. They are abstract
approximate estimate is prepared for the practical
estimate and item rate estimate.
knowledge and cost of the similar works. This estimate
is prepared showing seperately the approximate cost
Rough cost estimate: The estimate prepared without
of all important items of work as cost of land, cost of
going into details of different items of work is called rough
each building, cost of roads water supply, sanitary
cost estimate. It is prepared by different methods.
works, electrification, etc., the estimate is accompanied
by a brief report explaining the necessity and utility of
the project an d showing how the cost of separate items
have been arrived at. This is also accompanied with a
site plan or layout plan. A percentage of about 5% to
10% is added as contingencies.
ii Plinth area estimate for building (P.A. estimate):
This is prepared on the basis of plinth area ofbuilding,
the rate being deducted from the cost of similar building
having similar specification, heights and construction,
in the locality. Plinth area estimate is calculated by
finding the plinth area of the building and muliplying by
the plinth area rate. The plinth area should be calculated
for the convered area by taking external dimension of
the building at the floor level. Courtyard and other open

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area should not be included in the plinth area. Plinth 1 Detailed estimate: Detailed estimate is an accurate
area estimate is only approximate, and is preliminary estimate and consists of working out the quantities of
estimate, to know the approximate cost before hand. each item of works, and working the cost. The
dimensions, length, breadth and height of each item
If the plan of the building is not ready or available, at
are taken out correctly from drawing and quantities
the begining just prepare a proposal, floor area of rooms,
of each item are calculated, and abstracting and
etc. may be determined from the requirement and 30
building are done.
to 40 percent of the total area thus found may be added
for walls, circulation and waste to get the approximate The detailed estimate is prepared in two stages.
total plinth area which multiplied by the plinth area rate
a Details of measurement and calculation of
gives the approximate cost of the building.
quantities: The details of measurement of each item
iii Cubical rate estimate for building: Cube rate of work are taken out correctly from plan and drawings
estimate is a preliminary estimate or an approximate and quantities under each item are computed or
estimate, and is prepared on the basis of the cubical calculated in a tabular form named as Details of
contents of the bulding the cube rate being deducted Measurement Form (Table 1).
from the cost of the similar building having similar
b Abstract of estimate cost: The cost of each item of
specifications and construction, in the locality.
work is calculated in a tabular form from the quantities
This is calculated by finding the cubical content of the already computed and total cost is worked out in
building (length x breadth x height) and multiplied it by abstract of estimate form (Table 2). The rates of different
the cube rate. the length and breadth should be taken items of work are taken as per schedule of rates or
as the external dimensions of the buildings at the floor current workable rates or analysed rates for finished
level and the height should be taken from the floor level items of work. A percentage usually 3% of the
to top of roof (or half way of the sloped roof). For estimated cost is added to allow for contingencies for
storeyed building the height should be taken beetween miscellaneous petty items which do not come under
the floor level of one storey to top of next-higher floor. any classified head of items of work and a percentage
the foundation and plinth, and the parepet above roof of about 2% is provided for work-charged establishment.
are not taken into account in finding the cubical content. The grand total thus obtained gives the estimated cost
of work.
Cube rate estimate is most accurate as compared to
the plinth area estimate as the height of the building is The detailed estimate is usually prepared work-wise,
also compared. under each sub-work as main building, servant quarters,
garage, boundary walls etc.
iv Approximate quantity method estimate: In this
method approximate total length of walls is found in
The detailed estimate is accompanied with:
running metre and this total length multiplied by the
rate per running metre of wall gives a fairly accurate
a Report
cost. For this method the structure may be divided
into two parts viz. (i) foundation including plinth and (ii) b General specifications
superstructure. The running metre rate should be c Detailed specifications
multiplied by the total length of walls.
d Drawings: Plan, elevaion, sectional elevations, detailed
To find the running metre rate for foundation, the drawings, site plan or layout plan or index plan etc.
approximate quantities of items such as excavation,
foundation, brickwork upto plinth, and damp proof course e Calculation and designs: Designs of foundation, beam,
are calculated per running metre and by multiplying by slab, lintel, design of channel in case of irrigation
the rates of these items the price or rate per running channel, design of thickness of metal crust in case of
metre is determined. road etc.
Similarly for superstructure the price or rate per running f Analysis of rates, if rates are not as per schedule of
metre is determined from the approximate quantities rates or for the non-scheduled items.
of brick work, wood works, roof, floor finishing etc.
Detailed estimate is prepared for technical sanction of the
For this method the plan or line plan of the structure competent authority, for arranging contract and for the
should be available. execution of work.
ii Item rate estimates: Item rate estimate is prepared 2 Revised estimate: Revised Estimate is detailed
in detail item wise. For this estimate, the work is estimate and is required to be prepared under any one
divided into different items of work and quantities under of the following circumstances.
each item are taken out and then an abstract of
estimate cost is prepared at suitable rates. i When the original sanctioned estimate is exceeded or
likely to exceed by more than 5%.
ii When the expenditure on a work exceeds or likely to
exceed the amount of administrative sanction by more
than 10%
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Table 1: Details of measurement form

Item No. Description Nos Length (m) Breadth (m) Height or depth (m) Content or Quantity

Table 2: Abstract of estimate form

Item No. Description or particlulars Quantity Unit Rate Amount

iii When there are material deviation from the original If at any time either before or during the execution of
proposal, even though the cost may be met from the original work, it is found that the original estimate is
sanctioned amount. excessive, then divisional officer may sanction a revised
estimate of reduced amount. While giving such sanction
The revised estimate should be accompanied by a
the Accountant General and other higher authorities
comparative statement showing the variations of each item
are informed.
of works, its quantity, rate and cost under original and
revised, side by side, the excess or saving and reason for 5 Annual repair or annual maintenance estimate
variation. (A.R. or A.M. Estimate): Annual repair or annual
maintenance estimate is a detailed estimate and is
3 Supplementary estimate: Supplementary estimate
prepared to maintan the structure or work in proper
is a detailed estimate and is prepared when additional
order and safe condition. For building; this includes
works are required to supplement the originalworks, or
white washing, colour washing, painting, minor repairs
when furtheer developments is required during the
etc. For road works the A.R. estimate provides for patch
progress of work. This is a fresh detailed estimate of
repairing, renewals, repairs of bridges and culvert, etc.
the additional works in addition to the original estimate.
The absract should show the amount of the original Further, there may be special repair estimate, monsoon
estimate and the total amount including the damage repair estimate, etc.
supplementary amount for which sanction is required.
6 Extension and improvement estimate: When some
4 Supplementary and revised estimate: When a work changes and extensions are required to be made in
is partially abandoned and the estimated cost of the the old work, the cost of whcih cannot be met by the
remaining work is less than 95 percent of the original annual repair/maintenance estimate, a detailed
work, that is less than 95% of the original sanctioned estimate is prepared for such work which is called as
estimate, or when there are material deviations and extension and improvement estimate.
changes in the design which may cause substantial
saving in the estimate, then the amount of the original
estimate is revised by the competent authority. A
supplementary and Revised Estimate is then prepared
and fresh technical sanction of the competent authority
is obtained.

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Construction Related Theory for Exercise 4.5.169 - 4.5.172
Draughtsman Civil - Estimateing & costing

Rules measurement of Techniques

Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state the method of measurement of works and taking out quantities
• explain the unit of measurements and payments
• explain the main items of work.

Rules and methods of measurements of works and 3 All work shall be measured net subject to following
taking out quantities tolerances unless otherwise stated
a Dimensions shall be measured to nearest 0.01 metre
Measurement of works occupies a very important place in
i.e. 1 cm.
the planning and execution of any work or project, from
the time of the first estimate are made until the b Areas shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 sq. m.
completion and settlement of payments. The methods
c Cubic contents shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01
followed for the measurements are not uniform and the
cu. m.
practices as prevalent differ considerably in different States.
Even in the same State different departments follow 4 Same type of work under different conditions and nature
different methods. for convenience, a uniform method shall be measured separatley under separate items
should be followed throughout the country. the uniform
5 The bill of quantities shall fully describe the materials
method of measurement to be followed, which is
proportions and workmanships, and accuratley
applicable tothe preparation of the estimates and bill of
respresent the work to be executed. Work which by
quantities and to the site measurement of completed works
its nature cannot be accuratley taken off or which
has been described below.
requires site measurements, shall be described as
General rules
6 In case of structural concrete, brickwork or stone
1 Measurement shall be item wise for the finished item masonry, the work under the following categories shall
of work and the description of each item shall be held be measured separatley and the heights shall be
to include materials, transport, labour, fabrication, described
hoisting, tools and plants, overheads and other
a From foundation to plinth level.
incidental charges for finishing the work to the requisred
shape, size, design and specifications. the b From plinth level to first flor level.
nomenclature of each item shall be fully desribed so c From first floor level to second floor level and so on.
that the work involved in item is self-explanatory.
2 In booking dimensions, the order shall be in the The parapet shall be measured with the corresponding
sequence of length, breadth and height or depth or items fo the storey next below

Particulars of materials and works Dimensions metric system

1 Bricks, stone blocks, etc. All dimensions cm.
2 Files, slates, wall board, glass panes, A.C. Length and breadth in cm or m.
sheets, sheets, etc. Thickness in mm.
3 Door, Windows, etc. Height and breadth in cm or m.
4 Parts of doors and windows as pannels, shutters. cm or mm.
5 Timber Length in m and cross-sectional
dimensions in cm or mm.
6 Masonry (brickwork, stone masonry, etc.) Length and height in m. Thickness or
breadth in cm.
7 Cement concrete, Lime concrete, R.C.C. Length and breadth in m. Thickness in cm.
Flooring, etc.
8 White washing, colour washing, distempering, Length and breadth or height in m.
painting, etc.
9 Aggregates, ballast, grit, sand, etc. Size in mm.
10 Rolled steel sections as I-beam, channel, Length in m, section in mm.
angle, etc.
11 Mild steel bars Length in m, Dia. in mm.

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Unit of measurements in metric system i Mass, voluminous and thick works shall be taken in
cubic unit or volume. The measurement of length,
The principle for dimensions and measurements is to use breadth and height or depth shall be taken to compute
milimetre (mm) for minute dimensions, centrimetre (cm) the volume or cubic contents (cu. m).
for small dimensions and metre (m) for big dimensions.
ii Shallow, thin and surface work shall be taken in square
Distances are measured in kilo metre (km).
units or area, the measurement of length and breadth
The dimensional units for main item of materials and works or height shall be taken to compute the area (sq.m).
for general construction works as used in metric system
iii Long and thin work shall be taken in linear or running
are as follows:
unit and linear measurement shall be taken (running
Principle of units: The unit of different works depends on metre).
their nature, size and shape. In general, the units of
iv Piece work, job work, etc., shall be enumerated, i.e.
different terms of work are based on the following principles.
taken in a number.

S. No. Particulars of Items Units of Units of payment

measurement in MKS
in MKS

1 Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil, earth work is
mixed soil with kandkar, bajri, etc. earthwork in hard soil cu. m. Per % cu. m.
2 Rock excavation cu. m. Per % cu. m.
3 Earth filling in excavation in foundation cu. m. Per % cu. m.
4 Earth filling in foundation trenches (Usually not measured
and not paid separately cu. m. Per % cu. m.
5 Earth filling in plinth cu. m. Per % cu. m.
6 Earth work in banking, cutting, in road and irrigation channel cu. m. Per % cu. m.
7 Surface dressing and levelling, cleaning etc. sq. m. Per sq. m.
8 Cutting of trees (Girth specified) no. Per no.
9 Puddling, Puddle clay core cu. m. Per % cu. m.
10 Sand filling cu. m. Per cu. m.
11 Quarrying of stone or boulder cu. m. Per cu. m.
12 Blasting or rock (Blasted stone stacked and then measured) cu. m. Per cu. m.

For earth work, normal lead is 30m and normal lift is 1.5m

1 Lime concrete (L.C.) in foundation cu. m. per cu. m.

2 Lime concrete (L.C.) in roof terracing, thickness specified sq. m. per cu. m.
(May also be in volume basis as practice U.P.)
3 Cement concrete (C.C.) cu. m. per cu. m.
4 Reinforced cement concrete (R.C.C.) cu. m. per cu. m.
5 C.C. or R.C.C. chujja, sun shade cu. m. per cu. m.
6 Precast C.C. or R.C.C. cu. m. per cu. m.
7 Jali work or jaffri work or C.C. tracery panels sq. m. per sq. m.
(Thickness specified)
8 Cement concrete bed cu. m. per cu. m.
9 Damp proof course - Cement concrete Rich cement mortar,
Asphalt, etc. (Thickness specified) sq. m. per sq. m.

