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Megatron Says, “Rise!”

The Decepticons aren’t merely a faction of disaffected
Cybertronians, they are a political movement. They
simply were looking for a way out from under the strict
morality of the Primes and were branded criminals
because of it. But now it’s time to put those smug
Autobots back in their places! This sourcebook presents
everything that players need to create a Decepticon
character, as well as everything a GM needs to run a
Decepticon campaign. Furthermore, many of the options
presented are fully compatible with Autobot characters,
especially those who want to complete their missions
by any means necessary.
Inside this book, you’ll find:
• A multitude of character options,
including new Influences, Origins, and
Role Focuses
• An entirely new Role—the Raider, who
takes what they want by force
• New gear, including dangerous weapons
and alternate strains of Energon
• Decepticon locations, threats, and allies
usable in any campaign
• A mission for new Decepticons

Adventure requires the Transformers

Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook


LOT# 010323-01 $45.00

ISBN 978-1-957311-15-9 /PlayRGS @PlayRenegade @Renegade_Game_Studios /RenegadeGameStudios
Manufacturer: Renegade Games, LLC. 306N West El Norte Parkway #325, Escondido, California 92026. Importers:
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Game Rules are © 2023 Renegade Game Studios. All Rights Reserved. TRANSFORMERS and HASBRO and all
related trademarks and logos are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. ©2023 Hasbro.
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Authors: Bryan C.P. Steele President & Publisher: Scott Gaeta
Developer: Jason Keeley and Alex Thomas Vice President Sales: Andrew Lupp
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The Decepticon Faction Divisions 7

Making a Might-Makes-Right
Character Willing to Do Whatever It Takes 21
Influences 23
Origins 32
Role Options 38
New Role: Raider 58
General Perks 64

Decepticon Equipment Protocols 69
New Equipment Options 71
Energon Strains 78

Accessing Your Dark Spark 83
Dissecting Your Decepticons 88
Decepticon Locations 96

Cybertronian Features 113
Cybertronian Civilians 122
Autobot Drones 125
Specific Autobots 130


The Great Energon Robbery 185
Top Secret: For GM Eyes Only 185
Summary 185
Overview 185
Part 1: We’re Not on the Nemesis Anymore 186
Part 2: Finding the Right Place for Their Wrong Time 192
Part 3: Stick ‘Em Up! 195
Part 4: Last Stop… Calamity and Chaos 200

Stand up, bot.

Are you just another cog spinning in the perpetual oppression machines of the Primes? No?
Then get up off your fender, pop into something faster than neutral, and wear the brand!
Cybertron isn’t the shiny star-bauble it once was, even if the big rigs upstairs want to sell
that lie to you.

There’s Energon shortages below the trading levels, but who do you think pulls that stuff up
and cubes it out through the refineries? How many of the names on the fight rosters down
in the Pits belong to anyone in a skyrise? Who has to wade through the oxidation mites and
sludge gutters to stand in line for the repair clinic?

You do, and bots just like you… and me. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

It can be better. We can make it better. We can make them make it better. It’s time to rise up,
follow a real leader with real power and the strength to bring real change to every corner of
Cybertron—and beyond.

Let Prime and his pawns call us criminals and condemn how we get things done.

History is written by those still standing, and we ARE going to win this war.

Hail Megatron! Hail Decepticons!

Time to make a choice. Rise up, like the big man says, or get crushed under the weight of our

Welcome to The Decepticon Directive, a Transformers Roleplaying Game
sourcebook. This book contains everything a Transformers Roleplaying Game
player needs to create a Decepticon character, as well as everything a GM
needs to run a Decepticon campaign.
Players interested in playing Decepticon characters in a Decepticon
campaign will find new rules options, including:
• 8 new Influences, such as Anarchist and Nemesis, that explain the kinds of
lifestyles that might put a Cybertronian in league with the Decepticons.
• 6 new Origins, such as Insecticon, Monstrosity, and Salvaged, that unveil
a host of new Alt Mode options that fall commonly within the ranks of the
• 14 new Focuses, two for each of the 7 Roles from the Transformers
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, and alternate rules to make some of the
Roles from the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook less heroic
and more self-serving or aggressive.
• Raider, a brand-new Role and its associated Focuses that is more common
among Decepticons than other Cybertronian characters.
• New equipment options, including enhanced weaponry, anti-Cybertronian
gear, and modified strains of Energon.
Additionally, this book contains the following information and advice to
help GMs run a Decepticon-centric campaign:
• Different ways to define the Decepticons as a faction and how these might
impact your campaign world.
• Threats and NPCs for Decepticon characters to encounter on adventures
and around Decepticon headquarters.
• An original adventure for starting Decepticon characters: “The Great
Energon Robbery”!
The Decepticon Directive assumes your game group already has access to
the Transformers Roleplaying Game core rulebook.


Born out of the brutally rebellious Spark of the Decepticon leadership uses them as replaceable
gladiator-turned-warlord, Megatron, the Decepticon minion assets until they earn a higher role and join
Movement created a veritable army of disaffected the fight in a more significant way. Some say this
and disgruntled bots. Cybertron suffered from eons is the personification of Decepticon callousness
of manipulations of the social classes, all of which and an example of their lack of respect for life;
caused misery to trickle down with the sludge and but it does seem like earning your place in the
the muck into the lower levels of the tarnished faction and survival of the fittest. If you can rise
planet. That is where the Decepticons found their as a Decepticon, you’ve earned all that will
footing, picked up their tools and traded them for come to you.
blasters. Megatron and his inner circle had had
enough, and the fighting began.
Cybertronians ally with or join the Decepticon
The Decepticon
faction in one of two ways. They sometimes
choose the path to power as represented by the
Faction Divisions
infamous exploits of veterans like Soundwave, The Decepticons have a variety of sub-divisions of
Starscream, Astrotrain, and, of course, Megatron. power, each forwarding an element of the faction’s
These types of Decepticon up-and-comers set aside overall goals, but they are still collectively under the
the moral guidelines passed down by the Primes iron fist of the faction’s current warlord: Megatron.
in their shining skyscrapers of the upper levels, Each of the divisions maintains their own inner
choosing instead to do whatever it takes to be part politics, structures, and pecking order, even if they
of Megatron’s new order. Others are recruited to aren’t formalized. Many divisions are delineated
be Decepticons, called up for their beliefs or their by the members’ Alt Modes, but others group
utility in the battle for supremacy over Cybertron themselves by different criteria.
and its territories and control of the universe’s most
important resource to Cybertronians: Energon. For The Warlord and the
many Decepticons, this isn’t necessarily a villainous Conclave
journey into the stars to cause others to the faction’s
enemies to fall; sometimes it is the most practical The inner circle of the Decepticon high leadership
way to ensure a bot’s friends and family can stay is where almost all the plotting, scheming,
fueled in the rubber-to-the-road, lasers-to-the-face, and strategic plans for the faction comes from.
life of conflict for the Cybertronians. Decepticons often make impulsive decisions when
it comes to dealing with the situation at hand,
The rank-and-file soldiers of the Decepticons but the larger, faction-wide decisions are made at
are made up of drones, autonomous copies of this level.
existing Decepticon chassis imbued through
borderline mad science with their own Spark. The




Megatron Deathsaurus
Alt Mode: Cybertronian Assault Tank Alt Mode: Star Dragon
The pit gladiator-turned-revolutionary tyrant Once called the Decepticon’s “Emperor of
Megatron is the sworn enemy of Optimus Prime Destruction,” Deathsaurus is an ancient throwback
and the Autobots. He will not rest until they have all who considers himself the avatar of intergalactic
been turned to scorched hulls by his fusion cannon death. He revels in inflicting pain with his bare
or ground to debris beneath his tank treads! Only hands but often ends a conflict with his unique
when Cybertron is liberated (and under his control) cannon that can destroy living metal.
will he and his Decepticons ever be able to rest.
He listens to the advice of the Conclave, but he will
always do what he feels is necessary for victory. Alt Modes: Fortress/Giant Scorpion
This Cybertronian nightmare creation, along with
his Headmaster partner Lord Zarak, is only part
of Megatron’s council of leadership because he is
one of the largest and most powerful Decepticons
to ever exist. Functioning as a mobile base of
operations, a titanic tyrant, or a devastating
scorpion beast, when Scorponok chooses to weigh
in on a topic, even Megatron listens.
Alt Mode: Cybertronian Hover Tank
Driven by logic more than anything else,
Shockwave is a cold and ruthless foe. Megatron’s
chief engineer is arguably
one of his closest Decepticon
subordinates. Conversing little
with the unworthy, Shockwave
lets his singularity cannon
speak for him, whether it is
as the replacement for his
left hand or the turret of his
hover-tank form!
Alt Mode: Electronic
Recording Equipment
This specialized spymaster
relies on his infiltration skills
and a veritable horde of
mini-cassette Recordicons.
Soundwave uses his ability to
convert into many different
mundane objects to blend in
and uses his internal army to
wage war, no matter if it is
with data or energy blasts!

The Cybertron Guard The Seekers
Made up of the Decepticons Megatron trusted Comprised of the fastest flyers in the Decepticon
to stay behind on Cybertron when he roared off ranks and led by the insidious Starscream, the
to chase Optimus Prime across the universe, the Seekers are the primary attack and reconnaissance
Cybertron Guard were led primarily by Shockwave, force the faction uses to track, chase down, and
but several Decepticon lieutenants stepped in eliminate Megatron’s foes. Many times, the Seekers’
for the scientist when his attentions were needed targets never even know they are at risk until it
elsewhere. Though groups like the Seekers and the is too late.
Rainmakers sometimes fall under the umbrella of
the Cybertron Guard, they form their own divisions. NOTABLE SEEKER CHARACTERS
CHARACTERS Alt Mode: Jet Bomber
No one enjoys Dirge’s company for long. As an
Head Guard expert in psychological warfare, this Seeker focuses
Alt Mode: Weapon Turret on breaking the morale of others. This makes him
The Alpha Drone of Shockwave’s Sentinels, morose, full of malaise, and often a dark and
the Head Guard is perfectly suited for the job depressing conversationalist that almost always
of maintaining the Decepticon status quo on brings down the room.
Cybertron. They are unimaginative and solely driven Ramjet
by the parameters set by their ingenious leader.
Alt Mode: Jet Bomber
Sentinels Blunt in all senses of the word, Ramjet is a uniquely
Alt Mode: None adapted Seeker that loves nothing more than
Sometimes referred to as the truest guards of the physically punching through an enemy to come
Cybertron Guard, the Sentinels are allowed a erupting out the other side in a dazzling display
limited spark of intelligence, following the orders of fire, flame, and debris. There aren’t many flying
they are given to the letter. Cybertronians that like hitting things with their head
as much as Ramjet.

Playing a Cybertron Skywarp

Alt Mode: Jet Fighter
Guard Character Chief prankster amongst the Seekers, Skywarp is
Technically any Decepticon character who also the only known Decepticon whose Spark
remains on Cybertron and follows the orders naturally evolved an ability to teleport. Sadly not
handed down by Shockwave, Head Guard, too bright, this mean-spirited flyer is almost the
or any of the stand-in leaders are part of the definition of brawn over brains.
Cybertron Guard. Some might fall into clearer Slipstream
or more defined groupings, like Seekers or
Alt Mode: Advanced Jet Fighter
Rainmakers, but quite a few characters with
the Drone Origin could fit in well inside the Somewhat a mystery even among the Decepticons
Cybertron Guard. she viciously fights alongside, it is said that
Slipstream might be an advanced clone of
Starscream. Neither she nor he have verified
such a claim.



Playing a Decepticon
Seeker Character
Any Decepticon character with the Seeker
Origin from the Transformers Roleplaying
Game Core Rulebook can be a part of this
division, making all the necessary adjustments
to whatever Role they choose as well.

The Rainmakers
A sub-division of the Seekers, the Rainmakers are
Starscream environmental warfare specialists who saturate
enemy fortifications and battle formations with
Alt Mode: Jet Fighter
chemical payloads from above. They literally make
Leader of the Seekers and arguably Megatron’s right it rain on their foes.
hand, Starscream is a deadly opponent in every
way. On foot, he is a careful and skilled warrior, NOTABLE RAINMAKER CHARACTERS
and he is nearly unmatched in the air. His enemies Acid Storm
should be thankful that he puts much of his energy
into trying to usurp command from his leaders Alt Mode: Jet Fighter
instead of defeating the Autobots! One of Starscream’s loyal Rainmaker Seekers,
Acid Storm is a capable warrior and a skilled
chemist. His style of combat focuses on a brand of
Alt Mode: Jet Fighter chemical warfare that gave him his name. Whether
An imperfect drone based on Starscream, as a robotic soldier or roaring jet, his bright-green
Sunstorm’s high-yield fusion power core bathes chassis is well known on the battlefield.
him in dangerous, chassis-melting radiation. He Ion Storm
believes his condition is due to some supernatural
connection he has to the sun, but the science says Alt Mode: Jet Fighter
otherwise. Ion Storm is a second-class Seeker that found his
role amongst the Rainmakers. He can seed clouds
with intra-ferrous particles that can be then used
Alt Mode: Jet Bomber to generate electromagnetic blasts that resemble
Thrust has quite the reputation for being the focused lightning strikes. Ion Storm has little control
toughest of the Seekers—just ask him and he’ll over his talents, choosing instead to simply unleash
tell you. Then he’ll tell you again, only louder. hell in his wake.
But this far from the truth, as Thrust rarely gets his Nova Storm
hands dirty, preferring to brag and boast more than
actually fight. Alt Mode: Jet Fighter
Notably the only Decepticon to regularly and safely
tolerate Sunstorm’s radiation aura, Nova Storm
Alt Mode: Jet Fighter is a Seeker modified to be more durable than his
This veteran Seeker isn’t terribly loyal to Starscream peers. He endures environmental dangers with
or even to Megatron. He serves the Decepticon ease, allowing the mission to continue even after
cause because it is better than wearing a different his Rainmaker peers have made the local area
kind of shackles with “Prime’s stooges.” His heart inhospitable.
may not always be in it, but when it is, he excels.



Playing a Decepticon The Insecticons

Rainmaker Character Primal Cybertronians that take the shape of
arthropodal creatures primarily from Earth,
To best represent a Seeker than has joined Insecticons often consider their Bot Mode to be the
with the Decepticon Rainmakers, choose the less natural and comfortable form to take. They have
Elementalist focus (see page 53) of the Scientist a deep connection to and hunger for Energon of
Role. Alternatively, you can add an elemental all types, and their ceaseless need to devour it has
projector upgrade (see page 75) to add an aligned them with the Decepticons far more than
element damage type to your weapon and any socio-political concepts. This also includes “The
the energy resistor armor upgrade (page 132 Swarm,” a nearly mindless collection of Insecticon
of the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core drones and copies that follows the whim of the
Rulebook) to resist that same element damage. more dominant Insecticons.




Alt Mode: Grasshopper
One of the original Insecticons, Kickback is the
Alt Mode: Rhinoceros Beetle
leader of a grasshopper Alt Mode swarm. He is
Brutal to the extreme, Barrage is a merciless and deceptively friendly and fun to be around, even if
unforgiving member of the Insecticons. He is a it is all a façade to bring him in close to munch on
draconian taskmaster to the drones he is put in tasty prey!
charge of, but he gets the job done. When things
look like they are going to turn against him, Barrage Ransack
will gladly throw others in the way to make good Alt Mode: Locust
his escape. Ransack is one of the most direct of the Insecticons.
Bombshell His is a warrior’s Spark, mentality, and chassis.
Everything he lives for is the destruction of things
Alt Mode: Weevil that others hold dear, including their own bodies.
Bombshell is an Insecticon with the uncanny Most Decepticons love having Ransack around if
power to control the minds and actions of other only to hear his sordid tales of brutal exploits.
Cybertronians, using them to perform the sadistic
and depraved acts that fill his easily entertained
mind. He revels in the pain of others, so much so Alt Mode: Weevil
that it can distract him from his orders. A strain of advanced and durable drones made from
Bombshell, Salvos are painfully low on individuality
Chop Shop
and brainpower. In fact, when they aren’t being
Alt Mode: Thorny Stag Beetle directly commanded by an alpha Insecticon, they
A Spark-relative of Shrapnel, Chop Shop is a sometimes fall to pieces.
veritable sneak thief who claims to be unable to
control his impulse to take things. If it isn’t bolted
down (well enough, that is), Chop Shop will surely Alt Mode: Grasshopper
take the chance to get his claws on it. A major component of The Swarm, Shotholes are
ferocious drones made from the chassis and instinct
patterns of Kickback. Their role is to convert matter
into Energon in large quantities, and they are rarely
smart enough to do more.
Alt Mode: Stag Beetle
This Insecticon is most known for his aggressive
applications of electricity. Shrapnel has been copied
many times over to fill the Swarm with his drones.
He has a unique speech pattern that causes him
to repeat the last word or words in his sentences,
adding an erratic emphasis to his discourse.
Alt Mode: Cicada
The oldest and highest-ranking Insecticon, Venom
has become a master of behavioral manipulation
and psychological warfare. Thinking everyone
else schemes as he does, most of his time is spent
protecting his position of power and is ready to
wield an ancient concoction of anti-life toxins
BOMBSHELL against anyone who dares to challenge him!

Alt Mode: Stag Beetle CHARACTERS
These warrior drones, who are copies of Shrapnel, Beastbox
wield a lesser command of electricity than their
progenitor, but are highly dependent on the control Bot Mode: Gorilla
beams emitted by their commanders. Without these One of Soundwave’s interrogators, Beastbox has
controlling influences, Zaptraps will run amok. all the curiosity of an Earth primate. Unfortunately,
his curiosity pales in comparison to his short
fuse and murderous rage. He tends to be a blunt
Playing an Insecticon instrument, either for physical tasks or altercations.
He is balanced by his duo-combining partner,
Character Squawktalk.

Most players that wish to create an Buzzsaw

Insecticon character should begin by choosing Bot Mode: Bird of Prey
the Insecticon Origin (page 34), choosing
Among the many avian mini-cassette minions,
one of the listed Alt Modes in that section. If
Buzzsaw is the most driven by his passions. He
a player wants to explore being an elevated
has a longing to create art, a desire to inflict bodily
entity from The Swarm, they can choose
suffering, and a need to always be taken seriously.
the Drone Origin instead and mimic the
This is likely his greatest weakness: his inability to
Insecticon Origin.
adapt when things don’t go his way.

Soundwave’s Mini- Bot Mode: Small Robot

Cassettes Happy to show how he received his name, Frenzy is

one of the two “mini-Tremorcons” in Soundwave’s
Soundwave has been one of the most notable stable of mini-cassette minions. He is a monstrous
and loyal members of Megatron’s inner circle of little warrior, eager to prove his skills again and
Decepticons for several generations. In that time, again, even squaring off against enemies far larger
he has amassed a veritable army of minions and than he is. Often backed up by his brother Rumble,
hench-bots collectively falling under the category of Frenzy is a scary battlefield asset.
“Mini-Cassettes.” These specialized Mini-Cons are
most commonly found stored within Soundwave’s Garboil
own body but are occasionally loaned out to other Bot Mode: Bird of Prey
Decepticons for their individual expertise.
One of Soundwave’s secondary cassette minions
BOT MODE based on the original Laserbeak’s condor design,
Garboil serves as an information officer. He
Unlike most of the others presented here, the keeps tabs on everyone, fostering paranoia and
Decepticon Mini-Cassettes all have the same Alt spreading lies to keep fellow Decepticons at each
Mode: that of a data-storage mini-cassette. Instead other’s throats instead of organizing against faction
of listing each of the following Decepticons’ leadership.
Alt Modes, each describes their distinct Bot
Mode instead. These Bot Modes vary more than Howlback
those found in other Cybertronians, which are Bot Mode: Panther
predominantly humanoid, but are still considered
the Mini-Cassette’s primary mode. A member of the Decepticon Secret Police,
Howlback is a no-nonsense enforcer of Megatron’s
rule. She is an ice-cold murder machine when she
needs to be, using her advanced missile system
and personal feedback shielding to incapacitate the
largest of those she arrests.



Laserbeak Ravage
Bot Mode: Bird of Prey Bot Mode: Panther
A lurking spy and assassin, Laserbeak is one One of Soundwave’s most infamous and skilled
of Soundwave’s favorite mini-cassette minions. spies, Ravage is a feline-shaped mini-cassette
Cowardly and cruel, Laserbeak never takes an minion. He is sadistic and cruel, but he prefers to
unnecessary risk and is one of the first to turn use stealth and predatory tactics to take down his
tail when faced with a powerful opponent or targets. Ravage has been known to be one of the
unfavorable odds. most utilized of Soundwave’s saboteurs as well.
Overkill Rumble
Bot Mode: Carnosaur Bot Mode: Small robot
Designed to house the Spark of a true predator, Rumble acts tough and loves to scrap, making him
Overkill is a melodramatic engine of destruction. one of the less useful spies among Soundwave’s
He is an endless source of theatrics and arsenal of minions but an excellent soldier
overwrought displays. He can get so caught up in and distraction. Rumble loves to indulge in the
throwing himself into everything he does that he destruction of his enemies’ self-esteem while he
will sometimes look comedically over-the-top. beats them to a pulp, often mixing in rhymes and
insults as he fights.
Bot Mode: Bat Slugfest

Selfish and indulgent, this mini-cassette minion is Bot Mode: Stegosaurus

Soundwave’s primary scout for Energon and other This dinosaur Mini-Con is filled with a rage that
fuels. Ratbat’s sensor suite is tuned to sniff out can flare up at the slightest misunderstanding. The
energy wavelengths unlike any other. He is obsessed trouble is, with Slugfest, everything is a possible
with efficiency and therefore makes an amazing misunderstanding! He isn’t a very intelligent
mission leader when Soundwave needs one. Decepticon, and he has two answers to most
problems: blast or smash.

Bot Mode: Bird of Prey Aftershock
Made using some slight modifications of the Alt Mode: Siege Tank
Laserbeak chassis to connect with another of
Soundwave’s cassette minions, Squawktalk is a A warrior that uses his science as a weapon,
mouthy creature that enjoys being the “brains” Aftershock is the largest of the Tremorcons and
behind his pairing with Beastbox. He is always the most outspoken about the efficiency of their
ready with a quip or a sly remark, which often gets methods. His turret’s quake cannon produces a
him into trouble. frightening amount of firepower.

Wingthing Fracture

Bot Mode: Bat Alt Mode: Attack Motorcycle

Created with a heavy dose of the personality The fastest member of the Tremorcons, Fracture
emulator used to instill sentience into drones, zooms into an area to get behind enemy lines,
Wingthing is a mirror of Soundwave. This plants tectonic-wave charges, and rushes back to
self-righteous monster gleefully follows all of safety before everything starts to come down around
Soundwave’s commands with as much fervor as if him. When not actively using his skills for the
he thought of them himself—which makes sense, Decepticons, he is an accomplished bounty hunter
considering where his mental patterns came from! that will bring anyone in for a few extra shanix.

Playing a Decepticon Alt Mode: Excavation Drill

Seizor is the leader of the Tremorcons, a skilled
Mini-Cassette demolitionist, and a die-hard believer in Megatron’s

Character goals to command Cybertron. Until he is needed,

this drill-handed scholar of geo-sonics lives in a
subterranean bunker complex on Hydrus 5, learning
Most mini-cassette Decepticons can be
the best ways to bring down enemy fortifications
represented by the Mini-Con Ally Perk
from below.
gained from the Microlinked Focus of
the Modemaster Role from page 74 the
Transformers Roleplaying Game Core
Rulebook or the Minion Master Focus found Playing a Tremorcon
on page 49 of this book. Should a player wish
to portray one of Soundwave’s enormous
stable of mini-cassette minions, choose the While the Tremorcons are a small sub-
Mini-Con Origin (see page 35) and work with division of Decepticons, players that wish to
the GM to create an original backstory. create a similar character can do so easily
by choosing the Scientist Role found in
the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core
Tremorcons Rulebook and adopting the Elementalist Focus
found on page 53 of this book, selecting the
A division of Decepticons that are called Sonic element for many of the Role Focus’s
upon when the ground itself needs to be used specific applications. Tremorcons exhibit
as a weapon, the Tremorcons are masters of understanding of both seismic science and
sonic weaponry and equipment used to create demolition-based technology.
earthquakes and similar effects. These specialists are
known for their expertise and includes the honorary
members Rumble and Frenzy, two of Soundwave’s
mini-cassette minions.



The Reflectors Spectro

The Decepticons’ leading minds on light, imaging, Alt Mode: Camera Component
and the applications of holograms (especially in the Spectro is one third of the alpha trio of the Photons.
fields of surveillance and optical misdirection), the He isn’t necessarily the brains of the operation, but
Reflectors are a collective division that share nearly his ideas are sometimes as sharp as his Energon
identical chassis elements. Also called Photons, the blade. He is a grump and a curmudgeon, unwilling
three leaders of the group can convert and combine to go along easily with most plans, and will gladly
into a powerful surveillance camera, where their throw them aside if it saves his Spark!
drones cannot.
Photon Drones The fun-loving member of the Reflector trio,
Alt Mode: None Spyglass is a prankster and a comedian who
loves nothing more than getting dirt on others so
The light-wielding Photon Drones look almost he can later make jokes about it. He is a social
exactly like the three Photon Alphas but are unable manipulator, and if it weren’t for his persuasiveness,
to access their T-cogs to convert into Alt Modes. Spectro would rarely work with a team and
They can, however, focus extremely powerful light Viewfinder would never finish a scheme.
blasts through their central lens, sometimes at the
cost of their own chassis’ integrity.


Alt Mode: Camera Component
Marked by the large photonic emitter in his chest,
Viewfinder is the planner and schemer of the
Reflector triad. He is a deep thinker and gets fully
lost in his plots, requiring the balancing factor of his
brother, particularly Spyglass’s constant chatter and
sense of humor.

The Combiner Assemblies

Ever since the awakening of the Enigma of
Combination, Combiner Teams have been
important to the Decepticons. Using the energies
of the powerful and ancient artifact to unlock
a Cybertronian’s ability to combine with other
Cybertronians to form larger and more powerful
mechanoids, these groups of like-minded bots are
frequently called upon by Megatron for their sheer
destructive ability. Several of the teams offer more
than just the titanic power of their gestalt form,
but that undeniable threat is never far from their
foes’ minds.


Combiner Teams in many forms are important
to both Decepticons and Autobots alike. Rather
than describe each member of each Decepticon
Combiner Assembly in detail, the following embodies the Decepticon mentality. Keeping these
highlights the teams in general. In these entries, ultra-violent warriors in line is Mega-Octane (Artillery
each member of the Assembly has their own Alt Hauler), joined by Ro-Tor (Helicopter), Armorhide
Mode described in parentheses after their name. (Tank), Rollbar (Off-Road Car), and Movor (Shuttle).
Ruination, their gestalt titan, is unique in how the
NOTABLE DECEPTICON COMBINER Commandos can swap component locations to
TEAMS optimize the Combiner’s combat efficiency.
Combaticons Constructicons
A tightly knit unit of Decepticon soldiers, the Perhaps ironically named, the Constructicons
Combaticons operate as one strategic force consist of a large group of Decepticons that are just
separately as well as they do in their combined as talented at taking buildings and fortifications
form. Led by the military genius of Onslaught apart as they are at putting them together. The
(Assault Tank), the rest of the team consists of Brawl primary members of the team are led by Scrapper
(Tank), Blast Off (Shuttle), Swindle (Off-Road Car), (Front-End Loader), and include Bonecrusher
and the interrogator Vortex (Helicopter Gunship). (Bulldozer), Scavenger (Steam Shovel), Mixmaster
When they combine into the massive war giant (Cement Mixer), Hook (Crane), and Long Haul
Bruticus, they sacrifice their collective intelligence (Dump Truck). Stand-in members have included
for the gestalt’s enhanced strength and savagery. Gravedigger (Dump Truck), Hauler (Crane), Erector
(Flatbed Trailer Crane), Hightower (Crane), and
Commandos Scoop (Front-End Loader). Together the team
Created from Autobot protoform bodies that were combines into the gestalt form of Devastator, the
infused with the pugilistic spark of Megatron, the Decepticons’ most well-known and universally
Commandos are a special ops team that truly feared Combiner Titan.



Predacons Sinnertwin (Two-Headed Beast), Cutthroat (Flying

The Decepticons’ sinister reflection of the powerful Drake), and Cindersaur (Fire-Breathing Beast) as
Dinobots, the Predacons are a pack of primally best he can. They are a storm of teeth, claws, and
charged bots that almost prefer to stay in their untamed fury that only gets more focused and
vicious animal forms. A patient hunter and leader, destructive when they combine to form Abominus,
Razorclaw (Lion) is a ferocious warrior and uses trading any semblance of logic for raw violence.
brains as well as brawn to keep the team on task.
His pack includes Divebomb (Falcon), Headstrong
(Rhinoceros), Rampage (Tiger), Tantrum (Bull), and Playing a Decepticon
Combiner Character
sometimes Gnaw (Sharkticon). When they combine
to form Predaking, they are truly greater than the
sum of their parts and are easily one of the most
In game terms, any Decepticon character
powerful weapons in Megatron’s arsenal.
can technically be a part of a Combiner
Seacons Assembly team. All it requires is the
This assembly is a team of underwater combatants awakening of the Combiner element in
used for specialist missions. They all have aquatic them, and the presence of a Combiner-
animal-hybrid Alt Modes that allow them to specific Influence or General Perk. These
function anywhere they might need to be. Making character options aren’t presented here or
this team of misfits function properly is the viciously in the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core
cruel Snaptrap (Turtle-Tank), turning Nautilator Rulebook, but the GM can work with a player
(Lobster-Beast), Overbite (Shark-Beast), Seawing to narrate their membership in a Combiner
(Manta Ray), Skalor (Coelacanth-Beast), and team until they are published in a more
Tentakil (Squid-Beast) into an effective team. This is Combiner-focused Essence20 product.
especially true when they combine into the warrior-
hunter Piranacon, their argumentative gestalt.
Stunticons The Questionables
Thrill seekers and troublemakers all, the Stunticons Being a Decepticon generally labels a Cybertronian
are comprised of fast-driving, rubber-burning rebels as someone standing against the norm, a rebel in
that constantly posture against Megatron’s orders. most senses. There are a few however, that seem to
Motivated by their merciless leader Motormaster always be scheming and testing their devotion to
(Semi Truck and Trailer), the Stunticons are Megatron’s goals. These Decepticons are tracked by
the sworn foes of the Autobot Aerialbots, and the Decepticon Investigation Squad and frequently
count Drag Strip (Racecar), Dead End (Muscle find their loyalty tested. The leader of the Seekers,
Car), Breakdown (Sportscar), and Wildrider Starscream, could be considered one of the most
(Sportscar) among their primary members. Just as notorious of the Questionables.
uncontrollable as its component members, the NOTABLE QUESTIONABLE
Stunticons’ gestalt form of Menasor is more like a
force of nature than a mechanical being. CHARACTERS

Terrorcons Airachnid

Bestial, uncouth, and unsavory, the Terrorcons are Alt Modes: Spider/Helicopter
individually monsters with a remarkable lack of This triple-changer is a sadistic torturer that hails
drive or logical pragmatism. When their leader, the from Old Cybertron. Her falling in with the
gluttonous Hun-Gurr (Two-Headed Dragon), calls Decepticons was only a matter of time. Her relation
them together as a pack, little can stand in the way to the Insecticons is strange and unknown, but her
of their killer chaos. He orchestrates the anarchic ability to command them is uncannily similar to that
Rippersnapper (Toothy Beast), Blot (Goo-Monster), of their leaders.



Astrotrain Sharkticons
Alt Modes: Train Engine/Shuttle Alt Mode: Shark-Beast
Fueling his delusions of creating and commanding A strange and monstrous drone design used in huge
an entire fleet of loyal train drones, Astrotrain is all numbers by the Quintessons, Sharkticons are always
too happy to bide his time and serve Megatron as hungry for the Energon that flows inside living
the primary spacefaring troop transport used by the mechanoids. Their multi-matrixed, chassis-grinding
Decepticons—until he amasses enough influence to teeth are designed to shred metal and draw out the
lead on his own! glowing lifeblood of their prey.
Alt Mode: Giant Rodent
The Rosters Go On
There are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of other
Rattrap takes his Alt Mode’s infamous survival
Decepticons that might fit into one or more of
instincts and turns up the dial on them. A
the above divisions. When introducing canon
skilled saboteur and clever survivalist, Rattrap
characters from other media sources or new
is no coward, but he is often seen as one due
characters as yet seen, the GM should take note
to his instincts toward self-preservation. He is a
whether they fall into one of the above groups, and
Decepticon, but everyone is aware of his nature and
what that might mean to the player characters.
rarely puts their faith in his loyalty for good reason.


Making a Step 0: Discuss with Your
GM and Other Players
Might-Makes-Right A campaign in which the players take on the role
Character Willing of Decepticon characters can be a fun, unique
experience from the standard action-packed heroics of
to Do Whatever the Transformers Roleplaying Game and other games
run with the Essence20 Roleplaying System. But those
It Takes unique experiences come with unique challenges.

Chapter 2 of the Transformers Roleplaying Game From tonal expectations about playing morally
Core Rulebook covers the basics of creating a questionable characters to canonical considerations
character for a Transformers game. Creating a like whether Megatron is the current Warlord or has
Decepticon character for a campaign featuring Unicron changed him into the tyrannical Galvatron,
Decepticon protagonists follows the same steps as players and the GM need to work out how their
creating an Autobot character: Decepticon campaign looks and feels. This can be
done during a vital Session 0, as mentioned on page
0. Discuss with your GM and other players 285 of the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core
1. Decide on a character concept Rulebook. Chapter 4: Decepticon Campaigns can
2. Set Starting Essence Scores help the GM to manage expectations for a Decepticon
3. Select Influences campaign, making it the most fun it can be.
4. Select an Origin
5. Select a Role Step 1: Decide on a
6. Describe your character Character Concept
7. Form your team
What is the core of your character? A character
However, there are additional factors to concept can be as simple as a two-word description
consider. This chapter highlights the areas in which or as elaborate as a multi-page backstory. Think of
Decepticon character creation differs or could use this as a guide to consider as you’re creating your
additional considerations. Consider this chapter a ideal Decepticon. How did they get involved in
companion to the original rules presented in the the revolution? What sort of job did they do on
Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook’s Cybertron? Are they part of any of the established
character creation chapters. Decepticon factions? Are they gunning for Megatron’s
title or are they a true believer in the cause? Fill in
these sorts of details in this step and it will help you
create the character you most want to play.




Step 2: Set Starting complete without the Traitor Influence to represent

Essence Scores his betrayal of the Seekers? What other Influence
should represent Megatron but Gladiator? Choosing
This part of character creation functions exactly
Influences that play with expectations can create
as it does in the Transformers Roleplaying Game
interesting backstories for your characters, but there
Core Rulebook.
is the risk that the situations common for an Autobot
campaign won’t come up as often in a Decepticon
Step 3: Select Influences campaign and vice versa. Similarly, there are
The Influences presented later in this chapter were implications to the way the rules work based on
written with Decepticon characters in mind, just what type of character they were written for.
as the Influences in the Transformers Roleplaying When an Influence is written for a faction other
Game Core Rulebook were written with Autobot than the one your character belongs to, check with
characters in mind. However, as Influences your GM to determine if it needs some adjustment
spotlight key stretches in a character’s development, to reflect the side your character is on.
Influences that lead characters down the selfish road A great example of a Decepticon Influence that
to villainy can also represent obstacles a would-be needs revision to work for an Autobot character is
hero could have overcome. Likewise, Influences Nemesis. The narrative and rules of that Influence
that encouraged an undecided Cybertronian to fight both specifically mention having a deep hatred
for the Primes could reinforce a downtrodden and for an Autobot. Could the character have been
angry character’s worst decisions. a Decepticon who took this Influence to show a
Decepticon characters can select Transformers conflict with a specific Autobot, then turned his
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook Influences, icon and switched sides, like Sky Lynx? In that case,
and Autobot characters can select the Decepticon the narrative applies to the past, but that’s not where
Influences from this book. Would Jetfire be the character’s story ends. As for the Influence Perk

(“Must act against their Nemesis or suffer ↓1”), is Step 5: Select a Role
that character the Autobot in question, showing
the bad blood that remains? Or do you change the Along with new Influences and Origins, this book
named Autobot to a named Decepticon, to show only introduces one new villainous Decepticon
that your story changed when you changed sides? Role for the Transformers Roleplaying Game: the
That’s a discussion for you to have with your GM. Raider. In addition, the Role conversions section
of this chapter introduces Hail Megatron! as a
As the Transformers Roleplaying Game core replacement for the For the Allspark! Perk, as well
rulebook explains, if the story of an Influence as two new Focus options for each of the 7 Roles
works for your character concept, but the Influence from the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core
Perk does not, work with your GM to replace it Rulebook (Analyst, Field Commander, Gunner,
with another Influence Perk with one that fits your Modemaster, Scientist, Scout, and Warrior). Certain
theme better (don’t forget to swap the Hang Up Roles have additional replacement Perks.
options, too!). If you like an Influence Perk but not
the story of it, you can discuss it with your GM When building a Decepticon character, pick
to find alternative ways the Influence Perk could a Role and a Focus from all those available to
be represented for your character concept. For that Role as normal. However, you must use the
example, Fanatic could be rewritten as Devotee. replacement Perks for Decepticon characters.
Ratchet was known for his blind faith in Optimus You cannot mix and match. For example,
Prime and his command. A Fanatic like that could your Decepticon Analyst would not receive
benefit from a Perk that says, “While in the presence the Postmortem Interrogation Role Perk. As a
of your leader, you cannot suffer greater than ↓2 on Decepticon character, your Analyst gets You Will
any given Skill Test”. It’s better to find a balance of Tell Me!, the Decepticon version of that Role Perk.
narrative and rules for an Influence, so you don’t
saddle your character with a story that doesn’t quite Steps 6 and 7: Describe
fit, or a Perk you never see yourself using. Your Character and Form
Your Team
Step 4: Select an Origin
Your Decepticon character is ready to meet the rest
Like the Influences, the new Origins in this book of their cadre!
aren’t strictly for Decepticon characters, but they

are written with Decepticon characters in mind.
When choosing an Origin for your Decepticon
character, you can choose the Origins found in this Only Drones and those molded by the monstrous
book, and those in the Transformers Roleplaying Unicron are crafted to be Decepticons. Everyone
Game Core Rulebook. Thundercracker qualifies else starts with a neutral Spark awaiting a moral
for the Seeker Origin and the Outride Origin fits leaning. As they experience life, events impact
Barricade, just as Eject qualifies for the Mini-Con them in different ways. Each influence moves
Origin and the Salvaged Origin fits Wreck-Gar. their ethical compass’s needle in one direction or
Don’t hesitate to combine the Influences another, dictating their life’s path. For someone to
and Origins from this book with those in the join up with a faction of rebels and troublemakers
Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. that follow a well-known and ultra-violent
A Cube Player who worked as a Refinery Laborer warlord, those most moments had to be impactful.
might have bet on themself in their games to help Otherwise, the Autobots and their welcoming ways
make ends meet. An Insecticon Gladiator would would have surely swept them up in the name of
represent an Energon-hungry creature that loves freedom and safety.
the thrill of devouring its foes in the Pits. A Racer The following pages present 8 new Influences
Mini-Con could be the fastest messenger bot found for use in the Transformers Roleplaying Game.
in Soundwave’s stable of mini-cassettes. These are They follow the same format as the Influences
all as legitimate and narratively sound concepts for found in the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core
characters as any others, as long as the player and Rulebook. However, the tone of these Influences
GM work together to make it fit their game. differs from previous ones. Although some of the



existing Influences imply a character may have had POTENTIAL HANG-UPS

to fight to survive the system, the result is that their Sadistic, Skeptical, Untrustworthy
battles set them on a path toward good. Decepticon
Influences focus on the hardship-filled life in the SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS
lower layers of Cybertron.
Why have you decided to take this stance against
As discussed previously, it’s important to establish the system that has earned your ire? Where you a
the tone of your campaign before character part of that system, and then it used and abused
creation. More than most choices, your character’s you, leaving you a hollow and rage-filled enemy
tone is reflected in your Influences, since they of everything it stands for? Are you a tool of a rival
represent what motivated your character to join the organization or system, just being used to destroy
Decepticon faction. Decepticon Influences answer the opposition? You must decide what drives your
the question “Why do you let Megatron order you desire to bring it all down.
to fight his war?” Some Influences are broad and
could mean a variety of things, like Fanatic and TABLE 2–1: EXTREMIST BONDS
Monstrosity. Others are nuanced and directed, like D12 BOND
Iconoclast and Refinery Laborer. If you’re looking 1 They will never keep me in line. Never!
for a character with a bit more moral grayness rather 2 I get intimidated by the people in charge
than hardcore villainy, focus more on the Influences sometimes, and I deal with that poorly.
that frame your character making certain difficult 3 It isn’t just the system I want to see topple, it’s
decisions. But if you want to explore the cold- everything and everyone.
hearted experience of a devout Decepticon, the 4 I wish my allies to join me in my
Influences are there to guide you. destructive crusade.
5 I get angry at little things easily, and
POTENTIAL HANG-UPS then I always blame bigger things for the
resulting meltdown.
These new Decepticon Influences have several
6 Can I forgive someone for supporting the system?
potential Hang-Ups listed for each one as normal. Yes. Will I? Probably not.
These Hang-Ups are a combination of ones found in
7 When things come crashing down, I will be
the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook nothing but smiles and laughter.
and those listed on page 42. 8 I wanted to be in charge, and when I couldn’t be, I
swore to rip it all down.

