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rime aszcoom Teacher FSA: Beempt ‘quauricanions: + sachelor's Desee Valid Lousiana Teaching Cerificate + Anyaionacertieatons/quaifeations species bythe \oukians Standard for State Catfiaton of choo Personne! Bulletin 746 pont 7: Pini Assistant Pinpal/Other Asgned austor 108 Goat Te plan, exganze and implement an apropriete instructional rogram in learning envionment thot guides and encourages students to develop and fl ther academic poten. The teacher ‘responsible or growth in stunt esning. rea: Nie, Te, Eleven or Twelve Months saiane, Nin, Te, Eleven or Tlve Month Teacher Slay Schedue PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBIUTIS: instructional Responstites ‘To esabish earning objectives Immediate andlong range, wth writen minimum, ai weeby or Unit lesson pan which shall be avaible inthe casro0m Panning shall provide for systematic prowth In fundamental Knowledge, sl, appreciation and ates 2. Toteschettctively 1. Using as tie for teaching esgnated subject mater as outined by Board approved Program Suucture, Cuiulam Guides, nde plies 2.Usinga variety of techniques to stimulate leaning 3. Using a vavety af emir materials 4 Dierenating asiznments to meet individual needs 6 Liming homewort, mating it mearingulto whats being aught 7.valuadg the pupils learning frequent with a Wew to improvement of teaching and LeacnngFrequentteacher-made ets halle given during each eradng period for proper pul €.Temake provision tor naivdulaterences by using etective grouping procedures or advil ing Instrvton, ing vanity of materia to the pup evel -Tomamainan atmosphere inthe cas conducive tlesening Te demenstate an understanding of hil growth and development, showing respect or the Imaal of every cis £ To eahibt substi nowledge of subject matter andthe curiculum objecbves 6. To maintain conto, promote sel dsipine, character and respect fo others trough use of poste” control techniques in keeping with satel, board pokey and schol rules ani regulations 1 ouseondery procedures for normal lssroom contain leering actites, with simple and ‘consistent routine orl che, collections (money papers, etc), handing materials, sharpening Pencls, t. sarang acts sal be provided ring theze routines which wil azure effective ue of 1 Administrative Responsibties ‘Toll theres and egulations of assigned school an the Rapides Pats School Bours 1 To follow ate andor duty schedule ath «bythe sehoo principal or the school day and extra-eurior That non-ty personne report to schoo! ten mites Belore schoo begins and emain ten minutes afterschool ses Yo sign in and cut of school on appropriate fos Tobe nthe assgned casroom or other area of responsibly when the cas prog basins ‘das shall ot be left unsupervised F-Toreman at stool dzing the school day untess permission Is obtained fom the Principal 6. Tobe responsible fr atending any administrate and/or professional measngs alld bythe Pica H.Tonoty te Principal incase of absence in suficlenttne to secure a subst to not he Principal of advance | To follow guides set forth bythe Rapides Pari Schoo! Board sat To seeount 1nd be respon or he creo textbooks, pull ders, other urnture, evipmant and Instructions mati which aren or are asigned tothe teachers dastoom, laboratory or othe ares of esponsibility Tobe neat andaccurate in competing requied records and pots, turning these in promtly and on tie 1M. Tobe espansbe fora ret 1 Obtinpermison a he Principal 2.6et pzents writen consent 5 Make rai the tp has educational value relates to current classroom instruction 4. Propel prepare pup forthe eld trip experiences and to follow upon return 5 Be sue tata veils have public laity insurance andthat al verse properly lcensed 6 Assure that wis are adequately chaperoned and that pups ate property supervised by teacher and chaperons 7. Assur thats chidcen ae picked up, upon return, by parents, guardian or authorized person belo the {ecacher eaves. No chil shall be left uratendes In ProfesionlRespnstaies | Toeahbit enthusiasm and se condence assuming 2 postive tude abou the posit for growth ang development ofl pups '-Tomsintain god public relations, making postive contributions to parent understanding of pup’ progress {Tobe etiam contactth parents and other laymen, fellow profesional and pupils 1. To partcpat m faculty nd yom wide inservice progr, kaepngcuren by taking erect or noncreat calege ‘courses applica othe ares of responsibly for teaching taking prt inappropriate workshops and conferences and reading current profesional erature Tbe ovate the admssration ofthe school stem and the choot Ta establish and erecte 2 potssona growth and sl valuation plan in acordance withthe Rapides Parish School ord Personne lution Plan 6 to perform anyother duties stigned by the superintendent and/or elute To fatow Feral Sate, choo! Board and school otis |. T carryout the Performance Expectations ond indcatorsfor Teachers os outned in Bulletin 230: ‘esructiona main 1 Standards and Objectives (50) b. bjetvs and expectations area gned tothe depth ad rigor ofthe tate standard lesion content lene tothe objectives ofthe high quality nstvuctionl materi Sub objective Prerequisite sil ar aligned to the lessons ajar objective 4. Learning objectives ae connected to aha students have previous leaned Expectations for student performance are ear 1 earning objectives are dpayed There evidence that students ar progressing or demonsrating mastery ofthe objectives) 2, Motieaing Students (MS) {3 Thetacher organizes the content, including high-quality curriculum resources, othat tis pesonaly ‘meaning and elevantto students The teacher develops learning experiences where inguiy, cursty, and exploration are valued. The teacher pula reinforces and rewards efor. 2. Presenting inetructional Content (IC) resentation of content consstenty ndudes 2. sal that establish the purpose of the leson, review the organization ofthe lesson, and include tnvemal summaries ofthe esi, 'b._Bxamples,ilstratins ansoges, and abs for new concepts and eas 6. Madeling by tha teacher to demenstrate his her prfonmance expectations 4. Crteriathat clarifies now students canbe sucess, Logical sequencing and segmenting: & Mlescentalintrmatin: and 5. Nowraevar, confuse or nonessential information, 44 Lesson structure and Pacing (ts) 2 Theleson sats prompt, . Thelesonssuuctueis coherent asedon the content and has begining, mile and en, wth ‘ime er reflection to ensure stent understanding acing appropriate and sometes prides apporun tes for students who progres at erent 4. Routnes for astributng materia: ae efficent 5 Activites and Materials (ACT) Actes and mater neue 2 majority of he folwng |. Suppor the lesson objectives, ic hea variety of thinking Provide time for reflection snd Ye Averelevant to student Ives iL Sustain student! attention, 4. Provide opportunities fr student to student interaction fi. Evoke student curisty and suspense and es Provide students with choices wen apropite an aligned tothe learning obectves Mule material: |. Incorporate adtonl standards bated resources where apptprateto suppor indvual and whole group understanding, sul, multimedia, teeheacoy, manipulatives, sources om seams, tral centers ee, hen nt sunble inthe hig alt instructional mater). 