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The Housing Market Myth – Busted!

The truth is there is an inventory of empty foreclosures; the housing market

may drop another 10%; existing home sellers are desperate. All of this is
Only a select number of home builders can offer buyers new custom luxury
homes in the “Vacation Capital of the World” at near foreclosure prices.
The price of Preconstruction Homes has bottomed. These homes will not fall
another 10%. If you are contemplating a new home, vacation home, or
investment real estate on Florida’s East Coast, the time will never be any
better than now!
Banks are loaning at, soon to be rising, historically low interest rates; Vero
Beach Florida will be in the top 1% of real estate markets to recover rapidly,
providing immediate equity.

Study this report then call 561-775-5660 for a private consultation.


Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Sarasota Real Estate Firm Promotes Sarasota on German Television
SARASOTA, FL, The topic of the televised interviews has been the real estate
market in Florida and especially in the Sarasota Area [Vero Beach is the
Sarasota of the East Coast of Florida]. In July, two German TV crews, one
with “Spiegel TV” and the other with “Stern TV”, filmed German buyers in
Sarasota and interviewed them about the current Real Estate market,
emphasizing the advantage European buyers have now, due to the strong

These reports not only promoted the real estate market, it also promoted the
beauty and affordability of Florida. Both reports have been broadcasted

several times nationwide in Germany on VOX TV in September and early

This media interest has triggered a huge amount of e-mails and calls from
German viewers and it will definitely lure more buyers and tourists to Florida.


Fred Pawle | October 15, 2008

Is now the time to snap up a holiday or investment property in the US?

The rate of forced sales suggests the answer is yes, although the
strengthening US dollar and uncertain capital gains mean it's not quite a
foreign buyer's bonanza.

Already, 2.2 per cent of all US homes are in the foreclosure process,
according to The Wall Street Journal predicted this week
that there could be 1 million foreclosed properties on the US market by the
end of the year.

Surprisingly, Florida ranks high among the states with significant rates of
negative equity and foreclosures, and not just in the poorer areas. Fort
Lauderdale and Coral Gables in west Miami have a surplus of large family
homes in urgent sales. [In Vero Beach, Florida foreclosures are rare,
attesting to the quality of living on the “Treasure Coast.”]

"I expect the bottom is very near," said Fort Lauderdale agent John
Sabia. "It is expected that foreclosures will continue to rise into early 2009
and then begin to trim and decline as we move through the year."

California also had high rates of foreclosures, but mostly in the lower socio-
economic towns between Merced and Stockton, inland from San Francisco.

Meanwhile, in more salubrious Santa Monica, foreclosures were low

[akin to Vero Beach, Florida], but the overarching depressed economic
mood was still having an effect. "There are some very good buys," says
agent Simon Salloom. "This is the best I've seen it since 2000. It's definitely
a buyer's market. The ratio of rent to prices is good.

"It could still go down a little more, maybe 5 or 10 per cent. But if we
do go down, I expect it will go back up real fast. Once the credit
market thing figures itself out and we get a new President, I think

things will really get better. I feel we’re at the epicentre of the storm
right now."

“There is an opportunity to buy quality right now,” said west Los

Angeles agent Jason Sturman. “There are a lot of properties on the market
and still a lot of buyers, but our biggest problem right now is the lack of
financing. It’s becoming more difficult for people to get loans. So people
coming in with cash have a tremendous advantage.”

He said the prices would stay low through 2009, and would not rise until
banks were able to start lending again.


October 14, 2008: 4:05 PM ET

By Jeanne Sahadi, senior writer

NEW YORK ( -- The federal government on Tuesday
announced a historic plan to restore confidence in the U.S. financial
system and to spur banks to begin lending again more normally -
both to each other and to consumers and businesses.

Here are the key elements that will be put in place first:

Buying equity in banks

The Treasury will buy up to $250 billion in senior preferred shares in a wide
variety of banks.

Nine of the largest banks have agreed to be the first institutions in which the
government takes a stake. But the program will be available potentially to
thousands of banks.

The government may take senior preferred shares up to the lesser of $25
billion or 3% of the bank's risk-weighted assets.

The stakes will come largely in the form of non-voting shares and may be
sold to a third-party if the government wishes.

The shares will pay 5% a year in dividends for the first five years and 9%
after that. The increase in the dividend may serve as incentive for the banks
- if they have the private capital to do it - to buy back the government's
shares before the five years are up.

The government will also receive warrants to buy additional shares worth up
to 15% of the preferred stock it buys. The strike price for Uncle Sam: the

average price the stock was selling for over the 20-day period preceding the
government's purchase of preferred shares.

Given the battering bank shares have taken in the past week, if the
government exercises its warrants soon, it is likely to make a profit from its
investment in the first nine banks in the program, said Jaret Seiberg,
financial services analyst at The Stanford Group, a policy research firm.

Participants in the program will be subject to the restrictions on executive

compensation that Congress included in the financial rescue law that it
passed on Oct. 3. One such measure, for example, requires that any bonus
or incentive paid to a senior executive officer for targets met will have to be
repaid if it's later proven that earnings or profit statements were inaccurate.

Backing new debt from banks

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. will guarantee new, senior unsecured
debt issued by banks, thrifts and bank holding companies. The new debt that
will be covered must mature within three years, and banks may opt in to this
program until the end of June 2009.

The intent is to give confidence to the buyers of bank debt that they will get
paid back no matter what.

The program will be paid for by user fees imposed on banks. No taxpayer
dollars or dollars from the FDIC insurance fund will be used.

Providing more coverage for bank deposits

The FDIC will temporarily provide unlimited coverage for all non-interest-
bearing accounts, which typically are those where businesses park money to
cover their near-term expenses such as payroll. The increased coverage will
last through the end of 2009.

The program will be paid for by user fees that are part of the premium the
bank pays the FDIC to insure deposits. No taxpayer dollars or dollars from
the FDIC insurance fund will be used.

The goal is to boost liquidity for otherwise healthy banks - particularly

regional and local ones - that might otherwise have seen nervous depositors
pull their money out in favor of putting them at larger institutions.

Buy short-term commercial paper

The Federal Reserve is finalizing plans for a temporary program in which it
will buy high-quality three-month debt issued by businesses in the
commercial paper market.

The commercial paper market, which has been sharply curtailed in recent
weeks, is the prime source of funding used to cover operating costs at many
of the nation's largest companies and financial institutions.

The program would begin on Oct. 27 and would remain in effect until April
30, 2009.

The intent of the program is to guarantee there will be a buyer of the debt,
which in turn will make private-sector buyers more confident that they will
get paid back if they, too, buy a company's short-term debt. That's because
the company pays back debt holders by issuing new commercial paper.

But what about buying troubled assets?

