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1. Which curriculum includes varied activities that are implemented in order to arrive at the
objectives or purposes of the written curriculum?
A. phantom curriculum
B. assessed curriculum
C. taught curriculum
D. recommended curriculum
2. Which statement is CORRECT?
A. Curriculum maps are always written by the curricularists.
B. Curriculum maps are always written by individual teachers.
C. Curriculum maps are always written by national writers and content specialists.
D. District content specialists, school department chairs, a group of teachers
teaching the same subject, or an individual teacher could all write curriculum
3. The following are the benefits of curriculum mapping, EXCEPT:
A. increase student achievement
B. performance survey and tracker
C. enhance communication and collaboration
D. provide arguments and disputes among teachers and students
4. Which aspect does a subject-centered design focus on?
A. content
B. behavior
C. social values
D. social problems
5. The following are the characteristics of a good curriculum, EXCEPT:
A. The curriculum is continuously evolving.
B. The curriculum is the result of a long-term effort.
C. The curriculum is based on the needs of the people.
D. The curriculum promotes conformity to some hypothetical standard.
6. A good curriculum is a product of careful planning, management and evaluation. What
characteristic of curriculum is observed in this statement?
A. It complements and cooperates with other programs of the community.
B. It is the result of a long-term effort.
C. It has administrative flexibility.
D. It is continuously evolving.
7. What should be the educator's first step in curriculum development?
A. Needs assessment
B. Development of aims
C. Analysis of content to teach
D. Development of goals
8. Who stated that curriculum encompasses all the organized courses, activities, and
experiences that students have under the direction of the school, whether in the classroom
or not?
A. John Dewey
B. Stephen Romine
C. H. Rugg
D. Hilda Taba

9. St. John National High School included the merging of two related discipline or subjects
like of the integration of Science and Math. What classification of curriculum design did it
focus on?
A. Interdisciplinary Design
B. Experience Design
C. Core Design
D. Problem Design
10. Which of the following refers to the total process of designing implementing and
A. Curriculum design
B. Curriculum implementation
C. Curriculum Construction
D. Curriculum Development
11. Which of the following BEST define a school curriculum?
A. All materials and methods of instruction
B. All materials used to pupil activities
C. The complete collection of courses of study
D. The organized learners’ experiences set by the school
12. The curriculum used during the period in the Philippine history terminated the use of
English as a medium of instruction. What period is this?
A. American
B. Spanish
C. Commonwealth
D. Japanese
13. The following changes took place in what particular period? Restore Grade VII, double-
single session was abolished and more textbooks were written by Filipino authors?
A. American Period
B. Philippine Republic
C. Japanese-devised Curriculum
D. New Society
14. When a classroom teacher takes record of knowledge, concepts, subject matter or
content, what role of a curricularist is he/she being portrayed?
A. knower
B. writer
C. designer
D. evaluator
15. What is one of the primary roles of Mr. Santos, a district supervisor and a member of the
school board, as a stakeholder in curriculum development?
A. support and participate in parent-school organization activities.
B. authorize school expenditures for curriculum development.
C. enact legislation to effect curriculum improvement
D. recommend changes in curriculum
16. This curriculum implementation model data to determine the extent and nature of the
A. Linkage model
B. ORC model
C. RCA model
D. LOC model