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S. No. Particulars of Items Units of Units of payment
Measurement in MKS
in MKS

Brick work

1 Brickwork in foundation and plinth, in sperstructure, in

arches, etc. in cement lime or mud mortar cu. m. per cu. m.
2 Sun dried brickwork cu. m. per cu. m.
3 Honey-comb brickwork, thickness specified sq. m. per sq. m.
(May also be in volume basis as practice in U.P.)
4 Brickwork in jack arches, if measured separately cu. m. per cu. m.
5. Jack arch roofing including top finishing sq. m. per sq. m.
6 Brickwork in well steining cu. m. per cu. m.
7 Half-brick work with or without reinforcement sq. m. per sq. m.
(May also be in cu. m. as practice in U.P.)
8 Thin partion wall sq. m. per sq. m.
9 Reinforced brick work (R.B. work) cu. m. per cu. m.
10 String course, drip course, weather course, coping etc.
(Projection specified) meetre per m.
11 Cornice (Projection and type specified) metre per m.
12 Brickwork in Fire place, Chulla, Chimney cu. m. per cu. m.
13 Pargetting Chimney, fire place flue metre per m.
14 Brick edging (by road side) metre per m.

Stone work

1 Stone masonry, Random rubble masonry Coursed rubble

masonry, ashlar masonry in walls, in arches, etc. cu. m. per cu. m.
2 Cut stone work in lintel, beam, etc. cu. m. per cu. m.
3 Stone slab in roof, shelve, etc, stone chujjas, stone sun shade,
etc. (Thickness specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
4 Stone work in wall facing or lining (Thickness specified) sq. m. per sq. m.

Wood work

1 Wood work, door and window frame or chowkhat, rafters

beams, roof trusses, etc. cu. m. per cu. m.
2 Door and window shutters or leaves, panelled, battened,
glazed, part panelled and part glazed, wire gauged, etc.
(Thickness specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
3 Door and window fittings as hinges tower bolts, sliding bolts,
handles etc. (May also be on the basis of area of shutters as
practice in U.P.) no. per no.
4 Timbering, Boarding (Thickness specified0 sq. m. per sq. m.
5 Timbering of trenches (Area of face supported) sq. m. per sq. m.
6 Sawing of timber sq. m. per sq. m.
7 Woodwork in partition, Ply wood ect. sq. m. per sq. m.
8 Ballies (Diameter specified0 metre per m.

152 Construction: Draughtsman Civil (NSQF Level-5) - R.T. for Exercise 4.5.169-4.5.172

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S. No. Particulars of Items Units of Units of payment
Measurement in MKS
in MKS
Steel work

1 Rolled steel joists, Channels, Angles, T-irons, Flats, Squares,

Rounds etc. quintal per q.
2 Steel reinforcement bars, etc. in R.C.c., R.B. work quintal per q.
3 Bending, binding of steel reinforcement quintal per q.
4 Fabrication and hoisting of steel work quintal per q.
5 Expended Metal (X.P.M.) size work sq. m. per sq. m.
6 Fabric reinforcement, wire netting sq. m. per sq. m.
7 Iron work in struss quintal per q.
8 Gusset plate (Manimum rectangular size from which cut) quintal per q.
9 Cutting of Iron Joists, Channels cm. per cm.
10 Cutting, Angles, Tees, Plate sq. m. per sq. m.
11 Threading in iron cm. per cm.
12 Welding, Solder of sheets, plates (Welding of rails, steel,
trusses, rods - per no.) cm. per cm.
13 Boring holes in iron no. per no.
14 Cast Iron (C.I.) pipe, Dia. specified metre per m.
15 Rivets, Bolts and nuts, Anchor bolts, Lewis bolts, Holding
down bolts, etc. quintal per q.
16 Barbed wire fencing metere per m.
17 Iron gate (May also be by weight, quintal) sq. m. per sq. m.
18 Iron hold fast (May also be by no.) quintal per q.
19 Iron railing (Height and types specified) meter per m.
20 Iron grill, collapsible gate (may also be by weight, quintal) sq. m. sq. m.
21 Rolling shutter sq. m. sq. m.
22 Steel doors and windows (Type and fixing specified) sq. m. sq. m.


1 Tiled roof - Allahabad tile, Faizabad tile, Mangalore tile, etc.

including battens sq. m. per sq. m.
2 Country tile roof including bamboo jaffria. sq. m. per sq. m.
3 Corrugated iron (G.C.I.) roof, Asbestos cement (A.C.) sheet roof sq. m. per sq. m.
4 Slate roofing, timber roofing sq. m. per sq. m.
5 Thatch roofing including bamboo jaffri (Thickness specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
6 Eave Board (Thickness specified sq. m. per sq. m.
7 R.C.C., R.B. slab roof (excluding steel) cu. m. per cu. m.
8 Lime concrete roof over and inclusive of tiles or brick, or
stone slab, etc. (Thickness specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
9 Mud roof oer and inclusive of tiles, or bricks or stone slab,
etc. (Thickness and type specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
10 Ridges, valleys, gutters (Grith specified) metre per m.

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S. No. Particulars of Items Units of Units of payment
Measurement in MKS
in MKS

11 Tar felting, Bituminous painting sq. m. per sq. m.

12 Insulating layer in roof of sand and clay, asphalt, etc. sq. m. per sq. m.
13 Expansion, contraction or construction joint metre per m.
14 Ceiling - Timber, A.C. Sheet plain, Cloth, Cement plaster on
PM, Paste board, etc. sq. m. per sq. m.
15 Centering and shuttering, Form work - Surface area of R.C.C.
or R.B. work supported (May also be per cu. m. (cu. ft.) of
R.C.C. or R.B. work) sq. m. per sq. m.

Plastering, Pointing and Finishing

1 Plastering - Cement mortar, Lime mortar, mud, etc. (Thickness,

proportion specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
2 Pointing - Struck, Flush, Weather, etc. sq. m. per sq. m.
3 Dado (Thickness and type specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
4 Skirting (Thickness type and height specified) metre per m.
5 Cement mortar or lime mortar rubbing sq. m. per sq. m.
6 White washing, Colour washing, Cement washing (No. of
coat specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
7 Distempering (No. of coat specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
8 Snow cement washing or finising (No. of coat specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
9 Painting, Varnishing (No. of coat specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
10 Polishing of wood work (No. of coat specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
11 Painting letters and figures (Height specified) no. per no.
12 Oiling and clearing of doors and windows sq. m. per sq. m.
13 Coal taring (No. of coat specified) sq. m. per sq. m.
14 Removing of paint or varnish sq. m. per sq. m.
15 Gobri lepping (Cow dung wash) sq. m. per sq. m.


1 2.5 cm (1”) C.C. over 7.5 cm (3”) L.C. Floor (including L.C.) sq. m. per sq. m.
2 Conglomerate floor, artificial patent stone floor 2.5 cm.
(1”) C.C. over 7.5 cm (3”) L.C. (including L.C.) sq. m. per sq. m.
3 4 cm (1½”) thick stone floor flag stone floor over 7.5 cm
(3”) L.C. (including L.C.) sq. m. per sq. m.
4 2.5 cm (1”) marble flooring over 7.5 cm (3”) L.C. (including L.C.) sq. m. per sq. m.
5 Mosaic or terrazzo or granolithic floor over 7.5 cm (3”) L.C.
(including L.C.) sq. m. per sq. m.
6 Brick flat floor over 7.5 cm (3”) L.C. (including L.C.) sq. m. per sq. m.
7 Brick on edge floor over 7.5 cm (3”) L.C. (including L.C.) sq. m. per sq. m.
8 2.5 cm (1”) or 4 cm (1½”) C.C. floor sq. m. per sq. m.
9 Mud flooring finished gobri lepping sq. m. per sq. m.

154 Construction: Draughtsman Civil (NSQF Level-5) - R.T. for Exercise 4.5.169-4.5.172

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S. No. Particulars of Items Units of Units of payment
Measurement in MKS
in MKS

10 Apron or Plinth protection (May be of C.C, L.C., brick, etc.) sq. m. per sq. m.
11 Door and window sill (C.C. or cement mortar plastered) sq. m. per sq. m.
Miscellaneous Items
1 Ornamental cornice (Projection, type specified) metre per m.
2 Moudling String course, Drip course, Beading, Throating, etc. metre per m.
3 Ornamental Pillar caps, Pillar base, Flowers, Brackets, etc., no. per no.
4 Railing (Height and type specified) metre per m.
5 Surface drain small (size, material, etc. specified) metre per m.
6 Surface drain large (item wise)
(i) Masonry cu. m. per cu. m.
(ii) Plastering sq. m. per sq. m.
7 Pipe - rainwater, sanitary, water pipe, etc. (Dia. specified) metre per m.
8 Laying pipe line - sanitary, water pipe, etc. (Dia, depth, beeding
etc. specified) metre per m.
9 Jungle clearance (May also be per kn for road and irrigation sq. m. or per sq. m. or
channel) hectare per hectare
10 Silt clearance in irrigation channels (Similar to earth work)
(For thin layer upto 5 cm may be on area basis) cu. m. per % cu. m.
11 Trestel, Crate (Size, type, etc. specified) no. per no.
12 Cleaning flues no. per no.
13 Cotton cords in sky light (May also be by weight in kg) no per no.
14 Easing doors and windows no. per no.
15 Fixing doors and windows no. per no.
16 Supply and fixing of Hinges, Tower bolts, Hasp and staples,
Handles, hardwares etc. no. per no.
17 Glazing sq. m. per sq. m.
18 Glass panes (supply sq m. per sq. m.
19 Fixing of glass panes or cleaning no. per no.
20 Renewing of glass panes no. per no.
21 Well sinking (Masonary or tube well) metre per m.
22 Pile driving or sinking metre per m.
23 Furniture - Chairs, tables, etc. (size, shape specified) no. per no.
24 Painting furniture’s no. per no.
25 Caning chairs no. per no.
26 Pitching of brick, stone, kankar, etc. (Brick pitching may also
be on area basis in sq. m.) cu. m. per cu. m.
27 Lining of Irrigation Channel, Tunner, etc. Materials, thickness
specified (Thick lining may be in volume basis in cu. m.) sq. m. per sq. m.
28 Kankar quarrying, kankar supply cu. m. per cu. m.
29 Kankar consolidation, road metal consolidation cu. m. per cu. m.
30 Dag-belling (May also be per km) metre per m.
31 Bituminous road surfacing sq. m. per sq. m.
32 Dismantiling Same as for Same as for
different iteem different iteam

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S. No Particulars of Items Unitsof Unitsof payment
Measurement in MKS
in MKS

33 Desmantling of brick masonry cu. m. cu. m.

34 Grouting (Bituminous grouting of road metal, cement
grouting of concrete) sq. m. per sq. m.
35 Grouting of cracks, joints, etc. metre per m.
36 Electric Wiring of Electrification Light, Fan, Plug points point per point
37 Water closet (W.C.) Wash hand basin, Manhole, etc.
(size specified) no. per no.
1 Supply of bricks % nos per % nos.
2 Supply of sand, surkhi, cinder, etc. cu. m. per cu. m.
3 Supply of cement bag of 50 kg per bag or
per quintal or
per ton
4 Supply of lime unslaked quintal per quintal
5 Supply of lime slaked (May also be in volume basis in cu. m.) quintal per quintal
6 Supply of brick ballast, stone ballast, Aggregate, etc. cu. m. per cu. m.
7 Broken bricks, kankar, etc. cu. m. per cu. m.
8 Supply of Timber cu. m. per cu. m.
9 supply of steel quintal per quintal
10 Supply of Bitumen, Tar tonne per tonne
11 Supply of coal tonne per tonne
12 Supply of A.C. sheet (measured flat0 sq. m. per sq. m.
13 Supply of G.I. sheets quintal quintal
14 Supply of switches, plugs, ceiling roses, bulbs, brackets, etc. no. per no.
15 Supply of insulated electric wire (size specified0 quintal per quintal
16 Supply of bare electric wire (size specified) quintal per quintal
17 Tents, sholdaries (size specified) no. per no.
18 Supply of water closet, W.C., (size specified) no. per no.
19 Supply of water hand basin (size specified) no. per no.
20 Supply of Cowl, Mica valve, Intercepting trap etc. (size specified) no. per no.
21 Supply of Bib cock, stop cock, ball cock, etc. (size specified) no. per no.
22 Supply of Ferrule, C.I. Tank, Water meter, etc. (size specified) no. per no.
23 Supply of pipe, C.I. pipe, S.W. pipe, Hume pipe, A.C. pipe,
G.I. pipe, etec. (Dia. specified) metre per m.
24 Supply of lead, lead wool kg or quintal per kg or per
25 Spun yarn kg per kg
26 Supply of varnish, oil, etc. litre per litre
27 Supply of paint ready mix litre per litre
28 Supply of stiff paint kg. per kg.
29 Explosive for blasting kg. per kg

