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Received: 18 November 2019 | Revised: 16 January 2020 | Accepted: 16 January 2020

DOI: 10.1002/bit.27270


Three‐Dimensional (3D) cell culture monitoring:

Opportunities and challenges for impedance spectroscopy

Sorel E. De León1,2 | Aleta Pupovac1,2,3 | Sally L. McArthur1,2,3

Bioengineering Research Group, Faculty of
Science, Engineering and Technology, Abstract
Swinburne University of Technology, Three‐dimensional (3D) cell culture has developed rapidly over the past 5–10 years
Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia
2 with the goal of better replicating human physiology and tissue complexity in the
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO), Clayton, laboratory. Quantifying cellular responses is fundamental in understanding how cells
Victoria, Australia
and tissues respond during their growth cycle and in response to external stimuli. There
CSIRO Probing Biosystems Future Science
Platform, Clayton, Victoria, Australia is a need to develop and validate tools that can give insight into cell number, viability,
and distribution in real‐time, nondestructively and without the use of stains or other
Sally McArthur, Faculty of Science, labelling processes. Impedance spectroscopy can address all of these challenges and is
Engineering and Technology, Swinburne currently used both commercially and in academic laboratories to measure cellular
University of Technology, Hawthorn, VIC
3122, Australia. processes in 2D cell culture systems. However, its use in 3D cultures is not straight
Email: [email protected] forward due to the complexity of the electrical circuit model of 3D tissues. In addition,
Funding information there are challenges in the design and integration of electrodes within 3D cell culture
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial systems. Researchers have used a range of strategies to implement impedance
Research Organisation (CSIRO) Probing
Biosystems Future Science Platform; CSIRO spectroscopy in 3D systems. This review examines electrode design, integration, and
Research+ Science Leader Scheme; Swinburne outcomes of a range of impedance spectroscopy studies and multiparametric systems
University of Technology
relevant to 3D cell cultures. While these systems provide whole culture data,
impedance tomography approaches have shown how this technique can be used to
achieve spatial resolution. This review demonstrates how impedance spectroscopy and
tomography can be used to provide real‐time sensing in 3D cell cultures, but challenges
remain in integrating electrodes without affecting cell culture functionality. If these
challenges can be addressed and more realistic electrical models for 3D tissues
developed, the implementation of impedance‐based systems will be able to provide
real‐time, quantitative tracking of 3D cell culture systems.

3D cell culture, impedance spectroscopy, impedance tomography, in situ monitoring, multi-
parametric sensing, real‐time monitoring

1 | INTRODUCTION tissues. In 2D, a cell becomes polarized as surface integrins enable it to

attach to the substrate. In 3D, the cell surface integrins are distributed
As researchers have attempted to better replicate in vivo cell biology more randomly as the cell attaches to the scaffold/matrix in multiple
using in vitro systems, three‐dimensional (3D) cell culture systems have directions. The physiological differences induced by the different
developed rapidly (Baker & Chen, 2012; Edmondson, Broglie, Adcock, & attachment modes and the resulting cell/media interactions mean that
Yang, 2014). One of the key goals of 3D cell cultures is to reproduce the cellular functions such as proliferation, differentiation, survival, and
spatial organization and function of cells in the human body. There are a mechanical signaling vary between 2D and 3D cell cultures. The details
variety of formats including spheroids, organoids, and engineered of these variations have been reviewed extensively (Duval et al., 2017),