When the government's rescue plan was first formally proposed little more
than two weeks ago, the major initiative was supposed to be the purchase of
troubled assets off of banks' balance sheets.

The rationale: Banks are having a hard time attracting capital because there
is concern that they may be holding so-called "toxic" assets. Those assets
have underlying value but no one has known how to price them in the wake
of the housing crisis.

The four major steps the government announced on Tuesday do not preclude
the Treasury from pursuing its asset-purchase option. Indeed, Treasury and
White House officials have indicated they are still working on structuring a
program to buy troubled assets, which the government could hold until the
market recovers and then sell back to investors at a profit. But it clearly isn't
going to be the first effort out of the gate.


View the following two videos for further explanation on instilling

confidence in world markets.

The recession? It's already here

Sept. 9, 2008 U.S Gov. Bailout of Fannie & Freddie. The

government slips a floor under existing home prices and opens banks’
lending channels.

Aug. 14, 2008 (CNBC) – U.S. New Home and Preconstruction Prices

Aug. 7, 2008 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. pending sales of previously owned

homes unexpectedly rose in June as buyers swept up foreclosed and
lower-priced properties.

The index of pending home resales rose 5.3 percent after a revised 4.9
percent decline in May, the National Association of Realtors said today in

The most foreclosures on record have forced property values down

enough to stir interest among buyers, helping to stabilize the market.
“What we're getting is a little bit of foreclosures thrown in with voluntary
home sales,'' John Silvia, chief economist at Wachovia Corp. in Charlotte,
North Carolina, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. `There
seems to be enough of a price decline that buyers are starting to look
for bargains.''

The measure increased in all four regions of the country from May, led by a
9.3 percent gain in the South. Purchase contracts also rose 4.6 percent in
the West, 3.4 percent in the Northeast and 1.3 percent in the Midwest.
Compared with a year ago, contract signings remained down in all four

Gains Broadening

Sales ``have been consistently strong'' in cities such as Sacramento,

California, Las Vegas and Ft. Myers, Florida, according to the report. The
increases are also broadening to more ``affordable'' markets like Columbus,
Ohio, and Charleston, West Virginia, the NAR also said.

Economists had projected the index would fall 1 percent after a previously
reported 4.7 percent decrease in May, according to the median of 37
forecasts in a Bloomberg News survey. The June gain is the third this year.

“The rate of decline is decelerating,'' Bethune added. `Affordability

has improved. We're starting to move toward a bottom.''

The pending resales report is considered a leading indicator because

it tracks contract signings. Closings, which typically occur a month or two
later, are tallied in a separate report from the Realtors.

Decade Low

The group's figures on July existing home sales are due Aug. 25. Purchases
in June fell 2.6 percent to a 4.86 million annual pace, the lowest level in

a decade, from a 4.99 million rate the prior month. The median home
price in June was $215,100, down 6.1 percent from the same month
last year.

Aug. 7, 2008 (Mayur Pahilajani - AHN News Writer)

New York, NY (AHN) - The housing market may not be driving the U.S.
economy in to the recession, after all.

The number of homes under contract to be sold surged unexpectedly

in the month of June, according to a report released Thursday.

The National Association of Realtors reported on Thursday that pending U.S.

homes sales rose by 5.3 percent in June, more than the prior month that was
revised downwardly to 4.9 percent.

The report showed that its seasonally adjusted index of pending sales for
existing homes increased to 89, compared to the reading of 84.5 in the
month of May.

The market analysts had expected the NAR's Pending Home Sales Index to
dropped to 84.3 in the month of June.

Some market analysts speculated that bargain hunters have entered

the market en masse, especially in areas that have experienced
double-digit price drops.

"Buyers entering the hardest-hit markets, in some cases with multiple-

bid offers, may have put a floor on prices," Lawrence Yun, chief economist
for the NAR, said in a statement.

The NAR's index, which was down to a record low of 83 in March this
year, was at 101.4 in June 2007.

The pending home sales index, which is considered to be a leading

indicator of existing home sales, increased in all the four regions of
the country.

In the Northeast in the month of June the index was up by 3.4 percent. The
index increased by 1.3 percent in the Midwest, 4.6 percent in the West and
9.3 percent in the South of the U.S.

Despite the monthly gains, all four regions remain below year-ago levels, as
the June index was 12 percent down.


Meanwhile, some market analysts are expecting the last month's

“Housing Bill” to help the sales recover from the slumping market
condition in the following months.

The U.S. Senate voted 72 to 13 in favor of the bill that offers up to $300
billion in loan guarantees for homeowners to get cheaper loans.

The new law will also be used to rescue the beleaguered firms, Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac, which have found difficult to raise fresh capital enough to
shore up its weakened balance sheet.

The housing legislation, which is the second major step by the Bush
administration after economy stimulus package in tax rebates, is aimed to
help hundreds of thousands of families from losing their homes to

The new law signed by President Bush last week include a $7,500 tax
credit for first-time homebuyers, which is likely to improve the
housing market.

The basic rendering of the bill revolves around the following:

• Help to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from the Treasury if they need
it. (Together with a supposedly stronger regulator)
• Refinancing help for homeowners under stress from the FHA.
• Grants for municipalities to buy abandoned properties.
• Housing tax breaks, including a credit to first time buyers.
• Money for pre-foreclosure counseling and legal services.
• Some profits from Fannie and Freddie will build affordable rental

[email protected]
Posted: Aug. 7, 2008

The weak real estate market received a dose of good news Thursday
when a report showed pending sales of homes in the U.S. took an
unexpected jump.

The National Association of Realtors’ index of pending home sales
rose 5.3% in June after a 4.9% slide in May. Economists had
projected the index would fall 1%. Pending home sales are those on
which the seller has accepted an offer but the transaction hasn’t yet closed.

Some analysts attributed the rise in pending sales to the record

number of foreclosures and a decrease in home prices.

“On the demand side, what’s really been active is housing under
$300,000,” Ruzicka said, adding that he was optimistic about sales picking
up in the second half of this year and next spring.

A package of housing legislation signed last week by President Bush, which

includes a tax credit of up to $7,500 for first-time buyers, also might
be stirring interest.

“I was shocked at how many Realtors, in the first couple days, got calls
from buyers saying, ‘We heard about the $7,500 tax credit, and we
want to start looking at houses,’ ” Ruzicka said.

This program could help as many as 400,000 homeowners across the

country facing foreclosure. The 700-page bill also contains funding
for counseling agencies, block grants for communities to buy and
rehabilitate foreclosed properties, tax breaks for first-time home
buyers and protections for older Americans and veterans returning
from military service.

