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TEACHER STUDENT Back-up questions

Hi, my name is teacher Hello teacher ____!

______. What is your name? My name is _______.

Are you 3, 4, 5…
1. How old are you? I’m …………… years old.
years old?

Saturday Is it Monday or
2. What day is it today?
Today is Saturday. Tuesday?

2. How’s the weather It’s sunny/ windy/ cloudy/ Is it hot/ sunny / cold
today? rainy/ hot/ cold today. today?

3. What is your dad’s He is ……

name? ( Name)

4. What is your mom’s

She is……./ ( Name)

Yes. I have 1 brother/ two 1 brother? Or two

Do you have any brothers? brothers/ no brother/ Yes. brothers? Or no
No. I have no brothers. brothers?
Yes./ Yes, I have 1 sister/ 2
1 sister? 2 sisters? Or
5. Do you have any sisters? sisters/ no sisters.
no sisters?
No. I have no sisters.
I like yellow.
My favourite color is…. What color do you
6. What is your favourite
I like…….. like?
(color) Do you like pink /
My favourite food is I like pizza.
7. What is your favourite pizza/hamburger….. Do you like pizza?
food? I like…… What food do you
( Food) like?
My favourite animal is…. I like cat.
9. What is your favourite
I like…….. What animal do you
(animal) like?
Do you like cat /

8. I can swim very well . No. I can’t

Can you swim? Yes. I can

There are 4 /5/3 people in my

There are 4 people in
9. How many people are family.
my family.
there in your family? Dad/ mom/ sister / brother,
My dad, mom, ………

10. Do you love your

Yes, I do.

11. Is your house big or It’s big.

small? It’s small.

12. Do you like to live in a Yes, I do. I like to live in a big

big house? No, I don’t house.

That sounds great. Wish Thank you, teacher.

you a great Day. Goodbye! Goodbye!

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