1230 | © 2020 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2020;117:1230–1240.
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and many studies have shown variations in metabolism between 2D and or tissue. These sensors are commercially available and are usually
3D systems (Brajša, Trzun, Zlatar, & Jelić, 2016; Verjans, Doijen, Luyten, incorporated within bioreactor systems that are used to grow
Landuyt, & Schoofs, 2017) leading to a focus of these systems for early‐ and monitor spheroids or cells in suspension over time (Alexander,
stage drug testing and disease progression. Eggert, & Wiest, 2018; Weyand et al., 2015). This approach assumes
As experiments migrate from 2D to 3D cultures, traditional that the media is reflecting the behavior inside the tissue. With 3D
monitoring techniques need to evolve to accommodate the needs of cultures such as spheroids, this approach may become problematic as
researchers and the specific questions being asked of the 3D systems. spheroids display diffusion limits to nutrients leading to cell death at
Currently, it may take up to 30 days to grow a fully differentiated and the center of the culture (Mehta, Hsiao, Ingram, Luker, & Takayama,
mature 3D tissue such as skin (Carlson, Alt‐Holland, Egles, & Garlick, 2012). Further, coculture systems can lead to local variations in
2008; Lee et al., 2014). During this time and after it has matured, behavior (Goers, Freemont, & Polizzi, 2014), which are difficult to
researchers need to ensure the tissue has grown correctly and is detect in the whole system by media sampling.
biologically sound for experimental use. However, at this point in time, An alternative approach involves the characterization of elec-
there are few convenient, bench‐top platforms to monitor this process trical properties of cells in culture. Trans‐epithelial electrical
without physically disrupting the model. In 2D culture, bright field resistance (TEER) measurements are widely used in biology and
microscopy is often used in real‐time to monitor cell growth, but this is tissue engineering to determine epithelial and endothelial cell health
generally not possible with nontransparent 3D tissues. To date, the and membrane integrity. These measurements give an indirect,
most common techniques used to visualize and validate 3D models are noninvasive assessment of the permeability of cellular tight junctions
end‐point histology and fluorescence microscopy (Dmitriev, 2017). Even and ultimately the barrier function of a cellular monolayer or 3D
though these techniques are gold standards, they are time consuming, tissues (Chen, Einspanier, & Schoen, 2015; Schmitz et al., 2018).
and in most cases, require the destruction of the sample for sectioning There are several variables known to affect the final readout
and staining. While live cell approaches abound, reporter constructs and including electrode size, measurement temperature, media formula-
stains have a limited lifespan and are not targeted to 3D cultures tion, time in culture, and cell passage number, making it difficult to
(Walker‐Daniels, 2012). Introducing new standardized methodologies to standardize measurements (Elbrecht, Long, & Hickman, 2018;
monitor 3D cultures in real‐time would save time, reducing research Srinivasan et al., 2015). A detailed review of TEERs and a guide to
cost and providing a quality assurance pathway for manufacturing. laboratory standardization is presented by Srinivasan et al. (2015).
Cell visualization is the most intuitive way of identifying cell health, Derived from the same principles as TEER, electrical impedance
but a range of other methods have been developed to indirectly assess spectroscopy (EIS), is a well‐established tool for monitoring 2D cell
cells in culture. Physical and chemical probes that measure the levels cultures. EIS measurements are acquired with electrodes positioned
of oxygen, glucose, CO2, and pH of cell culture media can determine beneath the culture and changes in current/voltage through the cells
cell metabolism and health status (Bavli et al., 2016; Hossein Mahfouzi, are measured as a frequency sweep is undertaken. This process
Amoabediny, Doryab, Hamid Safiabadi‐Tali, & Ghanei, 2018; Jenkins, allows the electrical resistance and capacitance of the cells to be
Dmitriev, Morten, McDermott, & Papkovsky, 2015; Shaibani, Etayash, monitored (Benson, Cramer, & Galla, 2013; Groeber et al., 2015).
Naicker, Kaur, & Thundat, 2016; Weltin et al., 2014; Weyand et al., While TEER measures currents at one frequency, sweeping the
2015). Traditional techniques that measure parameters such as frequency allows EIS to obtain more detailed information about
glucose and oxygen concentrations take advantage of ion‐permeable cellular health status over time. Currently, there are a range of
membranes and selective enzymes to determine concentration levels commercially available TEER and EIS devices used for assessing cell
(Oliver, Toumazou, Cass, & Johnston, 2009). However, a broad range barrier function, integrity, and cell proliferation in real time. These
of transducers can also be used to indirectly measure these include OrganoTEER (MIMETAS, Leiden, The Netherlands), xCELLi-
parameters of cell health (Modena, Chawla, Misun, & Hierlemann, gence Real Time Cell Analysis (ACEA Biosciences, Inc., CA), EVOM2
2018). Field effect transistors (FETs) and light‐addressable potentio- (World Precision Instruments, FL) and Millicell‐ERS2 (EMD Millipore
metric sensors (LAPs) have emerged as useful sensors capable of Corporation, Billerica, MA). However, these devices are mainly
detecting cellular metabolic products and provide effective spatial designed for monitoring adherent cells grown in 2D or transwell‐
resolution within 2D cell culture systems. FETs are generally based coculture systems. Electrodes have also been integrated into a
comprised of an ion‐permeable membrane that is integrated between range of different 3D cell culture models and microfluidic platforms
the source and drain to allow for measurement of extracellular ion for EIS monitoring (Curto, Ferro, Mariani, Scavetta, & Owens, 2018;
concentrations and cellular respiration, while LAPs allow for pH Lee et al., 2016; Lei, Liu, & Tsang, 2018). In particular, cell
measurements of cells by recording changes in photocurrent (Curto proliferation within spheroids have been successfully monitored
et al., 2017; Dantism, Takenaga, Wagner, Wagner, & Schöning, 2015; using this technique (Bü, Diener, Frey, Kim, & Hierlemann, 2016; Lei,
Poghossian, Ingebrandt, Offenhäusser, & Schöning, 2009). Photocur- Lin, & Tsang, 2017; Lei, Liu, & Tsang, 2018; Pan et al., 2019).
rent changes measured by LAPs have also been used to monitor In addition, EIS has also been incorporated into 3D culture
wound healing 2D cultures (Wagner et al., 2016). Most of these systems for multiparametric monitoring including bioelectrical sen-
culture characteristics are measured in the media downstream of cells sing and the detection of cell metabolites. Despite the need for the
and they give real‐time information without destruction of the culture integration of in‐line sensing and optical monitoring tools for
1232 | DE LEÓN ET AL.