By: JBS Staff

August 18, 2008
An emergency monetary “bazooka” has been provided the Treasury. Three
hundred billion dollars for FHA loan guarantees was also authorized through
fiscal year 2011 to assist borrowers at risk of foreclosure to refinance into
affordable fixed-rate mortgages. The plan requires that voluntarily
participating lenders take a write-down on each existing mortgage off-loaded
to the FHA lender. Authority was also provided for $3.9 billion in grants to
state and local governments to buy abandoned and foreclosed residential

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Real Estate Editor

First-time homebuyers have a $7,500 incentive to buy a house, but here's
the kicker: For the purposes of the new federal housing stimulus bill, a "first-
time" homebuyer is anyone who has not owned a house in the past three

The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 is aimed at jump-

starting the sluggish real estate market. Realtors and builders predict it
will reduce inventory and spur some move-up buyers to purchase new
construction. "It should help all builders," said custom builder Mark Swanson,
president of the Home Builders Association of Metro Mobile. "A lot of people
are sitting on a house that they need to sell before they can move up.
I think we'll see some first-time homebuyers purchasing those

Key elements of the legislation signed by President Bush in late July include:

A temporary tax credit up to $7,500 available for first-time buyers who

purchased the home on or after April 9 of this year, or who buy before July 1,
2009. Single taxpayers with incomes up to $75,000 and married couples who
earn up to $150,000 qualify for the tax credit, which must be paid back over
15 years starting in 2010.

Revitalizing the Federal Housing Administration so more working

families can become homeowners. The FHA will be able to insure up
to $300 billion in mortgages to refinance loans headed for


Downsizing the American Home - by Shawn Tully

Friday, June 6, 2008provided by

When the real estate market comes back, it will not be with a sonic
boom. It is likely to be subtle, below the public's radar. The revival will
probably begin in the areas hit hardest by the bust: in Florida, Las
Vegas, and the honeycombed tracts that flank the broad freeways east of Los
Angeles known as the Inland Empire. (Indeed, home sales in Southern
California surged 22% from March to April, hitting their highest levels since
August.) Why will housing come back? For a reason as solid as floor joists;
the entry-level buyer, for the first time in years, is finding that
owning a new house is suddenly just as cheap as renting. "Those first-
time buyers got locked out by high prices," says John Karevoll of DataQuick,
a research firm that assembles data on the U.S. real estate market. "Now
the buying activity that was on hold is starting to come back."

In hindsight, the reason for the current malaise is simple: too few buyers. By
2007 more and more people were frozen out of the market - especially the
entry-level buyers, who now account for as much as 30% of new-home sales.
From 2005 to 2006 some first-timers rushed to purchase homes they
couldn't afford with the help of exotic loans. But another big group of
consumers steered clear and are finally looking to buy. Now that prices of
new houses have fallen as much as 30% they are returning -
prompting a turning point in the housing cycle. Call it the New

Three factors are driving the New Affordability: housing prices,

house size, and the government's expanding role in the mortgage
market. [Step one for Uncle Sam was providing a floor for falling
property values. Step two is raising interest rates to stimulate a
buying frenzy and turn the housing market around.] The experience of
Richard Murkey, 28, and his wife, Kayla, 25, epitomizes the trend. These Las
Vegas residents started shopping in 2006 but couldn't remotely afford the
$300,000-plus prices that modest houses were fetching at the height of the
frenzy. "Then, in the middle of 2007, we saw prices dropping, so we started
looking again," says Richard, who sells safety products to construction sites.
In January the Murkeys went to contract on a four-bedroom, Tuscan-style
house at $246,000, more than $50,000 less than it sold for 18 months

Today's buyers are willing to trade size and amenities for far lower prices. But
they're extremely specific about what they want to keep. Buyers welcome
houses half as big as the models that reigned at the peak, as long as they
offer plenty of bedrooms. They also don't miss the formal living and dining
rooms if a "great room" combines the two in one open space that includes a
generous-sized kitchen.

Bargain-hunters are drawn to these smaller houses, which look just like the
behemoths built in 2005 and 2006; right next to them are new houses with
exactly the same 50-foot façades- and a big difference you don't notice from
the street: They're about half as deep and roughly 2,000 square feet. Those
homes preserve the community's curb appeal by keeping the façades looking
similar and sumptuous. But purchasers love that the new homes boast five
bedrooms, and they especially appreciate the price tag: about $220,000, vs.
$420,000 for the big neighboring homes built at the peak (and that now sell
for around $300,000). Over time this New Affordability may swell the ranks
of buyers. "What's been killing the market is people who are waiting
to buy or incapable of getting financing," says Jonathan Dienhart of Hanley
Wood Market Intelligence, a residential real estate research firm.


Today both land and construction costs are falling rapidly. In Florida,
construction costs for a 2,000-square-foot home have dropped to
$80,000, vs. $100,000 at the peak, a 20% reduction. The result is
that the average sales price there has fallen from $275,000 to

Consumer prices were 5% higher than a year ago and rose 1.1% on a
monthly basis, the Labor Department said.
Federal Reserve boss Ben Bernanke has warned that the threat of rising
inflation has intensified recently.
Minutes from the Fed's latest meeting on interest rates indicated the
next move in borrowing costs could be up.
It faces the dilemma of having to stem the rise in inflation while not further
choking an economy under serious strain.
'Fed in a hole'
June's annual inflation increase was the highest since 1991 while the monthly
jump is the sharpest since September 2005.
In his second day of congressional testimony on Wednesday, the Fed boss
said inflation was too high and it was a key objective for the central
bank to bring it down.
Many analysts now believe that the central bank may have to leave
borrowing costs on hold, or even increase them, as it tries to steer a faltering
economy through turbulent times.
At the same time as inflationary pressures are rising, the US faces a severe
housing slump, a credit crunch and financial market turmoil stemming from
the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market.
According to minutes of the Fed's interest rate meeting in June,
policymakers believed "the next change in the stance of policy could
well be an increase" due to "upside risks to inflation and inflation

The cost of taking out a mortgage in the US has climbed again due to
fears over the fate of two huge lenders, according to The New York
The interest rate on an average 30-year fixed rate mortgage rose to
6.71% from 6.44% on Friday, HSH Associates says.
And rates on loans of $729,750 or more hit 7.8%, the most since
December 2000.

[Rising interest rates trump declining property values, if in fact there
is any further declining. Strength of the USD will shrink the spread
of the dollar vs. the euro.]


Updated Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The upside of Florida real estate: 20 market positives

Let’s take a look at some of the opportunities and positive indicators for the
future of Florida’s real estate market.

1. Long-term economic and demographic trends continue to favor Florida.

By 2010 it has been forecast that Florida will be the third most
populated state in the country. Florida’s population is expected
to increase about 75 percent by 2030. Florida demonstrates a
long history of strong growth. It has been one of the 10
fastest-growing states in the U.S. for each of the past seven
decades, and often it has been in the top four, according to census
data. Population growth will continue to provide a foundation for other
economic growth such as new jobs and growing incomes. All of which
is good for real estate.

