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Biomarker Discovery and Validation: Statistical

Fang-Shu Ou, PhD,a,* Stefan Michiels, PhD,b Yu Shyr, PhD,c Alex A. Adjei, MD, PhD,d
Ann L. Oberg, PhDa
Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Gustave Roussy, Oncostat U1018, CESP, Inserm, Université Paris-Saclay,
labelel Ligue Contre le Cancer, Villejuif, France
Department of Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
Department of Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

Received 1 November 2020; revised 4 January 2021; accepted 7 January 2021

Available online - 2 February 2021

ABSTRACT whereas others are present in cancer cells and so require a

biopsy to obtain tissue for testing. An ideal biomarker
Biomarkers have various applications including disease
detection, diagnosis, prognosis, prediction of response to
satisfies the following properties: it should be either bi-
intervention, and disease monitoring. In this era of precision nary (i.e., present or absent) or quantifiable without sub-
medicine, having validated biomarkers to inform clinical de- jective assessments; the result should be generated by an
cision making is more important than ever. In this article, we assay that is adaptable to routine clinical practice and has a
discuss best the practices and potential issues in biomarker timely turnaround (i.e., in a matter of days rather than
discovery and validation. We encourage team science part- weeks); the biomarker assay should be sensitive and
nerships to bring cutting-edge discovery from bench to specific; and most importantly, the biomarker should be
bedside, leading to improved patient care and outcomes. detectable using easily accessible specimens.
Molecular biomarkers are used together with clinical
 2021 International Association for the Study of Lung
information to achieve precision medicine to customize
Cancer. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access
prevention, screening, and treatment strategies to a group
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
of patients with similar characteristics (Fig. 1). Risk
stratification biomarkers may identify patients at higher
than usual risk of disease who should be monitored more
Keywords: Biomarker; Exploratory analysis; Confirmation closely than the general population, for example, smoking
analysis; Clinical trial
increases the risk of lung cancer.2 Disease screening and
detection biomarkers are used to detect diseases before
symptoms manifest, when therapy has a greater likeli-
Introduction hood of success, for example, low-dose computed to-
A biological marker (biomarker) is “a defined charac- mography screening is recommended for patients at high
teristic that is measured as an indicator of normal bio- risk of lung cancer.2 Diagnostic biomarkers detect the
logical processes, pathogenic processes, or biological
responses to an exposure or intervention, including ther- *Corresponding author.
apeutic interventions.”1 Biomarkers have various appli- Disclosure: Dr. Shyr reports receiving personal fees from AstraZeneca,
cations, such as risk estimation, disease screening and Eisai, Janssen, Novartis, Pfizer, and Roche outside of the submitted
work. The remaining authors declare no conflict of interest.
detection, diagnosis, estimation of prognosis, prediction of
Address for correspondence: Fang-Shu Ou, PhD, Department of Health
benefit from therapy, and disease monitoring (Fig. 1). In Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St. SW, Rochester, MN 55905.
oncology, biomarker candidates often consist of biological E-mail: [email protected]
ª 2021 International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.
molecules found in cancer cells. The most common bio- Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the
markers are cancer-associated proteins, gene mutations, CC BY-NC-ND license (
deletions, rearrangements, and extra copy numbers of
ISSN: 1556-0864
genes. These molecules are sometimes secreted into the
circulation and so may be detected by blood-based assay,

Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 16 No. 4: 537-545

538 Ou et al Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 16 No. 4

Figure 1. Use of biomarkers in relation to the course of disease.