real‐time and rapid biological readouts, little research exists where Depending on the research question, a combination of, or parts of
these have been successfully integrated. This is especially evident the aforementioned components are used to assess the presence
with highly modular, sensor‐based, organ‐on‐chip systems that are and/or changes to cells in cell culture systems. Others use normalized
difficult to integrate with current microscopy approaches due to impedance data to express cell system changes such as cell
design incompatibilities (Curto et al., 2017; Esch, Ueno, Applegate, & proliferation or death using a cell index (CI). The CI allows analysis
Shuler, 2016; Zhang et al., 2017). Multiparametric approaches of the data without taking into account the impact of
incorporating sensing systems, optical readouts, and techniques that electrode–electrolyte combination and parasitic elements and it is
can provide better spatial resolution are currently needed. This defined in Equation (4) (Pan et al., 2019).
review focuses on the varied methods that have been used, the
Z (ω) − |Z (0)|
challenges and limitations associated with different strategies, and CI = . (4)
|Z (0)|
the factors that need to still be addressed to enable real‐time,
quantifiable results from these systems. Several equivalent circuits have been designed using the
components of impedance to model and quantify the electrical
properties of cells grown in 2D systems. Figure 1 shows the
2 | THEORETICAL B ACK GROUND O F equivalent circuit generally used to describe live cells in a monolayer
IMPEDA NCE S PEC TROSC OPY (Benson et al., 2013). This circuit takes into account the resistance of
the solution or electrolyte (phosphate buffered saline [PBS] or cell
To measure the EIS of cell cultures, often a frequency‐dependent media) Rmedium, the resistance and capacitance of the cell monolayer
small sinusoidal voltage (V(ω)) is applied through the cells (or tissue) that contributes to the total spectrum RTEER and Ccl, respectively, and
and the changes in the resulting sinusoidal current (I(ω)) between the the capacitance of the electrodes and electrode‐medium interphase
electrodes are recorded (Benson et al., 2013; Elbrecht et al., 2018; CEl (Benson et al., 2013). As the cells spread, proliferate, migrate, or
Srinivasan et al., 2015). Using Ohm's law, it is then possible to die across the electrodes, changes can be observed in the impedance
determine the electrical impedance (Z(ω)) of cell cultures using the signal and in the values of the different components of the circuit.
following equation: The correlation of the impedance signal with the physical changes of
the cells, electrical equivalent circuit, and electrode setup for 2D
V (ω)
Z (ω ) = = ZRE + iZIM (ω). (1) adherent cells are well developed in EIS and comprehensive reviews
I (ω)
of impedance measurements of cells are available and demonstrated
Equation (1) shows the resulting frequency‐dependent impe- (Benson et al., 2013; Canali et al., 2016; Elbrecht et al., 2018;
dance where ZRE is the real part of the impedance components and Srinivasan et al., 2015).
ZIM (ω) is the imaginary part. ZRE is usually related to the resistive
behavior of the system, which is independent of the frequency, while
ZIM (ω) is related to a more capacitive behavior of the system, which
is frequency dependent. These components can be related to the 3 | IMPEDA NC E MEA SU REMENTS IN 3 D
magnitude (|Z (ω)|) and phase (θ(ω)) of the output signal and their CELL C UL TURE
relationships are shown in Equations (2) and (3).
The implementation of EIS in 2D cultures relies on cells attaching to
Z (ω) = ZRE 2 + ZIM (ω)2 , (2) the electrodes. This does not occur in 3D cultures as they contain
matrices such as biopolymers (collagen, fibrin), polymer scaffolds, or
θ (ω) = tan−1
( ZRE (ω)
ZIM (ω)). (3) discrete suspended cell clusters. As a result, there are a number of
areas that the EIS system needs to be adapted for 3D applications:

F I G U R E 1 Equivalent circuit and

typical impedance spectrum of cells in 2D.
Adapted with permission (Benson et al.,
DE LEÓN ET AL. | 1233

F I G U R E 2 (a) Vertical electrodes to

measure the capacitance of cells in a hydrogel
with vertical resolution. (b) Real‐time
capacitance of hydrogels seeded with
different cell concentrations. (c) Fluorescent
optical images of hydrogels containing
different cell densities. (scale bar: 100 μm).
Reproduced with permission (Lee et al.,
2016). Copyright 2015, Elsevier B.V.

1. Ensuring sensitivity of the electrode array to cells suspended in or system. An increase in capacitance was shown to be proportional to
attached to the matrix/scaffold by ensuring there is an even an increase in seeded cell density within the hydrogel (Figure 2b,c),
electric field through the whole system. showing that by measuring capacitance of the system, it is possible to
2. Adaptable to a range of different 3D cell culture formats— monitor cell number. To monitor cell proliferation and migration, one
systems are often designed to address a specific biological frequency (1 kHz) was used to obtain the capacitance of the system
research question or tissue function and so their architecture rather than the whole impedance spectrum. The chosen frequency
varies. coincides with the frequency typically used to monitor cells in 2D
3. Ensuring that electrodes do not influence cell responses or change (Benson et al., 2013; Srinivasan et al., 2015), but the study did not
the mechanical environment in 3D cell culture systems. explore how cell death or migration affects the whole spectrum or
whether other changes in the spectrum could be correlated to these
The design and integration of electrodes within culture systems cellular processes.
appears to be central to the effective monitoring of cells within In many instances, cells are grown in a 3D spheroidal structure in
scaffolds and hydrogels. It has been demonstrated that the electrical which the cells clump together and proliferate. These models are
properties of cells can be monitored when they are immersed within used extensively in cancer research to understand drug treatments
a hydrogel rather than directly attached to a planar electrode (Lee for tumors. Lei et al. (2018) used in‐plane electrodes to monitor the
et al., 2016). Lee et al. (2016) incorporated a matrix of vertical viability of spheroids developed in an agarose hydrogel using the
electrodes (Figure 2a) that were able to monitor the migration, hanging drop technique (Figure 3a). Changes in the impedance
proliferation, and apoptosis of cells through a gel matrix in 3D. In this magnitude was successfully correlated with different cell numbers
system, cells were grown in an alginate hydrogel scaffold and vertical seeded in the hydrogel (Figure 3b). It is interesting to note here that
parallel electrodes were used to measure the capacitance of the while the authors chose the standard 1 kHz as the optimal sensing

F I G U R E 3 (a) Horizontal electrodes for

measuring cells in hydrogel using the
hanging‐drop technique. (b) Correlation
between cell number and impedance
magnitude measured at discrete
frequencies (500, 1000 and 5000 Hz).
Reproduced with permission (Lei et al.,
2018). Copyright 2017, Elsevier B.V.
1234 | DE LEÓN ET AL.

F I G U R E 4 (a) Schematic of the parallel electrodes for the impedance biosensor. (b) Equivalent circuit of cells in 3D within the matrigel.
(c) Measurement of cells in 3D culture using the parallel electrodes (3D ECMIS). Reproduced with permission (Pan et al., 2019). Copyright 2018,
Elsevier B.V.