2. People continue to move here. It’s estimated that 900 people move
here every day. Based on recent trends, Stan Smith, director of UF
Bureau of Economic and Business Research, said he expects Florida
to add about 300,000 residents a year during the next two to
three years.

3. Five of the top 15 cities in the Milken Institute’s 2007 “Best Performing
Cities” survey, which looks at sustainable economic growth, are in
Florida, including the No. 1 city, Ocala. A total of 13 Florida cities are in
the top 50.

4. Low unemployment. Almost 120,000 jobs were created in Florida in

the year between August 2006 and August 2007. Florida’s
unemployment rate has hovered at or under 4% for a long time; and
was 4% in August 2007, according to the latest data available from the
U.S. Department of Labor. That not only puts it well below the national
unemployment average, it also is the lowest unemployment rate
among all ten of the most populous states.

5. Jobs are plentiful, and that trend will continue. A recent study by
Bizjournals called “Where the Jobs Are” found that 7 of the hottest
15 job markets are in Florida.

6. Let’s take a look at the weather. If you think the hurricanes we

experienced are going to have long-term effects on the Florida real
estate market, consider this tidbit from Fortune Magazine. It
recently reported, “Economists and geographers who have
studied how natural disasters affect real estate values have
generally found there to be no lasting impact.” Example #1:
When Hurricane Hugo hit Charleston, S. C., home values were
actually higher one year later. Example #2: That same year,
1989, a huge earthquake made big news in San Francisco, and
the same thing happened—house prices went up.

7. Grant Thrall, a professor of what’s called Economic Geography,

explains this phenomenon this way—residents move away and
home prices fall only when natural disasters start becoming
regular occurrences in an area, not when they happen
periodically. And while the hurricane seasons of 2004 and
2005 may still be fresh in our minds, the fact is, historically it
was a fluke. Eight storms hit the Florida mainland in those two
years. But if you look back at the 50 years prior, only six
Category 3 or higher storms hit the Florida mainland in half a
century. [Florida’s infra-structure was surprisingly resilient
after the 2004 and 2005 storms. Those storms spurned
housing structural upgrades that will lower or eliminate
damages if we ever experience further storms.]

8. Gov. Charlie Crist, state lawmakers and business groups are

committed to finding real solutions to the escalating costs and
shortage of property insurance in Florida, as well as much-needed
property tax reform. Florida Realtors will continue working closely with
lawmakers to help resolve these complicated issues and keep the
state’s economy moving forward. For example, 2007 FAR President
Nancy Riley sits on the governor’s property tax reform commission,
and 2005 FAR President Frank Kowalski served on the governor’s
insurance reform commission.

9. Interests rates currently are still low, on a par with interest

rates in the 1960s. And thanks to the Fed’s recent rate cut,
we’re already seeing lower rates on home equity and mortgage
loans, including jumbo loans. The Fed’s action effectively
increases the number of homebuyers able to make a purchase,
which should increase demand, and also help support home
prices. Home prices continue to stabilize, inventory is plentiful
and homebuyers have lots of options.

10.Homeownership has value: Realtors believe… and research supports
that belief … that homeownership provides a variety of benefits,
tangible and intangible, to the community as well as the individual

11.Studies show that home equity is still the largest single source of
household wealth, both for the individual homeowner and for
homeowners as a group. Home value is the most important single
aspect for homeowners.

12.Owning a home leads to increased personal well-being. Research

shows that people who own their own homes tend to show higher
levels of personal esteem and life satisfaction, which in turn helps to
make homeowners and their children more productive members of

13.Studies show that children raised in homes owned by their

families are more likely to stay in school and more likely to
graduate high school. They’re also shown to have a higher
lifetime annual income.

14.People who own homes have a strong financial stake in what

happens to their community and tend to become more involved
in community and civic affairs. Studies show that homeowners
also interact with their neighbors to gain wider influence over
their neighborhoods and communities.

15.Homeowners join up to 41 percent more civic and/or

nonprofessional organizations than renters, such as the PTA or
Scouts; vote in local elections 15 percent more often; enhance their
neighborhoods with gardens 12 percent more often; attend church
about 10 percent more often; and have a 3 percent greater chance of
being interested in public affairs.

16.2007 Florida Association of Realtors® (FAR) President Nancy Riley

says, “Florida Realtors know buying a home is a very personal
investment – an investment in a family’s future. Although research
shows it is the largest single investment most families make and helps
to provide security for the future, owning a home isn't just a financial
investment. Ownership is about having a place to call home: a
place where families build a future and become part of a

17.Over the past five years, the average homeowner has seen an
increase of 50 percent in value, according to the National Association
of Realtors® (NAR). Here in Florida, the statewide median home
price has shown an increase of 52.5 percent from November

2002 to November 2007, according to FAR records. NAR housing
industry analysts project that prices will rise about 2 percent next year,
and in coming years, average home price appreciation should return to
historical averages of around 6 percent.

18.Florida is a great place to live and work. According to Enterprise

Florida Inc., the Sunshine State has one of the nation's strongest
tourism industries; it is fourth in the nation in high-tech jobs; is the
third largest exporter of high-tech goods and services; and is ranked
as one of the best states in the nation to be an entrepreneur.

19.Orlando-based economist Dr. Hank Fishkind recently said in

several media reports he believes that “the worst of the so-
called housing crisis has probably been mitigated by the
actions of the Fed. Recovery will take a while, but it has
begun.” Another economist, Dr. Lawrence Yun, chief economist
with the National Association of Realtors, predicts that the
Florida housing market will get stronger in 2008 and will be
booming again by 2010.

20.And let’s not forget the things that brought people to Florida in the
first place, and will continue to attract them – beautiful beaches,
fabulous weather and a friendly business climate, with no state
income tax. It’s no wonder that Florida’s combination of temperate
climate, outstanding recreational amenities and economic opportunity
has consistently put us at the top of Harris Poll’s “most desirable
places to live” survey.


Why It's a Great Time To Buy Real Estate in Florida!

Inventory: Conditions are ideal for buyers to find their dream home.
Inventory is plentiful. In Florida’s three largest markets alone, more than
125,000 homes were for sale at year’s end in 2007. Even with these high
inventory levels, economists predict that number will go down in 2008 –
which, of course, is another great reason to buy now.

Favorable interest rates/reduced prices: Do the math. Lower rates

multiply buyers’ financial power, especially now when rates are near
a 40-year low. Even one/half of one percentage point difference
means a buyer could save more than $1,000 per year on a median-
priced home. Buyers get more home for the money, which is a perfect
scenario for families looking to upsize.

