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zenon manual

© 2020 Ing. Punzenberger COPA-DATA GmbH

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1 Welcome to COPA-DATA help ............................................................................................................... 4

2 Keyboards .................................................................................................................................................... 4

3 Automatic keyboard .................................................................................................................................. 6

3.1 Size of the keyboard ........................................................................................................................................6
3.2 Position of the keyboard................................................................................................................................7

4 Configurable keyboard ............................................................................................................................. 8

4.1 Creating a screen of the type keyboard ...................................................................................................9
4.2 Control elements............................................................................................................................................ 12
4.3 Keys for Recipegroup Manager ................................................................................................................ 13
4.4 Automatic key labeling ................................................................................................................................ 14
4.5 Keyboards in the zenon Web Client ....................................................................................................... 15

5 Hardware keyboards and virtual keyboards used together...........................................................15

Welcome to COPA-DATA help

1 Welcome to COPA-DATA help


You can find practical examples for project configuration with zenon in our YouTube channel
( The tutorials are grouped according to topics and give an
initial insight into working with different zenon modules. All tutorials are available in English.

If you cannot find any information you require in this help chapter or can think of anything that you
would like added, please send an email to [email protected].

You can receive support for any real project you may have from our customer service team, which
you can contact via email at [email protected].


If you find that you need other modules or licenses, our staff will be happy to help you. Email
[email protected].

2 Keyboards
Keyboards serve as virtual keyboards in zenon. Entries are possible in the Runtime using a
touchscreen with a virtual keyboard.

Note: Avoid the use of keyboard and the hardware key in mixed operation.
Two different types of keyboards can be configured in zenon Editor:
 Automatic keyboard (on page 6).
 Configurable keyboard (on page 8).

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Use of keyboards in zenon:

 Keyboards are used in in zenon to write set values.
 Individual keyboards can be used in the Batch Control module.
 You can find further information in the Batch Control manual, in the Keyboards chapter.
 You can do the following in recipe groups:
 Link a keyboard screen for each recipe parameter
 Define keyboards for each parameter data type

You can find further information in the RGM manual in the Keyboard chapter.



A string keyboard is called up for the action type user status in the Recipegroup Manager.
If, in the Recipegroup Manager, a bool or numeric recipe parameter has the action type changed to
user status, the general string keyboard configured in the RGM is called up. If no keyboard screen is
linked there, direct editing mode is activated in the recipe value table.


If a dynamic text element is linked to a function that allows entries, the following is applicable:
 The Write set value property is automatically activated and locked for further editing.
 The Write set value via property only allows the selection of the following elements:
 Standard dialog box:
Entry depending on configuration
 Element:
Entry in the element directly

Configuration of input field:

 Use screen Keyboard is activated automatically and locked for editing.
 Screen Keyboard: Selection of a configured screen (configured by the user).
 Individual screen present:
The linked keyboard is used.
 Empty: SETSTRINGKBD is used.

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Automatic keyboard

3 Automatic keyboard
To use the automatic keyboard, proceed as follows:
1. Open the zenon Editor
2. Click on the project with which you would like to work.
3. Click on Interaction in the properties.
4. Activate the Automatic keyboard setting there under the Keyboard heading.

This setting is not activated by default. When activating, the automatic keyboard is created by the
system and is automatically called up in Runtime relatively close to the element. It appears where a
set value is to be entered. You can configure your own properties such as size or position by means
of the properties in the Editor.

Note: There are no automatic keyboards available for the profile control elements. In this case, it is
recommended that you create your own keyboard and call it up using a button. A profile name can
thus be entered on a touchscreen using a separate keyboard that is called up manually.
You can find further information in relation to this in the Runtime profiles chapter in the Runtime

3.1 Size of the keyboard

The size of the keyboard can be freely defined by the user.

To do this:
1. Open the zenon Editor
2. Click on the project with which you would like to work.
3. Click on Interaction in the properties.
4. Activate the Automatic keyboard setting under the Keyboard heading.
5. Enter the desired size in percent in the Keyboard size [%] field.

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Automatic keyboard

The height of the title bar is obtained from the display settings. The following
can be changed using the setting via Control Panel -> Appearance ->
Display -> Advanced -> Element: Palette title.

3.2 Position of the keyboard

You can define a preferred position and also an alternative position in the properties of the keyboard.
If there is not enough space for the keyboard at the preferred position, it will be displayed at the
alternative position. If there is also not enough space there, the position will be defined by the system.
You define the position with the help of four values.
Property If there is not enough space for the keyboard at the
preferred position, it will be displayed at the alternative

Horizontal Left (default) positions the left corner of the keyboard in relation
to the top or bottom left corner of the element.
Right positions the right corner of the keyboard in relation to
the top or bottom right corner of the element.

Horizontal offset [pixel] Horizontal space (in pixels) to the selected element for the
preferred position of the automatic keyboard. Positive values
move the keyboard to the right, negative values move it to the

Default: 2.

Vertical With top (default) or bottom you position the keyboard above
or below the element.