frequency, as was seen in the earlier study, there were larger and the need to connect them back to the outside world, one group
variations in the impedance magnitude at lower frequencies. These has been exploring the application of conductive polymers as both
variations were accounted for by the authors as being related to the the cell scaffold and the electrodes (Khan et al., 2019). As the cells
increases in the noise as the frequency is reduced, due to noise being adhere to this conductive scaffold, its impedance changes enabling
proportional to 1/f. cell adhesion to be detected (Figures 5a and 5c; Del Agua et al.,
The position of the electrodes within 3D culture systems (parallel 2018). Interestingly, the optimal sensing frequency found using a
vs. in‐plane) has also been shown to affect detection outcomes poly(3,4‐ethyenedioythiophene): xanthan scaffold was between 0.1
(Xu et al., 2015). Pan et al. (2019) found that in‐plane electrodes were and 100 Hz (Figure 5b). As mentioned in the previous example, noise
not able to significantly detect the proliferation of spheroids in a varies with 1/f, so at lower frequencies we would expect that noise
matrigel, whereas parallel electrodes successfully monitored their would increase significantly. The potentiostat used for the impedance
proliferation over time (Figures 4a and 4c). This data correspond with measurements may be able to compensate, however, little informa-
the theory that parallel electrodes can achieve more sensitive tion is given by the authors of this study to determine if this approach
detection due to a more uniform electric field (Xu et al., 2015). has been implemented. Acquisition rate may also be problematic at
Nevertheless, this challenges the results from the earlier studies low frequencies, though in the case of cell monitoring, this may not
from Lei et al. (2018) using in‐plane electrodes. Factors influencing be an issue since these are long‐term cultures of days and weeks
these differences may be gel thickness and electrode design. When rather than minutes and hours.
in‐plane electrodes are used in a 3D system, the applied current can In 2D, it is well established that low frequency signals are
only penetrate a small volume and distance, whereas parallel dominated by the double layer capacitance of the electrodes (Benson
electrodes force the applied current to go across the entire sample. et al., 2013). Nevertheless, in this study, the electrode properties
In this instance, it is to be expected that more signal can be detected change as the cells are growing within the conductive hydrogel and it
and signal to noise increases as the current penetrates a larger is consistent with other studies using conductive scaffolds (Inal et al.,
volume of the 3D culture. 2017). Further, modifying the properties of the 3D scaffolds (physical
While the integration of standard metal electrodes into 3D and chemical properties) should be done with caution as scaffold
culture is challenging due to the stiffness of the electrode materials properties can have a big influence on cell behavior and function

F I G U R E 5 (a) Schematic of the poly(3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene) xanthan gum (PEDOT: xanthan) electroactive scaffold used to host and
monitor cells. (b) Impedance spectrum of the scaffold with no cells (blue), after cell growth within the scaffold over 7 days (red) and PEDOT:
xanthan gum scaffold after 7 days of incubation (37°C, 5% CO2) in culture media without cells (dashed lines). Reproduced with permission (Del
Agua et al., 2018). Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society. (c) Typical impedance spectrum of 2D cells grown on electrodes. Reproduced
with permission (Xu et at 2015) Copyright 2015, Elsevier B.V.
DE LEÓN ET AL. | 1235

(Bahcecioglu, Hasirci, & Hasirci, 2019; Caliari & Burdick, 2016; Groeber et al. (2015) are among the only published groups using
Sridharan, Ryan, Kearney, Kelly, & O'Brien, 2019) and these the whole EIS spectrum and information provided by an equivalent
influences need to be understood and cross‐validated with other circuit to monitor tissue growth in a coculture system. They used
characterization tools before implementation. This suggests that the parallel electrodes to measure the impedance of an artificially grown
nature of the scaffold, its potential use as a working electrode and epidermis at different levels of maturity as shown in Figure 6b. They
the nature of the 3D model (spheroids or tissue) plays a significant developed an equivalent circuit in which there are a series of
role in the final outcome of the measurements and as such models connections of n parallel resistor‐capacitor circuits, which correlated
are needed to compare results with theoretical systems. with a different maturity phase of the artificially grown epidermis
In undertaking this review, we could find only one study that has (see Figure 6a). The data obtained was validated against an isolated
directly compared equivalent circuits for 2D and 3D systems (Pan human epidermis showing that the artificially grown epidermis at
et al., 2019). They demonstrated that a matrigel matrix resistance days 9–12 had the same electrical characteristics as the human
component was in parallel with the electrical components represent- epidermis. In the study, 1 kHz was found to be an optimal sensing
ing cell impedance (Figure 4b). This in contrast to a typical 2D frequency, suggesting that it may well be the nature of the
equivalent circuit, which shows that the media component is in series conductive scaffold that reduced the frequency in the study by Agua
with the components representing cell impedance (Figure 1). This is et al. (2018). To measure the impedance of the tissue, Groeber et al.
explained by looking at the fundamental differences in cell interac- (2015) grew the tissue in a transwell and transferred the transwell to
tions occurring in the two different models. In 2D, the cells reside an impedance platform every time a measurement was required. It is
below the media (series circuit), while in 3D, the cells reside within possible to use ideas from the literature to envisage how electrodes
the scaffold, which resembles more of a parallel circuit. Furthermore, could be inserted into the transwell to monitor the system in situ or
Pan and colleagues paired simulations derived from their 3D within a microfluidic device as undertaken by Sriram et al. (2018). A
equivalent circuit with their experimental data using epithelial cells natural extension of this approach would be to design electrodes, so
and found that the presence of cells in 3D decreased the overall they are small enough to contact only one layer of tissue construct.
impedance of the system. This was due to an increase in gel This could enable the extraction of information of cells within a select
conductivity after the addition of cells, which was attributed to the region and monitoring of the individual features as the tissue grows.
presence of gap junctions between cells that allowed electrical While Groeber and colleagues monitored growth and differentiation
connection between neighboring cell membranes (Pan et al., 2019). of epidermal cells, electrodes placed at different layers of a full
However, other studies with similar cell types have shown the thickness skin equivalent may allow for multicellular monitoring as
opposite effect, with the introduction of cells increasing the overall well as the potential monitoring of skin processes such as wound
impedance of 3D systems (Inal et al., 2017; Lee et al., 2016; Lei healing and barrier function. Currently, skin tissue maturity is
et al., 2018). assessed by histology and immunostaining at different time points,