Do the numbers

Ownership trumps renting: While renting may make sense for

someone who expects to move in the next year or two, ownership
continues to be a wise, long-term investment. Consider these
financial benefits: Deductions on your annual income tax return,
locked-in payment with a fixed rate mortgage, home price
appreciation if you plan to live there for a few years, and a monthly
mortgage payment comparable to rent payments. House values in
the past decade have risen 88 percent on a national average,
according to National Association of Realtor® research.

2008 NAR Public Awareness campaign

Attractive, secure financing options: Having good credit and secured

down-payment capital are the most sure-fire ways to get the best mortgage
deal. Fixed rates are more affordable, and many federally funded programs
are available for first-time homeowners, teachers and police officers.
Affordable housing loan programs are back in the picture too.

Help for first-time homebuyers

Financial value to foreign buyers: International buyers benefit

from the weaker U.S. dollar, multiplying their purchasing
power. Buyers also appreciate the relatively low costs of
Florida property compared with similar homes in their
countries. According the “2007 NAR Profile of International
Home Buying Activity Study,” Florida accounted for 26 percent
of all international purchases.

US Dollar to Euro Currency Exchange Forecast

U.S. Dollars per one Euro. Average of Month.

Forecast 50% 80%

Month Date
Value Correct +/- Correct +/-

0 Jun 2008 1.5562 0.000 0.000

1 Jul 2008 1.571 0.031 0.051

2 Aug 2008 1.541 0.038 0.063

3 Sep 2008 1.512 0.043 0.071

4 Oct 2008 1.491 0.047 0.078

5 Nov 2008 1.491 0.050 0.083

6 Dec 2008 1.480 0.053 0.088

7 Jan 2009 1.479 0.056 0.092

8 Feb 2009 1.456 0.058 0.096

[email protected]
Florida remains by far the most popular location for foreign buyers of
real estate, accounting for 25.4 percent of all international purchases
in the United States.
However, the number of foreign buyers nationwide declined over the past
year, reflecting the deep U.S. housing slump, a new study released Thursday
by the National Association of Realtors said.
The profile of international home buying activity said that ``foreign
buyers -- like U.S. buyers -- may be waiting for home prices to
continue to decline in order to purchase a property at a lower price.''
[The spur under the saddle of that philosophy is rising interest rates.
Even if the Fed drops interest rates again in the future, the banks
will not. Borrowers are not only going to find money harder to
borrow, but also more expensive to borrow. If property values drop
another $10,000 to $20,000, rising interest rates will gobble that
that up in no time. So the real impetus to buy now is low prices
combined with low interest rates. As the Fed moves to wrangle-in
inflation, interest rates will rise. And let us not forget the Dollar vs.
Despite the current downturn, 35.5 percent of Florida Realtors surveyed
said their international business has grown in the past five years, the
report said. Some 52.6 percent in Florida reported their foreign business
remained about the same, and only 11.8 percent indicated foreign business
had decreased.
Thirty-eight percent of the Realtors thought the weak dollar was having
a significant impact on foreign buyers looking in the United States,
the study said.
But there were also some factors putting the brakes on U.S. purchases.
'While U.S. real estate is still considered a `safe haven' for foreign funds,
there are some perceived impediments to foreign purchases
including cost of property, immigration laws, and property taxes,'' the
report said.

Crist, Florida’s Govenor, said he plans to cut Florida property taxes in
exchange for a higher sales tax. State officials said the $8 billion cut should
be made up by raising sales tax by a penny.

NAR's 2007 Profile of International Home Buying Activity

Location/lifestyle. With the extensive inventories in urban and

suburban locales, buyers can live closer to work, schools and rapid
transit lines. First-time homebuyers now have a package of housing
legislation signed last week by President Bush, which includes a tax
credit of up to $7,500. And let’s not forget Florida’s climate, world-
class beaches, vibrant economy and diverse population.

While homes may be selling slowly in Florida, the fact remains that homes
in the Sunshine State are selling, and that’s good news. As Florida
economist Stan Geberer recently said in various media reports: “If we had all
this excess inventory and nobody wanted to move here, you wouldn't be able
to sell the homes at any price. The fact that we have underlying demand
and new job growth suggests this underlying demand is sufficient to
clear the excess inventory without a dramatic collapse in prices.”

The decision by Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies to

expand into Florida further establishes our state as a hub for
advanced biomedical research and commercialization, said Bush. This
move will have a significant impact on the local economy while
continuing to build upon a growing life sciences sector in Florida. I
wish Torrey Pines great success from its new home here in Florida
for many years to come.

Florida homeowners know that their homes remain good

investments. A July survey from the University of Florida’s Bureau of
Economic and Business Research found that Floridians are optimistic about
housing prices, with only 5 percent of those polled saying they think their
house values will fall during the next five years.
Eighty-two percent expected the value of their houses to rise, and 13 percent
said they would remain the same. The median respondent expected a gain of
18 percent, or a little more than 3 percent a year. The chairman of UF’s
economics department, Jonathan Hamilton, summed up the survey findings,
noting that “Most of the problem in Florida right now is that we’ve had
a huge amount of building and lots of speculative buying, and things
are now catching up.”

In 2008, more than 300,000 people will move to Florida, generating

a demand for 150,000 for-sale and rental homes. Meanwhile, the
state’s economy is likely to add 175,000 new jobs, strongly
outperforming national averages. And a significant percentage of
Florida’s 80 million domestic and international visitors will consider
buying second homes in the Sunshine State.

“Florida will continue to lure retirees and entrepreneurs looking for a warm
climate where they can enjoy an active lifestyle,” says Linda C. Loomis, sales
associate, John R. Wood Inc./Realtors® in Naples. “With golf, boating,
fishing, tennis, beach going, swimming and a host of other outdoor activities
at their doorstep, Florida offers a healthy and appealing lifestyle.”

Economists and real estate experts interviewed by Florida Realtor® are

cautiously optimistic about the state’s growth prospects for 2008. Sean
Snaith, director, Institute for Economic Competitiveness (IEC) at the
University of Central Florida, Orlando, expects the state’s growth rate
to pick up in 2008. The institute’s recent “Florida & Metro Forecast,
2007-2010” says the state will see a distinct pickup in economic
activity with a 2.1 percent increase in new jobs in 2008—nearly
double the 1.2 percent projected for the United States as a whole.

In the real estate sector, Snaith notes, rising prices on Florida’s coasts
are shifting historic migration patterns toward the center of the
state. “People are still coming to Florida,” he says, “but it’s the interior
counties that are most likely to attract new residents and businesses.”


Here’s a closer look at the regional markets around the state:


With its strong tourism sector, defense-related contracts, new medical

institutions and overall commercial growth, Orlando is diversifying its
economic base. In the IEC forecast, Snaith says Orlando will lead the state in
personal income growth with high levels of employment and population
growth as well.

