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Employing Study Habits and its Impact to Academic Performance as Perceived Among

Selected Students of Constancio E. Aure Sr. National High School

Nicole Kimberly Abad

Mark Jherel Aure
Daniel Jacob Cruz
Niña Bellemar Esguerra
Shiekaina Jungco
Sid Rick

APRIL 2024


Background and Rationale

Education is very important in many reasons; it can give students stability and

opportunities in the future. That’s why students want to excel and to be better in their

academic performances. Students and the Authors need to gain new knowledge and ideas that

will help students to reach their goals in the future.

Purpose in conducting this study is for the Researcher to know all the essential,

effective, guaranteed and reliable result into learning the most effective possible outcome of

study habits. Different study habits are important to help students stay on top of their tasks

and balance everything they need to do. Time is really important and time is running, students

have a lot of different task that they need to do or pass on time. Study habits could also be a

big help for students to stay focused, interested and committed to their task. In this kind of

research, the Researchers will be able to help other students of CEASNHS and this is the

Researchers actual main goal to make studying fun and easier for everyone. By applying

different study habits this could also give students excellent results and a successful outcome

in their output or performance.

Study habits play an important role in improving students’ academic performance

(Vishwanath 2023). However, some of the different study says that the effects of study habits

on academic performance may not always be significant (Oliva 2021). There are some of

effective study habits such as finding a good and comfortable location for studying, note-

taking, having motivation and memorization give a big contribute to students’ academic

achievements (Azonwu, Ochonma 2023).

The Researchers believe that this research that is being conducted could also be a big

help regarding in the students health. This study could help them to be physically, and

mentally stable. With this kind of awareness this wouldn't only benefit the students but also

the school and the teachers. This will give students much easier way of learning and much

manageable time. This will also give students more time to spend for their family, friends,

and in other different matter. The Researchers is also hoping that they'll use those extra time

in some other curricular activities and in improving themselves more, could be with their

talent or skills or some activities that gives them confidence. The Researchers as a student

from grade 10 is aware in how stressful, pressuring, and challenging it is to be a student and

to stay focus while studying specially when students are wanting or expected to be on top of

the class. The Researchers want all of the students to be aware that they should never pressure

themselves and that they should be aware that their grades should not always be perfect. All

students make mistakes and with those they will learn better in life. Carry on learning and

start a very effective study habit.

Recently, the Researchers found the following information that regards different ideas

of study habits. This involves self awareness, time managing style, etc. For wide range of

ideas, the Researchers used international sources more. National and regional sources

contains There are ideas that came from the Researchers experiences. Research conducted

from 2020 until now reaffirms the importance of metacognitive strategies and self-assessment

in enhancing student learning processes (Smith, 2022). Elaboration techniques, such as

generating examples and asking insightful questions, continue to be crucial for deepening

comprehension (Jones et al., 2021). The use of mnemonic devices such as acronyms,

keywords, and visualization tools remains effective for improving information retention (Lee

et al., 2020). These past few years consistently show that distributed practice, characterized

by spaced repetition, leads to better long-term retention compared to massed practice (Garcia
et al., 2021). Additionally, fostering self-regulation skills, including effective goal-setting and

time management, is essential for academic success (Brown, 2020). Study Habits of

Secondary Students from A Philippines—explores the study habits of secondary students in

the Philippines and their impact on academic success (Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, Arts

and Sciences). Proper improves study habits. Using keywords and constructing own version

of lecture will enhance the students memorization. Understanding the lesson combined with

wide vocabularies will allow students to master the lesson easily (StudyPH, 2022). Despite

technological advancements and all these knowledge, distractions, procrastination, and poor

time management leads to infective study habits. The Researchers developed a goal to

comprehend the selected students here. Many Ceanistas are talented and hardworking.

However, the Researchers are also aware about the imbalance in their lifestyle as they

observed from the recent years here in Constancio E. Aure Sr. National High school. Through

surveys, and additional variety of researches, the Researchers will try to calculate for

universal solutions. The Researchers aim for the reduction of irrelevant stress and

maximization of learning quality as much as possible.


Generally, this study aims to determine the employ and impact of study habits to the

academic performance perceived by the selected students of CEASNHS

Specifically, this study aims to determine the:

1. The selected students that employs study habits in their academic performances.

2. The impact of study habits in the academic performances of selected students in

3. The significant relationship of employing study habits and its impact in the academic

performances of the selected students in CEASNHS.


Generally this study aims to answer the question, who employ study habits and impact

of study habits to the academic performance perceived among the selected students of

Constancio E. Aure Sr, National High School?