6. Questioning (QU) Teacher question are varied and hgh quality, providing 1 appropri mix of question types based on |. knowledge and comprehension | Appiation and analysis and Wi. Creation an evalvton Questions ate purpose and cerent The frequency of questions engages student in crea thinking ‘Questions are sequenced with attention tthe instructional gol War time (35 seconds) provides ‘Questions require active cexpontes (eg. whole-datssgnaing choral espontes, or group and nda answer) ‘The teacher calls ona vanity of students to engage aferent student perspacnet and prowde lepportuntes for many students to respond 7. eademie Feedback (FEED) ». ‘ra and writen feedbacks academicaly focused, equent and high quality. Feedback ven ducing guded practice, throughout he lesson, and during review of independent work, The teacher culate during instructional aches to support engagement and monor student work, Feuteck ron adents wed to monitor and aut inereton 8 Grouping Stents (GRP) The instructor grouping arrangements whole cas, small groups, als, orindhiual adequately ‘enhance student understanding ad lating elcenc. Teacher sts expectations that are understood by dens Insninstiveona grup, students tke responsibilty for thei fols, tats, and group work expectations se they can have mearingful an productive colaboration Stodents patting in eoups ae held accountable for eroup workand individu work: Instevetena group composion i varied acomplsh the gals ofthe lesson. Instevetiona groups teitate opportunites for students to set gol reflect on, andevaluae their lesning 9, Teacher Content Knowledge (TCR) Teacher plays accurate content knowledge and understanding of th state standards 3nd nigh-qualty instructional materi, incading their adopted or approved curricula, or alte subjects “Teacher implements subject-specific instructional strategies to enharce student content howled “Teacher ile ay concepts andeas and use them 35 the bast conaect other powerful est 10, Teacher Knowledge of Students (TKS) 1a. Teacher practices display understanding of student anteiate enring abilities and Teacher practices incorporate student interests and backgrounds Teacher provides liferentated supports and strategist eure students have the opportunity master grade level standards 21. thinking (7) types of thinking |. Analitiealthinking where students analae, compare and contrast and evaateand explain fnformation 1h Pract thinking, where student se, pp 3nd implement what they lear in reafe scenarios; ii, Creative thinking where stents crest, design Imagine, and suppor: and . Research-based thinking where students explore and review avaretyof as, models, and solutions to probes. ¢ Thetencher and students: 1. Gonerateavarety of ideas and aternatves; and 4 Analyze prblens rom multiple perspectives sd viewpoints 12, Problem Solving (PS) 2, The teacher ures and/or engages students in some ofthe following problem-solving ype Abstraction it Cetegoration 1. _rawing conclusions justin solitons Predicting outcomes Observe and experimenting we _Improvig solutons vk dentiyng elewantfeclevat information wii Generating fc Creatngand designing Planning Domain 1 Instructional Plans WP) Instevetiona pans inclu: {some evidence of th internalization of the plan rom the hign-qulty ciclo: bs obictives aligned to state standards an lene high-quality curls, both canter ad in ioe (active, materi and absesement that | Ave aligned to state stand conten, nla high-quality curricula rece ene {re sequenced and scalded based on tudent need; fi. utd on prior stent knowede ad 1%. Provide appropriate me for student work and lesson sure; {4 idence that the plant appropriate for the ae. knowledge, andintret of eames and Stdent Work (SW) Assignments ar: 3. lignes the rigor and depth ofthe standard and cru content 1b, Aligned tothe lesson’ objective and include descriptions of hw assessment asus wlinorm ature Assignments require students to: a. Interpret nfrmatin rather than reproduce it Draw conclusions and support them through writing and Connect what they are earning to prior learning and We exaronces. Assessment (5) ‘2. Are aligned with the depth and rigor ofthe tate standards and content, including curelum resources; Are designed to prvi leedbackon progres against objects Use avait of question types ad formats to gaugestuden! learning and problem slung 4. Measure student performance in more than wo ways fg. nthe form of» project, experiment presentation, esa, short answer mull che {mviconment Domain Expectations (3) 2. Teacher engages students in leaning wth cer and rigorousacademic expectations and uses aligned high avalty mates and rerources for stents to acces. b. Teacher encourages students to ean fom mistakes Teacher erates learning opportunites where all students ca experience success. 4. Students complet thelr work according to teacher expetatons. 2. Engapng Students and Managing Sehavoe ESM) ' Stunts are mostly engaged behaviors that optimize earning andncrease He on tack Teacher etabihes rules fr leaning and behav. Teacher uses avaiety of techniques (eg rewards, approval contingent acts, consequences, et.) that matin student engagement and promote aposvecassoom enionment 4. Teacher often ecogriver and motivates poive behaviors and doesnt slow inconseqvenl behavior te inerupt he lesson, Teacher adresses stunts who have caused disruptions, yet sometimes he or she adresses the entire das Environment (ENV) ‘he datroor '. Isorgaizedto promote earring for al students. Hassupplis, equipment and esouces accesible to provide opportunities fo students 4. Dispays errant sudent work Respectful Conditions (RC) 2. Teacherstudent interaction are generally positive ad reflect awareness and consideration of all students’ backgrounds. b. Teacher and student nib espect and kindness fete teacher and each other lssroom fee of unheathy confit, sare, and put downs. Teacher isreceptve tothe interests and pions of students Personal Responses To observe anders of conduct inside and outside of school, demonstrating integrity and dependably sting 2 8. Toset ened exam for pups by retina appropriately an beng wall groomed within he cede adopted the Board osions of the rest Tose language which vod of ugar. wanes, coarseness, oF profanty 0 To maintalslf cont 2nd pase £. Te maintain good general heath with the physical ait to perform the duties ofan elective teacher F-toenuncatceaayin a pleasat, contolled voce, expresing eas clearly, employing good Eglsh sage 6. Todemonstate abit to adjust to new stations, showing contol and effectiveness under pressures, demonstrating ‘mature understanding of robles H. Teacept responsibilty commensurate wit assign ass, meeting obligations to pups ad tat on tie | Tobe in attendance at work except for personal ines or emergency at dined by the policies ofthe Rapides Parish Sheol Board 2 -Toperform ay other duties assigned by the superintendent and/or evahator State, Schol Bose and school pales Teachers shallbe expected to perform the follwing duties, alongwith Coesponding document, forms, and reports: completion of| 1 Instrvetonal Components 1 Ful ties tracitionay expected of those in teacng professon + Instraceor| Colaborate win coleaques and departments (Grade Papers Take and record atendance Enter/verage Grades Maintain postive and tmelintracion with parents relative tothe performance or conduct of dere atigned tothe teacher ‘School corntees or ak forest contribute to schoo improvement ntaies 1 Eouctionalor coaching best pracces and techniques 2 Supervision 1 Soperion of Students when students are on of campus ata schoo! related/sporsored event Superson of Students prior t schoo and/or rop-of when assigned Supenision of Stents in the easivoom + superiion of students between clases, duing recess/itermision, dating une, secerbles + Superson of tadene ater school and/or pick vp, when asin 2 Nom instructional Components 1 "atend mestings general stsocated wth the instruction of students {Aston aca, tat and department meetings 1 stenting eons tend? meets 1 tend parent teacher conferences {tend backto-cho0l ane open hour events + Aitend PGR PP, Evan, bservavon IA and student asinine imestings/hesings| 1 Aten school boad/commitee meetings, vpon request 4. racuictor Rts 1 tend all meetings an function of thove actives, cubs, groups of which the employee 2 sponsor ‘This job deeripton is itended to outne the gener nature ond level of work performed by inal signed tots postion Its not intended tobe on exhourive lit ofl responsibies, duties, ond quolfeations reauredof employes Frnted Name of Employee Printed Name af Supersisor Senate of Employee Sigrature of Superior ate bate Ssonotces inate thatthe employs ond the superior hve received and fected te expectations of hs postion eviseo [TTE: RESCHOOL-FEAGHER- EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER sas EXEMPT ‘quauiications: ‘© Bachelor's Degree 1+ Vali Loisana Teaching Cera ‘Any adlional ceriations/quabcaons spied bythe Lousiana Standards fr State Certification of Scho! Personne Buletin 746 aera papainare annaed async nmap acne anna tn AEPORTS 10: Schon Pinan nan Paicpal/ther Aine Bator SUPERVISES Staents andor Teacher Ride 108 GOAL Tle, direct neve the laring experience ofeach pul ough apreprte instruction TERM: Nine ont PERFORMANCE RESPONSI | instruction Responsibilities |. Toestab learning objeties immediate along range with writen minimum, daly, weekly or un esto plan whch shal be vale inthe dasreom. Planning shal provide for systematic growth n fundamental Knowledge, sk, 1. Coating oom enveonment with enters which wil simulate tudetintlletlseademi, soe and psychomotor development 2. Proding opportunites forthe chiren to engage in arg motor actives cutee 3. rowan both arg and smal group actus 4. Unga variety of developmentally aparopriate techniques and materi to stmulte leaning 5: Diferentiting acts to meet individual needs and stages of development 6 pining activites, modeling appropriate behavior 7. Unting homewors, making I meaningful tthe cil 8 Recording hegueet anecdotal observations and callecting work samples to ineudein the chi’ potoio 9. Using the information inthe c's prtolo o document growth o deny problems 10.fonductng parent conferences a needed during the year 13, Competng formal asertment on each cid two mas analy. {Tomake provision for individual diferences by sing effective grouping. procedures or indiviualiing instruction, tang 2 viet of materals tothe pups level Tomita an atmosphere athe cass conducive to leating Te demontate an understanding fehl growth and evelopment, showing respect fo the nddual ch of every F Toeahbstsubsantia knowledge of subject matter andthe curiclum obecves 6. To maintain contol, promote slide, character and expect for other through ue of posve contol techniques a Heeping wit tat aw board poy and shoal ales and regulations Toute one procedures fr normal lssrom contain learning acti, wth simple and consistent routines or tollenec, lactone (mane, papers, et) handling material sharpening penis ee earing acter shall be provided dung these routines whieh wil assure efecve we of ire 1 AdminisatveResponsbites ‘A Tofolow he cules and regulations of assigned schol and the Rapldes Pars Scho! Board 8. Tofowa time andor duty schedule authorized by the schoo principal forthe theo! day and etacurculer That aonduty personne epot to scoal ten minutes before school begin and emai ton minutes ar school les ©. 1osgninand out of choo! on appropriate forms {Tobe nthe asened clasroom or other sea of esponsibility when the eat period begin | daze hal not elt unsuperises F Toremaie at choo! during the shoo! dy unless permison obtained eam the Pini 6. Tobe reiponsibe for attending any administrative and/or profesional meeting alld bythe Principal Toot the Principal in eee of absence in slice ime to secre a substitute; to noty the Pencil of aeronce 1 Tfolow guidelines as et forth by the Rapides Pats School Board stat X To acount or and be erponsble forthe cae ofl ebooks, pupil ests, ther furntre equipment and instrutonal materials whieh aren or ae assed tothe teachers classi laboratory a ether areas of espanstity 1 Tobeneat and securtein completing recused records nd reports, turning these in promt nd one 1M Tob responsible for ld tps to 2. Get parents ween consent 2. Make certain the trip has educational value rtted to corent lssoom insticton 4, Property repare pulls for the fed rp experienes and to fllow up on etn 5. Be sure that all vehicles have publ abit insurance and that al vers ae wopery hcensed 6. Assure that trips are adequately chaperoned and that pups ate properly supenvse by teacher and 7 Assure that al eden are picked up upon eum by parts, guaran or authored person, beloce the teacher leaves No ch shall beet unattended Profesional Responsibites ‘Toei enthusiasm and sel conidence,2ssuming2 positive tude about the post fo growth and 18. Tomsintain good public elation, making positive contributions to parents understasing of pupil progress {Tobe ethical in contacts wih parents and othe laymen, ellow professional and punts To patcipat in fecuty and system-wide in-service programs, keeping current by taking cet or noncredit colege courses aplabl tothe are of responsibilty for teaching, aking part in apprprate workshoos and conferences and reading coret profesional iterature Tae ya tothe admiration ofthe choolsystem andthe school F Toesablsh and execute professional growth and sl evaluation plan in accordance with he Rapes Parish School ‘Board Personne Evaluation Plan 6. Totescn in accordance with the Lousiana Component of fective Teachings outed in Bein 49, Chapters aly Childhood Cae and Eduestion Aecountabty Sytem CLASS emacs eva enserentsiticsted er teaches satay mearicchen seth aearure gt cudecegranth sain of stacent ranam n aethenem th tne hpiis nen eeane:pntan san tate inte te count Stem, brennan chante arn ‘he teacher develops presents avesins that enue studenstethinkandsetet reiing na deeper stele ott tnin tthe ce he tencnersnennranteafteenaquesto-enrethatalltedentscortinutetathedscumion snes theneentanerttadents tenner ne tenner wm amwdesoinkiendnorh wm nme cannon pan mtn a WW Personal Rsponsiiies |. To observe tandords of conduct inside arouse of shoo, demonstrating integrity and dependsbity, sting 3 sirable example or pupils 8 To seta god example or puis by dressing apororatey and beng wel roomed within the provisions ofthe dress 000 adopted by the Board Tose language whichis vido gary lees, coarseness, or roanity .Tomaintainee contra and pois £.Tomsintingood general health with the physical vai to peor the due ofan eective teacher F To enuncate clearly ina pleasant, controled vice, expressing ideas cary, employing good Englsh usage 