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Main items of work 4 Damp proof course: D.P.C. usually of 2.5 cm thick
rich cement concrete 1:1½ :3 or 2 cm, thick rich cement
1 Earthwork: Earthwork in excavation and earthwork in mortar 1:2, mixed with standard water proofing material,
filling are usually taken out separately under different is provided at the plinth level to full width of plinth wall,
items, and quantities are calculated in cu. m. and the quantities are computed in sq. m. (Length x
Foundation trenches are usually dug to the exact width Breadth). Usually D.P.C. is not provided at the sills of
of foundation with vertical sides. Earthwork in excavation doors and verandah openings, for which deductions are
in foundation is calculated by taking the dimensions made. (One kg of Cem-Seal or Impermo or other
of each trench length x breadth x depth. Filling in standard water proofing compound per bag of cement
trenches after the construction of foundation masonry is generally used).
is ordinarily neglected. If the trench filling is accounted,
5 Masonry: Masonry is computed in cu. m. (Length x
this may be calculated by deducting the masonry from
Breadth x Height). Foundation and plinth masonry is
the excavation.
taken under one item, and masonry in superstructure
is taken under a separate item. In storeyed building
Earthwork in plinth filling is calculated by taking the
the masonry in each storey as ground floor above plinth
internal dimensions in between plinth wall (Length x
level, first floor, etc. is computed separately. In taking
Breadth) which are usually less than the internal
out quantities the walls are measured as solid and then
dimensions of the room by two off-sets of plinth wall i.e.
deductions are made for openings as doors, windows,
10 cm and height is taken after deducting the thickness of
etc. and such other portions as necessary. Masonry
concrete in floor, usually 7.5. If sand filling is done in plinth
of different types or classes, masonry with different
this should be taken separately. The length and breadth
mortar, etc. are taken out under separate items. Arch
for each filling may be same as the internal dimensions of
masonry work is taken out separately. Splayed or
the room if there is no off-set in plinth wall.
rounded sides of wall are considered as rectangular
Excavated earth is used in trench filling and plinth filling and extreme dimensions are taken to find out the
and usually not paid for separately, but may also be quantities. This partition wall is measured in sq. m.
included under a separate item. “Return fill and ram or Honey comb brick wall is taken under a separate item
backfill” and paid at a lesser rate. Extra earth if required in sq. m. no deduction is made for holes. Stone
for filling is brought from outside. If there is surplus earth masonry is calculated in the same manner as for brick
after trench and plinth filling, this may be utilised in masonry.
levelling and dressing of site or carted away and removed.
Deduction for opening, bearings, etc. in masonry
Lead and lift: Normally earthwork is estimated for 30 m
No deduction is made for the following:
lead for distance and 1.5 m lift for height or depth, and this
distance of 30 m and the height of 1.5 m are known as
i Opening each up to 1000 sq. cm. or 0.1 sq. m.
normal lead and lift. Normal rate for earth work is for 30 m
lead and 1.5 m lift. For greater lead or lift the rates will be ii Ends of beams, posts, rafters, purlins, etc. up to 500
different (higher) for every unit of 30 m lead and for every sq. cm. or 0.05 sq. m. in section.
unit of 1.5 m lift. The earth work is, thereorfe, estimated
iii Bed plate, wall plate, bearing of chajjas and the like up
separately for every 30 m lead and for every 1.5 m lift.
to 10 cm depth.
2 Concrete in-foundation: The concrete is taken out
Bearings of floor and roof slabs are made in the following
in cu. m. by length x brreadth x thickness. The length
wall masonry.
and breadth of foundation concrete are usually the same
as for excavation, only the depth or thickness differs. For other openings deductions are made in the following
The thickness of concrete varies from 20 cm to 45 cm, manner:
usually 30 cm. Foundaton concrete consists of lime Rectangular openings - Full deduction is made (Fig 1)
concrete or weak cement concrete. The proportion of
cement concrete in foundationmay be 1:4:8 or 1:5:10. Deduct - l x h x thickness of wall
3 Soiling: When the soil is soft or bad, one layer of dry
brick or stone soling is applied below the foundation
concrete. The soling layer is computed in sq. m. (Length
x Breadth) specifying the thickness.

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Doors and windows with small segmental arches
(Fig 2)

Deduction is made for rectangular portion only up to the

springing line. The segmental portion is considered as
solid to allow for the extra expenses in constructing the
arch, and the filling up with thin wall.
6 Arch masonry work: Masonry work in arches is
Deduction - l x h x thickness of wall.
calculated in cu. m. separately by multiplying the mean
length of the arch by the thickness of arch and by the
breadth of the wall (Fig 5).
Quantity of arch masonry = lm x t x thickness of wall.
Deduction = lm x t x thinkness of wall.

Segmental arch openings (Fig 3)

Deduction is made for the whole opening, the rectangular

portion as well as the segmental portion.

3 7 Lintels over openings: Lintels are either of R.C.C. or

2 r
The area of segmental portion = lr + of R.B. quantities are calculated in cu. m. Length of
3 2l
the lintel is equal to the clear span plus two bearings.
If dimension of bearing is not given the bearing may
But for deduction, the area of the sgemental portion is be taken as same as the thickness of lintel with a
obtained approximately by taking 2/3 of span x rise, (2/3 minimum of 12 cm. Thus, the length of lintel, l = s +2t
x l x r) and the quantity for deduction is 2/3 x l x r x i.e. clear span plus two bearings (Fig 6).
thickness of wall. (r3/2l being small is neglected for
simplicity) Quantity of linter = l x t x thickness of wall
Deduction = l x t x thickness of wall
⎡ ⎛2 ⎞⎤
The total deduction will be = ⎢(l + h ) + ⎜ xlxr ⎟⎥ x
⎣ ⎝3 ⎠⎦
[Thickness of wall]

8 R.C.C. and R.B. work: R.C.C. and R.B. work may be

in roof or floor slab, in beams, lintels, column,
foundations, etc. and the quantities are calculated in
Semi-circular arch openings (Fig 4) cu. m. Length, breadth and thickness are found
correctly from the plan, elevation, and section or from
The area of semi-circular portion = ½ πr2 other detailed drawings. Bearings are added with the
clear span to get th dimensions. The quantities are
But for the deducation, the area of the semi-circular calculated in cu. m. exclusive of steel reinforcement
portion is obtained approximately by ¾ of span x rise, ( ¾ and its bending but inclusive of centering and shuttering
x l x r). and fixing and binding reinforcement inposition. The
reinforcement including its bending is taken up
The total deduction will be = [9l x h) + ( ¾ x l x r)] x separately under steel works in quintal. For this purpose
thickness of wall. 0.6% to 1% (usually 1%) of R.C.C. or R.B. work by
volume may be taken for steel, if other details are not
Elliptical arches may be considered as semi-circular given. The volume of steel is not required to be deducted
arches and may be dealt in the same manner. from the R.C.C. or R.B. work.

For large arches the actual area of opening should be R.C.C. and R.B. works may also be estimated inclusive
calculated correctly by mensuration formulae, and of steel and centering and shuttering for the complete
deduction should be made for actual area. works, if specified.

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Centering and shuttering (from work) are usually included iii For openings exceeding 0.5 sq.m. but not exceeding
in the R.C.C. or R.B. work, but may also be taken 3 sq. m. deduction is made for one face only, and the
separately in sq. m. of surface in contct with concrete. other face is allowed for jambs, soffits and sills which
are not taken into account separately.
In R.C.C. work plastering is not taken separately, but the
iv For openings above 3 sq. m. deduction is made for
exposed surface are finished with thin rich cement sand
both faces of the opening, and the jambs, soffits and
mortar plastering to give smooth and even surface, which
sills are taken into account and added.
usually is not taken into consideration.
As the outer jambs, etc. are much smaller than the inner
9 Flooring and roofing
ones, the deduction is usually made from the outer face.
i Ground floor - the base lime concrete and floor
finishing of C.C. or stone or marble or mosaic, etc. are For deduction of arch opening the same principle as for
usually taken as one job or one item (combined inone masonry work is followed. Plastering of ceiling usually of
item), and the quantity is calculated in sq. m. 12 mm. thick computed in sq. m. under a separate head
multiplying the length by the breadth. The length and as this work is done with richer mortar. For R.C.C. work
breadth are measured as inside dimensions from wall usually no plastering is allowed but for fair finish a thin
to wall of superstructure. Both the works of base plaster of rich cement mortar may be allowed which should
concrete and floor finishing are paid under one item. not be taken in the measurement separately. Thin rich
cement mortar plastering in R.C.C. work may also be taken
ii 1st floor, 2nd floor etc.: Supproting structure is taken
under a separate item, specially in the ceiling inside room.
separately in cu. m. as R.C.c., R.B., ect. and the floor
finishing is taken separately in sq. m. as 2.5 cm. or 4
Pointing: Pointing in walls is calculated in sq. m. for whole
cm. C.C. or marble or mosaic, etc, If a cushioning
surface and deductions similar to plastering are made.
layer of lime concrete is given in between the slab and
the floor, the cushioning concrete may be measured
11 Cornice: Ornamental or large cornice is measured in
with the floor under one item or taken separately.
running metre for the complete work which includes
iii Roof: Supporting structure is taken separately in cu. masonry, plastering, mouldings, etc. and paid for in
c. and the lime concrete terracing is computed in sq.m. r.m.
with thickness specified, under a separate item
inculding surface rendering smooth. The compacted Similarly, string course, drip course, cor-belling, coping,
thickness of lime concrete terracing is 7.5 cm. to 12 etc. are measured and paid for in running metre for the
cm. average, L.C. terracing may also be calculated in complete work.
cu. m. with average thickness.
The bearing of roof or floor slab is given same as the
thickness of slab, usually 10 cm. to 15 cm.

In case of tiled, galvanised iron sheet, or asbestos cement

sheet roofing the roof coverings are taken out in sq. m.
and measured that including overlaps with all fittings, and
supporting trusses and members are taken under separate

Floor of door sills and sills of opening, should also be

taken into account. In the case of ground floor, sills should
be taken separtely, as there is no lime concrete in sills.

10 Plastering and pointing (Fig 7) : Plastering usually

12 mm thick is calculated in sq. m. For walls the
measurements are taken for the whole face of the wall 12 Pillars: Pillars are taken separately in cu. m. for their
for both sides as solids, and deductions for openings net volume and quantities are calculated by correct
are made in the following manner. geometrical measurements by simple mensuration
i No deduction is made for ends of beams, post, raffers,
etc. Quantity = Sec. area x ht.
ii For small opening up to 0.5 sq.m. no deduction is
made, and at the same time no additions are made for for round pillars, d is the dia.
jambs, soffits and of sills of these openings.

=a2 x ht. cu.m for square pillars, a is the side.