Extremist 9 I am always looking to lure others away from

their causes.
You want to bring the system down. All the way 10 My anger and hatred for the system is just shine
down, and in flames. If it stands for something, you and paint. I do it mostly for the attention.
hate it. If it supports the system, it is your enemy. 11 I am known and feared. At least I think so.
And if it gets in your way, you want nothing more
12 I am the quiet destroyer; no one guesses my
than to smash it to pieces and pound the pieces to schemes until it is too late.
dust. Your ideal world is one where all are equal,
but no one can possibly build a system to be Fanatic
in charge.
You believe fully in the words and orders of your
DECEPTICON CHARACTER EXAMPLE superiors or the ways of your faith, and you would
Deathsaurus, the self-declared Emperor of follow them into the depths of the Pits and back
Destruction, has a dream, and that dream is the again if they needed you to. They can always count
ruination of every established society or organized on you to be ready to fight for the cause, sometimes
system that gets in his way! even when they aren’t ready for you to do so!


You do your best work when working against a system Lugnut is the most loyal follower Megatron could
or bringing down a cause. When taking actions that ever ask for. Lugnut holds the Decepticon cause as
target a member or symbol of authority, you may the reason why his Spark shines as it does.
re-roll any dice results of 1 (taking the second result).

While in the presence of a Decepticon commander D12 BOND
or anyone with the Word of Unicron General Perk 1 I will serve until my Spark goes dark.
(see page 67), you can’t suffer greater than ↓2 on 2 I must try to bring my passion and observance of
any given Skill Test. the way to others.
3 I will only stray from my orders and teachings for
POTENTIAL HANG-UPS my family, even though I will feel terrible after.

Idolizer, Something to Prove, Subordinate 4 If I can, I hoard resources for my superiors.

5 If you are not an ally of my superiors, you

Determine which cause or idol your character has 6 I am the instrument of something greater and must
be preserved until called upon.
given such devotion to, whether it is the concept of
the Eternal Allspark, the ascendance of Unicron, or 7 I bear a badge of honor or privilege from my
perhaps just in the word of Megatron and the way of
8 I believe because I was told to believe.
the Decepticons. Why do you forge forward in their
name and on their orders so strongly? What do you 9 I don’t care what anyone else says, mine is the best
way and I will make them know it!
hope it will eventually yield?
10 I hope to one day have fanatical followers
of my own.
11 I serve in silence. No one needs to know
my passions.
12 If I stay loyal to the cause, I simply cannot fail.


Gutter Champion INFLUENCE PERK

Coming up from the depths and lower layers of You work best when working against those in
Cybertron, or perhaps the dark corners of some charge. In any action where you are breaking local
other world, you live to stand up against the status laws or ignoring government edicts, you gain ↑1
quo and the people in charge. You fight for territory, once each turn.
for resources, and for reputation against those who
might try to take it from the bots under the shiny
thumbs of the upper classes. Bad Temper, Show Respect, Violent


The berserker Quake grew as angry and violent as Where did you learn that “the Powers that be” are
he is through years of getting “stepped on by the not to be trusted and that you would have to fight
Autobots,” as he claims. tooth and nail for all those getting stepped on,
including yourself? You should determine who you
might view as the oppressors trying to hold you and
BREAKDOWN your neighbors down, and why you would feel that
way. Are you right, or perhaps misguided?
1 I will fight against oppression anywhere it
reveals itself.
2 I am very quick to think everyone is against me.
3 I lost someone very dear to me because of a
governmental action, and I hate them all for it.
4 Autobots, Decepticons… the guys in charge are all
the same. I trust in the bots by my side.
5 I like to fight. The cause is just a side benefit.
6 My closest friends are those who fight by my side.
7 I just don’t trust you if you haven’t lived in the lower
levels before.
8 Megatron and revolutionaries like him are my idols.
9 I don’t back down. Ever.
10 I have never taken to mocking or taunting well, and
anyone who does so gets blasted in the grille!
11 If I’m not doing something to thwart the upper
classers… I’m planning on what to do to thwart
them next.
12 I’ve been called a bit of a loudmouth, and that’s okay.
It gets my message across.

There are those that lead and those that follow. You
are one of the latter. But it serves you well. Not
being the bot in charge means that you can always
have someone else’s plan, another’s orders, or some
other person’s screw up to blame when things go
poorly. Now, it does mean that you are always
getting given duties from above, but it can be a
worthwhile exchange.

Most of the copied copies of Decepticon drones There is someone out there, some other being, that
are created with a portion of another’s personality, you have clashed with again and again and again.
and that original robot generally puts them into an This being has chosen you to be their arch-rival,
automatic semi-servile state until they earn some their recurring opponent… their nemesis. You can
personality and independence. go long stretches without taking actions against
them, but whenever the time arises, you know they
are as obsessed with you as you are with them.
You are completely accustomed to following orders,
allowing any character you perceive as able to give DECEPTICON CHARACTER EXAMPLE
you commands to Lend Assistance to you from any The massive Decepticon Breakdown has traded
distance, as long as you can receive their believable blows with the Autobot Bulkhead on several
verbal command to perform the task. planets, in several times, and with various
outcomes. Now they are obsessed with one another.
Mode Attachment, Something to Prove, Subordinate INFLUENCE PERK
Over time, you have become an expert on the
comings, goings, and interactions of your chosen
You must determine whom you serve, what kind of nemesis. All your non-combat Skill Tests that relate
relationship you have with them, and why. Are you to your nemesis gain ↑1.
still serving as the minion of another? If not, why did
you leave? And did you burn some bridges along MANDATORY HANG-UP
the way? A Lackey character could just as easily be If you are involved in a scene with your nemesis
an ex-Lackey or perhaps someone who earned their (or someone openly acting on behalf of your
place as a more independent asset. nemesis), you suffer ↓1 on all Skill Tests that don’t
TABLE 2–4: LACKEY BONDS target that individual or otherwise hinder or harm
that individual.
1 I enjoy not having to make some of my own

The fact that I receive orders to do brutal acts
Important Rules
means I’m not actually to blame.
Mandatory Hang-Ups
3 I have aspirations… but they can wait until it’s
okay with the boss.
4 I am afraid of ever being alone.
Some of the Influences found in this book
5 I take out my frustrations that I get from above on
anyone smaller than me. come with unique Hang-Ups that are noted
6 I am never the first to do or try anything. I always
as being Mandatory. Unlike others that
watch someone else do it first. do not apply their Hang-Ups if chosen as
7 I want to have lackeys of my own someday. a character’s first Influence, these special
Influences always impose their Hang-Up on
8 I know I don’t have much to claim as my own, but I
fiercely defend it. the character that chooses them.
9 I am a bit of a procrastinator, even with the
boss’ orders.
10 I am only in this position because of SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS
circumstance. I don’t want to serve
much anymore. You must choose a suitable being to serve as your
11 If I see another servant or lackey, even an enemy, Nemesis. You should create a viable story as to
I will cut them some slack because I know what how the two of became Nemeses, including what
this is like.
originally happened to set them so strongly against
12 I learned how to be cruel from those who were you. Were you once friends? Are you truly enemies,
cruel to me.
or was this some kind of misunderstanding? Maybe



you are even part of the same faction and are POTENTIAL HANG-UPS
vying against one another in a race for power and Distressed, Show Respect, Vainglorious
reputation. There is a story to be told between you,
so work with the GM to figure out what that is. SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS
TABLE 2–5: NEMESIS BONDS You are charismatic, charming, and never without
a good reason why people should see things
your way. There are several divisions within the
1 I respect my nemesis quite a lot. They are a capable
and worthy opponent. Decepticons that you might be recruiting for,
or perhaps you are just gathering bodies for the
2 I wish my nemesis and I could make
amends somehow. grinder. How has your faction and division treated
3 I don’t even know why my nemesis hates me, but I
you well enough to get you to gather new recruits,
can’t just let that stand. and how successful have you been?
4 I will be the end of my nemesis, it is foretold.
5 Every new person I meet needs to be vetted, as
they could be working for my nemesis.
1 I revel in the art of the deal.
6 There is a way to turn my nemesis’s allies against
him, and that is what I really want. 2 For every new bot I bring on board, that is one
more body to get between me and danger.
7 I often taunt my nemesis on purpose. I like
the chase. 3 I was recruited a while ago, so this is just my way
of giving back.
8 I’m actually proud of my nemesis’s achievements.
4 I try to get a little dirt on everyone, because you
9 My nemesis seems way too powerful to
never know when it can be useful.
care about me.
5 Deep down, I just want to be liked.
10 I know that it is my fault my nemesis hates
me so much. 6 My storage bins are always filled with random
things to use in on-the-spot negotiations.
11 I am not the only target of my nemesis.
7 I rarely take the first “no” as the end of a
12 I have a special weapon or tool that I plan to use on
my nemesis—and it’s a weird one.
8 I judge anyone who doesn’t haggle.

Recruiter 9 It would be my life’s dream to get an Autobot to

switch sides.
Not all Decepticons are created with the faction’s
10 Am I the best at this? Yeah, I think I am.
goals in mind. At some point, someone came to them
11 I always look out for my new recruits. At
and told them of the fearless rise of Megatron and his least at first.
inner circle of revolutionaries. Someone like you. You
12 If things get bad enough, maybe I’ll start up my
are the kind of bot that wants nothing else but to find own Decepticon division.
like minds (or those who could be made into like
minds) and bring them on board with your faction.
Refinery Laborer
DECEPTICON CHARACTER EXAMPLE The Energon refineries on Cybertron, as well as
The all-terrain Combaticon Swindle is a conman and those on some territory planets and colonies,
a master fast-talker, always offering just enough to new are staffed for a variety of tasks, including by
recruits and allies to make sure that he ends up on top. Cybertronians like you. You and your fellow workers
have been so-called skilled labor in these all-too-
INFLUENCE PERK necessary locations. Megatron’s revolt was based
You are extremely cunning when you have on the laboring classes rising up against those
something to offer potential peers. If you have some who profit from their dents, scrapes, and oil. The
kind of asset (equipment, Wealth, Energon, etc.) revolution was built on shoulders just like yours.
to barter with, you gain Edge on Deception and
Long Haul, a member of the original
Constructicons, grew up in the employ of the
Eenergon cube fabrication sites, and his job was

to carefully transport filled cubes from one place
to the next.

When using the skill most related to your job (see LONG HAUL
Table 2–7 below), you can never suffer more than
↓1 for any reason.

Always Hungry, I Don’t Get It, Subordinate

What part of the industrial refinery you worked at
dictates which skill you get your Perk bonus. Decide
or roll randomly on the table below to determine
which division at the refinery was your calling, and
what skill benefits from your Influence Perk.
1 Hauling Brawn or Driving
2 Cubing/Packing Athletics or Brawn
3 Distilling Science or Technology
4 Testing Science or Survival
5 Repairs Athletics or Technology
6 Heavy Rigs Brawn or Technology


1 I miss the good ol’ days at work.
2 I secretly wish I had gone into management at
the refinery.
3 I always want to try to fix things myself if I can.
4 There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t
remember one of my old work friends.
5 My chassis has some wear and tear on it from
the refinery days… and I like it.
6 When I left the refinery, I might have taken a few
illegal souvenirs.
7 My foreman was the worst, and now I have a
serious problem with authority.
8 I use hard work to hide my emotional troubles.
9 If someone else came up from the line like me, I
tend to trust their word.
10 I have a taste for the “dirty Energon” I used to
skim out of the toss bins.
11 My work ethic left me with a good reputation,
even amongst management.
12 If you need a minor menial task taken care of, I’ll
be happy to do it.




The Decepticons have made a vast number of
2 The Cabal of Unicron
enemies across the galaxies since their rise… and
you used to be one of them. That is, up until you 3-5 Cartharsians, Junkions, or other
mechanoid aliens
flipped your allegiance. You are a traitor to your
former faction, and no matter how deep you get 6-8 Autobots

in with the Decepticons, that fact will always 9-11 Rogue Cybertronian Mercenaries
stay with you. 12 Quintessons


Gnaw was once just another Sharkticon in the D12 BOND
employ of the Quintessons. This Energon-thirsty 1 I didn’t want to leave my old friends, but an
tornado of destruction now enjoys membership in accident forced me to.
the Predacons. 2 A Decepticon recruiter saved me from a certain
Spark-snuffing event.
INFLUENCE PERK 3 I hate my former allegiance.

You have had to fight against the odds to be 4 I maintain some communication with old friends.
accepted. Increase your Health by 1. 5 Joining the Decepticons was not my first
allegiance switch.
MANDATORY HANG-UP 6 My old mentor tried to stop me from flipping sides,
and now they surely hate me.
You will always be looked upon by your Decepticon
peers as a potential security risk; once a traitor, 7 I love to see my former allies fail without me.
always a traitor. This imposes ↓1 to all Social Skill 8 I have way too many stories from my former
Tests that target members of your own faction who allegiance.
know of your past allegiance. Additionally, the GM 9 I was blackmailed to turn traitor.
should note that your former allegiance likely has 10 I sometimes wonder if this was the right decision,
information and important tactical data about you. but what can I do now?
11 I will, one day, stand at Megatron’s side.
SUGGESTED CHARACTERISTICS 12 If the situation was right, I’d absolutely go
You had to have turned traitor from somewhere. back to them…
Either choose or roll randomly on the following
table to determine where your former allegiances you cannot take Free actions of any kind and suffer
once lay. ↓1 on all Skill Tests until the end of your next turn.

New Hang-Ups You aren’t the brightest cube in the Energon
These new Hang-Ups reflect some of the stockpile. Anyone trying to outsmart or fast-talk you
temperaments and difficulties of Decepticon gains Edge on their Skill Test to do so.
characters but could be used by other characters for
whom they might fit. SADISTIC
You enjoy kicking someone when they are down.
You suffer ↓1 on any attack that doesn’t target the
You suffer from a constant and nagging need foe suffering from the most Conditions.
to refuel. If given the opportunity, you will
occupy your free time with filling your tank with SHOW RESPECT
anything that might contain even the tiniest bit of You respect the soldiers of this bitter war, as well as
Energon in it! those who seem like they do the same. Whenever
a foe rolls a Critical Success on an Attack Skill Test,
you must salute and not attack that foe on your
You have a rage inside you that can barely be following turn unless they are the only foe present.
contained. The turn after you Fumble for any reason,





SOMETHING TO PROVE Where the existing Origins mostly represent a wide

You will do anything you can to gain favor in your variety of Cybertronian upbringings and styles,
commander’s eyes, suffering ↓1 on Skill Tests on any Decepticon Origins focus more on characters
turn after Fumbling in their line of sight. that often fall into the ranks of the Autobots’
longstanding enemies.
Autobots and Decepticons alike find it hard to trust Armory Call
you. This imposes ↓1 on all Social-based Skill Tests You have chosen your Alt Mode from the
you attempt against friend or foe alike. possibilities of handheld weaponry, high-powered
firearms, additional shielding, and more. You
Origins can better serve the cause by being wielded or
worn by another Decepticon, adding your special
Trying to control everything they touch, the brand of expertise to whomever can put your
Decepticons normally aim their recruitment talents to work.
methods on specific kinds of Cybertronians. They
seek out the overly passionate, the naturally violent, Examples of Armory Call Characters: Browning,
those instinctually driven toward the consumption Eaglebreast, Shockwave (Pre-Tank)
of resources, or even those crafted to serve the Essence Score Increase: Increase your Smarts
whims of Megatron’s inner circle. The Decepticon Essence by 1.
movement feeds off those who give in to their Origin Skill: Your understanding of the technology
emotions and their desires; specifically, those who your Alt Mode emulates is reflected in how well
will not allow themselves to be penned in by legal others can utilize it, allowing you an increase to
codes or social mores. your Survival or Technology skill, using the Smarts
The new Origins presented here follow Essence Score increase above.
essentially the same format as the Origins found Starting Health: 3
in the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core
Rulebook and represent options of the same Languages: Cybertronian, Adopted Earth
power level for characters. However, the tone of language, plus one additional language for every 3
the below Origins differs from previous Origins. points of Social you possess.

ORIGIN BENEFIT: IN THE RIGHT HANDS Limited Articulation: For all its advantages, your
Your Alt Mode is an item or piece of equipment that Alt Mode limits how easily you interact with the
someone else will wield or wear. You gain a benefit world around you. You cannot use skills that require
depending on your choice of Alt Mode. In addition, articulation or precision, such as Athletics and Finesse.
while being worn or wielded, you automatically Special Attack (Body Armor Segment): Body
grant the benefits of Lend Assistance to your Slam: Might skill, Reach (1 Blunt damage).
wielder/wearer with the skill listed in the Alt Mode Special Attack (Energy Firearm): Weapon Blast:
choices below; this takes no action on your part. Targeting skill, Range 60ft/100ft (2 Fire or Laser
These benefits are applicable only while you are in damage); Accurate (↑1).
your Alt Mode.
Special Attack (Handheld Shield): Shield Bash:
• Body Armor Segment: You and your wearer gain Might skill, Reach (1 Blunt damage); Knock Prone.
a +2 deflective bonus to both Toughness and
Evasion Defenses; Brawn Special Attack (Melee Weapon): Weapon Strike:
• Energy Firearm: None; Alertness Finesse or Might skill, Reach (2 Blunt or Sharp
damage); Multiple (2) Targets (↓1).
• Handheld Shield: Impose Snag on first attack
targeting wielder each turn; Might (Push/
Shove only) Drone
• Melee Weapon: None; Intimidation You are one of the many, a piece of the greater war
machine that is the Decepticons’ battle against
ARMORY CALL CHASSIS the legacy of the Primes. Created through a series
CONFIGURATIONS of advanced scientific processes and given the
Whether part of someone’s strong offense as a beginnings of your own Spark, you might seem
hand-cannon or the stalwart defense of a shield, like just a clone of another bot, but you are indeed
you convert into something that gives an ally an special in some specific way.
advantage in combat. Examples of Drone Characters: Head Guard,
Salvo, Sunstorm
Armory Call Bot Mode
Essence Score Increase: Increase the Essence of
You have the following benefits when in
your choice by 1.
your Bot Mode.
Origin Skill: Even though you are a copy of
Movement: 40 feet Ground
something else, your Spark is somehow unique
Size: Large and drawing away from the pack, allowing you an
Fine Motor: The additional joints and opposable increase any one skill. This skill training must be in
digits gained in Bot Mode allow you to use tools the Essence taken in your Essence Score increase.
and manipulate objects in ways that are impossible Starting Health: 3
in your Alt Mode.
Languages: Cybertronian, Adopted Earth
Armory Call Alt Mode language, plus one additional language for every 2
points of Smarts you possess.
You have the following benefits when in your Alt
Mode, some of which are different depending on ORIGIN BENEFIT: A HINT OF
your choice of Alt Mode form. Your Special Attack
can be performed only by your wearer or wielder.
Despite being a Drone, taking on the exact Alt Mode
Movement: 0 feet Ground (may move up to
of some other Origin (see below), you are something
10 feet in any direction as part of the conversion
special. Like the radiation powers of Sunstorm, the
process to and from this Alt Mode)
artistic sadism of Buzzsaw, or the tactical clarity of
Size: Small Head Guard, there is a tiny fragment of uniqueness
Crew: 1 (the wearer/wielder) found in your Spark. This is reflected by your
ability to choose any General Perk you meet the
Firepoints: 0
qualifications for at the end of character creation.



This uniqueness comes with a price however, as Drone Alt Mode

it is technically an error in the copying process. You have the following benefits when in
Choose or roll randomly on the following table to your Alt Mode.
determine what your specific imperfection is.
Movement: As copied Origin
TABLE 2–11: DRONE IMPERFECTIONS Size: As copied Origin
Crew: As copied Origin
1 Poor Energon Circulation: Your maximum Energon
Points is equal to your lowest Essence Score -1 Firepoints: As copied Origin
2 Fragile Chassis: You have a -1 penalty to your Limited Articulation: For all its advantages, this
Toughness Defense
aerodynamic shape limits how easily you interact
3 Stress Leak: Choose an Element type, one random with the world around you. You cannot use skills
creature or object adjacent to you takes 1 damage
of that type when you Fumble a Skill Test that require articulation or precision, such as
Athletics and Finesse.
4 Vulnerability: Choose a damage type, your
Toughness Defense is halved (round up) to Special Attack: As copied Origin
that damage
5 Energon Hunger: Anytime you regenerate Energon,
roll 1d4; on a 4, you regenerate 1 less than the Insecticon
normal amount
You come from a long line of Cybertronian with
6 Slow Conversion: Converting Modes takes an entire
turn’s worth of your actions
roots in the primal forces that shaped entire planets;
the Swarm is as much a part of you as you are of
7 Fiercely Independent: You never benefit from
someone else’s Lend Assistance actions (but you it. You know the hunger of all your siblings, the
can Lend Assistance normally) insidious gnawing cold in your cogs for even the
8 Weak-Willed: All Deception and Persuasion Skill smallest trickle of Energon. Luckily for you, the
Tests that target you gain Edge Insecticons have evolved to make the most out of
every bit they can get their mandibles on.
Examples of Insecticon Characters: Bombshell,
As a Drone, you look identical to whatever Kickback, Shrapnel
Decepticon you are a copy of, although likely
with a different-colored or patterned chassis. This Essence Score Increase: Increase your Strength
includes that Decepticon’s Bot and Alt Modes. Essence by 1.
Choose another Origin; all your Bot and Alt Mode Origin Skill: Primal insectoid power flows through
statistics are based upon that copied Origin. you, allowing you an increase to your Athletics
or Brawn Skill, using the Strength Essence Score
Drone Bot Mode
increase above.
You have the following benefits when in
Starting Health: 3
your Bot Mode.
Languages: Cybertronian, Insecticon, Adopted
Movement: As copied Origin
Earth language, plus one additional language for
Size: As copied Origin every 3 points of Social you possess.
Fine Motor: The additional joints and opposable
digits gained in Bot Mode allow you to use tools
and manipulate objects in ways that are impossible COMPONENTS
in your Alt Mode. As a strain of Cybertronian that can trace its lineage
back to ancient swarms, you have natural armor
that grants a +2 deflective bonus to your Toughness
Defense. Additionally, you gain ↑2 on Brawn Skill
Tests in your Alt Mode. It should be noted that
Insecticon Alt Modes rarely, if ever, gain the bonus
to Infiltration that most other Alt Modes offer.

INSECTICON CHASSIS Origin Skill: Your size and flexible frame is made
CONFIGURATIONS from lightweight metal, allowing you an increase to
your Acrobatics or Initiative Skill, using the Speed
Your Alt Mode is that of an oversized arthropod Essence Score increase above.
common to the area you inhabit. Of Insecticons
found on Earth, this could range from beetle and Starting Health: 2
locust to wasp and even scorpion. Languages: Cybertronian, Adopted Earth
language, plus one additional language for every 3
Insecticon Bot Mode
points of Social you possess.
You have the following benefits when in
Movement: 30 feet Ground Your Bot Mode is lighter and more agile than that
of other mechanoid beings, as reflected in your
Size: Large
Essence bonus and size. You gain an additional
Fine Motor: The additional joints and opposable different benefit depending on your choice of Alt
digits gained in Bot Mode allow you to use tools Mode; these benefits are applicable only while you
and manipulate objects. are in your Alt Mode.
Insecticon Alt Mode • Firearm Enhancement Module: When you Lend
Assistance to Targeting Skill Tests attempted by
You have the following benefits when in
the ally wielding the weapon to which you are
your Alt Mode.
attached, you can also spend 1 Energon Point to
Movement: 30 feet Ground and 40 feet Aerial increase the damage of the attack by 1.
Size: Long • Mini-Cassette: You can join with your linked
Modemaster as a Free action. You also gain Edge
Crew: 0
on Skill Tests to hide or eavesdrop.
Firepoints: 0 • Mini-Vehicle (Ground): Grant the Accurate (↑1)
Fine Motor: The additional joints and opposable Trait to 1 Hardpoint Weapon.
digits available in Alt Mode allow you to use tools • Mini-Vehicle (Aerial): Grant the Blast (5ft radius)
and manipulate objects. effect to 1 Hardpoint Weapon.
Special Attack: Using biting mandibles, crushing • Power Conduit: You can join with an ally. When
claws, bashing proboscis, or other arthropodal you do so, you can spend 1 Energon Point as a
natural weapons, you have the following special Move action to grant that ally ↑1 to one Skill Test
attack: Unarmed Strike: Might skill, Reach (1 they attempt or 5 feet of Movement during their
Blunt damage) next turn.


Mini-Con Your Bot Mode can range in appearance from that
Not all Cybertronians are towering hulks of metal. of a humanoid robot to that of a bird or beast; this
Some are relatively small bots among the masses. has little effect on your abilities. Your Alt Modes
Traditionally, Mini-Cons have served as sidekicks, must be chosen from the following: a mini-cassette
assistants, augmentative cohorts, and other minions. that works with a specific kind of Modemaster (see
But not you. The Decepticon drive to stand up for the Role in the Transformers Roleplaying Game
yourself is strong in you, and while you don’t stand Core Rulebook), an augmentative power conduit, a
tall, you can stand proud. firearm enhancing module, or a miniature vehicle.
Examples of Mini-Con Characters: Fistfight,
Frenzy, Nickel
Essence Score Increase: Increase your Speed
Essence by 1.



Mini-Con Bot Mode Monstrosity

You have the following benefits when in You have a Spark that burns brighter and hotter than
your Bot Mode. most so-called civilized bots. Where others set their
Movement: 30 feet Ground or 30 feet Aerial T-cogs to take on the forms of racers, planes, tanks,
Size: Common and more… your fire forged your shape into that
of a great beast, a vicious thing from the ancient
Fine Motor: The additional joints and opposable times and stories from across the cosmos. It is so
digits gained in Bot Mode allow you to use tools ingrained in your Spark to be this beast that you are
and manipulate objects in ways that are impossible almost more comfortable living in a storm of teeth
in your Alt Mode. and claws than existing as a common citizen.
Special Attack: Natural Weapon: Might or Finesse Examples of Monstrosity Characters: Airachnid,
skill, Reach (1 Blunt or Sharp damage) Headstrong, Sinnertwin
Mini-Con Alt Mode Essence Score Increase: Increase your Strength
You have the following benefits when in your Alt Essence by 1.
Mode, some of which are different depending on Origin Skill: Your fury is palpable, and your body
your choice of Alt Mode form. is full of untapped rage, allowing you an increase
Movement (Firearm Enhancement Module, to your Brawn or Might Skill, using the Strength
Mini-Cassette, Power Conduit): 0 feet Ground Essence Score increase above.
(may move up to 10ft in any direction as part of the Starting Health: 4
conversion process to and from this Alt Mode)
Languages: Cybertronian, plus one additional
Movement (Mini-Vehicle): 40 feet Ground or 40 language for every 2 points of Social you possess.
feet Aerial
Size (Firearm Enhancement Module, Mini-
Cassette, Power Conduit): Small You are driven by a predator’s instincts when you
give into your Spark’s nature. In your Alt Mode, your
Size (Mini-Vehicle): Common
Unarmed Attacks are considered Natural Attacks,
Crew (Firearm Enhancement Module, Mini- inflict Sharp or Blunt damage (based on the attack),
Cassette, Power Conduit): 0 and have the Accurate (↑1) Trait.
Crew (Mini-Vehicle): 1
Firepoints (Firearm Enhancement Module, Mini- CONFIGURATIONS
Cassette, Power Conduit): 0
Your Alt Form is one of a beast, whether a real
Firepoints (Mini-Vehicle): 1 creature like a lion or condor, or a legend and myth
Limited Articulation (All): For all its advantages, like a dragon or griffon, or even creature that once
this aerodynamic shape limits how easily you lived, like a dinosaur. Depending on your planet
interact with the world around you. You cannot uses of origin, you might even take on the form of an
skills that require articulation or precision, such as alien organism.
Athletics and Finesse.
Monstrosity Bot Mode
Special Attack (Firearm Enhancement Module,
Mini-Cassette, Power Conduit): None You have the following benefits when in
your Bot Mode.
Special Attack (Mini-Vehicle): Ram: Driving skill,
Reach (1 Blunt damage); Maneuver Movement: 35 feet Ground
Size: Huge
Fine Motor: The additional joints and opposable
digits gained in Bot Mode allow you to use tools
and manipulate objects in ways that are impossible
in your Alt Mode.

Monstrosity Alt Mode Salvaged
You have the following benefits when in Seeing the worlds’ refuse, scrap, and junk as a
your Alt Mode. potential resource, you are among those mechanoid
Movement: 40 feet Ground or 40 feet Aerial or 40 beings who know the best way to use it. Whether
feet Aquatic repairing damage or augmenting yourself with
Size: Huge or Extended objects that might seem like lost causes to others,
you are a master at recycling the parts left behind.
Crew: 0 This is true even if you were the one that made the
Firepoints: 0 spare parts in the first place!
Bestial Articulation: For all its advantages, your Examples of Salvaged characters: Recyclons,
creature shape limits how easily you interact with Rum-Maj, Scrapheap
the world around you. You must use body parts Essence Score Increase: Increase your Smarts
not designed for articulation or precision, such as Essence by 1.
mouths, claws, or hooves to perform certain tasks.
Whenever this applies, you suffer a penalty of ↓1. Origin Skill: You see blueprints and engineering in
the strangest resources, allowing you an increase to
Special Attack: Using a fang-filled mouth, talons, your Survival or Technology Skill, using the Smarts
claws, horns, tail spikes, or other bestial natural Essence Score increase above.
weapons, you have the following special attack:
Natural Weapon: Might skill, Reach (1 Blunt or Starting Health: 3
Sharp damage); Maneuver alternate effect Languages: Cybertronian, Junkian, plus one
additional language for every 2 points of Smarts
you possess.





Role Options
From throngs of bullying criminals to creative
You are adept at using metallic scrap, plastic debris, engineers, aerospace warriors to robotic monsters,
and similar inorganic refuse in a variety of different and weapon and Energon specialists of all kinds,
ways. By succeeding in a DIF 12 Technology Skill Decepticons are truly varied. Because greater
Test that takes 2d6 × 5 minutes, you can emulate numbers can often turn the tide in a moment
any single piece of equipment, weapon upgrade, or of conflict, the Decepticons often recruit new
armor upgrade (of no greater than Limited Access) members as soon as they seem remotely interested
using such materials. The emulated item functions and find a place for them in Megatron’s plans when
for a single scene. the dust next settles.
SALVAGED CHASSIS Below are 14 new Focus options, two for each
CONFIGURATIONS of the Transformer Roleplaying Game Core
Rulebook’s 7 Roles. Each new Focus centers around
Your need to be able to traverse potential a concept ideal for Decepticon characters but can
collections of trash and discarded items requires also be used to make tarnished Autobot characters
all-terrain capabilities, so your Alt Mode likely has as well. Additionally, Roles with Perks heavily tied
spiked wheels, ridged treads, or scalloped tires. to heroic morality get replacement Perks. After the
Salvaged Bot Mode new Focus options, this book also introduces a new
primarily-Decepticon Role—the Raider—and its
You have the following benefits when in two Focus options.
your Bot Mode.
Discuss with your GM if you feel your Decepticon
Movement: 35 feet Ground character concept works better with the original
Size: Large Role, Focus, or Role Perk, or if your Autobot
Fine Motor: The additional joints and opposable character concept works better with these new or
digits gained in Bot Mode allow you to use tools replacement assets.
and manipulate objects in ways that are impossible
in your Alt Mode. Replacement Faction Perk
Salvaged Alt Mode Just as each Autobot character created using the
rules from the Transformers Roleplaying Game
You have the following benefits when in
Core Rulebook has the For the Allspark! Perk, each
your Alt Mode.
Decepticon character created using the information
Movement: 45 feet Ground found in this sourcebook instead has the Hail
Size: Long Megatron! Perk. While similar in many ways, the
new Perk highlights the different moralities and
Crew: 1 priorities of the two factions.
Firepoints: 1
Limited Articulation: For all its advantages, this
aerodynamic shape limits how easily you interact Decepticons are used to being the toughest and
with the world around you. You cannot use skills meanest Cybertronians in the room, on the road,
that require articulation or precision, such as or in the skies. Like Autobots, they are living robots
Athletics and Finesse. that change their forms, but they care little about
not standing out or frightening humanity.
Special Attack: Spiked Ram: Driving skill, Reach
(1 Sharp damage); Maneuver alternate effect Every Decepticon character gains the
following benefits:
• ↑1 to Infiltration Skill Tests when in Alt Mode,
or ↑2 if the Alt Mode is appropriate to the

• ↑1 to Intimidation Skill Tests
when in Bot Mode and targeting
Cybertronians of smaller Size class.
• Immunity to carbon-based diseases
but affected by electromagnetic
damage and viruses that
affect machines.
• One Standard Issue Decepticon
Equipment Package (see page 69).
• Decepticons, Attack!: If you or
your allies are the instigators of a
fight, you can choose to gain ↑1 to
your Initiative Skill Test or to your
first Attack Skill Test during the first
round of combat.

Using information as a resource, an
Analyst is the collector and wielder
of information. Decepticon Analysts
are masters at ripping data from any
source, finding the most insidious
ways to use it, and putting that
information in play against their foes.

The following are examples of
Decepticon Analyst characters:
• Mindwipe
• Nightbeat
• Vortex

Decepticon Analysts gain the
following replacement Perks in place
of certain Analyst Perks listed in the
Transformers Roleplaying Game
Core Rulebook.
Cybertronian Perk
Taking Advantage: At the beginning
of every round of combat after the
first, you can spend an Energon Point
to immediately change your position
in the Initiative order to immediately
follow any enemy that failed any Skill MINDWIPE
Test on the previous turn.
This replaces Work the Numbers.



Spark Interrogation a Move action to emit a feedback field. While the

You are skilled at yanking information out of the field is active, all non-allied communications and
living as well as the destroyed. This modified data transfers in the scene are partially jammed and
Perk functions in the same fashion as Postmortem require a successful Technology Skill Test against
Interrogation, but the Analyst can choose to attempt your Willpower Defense by the sender or receiver
the Skill Test with Snag to target Restrained or (whichever is closer to you at the time).
Defeated Cybertronians. False Data
This modifies Postmortem Interrogation. Your specialization in data misdirection has become
NEW ANALYST FOCUS OPTIONS partially weaponized. Upon reaching 6th level, you
become automatically fluent in a special Encryption
Choose how your Analyst excels, picking either one language that requires either a transmission
of the two focuses presented in the Transformers key from you or a successful DIF 18 Alertness
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (Manipulator or (Investigation) Skill Test to decipher. Additionally,
Spec Ops) or one of these two new Analyst Focus if you have successfully used the Comms Probe
options: Corruptor, an Analyst that specializes in Perk, you can choose to roll a Deception Skill Test
toxifying information; and Inquisitor, an Analyst to completely change the data and information
who exploits hidden tells in others’ behaviors being transmitted into something of your choosing
and actions. and preparation; the result becomes the DIF of an
Corruptor Alertness (Investigation) Skill Test for anyone trying
to determine if the information is false.
Corruptor Analysts take data and information from
various sources and finds ways to change them into Eidetic Buffer
traps and tools against their enemies. Your internal data storage is seemingly limitless.
Essence Increase: Increase your Smarts Essence by At 10th level, you can choose three additional
1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level. languages to become fluent in. Additionally, you
can always attempt a DIF 14 Alertness Skill Test
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these
to remember a specific fact or previously learned
skills when your Focus gives you an Essence
piece of information. GMs should understand the
increase: Culture, Science, or Technology.
potential power this Perk can represent and work
TABLE 2–12: CORRUPTOR FOCUS with you to recall useful information.
Comms Assault
1st Comms Probe
You have truly weaponized data transmissions.
3rd Feedback Field
At 17th level, you can focus powerful, painful
6th False Data “slush data” into the processors of your mechanoid
10th Eidetic Buffer enemies. By spending an Energon Point and a
17th Comms Assault Standard action, you can blast all non-allied
20th Scramble Wave communications receivers within 100 feet with
a Technology-based attack versus either a DIF
Comms Probe 14 or the target’s Toughness Defense (ignoring
You are the ultimate electronic eavesdropper. If bonuses provided by armor). This attack inflicts 1
you are within 10 feet of an electronic device that Electromagnetic damage and imposes the Stunned
is sending or receiving messages, you can spend a Condition on the target until the end of their
Free action and attempt a DIF 12 Technology Skill next turn.
Test to tap into the data pathways and receive a
Scramble Wave
copy of the information in question.
The electronic warfare at your disposal has reached
Feedback Field a new height. Upon reaching 20th level, you add 1
By understanding how data is transferred from one Electromagnetic damage and “Critical Effect: Target
device to another, you can complicate the process. is Stunned until the end of their next turn” to all
At 3rd level, you can spend an Energon Point and your attacks.


VORTEX Painmonger
One of the fastest ways to get a target to open up is
to cause them discomfort. At 3rd level, you know
how to inflict physical anguish in a multitude of
different ways. Any of your attacks or game effects
that inflict Stun also impose the Impaired Condition
on a target until the end of the target’s next turn.
Shatter Resolve
You are an expert at prying through someone’s mental
and emotional deflections. Upon reaching 6th level, all
Willpower and Cleverness Defenses take a –2 penalty
against your Deception and Persuasion Skill Tests.
Instill Weakness
Using chemicals, energy, and other advanced tools,
you know how to make someone vulnerable to
certain stimuli. At 10th level, you gain a unique
piece of standard equipment (such as an injector
pistol or a harmonic analyzer) that you can wield
in one hand (or external hardpoint). As a Standard
action while wielding this tool, you can target a
creature within your line of sight and attempt a
Inquisitor Technology Skill Test against their Evasion Defense.
On a success, spend 1 Energon Point and choose
Inquisitor Analysts rip the secrets and information
a type of damage. All attacks or actions against the
from their targets, often leaving unthinking husks of
target that deal that type of damage gain Edge for
robots in their wake.
the remainder of the scene.
Essence Increase: Increase your Social Essence by
1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level. Paralytic Probe

Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these You know how the Spark’s energies move inside
skills when your Focus gives you an Essence your potential prey. At 17th level, you can spend
Increase: Animal Handling, Deception, or one or more Energon Points to add Stun 2 (per
Persuasion. Energon Point) to a Finesse- or Might-based
Unarmed attack. The Energon Points must be spent
TABLE 2–13: INQUISITOR FOCUS before the attack roll is made.
Collection of Secrets
1st Loaded Questions
The many victims who have opened up to you
3rd Painmonger
(willing or not) have added to your vast repertoire of
6th Shatter Resolve
secrets. At 20th level, when you spend a Story Point
10th Instill Weakness to receive a clue, you gain Edge on all Smarts- and
17th Paralytic Probe Social-based Skill Tests to act on that information.
20th Collection of Secrets This bonus lasts until the end of the session.
Loaded Questions
You know the best ways to navigate and manipulate
a conversation to your own ends. This is especially
true when a target doesn’t realize this is happening.
If you target the same creature with your Deception
and/or Persuasion Skill Tests in a single scene, you
gain a cumulative ↑1 with each Skill Test.




The leaders of masses of soldiers and mission teams, Decepticon Field Commanders gain the following
Decepticon Field Commanders are enforcers of replacement Perks in place of certain Field
the concept of might equals right. They do not shy Commander Perks listed in the Transformers
away from conflict. Instead, they inspire their forces Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
from the front lines, and leave those unfit to serve as Cybertronian Perk
sacrifices to victory.
Show Them Who’s in Charge: Once per scene,
DECEPTICON EXAMPLES when at least one ally is within 20 feet of you and
The following are examples of Decepticon Field you are not surprised, you can cause an attack
Commanders characters: targeting you to suffer Snag. If the attack still hits
you and deals damage, you gain Edge on your next
• Bombshell attack against the creature that damaged you, as
• Galvatron long as that attack is made before the end of your
• Starscream next turn.
This replaces Never Forsaken.
Do as I Say!

STARSCREAM Even your enemies respect the

command in your voice. At 2nd
level, as a Standard action, you
can spend an Energon Point and
attempt an Intimidation Skill Test
against the Willpower Defense of
a target whose level is equal to or
lower than yours. On a success,
you give the target a short order,
such as “grab the Energon cubes”
or “drop your weapon.” As long
as the order does not put the
target in lethal harm’s way, violate
one of the target’s core beliefs,
and can be accomplished with a
Move action, they use their Move
action to follow the command
to the best of their ability for a
number of rounds equal to the
number of Skill Points you have
spent in Intimidation.
This replaces Irrefutable Order.
Might is Right
You thrive when wielding your
voice as a forceful tool. At 13th
level, whenever you attempt
an Intimidation Skill Test, you
can score a Critical Success
with the d2.
This replaces Let Cool
Heads Prevail.