6. Todemonsrate ability to adjust to new stations, showing control ad effectiveness under pressures, demonstrating a mature understanding of problems H- To accent responsiiity commensurate with assigned aks, meeting obligations to pupils and staan tie | To bein atendanceat work except fo personal ins or emergency a fined by the poles of he Rapides Parish Schoo Board 2-%o perform any other duties asignedby the supenitendent andor evaluator To foow Federal, tate, Schoo Board and schoo! pes ‘Teachers shallbe expected to perform the following duties, along withthe completion of aresponding document, forms, and repos: 2 ul dues wastinaly expected of those in teaching rafesion © Coaborate wit cotesgues and departments © Grade Popers Tale ane record attendance 1 merverage Grades {Maintain postive and nel intracon with parents relate tothe performance or conduct of students assigned tothe eacnet + ‘Scho! committee or task forces to conte to schoo! inprovernntntaies 6. Supervision 1 Superson of students when students are on or of campus at a scto! reatediponsored event 1+ Supervision of Student prior to school and/or drop-off, when assigned Superson of Students nthe classroom Supervision of students between lasses, uring eces/ntermision ducing une, + Supension of students after school and/or pleup, when assigned 7. Nonnstructonal Components ‘atend meetings generally atocsted wit he nsruton of studens end fealty stall and department meetings ‘tend traning sessions ‘tend IEP meetings ‘tend parentteaeher conferences ‘end bactoscheal and open house events Aten graduation tend PGP, PU, raunton, Observation, AP, and student dispine meetings earings 1+ tend schoo bonr/eommittee meetngs, upon request 8. xtracurielar Aetties 1 xed all meetings anc funcons of hose actives cuts or rou of which the employee's sponsor {ni jb detcrition intended to outne the generl nature and evel of work performed by individuals esigned to this positon. tno intended tobe an exhaustive It of responsiltes, dudes, ond qualifications requied of employees Printed Name of Employee Pantedame of Spersizor Signature of ployee Signature of Superior one ome _Sipntuves inde thot the employe an the spervitr hove received ond aicussed the expectoions ofthis poation me, seoot pancrPaL SA: teem ‘quauriearions: emletion of Prciiones Residency Leader Progra, ‘+ Aaplcant must aly for endorsement 3: Principal, rovisonal Principal Elementary Pinal, or auctions ender | vats of success teaching andor admaistouve experience during he Hive [5] yer vad preceding sppointrent such tera to the preceding qualification sth Supehtendent may “+ fase oth ourranesteneurare te tertianan at schoo espn eabete ) REPORTS TO, Superintendent or his/her designee “SUPERUSES: Personne! assigned to workin the school underhis/her administration 108 GOAL: To provide leadership in developing chewing and maintaining good educational programs and serees in the asioned schoo ‘TERM Twelve Months SALARY rineipalElementary, i High, F Secondary Salary Schedule: 12M PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: I. teaderip {Tobe sponsible to and work under the direction ofthe apeoprite rector and Assistant Superitendent of Instracton inte ares of instruction, curriculum, supervision, evaluation experimentation and research {8 Tosugerviee nthe catraom and submit writen observetion and ealation reports according tothe Rapides Pan Accountbity Program {Tocartoualy study ad analy curticlum needs D-Todevelop a comprehensive schoo program To work withthe school board staffin developing continuing progrm for slideveloomenton a caland pach level F Tocsabldh and promote good school-commuity lations 6. Toitrpret and promote Bard poles inthe school and schoo community To satup standards ofthe economic use of lites, suples and equipment |. Toencsurage dress and personal appearance ofthe tf compatibl withthe gy oftheir postens | Toincease designated test scores a ented by the Superintendent -Toesablsh and enecut 2 professional growth and sel evaliaton plan | Tocary outhe Perfrmance Expectations ond indoors for Educational Leaderstone Soe tt stententet ‘ucttonshcensecrmtomaaret 35 cuined in Blab 130. [A. Schoo Mision, tion, and trates Goal Seton. A. Goal Setting and hon toring 2. Communication of Mion, Vision and Gods 3. Expectations 8. Instructional Leadersip 2. Curielum and Assessment 2. Teacher Efectveness| 3. Meeting student Neds 4 instructional Focus © Capacty Balog 2 etective Practices 2 Leadership Development 43-Colaboratwe Practices 4. Cominuous Improvenent 1, School Community and vironment 1. Sehoo Atmosphere 2. Community Engagement 3, Discipline 4 Aecessto High-Quality Eveaton 5 Responsiveness to Stakeholders Professionalism and itgity 1 Profesional Norns 2. Profesional Behavior, 3 Pocy Schoo OperationsMaragerent 1 Adminsvatve Operations 2. sal and Physical Management 1. Personnel A Teacher 1 Tost the Ovectrof Human Resouces in employing teachers 2-Toassign dses and observe and evluae al tachers according tothe Rapides Parish Personne! Evaluation Plan To make recommendations concerning continued employment of teaches alter discussing hs withthe appropiate decor andthe Aslan Soperntecen of tn 23-Tobe respons fr securing resignations of teachers no recommended for continued emplorment; 0 ‘resignation can be secied then tobe response fr making recommendations for dismissal tothe Superintendent or hisher designee giving reasons and submiting evidence substantiating these easons Substitute Tesehors 1. To secure a substtate when necessary rom the tof qualified substitutes furnish to the rnp bythe School Board ofce 2. To report the services of subttte on forms furnished by the School Board ofce 6 Sehool Secretaries 1. To employ and discharge schol secretaries with he approval ofthe Superintendent 2. Toten secretaries n pubic relations, bookkeeping, record keeping, esters and other duties wherever porible 0. Senool Food Servic (eile) 2. To provide lesderhp and asrtance in promoting and developing 2 food service program tat provides the ‘maximum education experience for edren 2 To see that nuvitonly adequate meas ae served ina pleasant, ining and sanitary environment 43. To work withthe rte school staffin providing opportunites for making meal and educational expetence 4, To arange a type of schedule that wil provide suient ime for each pup to enjoy meals without los of 5 Tobalp secure propery tained and qusiied ood service personnel 6 Tose that adequate aclies and equpment ae provides 7-Tomake sure that lla state and fees! poces ae understood and maintained 8. To report immediately to the School Board ofice all accidents that ocur inthe schoo lunchroom whether oF not medal attentions obtained 9 To forward resignatonsof employees tothe Foo Service office fee ec EE} 20 To review and submit requis cords 21-To submit an evaluative report annually on each shoal Fed Service employee custodial Services 2. To employ the cus staf and to discharge them withthe approval of the Superintendent and the Board etie-ce0} 2. Tolimit he werk othe custodial tft the schoo! Busnes during nour of employment bye Board 3 -Torequie the cuts staf to wear appropite aie including safety ae 4 Toprepae and enforce a schedule of work 5. Towbin annua evaluative report on each employee FSchoo! Transportation 2 To provide supervision of chien who ede butes ding the eaing and anloading 2.Tohve jurisdiction ovr eidren going to and fom schoo! {To ge immediate attention tal reports of dzorder on school buses made te him by avers the prncos ‘ess with the Superintendent 6 To assume responsibilty for alschol bus repors Pay Peviods 1. Torecord and report personel absences and puncualty 2. Toleep time log or utc nd lunchroom employees tu. Facives 4. To maitaln constant vigance for protecton and eat of Scheel property by enlisting the ai of al schoo! personnel 1 Duty schedules shall be made, and followed for teachers and other personnel whl ciden are in attendance Immediate repais and continuous malntenance ae requted where the health and safety of students {The principal sal be held esporsibe forthe cleanliness and sanitary conion ofthe premises under 2. Tomalntan schol grounds in such 2 manner 2510 bea good example forthe Immediate nlghborhood 8 Sthoo Plant (ele: E884, 6) Te eve professional guidance toa student aches; the principal or his/her designated epresenate, shall be present tall ate at he schoo! 