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Hexagonal, octagonal, etc. pillars are dealt similarly. 15 Iron work: This is computed in weight in kg or quintal
and the quantities are calculated correctly by
Plastering in the pillars are calculated in sq. m. multiplying multiplying the weights per running metre by the length.
the circumference of perimeter by the height. The weight per r.m. can be obtained from the steel
section book. For steel joint, the length is equal to
13 Doors and windows the clear span plus two bearings, the bearing may be
taken 3/4 thickness of wall or 20 cm to 30 cm.
i Chowkhat or Frame: Door and window frames or
chowkhats are computed in cu. m. Length is obtained Density of mild steel is equal to 7850 kn/cu. ,. Or 78.5 q/
by adding the length of all the members of the cu., Or 0.785 gram/cu. m.
chowkhat, top and two verticals if there is no sill
member, and adding bottom also if there is sill, and Weight of iron hold fasts may be taken as 1 ½ kg. each.
this length is multiplied by the two dimensions of the For doors 6 hold fasts (three on each side).
cross-section of the member. If there is horn projection,
these projections also should be added to the length. The weight of bolts and nuts and rivets with heads can be
If there is no sill member, vertical members should be calculated by counting their numbers and sizes and
inserted into the floor by about 2.5 cm to 4 cm. consulting steel table. Sometimes certain percentage of
the whole steel work is provided for rivets and bolts and
ii Door or window leaves or shutters: They are
nuts. For steel roof truss 5 percent of the steel work is
computed in sq. m. by multiplying the breadth by the
usually provided for rivets and bolts and nuts.
height of the shutters, the rebates in the chowkhat
should be taken into consideration in finding the
16 White washing or colour washing or Distempering:
breadth and height. A clearance of 6 mm may be
The quantities are computed in sq. m. and are usually
allowed at the bottom of the door if there is no sill
same as for plastering. The inside is usually white
member. For estimating the clearance may not be
washed or distempered and this item will be same as
taken into consideration, this may be neglected. But
for inside plaster. The outside is colour-washed and
for measurement for payment the clearance should
the quantities of colour-washing will be same as for
be taken into account. The rebates in the chowkhats
outside plaster. These items need not be calculated
may be taken as 12 mm to 20 mm. The central overlap
separately, but simply written as same as for inside
is not taken into account.
plaster or outside plaster. Numbers of coats of white-
The name of the timber used, the thickness of shutters, washing or colour-washing are taken as one job or
type of shutters and the nature of fittings (iron, brass, work and the rates cover for the number of coats which
etc.) should be noted in the item. Shutters of different should not be a multiplying factor. The number of coats
types as panelled, glazed; partly panelled and partly should be mentioned in the item. Deductions are dealt
glazed, venetian, etc. should be computed separately as in the same manner as for plastering. Other type of
the rates differ. surface finishing may also be done and may be taken
Fittings are computed by number i.e. enumerated.
17 Painting: Painting or Varnishing of doors and windows
Fittings may be included in the sq. m. rate of shutters.
are computed in sq. m. The dimensions should be
For estimate, the fittings may be taken under a separate
taken for outer dimensions of the chowkhat i.e. outer
item in sq. m. basis of shutters, or a lump sum provision
dimensions of doors and windows. The area is
may be made. Hold fasts are taken separately under a
measured flat (not girthed). No separate measurement
separate item by weight or by number.
is taken for the chowkhat, the area is same as the
area of wall opening. For iron bars, grills, etc. the area
It is better to purchase the fittings by the department to
of the clear opening inside the chowkhat is taken. For
the choice and requirement, and to get them fitted by the
both faces of doors and windows, the simple area as
contractors whose rate for shutters shall include the labour
measured above is multiplied by appropriate numbers
for fixing the fittings. In such case the rate of shutters,
as below.
will exclude the cost of fittings but will include the cost of
fixing them. In estimating the cost of fittings will be
provided under a separate item fittings of doors and i Pannelled, framed and ___ 2¼ times one surface
windows on area basis or on lump sum basis for the braced ledged and area, for both sides.
purchase of fittings. battened or ledged
battened and braced
14 Wood work: Wooden beams, burgahs, posts, wooden ii Fully glazed or gauged ___ 1 time one surface
roof trusses, chowkhats, etc. come under this item, area, for both sides.
and the quantities are computed in cu. m. The
dimensions of finished work shall be taken. iii Partly panelled and ___ 2 times one surface
partly glazed or gauged area, for both sides.
iv Flush door ___ 2 times one surface
area, for both sides.

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v Venetian ___ 3 times one surface Method I
area, for both sides.
Separate or individual wall method – In this method,
vi Iron bars, grills in ___ 1 time the are of
measure of find out the external length of walls running in
windows clear opening in
the longitudinal direction generally the long walls out-to-
between chowkhat for
out, and the internal lengths of walls running in the
over all.
transverse direction in-to-in i.e. of cross or short walls, in-
to-in, and calculate quantities multiplying the length by
This covers also for chowkhats on three faces. Painting
the breadth and the height of wall. The same rule applies
is done in two or three coats. Usually over a coat of priming.
to the excavation in foundation, to concrete in foundation
The rate covers for the number of coats under one item.
and to masonry. Care should be taken to not the difference
The number of coats should be mentioned in the
in dimensions at different height due to offset, or footings.
description of item.
It is convenient to imagine plans at different level of heights
(The multiplying factors differ slightly from State to State. as foundation trench plan, foundation concrete plans of
IS 1200 should be followed). each footing, etc. and dealing each plan or part separately.

The simple method to take the long walls and short or

The concealed surface of the chowkhat which is in contact
cross walls separately and to find out the centre to centre
with the jamb of the wall is usually painted with two coats
lengths to long walls and short walls from the plan. For
of coal tar or solignum, and this item is computed
symmetrical footing on either sides, the centre line
remains same for super structure and for foundation and
For beams, rafters, purlins, posts, etc., of timber or iron, plinth.
the area of actual exposed surface is taken for painting.
For long walls add to the centre length one breadth of
Corrugated surface is taken as flat and a percentage wall, which gives the length of the wall out-to-out, multiply
increase is allowed. this length by the breadth and the height and get the
quantities. Thus for finding the quantities of earthwork in
Lump-sum-item – sometimes a lump-sum rate is provided excavation, for length of the trench out-to-out add to the
for certain small items for which detailed quantities cannot centre length one breadth of foundation. Adopt the same
be taken out easily or it takes sufficient time to find the process for foundation concrete, and for each footing. It
details, as front architectural or decoration work of a should be noted that each footing is to be taken separately
building, fire-place, site cleaning and dressing etc. and the breadth of the particular footing is to be added to
the centre length.
Electrification and Sanitary and Water supply Works: For
Sanitary and Water supply works 8% and for Electrification
8% of the estimated cost of the building works are usually
provided in estimate.

Methods of building estimate

The dimensions, length, breadth and height or depth are

to be taken out from the drawing – Plan, Elevation and
Section. From the study of the drawings, the building is
to be imagined and pictured in the mind and the For short or cross walls subtract (instead of adding) from
dimensions are to be taken out correctly. There is no the centre length one breadth of walls, which gives the
hard and fast rule for finding out dimensions from the length in-to-in, and repeat the same process as for the
drawing but the dimensions are to be taken out accurately. long walls, subtracting one breadth instead of adding.
Junctions of wall at the corners and at the meeting points
of the walls require special attention.

For symmetrical foundation which is the usual case, earth

work in excavation in foundation, foundation concrete,
brickwork in foundation and plinth, and brickwork in
superstructure may be estimated by either of the following
two methods. That is, in case of long wall add one breadth and incase
of short wall subtract one breadth from the centre length
to get the corresponding lengths.

This method is simple and accurate and there is no chance

of any mistake. This method may be named as LONG
WALL and SHORT WALL method or general method.
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Method II For rectangular, circular polygonal (hexagonal, octogonal,
etc.) buildings having no inter or cross walls, this method
Centre line method: In this method known as centre is quite simple. For buildings having cross or partition
line method sum-total length of centre lines of walls, long walls, for every junction or partition or cross walls with
and short, has to be found out. Find the total length of main wall, special consideration shall have to be made to
centre lines of walls, of same type, long and short having find the correct quantity. For each junction half breadth
same type of foundations and footings and then find the of respective item or footing is to be deducted from the
quantities by multiplying the total centre length by the total centre length. Thus in the case of a building with
respective breadth and the height. In this method, the one partition wall or cross wall having two junctions, for
length will remain same for excavation in foundation, for earthwork in foundation trench and foundation concrete
concrete in foundation, for all footings and for deduct one breadth of trench or concrete from the total
superstructure (with slight difference when there are cross centre length (half breadth for one junction and one breadth
walls or number of junctions). This method is quick but (2 x ½ = one for two junctions). For footings, similarly
requires special attention and consideration at the deduct one breadth of footing for two junctions from the
junctions, meeting points of partition or cross walls, etc. total centre length, and so on. If two walls come from
opposite directions and meet a wall at the same point,
Centre line length of each items = c/c length - no. of then there will be two junctions.
junctions x half width of each item.
For building having different types of walls, each set of
This centre line long the multiplied by the width and height walls shall have to be dealt separately. Find the total centre
gives the quantity of each items. length of all walls of one type and proceed in the same
manner as described above. Similarly find the total centre
length of walls of second type and deal this separately,
and so on.

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Construction Related Theory for Exercise 4.5.173
Draughtsman Civil - Estimateing & costing

Rate analysis - labour - materials - schedule of rates

Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• enlist the purpose and necessity of rate analysis
• define rate analysis
• define task and task of different labours
• calculate the quantity of materials of different items of work
• prepare analysis of rate.

Analysis of rates A General overheads

The determination of rate per unit of a particular item of i Establishment (Office, Staff)
work, from the cost of quantities of materials, the cost of
ii Stationary, Printing,Postages, etc.
labourers and other miscellaneous petty expenses require
for its completion is known as the analysis of rate. A iii Travelling expenses.
reasonable profit, usually 10% for the contractor is also iv Telephone
included in the analysis of rate. Rates of materials are
usually taken as the rates delivered at the site of work and v Rent and taxes.
include the first cost (cost at origin), cost of transport,
railway freight if any, taxes, etc. If the materials are to be B Job overheads
carried from a distant place, more than 8 kms. then cost
of transport is also added. The rates of materials and labour i Supervision (Salary of Engineers, Oversers,
vary from place to place and therefore, the rates of different Supervision, etc.)
items of work also vary from place to place. ii Handling of materials.

For the purpose of analysis, the details about all the iii Repairs, carriage and depreciation of T and P.
operations involved in carrying out the work should be iv Amenities of labour.
available, the quantities of materials required and their costs
should be known and the number of different categories of v Workmen’s compensation, insurance, etc.
labourers required and the capacity of doing work per vi Interest on investment
labourer and their wages per day should be known. These
can be known only from experience of practical works. vii Losses on advances.

The rates of a particular item of work depends on the The contractor may be allowed a net profit of 6 to 8 percent,
following: and the miscellaneous overhead expenses may come to
about 5 to 10 percent. For overhead expenses and
i Specifications of works and materials, quality of contractors profit 15 percent of the actual cost may be
materials, proportion of mortar, method of reasonable amount but it is usual practice to add 10
constructional operation, etc. percent for all these under the head profit. For small works
overhead cost may be very little.
ii Quantities of materials and their rates, number of
different types of labourer and their rates. The analysis of rate is usually worked out for the unit of
iii Location of the site of work and its distances from the payment of the particular item of work under two heads.
sources of materials and the rate of transport, availability i Materials and
of water.
ii Labour
iv Profits and miscellaneous and overhead expenses of
contractor. and their costs added together give the cost of the items
of work. The costs of the materials as delivered at site
Overhead costs: Overhead costs include general office inclusive of the transport, local taxes and other charges.
expenses, rents, taxes, supervision and other costs which For tools and plants (T. and P.) and miscellaneous petty
are indirect expenses and non productive expenses on items (sundries) which cannot be accounted in details
the job. lump-sum provision is made. A provision for water charges
@ 1½ of the total cost is made in the rate. Adding 10% to
The miscellaneous expenses on overheads may be under this cost as contractor’s profit, the rate per unit of the item
the following heads: of work is obtained. If transport of matrials is to be done
from a distant place more than 8 km analysis of transport
work may be done separately. If cement and steel are
supplied by the department and the contractor is not to

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invest any money on these, 10% profit it is not allowed on Task or Out-turn work
cement and steel. The cost of carriage of cement and
steel from the godown to the site of work should be allowed Task: The capacity of doing work by an artisan or skilled
to the contractor. But if cement and steel are to be labour in the form of quantity of work per day is known as
arranged by the contractor for 10% should be added as the task-work or out-turn of the labour.
profit on these materials also. 10% profit may be added
over the whole cost of labour and materials including The out-turn of work per artisan varies to some extent
cement and steel, if it is not specified that these will be according to the nature, size, height, situation, location,
supplied departmentally. etc. In bigger cities where specialised and experienced
labour is available the out-turn is greater that small towns
Rate: Rates of different items in the estimate are the and country sides. In well-organized work less labour is
current rates for the completion of the items of work which required.
include supply of materials, transport, labour scaffolding,
The following may be taken as the approximate quantity
overheads, contractor’s profit, taxes, etc. The rates are
of work or out-turn or task for an average artisan per day.
usually taken from the P.W.D. “Schedule of Rates.:

S. No. Particulars of items Quantity Per day

1 Brickwork in lime or cement mortar in foundation and plinth 1.25 cu. m. (45 cu. ft.) per mason
2 -Do- in superstructure 1.00 cu. m. (35 cu. ft.) per mason
3 Brickwork in mud mortar in foundation and plinth 1.50 cu. m. (55 cu. ft.) per mason
4 -Do- in superstructure 1.25 cu. m. (45 cu. ft.) per mason
5 Brick in cement or lime mortar in arches 0.55 cu. m. (20 cu. ft.) per mason
6 -Do- in jack arches 0.55 cu. m. (20 cu. ft.) per mason
7 Half brick wall in partition 5.00 sq. m. (50 sq. ft.) per mason
8 Coursed rubble stone masonry in lime or cement mortar
Including dressing 0.80 cu. m. (30 cu. ft.) per mason
9 Random rubble stone masonry in lime or cement mortar 1.00 cu. m. (35 cu. ft.) per mason
10 Ashlar masonry in lime or cement mortar 0.40 cu. m. (15 cu. ft.) per mason
11 Stone arch work 0.40 cu. m. (15 cu. ft.) per mason
12 Lime concrete in foundation or floor 8.50 cu. m. (300 cu. ft.) per mason
13 Lime concrete in roof terracing 6.00 cu. m. (200 cu. ft.) per mason
14 Cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 5.00 cu. m. (175 cu. ft.) per mason
15 R.B. work 1.00 cu. m. (32 cu. ft.) per mason
16 R.C.C. work 3.00 cu. m. (125 cu. ft.) per mason
17 12 mm (½”) plastering with cement or lime mortar 8.00 sq. m. (80 sq. ft.) per mason
18 Pointing with cement or lime mortar 10.00 sq. m. (100 sq. ft.) per mason
19 White washing or colour washing three coats 70.00 sq. m. (700 sq. ft.) per washer
20 White washing or colour washing one coat 200.00 sq. m. (2000 sq. ft.) per washer
21 Painting or varnishing doors or windows one coat 25.00 sq. m. (250 sq. ft.) per painter
22 Coal tarring or solignum painting one coat 35.00 sq. m. (350 sq. ft.) per painter
23 Painting large surface one coat 35.00 sq. m. (350 sq. ft.) per painter
24 Distempering one coat 35.00 sq. m. (350 sq. ft.) per painter
25 2.5 cm (1J C.C. floor 7.50 sq. m. (75 sq. ft.) per painter
26 Flag stone floor laying with lime or cement mortar
Excluding L.C. 10.00 sq. m. (100 sq. ft.) per mason
27 Terrazo floor 6 mm thick mosaic work over 2 cm thick
Cement concrete (1 : 2 : 4) 5.00 sq. m. (50 sq. ft.) per mason

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S.No. Particulars of items Quantity Per day
28 Brick-on-edge in floor lime or cement mortar excluding L.C. 7.00 sq. m. (70 sq. ft.) per mason
29 Brick flat floor as in above 8.00 sq. m. (80 sq. ft.) per mason
30 Timber framing sal or teak wood 0.07 cu. m. (2.5 cu. ft.) per carpenter
31 -Do- in country wood 0.15 cu. m. (5 cu. ft.) per carpenter
32 Door and window shutters panelled or glazed 0.15 sq. m. (1.5 sq. ft.) per carpenter
33 -Do- battened 0.80 sq. m. (8 sq. ft.) per carpenter
34 Sawing of hard wood 4.00 sq. m. (40 sq. ft.) per pair of
35 Sawing of soft wood 6.00 sq. m. (60 sq. ft.) per pair of
36 Single Allahabad tiling or Mangalore tiling 6.00 sq. m. (60 sq. ft.) per tile layer
37 Double Allahabad tiling 4.00 sq. m. (40 sq. ft.) per tile layer
38 Breaking of brick ballast 40 mm (1½” ) gauge 0.75 cu. m. (30 cu. ft.) per labourer
or breaker
39 Breaking of stone ballast 25 mm (1") gauge 0.55 cu. m. (20 cu. ft.) per labourer
or breaker
40 Breaking of stone ballast 40 mm (1½”) gauge 0.40 cu. m. (10 cu. ft.) per labourer
or breaker
41 Breaking of stone ballast 25 mm (1") gauge 0.25 cu. m. (10 cu. ft.) per labourer
or breaker
42 Ashlar stone dressing 0.70 cu. m. (25 cu. ft.) per stone
43 Flag stone dressing 1.50 sq. m. (15 sq. ft.) per stone
44 Earth work in excavation in ordinary soil 3.00 cu. m. (100 cu. ft.) per beldar
45 Earth work in excavation in hard soil 2.00 cu. m. (75 cu. ft.) per beldar
46 Excavation in rock 1.00 cu. m. (35 cu. ft.) per beldar
47 Sand filling in plinth 4.00 cu. m. (140 cu. ft.) per beldar
48 Number of bricks laid by a mason in brick work upto a
Height of 3 m (10’) 600bricks
per mason
49 Amount of work done by a mazdoor (helper) per day
i Mix 3 cu. m. (100 cu. ft.) mortar per
ii Deliver brick 4000 nos. to a
distance of 15 m
(50’)per mazdoor
Iii Deliver mortar 5.5 cu.m. per mazdoor

50 Scaffolding cost for single storey building Re.0.50 (Rs.1.5% cu. ft. of
Per cu. m.brickwork)

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Calculation of materials Example 1: find out the quantity of dry materials in a
concrete mix 1 : 2 : 4
Quantity of dry materials required for one cu. m. of finished
concrete = 1.54 cu. m.
Calculation of materials for various items of works is done
for the analysis of rates for the required item. Various Sum of ratio of ingredients in mix of 1:2:4
mixes of cement concrete are used for different items of
(C + S + A) = 1 + 2 + 4 = 7
concrete such as 1:7:20, 1:8:16, 1:6:12, 1:4:8, 1:3:6,
1:2:4, 1:1½:3 etc. It is observed by the experiments and
experience that the volume of dry materials required for 1.54 x C
one cu. m. of wet concrete are 1.52 cu. m. to 1.54 cu. m. Quantity of Cement =
(C + S + A)
because when water is added to dry mix, the cement
goes into the voids of sand and both together go into the 1.54 x 1
voids of aggregates to become a solid compact mass of = = 0.22 cu. m. or 6.4 bags
concrete. So the quantities of various materials in a given
concrete mix are calculated as under: 1.54 x S
Quantity of Sand =
C + S + A)
Let, C = Quantity of cement in cu. m.
1.54 x 2
S = Quantity of sand in cu. m. = = 0.44 cu. m.
A = Quantity of aggregate in cu. m. 1.54 x A
Quantity of Aggregate =
The quantities of dry materials required for one cu. m. of (C + S + A)
consolidated for finished concrete are: 1.54 x 4
= = 0.88 cu. m.

Cement(C) = cu. m. Quantity of materials for brick work
(C + S + A)
1.54 x S Brick work masonry is constructed either in mud, or lime
Sand (S) = cu. m. surkhi or cement sand mortar. Various mixes of mortars
(C + S + A)
are used in construction of brick masonry such as cement
1.54 x A sand mixes of 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6 and 1:7 etc. in which
Aggregates (A) = cu.m first figure denotes the cement and the second as sand.
(C + S + A)
In case of lime mortar, the binding material is lime and
surkhi is added in it in certain ratio to prepare lime surkhi
Where (C + S + A) is the sum of the ratios in a mix of mortar. Ratio of such mix may be 1:2, 1:3 etc. Sometimes
concrete i.e. in a concrete of mix 1:6:12, cement is taken lime sand surkhi mortar in the ration of 1:1:2 is prepared.
1, sand as 6 and aggregates 12 and sum of these ratios
is, C + S + A = 1 + 6 + 12 = 19. Dry materials required for cement sand mortar for 1 cu.
m. of brick masonry = 0.30 cu. m.
1 cu. m. of Portland cement = 30 bags (for
practical purposes) [Volume of brick masonry – total volume of bricks = 1m3
– 500 x (0.19 x 0.09 x 0.09) = 0.25 m3
Quantity Per day
To get dry volume, increase the wet volume by 20%]
4.00 cu.m. per beldar (140 cu.ft) mazdoor
600 bricks per mason Wet materials required for 1 cu. m. of brick work – 0.25
cu. m.
3 cu.m (100 cu.ft) mortar per mazdoor
4000 nos to a distance of 15m (50’) per mazdoor
5.5 cu.m (200 cu. ft) per mazdoor Factor to convert wet mortar into dry mortar = = 1.2
Re.0.50 (Rs. 1.5% cu.ft. of brickwork) No. of metric bricks with size 20 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm
per cu.m. required for one cu. m. = 500 Nos

Dry mortar required = 0.30 cu. m.

1 bag of cement of 50kg- cu.m=0.034 cu.m Example 2; Find out the quantity of cement, sand and
bricks required for a brick masonry of 1 cu. m. in cement
sand mortar of 1:5.

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As given above, the No. of bricks for 1 cu. m. brick work Materials for 20 mm thick plastering in wall for 100
= 500. sq. m.

Quantity of dry mortar required = 0.30 cu. m. As the thickness of plaster is more, 20% of mortar may
be taken to fill up the joints, unevenness etc. The quality
Ratio of ingredients i.e. Cement : Sand = 1:5 of wet mortar is equal to 200 x 0.02 + 20% =2.00+0.40 =
2.40 cu. m. Increasing by 25% the dry volume=2.40+
Sum of ingredients = 1+5=6 0.60=3.00 cu. m. the quantities of each material of mortar
may be found by usual method.

0.30x1 Rich mortar

∴Cement required =
(1 + 5) For rich mortar plastering, the quantities of materials will
= 0.05cu.m or 1.5 bags be less as the cement will be in excess than the voids in
sand and the reduction in volume of dry mortar will be
0.30x1 less.
Sand required = = 0.25 cu.m
(1 + 5)
Ceiling plastering 12mm thick for 100sq. m.
Random rubble masonry and coursed rubble
masonry For plastering in R.C.C. ceiling the unevenness of surfaces
will be less and 20% extra mortar may be taken to get
1 Material required for 1 cu. m. is:
even surface. The quantity of wet mortar is equal to
i Stone including waste – 1.25 cu. m. 100x0.012+20%=1.2+0.24=1.44 cu.m. Increasing by 25%
the dry volume=1.44+0.36=1.80 cu. m.
ii Mortar (Dry) – 0.4 cu. m.
For 6mm thick plastering R.C.C. ceiling the quantity of
Ashlas masonry
dry mortar may be taken as 1.00 cu. m.
2 Material required for 1 cu. m. is:
For plastering in floor over lime concrete the same quantity
i Stone including wastage – 1.25 cu. m. of mortar as for wall may be taken as there will be sufficient
unevenness in the surface of lime concrete.
ii Mortar (Dry) – 0.25 cu. m.
Neat cement flooring
For neat cement finishing in floor or dado or skirting, the
Calculation of quantity of mortar and materials thickness of neat cement layer may be taken as 1.5mm
thick, therefore, the cement paste requirement for 100
Area x thickness gives the quantity of mortar for uniform sq. m.=100 x 0.0015 = 0.15 cu. m. Dry volume of cement
thickness, for filling up the joints and to make up ununiform increased by 25%= 0.15+0.15x ¼ = 0.19cu.m.2 cu. m.
surface of wall, this may be increased by 30% which will (say) 6 bags per 100 sq. m.
get wet mixed mortar. To get the total dry volume of
ingredient materials or mortar the wet volume may be Pointing
further increased by 25%. The quantities of each material
of the mortar may be found by usual methods, dividing For pointing in brickwork, the total volume of materials
the dry volume of mortar by the sum of the numerals of (dry mortar) is taken as 0.60 cu.m. for 100 sq. m. for
the proportions and multiplying by the individual numerals. raised pointing quality may be increased by 10%.

Materials for 12 mm thick plastering in wall for 100 Materials for different items of works
sq. m.
The requirement of materials for different items of works
Wets mixed mortar for uniform layer = 1.2 cu.m. Adding is as given below:
30% to fill up joints, uneven surfaces, etc. the quantity of
mortar comes to 1.2+0.36=1.56 CU. M. Increasing by In practice for analysis of rates the reduction in volume of
25% the total dry volume=1.95 cu.m. 2.00 cu.m. (say). finished concrete over the sum total volume of ingredient
materials is taken as 50% to 55%. For 100 cu. m. of
For 1:6 cement sand mortar, Cement=2/1+6=0.30 cu. m., finished concrete the sum total volume of dry ingredient
sand= 0.30 x 6= 1.80 cu.m. Similarly, the quantities of materials may be taken as 152 cu.m. to 154 cu.m.
materials for other proportions may be calculated. The
quantities of materials for different proportions are given
in the following pages.