NEW FIELD COMMANDER FOCUS success, the next attack you make against that target
OPTIONS gains Edge. Each time you attempt to use this ability
on the same target during the same scene, you
Choose how your Field Commander excels, picking suffer a cumulative ↓1.
either one of the two focuses presented in the
Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook Dubious Tactics
(Ambassador or Strategist) or one of these two new Whether you plan it or not, sometimes your
Field Commander Focus options: Mastermind, a strategies leave your allies a bit exposed. Upon
Field Commander that thrives on deception; and reaching 10th level, when you Issue a Command,
Tyrant, a Field Commander that relies on strength an ally can triple the bonus provided if they also
and fear to lord over their subordinates. accept a penalty you pick that lasts until the end of
Mastermind your next turn. Examples of penalties include:

Mastermind Field Commanders cook up devious • –1 to all Defenses

schemes to get their teams in and out of trouble. • –10ft to all their Movements
When a Mastermind leads, though, no one is really • ↓1 to all Skill Tests not directly related to
safe from their deceits, be they friend or foe. the command
Essence Increase: Increase your Social Essence by Arrogant Outrage
1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level.
You rail at the temerity of your enemies who try to
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these manipulate you! At 17th level, attacks that target
skills when your Focus gives you an Essence your Willpower or Cleverness suffer Snag.
increase: Deception, Persuasion, or Streetwise.
My Allies are My Shield
You feel safer when surrounded by those whom you
LEVEL PERK command. Until you need to flee, that is. At 20th
1st Well-Oiled Tongue level, you gain +1 to your Defenses for every ally
3rd Lead from the Rear within 30 feet. As a Free action, you can reduce
6th Empty Gesture this bonus by 1 to grant yourself an extra 10 feet of
10th Dubious Tactics Movement.
17th Arrogant Outrage Tyrant
20th My Allies are My Shield
Tyrant Field Commanders are a powerhouses of
Well-Oiled Tongue fear and physical threats, wielding others’ lack
of courage or bravery with the efficacy of an
You are adept at lying to get your way, and you are Energon weapon.
rarely caught out in your falsehoods. You can spend
an Energon Point to modify a failed Deception Skill Essence Increase: Increase your Strength Essence
Test. If the roll was a Fumble, it becomes a standard by 1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level.
failure. If it was a failure, you can reroll the Skill Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these
Test, but the result can’t be a Critical Success. skills when your Focus gives you an Essence
increase: Brawn, Conditioning, or Intimidation.
Lead from the Rear
You lead best from behind the front lines. At 3rd level, TABLE 2–15: TYRANT FOCUS
you can Issue a Command as a Free action if there are LEVEL PERK
no enemies closer to you than any of your allies. 1st Fearsome Voice
3rd Show of Force
Empty Gesture
6th Make an Example
You can lull enemy forces into a false sense of
10th No Excuses
security with a few well-placed words. At 6th level,
as a Move action, you can attempt a Deception 17th One Last Chance
(Bluffing) Skill Test against the Willpower Defense 20th No Mercy!
of an enemy within 60 feet who can see you. On a



Fearsome Voice Make an Example

Fear is just another weapon in your arsenal. There is nothing you enjoy more than sending a
You gain the following attack: Fearsome Voice shockwave of fear and terror through the ranks of
(Intimidation vs. Willpower): Range 20ft/60ft (Stun the enemy after dispatching one of them. Upon
1); Critical Effect: Target is Frightened until the end reaching 6th level, after Defeating a creature, you
of their next turn. This attack can only be used can spend a Free action to immediately perform
against a target that can currently hear your words a special version of your Fearsome Voice attack
and/or see your body language. that targets all foes within 30 feet of the Defeated
creature with a single Skill Test.
Show of Force
Others fear you more when they see how terrifying No Excuses
you are in combat. At 3rd level, you automatically Your fearsome reputation has spread throughout
add “Critical Effect: All enemies within 20ft are the ranks of your faction. At 10th level, when you
Frightened until the end of their next turn” to all of Issue a Command, each of your allies can spend an
your Might-based attacks. Energon Point to double the bonus granted due to
your command.
One Last Chance
No one fails you… more than once. When you
reach 17th level, once per scene when an ally
in the same scene as you and is acting on your
orders (or orders that you are also following
at the GM’s discretion) fails a Skill Test, they
can reroll any of the dice involved. They must
accept the second result.
No Mercy!
You command the battlefield with an
unyielding grasp, and you will never let your
enemies forget it. At 20th level, you gain Edge
on any Skill Test that targets a Frightened,
Impaired, or Stunned creature. If you would
already have Edge on this roll, you can
reroll any one die, but you must accept the
second result.

Firepower is often a Cybertronian’s best friend
in a conflict, and the Gunner brings it in
spades. Decepticon Gunners have itchy trigger
fingers, figuratively speaking, and believe in
the concept of overwhelming munition output,
regardless of collateral damage.

The following are examples of Decepticon
Gunner characters:
• Hailstorm
• Quake

GALVATRON • Thunderblast

Decepticon Gunners gain the following
replacement Perks in place of certain Gunner
Perks listed in the Transformers Roleplaying Game
Core Rulebook.
Nowhere to Run
When you pour on the firepower, nothing in range
of your weaponry is safe. At 9th level, when you
take a Free action to aim, you can forgo the ↑1
bonus to instead ignore the Snag penalty imposed
from firing a weapon beyond its normal range.
If you would already ignore this penalty (such as
through the Sharpshooter Focus’s Long Shot Perk),
you gain Edge on the attack. You can still spend
additional Free actions to gain up to ↑3 per turn.
This replaces Worth a Shot.
Nowhere to Hide
You laugh at the meager protections that terrain
might offer your foes. At 14th level, when you take
a Free action to aim, you can forgo the ↑1 bonus to
treat a target in total cover as having only normal
cover. You can still spend additional Free actions
to gain up to ↑3 per turn or use your Nowhere
to Run Perk.
This replaces Worth Another Shot. THUNDERBLAST
Choose how your Gunner excels, picking either one TABLE 2–16: CANNONADE FOCUS
of the two focuses presented in the Transformers LEVEL PERK
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (Gunslinger or 1st Explosive Ammo
Sharpshooter) or one of these two new Gunner 3rd Focused Blast
Focus options: Cannonade, a Gunner that focuses 6th Tooled Munitions
its efforts on projectile explosives and weaponry 10th Homing Shots
with areas of effect; and Triggerbot, a Gunner that
17th Backblast
tactically uses a single, heavier weapon.
20th Firestorm
Explosive Ammo
Cannonade Gunners are masters of directing
explosions and saturation bombing a foe with area You are constantly reconfiguring your weapons to
of effect munitions. fire explosive munitions. As a Free action, you can
spend an Energon Point to add an area of effect of
Essence Increase: Increase your Strength Essence a 10-foot-radius blast to a single ranged weapon or
by 1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level. increase the existing radius of a weapon that deals
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these damage in a blast by 5 feet. This effect lasts until
skills when your Focus gives you an Essence you roll a Fumble with the weapon, at which point
increase: Athletics, Brawn, or Intimidation. the altered ammunition runs out.



Focused Blast Firestorm
By making some minor trajectory calculations and Converting your weapons to unleash a veritable
weapon modifications, you can focus an explosive swarm of projectiles, you can fill a remarkable area
weapon onto a single target for enhanced effects. with devastation. At 20th level, you can spend an
Starting at 3rd level, you can choose to forgo a Energon Point as a Free action to further augment
weapon’s blast area of effect to gain a ↑1 to the any weapon that you’ve already altered with your
attack or to deal +1 damage with that weapon. Explosive Ammo Perk. The next time you attack
with this weapon, you triple the radius of its blast
Tooled Munitions
area of effect, though doing so ends the benefits of
Using advanced weapon science, you know how Explosive Ammo.
to adjust what kinds of payloads you can unleash
upon the enemy. On reaching 6th level, you gain Triggerbot
the ability to further adjust your weapon munitions. Triggerbot Gunners focus their training and
Whenever you use your Explosive Ammo Perk, you technological adjustments to a single, two-handed,
can also change the type of damage the weapon heavy weapon.
does to any kind of Element damage (in addition to Essence Increase: Increase your Speed Essence by
adding or changing the area of effect). 1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level.
Homing Shots Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these
Many Cybertronians produce their own ammunition for skills when your Focus gives you an Essence
their weapons. When you do so, you also infuse it with increase: Finesse, Initiative, or Targeting.
a tiny piece of your own Spark, giving you an instinctual TABLE 2–17: TRIGGERBOT FOCUS
command over their trajectories. At 10th level, you may
reroll any single die that is part of a ranged attack using
a weapon with the Consumable or Wrecker trait. 1st Favorite Weapon
3rd Down the Barrel
6th Steady Firepower
Your rocket and missile launchers can be adjusted to 10th Fast Tracking
roast anyone who gets too close to you when you are 17th Ricochet
firing. Starting at 17th level, you can choose to reduce
20th Target-Rich Environment
the range of any weapon that deals damage in a blast
area of effect by half (round up). When you do so, all
creatures within 5 feet of you when you attack with
that weapon take 1 Fire damage unless the attack
Fumbles, in which case you take the 1 Fire damage.

Favorite Weapon
Your weapon of choice is like an old friend in your
hands. You may have even given it a name. Choose
any two-handed, non-Integrated, Targeting-based
weapon without an area of effect to be your favorite
weapon. When making attacks with your favorite
weapon, you always gain ↑1.
Down the Barrel
You wield your weapon as an extension of yourself,
and it shows. At 3rd level, you gain Edge on all
Intimidation and Persuasion Skill Tests when you are
wielding your favorite weapon.
Steady Firepower
As long as you keep laying on the trigger, your
enemies find it harder to escape your blasts. Upon
reaching 6th level, your attacks with your favorite
weapon treat your targets’ Defenses as cumulatively
1 lower for each subsequent attack made against
the same target. For example, if you have made two Modemaster
consecutive attacks at the same target, the third
Pushing the limits of their T-cogs, the Decepticon
attack will treat the target’s Defenses as 2 lower, the
Modemasters are Cybertronians with remarkable
fourth consecutive attack as 3 lower, and so on.
potential, whether it is taking on different Alt Modes
Fast Tracking to solve specific problems or becoming a veritable
When you are ready, you can send powerful blasts hive of stored Mini-Cons.
between the ticks of the clock. At 10th level, any DECEPTICON EXAMPLES
attack action you make with your favorite weapon
as part of a Contingency action is made with Edge. The following are examples of Decepticon
Modemaster characters:
• Hexadeathimal
By altering the penetration levels of your weapon • Sixshot
and taking expertly angled shots, you can make • Soundwave
your weapon defy the laws of physics. At 17th
level, once per turn when making an attack using REPLACEMENT PERKS
your favorite weapon, you can angle your shot so it Decepticon Modemasters gain the following
comes at your target unexpectedly. By taking a ↓1 replacement Perks in place of certain Modemaster
penalty to the attack, you can target an enemy that Perks listed in the Transformers Roleplaying Game
you are aware of but don’t have line of sight on; if Core Rulebook.
this attack hits, it deals 1 additional damage.
Cybertronian Perk
Target-Rich Environment
Cog Flexibility: Your T-cog and other internal
When you want to, you become a living turret of mechanisms are even more evolved than those
destruction. At 20th level, once per scene, you can of others with similar capabilities, likely from
spend a Story Point to make a single attack with generations of forced alterations. You receive an
your favorite weapon against every enemy within additional Free action each turn, which can only be
normal range. This requires all you to spend an used to convert Modes or interact with Mini-Cons.
entire turn’s worth of actions.
This replaces Fully Hybrid.



Offensive Conversion When a rule mentions “your Alt Mode,” assume

You keep your surroundings in mind as you convert it applies to only one of your Alt Modes, either your
Modes. Starting at 13th level, whenever you convert current Alt Mode, or the Alt Mode of your choice if
Modes as a Standard action, you are allowed you’re in Bot Mode when the rule comes into play.
to make a single attack after the conversion is When you gain a Perk that applies to an Alt Mode,
complete as part of the process. you must choose which Alt Mode it applies to when
you gain the Perk and make note of it.
This replaces Helical Spring.
Flexible Switch
You know how to modify your T-cog to help you
Choose how your Modemaster excels, picking convert quickly between Alt Modes. At 3rd level,
either one of the two focuses presented in the you gain the benefits of the Quick Change General
Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook Perk that applies only to a conversion sequence
(Microlinked or Triple Changer) or one of these from one Alt Mode to another. You can spend 10
two new Modemaster Focus options: Mimic, a minutes outside of combat to alter which two of
Modemaster that collects numerous Alt Modes your Alt Modes this Perk applies to; this benefit lasts
to better blend into any situation; and Minion until you change it by spending another 10 minutes.
Master, a Modemaster that focuses their efforts on
augmenting their Mini-Con minions. Imaginative Engineering

Mimic Your body’s internal capabilities are remarkable,

to say the least. Upon reaching 6th level, you can
Mimic Modemasters adopt many Alt Modes force your body parts into a variety of necessary
with many purposes, each one specializing in a shapes and sizes to perform different tasks. The first
certain utility. time each round you spend an Energon Point to
Essence Increase: Increase any one of your gain ↑1 on a Skill Test, you gain ↑2 instead.
Essence Scores by 1 at 1st level, and again at
Alt Mode Mastery
10th level.
You have evolved fully into one of the famed “six-
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in any one skill
changers.” At 10th level, expand your Alt Mode
tied to the Essence Score you increased.
library by selecting a fourth and a fifth Alt Mode.
TABLE 2–18: MIMIC FOCUS This follows all the same rules and limitations as the
LEVEL PERK Alt Mode Mimicry Role Perk.
1st Alt Mode Mimicry Modify Defense
3rd Flexible Switch
Subtle shifts in your external chassis can make you
6th Imaginative Engineering difficult to injure. Upon reaching 17th level, you
10th Alt Mode Mastery learn how to adjust your physical Defense Values.
17th Modify Defense As a Free action, you may subtract up to 5 points
20th Ultimate Utility from either your Toughness or Evasion Defense and
add the same amount to the other Defense’s value.
Alt Mode Mimicry This modification lasts until you convert into any
You have expanded your Alt Mode capabilities. other Mode from your current one.
You gain two additional Alt Modes. Choose two For example, Sixshot is currently in his armored
chassis tied to different Origins. You gain the carrier Alt Mode and wants to weather the effects
Alt Mode benefits of those Chassis as a second of a raging forest fire. He subtracts 3 points from
and third choice when you convert. You cannot his current Evasion to add 3 points to his Toughness
choose a chassis whose Alt Mode Size is two Defense; these altered values last until he is done
Size Classes larger than the Alt Mode Size of your driving through the blaze, converting into his wolf
original chassis. Alt Mode to attack the Autobots trying to put the
fires out!

Ultimate Utility TABLE 2–19: MINION MASTER FOCUS
Your body is the ultimate collection of useful LEVEL PERK
implements. At 20th level, you can partially convert 1st Mini-Con Affinity
pieces of your body to perform an endless number 3rd Mini-Con Hub
of augmentative tasks. You can, by spending an 6th Command & Control
Energon Point, gain temporary access to a minor
10th Mini-Con Master
piece of equipment or tool useful in the scene. This
17th Reinforced Bond
is a similar benefit you can gain by spending a Story
Point (see page 105 of the Transformers Roleplaying 20th Loyal Minions

Game Core Rulebook), but costs an Energon Point Mini-Con Affinity

instead of a Story Point.
You gain two Mini-Con allies that operate as
Minion Master described on page 75 of the Transformers
Minion Master Modemasters are mobile Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, with the
headquarters of Mini-Con minions that benefit from following exceptions:
their specialization. • These Mini-Con allies and any others you gain
Essence Increase: Increase your Social Essence by must have the same Alt Mode. Choose one of
1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level. the following Alt Modes (or work with your GM
to create a new Alt Mode): firearm enhancement
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these module, mini-cassette, mini-vehicle, or
skills when your Focus gives you an Essence power conduit.
increase: Animal Handling, Persuasion, or
• Each Mini-Con ally you link with grants you only
1 Health (instead of 2).




Mini-Con Hub can spend a Free action to attempt a DIF

Your docking capabilities for Mini-Cons are 10 Intimidation (Command) or Persuasion
enhanced. At 3rd level, you gain another Mini-Con (Leadership) Skill Test to tell your currently
ally of the same Alt Mode as the others. When you deployed Mini-Cons what to do. On a success, they
spend a Free action, you can deploy or dock up to gain ↑1 to all Skill Tests related to following those
two Mini-Cons at the same time; Mini-Cons can orders until the beginning of your next turn.
spend their own Free actions to deploy or dock
as usual. Additionally, whenever you choose the Scientist
Additional Mini-Con General Perk (see page 64),
Delving into the darker applications of technology,
you gain two Mini-Cons instead of one.
Decepticon Scientists do not abide by the laws of
Command & Control physics or the learnings of others. They take the
The Mini-Cons in your control benefit from a reins of science and force it to do their bidding in
constant communications connection with you and ways that no one is ready for.
with each other. At 6th level, you and your Mini- DECEPTICON EXAMPLES
Cons can Lend Assistance to each other as long as
both parties involved are within 100 feet of each The following are examples of Decepticon Scientist
other and regardless of whether the one Lending characters:
Assistance is trained in the skill being attempted. • Knock Out
You or one of your Mini-Cons can gain the benefits • Nova Storm
of Lend Assistance only once per Skill Test at • Shockwave
this distance.
Mini-Con Master
Decepticon Scientists gain the following
You are an unquestioned master of your Mini-Cons. replacement Perks in place of certain Scientist
You gain another Mini-Con ally of the same Alt Perks listed in the Transformers Roleplaying Game
Mode as the others. In addition, you gain a benefit Core Rulebook.
depending on your Mini-Cons’ Alt Mode.
• Firearm Enhancement Module: For every two Cybertronian Perk
Mini-Cons of this type you have docked, you gain Materials at Hand: You know how to make the
a +1 bonus to Toughness. most out of whatever materials can be found nearby
• Mini-Cassette: For every two Mini-Cons of this when you are putting your street-level science to
type you have docked, you gain a +1 bonus to the test. When you require materials for Science
Willpower. or Technology Skill Tests, you can find all the parts
• Mini-Vehicle: For every two Mini-Cons of this type you need to perform the task if you first succeed
you have docked, you gain a +1 bonus to Evasion. at an Alertness or Streetwise Skill Test at a DIF set
• Power Conduit: For every two Mini-Cons of this by the GM.
type you have docked, the maximum number of This replaces Intrafilum.
Energon Points you can store is increased by 1.
Percussive Engineering
Reinforced Bond Some of your applications of scientific or
The added bulk of a docked companion protects engineering knowledge are slapped-together and
you. At 17th level, you gain +1 Health and +2 to have been made to fit the need of the moment. At
all Defenses. When you assign a Mini-Con Health 5th level, you can spend an Energon Point to modify
when they deploy, you can also assign them +1 a failed Science or Technology Skill Test. If the roll
or +2 to all their Defenses, which reduces your was a Fumble, it becomes a standard failure. If it
Defenses an equal amount. was a failure, you can reroll the Skill Test, but the
result can’t be a Critical Success.
Loyal Minions
This replaces Thesis.
Your Mini-Cons are empowered by your
instructions. Upon reaching 20th level, you

Tools for Destruction to gain a Specialization, and the new die size can’t
With a few adjustments and tweaks, you can be used to meet requirements for Perks (but can be
make anything into a weapon. At 12th level, you used to meet requirements for weapons). The benefit
can spend an Energon Point to make any piece of lasts for 1 day.
technological equipment into one of the following A single ally can’t benefit from more than one
options for one attack: Blaster, Concussion Grenade, Minor Tweak simultaneously, and you can have
Cover Grenade, Element Grenade, Frag Grenade, or a number of Minor Tweaks active at a time equal
Directed Element Rifle. If used to make a weapon to how many Skill Points you have invested in
with the Consumable trait, the piece of equipment Technology (including any Specializations).
is destroyed in the attack.
This replaces Applied Science.


Choose how your Scientist excels, picking
either one of the two focuses presented in the
Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
(Medical Officer or Gadgeteer) or one of these
two new Scientist Focus options: Cyber Engineer,
a Scientist that specializes in making sweeping
changes to other Cybertronian chassis; and
Elementalist, a Scientist who focuses their efforts on
understanding one or more types of energy.
Cyber Engineer
Cyber Engineer Scientists put their fellow
Cybertronians through arduous and painful
processes to give them new and potentially
powerful tools.
Essence Increase: Increase any one Essence score
by 1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level.
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in any one skill
tied to the Essence Score you increased.
1st Minor Tweak
3rd Weapon Implant
6th Self-Adjustment
10th Major Augments
17th Extensive Enhancements
20th They Called It a Glitch!

Minor Tweak
You have only begun to make interesting
modifications to your patients. With 10 minutes of
tinkering on a willing ally and a successful DIF 14
Technology (Engineering) Skill Test, you can grant
that ally a temporary Skill Rank in a single Strength
or Speed Essence skill. This doesn’t increase their
Essence Score or associated Defense, can’t be used KNOCK OUT

Weapon Implant adjustments on yourself. Doing so imposes Snag on

You are adept at moving and adjusting body the associated Skill Test. An ally can assist you in
parts to best create areas of useful space. At 3rd this process, granting you ↑1.
level, once per mission, you can perform 1 hour Major Augments
of cybersurgery on a willing ally to graft a single
Standard non-Consumable weapon onto their body, Secrets of the Cybertronian body, mind, and Spark
even if weapons have already been installed in their are yours to toy with. At 10th level, when you use
Integrated Hardpoints. This requires a successful DIF Minor Tweak, you can choose to attempt a DIF
14 Technology (Engineering) Skill Test for a one- 18 Technology (Engineering) Skill Test instead.
handed weapon or a successful DIF 16 Technology On a success, the target gains two temporary Skill
(Engineering) Skill Test for a two-handed weapon. Ranks that can be spent on any skills. In addition,
The target is considered Qualified in the implanted when you use Weapon Implant, you can choose to
weapon, so they don’t need to requisition it, but it attempt a DIF 18 Technology (Engineering) Skill Test
is obvious in their Alt Mode. The weapon remains instead. On a success, you can implant a Limited
benefit lasts for the remainder of the mission or until non-Consumable weapon (regardless of how
the team needs to requisition equipment again, many hands it requires to wield). If you have the
whichever comes first. Self-Adjustment Perk, you can attempt these same
alterations on yourself with the same Snag on the
Self-Adjustment Skill Test.
It is harder to do, but you know how to make Extensive Enhancements
modifications to yourself. Starting at 6th level, you
can attempt your Minor Tweak and Weapon Implant Your engineering genius knows no bounds. At 17th
level, when you use Minor Tweak, you can choose
to attempt a DIF 20 Technology (Engineering) Skill
Test instead. On a success, the target gains four
temporary Skill Ranks that can be spent on any
skills. In addition, when you use Weapon Implant,
you can choose to attempt a DIF 20 Technology
(Engineering) Skill Test instead. On a success, you
can implant a Restricted non-Consumable weapon
(regardless of how many hands it requires to wield);
the weapon also gains the Accurate (↑1) trait. If
you have the Self-Adjustment Perk, you can attempt
these same alterations on yourself with the same
Snag on the Skill Test.
They Called It a Glitch!
They thought your ideas were half-full of
tarnish and your head-gasket was fully
cracked. At 20th level, however, you
are capable of nigh-miraculous
augmentations. By performing 8
hours of modification work on a willing ally and
succeeding at a DIF 20 Technology (Engineering)
Skill Test, you reduce the target’s maximum Health
by 2 and grant them a General Perk they meet the
prerequisites for. This modification is permanent,
NOVA STORM unless you reverse it with another 8 hours of
cybersurgery (this requires no Skill Test). A single
ally can benefit from this operation multiple times,
though you can’t perform it on them if it would
reduce their maximum Health to 1 or lower.

(see page XX), Fire, Laser, and Sonic. By spending
Botched Surgeries an Energon Point as a Free action, all your melee or
ranged attacks (choose one) inflict your chosen type
There is always a risk when taking apart of damage and gain the related trait (including any
and reassembling a living mechanoid. To special properties) for the remainder of the scene.
make things more interesting, you can add
the following optional rule to the Cyber Self-Preservation
Engineer’s Perks. Should a Cyber Engineer’s You have become accustomed to handling the
Technology (Engineering) Skill Test result equipment that produces your chosen energy. At 3rd
in a Fumble when using one of their perks, level, you gain Resistance to the Element chosen for
the target receives the below Hang-Up. The your Energy Affinity. Additionally, if you spend an
Hang-Up lasts for the same duration as would Energon Point as a Free action, you gain Immunity
the benefit, and its effects are cumulative for to that same damage until the beginning of your
multiple Fumbles. next turn.
Volatile Delivery
Chassis Instability: You shake and shudder Concentrating your energy delivery systems into a
awkwardly when you convert Modes. For each one-use item, you can effectively fashion elemental
instance of this Hang-Up you possess, it costs grenades! Starting at 6th level, once per scene as a
an additional Free action to convert Modes. Free action, you can create an element grenade that
If you do not have the ability to generate deals the type of damage chosen for your Energy
enough Free actions to meet this cost, you Affinity. The grenade becomes inert if not used
assume the new Mode at the end of the before the end of the scene.
current round and suffer Snag on all Skill Tests
on the following round. Energy Connection
Your elemental studies have allowed you to deepen
your connection to your element or branch out to
Elementalist similar wavelengths of energy. At 10th level, choose
Elementalist Scientists tune all their studies to one of the following:
one group of energy wavelengths, chemical • Additional Energy Types: Choose a second
compositions, or other elemental families to master Element type to add to your Energy Affinity. You
their use. gain Resistance to that type of damage, and when
Essence Increase: Increase your Smarts Essence by you spend an Energon Point to alter your attacks
1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level. or gain Immunity, you choose between the two
Element types.
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these
skills when your Focus gives you an Essence • Deepen Connection: When you attack with a
increase: Alertness, Science, or Survival. weapon that deals damage of the Element chosen
for your Energy Affinity (including when you
TABLE 2–21: ELEMENTALIST FOCUS spend an Energon Point to alter a weapon) and
LEVEL PERK you have Edge, you can critically hit with the d2.
1st Energy Affinity Flux Additives
3rd Self-Preservation
You know how to increase the rapidity of your
6th Volatile Delivery strikes and shots. Upon reaching 17th level, once
10th Energy Connection per turn, when you attack with a weapon that
17th Flux Additives deals damage of the Element chosen for your
20th Energy Mastery Energy Affinity (including when you spend an
Energon Point to alter a weapon), you can spend 1
Energy Affinity Free action to make an additional attack with the
You’ve focused on one specific wavelength of same weapon.
energy. Choose one Element type from the following
list: Acid, Cold, Electric, Electromagnetic, Energy



Energy Mastery enemies to blunder into and deal damage to

The energies of your element are like clay in your fortifications.
hands. At 20th level, you gain Edge on attack Skill Essence Increase: Increase your Speed Essence by
Tests with any weapon that deals damage of any of 1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level.
your chosen Elements and those attacks inflict +1
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these
damage. In addition, you gain Immunity to damage
skills when your Focus gives you an Essence
of the type you originally chose for Energy Affinity.
increase: Acrobatics, Finesse, or Infiltration.


Decepticon Scouts are fast and can reliably get
1st Explosives Expert
ahead of enemy forces to see what is going on,
and perhaps arrange a few misfortunes. They 3rd Always on the Move
frequently play key positions in larger machinations 6th Set Trigger
and schemes. 10th On My Mark!
17th Easy In, Easy Out
20th Bring It All Down
The following are examples of Decepticon Scout
characters: Explosives Expert
• Laserbeak Making things explode has always been key to a
• Tornado Demolitionist’s utility. Your gain ↑1 to all Skill Tests
• Weirdwolf for creating, setting, defusing, or even throwing
explosive devices or weapons.
Always on the Move
Decepticon Scouts gain the following replacement
A Demolitionist caught flat-footed is not long for
Perks in place of certain Scout Perks listed in the
their job. At 3rd level, you have two additional Free
Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook.
actions each turn that can be used on only opening
Area Awareness or closing doors or to push yourself to move farther.
You always take note of ways that you might Set Trigger
be surprised by an ambush. Any Deception or
Traps and deceptions are the primary tools in your
Infiltration Skill Test contested by your Alertness to
kit. By 6th level, you can set Contingency actions
surprise you before a combat suffers Snag. If you are
to activate in ways that can last long after a scene
surprised, you gain Edge on the Initiative Skill Test
has ended, as long as it could feasibly be arranged
and can take a single action (Standard, Move, or
that way (at the GM’s discretion). To set one of
Free) during the first round of combat.
these more elaborate Contingency actions, you
This replaces Ally Awareness. must first succeed at a DIF 14 Skill Test of a skill
that relates to the kind of action occurring in the
NEW SCOUT FOCUS OPTIONS contingency Action.
Choose how your Scout excels, picking either one
Some examples include:
of the two areas presented in the Transformers
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (Outrider or • “This hidden container of acid will drop on the
Prowler) or one of these two new Scout Focus next Large or larger object to come through this
options: Demolitionist, a Scout that specializes in gateway.” (Infiltration or Science)
deadly tricks and traps; and Tracker, a Scout who • “If I set my blaster here, with this counterweight,
can find the proverbial needle in a haystack, even when that door opens, whoever opened it gets a
after the haystack has travelled halfway across the face full of flechettes!” (Science or Targeting)
continent! • “If our captive here tries to convert Modes, the
frag grenade necklace I’m rigging up will give him
a bit of a facelift.” (Finesse or Technology)
Demolitionist Scouts set up hidden snares for

On My Mark!
You can time triggered events to a nearly supernatural
level of precision, especially if you know the
potential target. At 10th level, any Contingency
action you take (or arrange for) that targets a creature
that you most recently designated with Mark Target
treats that creature’s Defenses as being 5 lower.
Easy In, Easy Out
Whenever you are operating unseen, you act far
more efficiently. Upon reaching 17th level, any
Alertness Skill Test contested by your Infiltration
to find you suffers Snag. In addition, when you
spend an Energon Point to turn invisible using your
Cybertronian Perk, you remain invisible until the
beginning of your next turn.
Bring It All Down
When you have the tools and the time, there isn’t
a structure too large that you couldn’t raze to the
ground. At 20th level, you know the best places
and techniques to use explosive devices to inflict
tremendous amounts of devastation. You can apply
one of the following effects to your use of any
explosive device or weapon:
• Gain ↑2 on an Attack Skill Test
• Double the blast area of effect radius if used as
part of a Contingency action Primary Quarry
• Add +2 damage to the device’s effect
When you focus your efforts on a single target, it
• The device gains the Armor-Piercing trait
cannot escape your attentions. You may choose
Tracker a single creature (Grimlock, “that Eurythman
scientist,” the mysterious leader of a Junkion
Tracker Scouts catch the proverbial scent of their
biker gang, etc.) to make your Primary Quarry by
targets and follow them to the ends of the galaxy, if
spending 1 hour studying information about them
that’s what it takes.
or researching their travels. You gain ↑1 on Skill
Essence Increase: Increase your Smarts Essence by Tests to track and find your Primary Quarry, whether
1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level. or not they are in the scene. The bonus from Mark
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these Target stacks with this bonus if you designate your
skills when your Focus gives you an Essence Primary Quarry at the beginning of a scene as your
increase: Alertness, Culture, or Survival mark. You can have only one Primary Quarry at a
time, and you can change your Primary Quarry by
TABLE 2–23: TRACKER FOCUS spending 1 hour researching a new target.
Studious Measures
1st Primary Quarry
3rd Studious Measures You know how to study the specific movements,
behaviors, and activities of your Primary Quarry.
6th Known Accomplices
At 3rd level, when you make a creature your
10th Secondary Quarry
Primary Quarry, you learn their maximum Health,
17th Picking Up the Trail any Hang-Ups they possess, and any specific
20th All Too Predictable Resistances or Weaknesses the GM can divulge.



Known Accomplices past 24 hours.

One way to a target is through their allies. Upon All Too Predictable
reaching 6th level, you are skilled at tracking
down your Primary Target through the actions and You know your mark so well, studied them so deeply,
activities of those around them. You can spend an that you know what they might do seconds before
Energon Point to gain ↑1 on Skill Tests to track and they do. At 20th level, once per turn, you may reroll
find a single known ally of your Primary Quarry for any single die in a Skill Test involving or targeting your
one scene. Primary Mark. You must accept the second result.

Secondary Mark
You have become skilled enough at tracking that
Decepticon Warriors are rough-and-tumble fighters
you can divide your attentions without losing focus
that hurl themselves into combat and expect to
on any of your prey. At 10th level, you can choose
wade back out again, likely dragging the crumpled
two creatures to be your Primary Quarry with the
chassis of their foes behind them.
same hour of research. Both creatures count as your
Primary Quarry for your Tracker Focus Perks. DECEPTICON EXAMPLES
Picking up the Trail The following are examples of Decepticon Warrior
Sometimes the trail goes cold. At 17th level, if you characters:
fail or Fumble a Skill Test to track your Primary • Gnaw
Quarry, you know how to find their trail again. • Hun-Gurrr
Attempt an Alertness or Survival Skill Test contested • Rumble
by your Primary Quarry’s Infiltration Skill Test.
On a success, you know the most recent place REPLACEMENT PERKS
your Primary Quarry has been in the Decepticon Scouts gain the following replacement
Perks in place of certain Warrior Perks listed
in the Transformers Roleplaying Game

HUN-GURRR Core Rulebook.

Cybertronian Perk
Give Me That!: Humiliating your foes
in close combat is just another way to
crush their will to stand up to you. All
your melee attacks gain the following
alternate effect at ↓2: “Cause a single
wielded, worn, or installed
weapon on the target to
fall to the ground. If
the weapon was in an
Integrated Hardpoint,
the target suffers 1
Sharp damage.”
This replaces

Push through the Pain Dirty Blows
Fighting all the time can harden a Cybertronian to You are an expert at landing attacks on a target’s
the point where they compartmentalize wounds and most sensitive spots. With attacks within your
the pain that comes with them. When you spend an natural (or weapon-augmented) reach, you gain the
Energon Point to continue to function normally after following alternate effect: “Target is Impaired until
being reduced to 0 Health, you roll 2d2 instead of end of their next turn.”
the normal 1d2 to determine how many rounds you
Never Unarmed
remain in the fight.
This replaces Wisdom Through Experience. In your hands, everything is a potential weapon. At
3rd level, you can spend a Move action to turn any
Now I’m Angry mundane object (or collection of objects) within
At 14th level, you learn how to fuel your attacks reach into a makeshift one-handed melee weapon
with the rush of anger and spite that comes that lasts until an attack roll using it Fumbles or
along with taking a nasty hit. When you are hit the end of the scene, whichever comes first. The
with a Critical Success that deals damage, your weapon uses Finesse or Might and your natural
attacks inflict 1 additional damage until the end reach, deals 1 Blunt or Sharp damage, and has the
of your next turn. Multiple Critical Success hits Silent trait.
in a single round don’t increase the additional Position of Power
damage you deal.
Where others see momentary weakness, you see
This replaces How I Got These Dents. victory. At 6th level, when you successfully make a
melee attack against a target currently suffering from
a Condition, you deal 1 additional damage.
Choose how your Warrior excels, picking either
one of the two areas presented in the Transformers Crippling Blow
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (Sentinel or You are a master at striking weak points, leaving
Wrecker) or one of these two new Warrior Focus targets open for further punishment. Upon reaching
options: Brute, a Warrior that fights dirty to end 10th level, if you make a melee attack at ↓1, you
their foes; and Shredder, a Warrior that focuses on can also inflict the Blinded, Deafened, or Prone
unarmed and natural fighting methods that echo of condition on the target in addition to dealing
frenzied, primal creatures. damage. The condition takes effect after the
damage is dealt.
Brute Warriors seek only one thing in a conflict: Bleed ‘Em Dry
victory. They will do just about anything to Fighting Cybertronians is easier when they do not
achieve it. have Energon in their conduits. At 17th level, when
Essence Increase: Increase your Strength Essence you use Crippling Blow, you cause the target to lose
by 1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level. 1d2 Energon Points instead of imposing a condition.
If they can’t lose Energon Points (or don’t have
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these enough to lose), they take 1d2 Strength Essence
skills when your Focus gives you an Essence damage instead.
increase: Athletics, Intimidation, or Might
Only a fool leaves themselves open to your
viciousness. Upon reaching 20th level, once per
1st Dirty Blows
round when an enemy within your reach targets
3rd Never Unarmed you with a melee attack and fails by 5 or more,
6th Position of Power you can make an immediate melee attack against
10th Crippling Blow them at ↓1.
17th Bleed ‘Em Dry
20th Counterstrike



Shredder to make another unarmed combat attack. You can

Shredder Warriors are close-quarters combatants continue this pattern until you no longer wish to
that prefer to feel an enemy’s chassis bend and rip spend or run out of Energon Points or Free actions
in their claws and teeth whenever possible. or fail to inflict damage on a target.
Essence Increase: Increase your Speed Essence by Make an Opening
1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level. If you can get your claws, talons, or even teeth on
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these a piece of a foe’s armor, you can tear through it.
Skills when your Focus gives you an Essence At 17th level, you can make an unarmed combat
increase: Acrobatics, Finesse, or Initiative. attack at ↓2 against a target that has an armor
upgrade installed. If you succeed, you reduce the
bonus provided by that armor by 2 (to a minimum
LEVEL PERK of +0 to a single Defense); this penalty lasts for the
1st Primal Tools remainder of the scene.
3rd Get a Grip
Brutal Display
6th Rip and Tear
10th Frenzied Attack
Your foes are covered in a pattern of rends, cuts,
and tears when you are done with them. Upon
17th Make an Opening
reaching 20th level, when you Defeat a foe with an
20th Brutal Display unarmed combat attack, you can spend an Energon
Primal Tools Point to tear off one of the foe’s limbs in a show of
primal rage. You then attempt an Intimidation Skill
Whether naturally or through modifications, your Test, comparing the result to the Willpower Defense
body is equipped for lethal combat. Your unarmed of every one of the foe’s allies within 100 feet who
combat attack inflicts either Stun 1 or 1 Sharp can see you. On a success, the target is Frightened
damage. Additionally, it gains the alternate effect: until the end of their next turn; a Critical Success
Multiple (2) Targets (↓1). extends the condition to last a full minute.
Get a Grip
You know how much more damage you can do New Role: Raider
when a foe is helpless in your grasp. Starting at 3rd
Fighting a lasting conflict against a significant foe—
level, when you successful hit a target that is no
like the one the Decepticons wage against the face
more than one Size Class larger than you with an
of the Primes’ authority, the Autobots—requires
unarmed combat attack, you can spend two Free
the forcible taking of territory and resources from
actions to inflict the Grappled condition on the
the enemy. If these spoils can be used to better
same target.
fight against them, all the better. Soldiers in the
Rip and Tear war specialized in taking out the enemy’s defenses
and stealing their assets to use against them,
When something in your clutches gets your full
Raiders focus their training and tactics on smashing
attention, they suffer horribly. Upon reaching
everything the enemy has and picking up the pieces
6th level, your unarmed attacks against a
for themselves!
target you have Grappled gain Edge and deal 1
additional damage.
Decepticon Examples
Frenzied Attack
The following Decepticons exemplify being
When you open yourself up to the animalistic side a Raider:
of your Spark, you become a whirl of teeth, claws,
or other sharp points. At 10th level, you can spend • Brawl
an Energon Point and a Free action once per turn to • Chop Shop
make an additional unarmed combat attack. If this • Skywarp
additional attack inflicts damage on a target, you
can spend another Energon Point and a Free action

Take What We Are Owed munitions, or ransom-worthy pieces of art by force
to staking out strategically important buildings and
Raiders might be experts in taking what isn’t theirs, stretches of territory, Raiders serve many functions.
but they generally don’t do it for no reason. They
aren’t always greedy or looking to make some kind
of hoard from their hauls; their winnings are fuel for It’s More of a Mindset, But
the greater war machine. For the Decepticons, the Weaponry Helps
use of Raiders is simply another useful tool toward
Raiders can come from nearly any Origin, as long
winning the war against the Autobots.
as their chassis allows for direct confrontation.
Being fast enough to get in and out of a conflict
To the Victor, Spoils helps but packing enough firepower to send the
Unless otherwise ordered by their commanders, a enemy fleeing is almost more important. It is less
Raider is always on the lookout for their next target. about having a particular form, but instead having
From taking caches of stored Energon cubes, new the assault potential to remove the enemy from
what needs to be claimed for the cause.




