Padhle 10th - Social Science - Resources and Development - Removed

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Origin Exhaustibility Ownership Status of

Individual develop
Biotic Abiotic
Renewable Non renewable

community Potential
( living) ( Non -

National Developed
Continuous Recyclable non recyclable

flow Stock
Eg metals
Eg .

Eg wind

fuel Reserves

Ownership :

it Individual :
e.g .

farm plot , ,
house etc .

④ Community :
e.g .
temple park playground
, , ,
etc .

iii National : All the land within political boundary and oceanic
area upto 92 nautical miles .

① International : The oceanic resources beyond 200 nautical miles of

exclusive economic
gone .

• Status of Development :

]i Potential : Not utilised to fullest (solar in

it Developed :
Quality and quantity is determined for usuage .

Eg . Coal , petroleum .

iii Stock : Not have sufficient technology for utilisation .

Eg .
Hao has two essential gases tea and Oz but we can 't
Separate them with current technology .

ID Reserve : Can be used with present technology but is kept for

future .
Eg .

forest ,
dam water .

Why do we need development ?

1) Depletion of resources

ID Accumulation of resource in few hands

④ Exploration has caused global winning .

Due to these reasons ,
distribution of resources has become essential
for a sustained quality of life .

Sustainable development ( 9992) :

Development without damaging environment .

Rio earth summit :

900-1 heads First international

of state met earth summit

Agenda 29 :

Declaration signed by UNCED at Rio ,
which aims at achieving
global sustainable development .

Why Resource Planning ?

For balancing the use of resources at national state and
local level .

Eor Roe :

BIN Madhya Pradesh we have rich amount of minerals

, .

it On the other hand Arunachal Pradesh has good water resources

but lacks in infrastructure .

iii whereas , Rajasthan has good solar

energy but lacks water .
Resource Planning in India

I Identification and inventory of resources :

Surveying mapping quality
, ,

and quantity analysis

it Evolving a
planning structure : Provided with appropriate technology
skills and institutional setup

Matching resources development plans with overall national

development plans .

What India had learn from Colonials atone

Resources can contribute to development only when they are
accompanied by appropriate technological development and institutional
changes .

We need to conserve resources because over utilisation and irregular
consumption off resources lead to socio economic and environmental
problems .


raised his concern

saying that There is
enough for everybody's


need but not for anybody 's greed .

He blamed greedy men and modern tech for exploitation off resources .

Land Resources
* It is important because most of our activities are dependent on

land .

Eg . Economic activity transport

, , wildlife ,
farming etc .

~ Mountain
43% India 30%

Plateau 27%
Land Utilisation

Forests Land not available Fallow Land Net sown Area

for cultivation ( net area sown

current other than with crops)

Permanent Land under

fallow land current fallow
(uncultivated land (uncultivated
pastures and miscellaneous waste land
9--5 years)
for less than for
grazing tree crops ( incultivated
grows (not
9 year )
included in
for more

than 5
sown area )

Epedarea : Area sown more than once in a
Net sown area

Land use

factors Heman loaders
Eg 9) Geography et population

ii) soil density

Climate ii) Technology
* Land Use pattern in India : Total geographical area : 3.28 million km

b) Available : 93%

c) Net sown area : 54%

Varies from 80% to

and Punjab to 90% in Arunachal Pradesh
and Mizoram .
Forest Area
If 33% is desirable area according to national forest policy ( 9952) .

ii. Important for ecological balance .

Livelihood of million people depends on forest .

* WAI Er :
Rockery ,
dessert and arid area .

Cause of land degradation

95% of basic needs are obtained from land .

Human activities .

Mining causes deforestation .
and dust to atmosphere .

Industrial waste is responsible for land and water pollution .

Total degraded area = 930 million hectare

28% 56%
forest degraded Water eroded

¥adation Proper management of grazing

Planting shelter belt

Management of waste land

Control activities
Proper discharge of Industrial waste
Layers offset :

Top soil
→ Sub Soil
→ Weathered parent rock
→ Unweathered parent rock

* Forces of nature such as temperature ,

action of running water ,
ett contribute to
formation of soil .

Alluvial Soil

New alluvial Old aluvial

( Khadar) ( Bangar)

More fertile •
Less fertile

Fine particles •
Kankan particles

→ Most indespread in India .

→ Covers entire northern plains


Deposited by Himalayan rivers
(Ganga ,

Highly fertile .

→ Good in
potash ,
lime , phosphoric acid .

→ Wheat , sugarcane paddy pulse

, ,
crops .

{ Such
Duars ,
soil is
Chas and
Terai }
Black Soil
[ Regular Soil ]

[ Black cotton soil ]

Decare trap region of Decare plateau ,
Malwa , Madhya Pradesh ,

Chattisgarh .

→ Made of lava flows .

Develop during summer for aeration
cracks .

Clay particles high moisture hold capacity

Rich in Cacoz Mg Potash and lime , ,

→ Poor in phosphorus content .

Best for cotton .

Red and Yellow Soil

Develop on igneous rocks .

→ Low rainfall areas of eastern and southern part of Decare

plateau Orissa Chattisganh

, ,

→ Reddish colour due to iron deposits .

→ Occurs yellow when it is in hydrated form .

Laterite Soil

Tropical subtropical region with alternate wet and dry season .

→ It is result
of intense leaching due to heavy rain .

→ Acidic in nature .

→ Occurs in southern state ,

Maharashtra Orissa West Bengal
, ,

Appropriate technology and techniques can help in growing tea and

coffee in hilly areas

of Karnataka ,
Kerala , Tamil Nadu .

* Red laterite soil in Andhra Pradesh Tamil ,

Nadu are

suitable Cashew nut

for .

Arid soil

Mainly found in Rajasthan .

→ Red to brown in colour .

→ It is sandy in texture ; saline in nature .

→ Lacks humus and moisture .

→ The soil become cultivable with irrigation .

→ Kankan are
found in lower horizon due to Cat concentration .

Forest Soil

→ It is
found in mountains .

→ It is loamy and silty in

valley and course
grain in upper slopes .

→ This soil experiences denudation .

→ Acidic in nature with low humus .

Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation

Soil Erosion

Gully lion Sheet erosion

when soil is when water flows
washed away in as sheet over the
it wash
deep channels .

large area ,

away a complete layer

of soil .

ISIL Erosion : Removal of soil cover and subsequent washing down

of top soil .

{ Lasandbadafterand .
gully erosion become unfit for cultivation and known
{ In Chambal basin ,
such bad lands are called ravines .
Defective methods of farming also cause soil erosion is
in wrong way .
Soil Conservation

Counter Ploughing

Ploughing along the counter lines can decelerate the flow of water
down the slopes .

Strip cropping

Strip of grass to be grown between the crops .

This breaks up the force of wind .

→ Shelter belts

Planting lines of trees to create shelter .

This stabilising dunes

helps in sand


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