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S. No. Particulars of items Quantity

1 Bricks (9" x 4½” x 3"or 20 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm nominal size)

For brick work 50000 Nos per % cu. m.
(500 nos per cu. m.)
2 Dry mortar for brickwork 30% 30 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
3 Stone for rubble stone masonry 125 % 125 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
4 Dry mortar for rubble stone masonry 42% 42 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
5 Bricks or brick-ballast for lime concrete 37000 Nos for 100 cu. m.
6 Brick-bats or brick-ballast for lime concrete 105 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
7 Brick ballast for lime concrete 100 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
8 Dry mortar for lime concrete in foundation and floor 35% 35 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
9 Dry mortar for lime concrete in roof terracing 45% 45 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
10 Materials for cement concrete 1:2:4
Ballast or grit 88% 88 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
Sand 44% 44 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
Cement 22% 22 cu. m. (60 bags) for 100 cu. m.
11 Materials for 2.5 cm (1") c.c. 1:2:4 floor
Stone grit 2.40 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
Sand 1.20 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
Cement 0.80 cu. m. (24 Bags) for 100 cu. m.
12 Bricks for R.B. work (420 Nos for cu. m.) 42000 Nos
Per cu. m.
13 Dry mortar for R.B. work 45% 45 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
14 Dry mortar for 12 mm (½”) plastering 2.00 cu. m. for 100 sq. m.
15 Dry mortar for pointing in brickwork 0.60 cu. m. for 100 sq. m.
16 Lime for white washing one coat 10 kg for 100 sq. m.
17 Dry distemper for 1 coat
6 ½ kg for 100 sq. m.
18 Dry distemper for 2nd coat 5 kg for 100 sq. m.
19 Snow-cem for 1st coat 30 kg for 100 sq. m.
20 Snow-cem for 2nd coat 20 kg for 100 sq. m.
21 Paint ready mixed for painting one coat 10 litre for 100 sq. m.
22 Paint (stiff) for painting one coat 10 kg for 100 sq. m.
23 Bricks (20 x 10 x 10 cm for brick floor or half brick wall) 5000 Nos. for 100 sq. m.
24 Dry mortar for brick floor or half brick wall 3.20 cu. m. for 100 sq. m.
25 Brick (9"x4½“x3”) for brick flat floor 3500 Nos for 100 sq. m.
26 Dry mortar for brick flat floor 2.25 cu. m. for 100 sq. m.
27 Bricks (9"x 4½”x3) required for Honey comb wall 3250 Nos for 100 sq. m.
28 Dry mortar for Honey comb wall 2.25 cu. m. for 100 sq. m.

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S. No. Particulars of items Quantity

29 Materials for 2 cm (¾”) thick damp proof course of 1:2

cement mortar –
Cement 0.90 cu. m. (27 bags) for
100 sq. m.
Sand 1.80cu. m. for 100 sq. m.
Composeal or Impermo @ 1 kg per bag of cement 25 kg for 100 sq. m.
30 Materials for 2.5 cm (1") thick c.c. 1:1½:3 Damp
proof course
Stone grit 2.25 cu. m. for 100 sq. m.
Sand coarse 1.13 cu. m. for 100 sq. m.
Cement 0.75 cu. m. (22½ bags) for
100 sq. m.
Composeal or Impermo @ 1 kg per bag of cement 22½ kg for 100 sq. m.
31 Bitumen or Asphalt for painting on D.P.C. or on roof
1st Coat 150 kg for 100 sq. m.
2 Coat
100 kg for 100 sq. m.
32 G.C.I. sheet for roof 128 sq. m. for 100 sq. m.
33 A.C. corrugated sheet for roof 115 sq. m. for 100 sq. m.
34 Timber for panelled door shutter 4 cm (1½”) thick 4.5 cu. m. for 100 cu. m.
35 Timber for battened door shutter 4 cm (1½”) thick 4.0 cu. m. for 100 sq. m.
36 Timber for partly panelled and glazed shutter (1½”) thick 2.0 cu. m. for 100 sq. m.

Materials required for cement concrete of different proportions for 100 cu. m.
Proportion Cement Sand Corse aggregate Quantity of concrete
by volume (cu.m.) (coarse) (Stone) (cu.m.) mixed with water
(cu.m.) (cu.m.)

1:2:4 21 42 84 100
1:2:5 17.2 34.40 86 100
1:3:6 14.00 44.00 88 100
1:4:8 11.25 45.00 90 100
1 : 5 : 10 9.20 46.00 92 100

Schedule of rates Preparing of analysis of rates

It is a printed list of rates of various items of work for From the information regarding out-turn, materials
preparing detailed estimates and is maintained by the requirements, rates, etc. the analysis of rates of different
engineering department. It is in a book form and is called items of works may be worked out. The number of
as “schedule of rates book”. These rates are prepared on mazdoors, coolies, bhishties, etc. may be adopted from
the basis of analysis of rates. As these rates vary year the general ideas and different operations of construction
after year, therefore, a premium of fixed percentage is of the particular item of work. As for example, for brickwork
allowed on the schedule of rates. If the variation in the 1½ to 2 mazdoors or helper may be taken per mason; for
workable rates and schedule of rates is much more the lime concrete in foundation mason’s work is very little,
revision of rates is done and a new revised schedule of but requirement of mazdoor is greater for mixing, carrying,
rates is prepared. laying, ramming, etc., for lime concrete in roof terracing
requirement of mazdoor is still greater for beating a number
of days.

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For mortar and concrete, the ingredient materials such been taken into account. For example, one labourer for
as lime, cement, sand, surkhi, stone and brick half day is equivalent to half labourer per day.
aggregates, etc., have voids varying from 40% to 50%
and the finer ingredient to fill up the voids in the coarse Rates worked out are for one storey building (Ground floor).
ones. For rich mortar or rich concrete the finer ingredients Beyond one storey the rates may be increased by 1% for
are in excess of the volume of voids in the coarser ones, every subsequent storey. Height of one storey may be
hence the volume of the finished mortar or concrete will taken as 3.5 m to 4 m.
Analysis of rates
Dry volume of materials of mortar concrete, as taken in
the calculation of analysis of rates, means sum total 1 Lime concrete in foundation with 40 mm gauge brick
volume of each ingredient added together. In working out ballast unit 1 cu. m. Take – 10 cu. m.
analysis of rates labour has been taken on daily wages
basis for 8 hours working a day. When full day for a With white lime and surkhi 1:2 (Proportion – 16:32:100,
particular labourer is not required one labourer has to work i.e., 1:2:6 approx.)
part of a day, in such cases part labour of labourer has

Particulars Qty. or Nos Rate* Cost

Brick ballast 1st class 40 mm gauge 10 cu. m. 650.00 cu. m. 6500.00
White lime slaked 1.6 cu. m. 800.00 cu. m. 1280.00
Surkhi 3.2 cu. m. 500.00 cu. m. 1600.00
Total 9380.00
Matrial (Head Mason) ½ No. 350.00 per day 0175.00
Mason 1 No. 300.00 per day 0300.00
Mazdoor (Beldar) 12 Nos 220.00 per day 2640.00
Boy or woman coolie 12 Nos 200.00 per day 2400.00
Bhishti (Water-Man) 2 Nos 200.00 per day 0400.00
Sundries T. and P. etc. (Misc., Petty things) Lump Sum 100.00 L.S. 0100.00
Total 6012.00
Total of materials and labour 15395.00
Add 1½ % Water Charges 231.00
Add 10% Contractor’s Profit 1539.50
Grand Total for 10 cu. m. 17165.50
Rate per cu. m. = 17165.50/10 = Rs.1716.50

*Rates may vary accordingly to the schedule of rates of different states

Approximate calculation of materials for 100 cu. m. L.C. 1:2:6, Lime = 150/(1+2+6) 16.6 cu. m.

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Construction Related Theory for Exercise 4.5.174
Draughtsman Civil - Estimateing & costing

Valuation - Terms - Evaluation

Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define valuation
• define different terms incorporate with valuation
• evaluate a building in different methods.

Definition: Valuation is the technique of estimating or a Taxes: These include municipal tax, property tax,
determining the fair price or value of a property such as a wealth tax, etc., which are to be paid by owner of the
building, other engineering structures of various types, property annually.
land etc. By valuation the present value of a property is
b Repairs: The repairs are required to be carried out
every year to maintain a property in fit condition usually
10 to 15 percent of the gross income or 1% to 1.5%
The value of property depends of its structure, life,
monthly rent or 1% to 1.5% of the total cost of
maintenance, location, bank interest, legal control,
construction may be taken.
demand, purpose for which valuation is required etc.
c Management and collection charges: These
Purpose of valuation include the expenses on rent collection, watchman,
pump attendant, sweeper etc. (about 5% to 10%) of
1 Buying or selling property: When it is required to the gross rent. For small building none of these may
buy or to sell a property, it valuation is required. be taken into account.
2 Taxation: To assess the tax of a property, its valuation d Sinking fund: A certain amount of the gross rent is
is required. Taxes may be municipal tax, wealth tax, set aside annually as sinking fund to accumulate the
property tax, etc. total cost of construction when the life of the building
3 Rent fixation: In order to determine the rent of a is over.
property, valuation is required. Rent is usually fixed in e Loss of rent: The property may not be kept fully
certain percentage of the amount of valuation (6% to occupied in such a case, a suitable amount should be
10%). deducted from the gross rent under out goings.
4 Security of loans or mortgage: When loans are f Miscellaneous: These include electric charges for
taken against the security of the property, its valuation running lift, pump, for lighting common place which
is required. are to be borne by the owner.
5 Compulsory acquisition: Whenever a property is
Scrap value: Scrap value is the value of dismantled
acquired by law, compensation is paid to the owner.
materials. For a building when the life is over at the end
To determine the amount of compensation, valuation
of its utility period, the dismantled materials such as
of the property is required.
steel, bricks, timber, etc. will fetch a certain amount which
6 Insurance: Valuation of a property is also required for is the scrap value of the building. The scrap value of a
insurance, betterment charges, etc. building may be about 10% of its total cost of construction.

Technical terms Salvage value: It is the value at the end of utility period
without being dismantled.
Gross income: Gross income is the total income and
includes all receipts from various sources. The out goings Market value: The market value of a property is the
and the operational and collections charges are not amount which can be offered from the open market. The
deducted. market value will differ from time to time according to
demand and supply.
Net income or net return: This is the amount left after
deducting all out goings, operational and collection Book value: Book value is the amount shown in the
expenses from the gross income or total receipt. account book after allowing necessary depreciation. The
book value of a property at a particular year is the original
Net Income = Gross income - Out goings cost minus the amount of depreciation up to the previous
year. It will be gradually reduced year after year and at
Out goings: Out goings or the expenses are required to the end of the utility period of the property the book value
be incurred to maintain the revenue of the building. the will be only scrap value.
various types of out goings are as follows:


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Rateable value: Rateable value is the net annual letting 1 Cost from record: The cost of construction may be
value of a property which is obtained after deducting the determined from the estimate from the bill quantities
amount of yearly from the gross income. from record at present day rate.
2 Cost by detailed measurement: If record is not
Capital cost: Capital cost is the total cost of construction
available; the cost of construction may be calculated
including land or the original total amount required to
by preparing the bill of quantities of various items or
possess a property. It is the original cost and does not
works by detailed measurement at site and taking the
Capitalized value: It is the amount of money whose 3 Cost by plinth area basis: It is a simple method to
annual interest at the highest prevailing rate of interest calculate the cost on plinth area basis. The plinth area
will be equal to the net income from the property. of the building is measured and the present day plinth
area rate of similar building in the locality is obtained
Annuity: It is the annual periodic payment for repayment by enquires. Then cost is calculated (the cost may be
of the capital amount invested by a party. (Annuity means calculated by cubical content method).
annual payment)
4 Depreciation: Depreciation is the decrease or loss
Years purchase: Years purchase is defined as the capital in the value of a property due to structural deterioration,
sum required to be invested in order to receive an annuity use, life, wear and tear, decay and obsolescence.
of Rs.1.00 at certain rate of interest. 5 Determination of depreciation: After deciding the
cost of the building by any one of the above methods
it is necessary to allow a suitable depreciation on the

Generally, for 5 - 10 year, there is little depreciation of the

where i=rate of interest in decimal.
building, the depreciation increases with life.
Valuation of building: The valuation of building is
determined by working out its cost of construction at Age of Depreciation Total
present day rate and allowing a susitable DEPRECIATION. building per year depreciation

Before valuation, the age of the building should be obtained 0 - 5 years Nil Nil
from record or by enquiries or from visual inspection.
5 - 10 years 0.5% 2.5%
Present day cost may be determined by the following
method. 10 - 20 years 0.75% 7.5%
20 - 40 years 1.0% 60%
40 - 80 years 1.5% 60%
Total 90%
The balance 10% represents the net scrap value at the
end of utility period.