F I G U R E 6 Parallel impedance electrodes to measure the maturity of a reconstructed human epidermis (RHE). (a) Detailed view of one
measurement chamber with a RHE in a transwell insert and equivalent circuit. (b) Bode plots of impedance spectra from RHE at different time points.
Reproduced with permission (Groeber et al., 2015). Copyright Groeber et al. (2015)
1236 | DE LEÓN ET AL.

so a layer‐by‐layer electrode setup which monitors tissue impedance Curto et al. (2017). They developed an in vitro cell monitoring
as it grows could allow researchers to track growth and cellular platform, which monitored the impedance changes of tissue by
processes quickly and without destroying the model. means of an organic electrochemical transistor (OECT) at the bottom
of the well. Glucose was also monitored with an OECT‐based glucose
biosensor, but the glucose biosensor was not in situ. Media was
4 | MUL TIP ARAMETRIC M ONITORIN G collected at the outlet of the perfused system and later measured
OF 3D CULTURES with the sensor. This multiparameter system allowed the monitoring
of kidney cell metabolic state via the glucose sensor as well as
Impedance changes are a compilation of multiple processes occurring changes in resistance and capacitance in real‐time, while the kidney
in cell culture systems. In case of 2D cultures, significant impedance cell epithelium recovered from an electrical wound.
changes have been successfully correlated with cell proliferation and All of the above systems allow for real‐time monitoring of the
death. However, in 3D cultures, cellular processes are more complex, metabolic activity of cells through measuring glucose, pH, and oxygen
thus impedance changes may be influenced by different factors such levels in the media. Even though they are sensitive, they depend on
as matrix degradation, cell spreading, migration, or proliferation. This the efficient release of the molecule of interest into the media, which
raises the need for a secondary or multiparametric approach to can be limited in a 3D cell culture system. The lack of spatial
further understand, monitor, and validate 3D culture systems. In‐line resolution displayed by most of the monitoring techniques within
monitoring systems coupled with impedance can lead to better real‐ these devices remains a drawback. Correlating metabolite levels in
time and multiparametric biological understanding of complex 3D media with a technique that gives information about spatial
systems. Zhang et al. (2017) developed a multisensor‐integrated resolution would allow for more specialized biological information
organ‐on‐chip platform that contains two organ modules, one to be gained from the monitoring system.
physical/chemical sensing module and one bioelectrochemical sen-
sing module, all connected via a perfused system. The physical/
chemical sensing system consisted of optical pH and oxygen sensors. 5 | 3 D I M P E D A N C E TO M O G R A P H Y
In addition, gold electrodes functionalized with desired antibodies for
specific detection of molecules in the media could be incorporated In 3D cell culture, obtaining spatial resolution is of interest as it
into the bioelectrochemical sensing module. The EIS changed upon allows researchers to determine the location of cells over time,
binding of the target molecule and detection of different concentra- monitor the specific cell health, and helps to highlight differences in
tions of the analyte/biomarker was possible. They found that the cell health and function in different areas of the tissue. Electrical
amount of biomarker that could be captured by the functionalized impedance tomography (EIT) is a relatively new technique that has
electrode surface was proportional to the concentration in the emerged as a potential solution to provide better spatial resolution
solution, with detection levels of 0.1–100 ng/ml, similar to many within 3D tissue cultures. However, most recent efforts in EIT have
commercial enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay systems. Thus, been focused on its use in vivo and as a medical diagnostic, where
biologically relevant concentrations were detected. Even though this electrodes are placed on the body to obtain an image and health
is a complex system, it contains fundamental parameters for real‐ status of an organ of interest (Fernandez‐Corazza et al., 2018;
time monitoring of organoids. However, this system is highly modular Schwartz, Chauhan, & Sadleir, 2018; Sun, Yue, Hao, Cui, &
and specific to the microfluidics system they utilize. This makes it Wang, 2019).
harder to standardize and integrate these systems with current Similar to the implementation of EIS, implementing EIT involves
tissue culture consumables and microscopes. Nevertheless, to date, the application of a small current to a sample, such as the human
this is the most complete multiparametric monitoring system for body, tissue model, or inanimate objects with different conductive
organoids. properties (generally used for prototyping), and the voltage is
Others have also used a multiparametric monitoring approach measured to obtain the electrical properties of the sample
coupled with electrical measurements to monitor 3D cell cultures. (Chitturi & Nagi, 2017). Different electrode designs, current injection
Misun, Hierlemann, and Frey (2018) correlated amperometric strategies, and image reconstruction algorithms have been recently
(current) changes to glucose and lactate concentrations in spheroids, reviewed by Chitturi and Nagi (2017). In general, the set up involves
giving real‐time information on the metabolic state of these a matrix of electrodes that is placed around the sample, a current is
microtissues. For the detection of glucose and lactose in these injected through a pair of electrodes while the voltage changes are
spheroids, a microfluidic polydimethylsiloxane chip with an enzyme‐ measured through a different pair of electrodes. The values obtained
based hydrogel coated onto sensing electrodes was proposed. are then used to calculate the resistivity of the sample and
However, the sensor chip and well was limited in its use as it is reconstruct the image using the chosen algorithm.
specifically designed for spheroid growth via the hanging‐drop The successful use of EIT as a medical diagnostic and its ability to
culture technique. The sensor also depends on the effective release obtain in vivo information, suggests that it may be an effective
of glucose from the spheroid to the media. Another approach to monitoring technique for future 3D cell cultures. Researchers have
monitor glucose concentrations and cell proliferation was shown by demonstrated the measurement of 3D tissue impedance and
DE LEÓN ET AL. | 1237