2 To assign extra duties equitabiy among the various members ofthe school staff 2. To super the ut ofthe Buln fr entra curclr setts (se le: KG) Pups ‘Compulsory Sehoo Attendance |. Tesi in enforcing compulsory school attendance 2. To strengthen the holding power of he schoo 5. To submit all reports requested by the Decor of Cd Welfare and Atendance {To mae diet ivestention of conic ar extended absenteeism 8. Dicpine 4. To hold every pup oa strict aecountabilty foray disorderly conduct onthe playaround ofthe schoo orn school or enroute toa rom shoot 2. Te suepend or expel rom schoo, fo good cause, any pupil (eee JOO/0E) a. The parish Superintendent asthe final authority fo passon the merits ofthe suspension of» pul Notice af this action in the frm of alee shallbe sent tothe parents, te uperiiendent and the Drector of Chid Welae and Attendance ool the corporal punishment ply (ee fle: JOA) 1. Te contac the pares o sicko injured pupilimmediately by elephane a otherwise, pacing responsibility {oc treatment onthe parents 2.7 place the child der the treatment of» physician, peers the fey physic, when impossible to ceotac the parents 5. To frnsh the physician with needed information and toinfrm him/her ofthe respon ofthe parents for payment for sarices rendered 4. Tonoty the Superiatendent fa sevou accidents of pups. on the schoo grounds on schol buts . Athlete Program sSsoclatons, clubs and allother phases 2. To provide adequate equipment \ Records, Repos, Finance A. Purchate of supe uthorn bythe Schoo! Boa 2. Tosubmitrequisions forthe purchase of materials inci the curent pce of ams, peal ‘axes {school board ofc wil send purchase oder to vendor} 2. To check and pprove invoices received frm the school board off for approval noting ny shortage. beeaage, or eros and return them tothe offer 4. Toile duplicate requisitions, purchase orders, an invoices in duct invoice, make one) and ep oni fr ive years 1. Request fr Service authorized by the School Bard 1. To submit request for ese, lating allservices needed 2. Te le cupleate work orders and any accompanying voices and keep ome fr Hr ears 3.To athe bulking supervsorin ase of emergency €. Purchase of Mateiasusing schoo funds 1, Al purchases mut ew schol hoard pay a Scale Funds Braceures Manual fe oe cerns mobos oe serminnor tor seerantehese ment beaeearestrrmtnessstantsuneintendent at Adminstater © Local School Funds 1.70 feep an accurate record, using tho! ofc personne, of alschool funds which wl be aut at least once per yea following bookieeing plies and procedures adapted Jens 983 2 To deposit al school funds bn a bnk nthe ame ofthe schoo, to Keep schoo lunch funds in 3 21 Tobit financial statement a5 of December 31s and June 30h to the schoo board ace “1 Tolmit rive for funds conducted schools to thote approved bythe Board ee nekocsh Reports 1.70 be response fr all reports contained in opening and closing cculars and anyother equ by the Rapides Pre School Bord To check eports or accuracy Blor fing inate 2 Toaid ia keping teachers’ erates cere 1. Torequre eimbursament for damaged o st textbooks, reference Books adr Ubrary books ‘ther equipment and eda 2. Tolan forthe efient and economical use of mater and equipment 4 Topovide forthe proper maintenance of equipment and materials 5. Taemove worn ov nd unusable materi nd equipment from the inventory Vi Miscllneous 8. Toschedule senior graduation execs within the atten enandar dys of he school vesion Tosahere, insofar as pose to suggested in-service Waning meeting days (see Me-GBRD) -Toatrange fo the presence of lw enforcement officers) tal public gatherings in she school £.The principal shall report tothe schoo ten minutes pit any mandated teacher reporting ne and emai school at east hity minutes er the shoo ay ends. Inthe event the prncpal must eave eae, an sistant principal or other delegated percon shal atin hi tad no eal cat is required, the principal shal report forty-five minutes pir to the opening bl and erin at school at east ty minutes ater the choo! {ay ends. nthe event the principal must este eter, an atitant pencipal or other deletes person shall act FTofolow stat, Scho! Board and schoo! poles 6. Toshow evidence that teachershave been msruced in adeting the At ik rug Free and Safety Program inthe parsh To provide olow up toassure thatthe At isk Drug Fe and Safty Programs ae addressed by appropriate personel To lary relionshis an responsbites of choo personnel 1. To prove inservice on instructional delivery to assure thatthe LET are followed aly To provide assistance te personne with abnormal das grade dtibutons (Ce provide traningin the administration of commercial and locally developed evaluative devices nd the interpretation of resus [Mo schecule staf meetgs forthe purpose of formulating 3nd evaluating curralum objectives IN. To use resus ofthe teting program to lp determine whether not the objet ofthe ehool ar being chewed (0. Tose the results of the testing program as an ai in eisng the curriculum Ta coordinate the services of inerant personnel working inthe schoo! { To fester open communication and positive relationships a evidenced by support attitudes and active ‘involvement of faut staf and students To keop sttfinfrmadof al deectves concerning hem ‘Appearance rss, pose, self-control “LTo perform any atonal duties assigned bythe Superintendent and/or evauator Princ shall be expected to perform te following duties, along withthe completion of corresponding documents, forms, ard reports: -Lnstrutional Components = Fail dois aioe expeted uf sce bese vistas + Colaborate with those providing sect student instruction aswell as profesional providing ancilary Review says, recrnmend, and implement poles, cuca, and plan improve the aaty of 1 Conduct schools walkthroughs ‘Prepare and/or oversee preparation of class scheduing 1+ Parca inthe stating of shoo ithe aertmant, tere and election andor axenment of personnel subject o superintendent approval 1. Supervision "© Superson of AsitantPencipal, teachers, and all others reporting to employe o for whace supervson employee responsible as applicable © Complete andlor assistin the pepsaton/implementtion of employee observations, evalistons IAPS snd other associte tasks and monitoring 2, Nominstrucional Components ‘¢ Maintain the campusin clean contin through the oversight of jantra/mainenance sath |S Maintain student dpe ‘¢ tend meetings generally associated with heinstrucbon of students + Aten acy, tM, department and central ofice/pricipl meetings {stals schoo potces governing students and employees ‘ten along sessions rend jo asa relates events ‘tend 1P meetings ‘Attend CetralOfice and Department meetings ‘tend backto schaol and open house events ‘atond grasution Interview emplay, and complete necessary ies ‘tend PP, Evaluation, Obrevatin IAP, and tudent apie meeting hearings ‘xen schol board/eomattee meetings, upon request Participate in the reparation of necessary dscpinary documents and corresponding disciplinary proces or both students and employees Full al utes required ofthe school at a member ofthe LHSAA or other athe oF professions ‘Maintain postive parent and community contact and problem solving Represent the choo a al unctons and/or meetings at which asehool epteseratve irequced ny etracuricular scutes a determined by the superior ‘Meeting wth teachers o sta members to discus schoo eperaons, student progress, or upcoming [tending parent-teacher meetirgs o school events that ate held nthe evening Reviewing and fealing schoo buseets, reports, o seministrabve asks Parteipanngin professional development wershops of waning sesions andlingdscpline sues or adéessing any ugent mates that ase during the day Collaborating with community a izations or partners to suport school programs Panning and trateping for four choo! improvement nates _Atending sehool bard meetings or ether administrative responsbatis Supporting esracuricuar stues or mht events that take place afer school hore Proving ational supervision o support for students who may need exraelpor assistance ‘Th ob desertion 5 tended to outline the general ture and lve of work performed by india assigned othe poston. tts nt intended 0 be on exhoustve st of responsible, dates, nd qulfeotons required of employees Printed Nome of Emploves Printed Nome a Spenibor Sprature of Employee Signature of Superior ate ae ‘Spnotuesindcote thot the employe nd the saperzor have received ond dicutec he expectoions ofthis postion. TITLE: ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL FSA: Exempt ‘quauricarions: “+ Avald Type A, Types or Level 3 Lousana Teaching Ceraficate wth a Masters dere oc higher of ompetion oa Prainoner/Resdency Leader Program Appian mos avai for endorsement Princ, Prowsional Principal Elementary Princ, or tucaional eae 1 Mast have ive 8) eas of successful teaching and/or administrative experience dung the five [5] yar period preceding apoiniment such alternatives to the preceding quaicatons a he Superintendent may fd appropiate and accentabe fs IREPORTS TO: school Principal, SUPERUIES: Schoo! Personnel ae designated by the Principal 1208 GOAL To asst the Principal in providing eaerchipn developing, achieving and maintsning good ‘educational programs and servicesin the assigned schoo! ‘TERM Ten Months [SALARY: Ten Month rincpa-Asitant Salary Sehedle PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES | Toast inthe administration andor supervision of the schoo! IL Te seve as prisipalin she bsence To acept and perform ther dues asined bythe Pinca 1 Asstt Pinas shal be assgned as follows: |. Adin teaching ute of Assistant Principals shale assignee atthe dzretionf the Principal when recesary \ To establish and execute a profesional growth and elf evaluation plan “To carry out the Performance Expectations ond Indicators for Bducationl Leeder outlined Bulletin 18. ‘School Mission, Vision, and Stratege Goal Setting 1. Gost setting and Monitoring 2. Communication of Mision, Vision and Goals Expectations structions Leadership 1. Curculum and Asessment 2. Teacher ecveness 3. Meeting Student Neds 4. Instructional Foeus .copacty suing 1 Reflective races 2. Leadership Development 2. Callaboratne Practices 4 Continuous improvement ©. Shoo! ommmunity and Environment 4. Sehact Atmephere 2. Community Engagerent 3 Discipline 4 Acces to High Gust Euston 5. Responsiveness to Stakeholders «Professional and Integy 1 Frotessonal Norms 2. Profesional Behavior 2.oicy F.School Opeatons/Management 1. Admilstrative Operations 2a na Pye! Management ‘i Towork etlecsvely with schoo! personnel and aft Yi To consitenty demonstrat sel-diection | Tost accurate records and eports promt X Tocahibit profesional ethics XT fester open communiation and postive relationships wth school personnel and sta XL To foster open commanicaton and postive relationships withthe community Te perform anyother dues assigned by the school rrist XV follow state, cool Board and School policies Assistant Principals shall be expected to perform the fllowing duties, along withthe exmpletion of corres documents, forms, and reports: A. tnstructionst Components ‘Ful duis tradtonal expected of schooksased administrators 1 Coloborate with hot providing et student intracion as wl 3 prelesionss providing anciny sendcer 1 Review, deaf, toy recommend, ad implement polices, cael, andplan improve the cua of 1+ Conduct schools walkthroughs ‘+ Prepare andor oversee preparation of ass scheduling Partipate inthe stating of school vis the recruitment interes, and election andor assignment of personel, subject to superintendent approval 2.Superision 'Supension of teachers and all others epotng to employe or for whore supervision employees responsible, as pplcabe + Compete and/or ast nthe preparation/impementaion of employee observations, evaluations, APS, and other atzacited tasks and monitoring sructlona Components ‘Maitain the campus in a clean condition trough the oversight of janitra/mintenance staf Malean student ping ‘tend faulty, staf, depatmen and central ofice/pincipal meetings ‘end waning sees ond jo abs and related ovens ‘tend E> meetings tend Centra fice and Deparment meetings ‘tendback-t-school and oper-house events ‘tend grasuoton Intrvew, employ, and complete nacessary hives ‘acend PP, Galuston, Observation, AF and student dscipine meeting hearings ‘tend school board/commttee meetings, upon request Paricipatein the preparation of necessary drilnary documents an process for bot students and employees 1 Ful dunes required of the shoo! 323 member ofthe HSA r otter athletic o profesional 1+ Maintain posbue parent and communty contac nd problem solving 1+ Represent the schoo a al fuctons andor meetings at which a schoo epresentaive i required responding dicipinary ‘+ Any extra-cursiular aces a determined by the euperce/orncpl ‘© Meeting with teachers or salt members to deus school operations, aden prowess, upcoming ‘Atenang parent-teacher meeongs OF School events that reheat evening Reviewing and fling schol budgets reports, or administrative ass ‘artcpating in professional development workshops or aning sessions Handing disci ssues or adessing any urgent mates that ase during the dy Colaboraing wth communty organizations or ariner to support shoal prograns| Planning and strate for fture sehool provement initiatives _xtending sehool board meetings cater adminstrative responsbles Suppocingextracuriulractvtes or sthletic vents that tate pace ser choo ours Providing aitional supervsion or supprt for students who may need eta help o assistance 1 job description intense to outline the general notre ond evel of work