S.No. Details of items and works Life of the works

1 Brickwork in lime or cement, boulder masonry in lime or cement,
cut stone work in lime or cement 100 years and above
2 Brick work in clay, coursed rubble in mud 100 years
3 Brick arches in lime or cement mortar, rubble stone arches in
lime or cement mortar 100 years
4 Sundries brickwork in clay 75 years


5 Brick-on-edge or flat flooring over 7.5 cm L.C. 40 years

6 Cement concrete floor, granolithic floor, stone flooring 50 years
7 Terraced floor or lime concrete 20 years

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8 R.C.C., R.B., terraced roofing over stone flags, jack arck roofing
with L.C. terracing 75 years
9 Iron work in roofing 80 years
10 Sal wood work in roof 60 years
11 Country wood in work 15 years
12 Allahabad lock tiling 25 years
13 G. I. sheet roofing of 22 B.W.G. sheet 50 years
14 Sal ballies in roof 20 years
15 Pine wood ceiling 30 years

Doors and windows

16 Teak wood doors and windows, Sal wood doors and windows 40 years
17 Country wood doors and wondows 30 years

Iron work

18 Rolled steel joist 75 years

19 Wrought iron work 80 years

Method of valuation Net annual income (Net profit) = Gross income -

(expenses, out goings, inerest of capital invested, etc.)
1 Rental method of valuation: In this methods, the
net income by way of rent is found out by deducting Capitalized value = Net Profit x Y.P.
all out goings from the gross rent. A suitable rate of
4 Valuation based on cost: In this method the actual
interest as prevailing in the market is assumed and
cost incurred in constructing the building is taken as
years purchase is calculated. The net income
basis to determine the value of property. In such cases
multiplied by Y.P. gives the valuation of the property.
necessary depreciation should be allowed.
Net income = gross income - out goings
Capitalized value = Actual cost of construction -
Year purchase = 5 Development method of valuation: This method
i of valuation is used for the properties which are in the
undeveloped stages, or partly developed and partly
where i=rate of interest in decimal.
undeveloped stage.
Capitalized value of the property = net income x Y.P. If a building is required to be renovated by making
additions or improvements, this method of valuation
2 Direct comparison with the capital value: This may be used. The valuation of the property may be
method may be adoped when the rental value is not worked out from the anticipated future net income
available from the property concerned, but there are which it may fetch after renovation. The net income
evidences of sale prices of properties as a whole. In multiplied by the Y.P. will give the anticipated
such cases the capitalized value of the property value capitalized value.
of the property is fixed by direct comparison with
6 Depreciation method of valuation: According to
capitalized value of similar property in the locality.
this method of valuation, cost of building is worked
3 Valuation based on profit: This method of valuation out on the present day rates. The life and rate of
is suitable for buildings like hotels, cinema theatres depreciation should be ascertained with help of table.
etc. for which the capitalized value depends on the
The valuation of property is determined by the formula
Where d = Depreciated value
In such cases, the net annual income is worked out
after deducting from the gross income all possible P = Cost at present market rate
expenses, out goings, interest on the capital invested
rd = Fixed percentage of depreciation
etc. The net profit is multiplied by Y.P. to get the
caitalized value. n = Age of the building
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The values arrived at, will be exclusive of cost of land, Depreciation table
water supply, electric and sanitary fitting etc. and will
apply to those building only which have been properly Sl.No. Life of Fixed percentage
maintained. structure of depreciation (rd)

1 100 years rd = 1.0

2 75 years rd = 1.3
3 50 years rd = 2.0
4 25 years rd = 4.0

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Construction Related Theory for Exercise 4.5.175
Draughtsman Civil - Estimateing & costing

Objectives: At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• define and describe the importance of specifications
• classify the specification
• describe the general specification
• explain the detailed specification
• calculate the area and volume at irregular boundary.

Specification: Specification specifies or describes the Specifications depend on the nature of the work, the
nature and the class of the work, materials to be used in purpose for whch the work is required, strength of the
the work, workmanship, etc. and is very important for the materials, availability of materials, quantity of materials
execution of the work. The cost of a work depends much etc.
on the specifications. Specifications should be clear, and
there should not be any ambiguity anywhere. From the Specifications are of two types
study of the specifications, one can be easily understand
the nature of the work and what the work shall be. The 1 General specification or brief specification and
drawings of the building or structure show that 2 Detailed specification
arrangement of the rooms and various parts and the
dimensions - length, breadth and height with brief General or brief specification: General specification
descriptions of different parts. Drawings do not furnish gives the nature and class of the work and materials in
the details of different items of work, the quantity of general terms, to be used in the various parts of the work,
materials, proportion of mortar and workmanship which from the foundation to the supersturcture. It is a short
are described in specifications. Thus the combinations of description of different parts of the work specifying
drawings and specifications define completely the materials, proportions, qualities, etc. General
structure. Drawings and specifications form important parts specifications give general idea of the whole work or
of contract document. structure and are useful for preparing the estimate.
During writing specification attempts should be made to For general idea, the general specifications of different
express all the requirement of the work clearly and in a class of the buildings are given below. These will of course
concise form avoiding repetition. As far as possible, the vary according to the necessity and type of works.
clauses of the specification whould be arranged in the
same order in which the work will be carried out. The General specifications of different class of buildings is as
specifications are wirtten in a language so that they indicate follows:
what the work should be, and words “shall be” or “should
be” are used. 1 First class bulding: The first class building
specifications are as follows.

S. No. Items Details

1 Foundation and Plinth It shall be of first class brickwork (or random rubble masonry) in lime mortar
or 1:6 cement mortars over lime concrete or 1:4:8 cement concrete
2 Damp Proof Course It shall be 2.5 thick cement concrete 1:1.5:3 mixed with water proofing
materials and painted with two coats of bitumen
3 Super Structure It shall be of 1st class brick with lime mortar or 1:6 cement mortar. Lintels
shall be of R.C.C.
4 Roofing Roof shall be of R.C.C. slab with an insulation layer. Height of rooms not
less than 3.7 m.
5 Flooring Drawing and dining room floors shall be of mosaic, bath room and W.C.
floors and dado shall be of mosaic. Bedroom shall be coloured and polished
of 2.5 cm cement concrete over 7.5 lime concrete. Floor of others shall be of
2.5 cm. Cement concrete 7.5 cm. Lime concrete polished.
6 Finishing Inside and outside walls shall be of 12 mm. Cement lime plastered 1:1:6
Drawing, Dining and Bed rooms inside shall be distempered and other inside
white washed 3 coats. Outside shall be coloured snow cem washed 2 coats
over 1 coat of white wash

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S. No. Items Details

7 Doors and windows Frame shall be teak wood.

Shutters shall be teak wood 4.3 cm, thick panelled or partly glazed with
additional wire gauge shutters.
All fittings shall be of brass.
Doors and windows shall be varnished or pained two coats with enamel paints
over one coat or priming. Windows shall be provided with iron grills.
Rain water pipes, 1st class sanitary and water fittings and electrical installations
shall be provided.
1 metre wide 7.5 cm, thick c.c. 1 : 3 : 6 aprons shall be provided all around
the building.
8 Miscellaneous

2. Second class buildings: The second class building specifications are as follows

S. No. Items Details

1 Foundation and plinth Foundation and plinth shall be of 1st class brickwork cement mortar over
lime concrete
2 Damp proof course It shall be of 2 cm. thick cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 mixed with standard water
proofing materials.
3 Superstructure It shall be of 2nd class brick with lime mortar. Lintels shall be of R.B.
4 Roofing Roof shall be of R.B. slab with 7.5 cm. Lime concrete terracing above.
Verandah roof may be of A.C. sheet or Allahabad tiles.
5 Flooring Floor shall be 2.5 cm. cement concrete over 7.5 L.C. verandah floor shall be
of brick tiles finished cement pointed.
6 Finishing Inside and outside walls shall be of 12 mm. Cement mortar plastered 1 : 6
ceiling shall be cement pastered 1 : 3.
7 Doors and windows Frame shall be of R.C.C. or well seasoned sal wood, shutter of deodars wood
4 cm. thick panelled or partly glazed. Doors and windows shall be painted
two coats over one coat of priming.
8 Miscellaneous Rain water pipes shall be provided. Electrification, sanitary and water fittings
may be provided if required.
3 Third class buildings: The specifications for the third class building are as follows

S. No. Items Details

1 Foundation and It shall be of sun dried bricks and mud mortar. Opening shall be provided
with superstructure arch of 2nd class brick work in lime mortar or with wooden
planks. Inside and outside wall shall be water proof mud plastered.

2 Roofing It shall be of tiles, over bamboo, and wooden support.

3 Flooring If shall be earthen floor finished with gobris washing (cow dung lapping)

4 Doors and Windows It shall be of chir or mango wood or country wood.

Detailed specification workmanship, the method of preparation and execution

and the methods of measurement. The detailed
The detailed specification is a detailed description and specifications of different items of work are prepared
expresses the requirements in detail. The detailed separately, and describe what the works should be and
specification of an item of work specifies the qualities how they shall be executed and constructed. Detailed
and quantities of materials, the proportion of mortar,

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specifications are written to express the requirements Measurement: The measurement of the excavation shall
clearly n a concise form avoiding repetition and embiguity. be taken in cu. m. (cu. ft.) as for rectangular trench bottom
width of concrete multiplied by the vertical depth of
The detailed specifications are arranged as far as possible foundation from ground level and multiplied by the length
in the same sequence of order as the work is carried out. of trenches even though the contractor might have
The detailed specifications if prepared properly are very excavated with sloping side for his convenience. Rate shall
helpful for the execution of work. The detailed be for complete work for 30 m (100 ft.) lead and 1.50 m
specifications form an important part of contract (5’) lift, including all tools and plants required for the
document. completion of the works. For every extra lead of 30 m
and every extra lift of 1.5 m separate extra rate is provided.
Every engineering department prepares the detailed
specifications of the various items of works, and get them Excavation in saturated soil: Excavation in saturated
printed in book form under the name “Detailed soil or below sub-soil water level shall be taken under a
Specifications.” When the work or a structure or project separate item and shall be carried out in the same manner
is taken up, insttead of writing detailed specification every as above. Pumping or bailing out of water and removal of
time. The printed Detailed Specifications are referred. slush shall be included in the item. Timbering of the sides
of trenches if required shall be taken under a separate
Example - The detailed specifications of Earth Work item and paid separately.
Excavation is given below.
Computation of area and volume
1 Earthwork in excavation in foundation: Excavation
- Foundation trenches shall be dug out to the exact Aim: One of the main objectives of the surveying is to
width of foundation concrete and the sides shall be compute the areas and volumes. Generally, the lands will
vertical. If the soil is not good and does not permit be of irregular shaped ploygons. There are formulae readily
vertical sides, the sides should be sloped back or available for regular polygons like, triangle, rectangle,
protected with timber shoring. Excavated earth shall square and other polygons. But for determining the areas
not be placed within 1 m (3”) of the edge of the trench. of irregular polygons, different methods are used.
2 Finish of trench: The bottom of foundation trenches
They are
shall be perfectly levelled both longitudinally and
transversely and the sides of the trench shall be
1 Graphical method
dressed perfectly vertical from bottom up to the least
thickness of loose concrete so that concrete may be 2 Co-ordinate method
laid to the exact width as per design. The bed of the
3 Planimeter
trench shall be lightly watered and well rammed.
Excess digging if done through mistake shall be filled Out of these methods, the co-ordinate method is popularly
with concrete at the expense of the contractor. Soft is used, in land surveying for computing catchment area,
or defective sports shall be dug out and removed filled drainage area, cross-section of rivers, channels etc. Under
with concrete or with stabilized soil. If rocks or boulders this method the given area is split into two with a base
are found during excavation, these should be removed line run at the centre. There are two important rules
and the bed of the trenches shall be levelled and made available.
hard by consolidating the earth. Foundation concrete
shall not be laid before the inspection and approval of 1 Trapezoidal rule
the trench by the engineer-in-charge.
In this method, boundries between the ends of ordinates
Finds: Any treasure and valuables or materials found are asssumed to be straight. Thus the area enclosed
during the excavation, shall be property of the Government. between these line and the irregular boundary lines are
considered as trapezoids.
Water in foundation: Water, if any accumulates in the
trench, should be bailed or pumped out without the extra
payment and necessary precautions shall be taken to
prevent surface water to enter into the trench. A=
[01 + 0n + 2(0 2 + 0 3 + 0 4 + ...... + 0n−1 )]
Trench filling: After the concrete has been laid masonry ⎡(first ordinate + last ordinate )+ ⎤
has been constructed the remaining portion of the trenches A= ⎢2(sum of other ordinates) ⎥
2 ⎣ ⎦
shall be filled up with earth in layers of 15 cm (6”) and
watered and well rammed. The earth filling shall be free
from rubbish and refuse matters and all clods shall be
broken before filling. Surplus earth not reauired, shall be
removed and disposed, and site shall be levelled and

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Simpson’s rule 2 The following offsets were taken from a survey line to
a curved boundary line

( )
d ⎡01 + 0n + 4 02 + 0 4 + ...... + 0n− 2 + ⎤
Distance (m) 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80
A= ⎢
3 ⎢2 0 + 0 + .....0
⎣ 3 5 n −1
) ⎥
Offset (m) 2.50 3.80 4.60 5.20 6.10 4.70 5.80 3.90 2.20

Find the area between the survey line, the curved boundary
⎡(first ordinate + last ordinate )+ ⎤ line and the first and last offsets by (a) Trapezoidal Rule
Common dist. (d) ⎢
⎢4(sum of even ordinates )+
A= and (b) Simpson’s Rule.
⎢⎣2(sum of odd ordinates ) ⎦ Here, the intervals between the offsets are not regular
throughout the length. So the section is divided into three


1 = Area of the 1st section

2 = Area of the 2nd section
3 = Area of the 3rd section
Here, d1 = 5m; d2 = 10m; d3 = 20m.