presence of diseases, for example, biopsies can be used in tested need to be defined early in the development pro-
the diagnosis of lung cancer.2 Prognostic biomarkers cess. The use of a biomarker in relation to the course of a
provide information on overall expected clinical outcomes disease and specific clinical contexts should also be pre-
of a patient, regardless of therapy or treatment selection, specified (Fig. 1). The patients and specimens should both
for example, sarcomatoid mesothelioma has a poor directly reflect the target population and intended use.
outcome regardless of therapy.3 Predictive biomarkers
inform the overall expected clinical outcome on the basis Key Considerations for Biomarker Discovery
of treatment decisions in biomarker-defined patients only. Key considerations for conducting discovery studies
The most important predictive biomarkers found for using archived specimens are the patient population
NSCLC, for example, are mutations in the EGFR gene, represented by the specimen archive, power of the study
BRAF, or MET gene and rearrangements involving the (through the number of samples and number of events),
ALK, ROS1, RET, and NTRK family genes4; various targeted prevalence of the disease, the analytical validity of the
therapies are available for patients identified by most of biomarker test, and the preplanned analysis plan.9 The
these biomarkers. most reliable setting in which to perform such (retro-
A biomarker’s journey from discovery to clinical use spective) studies is by means of specimens and data
is long and arduous, but it can be broken into phases or collected during prospective trials, and the results of one
steps.5-8 Biomarker discovery efforts have increased study need to be reproduced in another. Definitions for
with the emergence of technologies for gathering levels of evidence have been developed to evaluate the
relevant data; for example, single-cell next-generation clinical use of biomarkers in oncology and medicine.9,10
sequencing, liquid biopsy (blood sample) for circu- Bias, a systematic shift from truth, is one of the
lating tumor DNA, microbiomics, radiomics, and other greatest causes of failure in biomarker validation
types of high-throughput technologies have exploded in studies.11 Bias can enter a study during patient selection,
popularity in recent years, owing to their ability to specimen collection, specimen analysis, and patient
produce an enormous volume of data quickly and at evaluation. Randomization and blinding are two of the
relatively low cost. Across the continuum of biomarker most important tools for avoiding bias. Randomization in
data capture and utilization, however, many more biomarker discovery should be carried out to control for
challenges lie ahead—from analysis of high-throughput nonbiological experimental effects owing to changes in
biomarker data to maximum exploitation of the elec- reagents, technicians, machine drift, etc., that can result
tronic health record, and to the ultimate goal of in batch effects.12 Specimens from controls and cases
biomarker-driven clinical practice. Biomarker discov- should be assigned to arrays, testing plates or batches by
ery and validation are essential steps in establishing random assignment, ensuring the distributions of cases,
biomarkers in all applications across the disease controls, and age of specimen are equally distributed.13
course. In this article, we discuss the best practices for Blinding can be carried out by keeping the individuals
biomarker discovery and validation from a statistical who generate the biomarker data from knowing the
perspective (Fig. 2). clinical outcomes; it prevents the bias induced by un-
equal assessment of biomarker result.14 Randomization
Biomarker Discovery and blinding should be used in the process of biomarker
The intended use of a biomarker (e.g., risk stratifica- data generation and should be incorporated at every
tion and screening)1 and the target population to be stage of a study when possible.
April 2021 Biomarker Discovery and Validation 539

Biomarker Discovery
- Aims to identify a potential biomarker using available
- Randomization and blinding can be used to avoid bias
- Use appropriate analysis method and control for multiple
- Consider the level of evidence

Analytical Validation
- Aims to establish the performance characteristics of the
- Internal validation and external validation are both

Clinical Validation
- External validation is the appropriate approach
- Demonstrate “clinical validity”
o To establish an association between the biomarker and
the endpoint of interest
- Demonstrate “clinical utility”
o To establish the clinical usefulness of a marker, i.e.,
whether use of the marker in clinical care actually
results in improved patient outcomes
- Retrospective use of prospectively collected specimens, e.g.
the PRoBE design, is appropriate for validating diagnostic,
screening, and prognostic biomarkers
- Many prospective clinical trial design options are available
for validating predictive biomarkers

Figure 2. Simplified schematic of biomarker development. PRoBE: prospective-specimen-collection, retrospective-blinded-