Specifically this study aims to determine:

1. Who employs study habits in their academic performance?

2. What is the impact of using different study habits to the academic performance s of the

students in CEASNHS?

3. What is the significance relationship of study habits and its impact to the selected students



Cognitive Development Theory of Jean Piaget

School is a place specialized for teaching students new knowledge. Lessons are being

taught to Students by the Teachers, with their own different approaches or way. Cognitive

Development Theory states that imparting knowledge can be affected by internal and external

elements. Learning is perceived uniquely by each person. Connecting to students in school,

they all have different unique way for them to perceive knowledge effectively. Some students
employ study habits for impact in more efficient learning since they know what unique way

of studying they can apply to effectively learn. Studying habits and cognitive development

theory can work together for a specialize learning.

Interest Driven Creator Theory of Tak-Wai Chan

Interest-driven creator by Tak-Wai Chan is a creation of habit that is driven by

interest. By creating such a study habit, it will going to give students knowledge for academic

performance. It is learning from study routines like cuing environment and routine. Cuing

environment is a habit that will help our brain to be more focus in the academic performance.

Routine is about the behavioral pattern of the students that they repeat most often to be more

effective in the class. And last, Harmony refers to the effectiveness of the habits that the

students repeat often in their academic performances.

Constructivism Learning Theory of Jean Piaget

Learning can be perceived as remembering knowledge. Constructivism Learning

Theory suggests that learning is most effective when it is learned by experience and

reflection. Constructivism Learning is one example of unique way of learning. It uses past

experience and mistakes to make the current one correct. Constructivism Theory of Jean

Piaget can be applied to education and academics since studying is a process of examination

to perfect something. Reflecting and experience to some is the most effective way to learn

and to gain knowledge accurately.

Constructivism theory is one example of a way to effectively learn. Though it might

be efficient it is not applicable to everyone. To some it may be a great impact to improving

their academic performance but to some it is not. This is what the study habits suggest,
finding out whether the employment of study habits really has an impact on the learning of

the students as reflected to their academic performance. Every student has their own

approaches of learning finding out what it is, is completely up to them. Creating own way to

learn is to determine the most effective one such as constructivism.


This study about study habits can benefit the following:

Students. Students who have good study habits are the number one that receives the

good benefits of it. It can help them to easily manage their time. It would lead them to have

good grades and be an academic achiever. Being a student is such a challenging one, they

need to think a lot of techniques to excel in a class so this research can help them to find what

are the most effective study habits that they can use.

Teachers. The significant of this study will help in managing time. This study will

help teachers who are struggling with managing their time for their school works. This will

also help teachers to develop what they are studying to teach their students. This will help

them to not have difficulty managing time and doing the task they need to do.

Parents. Study habits will have a significant effect on parents emotionally and they

can also use it in future purposes. Seeing their son or daughter excel in academics will give

them peace and joy. It can affect their behavior too. Aside from emotional and behavioral

effect, it can also affect their future, because they use study habits too if they want to study

again or if they want to continue their studies again to achieve their desired profession or

dreams in the future.

Future Researcher. This research that focuses on study habits can benefit future

researchers for their own study. The future researchers can use this research as a reference

and background for any future related studies about the impact of study habits in academic

performance of students.


Study Habits Survey Impact

Study habits is the Researchers input, study habits is an action such as reading, takes

notes, holding study groups which the students perform regularly and habitually in order to

accomplish the task of learning. It is the topic that the researcher will choose because it is

connected to the student and the researcher wants to know the students who are using and

employing study habits in studies.

As the research starts to go through, the study needs the process of collecting data.

This study aims to know whether there is an impact of employing study habits to the

academic performance of students. One of the processes of collecting data that can be use is

by survey, because by this process researcher can determine the answer of a selected amount

of students that can answer the research question whether study habits have an effect. After

the process of survey and collecting data the researcher will discuss the outcome and finally
come up with the answer of the study. Through the process of collecting data the output of the

study can be determined.


This study entitled "Employing Study Habits and Its impact to Academic Performance

as Perceived among Selected Students of Constancio E. Aure Sr. National High School. This

study focuses on the way of how students handle their academics and how it affects their

academic performance.

This can help students and teachers to find what is the most effective study habits that

can help them. Hard Copy questionnaire will be use as surveys.The target of this research are

selected students of Constancio E.Aure Sr. National High School from grade 7-10. This

research was done during the year 2023-2024

The limit of this research are to the students of Constancio E. Aure Sr. National High

School. The other students from other schools or other students that are not included for the

said title are not connected to this study. Any other topics that related to academic are not


The hard copy questionnaire that related to this research will be answered by selected

students, this can help researches to find the most effective study habits and how it affects the

academic performance of the students.