Randy Martin, broker-associate, and 2007 president, Orlando Regional

Realtor Association, points to the potential impact of a new “medical city” in
the Lake Nona corridor, including UCF’s new medical school, the Burnham
Institute for Medical Research, a VA hospital and a Nemours Children’s

Anthony Crocco, director, Central Florida, MetroStudy in Orlando, says the

region’s job-formation numbers will look better next year because the
outflow of construction jobs has slowed.

“There are several big expansion projects that will be factors next year,
producing demand for housing and bringing more people to the region, which
remains relatively inexpensive,” Crocco says.

Orlando officials recently approved plans for a new performing arts center, a
new basketball arena for the Orlando Magic and major renovations to the
Citrus Bowl. In addition, an 18-story hotel has been proposed for the
redevelopment of Church Street Station in downtown Orlando. “Those new
venues add to the desirability of the greater Orlando area,” Martin says,
noting the fundamental appeal of the region’s tourism sector.

Naples/Fort Myers

Another hot spot in the state’s economy will be the Naples–Marco Island
metro market. “This area will experience very strong growth in average
annual wage, and it will be one of few areas to experience positive housing
starts,” says Snaith.

Throughout southwest Florida, job gains in healthcare, education and

government have largely offset the downward effect of construction, notes
Fishkind. Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, remains a major driver for
the regional economy.

From the real estate perspective, Loomis says, “The area’s phenomenal job
growth will stimulate net migration and long-term demographics, which in
turn, will positively impact the housing market.”


Palm Beach/Treasure Coast

One of the state’s most dynamic submarkets is northern Palm Beach County,
which is beginning to enjoy the benefits of a growing biotechnology
cluster focused on Scripps Florida in Jupiter.

“We’re beginning to see significant job-creation activity,” says Brad

Hunter, director, South Florida region, MetroStudy in Boca Raton. “It’s not the
cavalry coming over the hill, but the biotech corridor will grow and
create a solid foundation of high-wage jobs northward into St. Lucie
County and Indian River County. That will definitely enhance the
long-term value of residential properties.”

Also stimulating commercial development are new St. Lucie interchanges on

the Florida Turnpike and Interstate 95. Fishkind says more than 15 million
square feet of commercial space is planned along Becker Road in Port St.
Lucie, including a 2 million-square-foot regional mall.

“If you look at the big suburban office nodes on I-95—Fort Lauderdale,
Cypress Creek, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach and PGA Boulevard—you’ll see
the next one will be in Port St. Lucie,” he says. “Some of the residential
builders got ahead of themselves, but the strength of demand and a drop in
new construction will help absorb the excess inventory in 2008. This is a
market to watch for the future.”

Along with new jobs and development, the region will also benefit from the
timeless appeal of its warm-weather lifestyle. As Marc Blasi, sales associate
with Luxury Homes Florida, Palm Beach, says, “Unless people stop
boating, fishing, playing golf or just lying on the beach, I think we’re
pretty safe down here real estate–wise.”


Indian River County, Fl. Real Estate Information

64% Projected gain in home prices (5 – year).

Median Home Price:

2006 - $235,000
2011 - $386,000

2006 – 131,000
2011 – 147,000

Per Capita Income:

2006 - $44,400
2011 - $51,200

Balmy weather, low property taxes, and a cost of living 3% lower

than that of nearby West Palm Beach make this coastal town an
affordable alternative, with sandy shores and the best surfing on the
east coast.
A Florida Atlantic University study says Indian River County and it’s two
closest neighbors will need a projected 154,000 homes during the
next 25 years to house the growing population and replace old
structures. A Manpower Employment Outlook Survey predicts growth in
construction, manufacturing, and real estate jobs too. Per capita income
growth closely shadowed that of Martin County, Florida’s second wealthiest,
and is gaining on that of Palm Bach County, the states richest.

Is 'Net Powering Real Estate Recovery?

07 August 2008, 12:28

by Cassimir Medford

Despite month-to-month vacillation in U.S. housing sales, the National

Association of Realtors on Thursday said the housing industry may be in
recovery because gains in home sales in June were nationwide and
could be sustained by a recently-passed economic stimulus bill.

NAR, one of the largest trade groups in the U.S., said that the current
growth trend could be bolstered by a tax credit now available to first-
time home buyers and a Federal law that makes it easier to secure
lower mortgages for more expensive homes.

But there is another less-obvious factor playing into the recovery. The easy
availability of real estate data on the Internet is changing consumer
behavior patterns, according to NAR, and that had some effect on the
downturn and it is influencing the recovery.

“In the past people would buy a new home because they had an additional
child or for some other life-changing reason, but people are now market-
timing their purchases,” said Lawrence Yun, NAR's chief economist. “This
can affect both a downturn and a recovery.”

Good and bad news now travels much faster and farther because even
homeowners who are not planning to sell their homes are keeping tabs on
both the current value of their homes and the nationwide housing market.

“There must always be caution when reading monthly data because of the
bouncing around, but the June increase was much larger than recent
months and given the availability of tax credits and lower interest
rates, we believe it will be sustained,” Mr Yun said.

Analyst Greg Sterling said that online real estate firms are having only a
marginal effect on the economics of the industry, perhaps accelerating
consumer trends, but the major trends are still being governed by
demand and supply.

“The data available online may factor into consumer perceptions but the
market is moved by things like the availability of attractive
financing,” said Mr. Sterling, an analyst with Sterling Market Intelligence.
“But over time the Internet will play a bigger role as consumer
perceptions become more central to the economics of the real estate

Indian River County, the crown jewel of Florida's Treasure Coast,

enjoys an international reputation among vacationers and business
executives alike. With a quality of life unique even to Florida, Indian
River County is where lifestyle and work style unite to create a highly
productive and profitable environment.

Centrally located 75 miles south of the Kennedy Space Center and 135
miles north of Miami, our 543 square miles contain beautiful beaches,
immaculate ocean and river front communities and endless groves of
renowned Indian River oranges and grapefruit.

Over 112,000 people reside in Indian River County, enjoying a climate

moderated by the warm tropical waters of the Gulf Stream. Balmy winters
combine with summer’s fresh ocean breezes to keep the average
temperature a delicious 73 degrees, allowing residents to swim, golf, and
play tennis all year long.

In addition, the 26 miles of unspoiled beaches, the serene waterscapes of

the Sebastian and Indian Rivers, and miles of pristine woodlands and fields
provide an endless array of recreational adventures. Free from urban
sprawl and congestion, Indian River County offers the ideal setting for
living life to its fullest.

