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Action Name Mneme 1 Mneme 2 Mneme 3

Wisdom of the AetherweaveWisdom of the Aetherweaver

Wisdom of the Martialist Wisdom of the Martialist
Wisdom of the Platebearer Wisdom of the Platebearer
Wisdom of the Guardian Wisdom of the Platebearer Incense L Incense L
Wisdom of the Ordained Wisdom of the AetherweaveCure L Cure L
Wisdom of the Skirmisher Wisdom of the Martialist Wisdom of the Martialist Wisdom of the Martialist
Wisdom of the Watcher Stealth L Stealth L
Wisdom of the Templar Wisdom of the Platebearer Stoneskin L Cure L
Wisdom of the Irregular Wisdom of the Martialist Wisdom of the Skirmisher Incense L
Wisdom of the Breathtaker Stealth L Stealth L Stealth L
Wisdom of the RememberedWisdom of the AetherweaveWisdom of the Martialist Wisdom of the Platebeare
Protect L Protect L
Shell L Protect L Esuna L
Death L Wisdom of the AetherweaveRaise L Paralysis L
Focus L Wisdom of the Skirmisher Bloodbath L
Paralyze L Paralyze L
Paralyze L III Paralyze L Paralyze L Paralyze L
Swift L Featherfoot L Featherfoot L
Featherfoot L Feint Feint
Spirit Dart L Wisdom of the AetherweaveTranquillizer L Paralysis L
Catastrophe L Spirit Dart L Spirit Dart L Spirit Dart L
Dispel L Tranquillizer L Tranquillizer L Tranquillizer L
Feint L Feint L
Stealth L Stealth L
Aetherial Manipulation L Wisdom of the Martialist Feint L Backstep L
Backstep L Backstep L
Tranquilizer L Tranquilizer L
Bloodbath L Wisdom of the Martialist Wisdom of the Martialist Cure L
Rejuvenate L Wisdom of the Martialist Wisdom of the AetherweaveCure L
Haymaker L Wisdom of the Martialist Incense L Featherfoot L
Rapid Recast L Cure L Esuna L Feint L
Cure L Cure L
Cure L II Cure L Cure L Cure L
Stoneskin L Protect L Protect L Protect L
Cure L III Cure L II Cure L II
Regen L Cure L Cure L Feint L
Esuna L Esuna L
Incense L Incense L
Raise L Raise L
Bravery L Wisdom of the Skirmisher Wisdom of the Guardian Wisdom of the Ordained
Solid Shield L Wisdom of the Guardian Protect L Stoneskin L
Spell Shield L Wisdom of the Guardian Shell L Stoneskin L
Reflect L Wisdom of the Ordained Protect L Shell L
Smite L Wisdom of the Skirmisher Spirit Dart L Tranquilizer L
Refresh L Wisdom of the AetherweaveWisdom of the Ordained Cure L II
Banish L Wisdom of the AetherweaveDispel L Dispel L
Banish L III Wisdom of the Ordained Dispel L Dispel L
Magic Burst L Wisdom of the RemembereWisdom of the Ordained Stoneskin L

Double Edge L Wisdom of the Guardian Bloodbath L Wisdom of the Skirmisher

Eagle Eye Shot L Wisdom of the RemembereWisdom of the Skirmisher Spirit Dart L

Credit to @Riunia, their team, and the whole community for the i
Other charts:
Riunia's data:
Ash's Eureka Tracker:
Alternative Recipe

Stoneskin L x3, or Guardia

Wisdom of the Ordained
Martialist + Feint, or Skirmi

Wisdom of the Remembere

Shell L
3x Dispel L, or Tranq L x2,
Bloodbath L x3

Backstep x2 + Featherfoot
Featherfoot L
Spirit Dart L
Bloodbath L x2
Esuna L x3, or Dispel L

Backstep + Stealth

Bloodbath L

Cure L II
Stoneskin L

mmunity for the information provided.

Increase magic damage dealt by 60%
Increase DMG dealt 40%
DEF + 3000; HP +50%
DEF + 1800; HP +10%
Increase maxium mp by 50% and healing potency by 25%
Increase DMG dealt +12%
Increase evasion by 25% while reducing damge dealt by 5%
Increase healing potency by 50% and max HP by 30%, reducing damage dealt by 5%.
Increase damage dealt by 21% while reducing magic defence by 60%
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 10%.
Increase HP +10%; Accuracy +30%; 70% chance of reraise
Increase the physical defense of target by 1000
Increase the magic defense of target by 1000
KOs target. The less the targe's HP, the greater the chance of success
Grants stack of Boost up to max 16. Increases potency of next weaponskill by 30% per stack
Afflicts target with Paralysis.
Afflicts target and all near by targets with Paralyzsis.
Greatly increases movement speed
Increases evasion by 15%
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency 100. Increases damage target takes by 8%
Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with potency 4000, while dealing damage with potency of 999999 to self
Removes one beneficial status from target
Delivers an attack with potency of 100. Recuces targets evasion.
Makes most enemies unable to detect you, but reduces movement speed by 50%. No effect on certain enemies with special s
Rush to a target's side. Unable to cast if bound.
Jump Back 10 yalms from current positoin; Cannot execute while bound
Stuns target
Converts portion of damage dealt into HP
Instantly restores 500 TP and 50% of maximum MP
Delivers an attack with potency of 300. Inflicts Slow on target
Shortens recast time for next ability used by 50%
Restores target's HP; Cure Potency : 9000
Restores target's HP; Cure Potency : 12000
Create a barrier around the target taht absorbs damage totaling 10% of target's maximum hp
Restores target's and nearby party members HP; Cure Potency : 9000
Grants healing over time to target; Cure Potency : 2500
Removes a single detrimental effect from target
Gestures threatenly, places yourself at the top of a target enemies emnity list and increases emnity generation; Duration 15 se
Resurrects target to a weakened state
Increases target's damage delt by 10%
Reduces physcial damage taken by 99%
Reduces magical damage taken by 99%
Creates a magic-reflecting barrier around self or party member
Delivers an attack with potency 1000. Can only execute when your HP is below 50%. Restores an amount of own HP proportio
Increases the amount of magia aether regenerated over time by self and nearby party members
Deals unaspected damage with potency 200 to target. Afflicts undead targets with debuff increasing damage taken by 12%
Deals unaspected damage with potency 150 to target and all nearby enemies. Afflicts undead targets with debuff increasing da
Increase spell damage by 100% while incerasing MP cost
Increases physical damage dealt while dealing damage to self over time. Stacks increase every 3 seconds, up to a maximum o
damage dealt is increased by 15%, and potency of damage dealt to self increases by 1200
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 80. Potency increases up to 1000% the lower the target's HP. Generates significant