Prognostic and Predictive Biomarker survival events to provide adequate statistical power to
Identification assess five candidate biomarkers. Even though conve-
A prognostic biomarker can be identified in properly nience samples were used, the prognostic effect was
conducted retrospective studies that do not rely solely validated in two external datasets which strengthened
on convenience samples but use biospecimens prospec- the validity of the discovery.
tively collected from a cohort that represents the target A predictive biomarker needs to be identified in
screening population, case-control studies, and single- secondary analyses using data from a randomized clin-
arm trials. A prognostic biomarker is identified through ical trial, through an interaction test between the treat-
a main effect test of association between the biomarker ment and the biomarker in a statistical model. Secondary
and the outcome in a statistical model. An example of a analyses refer to subsequent correlative studies that may
prognostic biomarker is the STK11 mutation that is or may not be predefined as a protocol objective. An
associated with poorer outcome in nonsquamous example of predictive biomarker identification is the
NSCLC.15 Tissue samples were collected from a consec- IPASS study.16 The IPASS study enrolled patients with
utive series of patients with nonsquamous NSCLC who advanced pulmonary adenocarcinoma who were non-
underwent curative-intent surgical resection in 2001 to smokers or former light smokers and randomly assigned
2006 at two hospitals. An a priori power calculation was patients to receive gefitinib or carboplatin plus paclitaxel
performed to ensure a sufficient number of overall (CP). Patients’ EGFR mutation status was not known at
540 Ou et al Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 16 No. 4

the time of enrollment and was determined retrospec- team, including clinicians, scientists, statisticians, and
tively. The interaction between treatment and EGFR epidemiologists.
mutation was statistically significant (p < 0.001) and It is often the case that information from a panel of
indicated that among patients who have EGFR-mutated multiple biomarkers will be required to achieve better
tumors, progression-free survival (PFS) was signifi- performance than a single biomarker, despite the added
cantly longer (hazard ratio ¼ 0.48; 95% confidence in- potential measurement errors that come from multiple
terval [CI]: 0.36–0.64) for those receiving gefitinib assays. Using each biomarker in its continuous state
compared with those receiving CP. In contrast, among instead of a dichotomized version retains maximal in-
patients who have EGFR wildtype tumors, PFS was formation for model development, and in turn, greater
significantly shorter (hazard ratio ¼ 2.85; 95% CI: 2.05– improvement in panel performance; dichotomization for
3.98) for those receiving gefitinib compared with those clinical decision making is best left for later studies. The
receiving CP.16 optimal analytical strategy for combining multiple bio-
markers and for choosing which biomarkers to combine
depends on both sample size and clinical context.
Analytical Methods
Incorporation of some form of variable selection, such as
Analytical methods should be chosen to address
shrinkage, during model estimation generally minimizes
study specific goals and hypotheses. Data-driven ana-
overfitting and maximizes the likelihood of validation;
lyses and the resulting findings are less likely to be
hundreds to thousands of patients are generally required
reproducible in an independent set of data. Thus, the
to incorporate nonlinear functions, such as interactions,
analytical plan should be written and agreed on by all
smoothing splines, or machine learning and artificial
members of the research team before receiving data to
intelligence algorithms, without overfitting. It is useful to
avoid the data influencing an analysis. This includes
generate pilot data for use in simulations to inform
defining the outcomes of interest, hypotheses that will be
sample size calculations and plan the appropriate
tested, and criteria for success. Control of multiple
analytical strategy.18-20,22,23
comparisons should be implemented when multiple
Missing data can lead to biased results. Thus, the
biomarkers are evaluated; a measure of false discovery
analysis plan should include an approach to handle
rate is especially useful when using large-scale genomic
missing data, including assessment of the mechanism
or other high dimensional data for biomarker discov-
responsible for the missingness and an approach to
ery.17 During biomarker discovery, evaluation of asso-
handle the missingness that minimizes potential biases
ciations between a biomarker and disease status,
from being introduced into an analysis.24
demographic or clinical characteristics, such as age, sex,
The EQUATOR network assembles an important
and body mass index, or in diseased patients, stage or
collection of guidelines for the design and reporting of
other disease characteristics, can inform design of future
diagnostic and prognostic modeling studies (https://
validation studies. Metrics useful for evaluating bio-
markers (Table 1) include differences between groups,
sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive
values, discrimination (i.e., receiver operating charac- Biomarker Validation
teristic area under the curve), calibration, and clinical Validation is “a process to establish that the perfor-
validity and use.10,18-21 The appropriate metric depends mance of a test, tool, or instrument is acceptable for its
on the study goals and should be determined by a study intended purpose.”1 Internal validation establishes a