The following words is given meaning conceptually:

Academic - activities involving learning, studying, and intellectual pursuits within an

educational context.

Academic Performance - Academic performance refers to how well a student meets the

standards set by their educational institution. It is a measure of a student's achievement in

various academic activities such as exams, assignments, projects, and overall learning


Employing - a usage or application of an object or action.

Habits - regularly repeated behaviors or actions that are often unconscious or automatic.

Habits are formed through consistent repetition and can have a significant impact on an

individual's daily life and overall well-being.

Impact - a strong effect or influence that an event, situation, or action has on something or

someone. It refers to the result or consequence of a particular action or series of actions.

Perceived - refers to how something is understood, interpreted, or recognized by individuals

based on their perception or viewpoint. Perception plays a crucial role in shaping how people

perceive and react to various stimuli or situations.

Performance - the manner in which a task or activity is carried out or completed.

Performance can refer to various aspects, including academic achievement, work output, or

the execution of a specific skill.

Study - an act of acquiring knowledge, typically through reading, research, or investigation.

It involves the examination and exploration of a subject or topic in order to understand it


Study Habits - an automatic pattern of behavior acquired in analysing, reading, and the

method of learning.


The following word is given meaning operationally:

Academic - it is the reason why the students need to learn.

Academic Performance - The results of their academics based on their study habits

Employing - the applying of actions that the students do to improve their academic


Habits - the routine that the students do to improve their academics

Impact - effects in students, it's either negative or positive.

Performance - the move that the students execute to increase their grades.

Perceived – it is how students interpret study habits

Students - the people that goes to school to learn new ideas

Study - the process of learning of the students.

Study Habits - the action students do that is associated with their studies
Chapter II


This provides a review of literatures and studies of the investigation of study habits.

The literature covered includes recent research on effective study techniques, factors

influencing study habits, and their impact.

Study Habits

Study habits have been a significant predictor of students' academic performance and

play a crucial role in their academic achievements (Jafari, 2019). Study habits include

behaviors and skills that can help convert studying into an effective process with a good

return, thereby enhancing learning. They are defined as the process of gathering information

and serve as a gateway to successful academic performance (Khatony, 2019).

Academic Performance

Academic performance is paramount for students in their studies. It represents the

extent to which students achieve their short or long-term educational goals and is measured

through continuous assessment (Mulu, 2022). Academic performance is vital for students as it

reflects their educational experiences and learning processes, serving as a key factor in

determining their achievements in future professions (Sinaga, 2022).

Academic performance is the universal usage for measuring students knowledge and

level of education. There are different types of implementing an academic performance

records, especially in a higher education. Academic performance is the thing that will help

students and other people to assess the capability of students in response to their studies and
learning. Academic performance tells the state of students and the outside factors affecting it.

(Kumar, 2021)

Impact of Students Behaviour

Student’s behavior plays a major role in academic performance as it can affect the

other students in their academic performance. are student’s behavior and engagement. This

example can affect Students have different desired places to study, academic performance is

not always the basis of intelligence of the students. Many factors can affect the academic life

of the students, for example are student’s behavior and engagement. This example can affect

their academic life too. Students have different desired places to study, academic performance

is not always the basis of intelligence of the students. Many factors can affect the academic

life of the students, for example their academic life too. Students behavior plays a major role

in academic performance as it can affect the other students in their academic performance.

(Dancel, 2019).

Behavior of the students can affect their attendance, socialization, habits, and spiritual

aspects. Positive peer groups around students that can encourage them in school. Bright

students help their peers to be better at their academic performances because of the

motivation and inspiration that the positive peers gave. (Dancel, 2019).

Impact of Sleep on Academic Performance

Sleep deprivation is a common challenge in academics and can contribute to mental

instability, stress, and weaken the immune system, leading to significant negative impacts on

academic performance (Alfonsi, 2020).