formation provided.

3/3 X X X
3/3 X X X
3/3 X X X X X X X X X
3/3 X X X
3/3 X X X
3/3 X X X X X X X X X
3/3 X X X
3/3 X X X
3/3 X X X X X X X X X
3/3 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
1/1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
30/30 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
99/99 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
99/99 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
20/20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
20/20 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
50/50 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
50/50 X X X X X X X X X
3/3 X X X X X X X X X
x - - - X X X X X X X X X X X X
x X X X X X X
50/50 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
99/99 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
99/99 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
50/50 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
30/30 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
50/50 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
50/50 X X X
50/50 X X X X X X X X X X X X
x X X X X X X X X X X X X
50/50 X X X X X X X X X
99/99 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
50/50 X X X X X X X X X X X X
99/99 X X X X X X X X X X X X
x X X X X X X X X X X X X
x X X X X X X X X X X X X
99/99 X X X X X X X X X X X X
99/99 X X X X X X
30/30 X X X X X X X X X X X X
30/30 X X X X X X X X X X X X
99/99 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
30/30 X X X
99/99 X X X
99/99 X X X
50/50 X X X
5 X X X X X X
5 X X X X X X X
20 X X
Level Name Shift Element Day Night Any Fair Heat Snow Blizz Storm Wind
35 Pyros Soblyn Earth
35 Pyros Wolf Ice
35 Spriggan PankratiasMutation Ice x X
35 Walking Sapling Thunder
36 Northern Griffin Mutation Wind x X X X X X
36 Pyros Coeurl Fire
36 Val Icetrap
37 Gibbon Water
37 Pyros Kongamato Wind
37 Pyros Slug Mutation Earth x X X
38 Cardian
38 Pyros Serpent Water
38 The Defoliator Mutation Thunder x X
39 Pyros Gremlin Mutation ? x X
39 Stray Snipper Water
39 Voidskipper Wind
40 Haokah Unbound Mutation Thunder x X
40 Mega-gris Mutation Earth x X
40 Mechanoguardian Alteration Fire x X
41 Blazewing Mutation Wind x X
41 Pyros Chelone Water
41 Wasserspeier Mutation Thunder x X
42 Hippomartimus Mutation Water x X
42 Val Mammoth
42 Val Wraith Mutation ? x X X
43 Machairodus Mutation Earth x X
43 Pyros Snake Mutation Water x X
43 Pyros Wraith
44 Red Eye Mutation ? x X
44 Val Yeti
45 Clipper Mutation Fire x X X X
45 Karlabos of Pyros
45 Northern Ray
46 Pyros Bombfish Mutation ? x X
46 Pyros Pudding
47 Pyros Gulo Gulo Mutation Fire x X X X
47 Pyros Nanka Mutation Water x x X X X
47 Pyros Parthenope
48 Dingo Mutation Earth x X X
48 Pure White Flame Mutation ? x X
49 Dark Parthenope
49 Northern Grizzly
49 Pyros Slime
50 Delphyne Mutation ? x X X
50 Pyros Hawk
50 Pyros Piranu Mutation Fire x X X X Heat Wrapped
51 Delphyne Alteration ? x X
51 Henbane Mutation Wind x X X X X Heat Wrapped
51 Pyros Wood Golem Mutation Earth x X
52 Val Hornbill Mutation Wind x X Heat Wrapped
52 Val Minotaur Mutation Fire x X
53 Fabricated Singha Mutation Earth x X X X X X X Heat Wrapped
53 Soulless Agent
53 Stegoceras ? ? x X Heat Wrapped
54 Ancient Voidragon Mutation Fire x X X Heat Wrapped
54 Soulless Pathfinder Alteration ? x X
54 Zebu Mutation Earth x X Heat Wrapped
55 Flame Voidragon Fire
55 Soulless Pathfinder Mutation ? x X
55 Val GigantopithecusMutation ? x X

If a row is grayed out, it's because I have NO idea ^^;

Mitigative Logos

Heat Wrapped Box

Mitigative Logos
Heat Wrapped Box

Heat Wrapped Box

Heat Wrapped Box

Heat Wrapped Box

Heat Wrapped Box
Mitigative Logos?
Heat Wrapped Box

Mitigative Logos?

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