Table 1. Metrics Useful for Evaluating Biomarker Performance

Metrics Description
Sensitivity The proportion of cases that test positive
Specificity The proportion of controls that test negative
Positive predictive Proportion of test-positive patients who actually have the disease; is a function of disease prevalence
Negative predictive Proportion of test-negative patients who truly do not have the disease; is a function of disease prevalence
ROC curve Plot of sensitivity (true positive rate) versus 1 specificity (false-positive rate), with a data point calculated for every
value of the marker in the data set
Discrimination How well the marker distinguishes cases from controls; often measured by the area under the ROC curve; ranges from
0 to 1, with 0.5 indicating performance equivalent to a coin flip and 1 corresponds to perfect ability to distinguish
Calibration How well a marker estimates the risk of disease or of the event of interest
ROC, receiver operating characteristic.
April 2021 Biomarker Discovery and Validation 541

biomarker’s performance in the data in which the MSI-H were retrospectively identified from two pro-
biomarker was developed and should be assessed by spective studies (N ¼ 14) and prospectively identified
means of resampling methods, such as bootstrapping or from three studies (N ¼ 135). The objective response
cross-validation, to provide realistic expectations.18 rate was 39.6% (7% with complete response) among
External validation establishes a biomarker’s perfor- 149 patients with MSI-H tumor consisting of 15 different
mance in a completely independent data set not used tumor types which was considered clinically meaningful
during development; it must be established using data (compared with an objective response rate of 0% among
from different time frames, institutions, or geographic patients with colorectal cancer with microsatellite stable
regions which we discuss in subsequent paragraphs. tumors in KEYNOTE-01626). At the time of the approval,
Analytical validation and clinical validation are two no companion in vitro diagnostic device was available.
distinct aspects of biomarker validation. Use of speci- Patients were enrolled predominantly on the basis of
mens collected prospectively from the target population PCR-based tests for MSI-H and immunohistochemistry-
before knowing patient outcomes is a critical design based tests for deficient mismatch repair available in
feature of all validation studies which minimizes the the community as laboratory-developed tests. The FDA
influence of bias. determined that the risk to patients with “false positive”
tumors is low in this setting and, given the efficacy
observed, FDA approved for this use.27 There was
Analytical Validation
commitment from Merck to develop a companion diag-
Analytical validation aims to establish the perfor-
nostic test for detection of MSI-H and deficient mismatch
mance characteristics of a biomarker including sensi-
repair across all cancers postmarketing.
tivity, specificity, accuracy, precision, interlaboratory
reproducibility, and other relevant performance charac-
teristics following a prespecified protocol. The statistical Study Designs for Biomarker Validation
analysis methods used for analytical validation are Though costly, biomarker evaluation efforts are
similar to the methods mentioned in biomarker discov- enhanced by biobanks of specimens collected pro-
ery (Table 1). The goal of analytical validation is to spectively from an observational cohort that represents
reveal a biomarker’s technical performance (i.e., the the target population intended for the biomarker.28 A
biomarker will provide consistent measurements to the prospective-specimen-collection, retrospective-blin-
unknown true values) and not its usefulness. 29
ded-evaluation design can be performed in such a
setting to validate screening, diagnostic, and prognostic
Clinical Validation biomarkers. Specimens and clinical data are collected
Clinical validation aims to establish an association without knowing the patient outcome. Case patients
between the biomarker and the end point of interest (i.e., and control patients would be randomly selected on the
clinical validity per Teutsch et al.10) and to reveal the basis of their outcome status. The biomarker data are
usefulness of the biomarker (i.e., clinical use per Teutsch then generated for the patients selected, blinded to
et al.10). Clinical validation relies on external validation clinical and outcome information. An example of such
and can be done by retrospective use of clinical trial data design is the MILD study.30 The MILD trial, a random-
or by prospective clinical trials. Retrospective use of ized prospective clinical trial, enrolled 4099 current or
clinical trial data is a form of external clinical validation former smokers without history of cancer and ran-
in which the biomarker evaluation is not part of the domized them to low-dose computed tomography
original study design. versus observation. Whole blood was collected at
Establishing clinical utility or usefulness generally enrollment and subsequent follow-up. Retrospectively,
requires a prospective clinical trial, a form of external 1000 consecutive plasma samples collected from June
validation, to reveal that use of the biomarker to guide 2009 to July 2010 among lung cancer-free individuals
patient care translates into improved health outcomes. enrolled onto the trial were used for validation of a
An example is the approval of pembrolizumab as the first microRNA signature classifier. The classifier was pre-
tissue-agnostic approval granted by the United States specified with predefined cut points, and risk scores
Food and Drug Administration (FDA).25 Patients with were generated blinded to clinical outcome for indi-
microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) tumors treated vidual participants and submitted to an independent
with pembrolizumab had higher overall response rates research center. Data analysis was completed according
compared with those with microsatellite stable tumors to a prespecified statistical analysis plan by the inde-
regardless of the tumor origin in the KEYNOTE-016 pendent research center. This validation study inten-
study. The regulatory approval was based on data from tionally used the full cohort rather than a random
five different trials (N ¼ 149) in which patients with subset of patients to maximize the study power.
542 Ou et al Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 16 No. 4