17. Children’s interests are generally largely dependent on their experiences. Which of the
following is an implication of this statement?
A. The curriculum should provide vital experiences if the school must use its
opportunities to develop interest.
B. A large part of the subject matter has to be easy if they are to interesting and
within the learner’s experience.
C. The experience of the child reduces the area in which the school may choose
to develop interests.
D. The school should not develop interest outside the experience of the child.
18. Which of the following statements about the concept of curriculum is NOT quite
A. It refers to all experiences that both the school and the teacher provide the
students with.
B. It is the set of acquired knowledge, habits and skills
C. It consists of everything that goes within the school.
D. It is a planned action for instruction
19. What process is being undertaken by curriculum developers when they enrich or modify
certain aspects of a particular program without changing its fundamental conceptions?
A. Curriculum improvement
B. Curriculum change
C. Curriculum design
D. Curriculum implementation
20. Teacher Sam would like to take part in developing a subject-centered curriculum because
she believes that all subjects in this type of curriculum are geared towards the holistic
development of the learner. Is her belief about the subject-centered curriculum true?
A. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum involves cooperative control.
B. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum focuses on the learners needs,
interests and abilities.
C. No, because it is the experience-centered curriculum that emphasizes the
teaching of facts and knowledge for future use.
D. No, because it is the experience centered and not the subject-centered
curriculum that emphasizes integration of habits and skills in learning the
knowledge component of subject areas.
21. Who presented curriculum as a science that “emphasizes on students’ need?
A. Franklin Bobbit
B. Werret Charters
C. William Kilpatrick
D. John Dewey
22. Which term refers to the ways and means of how the curriculum has been implemented?
A. Design
B. Product
C. Context
D. Process
23. In the teaching process, which stage includes decisions about the needs of the learners,
the achievable goals and objectives to meet those needs, the selection of content to be
taught, the motivation to carry out the goals, the strategies best suited to achieve the
goals, and the evaluation process to measure learning outcomes?
A. Planning phase
B. Design Phase
C. Implementation phase
D. Evaluation phase

24. Which is NOT a provision for the development of each learner in a good curriculum?
A. Extensive arrangements are made for the educational diagnosis of individual
B. Self-directed, independent study is encouraged wherever possible and advisable.
C. Self-motivation and self-evaluation are stimulated and emphasized throughout the
learning opportunities of the school.
D. The program provides a wide range of opportunities for individuals with same
abilities, needs and interests.
25. Which of the following statements about the concept of curriculum is NOT quite
A. It refers to all experiences that both the school and the teacher provide the students
B. It is the set of acquired knowledge, habits and skills
C. It consists of everything that goes within the school.
D. It is a planned action for instruction
26. To provide individual differences in the classroom, how is curriculum designed?
A. Minimum learning competencies are included
B. Realistic and meaningful experiences are provided
C. Some degree of flexibility is provided
D. Social skills are emphasized
27. To ensure success in curriculum development, which of the following specific actions
should a curriculum leader avoid?
A. Use your status frequently to establish discipline
B. Keep channels of communication open
C. Show that you too desire to improve
D. Work with people over them.
28. Which statement about the subject-centered curriculum is NOT true?
A. There is a high level of cooperative interaction
B. It covers much content in a short period of time
C. The teacher has full control of the classroom activities
D. The main task is mastery of learning
29. Schools divide the school hours to different subjects such as reading, grammar, literature,
math, science, history and geography. What curriculum design is referred here?
A. Problem-centered
B. Learner-centered
C. Subject-centered
D. Culture-based
30. Which is NOT a description of the learner-centered curriculum?
A. Emphasis is on the total growth and development of the learners
B. Controlled and cooperatively directed by learners, teachers and parents
C. Education is a means to develop social creative individual
D. Emphasis upon facts and knowledge for future use
31. Which of the following statements is NOT acceptable?
A. Instruction is the actual engagement of learners in the planned learning activities.
B. Curriculum determines what assessment should be done, and how to do it.
C. Instruction requires teachers to use a variety of action to accomplish a variety of
D. Assessment establishes what is to be accomplished in teaching and learning.