Laminations a Trapezoidal rule

The rule is applicable only when the number of divisions

is even or the number of ordinates are odd sometimes 5
one or both end ordinates may be zero. However, it must
Δ1 = [2.5 + 6.10 + 2 (3.80 + 4.60 + 5.20 )]= 89.5 m 2
be taken into account while applying rules.
Δ2 = [6.10 + 5.80 + (2 x 4.70 )]= 106.5 m 2
Workout problems 2
1 Following offsets were taken from a chain line to an Δ3 = [5.80 + 2.20 + (2 x 3.90 )]= 158 m 2
irrigular boundary line at an interval of 10 m. 0, 2.50,
3.50, 5.00, 4.60, 3.20, 0m. Compute the area between Total area = Δ1 + Δ 2 + Δ 3 = 89.5 + 106.5 + 158 = 354 m
the chain line, the irregular boundary line and the end
offsets by
b Simpson’s rule
a Trapezoidal rule
b Simpson’s rule
a Trapezoidal rule Δ =
1 3 ⎢⎣ 1 n 2 4
( ⎝ 3 5
O + O + 4 O + O ..... + 2 ⎛⎜ O + O + ..... ⎞⎟

Here d = 10
= [
2.5 + 6.10 + 4 (3.80 + 5.20 ) + 2 (4.60 ) ]
10 3
Area = [
(0 + 0 ) + 2(2.50 + 3.50 + 5.00 + 4.60 + 3.20 ) ] 2
2 = 89.67 m
= 5 x 37.60 = 188 m 10
= (6.10 + 5.8 ) + (4 x 4.70 ) + (2x0) = 102.33 m 2
[ ]
b Simpson’s rule
Here d = 10 Δ
= (5.8 + 2.20 ) + (4 x 3.90 ) + (2 x 0 ) = 157.3 m 2
[ ]
Area = [
(0 + 0 ) + 4(2.50 + 5.00 + 3.20 ) + 2(3.50 + 4.60 ) ]
Total area = Δ + Δ + Δ =
10 2 1 2 3
= x 59.00 = 196.66 m
89.67 + 102.33 + 157.3 = 349.30 m

178 Construction: Draughtsman Civil (NSQF Level-5) - R.T. for Exercise 4.5.175

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Computation of volumes Let d1 and d2 be the height of bank at two ends portion of
embankment, ‘L’ the length of the section, ‘B’ the formation
The computation of volumes of various quantities from width adn S:1 (horizontal:vertical) the side slope then,
the measurements done in the field is required in the
measurements done in the field is required in the design Area of mid section = Area of rectangular portion + Area
and planning on many engineering works. The volume of of two triangular portion.
earth work is required for suitable alignment of road works,
canal and sewer lines, soil and water conservation works,
farm pond and percolation pond consent. 2 2
= Bdm + 1 sdm + 1 sdm
2 2
The computation of volume os various materials such as 2
coal, gravel and is required to check the stock files, volume = Bdm + sdm
computations are also required for estimation of capacities
of bins, tanks etc.
( 2
∴Quantity of earth work = Bdm + sdm xL )
General, Q=(Bd+sd2)xL, where d stands for mean height
For estimation of volume of earth work cross sections are
or depth.
at right angles to a fixed line, which runs continuously
through the earth work. The spacing of the cross sections
will depend upon the accuracy required. The volume of
earth work is computed once the various cross-sections
are known, adopting the following methods and using
prismoidal rule and trapezoidal rule.

Method 1: Mid sectional area method - quantity =Area of

mid - section x length.

The quantities of earthwork may be calculated in a tabular

form as below

Stations Depth Mean Area of Area of Total Length Quantity

or or depth or central sides sectional between (bd +sd2) x L
Chainage Height Height “d” portion sd2 area stations
Bd Bd + sd2 Embankment Cutting

Area of side sloping surface

Area of both side slopes = 2L x d s 2 + 1
The area of sides which may require turfing or pitching, 1
may be found by multiplying the mean sloping breadth
oby the length. This also may be calculated in a tabular form

The mean sloping breadth = (sd2 + d2 ) = 5


where d stands for mean d.

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Stations Depth Mean Breadth of side slopes Length Total area of both

or or depth or d s2 + 1 between side slopes

2L x d s 2 + 1
Chainage Height Height sloping breadth stations (L) 1

This table may be added to previous table or may be

worked out separately, d being mean depth or beight A1 + A 2
The mean sectional area A =
Method II: Mean sectional area method: Quantity = Mean
Sectional area x Length. Sectional area of one end, A1 + A 2
Quantity Q = x Length
2 2
A 1 = Bd1 + Sd1 Sectional area at one end,

The quantities of earth work may be calculated in a tabular

2 form as given below:
A 2 = Bd 2 + Sd 2 , d1 and d2 are the height or depth at
the two ends.

Stations Depth Mean Area of Area of Total Length Qualtity

or or depth or central sides sectional between (bd +sd2) x L
chainage Height Height “d” portion sd2 area stations
Bd Bd + sd2 Embankment Cutting

Method III - Prismodial formula method

Quantity or Volume =
(A1 + A 2 + 4A m )
where A1 and A2 are the cross sectional areas at the two
ends of a portion or embankment of a road of length L,
and Am is the mid-sanctional area.

Let d1 and d2 be the heights of the banks at the two ends,

and dm be the mean height at the md-section, B be the
formation width and S:1 be the side slope.
Cross-sectional area at one end
A 1 = Bd1 + Sd1
Cross sectiona area at other end

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2 Instead of calculating the quantities against
A 2 = Bd 2 + Sd 2
each chainage and then totalling the areas
Cross section at middle may be totalled and then the total quantity is
calculated by multiplying the total area by the
d + d2
dm = 1
common length. But it is better to calculate
2 the quantities against each chainage which
help during the execution of the work for
controlling by comparing the actual quantity
after execution, with the estimated quantity
A m = Bdm + Sdm against each chainage.
d +d ⎛d +d ⎞
A m = B 1 2 + S⎜ 1 2 ⎟ Trapezoidal formula and prismodial formulae
2 ⎜ 2 ⎟ Methods for a series of cross-sections
⎝ ⎠
Quantity =
(A1 + A 2 + 4A m ) When a series of cross-section areas calculated at
equidistant points, the volume may be worked out by
⎡ ⎧ 2 ⎫⎤
trapezoidal formula.
(Bd1 + Sd1 ) + (Bd 2 + Sd 2 ) + 4 ⎨B⎜ 1 2 ⎟ + S⎜ 1 2 ⎟
2 2 ⎪ ⎛ d +d ⎞ ⎛ d +d ⎞
⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎜ 2 ⎟

⎪⎩ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎭⎪⎥
⎣ ⎦ Notations: A1, A2, A3 A4,..........An are the areas of cross-
⎡ 2 2
d + d 2 + 2d1d 2 ⎞⎤
sections; D = Distance between the section: V= volume
L ⎛ Bd Bd 2 2
= ⎢⎜ Bd1 + Bd 2 + 4 1 + 4 2 + Sd1 + Sd 2 + 4S 1 ⎟⎥ of cutting or banking.
6 ⎢⎜ 2 2 4 ⎟⎥
⎣⎝ ⎠⎦
i Volume by trapezoidal formulae method
[(3Bd1 + 3Bd2 ) + 2Sd12 + 2Sd22 + 2d1d2 ]

(d + d ) + 2LS
6 1 2 3
(d12 + d22 + d1d2 ) V=
(A1 + 2A 2 + 2A 3 + ...... + 2A n−1 + A n )
(d + d ) + LS3 (d12 + d22 + d1d2 )
2 1 2
⎛ A + An ⎞
V = D⎜ 1 + A 1 + A 2 + A 3 + ... ... + A n−1 ⎟ or
⎜ 2 ⎟
⎡ ⎛ d + d ⎞ ⎛ d 2 + d 2 + 2d d ⎞⎤ ⎝ ⎠
= ⎢B⎜ 1 2 ⎟ + S⎜ 1 2 1 2 ⎟⎥ x L
⎢ ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎜ 3 ⎟⎥
{A1 + A n + 2 (A 2 + A 3 ...... + A n−1 )}
⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦

ii Volume by prismoidal formulae method

The same is also applicable for cutting.
(A1 + A n + 4(A 2 + A 4 + ...... + A n−2 )+ 2 (A 3 + A 5 + ...... + A n−1))
Earthwork calculated by the prismodial formula (Method
III) is more accurate than calculated by the Method I and D
= (First area + Last area + 4 ∑ Even areas + 2 ∑ Odd areas )
Method II but they will differ by less than 1 percent. As 3
the earthwork is a cheap item, Method I and Method II is
generally used as it is a simple and entails less labour, It may be noted that in the case of the primosidal formulae,
but where rates are high and greater accuracy is required it is necessary to have an odd number of sectional area.
Prisosidal Formula may be used. If there is an even number of section, the end strip should
be treated separately, and the volume of the remaining
It may be noted that all the three methods, can be used strips shold be calculated by prismoidal formulae.
for embankment as well as for cutting. Cross-sectional
figures for banking if inverted give cross-sections for To calculate the volume of earthwork from contour plan,
cutting. for filling a depression or pond and for cutting ahillock,
primoidal formulae may be used conveniently. The areas
Just to distinguish cutting and banking, the cutting is with every contour may be found by using a planimeter or
indicated by (-) sign, (minus sign). a tracing paper containing squares. Then the prismoidal
formulae may be applied to calculate the volume, the
distance between the two sections will be the contour
intervals, i.e., the difference of level between two
consecutive contours.

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Example 1: Calculate the quantity of earthwork for 200 By Method 2
metre length for a portion of a road in an uniform ground
the heights of banks at the two ends being 1.00 m and
1.60 m. the formation width is 10 metre and side slopes
2:1 (Horizontal:Vertical). Assume that there is no
Quantity =
(A 1 + A 2 + 4A m )
transverse slope. A 1 = Sec. Area at one end
By Method 1 A 1 = Bd1 + SD1
= 10 x 1 + 2 x 1 = 12 sq. m.
B = 10 m, s = 2, L = 200 m,
A 2 = Sec. Area at other end
d = mean depth 2
A 2 = Bd 2 + Sd 2
1.00 + 1.60 = 10 x 1.60 + 2 x 1.6 = 21.12 sq. m.
d= = 1.30m A m = Mid. Sec.Area
A m = Bdm + Sdm
= (10 x 1.3 + 2 x 1.3 ) x 200
d1 + d 2 1.00 + 1.60
where dm = = = 1.30 m
= (13 + 3.38) x 200 2 2
= 16.38 x 200 = 3276 cu. m. A m = 10 x 1.30 + 2 x 1.30 = 16.38 sq. m.

∴Quantity = (12 + 21.12 + 4 x 16.38 )
200 19728
= x 98.64 = = 3288 cu. m.
6 6

The difference by methods 1 and 3 is less than

½ percent, the difference by methods 2 and 3
is less than 1 percent.

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