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T1-6C GPS tracker

Instruction manual

Please read the manuals carefully before you use it, so as to

get the correct installation and quick online activation. If the
appearance and color of the product are changed, the object
will prevail.
I. Product features

a) 2G built-in antenna network, high integration design

b) 9 - 100V wide voltage
c) Real-time positioning tracking, track playback
d) Support vibration alarm, over-speed alarm, in and out
of the electronic fence alarm
e) Vehicle ignition and flameout detection
f) Easy installation, no need to press the power-on
button, power on that work
g) Built-in backup battery, illegal removal instant alarm
h) Can be connected to relays, to achieve remote fuel and
power off function
i) GPS + BDS + WIFI + LBS multiple positioning
II. Product appearance
III. Product wiring diagram
1) Use a multimeter to find out the positive and negative terminals of the

vehicle battery and the ACC line.

2) Connect the red wire (positive)of the device configuration power

cable to the positive terminal of the vehicle battery.

3) Plug in the connector as shown in the figure below.

IV. Product parameters

Specification content Parameters

Communication protocols TCP

Chip Model MT2503

GSM frequency band 850/900/1800/1900MHz

Maximum frequency error ±0.1ppm

Reception sensitivity -162dbm

Size 74mm*26mm*14mm

Operating temperature -20℃~+70℃ start <2s

Positioning time
Avg.cold start <38s

Data Storage 300

Operating voltage range 9-100V

Built-in battery 150mAH (3.7V)

SIM card Micro SIM card

V. Product Features

Content Function Description

Transmit back the positioning information such
Timed tracking as latitude and longitude according to the set
interval time.
Street map 360 degree high-definition map
Speeding When driving over speed, the locator will send
alarm alarm to your cell phone
Built-in vibration sensor, continuous vibration
of the vehicle, the device will immediately
send alarm alerts
When the car driving range exceeds the
function Electronic
specified area, the platform will send alarm
Can play back 90 days of the track, playback
History track the speed, direction, stay time and other
When the vehicle encounters illegal operation
or theft, the fuel and electricity can be cut off
remotely by computer or cell phone APP
Fleet 1 cell phone can manage multiple devices, or 1
management device multiple cell phone management
VI. Analysis of common problems

Failure analysis Treatment method
Determine whether to use the
terminal in areas with poor
Move the vehicle to a location with a
GPS signals, such as near tall
good signal Use the terminal
buildings or underground
parking lots
If there is a film, the equipment will be
Blue light Determine whether the front changed to other vehicles to test whether
flashes slowly windshield of the vehicle has the blue light is always on, such as in
metal heat insulation film other vehicles without film to test no
affecting the signal reception problem, then the vehicle is caused by
the film
Determine whether there is a If there is a shield or source of
shield or signal jammer on or interference, remove the shield or source
around the car of interference and try to reinstall
Blue light
Chip failure Return to factory for repair
flashing fast
Determine whether the SIM Check whether the SIM card is installed
card is installed properly in place
Yellow light is
Determine if there is dirt or Wipe the metal chip surface with a clean
flashing fast
poor contact on the metal cloth or repeatedly insert and remove the
surface of the SIM card card several times
Determine if the vehicle is in
Please drive the vehicle to a place with
a place with no mobile
good network signal and try to reinstall
network, such as an
underground parking lot.
Determine whether the server Ask if the server of the background
The yellow
background is normal management platform is normal
light flashes
Check whether the status of the SIM card
slowly. Determine whether the SIM
is normal through the SIM card inquiry
card status is normal or not
Determine whether there is a If there is a shield or source of
shield or signal interferer on interference, remove the shield or source
the car or around of interference and try to reinstall

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