Vertical offset [pixel] Vertical space (in pixels) to the selected element for the
preferred position of the automatic keyboard. Positive values
move the keyboard upwards, negative values move it

Default: 2.

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Configurable keyboard

4 Configurable keyboard
The keyboard can be configured or defined by the user. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Open the zenon Editor
2. Click on the project with which you would like to work.
3. Create a new frame under Screen ->Templates.
Note: Keyboards always need their own frame that should only be used for keyboards.
4. Configure Positioning and size of the template in the Position template properties group.
The size and position of the keyboard in Runtime are also defined as a result.
5. Under Screens, create a new keyboard screen (on page 9).
6. Configure the content of the screen:
a) select menu item Control elements from the menu bar
b) Select Insert template in the drop-down list.
The dialog to select pre-defined layouts is opened. Certain control elements are inserted
into the screen at predefined positions.
c) Remove elements that are not required from the screen.
d) If necessary, select additional elements in the Elements drop-down list. Place these at the
desired position in the screen.

Configurations of the keyboard keys (such as color or shape) can also be changed in the properties of
the control elements. In doing so, note that, depending on the control element, not all properties can
be changed. For example, the Text line 1 property of a control element, which represents a key,
cannot be changed. The property is grayed out in this example.

Use of the Standard template is recommended.

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Configurable keyboard

4.1 Creating a screen of the type keyboard

A keyboard screen allows the use of a freely-definable virtual keyboard.


Two procedures are available to create a screen:

 The use of the screen creation dialog
 The creation of a screen using the properties

Steps to create the screen using the properties if the screen creation dialog has been deactivated in
the menu bar under Tools, Settings and Use assistant:
1. Create a new screen.
To do this, select the New screen command in the tool bar or in the context menu of the
Screens node.

2. Change the properties of the screen:

a) Name the screen in the Name property.
b) Select Keyboard in the Screen type property.
c) Select the desired frame in the Frame property.
3. Configure the content of the screen:
a) Select the Elements (screen type) menu item from the menu bar.
b) Select Insert template in the drop-down list.
The dialog to select pre-defined layouts is opened. Certain control elements are inserted
into the screen at predefined positions.
c) Remove elements that are not required from the screen.
d) If necessary, select additional elements in the Elements drop-down list. Place these at the
desired position in the screen.
4. Create a screen switch function.

Context menu in the project manager:

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Configurable keyboard

1. Click on Screens in the Project Manager.

2. A right click opens the context menu.
3. Click on New screen in the context menu.

1. Click on Screens in the Project Manager.
2. In the detail view of the Project Manager, click on New screen in the toolbar.

You have several possibilities for determining the screen type of the new screen:

Detail view of the Project Manager:

1. In the detail view of the Project Manager, click on the screen type of the newly created
2. Select the keyboard screen type in the drop-down list.

1. Click on General in the properties.
2. Click on the arrow on the right under screen type and select the keyboard screen type in the
drop-down list.
3. In the properties of the General group, select a pre-defined keyboard as a name or give it a
freely-definable name.

Attention: Keyboard screens with reserved names have priority in the Runtime over other keyboard
screens, including the screen Automatic keyboard for touch operation.

If a keyboard screen is called up over the whole screen, instead of just a dialog, it can be the case that
menus are hidden.

Hint: In that case, engineer a Close frame function which allows you to close the open

In the screen properties, under General, there are several key words under Name. You can read what
these are for in the following:

For screen type keyboard, the following names have been reserved:
Name Description

DIALOGKBD if a screen with this name exists, it will be opened in the Runtime every time
a dialog is loaded, e.g. for entering a new recipe name in the RGM.

Attention: The DIALOGKBD is not designated to be used with control

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Configurable keyboard

Name Description
element Set value input element and not suitable for it. The use of this
combination can cause errors in the Runtime.

SETBOOLKBD If a screen with this name exists, it will be opened in the Runtime every time
an input for binary variables is required.

SETSTRINGKBD If a screen with this name exists, it will be used in Runtime instead of the
standard dialog box for string variables.

SETVALUEKBD If a screen with this name exists, it will be used in Runtime instead of the
standard dialog box for numeric variables. The control element set value
input must be inserted in the keyboard.

Attention: When Caps lock is activated, you cannot enter anything in a

keyboard of type SETVALUEKBD as instead of numbers the respective
special characters would be entered.
Exception: French keyboards need the Shift key or the Caps Lock key in
oder to enter numbers.

Note: Use the control element Set value input only for keyboards which are created for the input
of input set value (SETVALUEKBD, SETSTRINGKBD). It is automatically connected to the variable of
the dynamic element that is to receive the set value. When using a normal Keyboard, unwanted
results may occur.

It is imperative for Keyboards that are used for setpoint input to have the control element Setpoint
input projected in the screen. If not, it is impossible to enter values or to send set values.

Note: Is in the project

 a screen of type Keyboard with the reserved name DIALOGKBD available
 and at the same time a screen of type Login
 and the automatic keyboard property in the keyboard group is activated,

the screens must not be based on the same frame. In this case, the DIALOGKBD would be used

A keyboard button has more properties than a normal button in zenon Editor. This can be seen and
defined under Display. Special characters can be defined this way.