subsequently reconstruction of the respective images using EIT Figure 7, with the eventual aim of monitoring cell cultures, but have
(Jamil et al., 2016; Wu, Yang, Bagnaninchi, & Jia, 2017; Wu, Yang, not yet tested it using cells (Xu et al., 2018).
Bagnaninchi, & Jia, 2018; Wu, Zhou, Yang, Jia, & Bagnaninchi, 2018; Likewise, a more complex setup of electrodes was designed with
Yang et al., 2017; Yin, Wu, Jia, & Yang, 2018; Yin, Yang, Jia, & Tan, the intention of monitoring 3D cultures using EIT (Lee et al., 2014).
2017). For monitoring 3D cell aggregates or spheroids, two electrode The quality of the designed device (Figure 8) was assessed using
distribution designs were implemented. In one study, circular performance metrics such as crosstalk, amplitude stability error, total
electrodes were radially distributed at the bottom of a well, in which harmonic distortion, and signal to noise ratio. While this system was
case current was injected through a pair of electrodes and voltage not tested using cells, the high quantity of electrodes positioned all
was measured at the adjacent pair, while the reference electrode was over the well (Figure 8) could potentially increase the final image
connected to ground (Figure 7a). In another study, current was resolution and subsequently biological output, as more data points
applied to rectangular electrodes placed at the boundary of the well may be obtained from the well. Conversely, having electrodes in such
and voltage was measured as shown in Figure 7b. Using both close proximity may also increase the crosstalk and artefacts such as
electrode designs, the authors were able to monitor the presence stray capacitance. A fine balance between the number of electrodes
and growth of spheroids (Yin et al., 2018) as well as spheroid and electrode design is needed to obtain optimal resolution in the
disintegration upon the addition of Triton‐X 100 (Figure 7c). presence of 3D cell cultures.
However, the resolution of the output is not yet at the cellular level The above studies have demonstrated a prospective use for EIT
as shown by the heat maps in Figure 7c. Nevertheless, compared to in 3D cell culture monitoring, however current applications do not
EIS, additional information can be gathered using EIT including the offer a clear advantage over EIS. EIS is comparatively simpler and
position and potentially the size of spheroids and tissues in culture may be more cost effective in obtaining the electrical properties of a
systems. Given the issue of contraction in some collagen‐based 3D biological 3D sample. While EIT may be an attractive solution for
models, as well as the presence of contraction in wound healing better spatial resolution in the monitoring of 3D cultures, the current
models (Lotz et al., 2017), a potential application for EIT could be to sensitivity obtained can only give qualitative information at the tissue
monitor contraction over time or after wounding in these models. level as opposed to information at the cellular level. Achieving
Others have designed similar set ups to those demonstrated in resolution at the cellular level will give a better indication of what is

F I G U R E 7 (a) Radially distributed circular electrodes (adapted from Yin et al., 2018). (b) Rectangular electrodes at the boundary of the well
were used to monitor spheroid and (c) reconstructed images for the spheroid samples in 2% Triton X‐100 solution (1‐2) and HG culture medium
(3–4). Reproduced with permission (Wu, Yang et al., 2018; Wu, Zhou et al., 2018). Copyright Wu et al. (2018)
1238 | DE LEÓN ET AL.