32. Which of the following documents specifying contents, objectives or general ideas of what
students should know in school or in a specific discipline?
A. Curriculum as a discipline
B. Curriculum as a list of subjects
C. Curriculum as learning experiences
D. Curriculum as planned learning experiences
33. Which of the following includes student’s curricular and extra - curricular activities and
their learning experiences (school culture)?
A. Curriculum as a discipline
B. Curriculum as a list of subjects
C. Curriculum as learning experiences
D. Curriculum as planned learning experiences
34. Which of the following stresses the idea that curriculum or education is an instrument for
developing the full potential of individuals.
A. Social reconstructionist conception
B. Cognitive processes conception
C. Technological conception
D. Humanistic conception
35. Which of the following phases of curriculum development where it considers the schools
vision, mission and goals?
A. Curriculum Planning
B. Curriculum Implementing
C. Curriculum Designing
D. Curriculum Evaluating
36. Which of the last step of the curriculum model?
A. Implementation
B. Evaluation
C. Designing
D. Planning
37. Think-pair-share, Buzz session and Gallery walk are examples of Active Learning
strategies, in what element of curriculum it belongs?
A. Content
B. Evaluation
C. Curriculum content
D. Learning Experience
38. Which of the following describes a reason why teachers should plan cross-curricular units
or lessons?
A. To make less work for themselves
B. To help students know and synthesize their learning
C. All lessons should be subject specific, not cross-curricular
D. To make lessons look more complete for administrative review
39. What curriculum model that is also called “backward design”?
A. SBC model
B. UBD model
C. SDM model
D. TGR model

40. What curriculum model puts emphasis on starting with the goals and objectives in
designing curriculum?
A. Standard-based Curriculum Development
B. Understanding by Design Model
C. Tyler’s rational Linear Model
D. Systematic Design Model
41. In Eisner’s Artistic Model of Curriculum Development, in what phase must caveats about
the null curriculum?
A. Mode of presentation and mode of response
B. Organization of Content areas
C. Goals and their priorities
D. Content of curriculum
42. What curriculum model considered as the strongest?
A. Standard-based Curriculum Development
B. Understanding by Design Model
C. Tyler’s rational Linear Model
D. Systematic Design Model
43. What curriculum model states that inclusion of diagnosis of need will made curriculum
development successful?
A. Taba’s Grassroots Model
B. Wheeler’s model
C. UbD Model
D. Systematic Design Model
44. What curriculum model recognizes the importance of using multiple sources in developing
curriculum standards?
A. Standard-based Curriculum Development
B. Understanding by Design Model
C. Tyler’s rational Linear Model
D. Systematic Design Model
45. During a curriculum evaluation, the committee seeks to determine how effectively the
curriculum meets the educational goals and objectives. Which of the following best
describes a primary focus of this evaluation process?
A. Assessing the impact of the curriculum on student learning outcomes
B. Selecting appropriate teaching strategies for classroom instruction
C. Developing new educational standards and benchmarks
D. Identifying the specific content to be taught in each subject
46. During a comprehensive curriculum evaluation, what is the primary focus of assessing the
alignment between instructional activities and stated learning objectives?
A. Reviewing the qualifications of teaching staff
B. Evaluating the adequacy of classroom facilities
C. Ensuring compliance with local education regulations
D. Determining the effectiveness of instructional methods
47. In the context of curriculum evaluation, which aspect is primarily concerned with gathering
feedback from stakeholders to gauge their satisfaction and perceptions of the curriculum's
A. Reviewing curriculum development timelines
B. Analyzing student attendance records
C. Conducting surveys and interviews
D. Comparing standardized test scores

48. During the initial stages of curriculum planning, what is the primary purpose of conducting
a needs assessment?
A. Selecting appropriate textbooks for classroom use
B. Evaluating the effectiveness of teaching methodologies
C. Establishing budgetary allocations for educational resources
D. Identifying gaps between current and desired educational outcomes
49. When developing a new curriculum, what is the first step typically undertaken by
A. Selecting appropriate assessment methods
B. Reviewing existing teaching materials
C. Conducting a needs assessment
D. Establishing learning objectives
50. What is a critical aspect of ensuring successful curriculum implementation in schools?
A. Reviewing historical curriculum documents
B. Monitoring student attendance rates
C. Providing ongoing teacher support and training
D. Analyzing school infrastructure needs

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