In addition to its beaches and waters for swimming, scuba diving, boating,
fishing, and other water sports, Indian River County's parks offer countless
opportunities for recreation and enjoying the outdoors. Five public golf
courses allow for all levels of play and tennis facilities are widely available.
Add Holman Stadium, the 6,500 seat Spring Training home of the Devil Rays,
and a host of museums, theaters, restaurants, night spots, and shopping
areas, and you have the makings for an incomparable vacation.


MSNBC - Video on Vero

Vero Beach
The City of Vero Beach is the county seat and the largest incorporated
municipality with an estimated population of more than 17,700. Greenery,
open space, unspoiled beaches, and ocean vistas characterize this

community which is the commercial and cultural center of the county.
Originally a stop on the Florida East Coast Railroad, Vero Beach was
incorporated in 1910. The city is under a council-manager form of
government. More information about the City of Vero Beach government can
be found at

Residents of Indian River County enjoy state-of-the-art medical care.

Two full-service hospitals serve the area. Indian River Medical Center
is conveniently located in the central part of the county in Vero
Beach. Sebastian River Medical Center is located in Sebastian. To our
north in Melbourne is Holmes Regional Trauma Center, an affiliate of the
University of Florida Health Science Center, Jacksonville.

Indian River County welcomes inquiries from businesses seeking to relocate.

More than one business has come to our area because the president, CEO, or
other officer visited here, recognized our unique environment, and decided to

Our ideal climate, wealth of recreational and cultural opportunities, wide

range of housing options, and business relocation support make the
transition a pleasant experience for everyone. If you have any questions
please contact our Economic Development Director at
[email protected]


The Governor's Office of Trade, Tourism and Economic Development is

exploring a pilot program for Florida's Research Coast region, which includes
Indian River County. The link below will provide background information on
this Economic Gardening initiative, also referred to as "Project Green Jeans."
Project Green Jeans gets its inspiration from Governor Crist's Blueprint for
Florida's Innovation Economy.

Once you have subscribed to Google Groups, click on "Background materials"

to download a PowerPoint presentation and background information on this
initiative. The site also encourages members to join in various discussion
groups and become an active participant in one of these discussion
groups/committees to discuss the next steps for our region to become
Florida's first Economic Gardening location.

Project Green Jeans


Below is a list of economic development incentives available to qualified

targeted businesses relocating to, or expanding in, Indian River County:

Participation in the Florida Qualified Target Industry Tax Refund Program

Local Jobs Grant Program

Enterprise Zone Program tax benefits for businesses located within the Zone

Impact Fee Financing

Utility Deposit Waivers

Expedited permitting process

Availability of infrastructure with sufficient capacity (roads, water, sewer)

Availability of Industrial Revenue Bonds

Availability of job training and training grants through Indian River

Community College

Assistance in acquiring federal or state grants (such as Community

Development Block Grants)

Qualified Target Industry Tax Refund Program

Business can receive a tax refund of up to $5,000 per new job created,
$8,000 if located in the Enterprise Zone.

Business must pay an average wage of at least 115% of local average annual

Business must create at least 10 new jobs in any of the state’s target
industries. If an expansion, the expansion must result in at least a 10%
increase in the business’s employment. The county provides 20% match of
the total taxes refunded.

Local Jobs Grant Program

The Jobs Grant Program can apply to a company that creates 5 or more jobs
in the county’s target industries.

The salary or wage of each employee used to qualify the business for the
jobs grant program must equal at least 100% of the county’s average annual

Bonuses for hiring county residents, for higher than average salaries, and for
locating in an Enterprise Zone. Maximum grant to an individual company is

$500,000, except for the additional bonus to a business locating in an
Enterprise Zone. Details of terms and conditions available on request.

Enterprise Zone Tax Benefits

Job Tax Credit on Sales Tax or Corporate Tax for new jobs created in the
Enterprise Zone

Sales Tax Refund on building materials purchased for rehabilitation of real

property, and on the purchase of machinery/equipment used in the Zone

Corporate Tax Credit based on increased ad valorem on improved real


Impact Fee Financing Program

Allow financing of county-imposed Impact Fees up to six years for businesses

listed on the county’s target industries list. Details of terms and conditions
available on request.

Waiving County Utility Deposit

The county will guarantee county utility deposits of up to $10,000

(water and/or sewer) for businesses meeting eligibility
requirements. Details of terms and conditions available on request.

Indian River County, Florida – Central to Where Your Business

Needs to Be

Indian River County is located on Florida's east coast, covering 543

square miles of citrus groves, beaches, thriving commercial and growing
industry. Located 104.6 kilometers north of West Palm Beach and about two
hours from Orlando, Indian River County is within three hours of 90% of
Florida’s population, with easy access to markets, yet far from urban
sprawl, traffic and congestion.

Vero Beach, the county seat, has long been a popular resort area, attracting
thousands to Indian River County and the array of recreational and
entertainment pursuits it offers. Indian River County's allure as a light
industrial site is best demonstrated by the fact that virtually every
company that has located has done so due to their CEO’s positive
vacation experience. Companies are also attracted to Indian River
County because of our relatively low land costs and low labor costs,
and the absence of a state income tax.

Local Industry

As a partner in the Research Coast Economic Development Coalition, Indian
River County represents a broad spectrum of industry. The New Piper
Aircraft, a leader in light aircraft manufacturing, has called Vero Beach home
since 1957. Macho Products, the largest U.S. producer of martial arts
protective gear, and Parker Products, the country’s leading manufacturer of
custom hoses, are but a few of other nationally known and respected
companies located here. High tech firms like e-Merge Interactive and M.C.
Miller Company, as well as scientific research entities such as Harbor Branch
Oceanographic Institute and Syngenta, bring the best and the brightest
employees to our area. A host of other well-known companies with facilities
here include Ocean Spray Cranberries, the Los Angeles Dodgers and Disney’s
Vero Beach Resort.


The primary north-south highway through Indian River County is Interstate

95. State Road 60 is the main east-west artery between Vero Beach and the
Tampa Bay area, with Florida’s Turnpike just 30 minutes to the west. The
Florida East Coast Railway provides freight service linking Indian River
County to Miami in the south and all points north.

Vero Beach Municipal Airport is a full service Fixed Base Operator with a
2133-meter runway. Catering primarily to private and corporate aircraft,
charter service is also available to other Florida markets and the Bahamas.
Daily commercial airline service direct to La Guardia and Atlanta is available
out of Melbourne International Airport, just 56 kilometers away.

CVS Pharmacy, a major U.S. pharmaceutical retailer, has recently

built a 37,161 square-meter facility in the new 181-hectare Indian River
Park of Commerce, located on State Road 60 one mile west of I-95. The
Park’s central location for markets in Florida was cited as the major factor in
their decision to locate to Indian River County, plus the cooperation of local
government and local leadership. It was the best site geographically and
economically, as stated by the company’s site consultant.