1st Eye for Appraisal, 1 — 1 —
Good Instincts,
2nd Profitable Aim — — 1 —
3rd Focus Perk — 1 — —
4th General Perk 1 — — —
5th Cache I — — 1 —
6th Focus Perk — — — 1
7th Maximize Cover — 1 — —
8th General Perk 1 — — —
9th Cache II — — 1 —
10th Focus Perk — — — —
11th General Perk — 1 — —
12th Best Laid Plans — — — 1
13th Cache III 1 — — —
14th Fear My Name — — 1 —
15th General Perk — 1 — —
16th Private Barter 1 — — —
17th Focus Perk — — — 1
18th Utility Loaders — — 1 —
19th General Perk — 1 — —
20th Focus Perk — — 1 —

Starting Role Perks • Decepticons, Attack!: If you or your allies are the
instigators of a fight, you can choose to gain ↑1 to
HAIL MEGATRON! your Initiative skill test or to your first attack Skill
Decepticons are used to being the toughest and Test during the first round of combat.
meanest Cybertronians in the room, on the road, CYBERTRONIAN PERK
or in the skies. Like Autobots, they are living robots
that change their forms, but they care little about Energon Efficiency: When you spend your last
not standing out or frightening humanity. Energon Point, roll 1d6. On a 5 or higher, you
regain 1 Energon Point.
Every Decepticon character gains the
following benefits: TRAINING
• ↑1 to Infiltration Skill Tests when in Alt Mode, Essence Increase: Increase your Strength Essence
or ↑2 if the Alt Mode is appropriate to the and your Smarts Essence by 1 each.
Role Skills: Gain one rank in two skills from
• ↑1 to Intimidation Skill Tests when in Bot Mode the following: Alertness, Athletics, Culture, and
and targeting Cybertronians of smaller Size class. Intimidation. These selections must be of the
• Immunity to carbon-based diseases but affected Essence Scores taken in your Essence increase.
by electromagnetic damage and viruses that
• One Standard Issue Decepticon Equipment QUALIFICATIONS
Package (see page 69).
In addition to your standard issue equipment,
personal gear, and mission critical items, your

Role grants you a certain amount of access to your maximum Health; each compartment can hold
equipment. You can requisition any armor upgrades a single one-handed (or smaller) object. You can
and weapons you are trained in, as well as all gear. insert or remove an item from a compartment as
You can access any equipment you are Qualified in a Free action. Anyone searching you for an object
without requisitioning it. hidden in a compartment suffers Snag on their
Armor Upgrades: You are trained in Limited Skill Test.
armor upgrades.
Weapons: You are trained in explosive weapons Perks Beyond First Level
and weapons that have the Ballistic or Laser traits. PROFITABLE AIM
FOCUS Blindly blasting away at a target could result in
Choose one of the two areas in which your the destruction of something or someone useful or
Raider excels. valuable to you, your commanders, or the mission
at hand. At 2nd level, you know how to aim bursts
Acquisitions Expert, who can forcibly gain and shape explosives. You can exclude one 5ft ×
resources and items of use, especially when they 5ft square from your attacks that deal damage in an
belong to someone else; or Siegemaster, who can area of effect (such as a blast or a cone).
claim territory by force, crush all obstacles in the
way, or at least make the area an undesirable ruin. GENERAL PERK
Your Focus increases your Essence Scores and When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th,
unlocks additional benefits or improves existing 16th, and 19th level, you choose one General
Raider benefits. Your Focus grants you Focus Perks Perk from available Transformers Roleplaying
at 1st level, and again at 3rd, 6th, 10th, 17th, and Game resources. You must meet all prerequisites
20th levels. for the Perk.
Whether spotting the most strategically sound Raiders hang on to useful or valuable things,
forward advancement or seeing the value of an sometimes by accident. By the time you have
Energon stockpile at a glance, you have an eye for reached 5th level, you have all manner of objects
knowing what something is worth to your team or stashed in or on your chassis. Once per game
mission. As a Free action, once per scene, you can session, you can gain temporary access to a minor
attempt a DIF 12 Alertness Skill Test to gain one of piece of equipment or tool useful in the scene or
two benefits: automatically acquire a Limited weapon or armor
• Know the three most valuable items in the scene upgrade. This is similar to one benefit from spending
(whether important to the mission or just highest a Story Point (see page 105 of the Transformers
valued, at the GM’s discretion). Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook), but you don’t
have to spend a Story Point.
• Know which 20ft × 20ft area in the scene has the
best strategic advantage in relation to a named MAXIMIZE COVER
target. This grants ↑1 to the next 2d2 ranged
attacks you make at the target from that area. Taking advantage of your surroundings is a key
part of your combat strategies. At 7th level, you
GOOD INSTINCTS are instinctively good at putting terrain and
advantageous objects between yourself and danger.
You must be able to always think on your feet (or
When you have cover, enemies suffer ↓3 on ranged
on your treads or on the wing). Once per scene you
attacks against you (instead of ↓2).
may reroll any single skill die result of a 1.


You keep more contents in your hidden
You never know when you will need to stash
compartments. Starting at 9th level, you can use
something quick or have it in hand in the blink of
your Cache I Role Perk twice per session.
your optical receptors. You have a number of small
compartments built into your Bot Mode equal to




Your reputation officially precedes you, as tales of
your skill and aptitude for profitable violence gives
pause to many who see you coming. Starting at 14th
level, you have Edge on Intimidation and Persuasion
Skill Tests that target anyone who has previously
been targeted by your faction’s actions.

In your career of violence and spoils, there are a
select number of items that you save for special
occasions, either for trade, barter, or a unique
circumstance. Upon reaching 16th level, when you
use your Cache I Role Perk, you can acquire any
item, weapon, or piece of equipment to use for a
single scene. However, you can do so only once
per session.

Having different kinds of munitions for different
circumstances is important for a Raider, and you
come prepared. At 18th level, you can quickly
switch between different power cells, ammo feeds,
and so forth. As a Free action, you can change the
damage type of a single ranged attack weapon you
wield to Blunt, Sharp, or any Element; add the Anti-
Tank, Armor Piercing, or Wrecker trait; or cause
the weapon to deal an amount of Stun equal to
its normal damage. This adjustment lasts until you
change it again, or until you roll a Fumble while
using the weapon in question, at which point it
BEST-LAID PLANS resets to its standard configuration.
Raids are rarely spontaneous; the most successful
ones are those that are meticulously planned. Upon Raider Focus Options
reaching 12th level, your skills at laying out an The two Raider Focus Options are detailed below:
attack plan are highly advanced. Before beginning
a scene, if you have the opportunity to meet with • Acquisitions Expert, filling up the war coffers with
your allies and discuss the upcoming situation for a variety of useful resources
at least 1 hour, you can attempt a DIF 10 Alertness • Siegemaster, laying waste to all obstacles between
or Culture Skill Test. On a success, you or your you and owning some territory
allies can reroll one d20 result during the scene
in question. For every 5 by which your result
exceeds the DIF, you and your allies can reroll one Acquisitions Expert Raiders are fast-moving, sticky-
additional d20 during the scene. fingered attackers who rely on hit-and-run tactics to
inflict damage and fill their proverbial pockets.
Essence Increase: Increase your Speed Essence by
You can find just about anything on you. At 13th 1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level.
level, you can use your Cache I Role Perk three
Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these
times per session. Additionally, the availability
skills when your Focus gives you an Essence
of a weapon or armor upgrade you can acquire
increase: Acrobatics, Infiltration, or Initiative.
increases to Restricted.

TABLE 2–27: ACQUISITIONS EXPERT FOCUS hit a target with a ranged attack that inflicts at least
LEVEL PERK 1 damage, you can spend a Free action to cause the
1st Mine! target to drop one hand’s worth of held equipment
3rd Fast Draw
(such as a one-handed weapon) or two Free actions
to cause the target to drop two hands’ worth of held
6th Snap to Cover
equipment (such as a two-handed weapon). The
10th Weapon Conversion
item lands in a space adjacent to the target.
17th Disarming Shot
20th Hobble
It is easier to take things away from a target that
cannot flee from your advance. Upon reaching 20th
You never know when something important might level, you may take ↓2 on a ranged attack against
be within arm’s reach in the middle of a firefight, a single target. If you hit, in addition to dealing
but you are ready to grab it. As a Free action, you damage, you inflict one of the following Conditions
can grab an unattended one-handed (or smaller) on the target until the end of their next turn:
item within your natural reach and place it within Immobilized, Prone, or Restrained.
an empty storage compartment (if you have one). If
you are trying to do this without someone noticing, SIEGEMASTER
attempt an Infiltration Skill Test contested by any Siegemaster Raiders dig in their heels (or treads) and
onlookers’ Alertness. deliver powerful long-distance blows that can grind
walls and other fortifications to dust.
Fast Draw
Essence Increase: Increase your Strength Essence
Being able to draw a weapon and get off a shot
by 1 at 1st level, and again at 10th level.
quickly could be the difference between a profitable
score and an enemy getting away. At 3rd level, Focus Skills: Train or specialize in one of these
you can access a one-handed weapon in one of skills when your Focus gives you an Essence
your storage compartments and attack with it as a increase: Athletics, Intimidation, or Might.
Standard action. This occurs so quickly that your
target may not use their Evasion Defense against
this attack. LEVEL PERK
1st Penetrating Aim
Snap to Cover 3rd Size Matters
You are adept at moving from cover to cover as you 6th Vantage Point
gain ground. Starting at 6th level, if you end a Move 10th Dig In
action within your natural reach of a piece of terrain
17th Airburst
or obstacle item that would grant you cover, you
20th Raze and Ruin
can extend your Movement to take cover behind
that piece of terrain or item. Penetrating Aim
Weapon Conversion Punching through enemy defenses is exactly what
Smaller weapons are easier for you to hide, access, you trained for. When you spend a Free action to
and wield than heavier ones. At 10th level, you can Aim a ranged weapon, you can forgo the ↑1 to
convert a two-handed ranged weapon to operate ignore 1 point of Defense bonus from armor your
as a one-handed weapon in a process that takes target is wearing. You can ignore up to 2 points in
10 minutes. The new one-handed weapon gains this manner with separate Free actions.
the Inaccurate (↓1) trait and halves its previous
range values.
Disarming Shot
Sometimes your enemy is carrying the item you
want, and you have learned how to make them
drop it at range. At 17th level, when you successful



Size Matters tripping) suffer Snag. You also cannot suffer from the
Bringing down fortifications and tactically important Prone condition. This benefit lasts until you choose
buildings is something you excel at. At 3rd level, to move or are forcibly moved by another.
when you make a ranged attack against an object Airburst
that is larger than you, you can forgo any number of
upshifts to deal additional damage. For each ↑1 you Triggering your payloads to detonate early as they
trade in, you deal 1 additional damage. This Perk arc over enemy heads can have a significant impact
also functions against larger creatures, but you must on large areas of foes. When you reach 17th level,
trade in ↑2 for 1 additional damage. you can spend an Energon Point when you make a
ranged attack with a burst area of effect. The radius
Vantage Point of the burst increases by 10 feet. Any creature
A proper siege requires making attacks from the within the radius that takes damage from the attack
right position. Upon reaching 6th level, your ability is knocked Prone, and any creature within the
to maximize strategic firing positions has evolved. radius that doesn’t take damage gains the Impaired
Your ranged attacks made from an elevation of 30 condition until the end of their next turn.
feet or more above your target or from within an Raze and Ruin
area defined by the Eye For Appraisal Role Perk
gain Edge. Your aptitude for knocking anything that stands
in your way to dust is legendary. At 20th level,
Dig In your ranged attacks that hit Huge or larger objects
You do not budge when you are set to defend (such as buildings and fortifications) deal triple
yourself, making sure that your foes cannot uproot damage (including any additional damage from Size
you and your position of attack. Starting at 10th Matters). Also, your ranged attacks that hit Huge
level, as a Move action, you can fortify your or larger creatures suffering from the Immobilized
stance. While you are dug in, attacks that attempt condition deal double damage (including any
to maneuver you (through grappling, shoving, and additional damage from Size Matters).

General Perks
Every Cybertronian has an individual base of talents
and aptitudes. You might be a skilled martial artist,
a master of using raw Energon, or have a Spark
attuned to lead others. Although your Role sets the
basic parameters of your abilities, General Perks
represent specific ways you are unique.

New General Perks

The following new General Perks are available to
Decepticon and Autobot characters.

You have another basic Mini-Con (see page 75 of
the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
for details) that attaches or docks with you when
not in use.

Prerequisite: Science or Technology d6
You are more computer than Cybertronian.
Whenever you attempt a Science or Technology
BONECRUSHER Skill Test, you do so as if Specialized.

Prerequisite: 12th Level
When you spend a Story Point, roll a d4. On a 4,
your team regains the spent Story Point.

You quickly endear yourself to your superiors
through a combination of shamelessness and
groveling. Gain ↑1 on Skill Tests when interacting
with superior officers.

Prerequisite: 6th Level
You have a dark and nasty streak to you, and
whenever you can inflict harm, you do so. Anytime
you are attacking a target suffering from one or
more Conditions, you gain Edge on the attack. If the
target is Immobilized or Restrained, you inflict 1
additional damage as well.

You have been augmented with energy-transfer
catalysts made from the rare alloy used to maximize
starship drive outputs. The maximum number
of Energon Points you can store is equal to your
second lowest Essence Score (instead of the lowest).
Additionally, whenever you gain Energon Points for
any reason, you gain 1 additional Energon Point.

You are especially skilled at dealing with flying
targets. If you use Aerial Movement this turn, you FORGEBOT LAYERING
gain Edge on attacks against a target that used Aerial Whether you were a smelter, a fueler, someone who
Movement in their last turn. worked with the raw alloys, you were afforded thin
patches of metal made of nigh-impervious Chaar
ENERGON MANIPULATOR ore to protect your sensitive parts from the heat. You
Prerequisite: 10th level have Resistance to attacks that deal Fire damage
You regenerate wounds by devouring targets and a natural +1 bonus to your Toughness Defense.
with Energon inside of them. By destroying an GRINDER
object containing Energon or by Defeating any
Cybertronian, you immediately regain 1d2 Health. Prerequisite: Brawn d8
One of your favorite sounds is the bending and
EXTERMINATOR rending of metal in your hands, claws, or jaws.
Nothing gets under your grill faster than tiny little While you are Grappling a target, as a Standard
annoyances, be they alien or Mini-Con, and you attack action, you can attempt a Brawn Skill Test
enjoy giving them a good smashing. When attacking against that target’s Toughness. This attack has
a target of Common or Small size, you gain ↑1 and the Anti-Tank trait and deals 2 Blunt damage on
may reroll any Skill Die results of 1, as long as the a success. On a Critical Success, the target is also
target is smaller than you. Impaired for the remainder of the scene.



I STILL FUNCTION! Additionally, when you get a Critical Success with a

Prerequisite: Conditioning +3 or higher Persuasion Skill Test, you can impose the Frightened
condition on the target or targets for 1 minute.
You can withstand a substantial level of
punishment before your Spark would ever flutter MONSTROUS ATTACK
out. Once per scene, when you are Defeated, You were either created with a touch of the
you can spend a Story Point and roll 1d6. If the ancient Cybertronian beasts in your chassis or
result is equal to or lower than your levels in the you’ve modified your form in same way, giving
Conditioning skill, you immediately regain the you a natural attack, such as a claw, a tail, or your
result in Health and are no longer Defeated. Alt Mode jaws, that can inflict vicious wounds.
METALLIKATO You have an additional Unarmed Combat attack
that doubles your reach and deals 2 Blunt or
Prerequisite: Finesse or Might d6 and Sharp damage.
Specialization in blades
You can choose this General Perk multiple times,
You are trained in one of the esteemed gaining a new kind of Unarmed Combat attack with
Cybertronian martial arts, with a particular focus each instance.
on bladed combat. When in Bot Mode, you may
spend one or more Free actions to gain any of the PARTNERED
following benefits (one Free action per benefit You have a deep connection with a single creature,
gained) to melee attacks you make in the same turn. chosen when you take this Perk. You can always
• Ignore up to your Smarts Essence in armor Lend Assistance using a Free Action to that creature
bonuses to Defense as long as they are within your line of sight.
• Reroll all Skill Die results of 1
• Shove or trip the target on a Critical Success
• Gain Multiple (2) Targets (↓1) Prerequisite: Alertness d8
Your discipline and attention to detail make you
MIGHT MAKES RIGHT an ideal guard. You’re Specialized in all Alertness
You rely on your physical prowess to win many Skill Tests and can critically succeed with a d2 on
arguments. Persuasion is a Strength Essence Alertness Skill Tests.
skill for you in addition to a Social Essence skill.
With talent commonly found
amongst racers and Stunticons, you
are particularly adept at bumping,
trading paint, and slamming into
targets when you are roaring along
the ground at top speeds. You gain
↑1 on Ram attacks. Additionally,
if you spend a Standard action
before taking your Move action,
you can make any number of Ram
attacks at different targets during
your movement at the cost of 10
feet of Ground Movement per Ram
attack made.

There is nothing sweeter than
blasting or bashing someone that
just got a piece of you. Whenever
you suffer damage from an attack,

any attacks you make until the
end of your next turn that target
the source of that damage gain
↑1. If one of these attacks Defeat
that target, your team gains a
Story Point (and you should
probably say something snide
and braggadocious).

You polish your chassis with a
special kind of ultra-gloss finish
that protects you against certain
attacks. You have Resistance to
attacks that deal Laser damage.

You can throw a quick weld or patch onto a wound, GANG-UP
even in the middle of combat. Once per scene,
you can spend an Energon Point and attempt a This Mini-Con is trained to jump in and help make
DIF 12 Technology (Repair) Skill Test to repair 1 it easier for their allies to land blows. In combat,
Health to a target within reach. If use this ability on any enemy within 5 feet of this Mini-Con suffers a
yourself, you suffer Snag. If you have at least +d6 –1 penalty to all their Defenses from the distraction.
in Technology, you can instead attempt a DIF 17 PROWL
Technology (Repair) Skill Test to repair 2 Health.
This Mini-Con can attempt an Infiltration Skill Test
WORD OF UNICRON to sneak or hide as a Free action. If they move less
You are a follower of Unicron, the Lord of Chaos than half their total Movement in a round, they can
and the Planet Eater. Your faith in his inscrutable attempt an Infiltration Skill Test to hide even if they
ways has changed you at some core level. As well don’t have cover, though this Skill Test suffers ↓1.
as having access to the Rites of the All-Consuming STEALTH MODULE
(see page 111), all attempts to convince, dissuade,
fool, or misdirect you from your goals that aren’t Using a similar chassis-modification that Scouts
made by a fellow Follower of Unicron suffer ↓2. use to refract light away from them, this Mini-Con
Additionally, Dark Energon addiction “attacks” (see can vanish. The Mini-Con gains the Disappear
page 80) against you suffer Snag. Cybertronian Perk (see page 83 of the Transformers
Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook).
New Mini-Con Perks TERRORIZE
Mini-Cons have a lot in common with their larger Even though they are small, this Mini-Con is
fellows, but their small stature and unusual Alt particularly frightening. Whether from a horrifying
Modes give them access to their own suite of chassis modification, subsonic voice frequencies,
options. The following new Mini-Con Perks are or simply sociopathic behaviors, this Mini-Con
available to Decepticon and Autobot characters has the Terrifying Presence General Perk (see page
with Mini-Con allies. 112 of the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core
Rulebook) but can only gain the benefit against
ENERGETIC ASSISTANT targets no larger than two Size Classes larger
Likely designed or crafted with an Elementalist’s than them.
studies in mind, this Mini-Con gains Resistance to
one type of Element damage. Their primary weapon
also changes its damage type to the same Element.



Cybertronian equipment ranges from tools and Claiming and Possession

armor to weapons of unimaginable destruction.
Many items that the Autobots use regularly can’t (Assignment and
really get the job done in most Decepticons’ minds. Requisition)
Megatron teaches that the ends nearly always justify Decepticons enjoy stockpiling wealth in the form
the means. of shanix, credits, and gathered alien currencies,
even if they are just for show most of the time. In
Decepticon the Transformers Roleplaying Game, characters
don’t regularly purchase their equipment. Instead,
Equipment Protocols they are assigned equipment for missions and
allowed to request access to other items. Ideally,
Decepticons don’t commonly requisition their every bot could access anything they feel they need
equipment for their schemes like Autobots do. to accomplish their goals, but that is unrealistic;
They are more inclined to claim what is necessary Decepticons tend to hoard their possessions, and
from a central stockpile or perhaps even from other each Decepticon must try to get the most use out of
Decepticons they can command to do so. When everything they can get their clutches on.
Starscream says he needs your blaster, you hand it
over, right? When assigned to a mission, you receive a
combination of standard issue equipment, a
In game terms, Decepticon characters default to selection of mission-critical Items, your Integrated
the same standard issue equipment, but gain access Hardpoint and personal gear, and your Qualified
to additional equipment through their personal equipment. Additionally, you are issued a
training and ability to make demands of others. Requisition Budget of sorts, though they way you go
They still have personal gear but can “requisition” about acquiring that equipment is more ruthless.
better gear. This allows you to replace or upgrade
equipment you are trained to use by requisitioning Unless otherwise noted, the rules for equipment
it, if the so-called Requisition Budget permits it. and load-out limits are the same as presented on
pages 115–116 of the Transformers Roleplaying
This chapter introduces new equipment, Game Core Rulebook.
upgrades, and a new category of equipment:
Energon strains. Although Decepticons are more STANDARD DECEPTICON EQUIPMENT
likely to use these new options, they are available Every Decepticon has access to a blaster and close
equally to Autobot characters as well. combat blade or bludgeon, and a rifle or laser
rifle (see page 71). You also have access to any
combination of two frag or hi-ex (see page 71)
grenades. Every Decepticon is trained to use these
standard-issue weapons.



Your team may receive a limited supply of
specialized equipment, without which the mission at
hand would be impossible. This can include anything
from a specific strain of jellied Energon for baiting
wild Sharkticons to epoxy slap-patches for quick
first aid on dangerous sorties. When possible, extra
mission critical items are provided. These items tend
to be rarer or highly specific. Unlike Autobot mission
teams, who are happy to share these mission critical
pieces of equipment, Decepticons are more inclined
to lay claim to equipment.
When preparing for the mission, a team of
Decepticons should decide who is in possession
of the mission-critical items. The team can decide
among themselves or the GM, acting as a superior,
may hand them out randomly. Being in charge of
a mission-critical item doesn’t mean the rest of
the team can’t use it; this is more of a narrative
possession to help foster the individuality of
Decepticons and to know where an item is at any
given time during the mission.


For Autobots ready to head out on a mission, their
supply stores give them a specific budget to spend on
adding items to what they are taking out of storage.
Decepticons aren’t quite that structured, but they do
take the time to shakedown their subordinates and
hoarders to get the same kinds of equipment access.
On the missions where a specific requisition
budget is listed, Decepticons have the same number
of requisition attempts that are listed but use these
attempts slightly differently than their Autobot rivals.
The rules for Decepticons requisitioning new
gear for a mission follow the same structure as the
Autobots do, with the following differences:
• Requisition attempts aren’t automatically pooled
together for the team. Each Decepticon has their
own budget, though they can share their attempts
if they wish.
• A Decepticon can substitute an Intimidation
or Persuasion Skill Test to requisition any item,
regardless of the normal skill associated with the
item, but they suffer ↓1.
• If a Decepticon Fumbles on a requisition attempt,
they can’t make any more attempts this mission
as word gets out of their spectacular failure. Any
attempts remaining in their personal budget are lost,
and no teammate can share attempts with them.


New Equipment Laser Rifle

This standard laser-emitting ranged weapon is a
Options favorite among Seekers and Scouts.

The equipment lists in the Transformers Roleplaying Availability: Standard

Game Core Rulebook are delivered in broad terms Classification: Targeting medium element
and definitions, and they all still apply normally Requirements: Nil
for Decepticon characters. However, Decepticons
tend to want to highlight their individuality, so the Range: 100ft/200ft
following equipment options add new ways to Hands: 2
customize your character’s gear. Effects: 1 Laser damage
Traits: Computerized, Laser
New Weapon Traits
The following is a new type of element that is available
to all Transformers Roleplaying Game characters. This small device packs a significant punch,
using supersonic frequencies to disrupt the
Accurate: Weapons that are easy to use have this
electromagnetic fields and currents within a target.
trait. Users gains the listed bonus when attacking
with this weapon. Availability: Standard
Element (Energy): Energy is a collective term for raw Classification: Targeting sidearm element
elemental emissions that cannot be classified through Requirements: Nil
one of the other previously detailed elements. Energy
weapons grant the user ↑1 on attacks against targets Range: 10ft/20ft
that are being subjected to a form of drastic size/ Hands: 1
mass alteration (such as the Modemaster’s Mass Shift, Effects: Stun 1
the Object Alt Mode General Perk, and mystically
enlarged or reduced objects). Traits: Computerized
Inaccurate: Weapons difficult to aim or that focus LIMITED WEAPONS
on quantity over quality have this trait. Users suffer
the listed penalty when attacking with this weapon. Chassis-Cracker
A gladiatorial weapon, the chassis-cracker is a
New Weapons massive, two-handed amalgam of a miner’s pick, a
prybar, and a labrys battle-ax. The edges are said to
The following section includes a variety of weapons have been made by Spark-less protometal, giving
that should be accessible to Decepticons as well as the weapon as much of a fearsome reputation as
adventurous Autobots. its wielder.
STANDARD WEAPONS Availability: Limited

Hi-Ex Grenade Classification: Might heavy melee

A hurled anti-armor explosive device. Requirements: Brawn d4

Availability: Standard Range: Reach ×2

Classification: Athletics sidearm explosive Hands: 2

Requirements: Nil Effects: 2 Sharp damage

Range: 10ft/30ft Alternate Effects: Intimidating, Target is Impaired

for 1d4 rounds
Hands: 1
Traits: Anti-Tank, Inaccurate (↓1)
Effects: 2 Sharp damage Blast (5ft radius)
Traits: Anti-Tank, Armor Piercing,
Consumable, Wrecker



Particle Gun
A carbine-like weapon that blasts targets with
accelerated packets of energy-soaked particles,
tearing through a target’s molecular structure.
Availability: Limited
Classification: Targeting medium element
Requirements: Nil
Range: 60ft/150ft
Hands: 1
Effects: 1 Energy damage
Traits: Computerized, Energy

Antimatter Pistol
An advanced handheld generator of energy blasts
that tear a target apart at the molecular level.
Availability: Restricted
Classification: Targeting sidearm element
Concussion Pistol Requirements: Technology d4
A handheld sidearm that hurls a focused Range: 30ft/60ft
blast of sound designed to knock a target off Hands: 1
center, disorienting them.
Effects: 2 Energy damage
Availability: Limited
Alternate Effects: 1 Strength Essence damage
Classification: Targeting sidearm element
Traits: Anti-Tank, Armor Piercing, Computerized
Requirements: Nil
Antimatter Close Combat Weapon
Range: 50ft/100ft
This altered version of the energized melee
Hands: 1 weapons used by many Cybertronians uses semi-
Effects: 1 Sonic damage stable antimatter to burn through the molecular
Alternate Effects: Target knocked Prone (↓1) structures of targets.

Traits: Sonic Availability: Restricted

Classification: Finesse or Might sidearm energy
Heavy Laser Pistol
Requirements: Nil
An upsized power cell and projection system allows
for superheated beams projected from a hand- Range: Reach
held housing. Hands: 1
Availability: Limited Effects: 1 Energy damage
Classification: Targeting sidearm element Alternate Effects: Intimidating, Maneuver
Requirements: Nil Traits: Armor Piercing, Computerized,
Range: 40ft/100ft Energy, Reload
Hands: 1
Effects: 2 Laser damage
Traits: Computerized, Laser, Reload

Catalytic Cannon
A favorite of Siegemasters, this heavy weapon fires
chemical payloads at long distances, dissolving
physical substances in seconds.
Availability: Restricted
Classification: Targeting heavy element
Requirements: Brawn d4
Range: 150ft/350ft
Hands: 2
Effects: 2 Acid damage Burst (10ft radius)
Alternate Effects: 2 Strength and Speed
Essence damage
Traits: Acid, Mounted, Reload, Wrecker
Fusion Grenade
These internally triggered fusion reactions timed for
maximum destruction are frequently put to good
use by flying Warriors and Saboteurs. Fusion Gun

Availability: Restricted This hefty, two-handed firearm is built around a

powerful energy reactor with a directed port. It can
Classification: Athletics medium explosive project a significant portion of its internal fusion at a
Requirements: Technology d4 target at surprising ranges.
Range: 20ft/50ft Availability: Restricted
Hands: 2 Classification: Targeting heavy element
Effects: 2 Energy damage Blast (20ft radius) Requirements: Brawn d4
Traits: Anti-Tank, Computerized, Range: 40ft/160ft
Consumable, Wrecker Hands: 2
Effects: 2 Energy damage
Traits: Anti-Tank, Computerized, Energy,
Reload, Wrecker
Comprised of superdense teeth arranged around
a rapidly revolving spindle, cone, or wheel, the
mauler is a vicious close combat weapon that is
terrifyingly popular in the Pits.
Availability: Restricted
Classification: Might medium melee

MAULER Requirements: Brawn d4

Range: Reach
Hands: 1
Effects: 1 Sharp damage
Alternate Effects: 1 Strength Essence damage
Traits: Armor Piercing



Mini-Missile Swarm Hands: 2

Often nicknamed the “spaghetti missile system,” Effects: 2 Cold damage
this weapon pod blasts a cloud of self-adjusted
Alternate Effects: Stun 1
mini-missiles toward a large area, saturating it with
numerous detonations. Traits: Cold, Computerized
Availability: Restricted Particle Rifle
Classification: Targeting heavy explosive A large rifle that concentrates a stream of energy-
Requirements: Technology d2 soaked particles capable of punching through most
physical defenses with ease.
Range: 80ft/200ft
Availability: Restricted
Hands: 2
Classification: Targeting long element
Effects: 1 Element damage Burst (40ft radius)
Requirements: Nil
Alternate Effects: 3 Element damage (↓2)
Range: 150ft/600ft (minimum 30ft)
Traits: Computerized, Element, Mounted,
Reload, Wrecker Hands: 2
Effects: 1 Energy damage
Null Ray
Alternate Effects: 2 Energy damage (↓1), 3 Energy
Combining the direct-fire nature of a laser emitter
damage (↓3)
with a chemical super-coolant, this rifle projects a
beam that can freeze plastic and buckle metal. Traits: Armor Piercing, Computerized,
Energy, Reload
Availability: Restricted
Classification: Targeting medium element
Requirements: Technology d4
Range: 60ft/180ft

New Weapon Upgrades Vicious Edges

These are useful new upgrades that characters can Adds hooks, blades, chains, or burning filaments to
acquire from the right sources to alter their weapon a close-combat weapon, making it almost more a
systems. While these tend to be less honorable torture device than a weapon.
options, they are useable by both Autobot and Availability: Limited
Decepticon characters. Prerequisite: Close combat blade, close combat
Dynamo bludgeon, close combat heavy blade, or close
combat heavy bludgeon
The weapon’s edge becomes lined with
harmful energy. Benefit: Weapon gains the Intimidating alternate
effect and inflicts 1 additional damage against a
Availability: Limited target currently suffering from any Condition
Prerequisite: Melee weapon without an
Element type
New Armor Upgrades
Benefit: The weapon gains the Energy type
These are new ways to protect a Cybertronian’s
Elemental Projector chassis and internal components from harm. While
they might be seen as drastic or unconventional,
A series of elemental energy conduits that can be
they are no less useful than their more mainstream
laced into the parts of a bot’s chassis to apply that
element to physical strikes.
Availability: Limited Armor Matrix

Prerequisite: Unarmed or Alt Mode attack with The user is injected with reinforcing liquid armor at
range measured in Reach weak points in their chassis.
Benefit: Changes damage type to a chosen Availability: Standard (Light); Limited (Medium);
Element type Restricted (Heavy)
Prerequisite: Brawn d4 (Heavy only)
Leech Siphons
Benefit: Grants bonus to Toughness; +1 (Light), +2
Energy-draining ports that can drain Energon
(Medium), or +3 (Heavy)
from a target.
Special: An armor matrix is installed in one
Availability: Restricted
Integrated Hardpoint, and a character can benefit
Prerequisite: Close combat blade from only one armor matrix
Benefit: With a Critical Success hit, target loses Junkplate
1 Energon Point (or 1 Strength Essence Damage if
they have no Energon Points); wielder then gains 1 This heavy, spiked, and somewhat odd-looking
Energon Point armor was made famous by Junkion warriors.
Availability: Limited
Rust Derivatives
Benefit: Grants +1 plating bonus to Toughness
A time-controlled chemical derivative that emulates
and allows unarmed combat attacks to inflict
the effects of the terrifying Rust Plague.
Sharp damage; enemies that Fumble with
Availability: Prototypical unarmed or natural attacks against wearer suffer 1
Prerequisite: Weapon with an area of effect and Sharp damage.
the Consumable trait Pit Plates
Benefit: Weapon deals 1 Acid damage in addition These hooked, studded, and bladed sections of
to its normal Damage; target then can’t regain metal are chemically welded to the larger sections
Health until treated with a successful DIF 20 of a bot’s form.
Science or Technology Skill Test in a procedure that
takes 10 minutes Availability: Restricted
Prerequisite: Brawn d4



Benefit: Grants +2 plating bonus to Toughness, Titan Frame

↑1 to Intimidation skill tests, and allows unarmed These hardened belting and protective plates
combat attacks to inflict Sharp damage snap into place when the user converts into
Plated Carapace their Bot Mode.

Designed to mimic the thick shells of certain Availability: Restricted

animals, this armor suite protects in similar ways. Prerequisite: Huge or larger (Bot Mode)
Availability: Restricted Benefit: Grants +4 deflective bonus to Toughness,
Prerequisite: Insecticon or Monstrosity Only but imparts –2 penalty to Evasion (Bot Mode only)

Benefit: Grants +2 plating bonus to Toughness,

increased to +4 in Alt Mode New Support Equipment
Decepticons enjoy using the elements of surprise
that some of their Alt Modes offer but care less
about the constant need to blend in with their
human surroundings.
Additional Pair of Limbs
Prerequisite: Animal, Creature, or
Monstrous Alt Mode
• Alt Mode: Adds 10ft to your Ground Movement
or Multiple (2) Targets (Reach, ↓1) to your
unarmed combat attack.
• Bot Mode: Adds self-balancing and stability,
allowing you to stand up from being Prone
as a Free action that doesn’t require any of
your Movement.
Fearsome Additions
• Alt Mode: Spikes, blades, and flame-
belching vents grant ↑1 to your Flyby, Ram, or
Slam attack.
• Bot Mode: You gain a ↑1 on Intimidation
Skill Tests.
Ram Cone
• Alt Mode: Your Flyby, Ram, or Slam attack gains
the Anti-Tank and Armor Piercing traits.
• Bot Mode: Your can deal Blunt damage
with your unarmed combat attack without
suffering ↓1.
Stasis Cuffs
This pair of reinforced, energized alloy manacles
has a rigid block of metal between the individual
cuffs, making it impossible to convert forms while
being worn. The block can produce an extendable

polarity tether capable of anchoring the wearer to PERKS
any molecularly stable object until an encrypted Crew: 1 driver, 1 gunner; up to 10 passengers in
passcode or the wavelength key is entered into the freight section
cuffs to release them. Hardpoint Weapons: Static array
Prerequisites: d2 Technology to use Firepoints: 1 – Rooftop access port; If freight
Benefit: While worn, the bearer cannot convert section is open, passengers can use up to 4
additional Firepoints
modes, spend Energon Points for any reason, and
is Impaired. It requires a DIF 19 Brawn Skill Test to Traits: Air, Freight Carry, Vehicle
break free from a pair of stasis cuffs, and the energy Air: The Freight Hauler is an air vehicle.
tether has a Toughness Defense of 19 and 4 Health, Freight Carry: The Freight Hauler has an
regenerating 1 Health at the start of each round. enormous storage area behind two folding doors
on either side of the vehicle’s main body. It can
carry up to five times its normal carrying capacity
New Vehicles (based on its Brawn) inside the storage area.
While it is decidedly rare that Cybertronians Alternatively, it can carry up to the equivalent of
four Huge creatures.
feel the need to use additional vehicular support
when they can simply recruit a bot of the proper Vehicle: As a vehicle, the Freight Hauler is a
sophisticated piece of equipment that requires at
size and utility, there are some instances where
least one driver to operate. Without a driver, it is
commonplace engineering is just as easily considered a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks
called upon. target its Toughness. It has no Willpower or
Cleverness. Effects that affect a target’s Willpower

Freight Hauler
or Cleverness only affect it if it has a driver, in
which case they target the driver’s Willpower or
Cleverness. It is immune to Conditions and effects
A massive shipping vehicle, a freight hauler is
that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but
normally used to move raw materials and stacks of is susceptible to effects that affect machines,
Energon cubes from one place to the next. If two or such as Anti-Tank weapons. Damage to a vehicle
more freight haulers are linked to one another, the can be fixed with a Standard Engineering Kit or a
driver of the first controls the entire line of linked Technology Skill Test.
vehicles as if they are one enormous vehicle.
SIZE: Extended II HEALTH: 5
MOVEMENT: 45ft Aerial

• Brawn +d8
• Initiative +d2
• Might +d4
• Targeting +d2




ATTACKS requires at least one Driver to operate. Without

a driver, it is considered a Threat level 0 object,
Ram (Might): +d4 or driver’s Driving, Reach (2 and all attacks target its Toughness. It has no
Blunt damage) Willpower or Cleverness. Effects that affect a
Alternate Effects: Trip target’s Willpower or Cleverness only affect it
Traits: Drive-By if it has a driver, in which case they target the
Static Array (Targeting): +d2 or gunner’s driver’s Willpower or Cleverness. It is immune to
Targeting, Range 30ft/80ft (1 Electromagnetic Conditions and effects that exclusively affect the
damage— Multiple [3] Targets) living, like poison, but is susceptible to effects
Alternate Effects: Stun 1 that affect machines, such as Anti-Tank weapons.
Damage to a vehicle can be fixed with a Standard
Traits: Computerized
Engineering Kit or a Technology Skill Test.

Safe-Escape Landing Pod Ram (Might): +d2 or driver’s Driving Skill, Reach (1
This automated, armored aerospace pod is designed Blunt damage)
to take one or two mechanoid life forms from a Alternate Effects: Trip
space vessel to the nearest terrestrial celestial body. Traits: Drive-By
These are often followed by Starscream’s Seekers
and Cyclonus’s Sweeps after a space raid, leading
them to new targets and the leftover spoils of the Energon Strains
engagement. One of the largest points of contention between the
SIZE: Gigantic HEALTH: 4 Decepticons and the rest of Cybertron’s inhabitants
MOVEMENT: 40ft (10ft) Aerial is how they treat the acquisition, use, and, some
STRENGTH: 4 SPEED: 4 would argue, abuse of the most important natural
SMARTS: — SOCIAL: — resource to mechanoids across the galaxy: Energon.
TOUGHNESS: 14 EVASION: 14 Megatron and his inner circle have made it clear;
WILLPOWER: — CLEVERNESS: — Energon is to be sought out, ripped from wherever
it is found, and harnessed for use in the climb to
SKILLS Decepticon ascendency.
• Brawn +d6 Where the Autobots and their allies treat Energon
• Driving +d4
like the precious material it truly is, Decepticons
• Initiative +d4
see it as just another tool to be used and possibly
• Might +d2
exhausted. If it furthers the mission at hand, they
PERKS will manipulate Energon or even use rarer strains
Crew: Automated, up to 2 passengers of the material that are viewed as dangerous and
unstable. Decepticons (and some risk-taking
Firepoints: 0
Autobost) may find themselves with the opportunity
Traits: Aerospace, Autopilot (Advanced), Landing and desire to use any of the following alternate
Pattern, Vehicle
strains of Energon.
Aerospace: The Safe-Escape Landing Pod is an
aerospace vehicle, can maneuver in a zero-g
environment, and is sealed against the vacuum Standard Energon Forms
of space. It must move at least its second listed
Aerial Movement value with each Move action. ENERGON CUBE
Autopilot (Advanced): If this vehicle has no drivers, In the most basic form, Energon is fuel for
it operates like a normal vehicle with at least 1 driver Cybertronians and their power-hungry tools. The
but less than its full complement of drivers. most basic form of liquid Energon is stored in
Landing Pattern: The Safe-Escape Landing cube form.
Pod, unless altered in its purpose by a Driving
or Technology Skill Test from inside the pod, will Availability: Standard
always move toward the nearest suitable celestial Use: One cube holds 2 Energon Points, which can
body (asteroid, moon, planet, etc.) to land upon.
be siphoned at the regular rate of 1 Energon Point
Vehicle: As a vehicle, the Safe-Escape Landing per Free action.
Pod is a sophisticated piece of equipment that

ENERGON SNACK chance the Energon will break down, causing a
This small cube or icosahedron of jellied Energon catastrophic detonation. Roll 1d2 and add the
can quickly grant Energon. damage the crystals suffer. If the result is equal
to or higher than the number of Energon Points
Availability: Standard stored within the crystal, it explodes, inflicting 1
Use: One snack holds a single Energon Point, Energy damage to everyone within a radius equal
which can be consumed as a Free action. to 10ft times the number of Energon Points within
the crystal.
A character who succeeds at a DIF 14 Science
ENERGON) (Mineralogy) Skill Test as a Standard action can
Centuries of pressure and ambient radiation break down a single solid-state Energon crystal into
condenses particulate Energon into larger veins of a useable liquid form for consumption or storage.
its crystalline form. The crystals can be harvested
and later refined into the much easier-to-use Alternate Energon Strains
liquid state. This process is normally performed at
an Energon refinery, but anyone with a Standard When consumed, these alternate strains of Energon
Mineralogy Kit could break down a few crystals at a grant Energon Points that function a little differently
time for individual use. from standard Energon Points. Some also offer
long-term benefits for simply having these alternate
Availability: Standard Energon Points. A character can have as many
Use: Solid-state Energon is a lightweight crystal alternate Energon Points as they wish, even beyond
packed with potential energy. Should it suffer their normal Energon Point maximum. However,
damage of any type aside from Cold, there is a



an alternate Energon Point must be spent within 24 they consume Dark Energon (no additional attack
hours of consuming the Energon strain, after which needed). This damage can’t be cured until the
it dissipates. addiction is cured. When a Dark Energon user is
reduced to 1 Smarts or Social Essence, they begin
DARK ENERGON randomly attacking enemies and allies alike in a
As Energon was made by the creator of the berserk rage until Defeated by loss of Health or
Cybertronians, Primus, Dark Energon was created other means.
by Unicron the All-Consuming. It glows a deep Dark Energon addiction can be treated with a
violet and is said to give most Cybertronians a successful DIF 20 Science (Medicine) Skill Test that
feeling like “coolant in your pipes” when in contact requires a week of counseling and treatment.
with it… before imbibing, of course.
The many uses of Dark Energon could fill a whole PRIMAL ENERGON
book, and the disciples of Unicron’s Rites of the Primal Energon is a thick and tarlike substance with
All-Consuming (see page 111) have a wide variety a kaleidoscopic, oily sheen. It is found only encased
of actions that may be fueled by Dark Energon in crystalline shells (but never fully solidified) buried
and have methods for avoiding the penalties of deep below a world’s surface or sometimes called
addiction. up as remnants from manipulation of the spacetime
Availability: Restricted continuum. Primal Energon is a powerfully
concentrated substance that fills the user with the
Use: Dark Energon has many uses but is primarily raw, bestial instincts of Cybertronian creatures of
a powerful bodily stimulant. Having at least one ancient times.
Dark Energon Point grants a user a +1 temporary
bonus to Toughness and Evasion Defenses, and ↑1 Availability: Restricted
on all Strength and Speed skills. In addition to the Use: The amount of Primal Energon Points gained
ways traditional Energon Points can be spent, a user from a source is double the normal number of
can spend 1 Dark Energon Point to gain Edge on standard Energon Points received from a similar
a Strength- or Speed-based Skill Test or to reroll as source. In addition to the ways traditional Energon
many dice as they choose after they roll a Strength- Points can be spent, a user can spend 1 Primal
or Speed-based Skill Test. Energon Point to awaken their basest nature,
Dark Energon is highly addictive, making an gaining a ↑1 to all Strength-based skills, Alertness,
attack against the Willpower of anyone who uses it, Animal Handling, and Survival for one scene.
starting with a base skill level of +d6 and gaining ↑1 However, while these bonuses are in effect, the
for each time used until it automatically succeeds. user also suffers ↓1 to all other Smarts- and Social-
When the attack succeeds, the subject gains the based skills.
Addicted (Dark Energon) Hang-Up. RED ENERGON
Addicted (Dark Energon): Those addicted to Dark An extremely volatile form of Energon, Red Energon
Energon are driven to consume it at any opportunity takes a longer time to process but when consumed
and disdain traditional Energon, with those deep enhances a Cybertronian’s strength and speed for
in the throes of addiction gaining limited benefits a limited duration. It is commonly considered a
from pure Energon. At the start of each day, the dangerous substance to possess and is sometimes
Dark Energon makes an attack against the user’s viewed as a controlled substance in Cybertronian
Willpower (at the same skill level that caused the communities.
Hang-Up). If it fails, the user staves off the hunger
for the day; on a success, the user needs to consume Availability: Restricted
Dark Energon that day or all standard Energon Point Use: In addition to the ways traditional Energon
expenditures are doubled in cost. Points can be spent, a user can spend 1 Red
A Dark Energon addict that hasn’t consumed Dark Energon Point gains ↑1 on all Strength- and Speed-
Energon within 24 hours after being successfully based Skill Tests for a turn or gain Edge on a single
attacked by the addiction takes 1 Smarts and 1 Strength- or Speed-based Skill Test.
Social Essence damage and continues to take the Red Energon is highly unstable and can be used
same damage each subsequent 24 hours until as an explosive in its raw or refined forms. A chunk

or collected container of Red Energon explodes TOX-EN (TOXIC ENERGON)
when it suffers any damage, attacking all creatures This sickly green form of Energon emits toxic
in a 30-foot radius with a skill level of +d8 and vapors. Tox-En is dangerous to all Cybertronian life
dealing 1 Fire damage and 1 Sharp damage if the forms. It can cause paralysis in Cybertronians and
attack hits. can even extinguish a Spark with enough exposure.
SYNTH-EN (SYNTHETIC ENERGON) Availability: Restricted
This synthetic Energon replacement compound Use: Unlike other alternate Energon strains
was made by Autobot scientists to help the overall in this section, Tox-En cannot be used to power
recovery of a war-torn Cybertron. It comes in two Cybertronian life and doesn’t grant Energon Points
states: a glittering neon green when it is unstable of any kind. Instead, it acts as a hazard. When a
and prone to power surges, and a more muted Cybertronian is within 20 feet of exposed Tox-En,
blue-green when it has been stabilized by a base the substance makes an attack with a skill level of
chemical bonder. In the former state, it is powerful +d8 against the Cybertronian’s Toughness Defense.
and can be used sparingly like common Energon, This attack gains Edge if the Cybertronian touches
while the latter form is weaker. It is for this reason the Tox-En. If the attack fails, there is no effect. If
that Synth-En wasn’t the saving grace Optimus the attack is successful, the Cybertronian suffers
Prime and his bots believed it to be, and why the 1 Strength and 1 Speed Essence damage and is
Decepticons are still toying with how to maximize Impaired for 1 minute. This attack repeats every
its utility. round the exposure is continued, increasing the
Availability: Prototypical duration of the Impaired condition by 1 minute with
each successful attack. This damage can’t be healed
Use: While in its unstable green form, Synth-En until the Cybertronian is removed from the Tox-En’s
functions exactly like Red Energon. A character area of effect.
who succeeds at a DIF 16 Science (Chemistry or
Physics) Skill Test can stabilize Synth-En into its
blue-green state.
Stable Synth-En Energon Points can be spent in
the same way as normal Energon Points. However,
when a character does so, roll 1d6. If the result is
equal to or higher than the character’s remaining
standard Energon Points, the character must spend
a standard Energon Point immediately to achieve
the effect desired. Weaker to be sure, but stable
Synth-En will not explode under any circumstance!