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Configurable keyboard

4.2 Control elements

Control element Description

Insert template Opens the dialog for selecting a template for the
screen type.

Templates are shipped together with zenon and

can also be created by the user.

Templates add pre-defined control elements to

pre-defined position in the screen. Elements that
are not necessary can also be removed individually
once they have been created. Additional elements
are selected from the drop-down list and placed in
the zenon screen. Elements can be moved on the
screen and arranged individually.

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Configurable keyboard

Control element Description

Alphanumerical left Definition of the keys for self-created keyboard; left

side of a normal standard keyboard.

Alphanumerical right Definition of the keys for self-created keyboard;

right side of a normal standard keyboard.

Number lock Definition of the keys for self-created keyboard;

number keys of a normal standard keyboard.

Function keys Definition of the keys for self-created keyboard;

function keys and Escape keys of a normal
standard keyboard.

Recommendation: Use a template.

Control element Description

Write set value Control element for write set value.

Set value input Allows the input a set value. Must be configured in

Increment Carries out addition calculations. Adds 1 to the


Decrement Carries out subtraction calculations. Subtracts 1

from the value.

Value on The value is 1, i.e. true.

Example: Machine is on.

Value off The value is 0, i.e. false.

Example: Machine is off.

Toggle value True/false switch.

OK Sets the value and closes the window.

Cancel Closes the window.

4.3 Keys for Recipegroup Manager

For the RGM, there are the following special control elements available under Control elements ->
Recipegroup Manager specific when configuring the keyboard screen:

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Configurable keyboard

Control element Description

Send value The set value is written to the variable, updated in the
recipe and the keyboard is closed.

Save recipe The recipe is saved

Send value and save recipe The set value is written to the variable, updated in the
recipe, the recipe is saved and the keyboard is closed.

Value displays as Text 1 Keys can be linked with limit values from a reaction matrix.
to To do this, the variable of the recipe parameter
Value displays as Text 32
 must be linked with Numeric reaction matrix or
String reaction matrix and

 "equals" states must be included

Assigned keys are shown in runtime and labeled with the

text from the reaction matrix.

Clicking the button writes the linked value in the reaction

matrix as a proposal for the recipe value in the Set value
input control element.

4.4 Automatic key labeling

The labeling of the Keyboard can be either freely defined or defined by the operating system. To do
this, activate or deactivate, in the screen properties under Representation, the Automatic labeling
option. The language is automatically taken from the operating system and the keys are automatically
labeled after that. This option is well suited to other countries that want to work with the keyboard. All
keyboard layouts that are supported by Windows are available.

The functionality of the virtual keyboard keys corresponds to the hardware keyboard. This depends
on the keyboard set on the executing computer in the system settings. The configured labeling is
ignored in this case. The keyboard set on the computer (via the system setting) always takes priority
for display in zenon Runtime over the labellings displayed in the zenon Editor.

In doing so, the following applies:

1. Active:
 For letters, numbers and F keys of the screen of the type Keyboard the original labeling
of the keyboard layout of the operating system is used.
 No alternative labeling can be defined.

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Hardware keyboards and virtual keyboards used together

 If keys have been labeled differently, the original labeling will still be used in the Runtime.
Function keys such as Tab or Shift can still be labeled differently.

The keypad of the keyboard is not automatically labeled and the label can be adapted in the Runtime
at any time independent of the setting of property Automatic labeling.
1. Inactive:
 All keys can be labeled individually and are displayed in the Runtime correspondingly.
 The labeling of the keys can be amended in the Editor in the properties, under
 The configured label is displayed in the Runtime.

4.5 Keyboards in the zenon Web Client

If a keyboard is loaded in the Runtime, it remains open even if the Runtime is minimized. In the OS
task bar, a drop down list for the keyboard is shown.

Individually adapted screens of type Keyboard may under certain circumstances
not work properly with the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Reason: Mozilla Firefox loads new windows in the background without putting
the focus on them. Depending on the project configuration,
individually-adapted keyboard screens are closed as soon as they are no longer
in focus.

Solution: Use a different browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google

Chrome, or use the Close after losing focus frame option. Correct display in
Mozilla Firefox is possible as a result.

Automatic keyboards are not affected!

5 Hardware keyboards and virtual keyboards used

Virtual keyboards act like hardware keyboards in the operating system. If virtual keyboards are used
together with hardware keyboards, they affect each other. Settings on the hardware keyboards - e.g.
to determine whether the Shift key is used - affect the virtual keyboard and vice versa.

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Hardware keyboards and virtual keyboards used together

 If CAPS lock is pressed on the hardware keyboard for the Shift key, this also applies to the
virtual keyboard. In this case you cannot enter numbers via the automatic keyboard.
 If you press key Num on the hardware keyboard in order to switch off the number pad, the
number pad on the virtual keyboard is also turned off.

Note: Use of the virtual keyboard and the hardware keyboard in combined operation is not

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