Indian River County’s diverse workforce of 52,000 ranges from semi-

skilled to highly technical. Another 16,000 youngsters are being
prepared in our school system to eventually become productive members of
the workforce through innovative programs in the county’s diverse number of
school choices.

Indian River Community College (IRCC), a fully accredited and nationally

recognized two-year institution, is known for its close relationship with
the business community in providing flexible training programs.

IRCC, in conjunction with Florida Atlantic University, offers many 4-year
degree programs as part of its innovative 2+2 Program.

For more information on locating your facility in Indian River County, Florida
please visit our website at


Testimonials from corporate executives will tell you first hand why Indian
River County is an ideal choice when considering a corporate relocation.

The natural beauty, relaxed lifestyle and affluent atmosphere make it a

popular alternative to busier vacation destinations.
General Manager, Disney’s Vero Beach Resort

Local people are often surprised to learn that the third largest privately-
owned company in Florida is headquartered here in Vero Beach. In the high-
profile corporate world it is nice to blend in and become part of the
community’s ambience.
Chief Financial Officer, George E. Warren Corporation

Recruiting and keeping a skilled workforce like ours is much easier in a

community that offers such a satisfying quality of life. Also, Indian River
County is easy to get in and out of which is important to us because our
distribution and customer base is worldwide.
President, The New Piper Aircraft

I have looked all over Florida the past five years for the ideal spot to relocate
my New Jersey-based test equipment manufacturing business. When I
decided on Vero Beach, the rest was easy. I quickly found the right location
and had no problem recruiting people.
President, M. C. Miller Company

Imagine being a short drive from Florida’s aerospace and defense center, yet
far from the congestion and hectic pace it creates.
Vice President of Business Management, XL Vision

"I just fell in love with the area, I love the environmental consciousness.
There can be no high-rises. There's no shadow on the beach at 3 p.m. I'm a
nature girl. I'm a turtle girl. I can't tell you how many times I've been
involved in a tug-of-war with crabs trying to take baby turtles away. Of
course, I don't kill the crabs, but they know I mean business. I just love
being close to nature. That's why we're staying."
Gloria Estefan, hotel, Costa D'Este


Vero Beach & Indian River County In The News

Money Magazine named Vero Beach one of the "Top Beach Towns"
and one of "The Best Places to Live on the Coast."

Vero Beach was listed #7 of the best "emerging" areas according to

the book Cities Ranked and Rated. Vero Beach was described as an
"upscale beach community by Florida standards."

Other accolades for Vero Beach includes a #1 rank as "the best small
town in Florida and 12th in the nation" by America's Guide to Small
Towns. The artistic side of Vero Beach gained the town recognition
as one of the "top 10 art towns in the country."

Vero Beach the Jewel of the Treasure Coast, is a gentle, sophisticated

and unpretentious town which, since 1948, has been the smallest city in
the nation to have its own professional baseball team – the Dodgers.
In recent years, this area has become home to America’s cultural and
corporate elite. It’s a place where high level business deals are made on a
handshake during a round of golf… new friends are easily met at the many
and diverse area activities… and spirits are renewed through abundant
recreational opportunities available in this lovely tropical climate.
Homey, yet casually elegant, Vero Beach and Indian River
County attracts visitors and residents because of the cultural
wealth and inherent natural beauty of the area. Vero Beach was
rated the “Best Small Town in Florida & 12th in the
Nation” and was named one of “The 100 Best Art Towns in

Strict building codes, a watchdog government, and an

exceptionally high rate of charitable contributions &

individual volunteerism contributes to the peaceful and idyllic lifestyle found
in Vero Beach and Indian River County.

Known as the “Gateway to the Tropics," Vero Beach

is located in a climatic transition zone that offers an
unusual mix of vegetation found in the coastal Carolinas –
ancient oak trees and pine forests – blended with swaying
palms and colorful blooms typical of the tropics.

This area is also recognized as the 'Citrus Capital of the

World,' producing the finest Indian River citrus for the domestic
market and worldwide export.

This quiet seaside village has evolved into an elegant and very
sophisticated community that has been called the “Florida Hamptons” and
the “New Palm Beach” as it has become the playground of some of the
wealthiest people in the world. It is the residential preference of more
retired Fortune 500 CEOs than anywhere else.

The tropical climate allows a large diversity in vegetation with colorful florals,
ancient oak trees, palms and a western landscape of pine forests as depicted
in Bean Backus paintings. The natural beauty of Vero Beach captivates
visitors and residents alike.

The pristine beaches along the Atlantic coastline offer wonderful sand,
surf and breathtaking sunrises. Recreational opportunities include swimming,
scuba diving, boating, fishing, surfing and other water sports. Beachgoers
will find several great family parks with playgrounds for the children and
pavilions for grilling, and picnics. Ocean front dining is plentiful with both
indoor or outdoor choices for casual and fine dining.

Located at the northern end of the Treasure Coast, Vero Beach is

approximately 110 miles southeast of Orlando and 135 miles north of Miami.
It consists of 13.1 square miles and has a population just a little over

CNBC news recently cited Vero Beach as the 2nd strongest real
estate market in the country. Vero Beach’s appeal extends to its excellent
public and private school system, as well as a strong economy and vibrant
business and industry. The influx of research institutions is changing
the face of the job market.

Vero Beach, “The Gateway to The Tropics” and “The Jewel of The
Treasure Coast,” is the finest and most beautiful of Florida’s finite
coastal communities.


Our gated Waterside community,,

represents the most affordable of Vero Beach’s custom homes. Why
purchase an existing home when for a better price you can customize
amenities and layouts that fit your specific needs? The world’s unique
situation makes Waterside’s remaining 52 affordable custom home
sites the most desirable properties in the United States of America for
first time home buyers and real estate investors, specifically foreign real
estate investors.

Forecast 50% 80%

Month Date
Value Correct +/- Correct +/-

0 Jun 2008 1.5562 0.000 0.000

1 Jul 2008 1.571 0.031 0.051

2 Aug 2008 1.541 0.038 0.063

3 Sep 2008 1.512 0.043 0.071

4 Oct 2008 1.491 0.047 0.078

5 Nov 2008 1.491 0.050 0.083

6 Dec 2008 1.480 0.053 0.088

7 Jan 2009 1.479 0.056 0.092

8 Feb 2009 1.456 0.058 0.096
WATERSIDE,, a community of
environmentally friendly affordable custom homes. The homes include
features usually seen in more expensive homes such as granite countertops
in baths and kitchens, ceramic tile in kitchens, baths and foyer, volume and
tray ceilings to give the feel of openness and space, a selection of beautiful
light fixtures and more. We also provide a security system, metal storm
panels, upgraded landscaping, pavers in driveways and exquisite roof and
window designs. Past purchasers appreciate custom luxury for an affordable


Visit our website,, now.



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