There is more than meets the eye to running a you settle into the mind and body of a shape-
campaign featuring Decepticon player characters changing robotic alien, why choose to be one of
than just some morally gray or passion-driven the bad ones?
motives. Before the start of any campaign, it’s
important for players and the GM to discuss the DECEPTICONS ARE MEAN MACHINES!
game they are about to play. In a campaign where If you want to know why a player might want to
the players take on the role of the villains, it is play as a Decepticon, just look at the awesome jets,
especially important to lay out expectations and monsters, insects and more they convert into!
guidelines. This chapter presents some topics to
The massive cannon that dominates Megatron’s
discuss with your game group when planning a
arm shows how aggressive and powerful he must
Decepticon campaign, as well as ways to define
be. One of the original Decepticons, Soundwave,
the Decepticons in your campaign and an array of
introduced the team of cassette Mini-Cons and
locations that might show up in such a campaign.
spoke with the most unique voice in the American
cartoon series. There was no Autobot equivalent
Accessing Your to either until much later. Even the primary
Decepticon forces that viewers saw blasting away
Dark Spark at the Autobots were sleek, high-flying jets, led by
a cackling warlord who mocked his enemies and
A Decepticon campaign lets players explore more
laughed in their faces. Starscream and his Seekers
over-the-top character concepts than an Autobot
moved faster, flew higher, and seemed cooler than a
campaign. However, it casts them as the villains
bunch of fleeing cars and trucks.
of the setting. Chapter 13: Running an Adventure
of the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Optimus Prime, Ironhide, and the rest of the first-
Rulebook briefly discusses the need for a Session 0 generation Autobots were iconic examples of robots
to plan character involvements and safety tools, but converting into human vehicles. In comparison to
this is that much more important to discuss what roaring jets, a towering gladiator with a cannon for
might make players uncomfortable or uneasy in a an arm, rampaging insectoids, and even a cassette
campaign where they are portraying the villains. player filled with a robotic army of animals and
earthquake-causing men, there was no contest.
Decepticons were stealing the show.
Why Be a Decepticon?
Even as the Autobots gained new, comparatively
One of the first questions to discuss with your group flashy characters like Blaster and the Dinobots to
is “Why?” Why portray Decepticons? A Decepticon their ranks, more Decepticons with even more
campaign spins the needle on the moral compass, interesting shapes and sizes appeared in equal
with players taking on ethically questionable, if measure. The Decepticons continued to stand out
not outright evil, characters. In a game that lets with unique individuals, while also being able to



hurl physically similar drones at the heroes again

and again. The heroes stood proud and tall as they
should, but the Decepticons remained popular with
many Transformers fans.


Unlike quite a few heroic tales, where the villains
emerge from the shadows to strike at the status quo,
possibly trying to topple the people in charge…
the Decepticons have already done a great deal of
the work toward their goals! Depending on exactly
when your campaign takes place in Transformers
history, the civil war might be in full swing, with the
Autobots—including putting Optimus Prime and his
most influential officers—on the run, fleeing across
the galaxy!
Some players may want to embody this boastful
“victory-is-at-hand” attitude. Sometimes it feels
good to blindly believe you are already winning
the fight, even if there are heroic forces at work to
topple you and your comrades’ success.
Even in the eras of the setting where the
Decepticons are in about an equal position as their
foes, there is a certain feel of superiority that comes
with always pushing up against those you feel who
are beneath you and your leaders. Though such The use of Spark-copied drones to fill out the
beliefs can lead to underestimating your foes! masses of the Decepticon faction automatically
creates a kind of pecking order that puts these
THE REWARDS OF AMBITION disposable copies at the very bottom, followed
While the Autobots usually operate within a by those drones who have grown into their own
strong structure of teamwork and consistently put individuality, and eventually up into the Alpha
the mission above themselves and their personal bots who are the originals. Some of those Alphas
goals, Decepticons tend to be far less structured even show themselves useful and strong enough
and altruistic. Aside from a few heralded positions to lord over Decepticons outside of their group
within the divisions of Decepticons, there isn’t Spark-chain.
much of a system of ranks found within its masses. Essentially, the Decepticons reward ambition.
Generally, if a Decepticon can order another Bots that strive to achieve more and gain power
around—whether empowered to do so by a more over others, especially their rivals within the faction,
powerful bot that speaks with more authority, or will excel. Characters willing to reach up and knock
simply possessing a stronger personality in the the bot above them off the proverbial ladder can
moment—they take on the role of leader for that try to climb into their place, like how Starscream is
segment of the mission. always one scheme away from taking Megatron’s
The Decepticon stance of “might makes right” throne, or Astrotrain’s secret collection of rail drones
tends to set members against each other in minor is ready to “make the Seekers obsolete.”
power struggles, but it highlights the faction’s This cutthroat rise through the ranks generally
leaders as the most powerful examples of what they works much better as a Decepticon story than an
have to offer. The Decepticon in charge tends to Autobot story. Players might want to revel in their
be better at the task at hand, more powerful than growth of power and influence within the faction,
their fellows, or perhaps better at planning for what but they should always be wary that they have likely
comes their way. stepped into someone else’s crosshairs…



In many heroic stories and roleplaying game Not all Decepticons are tyrannical overlords or
campaigns, the characters are always reacting to voracious destroyers, many of them were recruited
whatever scheme or plot the villains are about to, for their stance of freedom or a desire to pull
or just have, unleashed upon the world. It seems themselves up out of the gutters of Cybertron. Many
the good guys are always one step behind, fighting would never see themselves as villains at all, even
against the odds to undo damage done. as they grew in influence and power. After all, they
Being one of the bad guys puts you ahead of aren’t megalomaniacs ready to unleash weapons of
all that. You get to instigate the troubles, start mass destruction on alien planets.
a cavalcade of schemes, and generally set the It is up to the players to decide just where on the
standard for the worlds around you. You get to villain scale their Decepticon characters reside, or
make the first moves, choose how things are going how far they will slide toward the darkest aspects of
to proceed, and—barring your ability to escape themselves.
oversight by your superiors—take on your missions The various levels of sinister or self-serving
in your own ways. personalities within a group can make for excellent
Decepticon characters will almost always be the roleplaying opportunities between Decepticons
reason adventures happen, rather than reacting to on the same team. Just how far is each Decepticon
something the Autobots are up to. willing to go to complete the faction’s goals? What



do each of them consider “acceptable collateral sees him the way it does, but deep in his Spark he
damage?” Confronting these questions can add believes what he is doing is best for Cybertron and
a surprising amount of debate to a game about all other Cybertronians… or at least those willing to
so-called evil Cybertronians. serve the new, idyllic empire he is fighting to create.

ALLIES OF CIRCUMSTANCE Just because the players know they’re playing

villains doesn’t mean their characters can’t think
When the average Decepticon mentality is to do they’re heroes. Roleplaying offers players the
whatever it takes for the mission, such a villain opportunity to put themselves in the treads of a bot
might swallow their pride and act a little less evil that sees the galaxy in a different light. Exploring
to work with some heroes when their goals are the psychology of others appeals to a certain type
parallel. Perhaps a superior or rival Decepticon is of roleplayer, and the internal motivations of villains
making moves that you disagree with. You might can be a true test of skill and understanding.
seek out an opportunity to knock them down a few
pegs or maybe you’re just upset enough to use the
Autobots to eliminate your opposition. Whatever Having Fun Without
the reasoning, Decepticons can often mislead and Crossing Lines
misdirect their way into a group of Autobots and
Once you have determined why you are playing
fight by their side for quite a while; whether it is a
the villains, you still need to be careful how you
real alliance or just more Decepticon shenanigans
indulge in the misbehavior usually expected in such
might change over time. Who knows what those
a campaign. Discuss these topics with your group
temporary allies might do for you when everyone’s
during a Session 0 or at some other point in the
backs are to the wall?
planning phases to make sure everyone gets what
HOW ABOUT A REDEMPTION STORY? they want from a Decepticon campaign without
ruining the experience for anyone.
Throughout various Transformers media, there
have been many instances where Decepticons BEHAVIOR
find themselves turning over their insignia and
Megatron freely calls for the destruction of his
joining up with their former foes. Jetfire betrayed his
enemies, again and again. He turned his fusion
creator’s design and flipped wing on the Seekers.
cannon on his own people many times just to
The turncoat Deadlock became Drift. There was
make a point. Although words like “tyrannical” and
even a tale of Megatron wearing the red for a time.
“brutal” often describe Decepticon mentalities, the
There is something to be said for taking a character
actual, visceral acts of brutal tyrants have no place
down a dark and ugly path, only to have them
in a Transformers Roleplaying Game campaign.
discover some revelation about their faction, their
Similarly, actual warlords and tyrants don’t focus
mission, or even themselves before it is all over.
on personal vendettas against the descendants
Even if it is just based around the decisions and
of demigods or covet a semi-mystical device of
story arc of a single character going from their
xenomechanical evolution, either.
Decepticon roots to a more heroic position, having
a character become one of the good guys—or Discuss with your players what behavior fits
at least a better guy—can make for a deep and into your table’s action-packed villainy, and what
wonderful roleplaying experience. might be getting too close to actual tyranny for
their comfort. That goes for both PCs and NPCs.
VILLAINS RARELY THINK THEMSELVES The campaign may center around an evil alien
EVIL faction, but the goal should still be escapism and
Some of the best villains in action-adventure media
rarely see themselves as unquestionably evil. Only VIOLENCE
in certain cases do they truly act as the over-the-top
The Decepticons blast apart small buildings, hurl
moustache twirlers of yore. Most of the time, the
each other through structures, and sometimes wield
villains are the heroes in their own heads. They are
nearby vehicles as weapons. This would normally
doing what they are doing because they think they
result in tons of collateral damage and injured—
are unerringly right. Megatron knows the galaxy
or worse—bystanders. Such human casualties

never make it to the screen for a reason, keeping
things relative to the story and the action, allowing
the giant robots to lean into the excitement and
destruction of the scene, not the realistic toll of
The PCs can commit acts of villainy without the
GM explicitly detailing the ramifications of their
evil acts. Conversely, some players might prefer in
depth descriptions to point out the ludicrous levels
of destruction to further distance the game from
real-world parallels.

Torture: An Ugly Tool

While some Decepticons might use physical
torture on their captives, it should never be
something that player characters do. Most
groups are fine with using the Deception,
Intimidation, and Persuasion Skills to bully
or win over the minds of their prisoners, but
torture should never be glorified or treated as
a conclusive way to extract information.

Some of Transformers’ most memorable storylines
dealt with issues the audience could relate to.
The constant push of good versus evil between
Megatron and Optimus Prime, for example, was
the perfect balance of exciting action and powerful
dialogue. When the Junkions revealed they are
always seen as lesser Cybertronians, despite being
physically more tenacious and remarkably clever
to live on their world, it highlighted the wrongs of
judging a people based on where they live, what
they look like, and how they speak. There is even
something to note about how the Decepticons
rarely treat each other with respect, and instead
trash-talk and threaten one another, which is a
subtle way of reinforcing that heroes don’t treat
each other that way!
For the most part, however, Transformers media
follows “polite dinner conversation” rules of staying
away from real-world religion or politics. Discussing
who should be in control of Earth’s Energon
resources or the upper levels of Cybertron or why
the followers of Unicron are dangerous is different
than focusing on their parallels in reality.



Roleplaying gives GMs and players the As the setting took on as many different forms
opportunity to explore ideas from outside their as the robots did within it, so did the nature of its
perspective. These games let people escape from primary antagonists, the Decepticons.
the real world and have fun with friends. Before Beginning as a handful of evil-for-evil’s-sake
introducing potentially triggering elements to villains led by a version of Megatron that literally
your campaign, and before giving your players converted into a powerful pistol that other
carte blanche to indulge their evil side, establish Decepticons would wield against the Autobots, the
everyone’s expectations for a Decepticon campaign. original Decepticons were bent on chasing down
and destroying Optimus Prime and his original
Selfish with the team of Autobot refugees fleeing from Cybertron. As

Story Points the setting grew and evolved, so did the goals and
reasoning for the Decepticons to fight the Autobots
and anything else that stands in their way.
In Essence20 games like the Transformers
Roleplaying Game, the GM awards players Leaders have risen and fallen, even different
Story Points to acknowledge play in line with versions of infamous members of the Decepticon
the table’s style, reward clever behavior, and upper ranks have appeared. Megatron the
soothe the sting of a Fumble. Players share a Conqueror, Megatron the Gladiator, Megatron the
pool of Story Points, with equal opportunities Tyrant, Galvatron, King Starscream, Scorponok,
to spend them. Deathsaurus, and more have brought their own
brands of leadership and rule to the Decepticons.
Share? Team consensus? That is not at all One story arc revolves around the awakening of
what Decepticons are about! the great and all-consuming Unicron, the moon-
If the cooperative nature of Story Points sized deity.
doesn’t align with the tone of your campaign, The massed ranks of their followers have taken up
consider rewarding them to individual the faction colors for a variety of different reasons,
Decepticon characters, instead of having them too. Members have come and gone. NewdDrone
be a team resource. In such a variant, Story types have battled against the Autobots, and no
Points are generated in the same ways. end of new faces have appeared to lead or fight
But this doesn’t mean Decepticons can’t alongside them. Throngs of belligerent Decepticon
share their Story Points with their allies! soldiers rise and fall on the whims of their leaders.
Perhaps someone has already used their When you decide to bring the Decepticons into
allotment and a useful Perk requires a your game as a playable resource or build a game
Story Point expenditure the character can’t campaign around them completely, you will need to
afford. This could lead to some unique and define the faction.
interesting roleplaying moments when one
Decepticon asks, pleads, or cajoles their
fellows for such aid. Answer the Five Ws
It can be useful to walk through the time-tested
five W questions to fully prepare your Decepticon
Dissecting Your campaign before you begin to populate it with
characters and plotlines.
Since the dawning of their existence in 1984, A solid narrative for the Transformers Roleplaying
Transformers blasted, soared, and converted their Game will have a number of important non-player
way into the minds of fans worldwide. What began characters on all sides of the conflict, many of
as a toy line that gave us robots that turned into which will be the sources of game session plotlines
everyday vehicles, electronics, and weapon evolved and points of interaction. The following are some
into a multi-media extravaganza that covers toys, groupings of character types you may wish to define
collectibles, cartoons, movies, video games, and for your campaign.
even themed musical experiences!

Leaders to stop them. Is this a story that reaches back to
The bots in charge of both sides will be an obvious ages gone by? Grimlock and the Dinobots may
source of many plotlines. Whether they are appear from time-to-time to make things difficult
being ordered around by the likes of Megatron, for the Decepticons. It could even be that the
Starscream, Shockwave, or even Galvatron changes characters have created or earned some rivals
the kinds of missions and level of villainy expected within the Decepticons and may have to deal with
of the player characters. Conversely, the Autobots the machinations of plotters like Airachnid and
and their responses to the characters’ activities will Astrotrain!
vary based on whether they are being instructed
by esteemed leaders like Optimus Prime, Sentinel
Prime, veteran warriors like Ultra Magnus, or new
age fighters like Elita-1 and Rodimus Prime.
Important Allies
Who the Decepticon
characters can count on as
allies will be important. Are
they members of a specific
division or team? Are they
surrounded by drones that will
likely be tools to be used or are
they drones in their own right?
Do they answer to Starscream
and the veteran Seekers? Are they
connected to Soundwave and his mob
of Mini-Cons? They might be Insecticons, part
of the greater Swarm, going on raids with the
likes of Kickback and Bombshell. Or perhaps
they are close with a team of Combiners, like
the Commandos or the Terrorcons, and work
outside the team to do deeds on their
behalf. Whoever ends up being on the
characters’ sides, you will want them
to be noteworthy.
Important Foils
You should also know
who will stand in
the way of the
foils aren’t
just enemies
to be blasted out
of the way. They are those who are
aware of what the characters are
up to and will go to great lengths to
stop them. Are the characters going
to be using a lot of technology
and science? Maybe Perceptor
and Blaster are heading up the efforts



Notable Warriors The Locals

There will surely be conflict the characters must Unless each session takes place in the dead of
contend with. The factions are at war, after all. This space or the middle of a deserted environment,
means that the Decepticons will meet Threats from the characters will have to contend with nearby
the opposition that may appear, like they did in the inhabitants. Unlike Autobots, who do their absolute
media sources, again and again. Will the characters best to avoid putting the indigenous species in
see Bumblebee scouting out their missions? Are harm’s way, the locals are less of a concern to most
the Aerialbots bent on being there every time Decepticons. Do the characters care about all the
the characters emerge from unspace? Or do they humans around their firefight on the Los Angeles
need to contend with Blaster’s Mini-Con forces River? What about the unaffiliated Junkions caught
snapping at their heels? Their foes might not even be in the middle of a trade gone wrong? Will the
Autobots. Maybe a specific officer within the human musclebound titans of the Collective, like Garnak
government or armed forces is always setting assets and Codder, take up arms against the characters
against them. Whatever the source or reason, there if they trespass? There are a lot of roleplaying
should be recurring adversaries to appear. This opportunities created when interacting with
allows relationships and roleplaying moments to the locals.
emerge in the thickest of combat scenes.

Those at Risk natural resources here on Earth, Energon is a major
Even if they have little to nothing to do with the source of conflict between the Decepticons and
game-to-game events or plotlines aside from the Autobots.
simply being part of the background information, Revenge
characters should be able to take note about all the
life forms that could be harmed by the characters’ The Decepticons believe heavily in getting revenge
goals and actions. This includes bystanders, on those who have wronged them, one of the oldest
witnesses, fauna, and possibly special flora that motivational reasons in existence. It could be as
might get caught up in the conflicts or fall victim of simple as wanting to strike back at someone who
the Decepticons’ machinations. defeated you or your allies in the past, or perhaps
it is a deeper connection that stokes the characters’
WHAT IS THE PRIMARY GOAL OF THE fires anytime their target is nearby. A campaign
CAMPAIGN? could easily find its protagonists born out of the
need to see someone suffer for past deeds.
Individual missions will have the characters in a
campaign performing distinct tasks and goals, many Territorial Control
of which could be as different from each other Decepticons are fractious and cannot help but lash
as the characters involved with them. However, out at one another, which can leave their collective
these pieces should line up to create a primary
goal, a greater reason for the
entire campaign.
A Testament to Power
The Decepticons are using the
characters and their missions
simply to let the galaxy know
who is really in charge of things.
A campaign about showing
off the Decepticons’ power
will likely place the characters
in situations where they can
grandstand, as well as achieve
goals that will be grandiose and
very noticeable.
The first reason why
Cybertronians do just about
anything, Energon is the most
contested resource in the galaxy.
Discovering and researching
places where Energon can
be found, and capturing
those sources is an important
part of being a Decepticon.
Acquiring Energon from those
who might already have laid
claim to it is another common
Decepticon goal, as is ripping
it unceremoniously from the
ground. Just like humans
battle over the accessibility of



territory at risk of being claimed by the opposition. actual birth of the Decepticons. Campaigns taking
If a campaign takes place in a contested area place in this time will be violent; this was when
or surrounding a specific location that flies one Megatron was still covered in the Energon and slime
side’s banner, enemy factions could risk taking the from the Pits, leading the charge into the upper
territory from the Decepticons, and the characters levels against the bots holding the newly risen
may be as likely to be defending their borders as Decepticons down.
they are expanding them!
The Exodus of the Ark
Reputation Solidification After Megatron’s rise and the full expansion of
When Decepticons first move into a new territory, it the Decepticons, Optimus Prime and his closest
is important for the locals—heroes and bystanders lieutenants and allies boarded the Ark flagship and
alike—to be made aware just who is now in charge blasted off to an unknown frontier. The Autobots
of these parts. A team of Decepticon characters were going to find someplace to pick up their
may oversee making sure that happens, or maybe pieces and come back at the Decepticons, but
they are just there to silence any local naysayers the Ark was blasted in mid-flight and was forced
or would-be heroes before they can test the down into a controlled crash into the American
Decepticons. West on Earth. A campaign from this era will be
about the Decepticon characters seeking out the
Ark, Prime, and his Autobot refugees while taking
Between the Tales of Primus, the Legends of the advantage of this verdant new planet full of ancient
Primes, all the records of ancient Cybertron, and Energon stores!
even the devoted Followers of Unicron, there are a
vast number of recorded prophecies and tall tales Earth Tales
that the characters could get involved with. Whether Once Optimus Prime and his closest lieutenants
it is to stop events from coming true or facilitating were resigned to staying on Earth and protecting it
them to fruition, a good prophecy can be very and the humans from the Decepticons, the planet
motivating. became a backdrop to a wide and varied collection
of schemes and plots. The Decepticons tried to
WHEN IS YOUR CAMPAIGN TAKING destroy their foes, control the planet, and rip all the
PLACE? useful resources from within it all at the same time.
When dealing with a setting that has had as many While that was taking place on Earth, Cybertron
ups and downs as this one, you should decide what was still an ongoing warzone between the two
important events come before, or even during, your factions. The lines were not as strictly drawn, with
campaign. the revolting Decepticons having more control in
the lower and middle levels, pushing the Autobots
Golden Age of Cybertron into a guerilla war. The upper-level powerhouses
This is the time on Cybertron when life was watched in horror as the line of violence pushed
somewhat normal. Not rife with conflict yet, closer and closer to their doorsteps.
Cybertron was firmly governed by the champions This is the most common era presented in the
of the Primes, and the Decepticons hadn’t truly setting’s media, and campaigns taking place in this
become much more than a concept whispered era would run much like the cartoons, movies, and
about on the dark recesses of the planet’s lowest comic books widely available.
levels. A campaign taking place in this era would be
less about the Decepticons being villains, and more In Unicron’s Wake
about the birth of the faction itself. When the All-Consuming demigod awakened,
The Rise of Megatron preying upon the violence and the energies shed
by the wars between the factions, there was a
The violent and tumultuous beginning of Megatron’s split amongst Cybertronians. Even shattering
revolution against the Primes is another era based normal faction lines, the fight became more about
primarily on Cybertron. Word of this political who served the Word of Unicron and who were
movement spread like wildfire through the lower afraid to be reborn by the monstrous being. Many
levels of the planet, which is often seen as the

Decepticons found themselves reborn in Unicron’s
maw, most notably Megatron, who rose once more
as the warlord Galvatron! Campaigns in this time
era will surely be focused on the battles against
Unicron, his followers, and the potential destruction
of anything that gets in their way!
Throughout the Continuum
While rare in Transformers media, time travel is
possible in this setting. This could hurl Decepticons
to and from different moments in time, making it
viable to enjoy parts of a gaming campaign and
narrative in all the time eras listed here and more!
Campaigns that revolve around time-hopping have
few boundaries to what they can cover, save one:
interacting with the past to change the future should
always have dire consequences.
The Untold Future
Who knows where the events of your own narrative
events and missions might take your campaign?
You could branch away from the existing canon
and write your own futures for the Decepticons and
their battle for independence and power.
scenarios are set on. Campaigns in this setting pit
WHERE ARE YOUR PRIMARY the need to hide in plain sight against the need to
battle the enemy. Decepticon characters are less
LOCATIONS? likely to care about the humans knowing of their
A Decepticon campaign can put the characters existence but will still need to deal with the pesky
through adventures that take place all over creation, Autobots always trying to protect the scrawny little
but the greater narrative arc is likely to revolve meatbags who get in the way!
around one or two specific places important to the
story. Depending on which places you choose, the Colony Ships
types of allies, enemies, and challenges will change. Several Cybertronian colony ships and warships that
have launched from the home world, like the Ark,
Leviathan, and the Nemesis. The latter could make
Cybertron is a massive metallic planet that goes for a very interesting base of operations for groups
back eons in history, before anyone can remember. of Decepticons. Campaigns based on a colony ship
The primary mechanoid home world of the setting (or its equivalent) would likely be about exploration,
can make for an excellent arena for any form of conquest, and the galactic search for resources and
campaign. Depending on the levels of the planet the territory to be claimed for the Decepticons.
scenes are taking place in, Decepticons could be
local heroes and freedom fighters, revolutionaries, Cybertronian Territories
dangerous visitors, or outright terrorists. Energon Cybertronians have ventured away from their
is a highly controlled and coveted substance here, home world for eons, setting up a vast number
despite its sizable quantity. Campaigns set on of important territories and even several thriving
Cybertron focus more on the Decepticon/Autobot colonies. Depending on the colony or territorial
civil war than hiding from outsiders or claiming stretch, a group of Decepticon characters arriving
additional resources. there could be the first to bring the faction’s ideals
and movement to the mechanoids living there. This
would, of course, be met with either acceptance or
The 3rd planet of the Sol System is the primary resistance, and dealing with those reactions could
location that many Transformers Roleplaying Game make for interesting missions within a campaign.



Alien Space many roleplaying moments, but the Decepticon

Earthlings and Cybertronians are not the only mentality to take what they are strong enough
beings in the universe. There are countless alien to can turn quite a few of these interactions
species that thrive and survive on their own worlds into violence.
throughout the cosmos, from fellow mechanoids Alternate Dimensions
like rugged Catharsians and manipulative
Quintessons to squid-like organics like Voin and There have been some Transformers stories about
the highly regimented puissant soldiers of the alternate dimensions that could be interesting to
Collective, and everything in between. Campaigns explore. Exploring a mirror universe where the
surrounding the various chunks of space belonging Decepticons are the good guys or a dark cataclysm
to alien species could be entertaining and offer has swept across the universe could be a great
deal of fun and force players to think extremely
outside the box.
The Unknown Frontier
Taking your characters outside the known
parameters of Transformers media is a surefire way
to create something unique for your Decepticon
campaign. Who knows what is possible beyond the
edge of creation?


To answer possibly the most important
question about a campaign, think about the
actual fabric of the story. Determine why is this
group of Decepticons involved in the plots and
narrative arcs of the campaign.
Just a Cog in a Great Machine
Sometimes a Decepticon is set on a path
or mission after bending the knee and
accepting their orders. Whether they came
down from Megatron, or through one of
his lieutenants, or even from someone
who has power over the characters,
a Decepticon could be involved
in a campaign because they were
simply told to.
Alternatively, instead of being
ordered by a superior, many members of
a drone family or a related Spark-chain
of Decepticons may find themselves
following the lead of the strongest
among them. The instinct to follow suit
in that case can be enough to withstand

VOIN anything the galaxy throws at them; if it

is good enough for an Alpha, it is good
enough for you!

Need to Know
Some bots just can’t handle a mystery. If a mission
or campaign events are remotely about discovering
something on the edge of the unknown, that
can absolutely be enough for them to join with
a team. For some Decepticons, the concept that
a mysterious goal could further them personally
doesn’t hurt, either.
Climbing the Ladder
Decepticons are naturally ambitious and desire to
rise in social esteem or personal power within the
faction. If joining up with a team or signing on to
a specific mission or campaign of goals is likely to
help them rise a few ranks along the way, that is a
great opportunity. If it might also let them kick their
rivals down a few at the same time? All the better!
A Personal Vendetta
Decepticons tend to hold grudges, plain and simple.
When at least part of your existence is monitoring
and waiting for the right chance to take a chance
swing at a rival or a nemesis, you will not hesitate
to do so. If that means becoming part of a mission
team to get closer to the target, so be it. If the goal
of the mission itself is in line with taking out the old
enemy, any Decepticon worth their Spark would be
ready to go in a flicker of a photoreceptor.
The Team Needs Me
Not all Decepticons are fully self-centered. There
are some who come to care about their frequent
teammates, fellow Drones, or others. Sometimes
camaraderie is born out of hardship, and some
Decepticons do have it pretty hard. These
Decepticons are likely to go ahead and stick out the
rough missions with their fellows, just to make sure
everyone comes back to base in one piece.
Can’t Win If You Don’t Play
There isn’t always an answer to the big questions
for some bots. The thrill of the chase, the rush of
the hunt, and the euphoria of success is all it takes
for some Decepticons to want to push the limit.
For these thrill-seeking crankcases, any job that
allows them to bury the needle and feel the rush of
excitement is a job worth taking. Their motivations
are less about “Why?” and more about “Why not?”



Decepticon drones. Monitored primarily by the Reflector trio or

their Photon counterparts, the Assembly Forge is a
Locations sprawling foundry split into three primary areas: the
processing forge, blank storage, and the ship ports.
Like a Transformers campaign that focuses on the The processing forge holds numerous smelting
Autobots faction, a Decepticons story could take pits, drone-operated crane arms that dip body molds
player characters across the globe or to the far into the molten alloys, and lines of bins for sorting
reaches of the universe. The following are a handful and cooling parts. Blank storage is little more than
of interesting locations that could become important rows upon rows of dozens of empty, Sparkless
to any campaign. shells. The ship ports are small recesses in the
moon’s surface that allow spacecraft to land and get
Assembly Forge, Titan loaded up with drones being taken away to receive
Hidden away on the largest of Jupiter’s moons, Titan, their initial Sparks.
the Decepticons have built a partially subterranean While not the only source of Decepticon drones,
forge responsible for the crafting, assembly, and the Assembly Forge on Titan is the closest mass-
pre-Spark dedication of many types of Decepticon production facility to Earth. It maintains a sizable
storage lot of spare parts and materials but isn’t
considered a priority defense post by Megatron,
which makes it an attractive target for stealth
missions and sabotage by Autobot agents.

Due to the number of spare parts and raw materials
stored on Titan, characters that manage to gain
access to the main areas of the Assembly Forge
can spend time finding all that they need to repair
nearly all kinds of damage. Although the process
takes three times the normal amount of time,
characters can consider all the equipment on
Assembly Forge grounds to count as a Restricted
Repair Kit for Science and Technology Skill Tests.

Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
this location:
• The Photons on Titan are suffering from some kind
of “Spark sickness,” and Shockwave is concerned
that it could pass somehow to the other drones
being crafted there. Someone with some
knowledge about Cybertronian physiology and
mechanoid diseases could gain major favor, were
they to come and help Reflector.
• Word around the system is that Titan is going
to be infiltrated by a crew of Autobot spies and
saboteurs. Reflector has asked for additional
security. Anyone willing to spend a few cycles on
the lookout in the foundry and storage areas could
earn some extra shanix or clout.

Ceti Alpha VII
Once the home world of the self-titled Emperor
of Destruction, Deathsaurus, this temperate
and ancient planet once had only one primary
settlement: a sprawling fortress where the unstable
monstrosity waited for generations to be found by
his Decepticon kin. The planet was rich with solid-
state Energon crystals found in shallow caves and
easily extracted pockets in its crust. Deeper in the
mantle of Ceti Alpha VII there were rarer and more
difficult to acquire veins of primal Energon, but it
was not the greatest secret the world had hidden.
The Decepticons, including a pair of Alpha
Insecticons, were drawn to the planet to find
the ageless tyrant waiting to be discovered.
With Deathsaurus’ help, Dirge and Buzzclaw
re-awakened their cloning abilities, and new
Insecticon drones joined the swarm. These clones
were virulent and destructive, drawing a great deal
of attention to the planet, which eventually brought
the Autobots. While the cloning facility itself
was destroyed to send the trespassers scattering,
the planet remained a useful territory for the
Decepticons for a long time.
Since that time, Ceti Alpha VII has been bored
out and mined. Refinery settlements and Insecticon
hives network its surface. There is still Energon to be
found, but between the general Decepticon desire
to acquire Energon and the near-constant presence
of ravenous Insecticons, there is no question why
natural stores are drawing thinner with each cycle.

Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
this location:
• Shockwave and Knock Out have devised a
possible new method for condensing primal
Energon into a powerful and remarkably stable
gel. Ceti Alpha VII is a perfect place to perform
these experiments, but the results seem to
cause the Insecticons to look at everyone with
hungry eyes.
• Deathsaurus claims to have a collection of
powerful and ancient gladiatorial melee weapons
hidden away in his old compound on the planet,
but he doesn’t quite remember where. Clever
treasure-hunting Decepticons may be able to find
them, should they truly exist, within the bowels of
that dire construction.



Chaar elsewhere. Chaar was never meant to be a

long-term headquarters, reinforced by how the
An ashen waste of rock, stone, and barren dust Decepticons treat the ruined world.
plains, Chaar is a small planet revolving around
a high-radiation blue-white star. Cybertronian RADIATION PROBLEMS
colonists and terraformers created a large metal
The powerful wavelengths of radiation pummeling
pseudo-moon to help protect the planet from
Chaar from its star cause all sensory and scanning
harmful radiation, which also stabilized and
equipment to receive ghost images and false
reinforced the geothermal fluctuations that once
readings or even blank out spectacularly for minutes
pockmarked its surface. While the planet is still
at a time. Any uses of the Alertness skill while in
an ugly, burned-out mess, Chaar has become an
the greater Chaar orbit or planetside automatically
important Decepticon waypoint. Not too distant
suffer Snag. Additionally, Skill Tests affected in this
from Cybertron itself, Chaar became the fallback
way Fumble on a d20 result of 1 or 2.
position for the Decepticons who fled the aftermath
of Unicron’s destruction. Use of personal protective equipment designed
to stave off environmental effects mitigate these
There are ruins of colonies across the planet’s
penalties; these penalties are also removed when
surface, but most of the local fauna lives in
the planet’s metal moon is visible in the sky above
shallow caves and winding tunnel complexes. The
where a character is attempting the Skill Test.
energy leeches of Chaar are a constant worry for
Cybertronians, but the apex predator, a massive PLOT SEEDS
spider-like creature called the chaarantula, has
Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
a pair of stomachs equally able to digest animal
this location:
matter as well as metal!
• The Seekers have captured Arcee during a recent
Chaar is a desolate and lonely place, even after
conflict and the closest place to hide her is on
the Decepticons claimed it as a new hideout.
Chaar. She has turned out to be more than anyone
The star’s radiation makes scanners and sensor
expected and has escaped. Now the seasoned
equipment all but useless here, and Energon spikes
Autobot warrior is loose on the planet. Someone
of any kind will draw attention from the leeches,
must find her and bring her in before she can
who in turn will draw chaarantulas. This is the
cause too much damage.
reason why there aren’t any massive compounds or
foundries to speak of here; the Decepticons prefer • Sunstorm is recruiting a team to go to Chaar and
to remain in small pockets, biding their time until collect radiation-soaked material samples that he
they can rocket off and find better accommodations and his fellows are planning to use to better focus
his natural, dangerously powerful emanations.
The real problem? Who will help him test these
measures when the time comes to do so?



Cybertron’s Lowest Levels Even after generations of civil war, the lowest
Cybertron has always been physically segmented by levels of Cybertron remain a ripe breeding ground
the different layers of construction of its enormous for new Decepticon recruits. When life is slaving
metallic body. Like the layers of an onion, Cybertron away over sweltering furnaces, it does not take
can be metaphorically peeled back to reveal its much prodding to stoke some anger about the bots
many levels. These levels might be easily accessed who live in the heights, enjoying the fruits of the
via transport, but sociopolitical movement is hard work. Pro-Decepticon graffiti marks most of
much more difficult. The deeper you go toward the structures on these levels. Throngs of faction
Cybertron’s core, the ratio of labor and poverty members come together into informal packs, and
to affluence and privilege dips heavily toward it can be downright dangerous to wear the Autobot
the former. insignia on some of those twisting paths.
It is on those lowest levels that the Decepticon PLOT SEEDS
movement began, starting as disgruntled whispers
and conversations and evolving into secret plans Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
for revolt and revolution. Using the planet’s own this location:
core as the fuel for the foundries and fabrication • It is time for a recruitment sweep in the foundry
facilities made sense to early planetary engineers, levels, and the Conclave has decided to use a
but this required massive amounts of hard labor team of bots that have worked well together
and long, arduous hours. Out of practicality came before. There has been some anti-Decepticon
social disparity, and this is what eventually churned gang activity popping up, and Soundwave
up enough distrust, anger, and envy to forge the first believes there are Autobot rabble-rousers in
Decepticons. their midst.



• Refined and processed Energon is rarely There are several types of fights that take place
unclaimed in these levels, and a shipment is each cycle, ranging from lighter chassis warriors
being moved through a very dangerous part of battling against alien beasts all the way up to brutal
the sprawl. Those cubes need to be in Decepticon soldiers trying to take down the Pit champions. This
hands, by any means necessary. is where Megatron grew strong and skilled enough
• One of the most prolific armory fabricators, a to rise up and stand against the oppressive Primes in
supplier of Decepticon weaponry, has suddenly their chromium towers. While anyone is welcome
closed its doors. Someone has ordered this to try to scrape together some shanix or Energon
closure, someone who lives in higher levels, and stores with a fight here or there, the community
they need to have their minds forcibly changed. surrounding the Pits is a testament to and spotlight
on the Decepticon mentality: the strongest survive
Cybertron’s The Pits and deserve to thrive.
For most, being sent to or finding oneself needing
Any bot can try to make their mark and be the next
to fight in the Pits is the end, where a few days of
champion of Cybertron’s illegal fighting arenas, the
pain and destruction is the only thing on the menu.
Pits. These sprawling, hellish rust ruts are home to
It is described as a living hell by Cybertron’s elite,
some of the toughest, most violent Cybertronians
but like making a deal with the proverbial devil,
the planet has ever known. Megatron is the most
some find fame, fortune, and power worth risking
famous among them.

their Spark. There is an unwritten rule upheld and and it would be wise for the Decepticons to find
enforced by the locals that anyone is welcome to out what that is. They can’t come at him in the
the Pits, and if they are willing to risk their grille in Pits unless it is a sanctioned fight, which could be
even just one fight, they are protected in the streets a big mistake.
and alleys here.


