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‫ إدارة التعليم اخلاص‬- ‫وزارة الرتبية والتعليم‬

‫ ابوذرالكودة‬. ‫مؤشصة د‬
‫ بنات‬- ‫ بنني‬/ ‫املرحلة املتوشطة‬
2023 - 2022 ‫وحدة ترقية األداء االكادميي للعام‬
‫اللغة االجنليسية‬/ ‫ورقة عمل يف مادة‬

........................................‫االول متوسط‬................................................ :‫اإلســــــــم‬

Intermediate :
Find the missing letter :-
1/ In Maths we learn about n - mber and sha – s .
2/ My favouri su – ject is P.E .
3/ We have ashort b – eak in the middle of thr day .
4/They study in te – t or under t – ee –
5/ …………………………………………………..
Q2: Rearrange the questions and the sentences :-
1- start / what time / you / school / ?do
2- his tory / I / books / read
3- your / what / subject ? / favourite \ is
4- have /we / radio / anew / our / kitchen / in
5- e – Iearnig / they / in / study / can / at home
6- help / you / me / could / ?
7- she / Is / blind /? born
8-2014 \ what \ in \ she \ did \ win
Q3: Match ( A) with ( B) :-
1\ was she born blind ? They weren’t
2\ were there any books in the class room No, she wasn’t
3\ was he at school yesterday ? Yes Yes they were’t
4\ were the boys hongry b? No He was
Q4: Complete the sentences , use these words:-
wust – glass – made of – subjects – experiment
1- we study different …………………… in school .
2- the jug is made of ……………………………….
3- we do many ……………………….…. in sciece
4- our house is ……………………..…………mud
5- you ………….………….. look after your things
Q5:Compositions :
1- write about your school time table :
2- write about your school :
3- write about your favourite subject :
4- write about( atext message to afriend ) :
5- write about your hero or heroine :
Q6: Comprehehersion :-
Revise all the passage from
unit (3) to unit (5) :-
(A) Answer short questions
b- put acircle round the corret answer :
Q7 (A)
Can not
Could + do

Couldn ’t
Should not
B: Revise :-
1- present and past simple + present continous
Q8 : General Revision for units (1) and (2) :-

Best Wishes

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