F I G U R E 8 The electrode design shows the placement of current injecting electrodes on parallel walls and the placement of voltage sensing
electrodes on the bottom surface as well as the two parallel walls. Reproduced with permission (Lee et al., 2014). Copyright Lee et al.; licensee
BioMed Central Ltd. 2014

occurring as cell cultures grow over time, after treatments and within In this regard and to the best of our knowledge, only one group has
different regions of the 3D culture. correlated impedance changes upon changes to hydrogel composition
(Inal et al., 2017). It is still unclear how the system is changed upon the
addition of cells to different nonconductive hydrogels.
6 | FU T UR E D I RE C TI O N S An ideal monitoring system for 3D cell culture would be able to
monitor multicellular models in situ and in real‐time. Having an ideal
Three‐dimensional culture is expanding across research and indus- spatial resolution at the cellular level (~50 µm) will allow monitoring
trial laboratories, as it offers the possibility of more physiologically of specific cells in a multicellular construct and their state within the
relevant models for drug testing and replication of diseased tissues. system (live, death differentiated). Impedance alone can achieve real‐
Therefore, there is a need to characterize and standardize monitoring time monitoring of cell growth and proliferation, however, it should
techniques across different laboratories. This will increase the scope be complemented and correlated with measurements from the
of 3D culture as well as ease its implementation (Verjans et al., 2017). monitoring of other cell functions such as metabolic activity, which
Further, it will allow researchers to select matured tissues that are can be detected downstream in the media using functionalized
physiologically relevant in their contexts and allow them to perform surfaces as transducers or sensors of interest.
experiments in a more controlled environment where variability
within cultures can be monitored. However, a lack of monitoring
techniques represents a limitation for further growth. Developing
monitoring techniques targeted for 3D cultures will allow for easier The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the Commonwealth
implementation and standardization of these cultures. The develop- Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Probing
ment of reproducible, scalable, and validated 3D cell culture systems Biosystems Future Science Platform, CSIRO Research+ Science Leader
that can handle a diverse range of cell types and cocultures while Scheme, and Swinburne University of Technology for the PhD stipend
providing real‐time feedback on culture health will improve our and scholarship for S. D. L. and additional funding for the project.
fundamental understanding of biology. The ability to monitor the
cultures as they grow and assess their viability before testing them
with an external stimulus will accelerate the rate of discovery.
Multiple approaches to integrating electrodes into 3D cell culture Sorel E. De León
systems have enabled the monitoring of cell health over time. To date, Sally L. McArthur
researchers have developed in situ sensors using EIS to monitor cell
proliferation and viability. Furthermore, they have created devices with
functionalized electrode surfaces to enable the measurement of the R E F E R E N CE S
metabolic activity of 3D cell cultures. However, each of these devices is
Alexander, F., Eggert, S., & Wiest, J. (2018). A novel lab‐on‐a‐chip platform
highly customized for the specific application and 3D culture technique,
for spheroid metabolism monitoring. Cytotechnology, 70(1), 375–386.
making standardization difficult. In future, EIT may provide better‐017‐0152‐x
spatial resolution, but the currently achieved resolution remains low Bahcecioglu, G., Hasirci, N., & Hasirci, V. (2019). Cell behavior on the
and the data gathered can also be obtained with EIS, which utilizes alginate‐coated PLLA/PLGA scaffolds. International Journal of Biological
Macromolecules, 124, 444–450.
simpler hardware and data analysis. In addition, more research is
needed to characterize and validate the effects of matrix composition of Baker, B. M., & Chen, C. S. (2012). Deconstructing the third dimension‐
different matrices, including hydrogels, on both cell structure and how 3D culture microenvironments alter cellular cues. Journal of Cell
function as well as the effect on the corresponding impedance response. Science, 125, 3015–3024.
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impedance tomography. IEEE Sensors Journal, 1. Three‐Dimensional (3D) cell culture monitoring:
Opportunities and challenges for impedance spectroscopy.
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