Any bot willing to potentially hurl themselves in the Hidden away beneath the craters of Earth’s only
Pits may enjoy the wealth, reputation, and influence moon is a modestly sized, connected web of
that success brings. This takes a combination of both camouflaged domes and barracks which Starscream
fighting skill and crowd appreciation. chose to be his hideout whenever he or his Seekers
needed to flee from Earth but weren’t quite ready
To acquire gains from the Pits, a character must to face Megatron’s wrath. The moon base is the
first spend a Story Point and at least one entire day Decepticon version of an airfield, with a fully
participating in fights. The player then chooses from operational and well-stocked repair and refueling
Athletics, Brawn, Finesse, or Might as the skill their center connected to all ports.
character is using to compete with and rolls against
a DIF based on how much of a risk they are willing All Decepticons are welcome at the moon
to take, shown on the table below. base, but Seekers, including the troublemaking
Rainmakers, seem to have a greater level of access
SKILL FAILURE REWARDS ON across the location. After the fall of Unicron
however, Starscream maintained a wary distance
DIF 8 2 1 Limited Armor/ between his Seekers and Cyclonus’s spacefaring
Energon Points Weapon Upgrade
Sweeps. It is rare to see anyone outside of
DIF 12 2 Energon 1 Limited Weapon Starscream’s divisions at the moon base, especially
and 1 Health anyone with more authority than he has within
DIF 16 Energon Points 1 Restricted Armor/
the faction.
are Halved Weapon Upgrade
and 2 Health PLOT SEEDS
DIF 20 Energon Points 1 Restricted Weapon Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
are Halved this location:
and 3 Health
• Starscream invites a select number of Decepticons
Whether or not the fighter’s initial Skill Test is
who were vouched for by his Seekers up to his
successful, the character may then attempt to win
moon base. They say he is planning to unveil
over the crowd with a Performance Skill Test at an
some new weapon to use against the Autobots,
equal DIF. If that is successful, the character regains
but no one from Megatron’s inner circle has
their spent Story Point. If they fail or Fumble,
been asked to attend and everyone else is sworn
however, they suffer Snag on all Social-based skill
to secrecy.
tests on Cybertron for the next 24 hours.
• Earthlings have stumbled onto the perimeter of the
PLOT SEEDS moon base, but these aren’t common astronauts.
They seem to be military soldiers in advanced
Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
space suits. Who knows why they are here and
this location:
what they will do when they encounter their first
• The first champion to wear three different mantles Decepticons?
of victory is being celebrated throughout the Pits,
and Megatron wants the characters to set up a
private audience with this title holder to invite her Earth Crash Sites
to join the Decepticons. The only trouble is, she (Nemesis, Victory I)
talks only to fellow Pit fighters. Cybertronian starships, especially those large
• Bludgeon, an Autobot master of Metallikato, has enough to start new colonies or serve as a
been seen fighting in the Pits under an alias. He populated headquarters, weren’t designed to land
obviously has some reason for being so secretive, carefully on a planet like Earth. This is especially



true for the titanic warships like Megatron’s There has been talk amongst the faction of
Nemesis, and its partnered vessel, the Victory I. building a Victory II, but if the project has truly
After the Nemesis followed Optimus Prime’s Ark begun, no one has made much progress. Such
into a spiraling crash that planted the Decepticon an endeavor is increasingly unlikely due to the
warship on a rocky cliffside in South America, advanced uses of spacebridging and unspace
Megatron and his closest cohorts used the secluded that have been made available to both factions in
site as their Earthbound headquarters for a long recent years.
while. In a dark parallel of the Autobots and PLOT SEEDS
their Ark headquarters, the Nemesis became the
epicenter of Megatron’s invasion of Earth. Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
this location:
When Shockwave and a few others were
ready to try to return to Cybertron, possibly for • Parts from captured Cybertronian vessels are
reinforcements for the ongoing battle for the frequently being cannibalized to augment the
humans’ planet, they began to assemble a return crash sites. A small, parts-laden shuttle has been
vessel. With the help of the Constructicons, the pinged in low orbit. It is time to lay claim to and
Decepticons cannibalized the unused portions of bring it to the Nemesis to keep working on the
the Nemesis while fabricating the parts they needed upgrades needed there.
from Earth materials, substandard as they might be. • The ferro-magnetic seals on the Victory I are
They put together a sister ship of Megatron’s vessel, having a major glitch, sealing everyone inside the
calling it the Victory I. ship. While the Decepticons on board, including
the player characters, are trying to figure out how
The Victory I’s maiden voyage ended due to
to get back out again, water begins to seep in.
Autobot sabotage from within, causing the ship
to careen into the waters off the coast of Mexico.
Built to withstand particle cannon blasts and the
relentless pressure of re-entry, the ship survived the
crash and came to rest on the ocean floor, where it
remains as a hidden, underwater Decepticon base.

Earth’s Stratosiphon
To harness upper atmospheric energy
particles and condense them
into usable Energon, the
Decepticons built a small
but advanced low-orbit
platform Shockwave
designated a
stratosiphon. Not
terribly efficient,
the first version of
the project emitted
horrible pollutants
despite only marginal
Energon production.
It was this reckless
environmental endangerment
that put the platform in the
Autobots’ sights, and it was not
long before the whole thing was
sent crashing down into the glacial
waters below. STRAXUS
Even though the first stratosiphon platform was
destroyed, the concept itself was sound enough
for Shockwave and other Decepticons to try to
build others. It was debated that the first platform’s
inefficiency came from its location too near Earth’s Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
equator, and that perhaps a more useful location this location:
would be in a place with a thinner ozone buffer, • A new platform is about to go online, but there
like closer to either of the poles. Whether or not are signs of incoming Autobot interference.
these new platforms are ever built and launched is Someone must scour the local area for their
only a matter of time, as Shockwave is never one to meddling and stamp it out before the installation
give up on what he believes to be a good idea. can be switched on successfully.
STRATOSIPHON PRODUCTIVITY • A secret stratosiphon platform is suddenly coated
with alien microbes that devour Energon and
Should characters gain access to a functioning produce an oxidizing waste that will slowly
stratosiphon platform, the central collection point corrode the entire structure if it is not taken care
of the facility creates roughly one standard Energon of. Shockwave has a chemical weapon to use
cube (2 Energon Points) every 6 hours of operation against the infestation, but he needs brave (or
and can store up to 27 cubes in a 3-by-3-by-3 stack gullible) bots to go and use it.
in a storage vault in its center spindle.
It is possible to speed up the process or
potentially alter it to produce alternate kinds of
Energon with extended uses of the Technology skill. Considered one of the most well-defended
It would ultimately be up to the GM to determine Decepticon planetary colonies, Lucifer is a self-
how difficult that might be, and if it would have any sufficient and substantially equipped producer of
unexpected environmental impacts or side-effects. drones, ships, weapons, and anything else the faction



calls for. Lucifer is protected by numerous flak cannon Home to an unnamed species of natural shape-
towers, anti-intrusion barricades, and several drone changers, the biosphere of LV-117 feels ancient and
barracks. The colony also boasts two functioning contains many predators. Chief among them are
starports, a spacebridge platform, multiple dedicated the titanic reptilian chaosteros whose scales are as
research facilities, and several fabrication foundries. hard as metal, the burrowing arachnosaur and its
Able to push away any trespass, the area has been ability to sense energy signatures, and a strain of
used for generations to build up special projects corrosive bacteria that can break down anything.
requested by Megatron and the Conclave members, Nearly everything on the planet is trying to kill and
some of which have had surprising results. devour everything else, with little to no exception.
The entire colony is managed by the Lord High Quintessons became aware of this on first probing
Governor Straxus, a sadistic enforcer that enjoys the planet, hoping that their mechanoid explorers
little more than ignoring the pleas of his victims. would be able to come and go as they pleased
Under Straxus’s watchful eyes, the advancement without triggering the carnivorous instincts of the
of antimatter weaponry has come a long way for beasts, but they were wrong. The beasts were ready
the Decepticons, as has the availability of armor to pounce on anything that moves, often tearing it
upgrades. Nothing stands out as much as the to shreds before realizing it isn’t edible.
success story that is Nemesis Prime, one of Lucifer’s Between LV-117’s temporal instability and the
greatest achievements. fact that everything on the surface is potentially
deadly, why do Decepticons continue risking it all
PLOT SEEDS to explore the place? Energon. Massive amounts of
Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in solid-state and primal Energon. In addition to these
this location: resources, the planet’s unique lack of temporal
anchoring makes it an attractive location for
• Lord High Governor Straxus needs a team of
studies on time travel and other related sciences,
capable but expendable Decepticons to wear
if someone is lucky enough to get off and on
a set of experimental force-field-based armor
before it slides back out of synch with our timeline
matrices and some monitoring equipment into
once more!
battle. All they need to do take some enemy fire
and hope the upgrades function as intended. ENERGON EXCESS
• Nemesis Prime has been glitchy as of late,
Someone with the right equipment could find
and Straxus wants him to return to Lucifer for
and extract large amounts of solid-state or primal
necessary diagnostics and potential upgrades.
Energon rather easily on LV-117. All Alertness and
However, the Lord High Governor wants him
Technology Skill Tests used to find and extract
to have a full escort, with stasis cuffs on hand,
Energon on LV-117 gain ↑2.
just in case this is more serious than anyone
understands. TEMPORAL SLIDE
LV-117 exists in the normal flow of time for a
LV-117 random amount of time. To determine how long
A bio-sampling test world first used by Quintessons, before the planet disappears again, roll 1d12
then later by Shockwave and the Decepticon minutes, 1d10 hours, 1d8 days, 1d6 weeks, 1d4
science division, LV-117 is an interesting planet months, and 1d2 years, in that order. Stop rolling
that has somehow gotten unstuck from the normal if the same digit is rolled. This gives a minimum
flow of linear time. Like a comet whose orbit might possible result of 1 hour and 1 minute (1 on both
take it in and out of known space, LV-117 ducks the d12 and d10) and a maximum length of 2
in and out of the timestream. Nearly impossible to years, 5 months, 3 weeks, 1 day, 10 hours, and 12
track or predict, those who know about this place minutes! Unless the visit is truly just a blink, there
always keep one probe or deep space sensor on the is always a period to give everyone a chance to flee
Lenocinium Velnero System, ready to pounce when before they are lost in time and space.
LV-117 suddenly appears.


PLOT SEEDS New Cybertron Citadels

Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in The first attempt of Decepticons to openly co-opt
this location: an Earth-based settlement took place beneath New
• LV-117 has reappeared once more, which is York City, where the Constructicons took over the
always worth investigating, but this time it has city’s renewal and renovation programs to design
become more of a priority. Soundwave has just and implement the creation of a metropolitan
received partially scrambled communications citadel called New Cybertron.
from the surface of the planet with a signature that When this first New Cybertron citadel replaced
matches Jhiaxus, a Decepticon thought long-lost the Empire State Building, the Autobots were
to the wars. immediately alerted and made it their priority to
• Mindwipe is trying to use temporal shifts and stop the Decepticons from going further. They
chronomantic energies to summon ancient even faced off against the mighty Devastator in the
Cybertronians to fight for the Decepticons. He process. Once victorious, the Autobots devoted
requires a team of risk-taking volunteers to take their time and energy to the restoration of the New
some of his devices down to the planet to collect York City skyline, putting things back the way
readings, but the equipment will need to be they were.
protected from the local fauna.



That was not the end of the New Cybertron Cybertron III is a half-baked concept that uses the
concept, however. Several sections of New storms near the Bermuda Isles to collect Energon,
Cybertron I are now hidden away in the city’s but which also make it difficult to steadily populate.
old subway tunnels and in subterranean caves New Cybertron IV, a drilling complex built by the
beneath New York Bay. There were also a handful Seacons beneath the ice of the Arctic Circle, has
of other attempts made around the planet, as the most recently grown in Decepticon popularity due
Decepticons haven’t given up on changing pockets to its remote location.
of Earth to be more like their home world. Still far from converting Earth to a fully formed
New Cybertron II is tucked away in the Amazon version of Cybertron, these homage citadels are
River Valley and is notorious for its high Insecticon, just a hint toward what Megatron would do to
Sharkticon, and Allicon populations. New humanity’s home if given the chance.


Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
this location: this location:
• Some of the less-militant Decepticons living in • Someone has defaced the Megatron memorial
New Cybertron I have been discussing creating statue in Sparkfell Park, and although it doesn’t
a local form of governing laws beyond those get as many visitors as it first did when Blitzwing
passed down from Megatron and the Conclave. It erected it, many Decepticons still come to
isn’t very Decepticon of them and they should be it for inspiration. It needs to be repaired and
investigated! cleaned up, with the culprits brought to very
• Something has gotten into the Energon stores public justice.
of New Cybertron II, and the more animalistic • An empty shuttle was discovered outside of the
Decepticons living there are regressing to their primary city limits with no signs of crew, and its
less civilized natures. Someone needs to figure navigational information all scrubbed from its
out why this is happening and either stop it or records. This means that someone came to New
weaponize it. Kaon in secret, left behind their potential mode
• Snaptrap and his team have located something of escape, and erased their tracks—a recipe for
truly wondrous frozen deep under the polar ice impending trouble to be sure.
cap near New Cybertron IV, an enormous aquatic
Dinobot in centuries-old hibernation. He knows Planet of Junk (Junkion)
that he could turn her over to the faction’s causes
if they can free her, but she is so close to the city’s A planet-sized garbage dump, scrapyard, and
resources, Snaptrap needs brilliant engineers with recycling facility, the Planet of Junk—commonly
tight lips to devise how to do it safely. called Junk or Junkion—is a unique world that was
created eons ago in the time of the first Primes.
Junkion has an above-average gravitational pull and
New Kaon magnetic force that attracts debris to its hilly surface
New Kaon claims to be the capital world of the and holds it there. This perfect combination of
Decepticon Empire, so called by all of the refugees dynamic natural forces alerted early Cybertronians
from a post-Unicron Cybertron. Those who couldn’t to the planet’s presence and utility. They sent an
manage to stay to rebuild the home world fled to entire ship full of technicians and foundry workers
New Kaon on starships and through the functioning to the surface to colonize it. Generations passed,
spacebridge platforms to the metallic spires and the Junkion colonists evolved, and the planet
pollution of this city-planet. Founded as an Energon- became the single most famous collection and
extraction site, the colony was originally just dumping site in known space. If you had materials
another resource rich rock on the outer rim. you couldn’t repurpose on your own, you could
load it up in a star hauler, and drop it off. The
The move to New Kaon started immediately
Junkions would take care of it.
after the disappearance of Megatron. Ever loyal,
Blitzwing called as many Decepticons to the Despite being led by an honorary Autobot
growing Cybertronian-styled community on the named Wreck-Gar, the Junkions maintain their
planet as would answer. The goal was to hold collective neutrality in the faction war. Anyone
a massive wake and memorial service for the willing to come to their planet can enjoy their
Decepticon hero and warlord, but Unicron’s attack quirky hospitality while navigating the nigh limitless
on Cybertron turned that invite into a survival collections of spare parts, broken resources, or other
roadmap for soon-to-be refugees. material assets. On the Planet of Junk there is one
universal rule: if you resort to violence, expect it to
Streams of drones and surviving Decepticons
be judged, recycled, and returned to you in kind.
came together and built up the expanding colony
into a fully formed Cybertronian complex. Styled JUNKION SALVAGE
to resemble the lower levels of Cybertron, but with
Characters ending up on Junkion who are willing
more accessibility to resources, New Kaon City is
to simply spend enough time and get help from the
everything most Decepticons want.
Junkions can use detection equipment and their



Alertness skill to find useful supplies, spare parts, known to be somewhat accepting of Decepticon
and technological materials. Anything salvaged visitors. Those who come to see the Quintessons
from Junkion has a chance of being too far damaged should have something to barter or exchange for
or suffer from post-recycling molecular fatigue to their attention, patience, and tolerance; those who
be truly useful; if the first use of an untested item expect otherwise are sure to find themselves part
or material acquired from Junkion is a failure, it is of an unexpected experiment or at the bottom of a
considered to have completely broken down and Sharkticon feeding pit!
the result is turned into a Fumble.
PLOT SEEDS Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in this location:
this location: • Hun-Gurrr wants to stock up on some newer
• Wreck-Gar, despite being labelled an Autobot, Allicon and Sharkticon drones, so he is making a
keeps ties with Decepticons able to stay civil trip to Quintessa to make a deal with one of the
in neutral territories like Junkion. The leader Quintesson scientists. Why this monster needs an
invites groups from both sides to discuss new escort is unknown, but the PCs have been chosen
salvage opportunities on the planet. It should for the duty.
be a remarkable and exciting get-together if • The name “Mirdane” is being whispered in
nothing else. Decepticon circles. This infamous individual
• Rumble, as a prank, slapped a pair of stasis cuffs among the normally mysterious Quintessons
on Frenzy and shoved him in a waste compactor. might be behind several strange schemes. Why
Unfortunately, it was a compactor headed to has Mirdane resurfaced on Quintessa right
Junkion for drop-off! Now the Mini-Con needs now is unknown, but it points to something big
someone to go help get his cohort before happening.
Soundwave realizes what has happened and
Rumble suffers the consequences!
Styx, Prison Moon of
• The Tremorcons need massive amounts of metal to
test their new weapons on but know the Junkions Charon
are unlikely to accept wanton destruction on The coldest and most distant moon of the dense
their grounds. And this surely will not be a subtle and turbulent gas giant Charon, Styx is where the
weapons test in any definition of the word. villains send their antagonists. It is a frozen shell
of a satellite that is home the harshest and most
Quintessa and New intimidating Decepticon penal colony. Structurally
speaking, the facility itself is an impregnable
Quintessa prison that runs on a series of automated advanced
The Quintesson home world isn’t exactly a computing programs, relying on a drone-heavy
Decepticon territory as much as it is “Decepticon- skeleton crew trained by the Cybertron Guard to
tolerant.” Quintessa isn’t a natural planetoid, but make any on-the-spot decisions or adjustments to
more like a planet-sized space station or massive the daily activities of the incarcerated.
starship. It has a warped, metallic surface, deep pits Only those the Decepticons deem the worst of
filled with lubricant or coolant pools, and wavy the worst are sent to Styx. Wartime traitors, public
attached rings that in no way aid in the planet’s cowards, political saboteurs, and anyone thought
gravitation. From within this bent and unique to be too dangerous to simply suffer demotion
planet, the Quintessons plan, scheme, and test a are stored in cryogenic cells, awaiting their final
myriad of different scientific theories. judgment from the Conclave. These rulings are
The Decepticons have, on many occasions, handed down through the staff, with no pattern
made shady deals with the Quintessons, trading or precedent. Inmates include coup organizers
prisoners for experimentation, and bargaining for who have been sentenced to a hundred cycles
the acquisition of Sharkticon and Allicon drones for of hard labor, political enemies that have their
their own sinister uses. This is how Quintessa, and energy storage capacitors bricked to provide the
its replacement of New Quintessa, have become bare minimum, and front-line soldiers accused



of running away from battle who have been The Unicron Singularity
re-engineered to be little more than walking,
mindless weapons. Known to be the twin brother of the other
Cybertronian demigod of creation, Primus, Unicron
With such inhabitants, there is no question as to (also called the Unicron Singularity by atheistic
which Decepticons are chosen to work at the Styx scholars) has served as the celestial bogeyman
facility. Disagreeable, yet still capable, Decepticons for Cybertronians for as long as there has been
like Gutcruncher, Fang, and Horri-Bull are chosen recorded history. Contained within a massive,
to spend some cycles working these frozen halls, moon-like shell of the pure proto-matter, the
but no one really enjoys their assignment here. spherical legend has lumbered through the cosmos
in an erratic, irregular pattern for eons.
As the Lord of Chaos, the All-Consuming Entity
Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
of the End, and the deified embodiment of entropy,
this location:
the Unicron Singularity moves through space,
• A dangerously powerful prisoner has been occasionally crossing paths with another celestial
sentenced to rust away in the bowels of Styx, body. When that happens, the singularity’s shell
and Soundwave has offered a small fortune opens and draws the unfortunate victim into a
to the crew brave enough to strap her in and whirlwind of destruction. This is why Unicron is so
take her out to the prison moon. It will be a feared; he is the literal devourer of planets.
dangerous journey, especially once the prisoner
starts to explain her actions, for she can be quite
persuasive when she needs to be…
• Word has been leaked that several prisoners are
planning a once-in-an-era prison break during
the next planetary eclipse in 6 days. The guards
have been told to use lethal force to deal with
any uprisings, but if a small group of agents could
be inserted in the prison populace to dissuade
them, a lot of bots could be saved from wanton

For as long as Cybertronians can remember, there with the die of that Skill Rank.
have been those who see Unicron as a force for • Eat the Weak (+d2): The Follower may attempt
necessary change and ancient power and a force a Culture Skill Test versus a target’s Willpower
to be worshipped. These devoted Followers of the Defense to remove the Addicted (Dark Energon)
Word of Unicron believe through his consumption Hang-Up from that target. This takes 10 minutes.
and processing, the worthy can enter into a new • Distill His Essence (+d4): Once per day
era. This philosophy is more popular amongst in a ritual that takes 10 minutes, the Follower
Decepticons, but there are a few Autobots that can turn 2 standard Energon Points into 1 Dark
understand the deification of the metamorphosis, Energon Point.
and the Word of Unicron has gotten quite popular
• See Through Him (+d6): The Follower gains
among Junkion scavengers.
Edge on Alertness Skill Tests while under the
Legend became reality when the Unicron influence of Dark Energon.
Singularity took aim at Cybertron itself, fulfilling • Grant His Hunger (+d8): As a Standard action,
several different prophecies. When he arrived, the the Follower may touch a target and attempt a
booming voice of Unicron condemned the world Culture Skill Test against the target’s Cleverness
to his hunger and converted into a truly titanic Defense. On a success, the target loses 1d2
robotic shape that began the assault, disassembly, Energon Points (or takes 1d2 damage to a random
and consumption of Cybertron. There was a great Essence Score).
and epic battle with the demigod and, although • Champion His Way (+d10): The Follower
Decepticons, Autobots, and everyone in between gains a +2 bonus to all Defenses while under the
suffered tremendous losses, Unicron was defeated. influence of Dark Energon.
His body torn apart and sent careening off in every
• In His Image (+d12): In a ritual that takes 1
direction, the singularity at Unicron’s heart—his
hour, the Follower can attempt a Culture Skill Test
immensely powerful Spark, some say—dissipated
against a Defeated target’s Toughness Defense
on the stellar winds. The threat was defeated,
(ignoring armor bonuses) to exchange one or
bringing about a temporary period of reconstructive
more of the target’s Hang-Ups with an equal
growth and an all-too-brief moment of peace
number of Hang-Ups of the Follower’s choice and
between the factions while Cybertron picked up
design. The target undergoes significant physical
the pieces, but it would not be long before a newly
changes at the end of the ritual, and this rite may
empowered Galvatron would aim his Decepticons
only be successful on any given target once.
at the Autobots once more.
Here are a few ideas to inspire adventures in
After his spectacular and epic destruction during his this location:
apocalyptic assault on Cybertron, the broken and
• During a time before Unicron’s defeat, a major
severed head of Unicron’s physical form now floats in a
Energon-producing planet in Decepticon territory lies
wide, elliptical orbit around the planet like a terrifying
directly in the demigod’s path. Shockwave is putting
horned moon or space station. While there seems to be
together several teams to grab as much Energon from
nothing left of the demigod’s titanic Spark, his devout
the planet as possible before it is utterly devoured.
Followers still revere the remains, what it once was,
and the powers it still seems to give to them. It is this • There might still be some important or useful
remaining connection in their minds that make them technology found inside the Ruins of Unicron, but
firmly believe Unicron will eventually return. it would take a significant amount of bravery to
venture within that floating head, and even more
RITES OF THE ALL-CONSUMING so to salvage from it!
The most zealous and devoted followers of the Way
of Unicron can learn many ancient Cybertronian
techno-rituals rooted in the demigod’s legendary
transformative powers. For every Skill Rank in the
Culture skill, a Follower with the Word of Unicron
General Perk (see page 67) gains the Rite associated


In a Decepticon campaign, where your
one-time ally is one ugly mission away from

CHAPTER 5 being your next rival, a thin line separates

friends from enemies. This chapter presents

stat blocks for Autobot and Cybertronian
civilian characters as well as some alien life
forms that have gotten caught up with the
Decepticons before, whether you’re looking
for opponents in combat or want to populate
your campaigns with a variety of characters.

Cybertronian Features
Autobot and Decepticon player characters have Core Rulebook make no mention of these
immunity to carbon-based diseases but can be resistances and weaknesses.
affected by Electromagnetic damage and viruses that Those Threats and NPCs, including all the
affect machines, as noted in the For the Allspark! Cybertronian characters presented in this chapter,
and Hail Megatron! Perks. However, the stat blocks should be considered to have the features listed
for Decepticons and unaligned Cybertronians above by default. Other mechanoid Threats, such
featured in the Transformers Roleplaying Game as Catharsians and Gorlamites, list appropriate
immunities and weaknesses.
1 Autobot Soldier 7 Whirl
1 Cybertronian Courier 8 Hot Rod
2 Autobot Rescue Agent 10 Sideswipe
2 Cybertronian Bureaucrat 10 Sunstreaker
2 Cybertronian Laborer 10 Windblade
2 Nebulan 11 Cliffjumper
2 Sharkticon Drone 12 Arcee
3 Autobot Infiltrator 12 Bumblebee
3 Eject 12 Hound
3 Eurythman 12 Prowl
3 Probat 13 Bulkhead
3 Rewind 13 Wreck-Gar
3 Steeljaw 14 Jazz
4 Catharsian 14 Kup
4 Gorlamite 15 Jetfire
4 Ramhorn 15 Ratchet
4 Rollbar 16 Blaster
4 Wheelie 16 Perceptor
5 Autobot Racer 17 Ironhide
5 Quintesson 19 Grimlock
6 Collective Brute 22 Optimus Prime
6 Mirage 25 Omega Supreme



Alien Life Forms SKILLS

• Alertness +d2


Athletics +d2
Brawn +d4
• Conditioning +1
These bipedal mechanoids are similar in size and • Culture +d2
makeup to Cybertronians, but they lack T-cogs
• Driving +d2
and the Sparks required to use them. They are
• Initiative +d2
inorganic beings capable of all the same things a
• Might +d2
Cybertronian is, yet they cannot convert and don’t
have an Alt Mode. Many are curious about other • Persuasion +d2
mechanoid life forms, and often do whatever they • Streetwise +d4
can to spend time with Cybertronians. • Targeting +d2
• Technology +d2
• Languages: Catharsian, Cybertronian, one
SIZE: Large HEALTH: 5 local language
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground
SMARTS: 3 SOCIAL: 3 Focused Assault: Catharsians are used to
targeting something with repeated attacks, making
sure they stay down when they go down. When a
Catharsian gets a Critical Success on an attack,
they may immediately make another attack on the
same target, if possible.
Mechanoid: While not Cybertronian, Catharsians
are still mechanoid beings. They are immune to
carbon-based diseases but can be affected by
Electromagnetic damage and viruses that affect

Particle Gun (Targeting): +d2, Range 60ft/150ft
(1 Energy damage)
Hands: 1
Traits: Computerized, Energy
Unarmed Combat (Might): +d2, Reach (Stun 1)
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
Traits: Martial Arts, Silent

Armor: Light plating (+1 plating to Toughness)
Weapons: Particle gun
Other: Limited Repair Kit

Something to Prove: Due to being seen as
somehow lesser beings when compared to
Cybertronians, Catharsians have huge chips
on their shoulders. In any scene where their
perceived shortcomings are highlighted or openly
stated, a Catharsian suffers Snag on their first Skill
Test after that interaction.


COLLECTIVE Shotgun (Targeting): +d4*, Range 20ft/60ft (1

Sharp damage—Multiple (2) Targets [15ft cone])

Hands: 2
Traits: Ballistic, Reload
Unarmed Combat (Might): +d4*, Reach (Stun 1)
These enormous, green-skinned aliens have Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
thick muscles and bones as dense as steel. Early (↓1)
forerunners of the species were taken as specimens Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
by The Collective eons ago. Now they are found
across the galaxy, many hiring themselves out GEAR
as mercenaries, like the troublemakers Codder Armor: Simple metallic straps (+1 deflective to
and Garnak. Toughness)
THREAT LEVEL: 6 Weapons: Close combat heavy blade, heavy pistol
(blaster with Deadly upgrade), shotgun
STRENGTH: 8 SPEED: 3 Loyal: Collective Brutes have served as
SMARTS: 3 SOCIAL: 4 contractors and employees for generations, and
TOUGHNESS: 19 EVASION: 13 it has become a natural part of their lives. Allies’
WILLPOWER: 13 CLEVERNESS: 14 Deception and Persuasion Skill Tests that target
them gain ↑1.
• Alertness +d2
• Animal Handling +d4
• Athletics +d4
• Brawn +d2
• Conditioning +1
• Initiative +d2
• Intimidation +d4
• Might +d4
• Streetwise +d4
• Survival +d4
• Targeting +d4
• Languages: Universal Interac, two
spacefaring languages

Brute Frame: Collective Brutes are bred of dense
stuff, doubling all Health bonuses they receive
from the Conditioning skill and gain ↑2 to all Brawn
Skill Tests.
Puissance: Skilled in many forms of combat,
Collective Brutes treat all their attack Skill Tests
as if Specialized.

Close Combat Heavy Blade (Might): +d4*, Reach
(1 Sharp damage)
Alternate Effects: 2 Sharp damage (2 hands)
Hands: 1 or 2
Traits: Silent, Versatile
Heavy Pistol (Targeting): +d4*, Range 25ft/80ft
(2 Sharp damage)
Hands: 1
Upgrades: Deadly
Traits: Ballistic



Mammalian aliens resembling the elves of Earth
folklore, Eurythmans are an advanced society of
music and sound-based technologies. Everything
they build is done using musical, harmonic
techniques. They are known for their unbelievable,
almost mystical, uses of sound to achieve a variety
of effects.
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 3
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground


Alertness +d2
Athletics +d2
• Brawn +d2
• Culture +d2
• Driving +d2
• Finesse +d2
• Performance +d6
• Persuasion +d2
• Streetwise +d2
• Targeting +d2 POWERS
• Technology +d4 Harmonic Blast (1/scene, Standard): The
• Languages: Eurythman; see Harmonic Eurythman blasts a 10-foot-radius area within
Resonances below 40 feet with damaging sonic waves. They
attempt Performance Skill Tests (adding the
PERKS ↑1 and Specialization bonuses from Harmonic
Harmonic Resonances: Eurythmans can produce Resonances) targeting the Toughness Defense of
sounds in many wavelengths and understand each creature in the area of effect, dealing 1 Sonic
their uses beyond normal comprehension. They damage on a success. Up to two other Eurythmans
gain ↑1 to any Skill Test where they can apply may Lend Assistance to this action, increasing its
their harmonic abilities (usually Performance) and damage by 1 per additional character instead of
treat any Performance-based attack Skill Tests granting the normal Edge or ↑1.
as if Specialized. In addition, they are capable
of deciphering or translating all sound-based
communications with a 6-second delay. Armor: Sonic shield (+1 deflective bonus to
Toughness and Evasion)
Weapons: Concussion pistol (see page 72)
Concussion Pistol (Targeting): +d2, Range
Other: Accompanying musical
50ft/150ft (1 Sonic damage)
Instrument of choice
Alternate Effects: Target knocked Prone (↓1)
Hands: 1 HANG-UPS
Traits: Sonic
Hollow Bones: As part of their internal harmonics,
Unarmed Combat (Finesse): +d2, Reach (Stun 1) Eurythmans have a skeletal structure filled a
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver latticework of crystalline structures. They are
(↓1) particularly susceptible to traumatic injury, and
Requirements: Bot Mode Only attacks that deal Blunt damage gain Edge when
Traits: Martial Arts, Silent targeting them.


Once an organic species native to Gorlam
Prime, the Gorlamites have all but become
mechanoids through rampant augmentation
and biomechanical modification after
encountering Cybertronian colonizers. Now
they strive to further their understanding
of mechanical life and how to become
immortal through science and technology.
Gorlamites that leave their planet to explore
are often researchers, philosophers, and
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground
• Alertness +d2
• Athletics +d2 Mini-Laser (Targeting): +d4, Range 30ft/60ft
• Brawn +d2 (1 Laser damage)
• Culture +d2 Hands: 1
• Driving +d4 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Might +d2 Traits: Computerized
• Persuasion +d2 Unarmed Combat (Might): +d2, Reach (Stun 1)
• Science +d2 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Streetwise +d2 (↓1)
• Targeting +d4 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Technology +d4 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Languages: Gorlamite, Cybertronian, Universal
Interac, two spacefaring languages GEAR
PERKS Armor: Implant plating (+1 plating to Toughness)

Cyber-Mechanoid: Gorlamites have modified their Weapons: Mini-laser (Targeting sidearm element)
bodies to the point of effectively being mechanoid Other: Standard Kits (2), Limited Kit
creatures. They are immune to carbon-based
diseases but can be affected by Electromagnetic
damage and viruses that affect machines.
Modular Attachments: With 1 minute of work
and a proper set of tools, a Gorlamite can alter
the technology in their mechanical bodies, gaining
↑1 to a single skill. This bonus lasts until the
Gorlamite takes another minute and chooses
another skill to augment.



Deeply Academic: Nebulans come from a society
that prizes scholarly learning and academic
Advanced well beyond the boundaries of their
achievements. Each Nebulan chooses two Smarts-
planet Nebulos, Nebulans are human-sized aliens based skills; they treat non-attack Skill Tests
from a civilization that mastered bio-mechanical with those skills as if Specialized. Most Nebulans
symbiosis and have integrated it into many aspects choose Science and Technology.
of their regular lives. Outwardly, they seem human,
but their nervous systems are far more evolved, ATTACKS
allowing them to easily install cybernetic and Exo-Suit Fists (Might): +d2, Reach (Stun 1)
biomechanical augmentations and more. Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage
Traits: Computerized, Integrated, Martial Arts,
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 2
Mini-Laser (Targeting): +d2, Range 30ft/60ft (1
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground
Laser damage)
STRENGTH: 2 SPEED: 2 Hands: 1
SMARTS: 4 SOCIAL: 2 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
TOUGHNESS: 15 EVASION: 13 Traits: Computerized
SKILLS Armor: Reinforced exo-suit (+3 deflective to
• Athletics +d2 Toughness, +1 computerized to Evasion)
• Deception +d2 Weapons: Mini-laser (Targeting sidearm element)
• Infiltration +d2
• Might +d2 Other: Nebulan scanner, universal transmitter,
Restricted Science or Technology Specialization Kit
• Persuasion +d2
• Science +d4* HANG-UPS
• Targeting +d2
• Technology +d4* Technophile: For generations, Nebulans and
• Languages: Nebulanese, Cybertronian, Universal technology have gone hand-in-hand. If exposed
Interac, three spacefaring languages to new or particularly interesting technology,
a Nebulan suffers ↓1 to all Skill Tests until they
achieve any kind of success using the technology
in question.


Nearly Blind: Unless using some kind of
technological augmentation, Probats are
Aliens from the planet bearing their same name,
effectively blind to visual wavelengths of light,
Probats are generally peaceful, bat-like humanoids missing out on certain facts like color, subtle
that have evolved the strange-but-useful biological shifts, etc. This imposes Snag on all Alertness Skill
side effect from their near constant consumption Tests concerning visual details.
of matter. Their waste matter is a form of
natural Energon!
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 3
MOVEMENT: 25ft Ground, 20ft Aerial

• Alertness +d4
• Animal Handling +d2
• Brawn +d2
• Finesse +d2
• Infiltration +d4
• Intimidation +d2
• Survival +d4
• Targeting +d4
• Languages: Probatian, Universal Interac, two
spacefaring languages

Echolocation: While visually impaired, Probats
use natural clicking sounds to access a biological
radar, ignoring any penalties to Alertness or attack
Skill Tests based on vision.
Energy Digestion: Probats naturally generate the
equivalent of an Energon snack (see page 79) 2d2
hours after any meal.

Blaster (Targeting): +d4, Range 25ft/80ft (1
Sharp damage)
Hands: 1
Traits: Ballistic
Claws (Finesse): +d2, Reach (1 Sharp damage)
Alternate Effects: Stun 1 (↓1)
Traits: Silent

Weapons: Blaster PROBAT
Other: Standard Kit



QUINTESSON Mechanoid: While not Cybertronian, Quintessons

are still mechanoid beings. They are immune
to carbon-based diseases but can be affected
Floating, five-faced mechanoids from ancient times by Electromagnetic damage and viruses that
before known history, the Quintessons are a strange affect machines.
and mysterious species. Each face pertains to a ATTACKS
different aspect of the alien beings’ personality,
Sting (Finesse): +d2, Reach (Stun 1)
but they maintain different names for their roles
Traits: Integrated, Silent
and voices: Quintesson Judge, Bailiff, Executioner,
Prosecutor, and Scientist. POWERS
THREAT LEVEL: 5 Guards! Guards! (1/scene, Standard): The
SIZE: Large HEALTH: 5 Quintesson attempts a DIF 6 Animal Handling
MOVEMENT: 30ft Aerial Skill Test, summoning 1 Sharkticon Drone (see
page 121) to their position, if possible, in 1d2
STRENGTH: 2 SPEED: 1 rounds. The number of Sharkticons summoned
SMARTS: 7 SOCIAL: 6 increases by 1 for every 5 by which the
TOUGHNESS: 12 EVASION: 11 Quintesson’s result exceeds the DIF.
SKILLS Other: Communications receiver
• Alertness +d4
• Animal Handling +d4 HANG-UPS
• Brawn +d2 Too Mysterious: Most Quintessons have
• Culture +d4 elaborate plans and plans within plans, making it
• Deception +d4 difficult for others to know what they are truly up
• Finesse +d2 to. A Quintesson suffers Snag on Persuasion Skill
• Intimidation +d2 Tests against creatures that have encountered
• Performance +d4 Quintessons before.
• Persuasion +d6
• Science +d4
• Technology +d2
• Languages: Quintessonian, Cybertronian, Universal
Interac, five additional spacefaring languages

Five Faces of Quintessence: As a Standard
action, a Quintesson can change which face is
primarily interacting with others. This grants the
Quintesson ↑2 and Edge for Skill Tests in one of
the following skills of the Quintesson’s choosing:
Alertness, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion,
or Science. This bonus lasts until the Quintesson
takes another Standard action to change to a
different face.


Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a

DRONE Standard action to convert between Bot Mode

and Alt Mode.

One of the earliest primal Cybertronians to populate Strong in Schools: Sharkticons are fueled by
the presence of other Sharkticons, gaining ↑1
the universe, Sharkticons haven’t changed much
on attacks against targets that have already
in centuries. While some have risen to have been attacked by an allied Sharkticon in the
personalities, opinions, and clear thoughts beyond same round.
instinct, most are personifications of hunger, frenzy,
and destruction. ATTACKS
THREAT LEVEL: 2 Energy Flail (Might): +d4, Reach (1 Energy damage)
Alternate Effects: Intimidating, Maneuver (↓1)
Hands: 1
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground, 30ft Aquatic (Bot Mode);
20ft Ground, 40ft Aquatic (Alt Mode) Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Computerized, Energy, Integrated
SMARTS: 1 SOCIAL: 1 Sawtooth Bite (Might): +d4, Reach (1 Sharp damage)
Requirements: Alt Mode Only
Traits: Integrated, Silent
Armor: Heavy plate enhancement (+3 plating to
• Alertness +d2
• Animal Handling +d2
• Athletics +d2 Weapons: Energy Flail (Might integrated melee)
• Brawn +d4
• Infiltration +d2
• Initiative +d4 Confused When Alone: Sharkticons are social
• Might +d4 creatures, and don’t deal well with being alone. If a
• Languages: Understands Cybertronian and Sharkticon drone begins its turn without another
Quintesson Sharkticon within 20 feet, it suffers Snag on all
Skill Tests.