performed ty india assigned to thi poston it isnot intended tbe on exhaustive listo a responses, dues, ond guaiiation anured of employees. Printed tame of paves nied Name of Superior Sratureof Employee Saar of Superson one one ‘Sigoturesindcote thot the employe and the sypersor hove receved ond escussed the expectations a ths poston. ew TE: SCHOOL COUNSELOR 484: eemet ‘QUALFicaTiONs:certicaton in school counseling as prescribed by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education AEPORTS TO:Scheol Principal orhis or her signe 108 GOAL: To conriauteto he development of he total student by supporting a fous on academic perional soci and career development the achieve success ia shoal nd ace prepared te led ung ves as response members of soci TERNS OF EMPLOYMENT: Ten Months SAAR Ten Month Teacher Sly Schedule PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBIUTIES: 2. Establish and implementa comprehensive schol counting program efechvly a measured by the counsler tvalution system in accordance with federal an state equations and the asi’ Personnel Evaluation Plo, 2 Assume responubity for growth in tude learning nthe assigned area of esponsblies, a Enaurethat student growth continuous and appropriate fr asgned students, » Develos and meet two yearly goals which postvely affect student achievement through ob responsible, 2. Set counseling Joab, develop action plans, and monitor progress toward goals Cale and analyze student data fom various sores (eg, academe records, attendance reports, sciline records} ident trends to iform counseling goa setting and action pans. ». Develop counseling gsls and action plan tht ae aligned wih dented esp in one or more ofthe folowing student achievement atendonc, dcilne, colge and creer planning, cris intervention, and/or cil development. «Monier progress toward counseing goals and adjust support strategies inaction plans a needed, ‘ermonsating ext in esponse to changing student nee. 4 Support students in necting academic and behavioral expectations. 2 entiy student needs and elaborate with other professional staff members i asesing students and developing plas to adress mental health, Behavioral a learning problems, ung an atzestmens ool when necesar to determine students’ academic andor socia/behavioal needs vient support or student Provide support for students experiencing academic and/or behavioral challenges. «Asi sudent in sting academic and/or behavior goals o establish educational plans { Provide confit rezolition and mesation suppor 1. Mediate conflicts between students or between student nd ta 2. Teach conf eslution skis to help students manage interpersonal confit construc 1. Provide academic counceling 2 Assit students in course selection based on thelr abies, interests, and ture goss 2. Mentor stugents academe progres andintervene when nettrry to aes sues 5 Ensure students ae on rack to meet graduation and TOPS quirements tase on dptoms ‘ype, pathway, and credentials «4, Provde guidance on sty sls, time management and acaderc panning 5. Ensure students meet required deadhins, FAFSA submission, college applications, college _aisons testing registiaiondeadines 4. Conduct nvidal and group counseling sessions with students to ade ented concerns and challenges. «Respond to inmesate and urgent concerns, such as emotional ses of taumate events, emergencies, oF inccens tfecing the school community. | implement ers intervention seatepes and coordinate with aeminisators, teachers, and exten agencies to ensure approaiate support and safety measures are pice {Provide support an resouresto students an faites dunn times friar rau, 5. Provide educational and career guidance to students, ncidng but nt lated othe lowing: 2 Provide guidance on couse selection, cllege admisions career exploration, sd pst Se:ndary options Conduct carer astessments and fclitate discussions to help students explore carer interests ad develop career readiness hls Organite cllege firs, ater days, and workshon to eahance student’ awatenes of eceaton land career opportunites, cluding a ders ange of postsecondary institutions and career options 6 Coordinate and provide school-wide student support services efficent and eect. 2. Coordinate and provide student suppor using availble data and resources. 1 Adentty and fecitate lessons and/or sessions that are elevant, engaging. znd developmentally seeropiat or students to ensure impact on dent’ overall development nd gcwth i Colact and use avaiable sient data to determine trends and pattems to docoment impact and intrm nent steps dented nex stepsin daly practices. tnd other suppoc sal o support thei implementation of 8. Determine students neds nd implement targeted suppor plans |. Use datasources to demenstnte a need fr change schol wide(e.cpne, atendance, achievement Ti. Conduct neds assessments designation plans for support. instruction, and intervention. i Implement student support las that include tare interventions that ae aigned to identifies seeds eg, dcp, atendarce, course evllment pate, achievement, opportunity academic, ‘mental heh and wellbeing, creer support to enhance student’ overall development, academic sehievement, and resene Ie Create lesson plas/counseing sessions that ae aligned to students wellbeing, andlor academic needs, providing opportuniies or dferentation that accommodate varios learning sts. {Organize and manage time and student records efecivey |: Priotie and manage the allerton oftime to optmae opportunites oadsressthe need fs students eg, use of clendars, meetings, lesions, dads). i. Maintain complete and accurate student documentation, including records of behav, cade. perormance, eevanccontmurleston wh parents, ana student progres. Maintain physical office enuronment using an organizational system thats designed to support al students, wth supple, equipment, and resources accessible oad students nthe educational, vocatona, personal socal, hath, and cive development \ Perfo varius admirstaive dues such a responding to emalls and phone calls fom parents, schoo administrators, and tin tmly manner ‘Prepare and submit requires reports a ssene by the Schoo! Principal 4. vert every efor to provide clear and ly information t regula imeraeto parents, crepvers, 2nd colleagues egnding sehool expectations, stueat progres, student conduct, and ways they can asi student lesring sna behavior e avaiable fr yarent.teacher conferences, | Ensure parens/quardans a notified about students’ post-secondary edveation and career options based on students’ selected diploma type, pathuay, GPA and standaued est scores. 1. Calborate and engage with shoo perzonnel an al stakeholder effect 2.Collabrat with the choo leadership team, teaches, and other agencies asaproprateto adress student needs (eg caderic well-being, ander phys) by particpaing in acts which may include, but ae ot lite, panning meetings, professional learning community meetings, ade devel meee, ttf dewopment, and various cmmitees consult with fellow schoo! personnel and comemunty rescues, 8 aperoptate, before making eera to ensure a comprehensive understanding ofthe student's stuaton «Coltbrate with famies, eachers, schol leaders, other scheal staf and eduction stakeholders to postvely Impact he sucess of dens 4. Discuss and provide documentation of progress toward school and student goals with school leaders, «.Establohparinerships wih celevant agencies and postsecondary insttutos. {tend teacher collaboration meetings and provide school counseling information eg. attendance records, ‘scipline ecods, achievement data) during teacher claberation 4. colebocate wit the Seneo Principal and oleagues to generate the master chee annual, 9. Ser an speci commtees (4, Student Well-Being. SEL, Pup roerestn/IN Cri, Dyson) 2s equi bythe Scho! Principal or dstrct administration and perform relates work a5 required. 