There are several prospective clinical trial designs when the biomarker prevalence is low (<15%–20%). An
aimed to validate the clinical use of a predictive example of such a design is the EURTAC trial31 which led
biomarker in a clinical setting. Enrichment designs screen to the FDA’s approval of erlotinib for the first-line treat-
all patients for the biomarker but only enroll and ment of patients with metastatic NSCLC harboring EGFR
randomize those with the desired molecular features. A mutations. The EURTAC trial screened 1227 patients and
treatment will be evaluated within the biomarker-defined then randomized 174 patients with EGFR mutations to
subgroup only. Enrichment designs are advantageous receive erlotinib or standard chemotherapy (Fig. 3A).

Enrichment design All-comer (stratified by biomarker status) designs

Trial registration
Patients with a specific histology

Biomarker profiling
Biomarker profiling

Biomarker (+) Biomarker (-)

Biomarker (+) Biomarker (-)

Randomization Randomization

Standard of

Experimental Control Experimental Control

arm arm arm arm
Experimental Control
arm arm

Shaded area indicates a clinical trial. The biomarker profiling may be done
outside of the trial if the biomarker profiling is a standard of care.

C Subgroup design
Patients with a specific histology

Trial enrollment and randomization

Experimental Control
arm arm

Biomarker Biomarker
profiling profiling

Biomarker (+) Biomarker (-) Biomarker (+) Biomarker (-)

Hypothesis 1,
among patients who are
biomarker (+)
Hypothesis 2,
among all patients

Figure 3. Trial design schema. (A) Enrichment design. (B) All-comer (stratified by biomarker status) design. (C) Subgroup
April 2021 Biomarker Discovery and Validation 543