The sleeping quality of students is correlated to the result of their academic

performance. Having different sleeping patterns have an adverse effect to the academic

performance of students. Every student has different ways of sleeping responding on their

habits. This can affect students performance in school. On the other hand this impact can also

go both ways, having a declining academic performance can affect the sleeping schedules of

students that could lead in more worse result of their academic performance. (Hershner,


Sleep quality can play a crucial role for a good state in academic performance of

students. Achieving a complete quality of sleep can cause good effects that can be a big help

for the studies of students. Achieving a quality sleep can strengthen the cognitive functioning

and memory consolidation of the brain which is crucial for achieving a good academic

performance. Being consistent in good quality of sleep can help students to achieve good

academic performance. (Fonseca & Genzel, 2020)

School/Class Schedules on Academic Performance

School schedules vary across institutions and are implemented based on students'

programs and curricula. Schedules can be structured as morning shifts, afternoon shifts, or

full-day shifts. Different schedules can affect students' physical performance, resulting in

varying levels of productivity in academics (Malheiros et al., 2021).

Having different school schedules can lead to various mental health effects, with

morning shift students facing more challenges than those on afternoon schedules due to

reduced sleep time. Specific school schedules have a significant impact on students' mental

and academic performance stability (Kurtovic & Hnojcik, 2021).

Academic Struggles on Academic Achievements

Using time management and study habits and strategies to manage stress should be all

discovered in intervention. Attaining academic achievements students go through series of

struggles. Students have common struggles such as peers and poor study habits. Poor study

habits can result in academic burnout causing various bad habits such as procrastination. With

the help of concentration and productivity it can improve the reduction of distraction and it

encourage to focus more in study time. By the use of study habits and stress managements

students can achieve academic success and future successes. (Coles, 2023)

Impact of Time Management

Time management is the process of the exercise of conscious control and planning of

time spent to the activities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness. Students should have

time management to achieve their goals in the future. Effective time management can help

students to be better at academics and it can help the students to achieve their desired high

grades. (Buenavides, 2020).

Time management can help the students to accomplish their given task before the

deadline, getting a high score on exams, and it can help to develop the communication skill of

the students. Without proper time management, students will face the consequences

cramming, low self-esteem, and poor communication skills. To avoid these consequences, the

students must prioritize the important task to finish. (Buenavides, 2020).

Prioritization is one of the factors that affect the academic performances of the

students, it can lead to stress to students because of the task that they need to accomplish.

Academic stress takes place when the student is experiencing cramming in finishing their
assignments. This leads to low self-esteem and stress due to the lack of prioritization in using

proper time management (Aduke, 2015).

Peers Influence in Academic Performance of Students

Peers plays a major part in the development of each students. Peers can positively

affect the academic performance of the students. Peers can influence the academic excellence

of the students concerning their social development and personal development. Students

focus more on improving their academic performances and choosing the right circle to have a

positive influence in studying. Having a positive thinking and circle of friends that have a

good circle of friends will help the students to achieve their desired dreams and desired

academic achievements in studying. (Biasora, 2022).

Lack of Sleep Impact in Academic Performance of Students

Being a student who don't have enough sleep while attending class can have a vital

impact on their academic performance. It can be harmful and even deadly. There are many

reasons why students can't sleep in a proper time. One of the reason is because of over using

social media and playing online games. They also making their homeworks at night that

makes them awake, that's why students should have a time management. However, students

with less sleep had low academic performance. It can cause them in being unable to

concentrate. (Toyong, 2020)

Impact of Study Habits

Academic grades and performance are crucial to students, emphasizing the

importance of taking action to improve learning and achieve desired academic grades.

Academic performance is influenced by various variables and factors such as note-taking and

reading (Priya, 2023). Study habits are defined as the students' way of studying, whether
systematic and efficient, and have a significant influence on students' academic performance

levels, either positively or negatively (Nair, 2020).


Students have different experiences regarding academics. The way to measure how

students do well in class is by their academic performances, every students do their best to

improve their academic performance. There are significant amount of students who have

study habits, each students can either have a good study habits, poor study habits or neither.

There various factors that can affect students academic performance. Study habits is one of

the factors that affect students academic performance. Study habits can be addressed as how

students act in regards of their study, it can be categorized in various ways such as on what

time they usually study, what are their way of studying, taking a notes, having a significant

time for break, sleep and etc.

Beside study habits, academic performance can be affected by the outside factors of

students life. Outside factors can be peers, mental status of students, the school schedule or

time being spent in school and beyond school and etc. Having different outside problem can

cause academic struggles that can lead in academic burnouts.

Academic achievement play a great role in motivating students to have a good

academic performance. Having a proper study habits can give students more improved

academic performance. In opposite side, being used in poor study habits can be a reason for

declining academic performance of some students. Various study shows that study habits

have a significant relationship with the academic performance of students. As having a

healthy and proper study habits can help with the outside factors that can affect students

academic performance in schools.

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