Cybertronian ATTACKS
Mini-Laser (Targeting): +d2, Range 30ft/60ft (1
Civilians Laser damage)
Hands: 1

Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Computerized

Ram (Driving): +d2, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
Alternate Effects: Trip
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
Members of the social elite, Cybertronian before attacking
Bureaucrats are the movers and shakers of the Traits: Integrated
upper levels but can sometimes find themselves Unarmed Combat (Might): +d2, Reach (Stun 1)
in less polite company. They would almost always Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
prefer using money and influence to deal with (↓1)
their troubles. Requirements: Bot Mode Only
THREAT LEVEL: 2 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
MOVEMENT: 40ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground
or 30ft Aerial (Alt Mode) Weapons: Mini-laser (Targeting sidearm element)

STRENGTH: 1 SPEED: 2 Other: Communications receiver, 1d12×100 Shanix

Civilian: This member of society may have been
dragged into this fight, but they are no soldier
SKILLS and won’t snuff their Spark for anyone’s cause.
Anytime they suffer non-Stun damage roll a 1d4.
• Culture +d4 If the total is more than their current Health,
• Deception +d4 they surrender or try to escape, and are de
• Driving +d2 facto Defeated.
• Might +d2

Persuasion +d4
Streetwise +d2 CYBERTRONIAN
• Targeting +d2
• Languages: Cybertronian, Junkian, two other
spacefaring languages
Used to carry important messages from one end
PERKS of Cybertron to the other, Cybertronian Couriers
Alt Mode: A Cybertronian Bureaucrat’s choice of are smaller and more agile bots designed to pick
Alt Mode is all about looking good over utility, with something up, get to where to they’re headed,
a shining chassis or other recognizable objects and get back out again in a flash. They will always
marking their position in the social hierarchy. A
Cybertronian Bureaucrat can convert between Bot
choose to avoid an engagement, if possible, but
Mode and Alt Mode as a Standard action. sometimes there is just nowhere to run.
Silver Grille: A Cybertronian Bureaucrat gains ↑1 THREAT LEVEL: 1
to Deception and Persuasion Skill Tests made as SIZE: Common/Long HEALTH: 1
part of official negotiations. MOVEMENT: 40ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground
or 40ft Aerial (Alt Mode)

SKILLS Unarmed Combat (Might): Unskilled,
Reach (Stun 1)
• Alertness +d2
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Athletics +d2
• Culture +d2
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Driving +d6
Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Streetwise +d4
• Languages: Cybertronian, two other local languages GEAR
PERKS Other: Communications receiver, encrypted
datastick, Energon snacks (2, see page 79)
Alt Mode: A Cybertronian Courier’s Alt Mode is
all about speed, which includes street racers, HANG-UPS
hover bikes, splinter flyers, and similar vehicles.
A Cybertronian Courier can convert between Bot Civilian: This member of society may have been
Mode and Alt Mode as a Standard action. dragged into this fight, but they are no soldier
and won’t snuff their Spark for anyone’s cause.
Earlier is Better than Later: Cybertronian Anytime they suffer non-Stun damage roll a 1d4.
Couriers are always on the move. While in Alt If the total is more than their current Health,
Mode, Free Actions used for additional Movement they surrender or try to escape, and are de
add 10 feet to their Movement instead of 5. facto Defeated.
Ram (Driving): +d6, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
Alternate Effects: Trip
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
before attacking
Traits: Integrated




CYBERTRONIAN Unarmed Combat (Might): +d4, Reach (Stun 1)

Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver

Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
Commonly found in the lower levels of Cybertron
or working in the fabrication projects of the GEAR
colonies, these civilian bots are good at putting Weapons: Close combat heavy bludgeon
things together. In mass, they are just as good at Other: Limited Kit related to their profession
taking things apart!
SIZE: Huge/Extended HEALTH: 2 Civilian: This member of society may have been
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 30ft Ground dragged into this fight, but they are no soldier
or 30ft Aerial or 30ft Aquatic (Alt Mode) and won’t snuff their Spark for anyone’s cause.
Anytime they suffer non-Stun damage roll a 1d4.
STRENGTH: 4 SPEED: 2 If the total is more than their current Health,
SMARTS: 2 SOCIAL: 2 they surrender or try to escape, and are de
TOUGHNESS: 14 EVASION: 12 facto Defeated.

• Alertness +d2
• Athletics +d2
• Brawn +d2
• Driving +d2
• Might +d4
• Streetwise +d4
• Targeting +d2
• Technology +d2
• Languages: Cybertronian

Alt Mode: A Cybertronian Laborer’s Alt Mode will
likely fall into the category of hauling or moving of
material goods, Energon, or other Cybertronians.
A Cybertronian Laborer can convert between
Bot Mode and Alt Mode as a Standard action.
Practiced Skill: Cybertronian Laborers
choose either Brawn or Technology; they
receive ↑2 to Skill Tests when working
commonplace tasks related to the
chosen skill.

Close Combat Heavy Bludgeon (Might):
+d4, Reach (Stun 1)
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (2 hands)
Hands: 1 or 2
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Silent, Versatile CYBERTRONIAN
Ram (Driving): +d2, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
Alternate Effects: Trip
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least
10ft before attacking
Traits: Integrated


• Athletics +d4
Autobot Drones •

Culture +d2
Deception +d4

• Driving +d2
• Finesse +d2
• Infiltration +d2

Streetwise +d4
Languages: Cybertronian, four other local languages
Autobot Infiltrators are skilled scouts that imbed PERKS
themselves within local Decepticon cells and gain
the enemy’s trust to gather as much information as Alt Mode: Autobot Infiltrators adopt Alt Modes
that get them close to potential targets. They
possible before rejoining their Autobot comrades, tend to stick to vehicles that might blend in with
hopefully without being caught! others of the same type. An Autobot Infiltrator
THREAT LEVEL: 3 can convert between Bot Mode and Alt Mode as a
Standard action.
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 3
MOVEMENT: 40ft Ground (Bot Mode); 50ft Ground Blending In: Autobot Infiltrators have specialized
(Alt Mode) chassis anodization that lets them reflexively
change their coloration. They gain Edge on
STRENGTH: 2 SPEED: 3 Infiltration Skill Tests.
WILLPOWER: 13 CLEVERNESS: 14 Hidden Close Combat Blade (Finesse): +d2,
Reach (1 Sharp damage)
SKILLS Hands: 0
• Alertness +d4 Requirements: Bot Mode Only



Upgrades: Microtech Weapon • Streetwise +d4

Traits: Silent • Targeting +d2
Ram (Driving): +d2, Reach (1 Blunt damage) • Languages: Cybertronian, two local languages
Alternate Effects: Trip PERKS
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
before attacking Alt Mode: Autobot Racers always have fast Alt
Modes, which are sometimes flashy or brilliantly
Traits: Integrated
colored. An Autobot Racer can convert between
Unarmed Combat (Finesse): +d2, Reach (Stun 1) Bot Mode and Alt Mode as a Standard action.
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver Earlier is Better than Later: Autobot Racers
(↓1) are always on the move. While in Alt Mode, Free
Requirements: Bot Mode Only actions used for additional Movement add 10
Traits: Martial Arts, Silent feet to their Movement instead of 5. By spending
enough Free actions, this can more than double
POWERS their Movement.
Alt Mimic (1/scene, Standard): Autobot Fire on the Go: When an Autobot Racer attacks
Infiltrators can adjust the general size and with a weapon after moving at least 30 feet, they
shape of their Alt Mode to better blend in. This can spend 2 Free actions to make an additional
grants them ↑2 to Deception and Infiltration Skill attack with the same weapon once per turn.
Tests to convince others they are not who they
actually are. ATTACKS
GEAR Energized Close Combat Blade (Finesse): +d4,
Reach (1 Element damage)
Armor: Light armor matrix (+1 deflective to Hands: 1
Toughness) Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Weapons: Hidden close combat blade Upgrades: Blazing, Corrosive Tip, Dynamo (see
Other: Encrypted communications suite, covert page 75), Frigid, Galvanized, Radiant, Tasing, or
data storage drive Rumbling
Traits: Element, Silent

AUTOBOT RACER Blaster (Targeting): +d2, Range 40ft/80ft (1

Sharp damage)
Hands: 1
Cloned from street racers, these Autobots are skilled
Traits: Ballistic
warriors and trained hit-and-run fighters, but they
are at their best when they are roaring down the Ram (Driving): +d6, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
Alternate Effects: Trip
street at full speed.
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
THREAT LEVEL: 5 before attacking
SIZE: Large/Long HEALTH: 5 Traits: Integrated
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground
Unarmed Combat (Finesse): +d4, Reach (Stun 1)
(Alt Mode)
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
SMARTS: 3 SOCIAL: 3 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
TOUGHNESS: 13 EVASION: 18 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
SKILLS Armor: Light armor matrix (+1 deflective to
• Alertness +d4 Toughness)
• Culture +d2 Weapons: Blaster, energized close combat blade
• Driving +d6
• Finesse +d4
• Initiative +d4
• Intimidation +d4
• Persuasion +d2


Alt Mode: An Autobot Rescue Agent’s Alt Mode

RESCUE AGENT is designed to wade into a firefight and get to

the wounded before they suffer more damage:
response vehicles, flatbed tow trucks, and so on.
Battling the Decepticons can be brutal. These An Autobot Rescue Agent can convert between
drones, many of whom are similar to the esteemed Bot Mode and Alt Mode as a Standard action.
Ratchet, are trained and equipped specifically for Me, Not You: Autobot Rescue Agents often put
battlefield triage, rescuing the fallen, and making themselves in harm’s way to make sure their
sure that Autobot fighters can stay in the thick patients aren’t further injured. Any ally suffering
of combat. from a Condition within 10 feet of the Rescue
Agent is considered to have Cover.
MOVEMENT: 40ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground Ram (Driving): +d2, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
or 30ft Aerial (Alt Mode)
Alternate Effects: Trip
STRENGTH: 1 SPEED: 3 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
SMARTS: 4 SOCIAL: 2 before attacking
TOUGHNESS: 15 EVASION: 13 Traits: Integrated
WILLPOWER: 14 CLEVERNESS: 12 Stunner (Targeting): +d2, Range 10ft/20ft (Stun 1)
Alternate Effects: Target is Stunned until end of
attacker’s next turn
• Brawn +d2 Hands: 1
• Culture +d2 Traits: Computerized
• Driving +d2
• Finesse +d2 Unarmed Combat (Finesse): +d2, Reach (Stun 1)
• Persuasion +d2 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver (↓1)
• Streetwise +d2 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Targeting +d2 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Technology (Repair) +d4
• Languages: Cybertronian, four other
spacefaring languages Armor: Heavy armor matrix (+4 deflective to
Weapons: Stunner (see page 71)
Other: Communications receiver, Energon Snacks
(2; see page 79)




Alt Mode: Autobot Soldiers lean toward practical
ground vehicles like jeeps, ATVs, and armored cars.
Learning from many seasoned veterans about
An Autobot Soldier can convert between Bot Mode
how to do battle, Autobot Soldiers are drones and Alt Mode as a Standard action.
that enjoy a sense of tactical awareness that other
Crossfire: When an Autobot Soldier makes a
cloned warriors rarely maintain. They try to use ranged attack against a target within 50 feet, the
their advanced aim to create opportunities for next ally to make a ranged attack against that
other Autobots, acting as a team rather than as an target gains ↑1 on the attack.
Blaster (Targeting): +d4, Range 25ft/80ft (1
SIZE: Common/Long HEALTH: 3 Sharp damage)
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 40ft Ground
Hands: 1
(Alt Mode)
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
STRENGTH: 2 SPEED: 3 Traits: Ballistic
Ram (Driving): +d2, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
TOUGHNESS: 14 EVASION: 15 Alternate Effects: Trip
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
SKILLS before attacking
Traits: Integrated
• Alertness +d4
• Conditioning +1 Reinforced Fists (Might): +d2, Reach (1
• Driving +d2 Blunt damage)
• Might +d2 Alternate Effects: Maneuver (↓1)
• Streetwise +d2 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Targeting +d4
• Languages: Cybertronian, four other
spacefaring languages Armor: Medium defense matrix (+2 deflective to
Toughness and +2 computerized to Evasion)
Weapons: Blaster
Other: Energon Snack (see page 79)




Specific Autobots Sharpshooter’s Grace: Arcee’s aim is near

perfect with ranged weaponry. She doesn’t suffer
Snag when making a ranged attack outside a

ARCEE weapon’s normal range and gains ↑2 on ranged

attacks made at targets farther than 30 feet away.

Absolutely loyal to the Primes, Arcee is a deadly ATTACKS

warrior with notably the best precision aim of any Cover Grenade (Finesse): +d4, Range 20ft/50ft
of her peers. She has a weak spot for rogues and (Cover in 20ft radius)
troublemakers, which shows in how well she gets Alternate Effects: Stun 1 (↓2)
along with those humans that have been allowed to Hands: 1
know about the Autobots. It is no strange sight for Traits: Consumable, Silent
her to be giving the Autobots’ human allies rides in Focused Blaster (Targeting): +d6, Range
her sleek motorcycle Alt Mode. 25ft/80ft (1 Energy damage)
Hands: 1
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
SIZE: Large/Long HEALTH: 12 Traits: Computerized
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45 ft Ground
(Alt Mode) Long Range Rifle (Targeting): +d6, Range
150ft/600ft; min 30ft (1 Sharp damage)
STRENGTH: 5 SPEED: 12 Alternate Effects: 2 Sharp damage (↓1), 3 Sharp
SMARTS: 7 SOCIAL: 6 damage (↓3)
TOUGHNESS: 17 EVASION: 22 Hands: 2
WILLPOWER: 17 CLEVERNESS: 16 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Ballistic, Mounted, Reload, Sniper
Ram (Driving): +d6, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
• Alertness +d4
Alternate Effects: Trip
• Athletics +d4
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
• Brawn +d2
before attacking
• Culture +d4
Traits: Integrated
• Deception +d2
• Driving +d6 Unarmed Combat (Finesse): +d6, Reach (Stun 1)
• Finesse +d6 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Infiltration +d2 (↓1)
• Initiative +d4 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Intimidation +d4 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Performance +d2
• Persuasion +d4 GEAR
• Science +d2 Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
• Streetwise +d4 Toughness)
• Survival +d2
Weapons: Focused blaster (Targeting sidearm
• Targeting +d6
element), long range rifle, cover grenades (2)
• Technology +d2
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, French, HANG-UPS
Quintesson, Universal Interac
Sometimes Too Brave: Arcee never willingly
PERKS gives up in the face of adversity, even if it
is foolhardy. Unless an ally succeeds at a
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a Persuasion Skill Test against her Willpower
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and Defense as a Standard action, she will not
Alt Mode. leave a fight.
Seasoned Warrior: Arcee is an established
Autobot veteran and can call upon deep reserves
of courage, confidence, and experience. Three
times per game session, she can reroll the d20 of
a Skill Test as long as she isn’t suffering Snag.




BLASTER Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a

Standard action to convert between Bot Mode
and Alt Mode.
The head of communications for the Autobots, Object Alt Mode: Blaster’s Alt Mode is that of
Blaster is the most notable leader of a collection mundane recording device. While this Alt Mode
of mini-cassette minions and a master of sonic has a base Movement value of 0, it grants Edge
weaponry. A capable soldier and leader, he is a to all Skill Tests involving hiding, blending in, or
rock-and-roll party animal in his free time, though eavesdropping in applicable surroundings.
that attitude occasionally bleeds over into his Reinforced Bond: The added bulk of docked
soldiering. minions protects Blaster. While he has any
Recordabots docked with him, he gains +1 Health
THREAT LEVEL: 16 and +2 to all Defenses.
SIZE: Huge/Long HEALTH: 16 Universal Translator: Blaster is capable of
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground (Bot Mode); 0ft (Alt Mode) deciphering or translating all sound-based
STRENGTH: 8 SPEED: 9 communications with a 6-second delay.
WILLPOWER: 20 CLEVERNESS: 21 Boom Gun (Targeting): +d10, Range 15ft (2 Sonic
damage Blast: 15ft radius)
SKILLS Alternate Effects: Stun 3 Blast: 15ft radius
Hands: 1
• Alertness +d6
• Animal Handling +d6 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Athletics +d4 Traits: Anti-Tank, Computerized
• Brawn +d4 Reinforced Fists (Might): +d6, Reach (2
• Culture +d6 Blunt damage)
• Infiltration +d4 Alternate Effects: Maneuver (↓1)
• Initiative +d4 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Intimidation +d2 Sonic Charges (Athletics): +d4, Range 20ft/50ft
• Might +d6 (1 Sonic damage Blast: 10ft radius)
• Performance +d6 Hands: 1
• Persuasion +d6 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Science +d4
Traits: Computerized, Consumable
• Streetwise +d4
• Targeting +d10 POWERS
• Technology +d4
Sonic Wave Blast (1/scene, Standard): Blaster
• Languages: Cybertronian; see Universal
turns both of his hands into noise projecting
Translator below
sonic emitters. All creatures in 30-foot cone are
PERKS Impaired until the end of Blaster’s next turn.

Cassette Minion Master: Aside from being able GEAR

to store a number of Mini-Cassette Recordabot
Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
minions in his body, Blaster can spend his
own Health (or Energon Points if he possesses
any) to automatically repair stored minions an Weapons: Boom gun (Targeting medium element),
equal amount. sonic charges (3, element grenades)
Command & Control: The Mini-Cons in Blaster’s Other: Restricted Kit
control benefit from a constant communications
connection with him and each other. He and his HANG-UPS
Mini-Cons can Lend Assistance to each other so Caring Leader: Blaster actually cares for his Mini-
long as both parties involved are within 100 feet Cons. If any of his Mini-Cons are Defeated, Blaster
of each other and regardless of whether the one will spend his Move action each turn to reach the
Lending Assistance is trained in the skill being closest Defeated allied Mini-Con and has it dock
attempted. Blaster or one of his Mini-Cons can with him for safety.
gain the benefits of Lend Assistance only once per
Skill Test at this distance.




Energon Melee Weapon (Might): +d6, Reach (1
Blunt or Sharp damage)
One of the original Autobots to come to Earth on
Alternate Effects: 2 Blunt or Sharp damage (2
board the Ark, Bulkhead is a career soldier that
doesn’t let anything get in his way for long. He was
Hands: 1 or 2
once one of the infamous Wreckers, and while he Requirements: Bot Mode Only
no longer counts himself a member, some of the Traits: Silent
things they taught him will never fade away. Heavy Pistol (Targeting): +d6*, Range 25ft/80ft
THREAT LEVEL: 13 (2 Sharp damage)
Hands: 1
SIZE: Huge/Extended HEALTH: 14
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground Upgrades: Deadly
(Alt Mode) Traits: Ballistic
Ram (Driving): +d4, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
STRENGTH: 10 SPEED: 8 Alternate Effects: Trip
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
TOUGHNESS: 24 EVASION: 18 before attacking
WILLPOWER: 17 CLEVERNESS: 17 Traits: Integrated
Unarmed Combat (Might): +d6, Reach (Stun 1)
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Alertness +d4 (↓1)
• Animal Handling +d2 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Athletics +d2 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Brawn +d6
• Conditioning +1 POWERS
• Culture +d4 Bellringer (3/scene, Move): Instead of moving
• Driving +d4 during his turn, Bulkhead can add the alternate
• Initiative +d4 effect “Target is Stunned until end of their next
• Intimidation +d4 turn” to all his attacks this turn.
• Might +d6 Manifest Enhancement (1/round, Free):
• Performance +d2 Bulkhead can manifest a Limited weapon upgrade
• Persuasion +d6 for a melee weapon. This weapon upgrade lasts
• Streetwise +d4 until the end of his turn. He can use Manifest
• Survival +d2 Enhancement on any melee weapon, not just a
• Targeting (Ballistic) +d6* weapon he creates with Manifest Melee Weapon.
• Technology +d4 Manifest Melee Weapon (1/scene, Free): When
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, German, Bulkhead needs a weapon, he can make one out of
Junkian, Russian the energy flowing through him. As a Free action,
he can create an integrated Energon Weapon that
PERKS must be based on a melee weapon of Limited
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a availability. This weapon lasts until the end of the
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and scene or until Bulkhead is Defeated.
Alt Mode.
Plow: Bulkhead knocks over any obstacle in his
way. When he makes a Ram attack, either in his Armor: Heavy armor matrix (+4 deflective to
Alt Mode or driving a vehicle with a Ram attack, Toughness)
any movement he makes this turn ignores Rough Weapons: Heavy pistol (Blaster with
Terrain, and he can use Ram on up to three targets Deadly upgrade)
within his Reach at any point during his movement. Other: Limited Engineering Kit

Seasoned Warrior: Bulkhead is an established HANG-UPS

Autobot veteran and can call upon deep reserves Nemesis (Breakdown): Bulkhead has a long and
of courage, confidence, and experience. Three ugly history with the Decepticon Breakdown. If he
times per game session, he can reroll the d20 of a is involved in a scene with Breakdown (or someone
Skill Test as long as he isn’t suffering Snag. openly acting on behalf of Breakdown), Bulkhead
suffers ↓1 on all Skill Tests that don’t target that
individual to somehow hinder or harm them.




Energon Blade (Finesse): +d4, Reach (1
Energy damage)
Bumblebee has been called the “heart of the
Hands: 1
Autobots” on Earth and is one of Optimus Prime’s
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
most reliable and loyal scouts. He is as fearless as
Upgrades: Dynamo
they come and has repeatedly faced off against Traits: Silent
entire wings of Seekers, titanic Combiners, and even
Focused Blaster (Targeting): +d6, Range
Megatron himself without faltering.
25ft/80ft (1 Energy damage)
THREAT LEVEL: 12 Hands: 1
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 12 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground Traits: Computerized
(Alt Mode) Ram (Driving): +d6, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
STRENGTH: 4 SPEED: 12 Alternate Effects: Trip
SMARTS: 8 SOCIAL: 6 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
TOUGHNESS: 15 EVASION: 22 before attacking
WILLPOWER: 18 CLEVERNESS: 16 Traits: Integrated
Unarmed Combat (Finesse): +d4, Reach (Stun 1)
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Alertness +d4 (↓1)
• Athletics +d6 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Brawn +d2 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Culture +d6
• Deception +d4 POWERS
• Driving +d6
Disappear (1/scene, Free): For a scout to survive
• Finesse +d6 getting seen, they need to get unseen again as
• Infiltration +d6 quickly as possible. Bumblebee turns Invisible until
• Initiative +d2 the end of his turn.
• Performance +d2
Mark Target (1/scene): At the beginning of
• Persuasion +d4
a scene (including combat), Bumblebee can
• Science +d2
designate a creature he can see or a specific
• Streetwise +d2
individual he expects will be in the scene. He gains
• Targeting +d4 ↑1 on Skill Tests related to that creature until the
• Technology +d4 end of the scene.
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, French, Junkian,
Spanish, Universal Interac GEAR
PERKS Armor: Light armor matrix (+1 deflective to
Fearless: Bumblebee is immune to any kind of
fear. This gives him Resistance to Psychic Damage, Weapons: Energon Blade (close combat blade
and all attempts to target him with the Intimidation with Dynamo upgrade), focused blaster (Targeting
skill automatically fail. sidearm element)

Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a Other: Encrypted communications unit, Energon

Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and snacks (2, see page 79), Restricted Electronics Kit
Alt Mode.
On My Mark!: Allies that attack a target that
Selfless: Bumblebee will gladly put himself in
Bumblebee has nominated as his mark (see Mark
harm’s way for his friends. He must spend his
Target below) count all of the target’s Defenses as
Move action each turn to become adjacent to the
1 lower for their own Skill Tests.
closest ally with 3 or fewer Health at any given
time. If unable to do so, he suffers ↓1 on all Skill
Tests until he makes that happen.




Glass Gas Cannister (Athletics): +d4, Range
20ft/50ft (Reduces Toughness by 4 until end of
The weapons technician and engineer for the
scene Blast: 10ft radius)
Autobots on Earth, Cliffjumper is whom Optimus Alternate Effects: 2 Strength Essence Damage
Prime goes to when he needs an edge over the Blast: 10ft radius
Decepticons. He is well known for having more Hands: 1
than one tool for the job in combat. Requirements: Bot Mode Only
THREAT LEVEL: 11 Traits: Armor Piercing, Consumable
SIZE: Large/Long HEALTH: 12 Particle Cannon (Targeting): +d4*, Range
MOVEMENT: 40ft Ground (Bot Mode); 60ft Ground 80ft/200ft (2 Sharp damage)
(Alt Mode) Alternate Effects: 3 Sharp Damage (↓2)
STRENGTH: 6 SPEED: 8 Hands: 2
SMARTS: 9 SOCIAL: 5 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Upgrades: Deadly
Traits: Ballistic, Reload
Ram (Driving): +d4*, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
SKILLS Alternate Effects: Trip
• Alertness +d2 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
• Athletics +d4 before attacking
• Conditioning +1 Traits: Integrated
• Culture +d2 Unarmed Combat (Might): +d4, Reach (Stun 1)
• Deception +d2 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Driving (Land) +d4*
• Infiltration +d2
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Initiative +d2
Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Intimidation +d2
• Might +d4 POWERS
• Performance +d2
Right Tool for the Job (1/scene, Standard):
• Persuasion +d2
Cliffjumper can rummage through his engineering
• Science (Weapon Tech) +d4*
kit to augment any single weapon within 5 feet
• Streetwise +d4
of him. That weapon gains either the Accurate
• Targeting (Upgraded Weaponry) +d4* (↑1) trait or has its damage type change to any
• Technology (Engineering) +d6* Element of Cliffjumper’s choice. The alteration lasts
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, German, Junkian, until the end of the scene, and a weapon can only
Nebulanese, Quintesson, Swedish benefit from this power once.
Inventor: Cliffjumper gains Edge on Skill Tests Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
to use any technology of his own creation. Toughness)
Additionally, he can always ignore up to ↓1 on Skill
Tests to use any technology he creates. Weapons: Glass gas canisters (2, Athletics
sidearm explosive), particle cannon (Targeting
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a heavy projectile)
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and
Alt Mode. Other: Restricted Engineering Kit, Restricted
Repair Kit
Never Give Up: Cliffjumper sometimes doesn’t
know when to quit fighting. Once per day, when he HANG-UPS
is reduced to 0 Health, he can take 1 more round’s
I’ve Got Something for That!: Cliffjumper hates
worth of actions on his turn. If he still has 0 Health
to see his allies using substandard equipment. If
at the end of this turn, he is Defeated.
an ally in Cliffjumper’s presence Fumbles with an
unmodified weapon, he must use his next turn to
move closer and upgrade the weapon with his
Right Tool for the Job Power (if possible).




Double-Barreled Heavy Blaster (Targeting):
Just as his Alt Mode, the Tyrannosaurus Rex, was +d6, Range 40ft/100ft (2 Sharp damage)
an apex predator of its era, Grimlock is the king of Alternate Effects: 2 Sharp damage—Multiple (2)
his fellow Dinobots. Priding himself on his strength Targets (40ft, ↓1)
Hands: 1
and ferocity as a leader, he welcomes challengers
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
to his title, but usually sends them sprawling on the
Traits: Ballistic
ground. While he sometimes sounds unintelligent, Energon Sword (Might): +d10, Reach (2
Grimlock his instincts are good, even if they are Energy damage)
wrapped in a shell made of rage that rivals that of Hands: 1
some Decepticons. Requirements: Bot Mode Only
THREAT LEVEL: 19 Traits: Martial Arts
Monstrous Bite (Might): +d10*, Reach (3
Sharp Damage)
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 40ft Ground
Requirements: Alt Mode Only
(Alt Mode)
Traits: Silent
STRENGTH: 19 SPEED: 7 Unarmed Combat (Might): +d10, Reach (Stun 1)
SMARTS: 7 SOCIAL: 11 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
WILLPOWER: 17 CLEVERNESS: 21 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Alertness +d4 POWERS
• Animal Handling +d8 Furious Rage (1/scene, Free): Once Grimlock
• Athletics +d6 has suffered any amount of damage, he can
• Brawn +d10 choose to enter a powerful battle rage for 2d2
• Conditioning +3 rounds. While in this rage, all Might Skill Tests gain
• Initiative +d8 Edge, and he adds a bonus to his Willpower and
• Intimidation +d6 Cleverness Defenses equal to the result a roll of
• Might (Bite) +d10* his Intimidation skill die.
• Persuasion (Leadership) +d8* Volcanic Roar (2/scene, Alt Mode Only,
• Streetwise +d4 Standard): Grimlock can roar out a gout of
• Survival +d10 plasma-state Energon-based fusion in a line 10
• Targeting +d6 feet wide and 60 feet long. Grimlock attempts an
• Languages: Cybertronian, English Athletics Skill Test, comparing the result to the
Evasion Defense of each creature in that area. He
PERKS inflicts 2 Fire damage if successful. In addition,
Alt Beast: Grimlock’s Alt Mode is that of a massive any creature damaged by the Volcanic Roar is
dinosaur, and he is more at home in that form than Impaired until the end of its next turn.
in Bot Mode. While in his Alt Mode, Grimlock gains GEAR
+4 deflective bonus to his Toughness, he gains a ↑1
on Brawn Skill Tests, and his Might- and Finesse- Weapons: Double-barreled heavy blaster
based attacks inflict +1 damage. (Targeting heavy projectile), Energon sword (Might
medium melee)
King of the Dinobots: Grimlock is the
unquestioned leader of all Dinobots, and they HANG-UPS
instinctively follow his commands to the best
Dinobot Rage: Dinobots have short tempers
of their ability, granting him ↑2 on Deception,
that can make them erratic and unfocused, even
Intimidation, and Persuasion Skill Tests targeting
in combat. If injured or targeted by a skill that is
them. Additionally, once per turn, other Dinobots
designed to taunt or mock a Dinobot, they suffer ↓1
may reroll a single skill die whenever they are
on all Skill Tests that don’t target the source of their
within 60 feet of Grimlock.
anger or frustration until the end of their next turn.
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a Standard
Easily Distracted: Grimlock has always had a
action to convert between Bot Mode and Alt Mode.
weakness for new and interesting things, which
Rampage!: After performing any Standard action, sometimes drawing his attention away from the
Grimlock can make a Might-based attack as a task at hand. All Grimlock’s non-Strength-based
Free action. Skill Tests Fumble on natural 1s and 2s.





Forearm Blasters (Targeting): +d4, Range
40ft/100ft (1 Energy damage)
Stubborn, foolhardy, and full of youthful pride, Hot
Alternate Effects: 1 Energy damage—Multiple (2)
Rod is a skilled racer and is learning to be a good
Targets (40ft, ↓1), 1 Energy damage—Multiple (3)
soldier from the likes of Kup and his sometimes-
Targets (40ft, ↓2)
paramour, Arcee. He is equally brave as he is Hands: 1
shortsighted, but his future will be determined by Traits: Ballistic, Reload
his actions and not his brash demeanor.
Integrated Close Combat Saw (Might): +d4,
THREAT LEVEL: 8 Reach (1 Sharp damage)
SIZE: Large/Long HEALTH: 8 Alternate Effects: Intimidating, 1 Sharp damage—
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 60ft Ground Multiple (2) Targets (Reach, ↓1)
(Alt Mode) Requirements: Bot Mode Only
STRENGTH: 4 SPEED: 9 Traits: Integrated, Martial Arts
SMARTS: 4 SOCIAL: 5 Knuckledusters (Might): +d4, Reach (1
TOUGHNESS: 16 EVASION: 19 Blunt damage)
WILLPOWER: 14 CLEVERNESS: 15 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage—Multiple (2)
Targets (Reach, ↓1)
SKILLS Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Alertness +d2 Traits: Integrated
• Athletics +d4 Ram (Driving): +d8*, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
• Culture +d2 Alternate Effects: Trip
• Deception +d2 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
• Driving (Land) +d6* before attacking
• Infiltration +d2 Traits: Integrated
• Initiative +d4
• Might +d4 POWERS
• Performance +d2
High Gear (1/scene, Alt Mode Only, Free): Hot
• Persuasion +d4
Rod is built for bursts of remarkable speed and is
• Streetwise +d2 designed to make the most of it. For 2d2 turns, Hot
• Survival +d2 Rod increases his Movement value by 10 feet and
• Targeting +d4 gains Edge on all Driving Skill Tests.
• Technology +d2
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, French, Italian, GEAR
Junkian, Universal Interac Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
PERKS Toughness)
Weapons: Forearm blasters (Targeting sidearm
Fast Conversion: Hot Rod can spend a Free
element), integrated close combat saw (Might
action to convert between Bot Mode and Alt Mode.
Integrated Melee), knuckledusters (Might
Lots of Potential: Destined for greatness, Hot integrated melee)
Rod has an untapped level of potential that goes
Other: Networked communication link, Energon
beyond the depth of his chassis. If Hot Rod rolls
snacks (2, see page 79)
a 20 on the d20 for a Skill Test and succeeds, he
achieves a Critical Success instead. HANG-UPS
Momentum: If Hot Rod moves his full Movement Young and Inexperienced: Hot Rod is still
(or more), his Driving and Might attacks made in somewhat of a rookie in the greater conflict with
the same turn inflict 1 additional Blunt damage. the Decepticons and makes youthful errors quite
Reckless Driving: Hot Rod gains ↑1 on Ram often. Hot Rod suffers ↓1 to the first 2d2 non-
attacks. Additionally, he can spend a Standard attack Skill Tests in a scene.
action at the beginning of his Move action to make
any number of Ram attacks at different targets
during that movement at the cost of 10 feet of
Ground Movement per Ram attack made.


What About Rodimus

In one timeline, when Optimus Prime
falls in combat to his Decepticon rival, the
immensely powerful Matrix of Leadership
is passed to Hot Rod, unlocking his true
potential and turning him into Rodimus Prime.
The augmentative power of an artifact Matrix
changes someone immensely, in this case
increasing his Threat Level by 10 (with all the
equivalent bonuses involved).



HOUND Frag Grenade (Athletics): +d4, Range 20ft/50ft (1

Sharp damage Blast: 10ft radius)
Hands: 1
A true fan of Earth and its inhabitants, Hound has Requirements: Bot Mode Only
found his new home on the planet. He consumes as Traits: Consumable, Wrecker
much information as he can about the world and its Integrated Melee Weapon (Might): +d6, Reach
peoples. When it comes time to see a new part of (2 Blunt or Sharp damage)
Earth, Optimus Prime knows he can trust Hound to Hands: 1
learn all about it. Requirements: Bot Mode Only
THREAT LEVEL: 12 Traits: Integrated

SIZE: Large/Large HEALTH: 12 Ram (Driving): +d4, Reach (1 Blunt damage)

MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground Alternate Effects: Trip
(Alt Mode) Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
before attacking
SMARTS: 10 SOCIAL: 6 Traits: Integrated

TOUGHNESS: 19 EVASION: 17 Rocket Launcher (Targeting): +d6, Range

WILLPOWER: 20 CLEVERNESS: 16 100ft/200ft;30ft minimum (1 Sharp damage Blast:
20ft radius)
SKILLS Hands: 2
Traits: Anti-Tank, Mounted, Reload, Wrecker
• Alertness +d6
• Athletics +d4 POWERS
• Brawn +d2
• Culture (Earth) +d6* Holo-Projections (1/scene, Standard): Hound
is capable of projecting convincing holograms.
• Deception +d4
These illusions can extend up to 60 feet in every
• Driving +d4
direction from a single point within 30 feet of
• Initiative +d4
Hound. When a creature looks at these holograms,
• Intimidation +d2 Hound attempts a Deception Skill Test
• Might +d6 against that creature’s Willpower Defense;
• Persuasion +d2 on a success, the creature believes the illusion
• Streetwise +d6 to be real.
• Survival +d4
Scramble (1/turn, Move): Moving fast is always
• Targeting +d6
the answer. Hound moves no farther than 20 feet,
• Technology +d2 but at least 10 feet. Until the beginning of his next
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, French, German, turn, attacks made against him target his Evasion,
Junkian, Portuguese, Russian, Universal Interac even if the attack normally dictates the Defense
it targets. If the attack hits and normally has
PERKS an effect with a numeric value (such as 1 Sharp
Acute Senses (Vision): Hound is especially damage), reduce the numeric effect by 1 (to a
aware of visual details, gaining Edge when rolling minimum of 0).
Alertness using his vision, and ↑1 on a non-
Alertness Skill Test when using his vision. GEAR
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a Standard Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
action to convert between Bot Mode and Alt Mode. Toughness)
Seasoned Warrior: Hound is an established Weapons: Focused blaster (Targeting sidearm
Autobot veteran and can call upon deep reserves element), rocket launcher, frag grenades (3)
of courage, confidence, and experience. Three Other: Personal communications link, Restricted
times per game session, he can reroll the d20 of a Mapping Kit
Skill Test as long as he isn’t suffering Snag.
Soft-Sparked: Hound has a benevolent soul, and
Focused Blaster (Targeting): +d6, Range although he is a soldier, he is not a bloodthirsty
25ft/80ft (1 Energy damage) one. Hound suffers Snag when attacking any
Hands: 1 target that has a Condition (Prone, Restrained,
Requirements: Bot Mode Only etc.) he is aware of.
Traits: Computerized




Frag Grenade (Athletics): +d4, Range 20ft/50ft (1
Sharp damage Blast: 10ft radius)
One of Optimus Prime’s oldest friends, Ironhide is a
Hands: 1
veteran Autobot from the first battles on Cybertron.
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
When Kup and he aren’t sharing old war stories,
Traits: Consumable, Wrecker
he is working on whatever interesting project is
consuming his attention at the moment. Ram (Driving): +d4*, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
Alternate Effects: Trip
THREAT LEVEL: 17 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
SIZE: Huge/Extended HEALTH: 17 before attacking
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground Traits: Integrated
(Alt Mode)
Reinforced Strike Points (Might): +d6, Reach (2
STRENGTH: 10 SPEED: 10 Blunt damage)
SMARTS: 13 SOCIAL: 7 Alternate Effects: Maneuver (↓1)
TOUGHNESS: 24 EVASION: 20 Hands: 0
WILLPOWER: 23 CLEVERNESS: 17 Requirements: Bot Mode Only

SKILLS Water Gun (Targeting): +d8*, Range 30ft/60ft (2

Element Damage)
• Alertness +d4 Alternate Effects: 2 Element damage Blast: 10ft
• Animal Handling +d2 radius (↓1); Target is made Asleep, Blinded, Prone,
• Athletics +d6 or Restrained (↓2)
• Brawn +d4 Hands: 2
• Culture +d8 Traits: Element, Reload
• Deception +d2
Special: Whenever reloading, choose an Element
• Driving (Land) +d4*
type for damage
• Initiative +d4
• Intimidation +d4 POWERS
• Might +d6
Shrug It Off (1/scene): Ironhide is built to last,
• Persuasion +d4
ignoring some impacts that would impair others.
• Science (Chemistry) +d6*
He can halve the damage (minimum 1) from a
• Streetwise +d6 single successful attack.
• Survival +d2
• Targeting (Water Gun) +d8* GEAR
• Technology +d4
Armor: Modified heavy armor plating (+4 plating to
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Junkian,
Toughness and Resistance to Sharp damage)
Russian, Spanish, Universal Interac; see I’ve Been
Around below Weapons: Water gun (Targeting sidearm element),
frag grenades (2)
PERKS Other: Restricted Chemistry Kit
I’ve Been Around: Ironhide has been all over
the galaxy and has seen a lot of different people, HANG-UPS
places, and things. Unless the GM decides I’ll Be Fine: Ironhide has been knocked around by
otherwise, he can attempt a DIF 15 Culture titans, blasted by spaceships, burned by a volcano,
Skill Test to have a passable knowledge of any bounced off a moon at re-entry speeds, and more!
language, location, or cultural topic. He always survives. Because of this, his attitude
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a Standard makes him an awful patient, imposing ↓2 on any
action to convert between Bot Mode and Alt Mode. Skill Tests to repair his damage.
Rapid Reload: Ironhide hot swaps ammo faster
than most pull a trigger. Reloading weapons with
the Reload trait is a Free action for him.
Seasoned Warrior: Ironhide is an established
Autobot veteran and can call upon deep reserves
of courage, confidence, and experience. Three
times per game session, he can reroll the d20 of a
Skill Test as long as he isn’t suffering Snag.




Heavy Laser Pistol (Targeting): +d6, Range
40ft/100ft (2 Laser damage)
Optimus Prime’s long-time brother-in-arms and
Hands: 1
Head of Special Operations at the Ark, Jazz is
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
arguably one of the most well-liked members of the
Traits: Computerized, Reload
Autobots. He is always there, ready with a friendly
morale boost or maybe just nearby, singing a local Ram (Driving): +d4*, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
Alternate Effects: Trip
tune. Jazz is a tactical genius, but his real strength
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
comes from the purity of his Spark.
before attacking
THREAT LEVEL: 14 Traits: Integrated
SIZE: Large/Large HEALTH: 14 Rocket Launcher (Targeting): +d6, Range
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground 100ft/200ft; min 30ft (1 Sharp damage Blast:
(Alt Mode) 20ft radius)
STRENGTH: 8 SPEED: 8 Hands: 2
SMARTS: 9 SOCIAL: 9 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
TOUGHNESS: 20 EVASION: 18 Traits: Anti-Tank, Mounted, Reload, Sharp, Wrecker
WILLPOWER: 19 CLEVERNESS: 19 Unarmed Combat (Might): +d6, Reach (Stun 1)
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Alertness +d4 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Athletics +d4 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Brawn +d2
• Culture (Music) +d8* POWERS
• Deception +d2 Morale Booster (3/scene, Move): With just a
• Driving (Land) +d4* few well-timed words or a joke, Jazz grants all his
• Initiative +d4 allies within 100 feet and in communication with
• Intimidation +d4 him ↑1 to all Skill Tests until the beginning of his
• Might +d6 next turn.
• Performance +d8
• Persuasion +d4 GEAR
• Streetwise +d4 Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
• Survival +d2 Toughness)
• Targeting +d6 Weapons: Heavy laser pistol (Targeting sidearm
• Technology +d2 element), rocket launcher
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Eurythman,
French, Japanese, Nebulanese, Quintesson, Spanish Other: Personal communications link, Limited
Repair Kit
Is That All You Got?: Jazz has been known to
have a reserve of attitude that can keep him Always Everybody’s Friend: Jazz is beloved by
going beyond the means of a normal bot. Once per all Autobots, and he has benefitted from that for a
scene, he can ignore any extra effects from an long time. He is generally reluctant to be the “bad
attack that scores a Critical Success. guy” when dealing with friends. When targeting
fellow Autobots, Jazz suffers Snag on Deception
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a Standard and Intimidation Skill Tests.
action to convert between Bot Mode and Alt Mode.
Seasoned Warrior: Jazz is an established
Autobot veteran and can call upon deep reserves
of courage, confidence, and experience. Three
times per game session, he can reroll the d20 of a
Skill Test as long as he isn’t suffering Snag.
Synch Up: Once per turn when one of Jazz’s allies
attacks and misses a target within his range, he
can immediately attack that target, even though it
is not his turn.