All-comer (stratified by biomarker status) designs that is, there should be a prespecified protocol dealing
screen all patients for the biomarker and then enroll and with the specifics of the validation process, such as
randomize patients with a valid biomarker result. The specimen collection, specimen handling and storage
randomization can be stratified by the biomarker status procedures, biomarker and clinical outcomes of in-
(if the turnaround time of biomarker testing is short), terest, the purposes of the biomarker, and the poten-
and the test of treatment by biomarker interaction is tial benefits and risks associated with the use of the
included in the prespecified analysis plans. All-comer biomarker.
designs are appropriate when the treatment benefit
needs to be better understood in both patients who test
positive and in those who test negative. An example of Conclusions
such a design is the MARVEL trial (N0723, In this article, we discussed the statistical perspec-
NCT00738881). The MARVEL trial planned to enroll tives on the best practices for biomarker discovery and
1196 patients with advanced NSCLC after first-line validation. One aspect that we omitted was the
therapy and patients’ EGFR expression by means of biomarker qualification process with the regulatory
fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was evaluated agencies.7 Readers should note that the FDA requires
by central pathology review. After the FISH result was biomarker candidates to undergo clinical validation and
available, patients were randomized to receive peme- be assessed as a companion diagnostic before receiving
trexed versus erlotinib, stratified by the FISH status and regulatory approval. The biomarkers used to direct
other factors. The goal was to identify 287 FISH-positive therapies need to be generated by an assay that is per-
patients and 670 FISH-negative patients (70%) to eval- formed in a Clinical Laboratory Improvement
uate whether there are differences in PFS owing to Amendments–certified laboratory, which will be the first
treatment with erlotinib compared with pemetrexed for step toward clinical validation. We encourage in-
subsets defined by FISH positivity versus negativity vestigators to reach out to health authorities early to
(Fig. 3B). discuss potential biomarkers of interest.
Subgroup designs validate a predictive biomarker in We would also like to take this opportunity to urge
a specific subgroup of patients and in the overall popu- oncologists to resist the temptation of adopting unva-
lation using a multiple-hypothesis design.32 In this lidated biomarker findings into practice. Attempts to
design, all patients with a particular disease are ran- discover biomarkers have accelerated through
domized to experimental therapy versus standard of advanced technology in generating relevant data. The
care, but coprimary objectives are defined to test the potential biomarkers discovered should be considered
superiority of the experimental therapy in the subgroup as hypothesis generating, and the biomarkers need to
of patients selected by the biomarker, and for all be validated (both analytically and clinically) before
enrolled patients. This design is advantageous when adoption. An example would be the STK11 and KEAP1
there is evidence that the experimental therapy will be mutations that seemed to be predictive with emerging
most effective in patients with the biomarker of interest, data revealing patients with STK11 and KEAP1 muta-
but could also have a broad effect in the general disease tions do not respond to immunotherapy. However, an
population. An example is Southwest Oncology Group exploratory analysis using clinical trial data revealed
S0819,33 which was designed to test the hypothesis that that pembrolizumab monotherapy was associated with
EGFR amplification can identify patients most likely to improved overall response rates compared with
benefit from EGFR antibodies in combination with chemotherapy regardless of STK11 and KEAP1 muta-
chemotherapy in patients with advanced NSCLC. S0819 tional status, that is, these mutations were prog-
randomized 1313 eligible patients to chemotherapy with nostic.35 In addition, an analysis using real-world
cetuximab versus chemotherapy alone. EGFR-FISH status evidence also revealed that STK11 and KEAP1 muta-
was not required to be known at trial enrollment and tions are prognostic biomarkers and unlikely to be
was evaluated at each interim analysis. Coprimary end predictive biomarkers for anti–programmed cell death
points were PFS in patients with EGFR-FISH–positive protein-1 and anti–programmed death-ligand 1 ther-
cancer and overall survival in the entire population apy.36 STK11 and KEAP1 remain unvalidated predic-
(Fig. 3C). tive biomarkers, and clinicians’ treatment decisions
Platform-type trial designs, such as umbrella trials should not be swayed by the mutation status of these
(histology specific) and basket trials (biomarker specific two genes.
and agnostic to histology), can be advantageous in The discovery and validation of biomarkers require
biomarker validation as well.34 thorough planning and the collaboration of clinicians,
There are common features for establishing scientists, statisticians, and epidemiologists. The success
analytical validity, clinical validity, and clinical use, of these endeavors requires collaborative and cross-
544 Ou et al Journal of Thoracic Oncology Vol. 16 No. 4

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