10. Play and oversee asiged events as required bythe Scho! Principal. eg, gradtation ceremonies, rig ceremony, 11. Coerdinate standardied testing and assessment schedules, ensuring complance with state and district regulations. 12, ist school adm netration in nplementing al poles and roles governing ident conduct and effecnve schoo 2-Monitor student candut throughout the schoo bung and grounds and enforce all polices and ules governing student conduct Attia adminitatorfond other aff member in the ordry cxpadlen nde tronlon of dents rom 12 Tae all necessary and reazonble precaution to protect students, equipment, teks, materia and facies 1A. tend aorschoo! events a shed, ining But not lined to nperion faculty meetings once per month parentamiy night evens no more than sities pe school yer, and aersehaol athlete and special events duty as "segnad not to exces teen events per schoo eae 15 Tocary out the Performance Expectation and indcotors for Counelorso outed Bullen 10: 'A. Counseling Program Vision, Strategic Goal Setting and Action Planning 1. Development and Commoreation of Vision 2. Goal Setting. Action Planing, and Monitoring 3 Expectations 8. Student Serves 1 Student Support and Data Colecion 2. Meeting Stents Needs 5. Orgpstaton and Management of Time and Student Records CC uadership, Advocacy, and Reflection 1 Leadership and Advocacy 2 Reflective Practices 1. School Community and Engagement 1. Callaboration wth School Personne 2.Callaboraton with Al Staeholsers {G. Frofesionatsm andintegity 1. Professions havior 2 inary 2. Confidentiality PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES: 1 Matin professional persona appearance and demonstrate respect for ealleagues 2. atend work regulary report to work on tie; an provide advance nae of ned for absence. 2. Complete work eienty and accurately with ew/ne ero) within deadlines without supervision. “4 Perform jb esponsbltes consistent use ie wis plan propery, ake at of mateah and eqpment 5. Maintain confidential and demonstrate tstworthines; exercise goede 6. Suppet implement, asst with, andforensore application af atic Initatves and other aograme or ares of ‘the Superintendent and Board, 7p rect superior informed ofthe progres being made in 2eas) of responsi 1. Report the Rapides Parsh Schoo Board as naededordveced. 9 Keep abreast profesional by atendng loa, regional, state, or national meetings andor tall development that sree) of esponsity a arecte by superior 10. Complete and stm ll forms, reports, documentation, and trainings by raged dates atin accordance with ‘tee poles and procedures. 11. Reman open to suggestions and innovative ideas: receive and apply feedback 12 Demonstrate competence mares of esponsbity, 13 Ere every efor to constractiely mle stakeholders in al professions setings, 14. Communicate appropriately and work fleciey wit al populations, 1a desirable qualities uch at commitment to jo rexponsibities, enthusiasm, cooperation see of humor, ‘reat, tact, postive attude/ wok etic, dependably, puncuaty, seit dscpine/conal gos, ve con, effecivenonvertalconewunicition, a profession appeernce, intve, anda genuine concern sd interes for others 16 Follow the spc equremens established by the School Board LEA, State Department of Education (LDOE the ‘tate Baar of Elementary and Secandary Education (BESE], anda Federal regulations and guilelnes estblshed by exch 17 Pete any duty, not special astaned deemed necessary by the ating authority in erder to maintain 18 To perform anyather dues assigned by the superintendent and/or evaluator 19,To fallow Feral State, Schoo! Board and schoo pobles ‘Ths jo desertion is itended toute the general nature and level of wok performed by india asied to i poston ti not intended tobe on exhoustive It of ol responsbiloes, dues, ond quotations requred of employees Fronted Name of Employee Frinted Name of Spenser ‘nature of ployee Signature of Supervior sionaraesinacate tar the employee the supervisor hove receives and dscuseate expectaions ofthis postion PROPOSED AMENDED ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENTS, DIRECTORS, SUPERVISORS, COORDINATORS, AND FACILITATORS 08 DESCReTION Assistant Superintendents, Oector, Sperssrs, Coordinators, nd Faclitatr shal be expects to perform the folowing dies, along with he completion a coresponding documents, forms, and reports 1. nstrvesenal Components Ful dts taitionaly expected of those in supervisor positions *# Calborate with those providing and overseeing schooLbased istution as well as professionals proving Review, dat, study, recommend, and implement poles, curiam, and plans to improve the quality of 1 Conduct schol/as wae troughs 1 Insiucbona Lesdeehip Team mestng ‘+ Superson of Principals Assistant Princes andor ethesreporing te employee fr whose supervision lerioyeefresponsble ‘+ Compete andr asstin the preparation/inplementation of employee pre post-sbseatons evaluations, Intinsve Assistance Mans and other asia tasks and monitoring ‘tend mastng generally zrciate with the instruction of dents ‘tend faculty staf and department meetings _xtenatesining sone ‘tendo fs and related events ‘AtandIEP/AP meetings ‘Aten Cental Office and Department meesngs ‘Atendbockto school and open house events Ineriew employ, and complete necesary hires ‘send PP, Evaluation, Observation, LF and student escipine meetings [Nearing ‘send school board/commitiee meetings pon request ‘other professional staf shall be expected to perform the following duties, slong withthe completion of Corresponting documents, fms, ond reports i applicable) 1. instructional Components = Fulfil tos ractonly expected of those fn teaching proesion| Collaborate wth colleagues and departments Grade Papers Take ad record attendance nterfaverage Grades ‘Maitainpostve ara mel iteraction with parents lative tthe performance or conduc of sents signed tothe teacher + School commits ora forces to contribute to school improvement niga Educational or coaching best pracces and echrigues Supervision ‘Superson of student whan students are on or off campus at school relatedsponsored event Superson of students prior to sehool and/or drop-off when assigned Sopenison of Student nthe caeroom 1 superson of students between cases, during ecse/intermisson, during lunch assembles Superson of Student ater schol and/or pickup, when assigned Nonnstrucional Components "ond meetings general asocated wth the inerveton of tents Aatendtranng sessions ‘tend meetings ‘tend parent teacher conferences ‘tend gradeason ‘wend PP, PP Exclusion, Observation, IP and student ascipline metings rings ‘tend school bosrd/eommittee meetings, upen request, ‘entracuclr Aetvties tend all meetings an funtion of those aetities, cubs, or groups of which he employee iss sponsor

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