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Application for UGEE

Registration Number R24445380

Application Number U2444598
Full Name (As per 10th Standard Certificate) Ayinala Manoj Kumar
Gender Male
Email Address [email protected]
Mobile Number 8985387225

SSC or 10th Standard details

Year of Passing 2022

Percentage / GPA Percentage
Percentage / GPA Obtained 89.3
Board Board of Secondary Education of AP
Name of the School ZPHSMENTADA
Town/City Pittada
Type of School Government
District Vizianagaram
State/Union Territory Andhra Pradesh

Higher Secondary or 12th Standard details

Has class 12th Results been Announced? No

Board Board of Intermediate Education
Name of the School / ELITE COLLAGE
Type of School / Jr. College Private
Did your college provide Integrated Coaching Yes
for Entrance exams?
Integrated coaching type Part Time
Town/City Pittada
District Vizianagaram
State/Union Territory Andhra Pradesh
Have you taken JEE(Main) 2024? Yes
JEE(Main) Application Number 240311048710
Why are you interested in Admission into the A Dual Degree program offers several
Dual Degree program(minimum of 100 words advantages. Firstly, it allows students to gain
and Maximum of 200 words)? expertise in two distinct fields, which can
significantly enhance their career prospects and
versatility in the job market. Secondly, it provides
a more comprehensive educational experience,
enabling students to develop a broader skill set
and knowledge base. Additionally, Dual Degree
programs often offer a faster route to obtaining
two degrees simultaneously, saving time and
money compared to pursuing each degree
separately. Overall, the opportunity to gain
expertise in two areas and enhance career
prospects makes the Dual Degree program an… 1/2
3/25/24, 7:15 PM…
attractive option for many students seeking a
well-rounded education.
Mention one person who has inspired you and A Dual Degree program offers several
why(minimum of 100 words and Maximum of advantages. Firstly, it allows students to gain
200 words)? expertise in two distinct fields, which can
significantly enhance their career prospects and
versatility in the job market. Secondly, it provides
a more comprehensive educational experience,
enabling students to develop a broader skill set
and knowledge base. Additionally, Dual Degree
programs often offer a faster route to obtaining
two degrees simultaneously, saving time and
money compared to pursuing each degree
separately. Overall, the opportunity to gain
expertise in two areas and enhance career
prospects makes the Dual Degree program an
attractive option for many students seeking a
well-rounded education.
Did you fill the form your self? Yes

Center Preferences

City 1 Visakhapatnam
City 2 Vijayawada
City 3 Hyderabad

Program Preferences

First Preference CSD

Second Preference ECD
Third Preference CHD
Fourth Preference CLD
Fifth Preference CND… 2/2

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