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First Semester Examination - March 2021 Paper = 90%

Subject : Hinduism Oral = 10%
Class : 1 ....... Total = 100%
Duration : 2 periods Date : ....................................
Candidate's name : ................................................................. Admission no : .........................

1. Match the correct word.

i) Sivaperumaan had • • the peacock.

ii) Murugan began flying on • • his parents.

iii) Vinaayagar came around • • mango fruit.

iv) Sivan gave the fruit to • • this world.

v) Lord Siva protects • • Vinaayagar.

[Total = 2 x 5 = 10 marks]

2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

animals, parents, Thaayumaanavar, god , studies

i) Mother and father are ------------------------ to us.

ii) We have to take care of our ------------------------ .
iii) Sivan is kind even to --------------------- .
iv) Saraswathi gives us ------------------------------ .
v) Sivan is also called --------------------------------- .
[Total = 3 x 5 = 15 marks]

Grade 1 Hinduism March 2021 Page 1


3. Write the correct pooja things in the blank.

Betel leaves Flowers Banana Coconut Garland

i) ii) iii)

---------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------

iv) v)

---------------------- ----------------------
[Total = 3 x 5 = 15 marks]

4. Mark () or (×).

i) We take flowers when we go to temple. [ ]

ii) Saraswathi gives us money. [ ]

iii) We have to be polite to everyone. [ ]

iv) Hindus go to the mosque. [ ]

v) We have to believe in God. [ ]

[Total = 2 x 5 = 10 marks]

Grade 1 Hinduism March 2021 Page 2


5. Underline the correct answer.

i) We offer pongal to (Sun / Moon) God.

ii) Om (Nama / Siva) Sivaaya.

iii) Umayammai gave the child (water / milk).

iv) (Pillaiyaar / Murugan) is worshipped first.

v) (Gods / Parents) are our world.

[Total = 2 x 5 = 10 marks]
6. Colour the boxes of religious words.

i) worship ii) clean

iii) play iv) Saivite

v) Siva Siva vi) thevaram

vii) walk viii) pray

[Total = 2 x 5 = 10 marks]

Grade 1 Hinduism March 2021 Page 3


7. Match the pictures with the correct names of the Gods.











[Total = 2 x 5 = 10 marks]

Grade 1 Hinduism March 2021 Page 4

8. Match the correct vehicles with relevant god.

i) Bull Pillaiyar

ii) Mouse Saraswathi

iii) Lion Sivan

iv) Peacock Durga

v) Swan Murugan

[Total = 2 x 5 = 10 marks]


Ref : CG

Grade 1 Hinduism March 2021 Page 5

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