Concussion Torpedoes (Targeting): +d8, Range
300ft/1000ft (2 Sonic damage Blast: 25ft radius)
Once a Decepticon Seeker, Jetfire has always had
Alternate Effects: Target is Stunned until end of
a scientifical and logical mind, which is why it was
their next turn
so unexpected for him to follow his heart, betray
Hands: 2
Starscream and his old squadron, and become an Traits: Computerized, Consumable, Wrecker
Autobot. He maintains good relations with his new
Energon Axe (Might): +d6*, Reach (2
allies, but it is no secret that many harbor doubts
Energy damage)
about his ultimate allegiance.
Alternate Effects: Intimidating, Maneuver (↓1)
THREAT LEVEL: 15 Hands: 1
SIZE: Large/Long HEALTH: 15 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
MOVEMENT: 30 ft Ground and 30 ft Aerial (Bot Traits: Martial Arts
Mode); 60ft Aerial (Alt Mode) Flyby (Driving): +d8*, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
STRENGTH: 7 SPEED: 12 Alternate Effects: Trip
SMARTS: 10 SOCIAL: 7 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
TOUGHNESS: 19 EVASION: 22 before attacking
WILLPOWER: 20 CLEVERNESS: 17 Traits: Integrated
Particle Rifle (Targeting): +d8, Range
SKILLS 150ft/600ft; min 30ft (1 Energy damage)
• Acrobatics +d4 Alternate Effects: 2 Energy damage (↓1), 3 Energy
• Alertness +d4 damage (↓3)
• Brawn +d4 Hands: 0
• Culture (Decepticons) +d4* Upgrades: Microtech Weapon (3)
• Deception +d4 Traits: Computerized, Reload
• Driving (Aerial) +d8*
• Initiative +d2 POWERS
• Intimidation +d2 Static Shield (1/scene, Free): Jetfire increases
• Might (Axe) +d6* his Evasion by 2 and adds 1 Electric damage to
• Persuasion +d6 his Flyby attack until the beginning of his next
• Science +d6 turn. This power comes from an Armor Upgrade.
• Streetwise +d4 As gear, this can be taken from Jetfire if he is
• Survival +d2 Defeated or removed by force while Grappling.
• Targeting +d8
• Technology +d2 GEAR
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Korean, Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
Quintesson, Universal Interac, Voin Toughness), static shield
PERKS Weapons: Energon axe (Might medium melee),
particle rifle (Targeting long element), concussion
Earlier is Better than Later: Jetfire is always torpedoes (2, Targeting long element)
the first to get into the fight. While in Alt Mode,
Free actions used for additional Movement add 10 HANG-UPS
feet to his Movement instead of 5. By spending
enough Free actions, this can more than double Forgive Me, Starscream: Starscream was the
his Movement. wingmate and arguably the brother Jetfire never
had—until he betrayed the Decepticon. This still
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a plays on Jetfire’s mind, and he always suffers
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode Snag on any attack that could potentially harm
and Alt Mode. Starscream.
Seeker Hunter: Jetfire was trained with Once a Decepticon…: Jetfire will always be
Starscream’s Seekers, and he knows all of their looked upon by his Autobot peers as a potential
weaknesses and tells. Once per turn, Jetfire gains security risk; once a traitor, always a traitor. He
↑1 on an attack targeting a Decepticon Seeker. suffers ↓1 on all Social-based Skill Tests that
target Autobots who know of his past allegiance.




KUP Veteran of the Wars: When attempting an Alertness

Skill Test to gain information or understanding of the
current battlefield, Kup gains Edge.
A seasoned, tough veteran of any conflict the
Autobots have been involved with since “back in
his day,” Kup is one of the most well-respected and Blaster (Targeting): +d6*, Range 25ft/80ft (1
Sharp damage)
earnest soldiers in Optimus Prime’s host of loyal
Hands: 1
Cybertronians. He has a story or war anecdote for
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
every situation, is well-versed in local pop culture
Traits: Ballistic
from decades ago, and never shies away from a
good scrap. He won’t take disrespect—or “guff,” Fender Ports (Targeting): +d6, Range 15ft (1
Laser damage Blast: 15ft cone)
as he calls it—from any of the younger generations
Hands: 0
of Autobots, even his often-nearby partner from Requirements: Alt Mode Only
the Targetmaster Corps, Recoil. His Alt Mode is a Traits: Integrated, Reload
Cybertronian military vehicle.
Ram (Driving): +d4*, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
THREAT LEVEL: 14 Alternate Effects: Trip
SIZE: Large/Long HEALTH: 14 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground (Bot Mode); 60ft Ground before attacking
(Alt Mode) Traits: Integrated
STRENGTH: 7 SPEED: 10 Unarmed Combat (Might): +d8, Reach (Stun 1)
SMARTS: 6 SOCIAL: 11 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
WILLPOWER: 16 CLEVERNESS: 21 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Alertness +d4 POWERS
• Animal Handling +d2 Smokescreen (1/scene, Alt Mode Only, Free):
• Athletics +d2 By adding a special additive to his Alt Mode
• Brawn +d2 Energon processing systems, Kup can turn
• Culture +d4 his normal exhaust into a thick, blueish-gray
• Driving (Land) +d4* smokescreen. This provides Cover for all creatures
• Initiative +d6 within 30 feet of Kup for the next 2d4 rounds, or
• Intimidation +d2 until a strong air current disperses the smoke.
• Might +d8
• Performance (War Stories) +d8*
• Persuasion +d4 Armor: Heavy armor plating (+4 plating to
• Streetwise +d6 Toughness)
• Targeting (Sidearms) +d6* Weapons: Blaster
• Technology +d4
Other: Energon snacks (4, see page 79), Limited
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, German, Junkian, Repair Kit
Universal Interac
Grumpy Old Bot: Kup doesn’t take disrespect
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a Standard from youngsters well. If subjected to back-talk,
action to convert between Bot Mode and Alt Mode. disbelief in his war tales, or similar disregard of his
Ramming Charge: If Kup makes a Ram attack age and experience, Kup suffers ↓1 on all Smarts-
at the end of a Move action, he receives ↑1 on and Social-based Skill Tests for the remainder of
the Skill Test for each 20 full feet moved directly the scene (or until apologized to).
toward the target. Storytime: Kup cannot resist telling his old
Targetmaster (Recoil): Kup has been paired up war stories and anecdotes. Whenever asked a
with another Cybertronian (named in parentheses) question or at the beginning of a discussion, Kup
whose Alt Mode is an alternate, more powerful must succeed at a DIF 10 Performance Skill Test
weapon he sometimes has access to. When using to quickly come up with a good tale. If he fails, the
his Targetmaster partner’s special attack, he gains story drags on too long and he suffers Snag on his
Edge on the Attack Skill Test. next Skill Test.




MIRAGE Rocket Launcher (Targeting): +d4, Range

100ft/200ft; min 30ft (1 Sharp damage Blast:
20ft radius)
As a bot who hails from Cybertron’s high society, Hands: 2
Mirage has always enjoyed the finest things in life. Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Joining the Autobots was as much a status symbol Traits: Anti-Tank, Mounted, Reload, Sharp, Wrecker
for him as it was a way to protect his family’s Unarmed Combat (Might): +d2, Reach (Stun 1)
holdings and position, but it has evolved into a Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
more personal mission—sometimes. (↓1)
THREAT LEVEL: 6 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
SIZE: Large/Long HEALTH: 6
MOVEMENT: 40ft Ground (Bot Mode); 60ft Ground POWERS
(Alt Mode)
Disappear (1/scene, Free): For a scout to survive
STRENGTH: 3 SPEED: 7 getting seen, they need to get unseen again as
SMARTS: 3 SOCIAL: 5 quickly as possible. Mirage can turn Invisible until
TOUGHNESS: 14 EVASION: 17 the end of his turn.
WILLPOWER: 13 CLEVERNESS: 15 Holo-Projections (2/scene, Standard): Mirage
is capable of projecting convincing holograms.
SKILLS These illusions can extend up to 60 feet in every
• Alertness +d2 direction from a single point within 30 feet of
• Athletics +d4 Mirage. When a creature looks at these holograms,
• Culture +d4 Mirage attempts a Deception Skill Test
• Deception +d6 against that creature’s Willpower Defense;
• Driving (Land) +d6* on a success, the creature believes the illusion
to be real.
• Initiative +d2
• Might +d2 GEAR
• Persuasion +d4
• Targeting +d4 Armor: Light armor matrix (+1 deflective to
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Italian,
Universal Interac Weapons: Blaster, rocket launcher

PERKS Other: Personal communications link, Energon

snacks (2, see page 79)
Fast Conversion: Mirage spends a Free action to
convert between Bot Mode and Alt Mode. HANG-UPS
On the Move: Mirage tries to always be moving This War is Getting Old: Mirage comes from a
when in a conflict. He can’t suffer Snag on an high-class upbringing on Cybertron, and while
Attack Skill Test after moving at least 30 feet he still does his part as an Autobot, he feels
during his turn. the war is beneath him. He can’t use or receive
benefit from the Lend Assistance action during a
ATTACKS combat scene.
Blaster (Targeting): +d4, Range 25ft/80ft (1
Sharp damage)
Hands: 1
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Ballistic
Ram (Driving): +d6*, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
Alternate Effects: Trip
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
before attacking
Traits: Integrated




OMEGA SUPREME suffer from any of the following Conditions

(unless Defeated): Blinded, Deafened, Frightened,
Mesmerized, Stunned, or Unconscious.
The last surviving member of the so-called Guardian Slow Conversion: Omega Supreme spends his
Robots, Omega Supreme is the largest and arguably entire turn’s worth of actions to convert between
most powerful Autobot known to exist. He is a Bot Mode and Alt Mode.
truly massive warrior that is seldom longwinded, Titanic Shell: Unless the attacker is of Gigantic
preferring to use actions to explain what he’s size or larger, Omega Supreme is immune to all
thinking at any given time. Whether as a towering Conditions and critical effects caused by their
robot that stands over a hundred feet tall or in its attacks, Perks, Powers, or other game effects.
rocket base Alt Mode, anywhere Omega Supreme ATTACKS
goes, Decepticons falter.
Crushing Claw (Might): +d8*, Reach (3
THREAT LEVEL: 25 Blunt damage)
SIZE: Titanic/Titanic HEALTH: 30 Alternate Effects: 3 Blunt damage—Multiple (5)
MOVEMENT: 40ft Ground (Bot Mode); 60ft (30ft) Targets (Reach, ↓1), Maneuver
Aerial (Alt Mode) Requirements: Bot Mode Only
STRENGTH: 20 SPEED: 10 Traits: Martial Arts
SMARTS: 15 SOCIAL: 11 Flyby (Driving): +d6*, Reach (3 Blunt damage)
TOUGHNESS: 34 EVASION: 20 Alternate Effects: Trip
WILLPOWER: 25 CLEVERNESS: 21 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
before attacking
SKILLS Traits: Integrated
• Alertness +d6 Fusion Cannon (Targeting): +d8*, Range
• Animal Handling +d4 80ft/250ft (3 Energy damage)
• Athletics +d4 Hands: 0
• Brawn +d8 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Conditioning +5 Traits: Anti-Tank, Integrated, Reload, Wrecker
• Culture +d6 Special: This attack ignores Resistance
• Deception +d2
• Driving (Aerospace) +d6* Multiple Missile System (Targeting): +d8*,
• Initiative +d2 Range 100ft/300ft; min 40ft (2 Fire damage)
• Intimidation +d8 Alternate Effects: 1 Fire damage Blast: 50ft radius
• Might (Claw) +d8* (↑2)
• Performance +d4 Hands: 0
• Persuasion +d6 Traits: Computerized, Inaccurate (↓1), Integrated,
• Science +d6 Reload, Wrecker
• Streetwise +d6 Particle Point Defense Array (Targeting): +d8*,
• Survival +d4 Range 100ft/200ft (1 Sharp damage)
• Targeting (Integrated Weapons) +d8* Hands: 0
• Technology +d8 Traits: Accurate (↑2), Ballistic, Computerized,
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Junkian, Integrated, Multi-Weapon (3), Reload
Quintesson, Universal Interac
Crush (1/turn, Bot Mode Only, Free): Any target
Body Displacement: When Omega Supreme that is currently Grappled by Omega Supreme’s
launches the rocket portion of his Alt Mode using Crushing Claw at the beginning of his turn
his Aerospace Movement, the entirety of his body automatically suffers 5 Blunt damage.
(the rest of the launchpad) is tethered to the
rocket through Unspace via a special connection Memory of Centuries (1/turn, Move): Omega
to his Spark. So, despite leaving behind 70% of Supreme has lived a long time, and has rocketed
his mass when he takes off, the launchpad will all over the galaxy. If he stops to think for just a
reappear and be waiting for the rocket to rejoin it moment, he can recall pieces of his long and winding
when it begins its landing process. history, allowing him to treat any single non-combat
skill as being Specialized for one Skill Test.
Guardian’s Mantle: Once a peacekeeper and
protector of Cybertron, Omega Supreme can’t

Stomp! (2/scene, Bot Mode Only, Standard): HANG-UPS
Omega Supreme rolls a Brawn Skill Test, then all
ground-based creatures within 60ft of Omega Not a Conversationalist: Omega Supreme
Supreme must roll their own Brawn Skill Test. For isn’t terribly chatty and doesn’t like to put ideas
every 5 Omega Supreme’s result exceeds the into words when he could communicate things
result of each target, that target takes 1 Sonic differently. Any Social-based Skill Tests Omega
damage; any creature that takes at least 1 Sonic Supreme attempts with more than a few words of
damage is knocked Prone. verbal components suffers Snag.

Armor: Heavy armor plating (+4 plating to
Weapons: Crushing claw (Might integrated
melee), fusion cannon (Targeting integrated
element), multiple missile system (Targeting
integrated explosive), particle point defense array
(Targeting integrated projectile)



OPTIMUS PRIME damage when he sets his Spark to a task. Every

time Optimus Prime is reduced to 0 Health by an
enemy attack, Perk, or Power, he immediately
The most famous leader of the Autobots, Optimus attempts a DIF 16 Survival Skill Test; if
Prime is the backbone of the entire faction and the successful he is returned to 1 Health and may
continue to fight!
bearer of the Matrix of Leadership. Originally just
another organizational clerk on Cybertron’s middle ATTACKS
levels named Orion Pax, he was chosen to lead and
Ion Blaster (Targeting): +d8, Range 60ft/150ft (3
carry the energy of the Primes within him. He is a Electromagnetic damage or 3 Energy damage)
devoted leader and a brave soldier, and there isn’t Alternate Effects: 3 Electromagnetic damage or 3
an Autobot who doesn’t look up to him. In the war Energy damage—Multiple (2) Targets (60ft, ↓1)
against his nemesis Megatron, few stand taller or Hands: 1
prouder than Optimus Prime. Requirements: Bot Mode Only
THREAT LEVEL: 22 Traits: Armor Piercing
SIZE: Huge/Extended II HEALTH: 25 Modified Energon Blade (Might): +d8*, Reach (2
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground Sharp damage)
(Alt Mode) Alternate Effects: 2 Sharp damage and 1 Energy
Damage (↓1), Intimidating, Maneuver
SMARTS: 11 SOCIAL: 13 Hands: 1
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Computerized
Ram (Driving): +d8*, Reach (2 Blunt damage)
SKILLS Alternate Effects: Trip
• Alertness +d6 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
• Animal Handling +d2 before attacking
• Athletics +d4 Traits: Integrated
• Brawn +d8 Roller’s Turret (Technology): +d8, Range
• Conditioning +2 30ft/80ft (1 Sharp damage)
• Culture +d4 Alternate Effects: 1 Sharp damage—Multiple (3)
• Deception +d2 Targets (30ft, ↓1)
• Driving (Land) +d8* Requirements: Roller Drone Only
• Initiative +d4 Traits: Ballistic, Computerized, Integrated
• Intimidation +d4
Unarmed Combat (Might): +d8, Reach (Stun 2)
• Might (Blades) +d8*
• Performance +d2 Alternate Effects: 2 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Persuasion (Leadership) +d12* (↓1)
• Science +d2 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Streetwise +d6 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Survival +d4
• Targeting +d8
• Technology +d6 Autobots, Roll Out! (1/scene, Free): When
• Languages: Cybertronian, Dutch, English, German, Optimus Prime orders his Autobots to mobilize,
Japanese, Quintesson, Spanish, Universal Interac they are invigorated to do so. All of Optimus
Prime’s allies in the scene gain 5 feet to their
PERKS Movements in Alt Mode for the next 2d4 turns.
Barrel Through: Optimus Prime gains ↑1 on Combat Deck Assist (1/turn, Bot Mode Only,
Maneuver attacks. When he Rams a target, if he Free): When he is in Bot Mode, Optimus Prime’s
moved at least 20ft before the attack, he deals 1 Alt Mode trailer turns into a stationary support
additional Blunt damage on a success, including if combat deck, complete with its own sensors,
he used Ram to trip his target. weapon linkages, and more. Once per turn, the
Combat Deck uses the Lend Assistance action to
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a
Optimus Prime or one ally within 100 feet.
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and
Alt Mode. Drone Control (1/turn, Bot Mode Only, Free):
When he is in Bot Mode, Optimus Prime’s Alt
One Shall Stand…: Optimus Prime has a
Mode trailer releases a wheeled drone named
seemingly supernatural ability to withstand

Roller. By spending a Free action, Optimus Prime
transmits orders to Roller, which can comprise
a combination of one Standard action and one
Move action. All Roller’s Skill Tests (such as
attacks using its turret) use Optimus Prime’s
Technology skill.
Light Our Darkest Hour (1/scene, Standard): In
extreme circumstances, Optimus Prime opens his
chassis and uses the Primus energy from within
the Matrix of Leadership to astonishing degrees.
This leaves Optimus Prime Stunned for 2d2 rounds
and performs one of the following effects:
• Repair up to 5 Health for all allies within 100 feet,
though Optimus Prime suffers 3 damage per ally
aided in this way.
• Inflict 3 Energy damage and Blind all enemies within
100 feet, though Optimus Prime suffers 5 damage
per enemy damaged in this way.
• Replenish up to 3 Energon Points
to all allies within 100 feet, though
Optimus Prime suffers 1 damage
per ally aided in this way.
• Activate a special scene-based
game effect, though Optimus
Prime is Defeated at end of the
round (GM’s discretion).

Armor: Modified hull
reinforcements (+3 plating to
Weapons: Ion blaster
(Targeting medium
element), modified
Energon blade (Might
integrated melee)
Other: Matrix of
Leadership, combat deck
platform, Roller drone

Burden of Leadership: Being the
leader of the Autobots is a difficult task,
but Optimus bears that burden well, and will
do so until his Spark fades. If any allies are still
in harm’s way during a fight, Optimus Prime won’t
voluntarily move away from them; he suffers Snag
on all Skill Tests on a turn he is forced to do so.
Protect the Innocent: Optimus Prime will go to
any lengths to make sure that no innocent lives
are put in harm’s way, taking any necessary
actions on his turn to put himself in between
a threatening situation and the most innocent
bystanders or injured allies.



PERCEPTOR Universal Translator: Perceptor is capable of

deciphering or translating all known languages
with a 6-second delay.
Master engineer and research scientist amongst the Veteran of the Wars: When attempting an Alertness
Autobots, Perceptor is also a leading officer and Skill Test to gain information or understanding of the
the head of the Science Corps. He is a believer that current battlefield, Perceptor gains Edge.
all things can be sleuthed out using science, even ATTACKS
if that means calculating the best trajectory for his
next salvo! Blaster (Targeting): +d8, Range 25ft/80ft (1
Sharp damage)
THREAT LEVEL: 16 Hands: 1
SIZE: Huge/Extended HEALTH: 16 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground (Bot Mode); 40ft Ground Traits: Ballistic
(Alt Mode) Hardlight Launcher (Targeting): +d8, Range
75ft/200ft (2 Laser Damage)
SMARTS: 16 SOCIAL: 9 Alternate Effects: 2 Laser damage Blast: 10ft radius
(↓1), Target is Blinded (↓1)
Hands: 0
Traits: Integrated
SKILLS Photonic Grenade (Athletics): +d4, Range
20ft/50ft (Stun 1 Blast: 10ft radius)
• Alertness +d8 Alternate Effects: Target is Blinded for 2d2 rounds
• Animal Handling +d4 Hands: 1
• Athletics +d2
Traits: Consumable
• Brawn +d2 Ram (Driving): +d2, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
• Culture +d4 Alternate Effects: Trip
• Driving +d2
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
• Infiltration +d4
before attacking
• Initiative +d4
Traits: Integrated
• Might +d4
Unarmed Combat (Might): +d4, Reach (Stun 1)
• Performance +d2
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Persuasion (Leadership) +d6*
• Science (Research) +d10*
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Streetwise +d4
• Targeting +d8 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Technology +d8 POWERS
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Nebulanese,
Know Weakness (Move): Perceptor attempts
Quintesson, Universal Interac; see Universal
an Alertness Skill Test against a target’s
Translator below
Cleverness Defense; this target must be within
PERKS 200ft of Perceptor. If successful, he knows all of
the target’s Hang-Ups and his attacks ignore any
Acute Senses (Vision): Perceptor is especially Resistances the target might possess.
aware of visual details, gaining Edge when rolling
Alertness using his vision, and ↑1 on a non- GEAR
Alertness Skill Test when using his vision. Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a Standard Toughness)
action to convert between Bot Mode and Alt Mode. Weapons: Blaster, hardlight launcher (Targeting
Scientific Methods: Perceptor knows how to use integrated element), photonic grenades (2,
logic and scientific learning to nearly any ends. Athletics sidearm explosive)
Once per turn, he can substitute his Science skill Other: Data recording and storage unit, Restricted
for any other skill. Research Kit
Superscope Alt Mode: Perceptor has an
additional Alt Mode that is a Large sized
superscope unit. While Perceptor has a base Thinks Too Much: Perceptor can often get caught
Ground Movement of 0ft in this Alt Mode has a overthinking a situation or get distracted by a
base Movement value of 0, he gains ↑2 on all wayward thought or concept. He suffers Snag on any
visual research or study of a single target. Skill Tests attempted during the first round of combat.




PROWL Stunner (Targeting): +d6*, Range

10ft/20ft (Stun 1)
Hands: 1
Prowl, a strict military strategist who believes in tactical Requirements: Bot Mode Only
superiority over frivolity, has a dedication to learning Traits: Computerized
and logic that can make him seem stuffy, cold, and Ram (Driving): +d6*, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
unfriendly. Even so, he is open to adjusting his mindset Alternate Effects: Trip
and his plans to achieve victory for the Autobots. His Alt Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
Mode resembles an Earth police crusier. before attacking
THREAT LEVEL: 12 Traits: Integrated
SIZE: Common HEALTH: 12 Unarmed Combat (Might): +d6, Reach (Stun 1)
MOVEMENT: 40 ft Ground (Bot Mode); 60 ft Ground Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
(Alt Mode) (↓1)
STRENGTH: 8 SPEED: 10 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
SMARTS: 7 SOCIAL: 5 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent


Tactical Adjustments (1/scene, Standard):
SKILLS Prowl takes a quick assessment of the situation,
allowing himself and any allies in communication
• Alertness +d6 range within the scene to immediately reroll their
• Athletics +d4 Initiative order with a ↑1 bonus.
• Brawn +d2
Target Vulnerability (3/scene, Free): Prowl
• Culture (Tactics) +d4*
quickly assesses the best way to overcome an
• Deception +d4
enemy. Before he attacks with a one-handed
• Driving (Land) +d6* weapon, he can attempt an Alertness Skill Test
• Initiative +d4 against a target’s Willpower or Cleverness
• Intimidation +d4 Defense. On a success, his first successful attack
• Might +d6 that turn deals 1 additional damage.
• Persuasion +d4
• Streetwise +d2 GEAR
• Targeting (Sidearms) +d6* Armor: Light armor matrix (+1 deflective to
• Technology +d2 Toughness)
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Junkian,
Quintesson, Universal Interac Weapons: Acid pellet pistol (Targeting sidearm
element), stunner (see page 71)
PERKS Other: Encrypted communications transmitter,
Bang Bang: Prowl makes every shot count. He stasis cuffs (3, see page 76)
can attack twice instead of once when using the
Attack action to attack with a ballistic weapon.
Gestalt Combiner (Universal Component): Prowl I Like Being on My Own: Despite his ability to
is designed to connect and combine with other join with others tactically and physically, Prowl
Cybertonians to become part of a larger, potentially doesn’t like to have to rely on the erratic actions
more powerful, robot Combiner Megaform. of others and cannot benefit from the Lend
Assistance action.
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and
Alt Mode.

Acid Pellet Pistol (Targeting): +d6*, Range
30ft/70ft (1 Acid damage)
Alternate Effects: 1 Acid damage—Multiple (2)
Targets (30ft, ↓1)
Hands: 1
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Ballistic, Reload




Heavy Laser Pistol (Targeting): +d4, Range
Ratchet is the chief medical officer for the Autobots 40ft/100ft (2 Laser damage)
as well as one of Optimus Prime’s most trusted and Hands: 1
revered sub-commanders. Fun and lighthearted Requirements: Bot Mode Only
whenever he can be, this battlefield medic knows when Traits: Computerized, Reload
to set aside jokes and mirth in favor of picking up his Integrated Cutting Saw (Finesse): +d6, Reach (1
Sharp damage)
gun and being ready to patch up anyone in need.
Alternate Effects: 2 Sharp damage (↓1)
THREAT LEVEL: 15 Hands: 0
SIZE: Huge/Extended HEALTH: 15 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground Traits: Armor Piercing, Integrated
(Alt Mode) Ram (Driving): +d6, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
STRENGTH: 6 SPEED: 10 Alternate Effects: Trip
SMARTS: 12 SOCIAL: 8 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
before attacking
Traits: Integrated
Unarmed Combat (Might): +d4, Reach (Stun 1)
SKILLS Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Alertness +d4 (↓1)
• Animal Handling +d2 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Athletics +d4 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Brawn +d4
• Culture +d4 POWERS
• Deception +d4 Force Field (1/scene, Free): Ratchet can increase
• Driving +d4 his Toughness and Evasion Defenses by 2 each
• Finesse +d6 until the beginning of his next turn. This power
• Infiltration +d2 comes from an Armor Upgrade. As gear, this
• Initiative +d4 can be taken from Ratchet if he is Defeated or
• Might +d4 removed by force while Grappling.
• Performance +d2 Spark Drive (Standard): Ratchet can heal his
• Persuasion +d6 fellow Autobots of all kinds of troublesome effects.
He can attempt a DIF 12 Technology (Repair)
• Science +d6
Skill Test to remove any Condition (except
• Streetwise +d2
Defeated) from a target within his natural reach.
• Targeting +d4 This’ll Hold for Now (3/scene, Standard):
• Technology (Repair) +d8* Ratchet can attempt a DIF 10 Technology
• Languages: Cybertronian, Catharsian, English, (Repair) Skill Test when within his natural reach
French, Japanese, Junkian, Korean, Quintesson, of an injured mechanoid. On a success, the ally
Universal Interac regains 1 Health; this increases by 1 for every 5 by
PERKS which Ratchet’s result exceeds the DIF.
Always Helpful: Ratchet can always Lend GEAR
Assistance using a Free Action to any ally
within line of sight and in communication range, Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
regardless of his skills and situation. Toughness), force field
Weapons: Heavy laser pistol (Targeting sidearm
Can You Point at What Hurts?: Ratchet is a student element), integrated cutting saw (Finesse
of utility, and he knows how to say a few important integrated melee)
phrases in nearly every spacefaring language. This Other: Injectable Energon snacks (4, see page 79),
allows him to communicate in a limited fashion, Restricted Repair Kit
imposing Snag on verbal-based Skill Tests with any
culture whose language he doesn’t speak. HANG-UPS
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a I Took an Oath!: Ratchet takes his role as
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and battlefield medic seriously; he must attempt
Alt Mode. to move to a point within 5 feet of a damaged
ally with 5 or fewer Health. If blocked or unable,
Veteran of the Wars: When attempting an Alertness
Ratchet suffers ↓1 on all Skill Tests from the
Skill Test to gain information or understanding of the
frustrated distraction until he heals an ally.
current battlefield, Ratchet gains Edge.




• Acrobatics +d2
• Alertness +d2
Eject •

Athletics +d4
Brawn +d2
One of Blaster’s mini-cassette minions, Eject loves • Culture (Sports) +d4*
• Might +d2
anything sports and sports-adjacent. He fills his • Performance +d2
mind, free time, and even vocabulary with sports. • Streetwise +d2
Always happy to give a new game or exercise a • Targeting +d2
• Languages: Cybertronian, English
chance, Eject loves being on Earth more than most
Cybertronians—if only because of the myriad PERKS
volume of sports across the world. Brawler: Eject is a skilled hand-to-hand fighter
THREAT LEVEL: 3 who knows the best ways to apply fast and brutal
attacks with his hands, elbows, feet, and anything
SIZE: Common/Small HEALTH: 3
else he needs to when engaged up close. He gains
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground (Bot Mode); 0ft (Alt Mode)
↑1 with his unarmed attacks, which automatically
STRENGTH: 4 SPEED: 2 inflict Blunt damage.
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a Standard
TOUGHNESS: 14 EVASION: 12 action to convert between Bot Mode and Alt Mode.
Mini-Laser (Targeting): +d2, Range 30ft/60ft (1
Laser damage)
Hands: 1
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Computerized
Unarmed Combat (Might): +d2, Reach (1
Blunt damage)
Alternate Effects: Maneuver (↓1)
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
Diving Strike (Move and Standard, Bot Mode
Only): Eject leaps up to 20ft toward a target,
bypassing any Rough Terrain along the way, and
must end adjacent to that target. Eject then makes
an Unarmed Combat attack against the target; if
successful, he deals an additional point of damage.
After the attack, Eject becomes Prone.
Weapons: Mini-laser (Targeting sidearm element)
Cassette Alt Mode: Eject’s Alt Mode is that of
a rectangular data-storage cassette that cannot
move on its own but may spend a Free action to
join with or exit from Blaster, the Cassette Minion
Master he is linked with.
Good Sport: Eject embodies the essence of
good sportsmanship and fair play when he is in
combat and will refuse to fight dirty or outnumber
a similarly skilled opponent. If ever forced to
use underhanded tactics or gang up on a lesser
foe, Eject suffers ↓1 on all Skill Tests from the
internalized disappointment until the odds are
evened or the enemy is Defeated.

Blaster’s least subtle mini-cassette minion, Ramhorn
is a mighty force crammed into a small package.
This rhinoceros-shaped bot is capable of smashing
through an enemy’s defenses with ease, as long as
patience isn’t part of the plan.
SIZE: Common/Small HEALTH: 5
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 0ft (Alt Mode)

• Alertness +d2
• Athletics +d2
• Brawn +d8
• Conditioning +1
• Initiative +d2
• Might +d4
• Persuasion +d2
• Survival +d2
• Targeting +d4
• Languages: Cybertronian, Afrikaans, English

Charging Impact: Ramhorn can put significant
force behind his attacks with a running charge. Unarmed Combat (Might): +d4, Reach (Stun 1)
Any Might-based attack he makes after moving Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
at least 30ft in a straight line can use his Brawn (↓1)
skill (instead of Might) and gains the Maneuver Requirements: Bot Mode Only
alternate effect. Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode
and Alt Mode. Armor: Light armor plating (+1 plating to
Weapons: Durabyllium horn (Might integrated
Durabyllium Horn (Might): +d4, Reach (1 melee), micro-missile launcher (Targeting
Blunt damage) integrated explosive)
Hands: 0
Requirements: Bot Mode Only HANG-UPS
Traits: Integrated Cassette Alt Mode: Ramhorn’s Alt Mode is that of
Micro-Missile Launcher (Targeting): +d4, Range a rectangular data-storage cassette that cannot
60ft/150ft (2 Fire damage) move on its own but may spend a Free action to
join with or exit from Blaster, the Cassette Minion
Alternate Effects: 1 Fire damage Blast: 20ft radius
Master he is linked with.
Hands: 0 Rage: Ramhorn can get easily distracted by his
Requirements: Bot Mode Only temper. If injured or targeted by a skill that is
designed to taunt or mock him, Ramhorn suffers
Traits: Computerized, Inaccurate (↓1), Integrated,
↓1 on all Skill Tests that do not target the source
Reload, Wrecker of his anger or frustration until the end of his
next turn.



Eject’s nerdy twin brother, Rewind is the intellectual
of the pair and a collector of obscure data.
This continuously talkative font of randomly
useful knowledge enjoys learning and dissecting
information with the same fervor that his brother
enjoys a good sporting event.
SIZE: Common/Small HEALTH: 3
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground (Bot Mode); 0ft (Alt Mode)

• Acrobatics +d2
• Alertness +d2
• Culture +d4
• Might +d2
• Science +d4
• Streetwise +d4
• Targeting +d4
• Technology +d2
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, French, Japanese,
Junkian, 2 local languages
Blinding Light (1/scene, Move and Standard):
Data Assessor: If allowed to access his data By accessing the crystal fiber-optic information
storage systems or a central database of some matrix in his chest, Rewind can emit a dazzling and
kind (which includes the Earth-based internet), brilliant blast of light. Rewind attempts a single
Rewind gains ↑1 to Culture, Science, and Technology Skill Test, comparing the result to the
Streetwise Skill Tests. Evasion Defense of each sighted creatures within
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a a 30ft cone. On a success, the creature is Blinded
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and for 2d2 rounds.
Alt Mode.
ATTACKS Weapons: Mini-laser (Targeting sidearm element)
Mini-Laser (Targeting): +d4, Range 30ft/60ft (1
Laser damage) HANG-UPS
Hands: 1 Cassette Alt Mode: Rewind’s Alt Mode is that of
Requirements: Bot Mode Only a rectangular data-storage cassette that cannot
Traits: Computerized move on its own but may spend a Free action to
join with or exit from Blaster, the Cassette Minion
Unarmed Combat (Might): +d2, Reach (Stun 1)
Master he is linked with.
Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
(↓1) Research Aficionado: Rewind lives for the hunt
of new and interesting information. If ever faced
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
with a way to gain or learn new information,
Traits: Martial Arts, Silent Rewind suffers ↓1 on all Skill Tests until he makes
some kind of effort to uncover that unknown data.

Steeljaw Sharp damage)
Alternate Effects: Target is Grappled
A tracker of unmatched skill, Steeljaw is a trick that Hands: 0
Blaster keeps up his sleeve until it is time to launch Requirements: Bot Mode Only
the leonine mini-cassette out to find all those who Traits: Integrated, Silent
never want to be found!
EM Adherence (Move, Alt Mode Only):
SIZE: Common/Small HEALTH: 3 Steeljaw’s cassette Alt Mode generates a light
MOVEMENT: 45ft Ground (Bot Mode); 0ft (Alt Mode) electromagnetic charge that allows him to stick to
STRENGTH: 2 SPEED: 4 any metallic object within 15ft.
Armor: Light armor matrix (+1 deflective to
SKILLS Weapons: Omni-ferrous claws (Finesse
• Alertness +d4 integrated melee), pellet guns (Targeting
integrated projectile), Tritanium jaws (Finesse
• Athletics +d4
integrated melee)
• Finesse +d4
• Performance +d2 HANG-UPS
• Streetwise +d2
• Survival +d4 Cassette Alt Mode: Rewind’s Alt Mode is that of
a rectangular data-storage cassette that cannot
• Targeting +d4
move on its own but may spend a Free action to
• Languages: Cybertronian, English
join with or exit from Blaster, the Cassette Minion
PERKS Master he is linked with.

Leaping Death: Steeljaw’s movements don’t Curious Odors: Steeljaw is very interested in the
trigger Contingency actions, and he gains ↑1 smells of the worlds around him. Anytime he is not
on melee attacks made in the same round actively locked onto a specific scent for tracking
after he moves. purposes, he suffers ↓1 to Alertness and Initiative
Skill Tests from olfactory distractions.
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode Rust?!?: Steeljaw is oddly susceptible to rust and
and Alt Mode. any kind of corrosive elements. Attacks and game
effects that cause Acid damage (or similar results)
Sensor Upgrade: As long as he is given a gain Edge against him.
radiation, energy, or wavelength signature
to follow, Steeljaw always counts as being
Specialized in Tracking for Alertness and Survival
Skill Tests.

Omni-Ferrous Claws (Finesse): +d4, Reach (1
Sharp damage)
Alternate Effects: 1 Sharp damage—Multiple (2)
Targets (Reach, ↓1)
Hands: 0
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Integrated, Silent
Pellet Guns (Targeting): +d4, Range 30ft/75ft (1
Blunt damage)
Hands: 0
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
Traits: Integrated, Reload
Tritanium Jaws (Finesse): +d4, Reach (1



Blaster (Targeting): +d4, Range 25ft/80ft (1
Sharp damage)
Somewhat of a sneak and a thief, Rollbar is one
Hands: 1
Autobot who never gives anything but his absolute
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
best. He might not be powerful, but he is always
Traits: Ballistic
happy to do his part in the plan. Someone will have
his back… right? Ram (Driving): +d2, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
Alternate Effects: Trip
THREAT LEVEL: 4 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
SIZE: Large/Long HEALTH: 4 before attacking
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground Traits: Integrated
(Alt Mode)
Unarmed Combat (Finesse): +d2, Reach (Stun 1)
STRENGTH: 2 SPEED: 8 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
SMARTS: 2 SOCIAL: 2 (↓1)
TOUGHNESS: 13 EVASION: 18 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
WILLPOWER: 12 CLEVERNESS: 12 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent

• Acrobatics +d4 Armor: Light armor matrix (+1 deflective to
• Alertness +d4 Toughness)
• Athletics +d4 Weapons: Blaster
• Driving +d2
• Finesse +d2 Other: Personal communications Link, Limited
• Infiltration +d4 Sensor Kit
• Persuasion +d2 HANG-UPS
• Streetwise +d2
• Targeting +d4 Gung-Ho!: Rollbar is always excited to be part of
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Junkian, Voin the plan, the mission, and the action. This often
leads him to act impulsively and makes him
PERKS suffer ↓1 to any Skill Test that was triggered as a
Contingency action.
Fast Conversion: Rollbar can spend a Free action
to convert between Bot Mode and Alt Mode.
Enhanced Leap: Rollbar has enhanced his legs
and shock absorption systems, allowing him to
jump greater distances, even in his Alt Mode. Not
only can he jump normally in Alt Mode, but in Bot
Mode his jump distance is tripled.
Throttlebot: Designed for short bursts of speed
and agility, Rollbar isn’t limited in how many of his
Free actions he may spend in any given turn to
add to his movement. In addition, he can spend
a Free action to gain ↑1 to Athletics Skill Tests
attempted this turn; this bonus is cumulative.




Blaster (Targeting): +d6, Range 25ft/80ft (1
Sharp damage)
Sideswipe is not what most Autobots consider to be
Hands: 1
a good example of Prime’s teachings. He is reckless,
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
uncaring for his foes, and sometimes acts like a
Traits: Ballistic
bully. He is devoted to winning no matter the cost.
Integrated Particle Rifle (Targeting): +d6, Range
THREAT LEVEL: 10 150ft/600ft; min 30ft (1 Energy damage)
SIZE: Large/Long HEALTH: 10 Alternate Effects: 2 Energy damage (↓1), 3 Energy
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground damage (↓3)
(Alt Mode) Hands: 0
STRENGTH: 8 SPEED: 7 Traits: Armor Piercing, Computerized, Integrated
SMARTS: 5 SOCIAL: 6 Reload
TOUGHNESS: 20 EVASION: 17 Pneumatic Punches (Might): +d4, Reach (1
WILLPOWER: 15 CLEVERNESS: 16 Blunt damage)
Alternate Effects: 2 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Alertness +d4 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Athletics +d4 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Brawn +d4 Ram (Driving): +d4, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
• Culture +d2 Alternate Effects: Trip
• Deception +d6
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
• Driving +d4
before attacking
• Initiative +d4
Traits: Integrated
• Intimidation +d4
• Might +d4 POWERS
• Performance +d2
• Persuasion +d2 Thrusters (3/scene, Free): Sideswipe has
powerful jet-like thrusters. In Bot Mode, they grant
• Streetwise +d2
him a 30ft Aerial Movement speed until the end of
• Targeting +d6
his turn. In Alt Mode, they add an additional 30ft
• Technology +d4 to his base Ground Movement until the end of his
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Italian, Junkion turn, as long as he moves in a straight line.
Glory Hound: There is little more thrilling than Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
a victorious moment. Once per round when Toughness)
Sideswipe rolls a Critical Success where he knows
someone is watching, he can immediately perform Weapons: Blaster, particle rifle (see page 72),
one additional Standard action. pneumatic punches (Might integrated melee)

Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a HANG-UPS

Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and
Alt Mode. Sibling Rivalry: Sideswipe is always trying to
outdo his arrogant brother, Sunstreaker. All of
No Escape: Sideswipe is a brutal fighter, and Sideswipe’s Skill Test Difficulties are increased by 1
rarely lets up when he has an advantage. Once while in a scene with Sunstreaker.
per round when an enemy moves within the
reach of one of his melee attacks, he interrupts Whatever it Takes: Victory and winning is
their movement to immediately attack them with always close to Sideswipe’s heart. He will not
that attack. willingly retreat from a combat when there are still
enemies present.
Reckless Driving: Sideswipe gains ↑1 on Ram
attacks. Additionally, he can spend a Standard
action at the beginning of his Move action to make
any number of Ram attacks at different targets
during that movement at the cost of 10 feet of
Ground Movement per Ram attack made.




Blaster (Targeting): +d4, Range 25ft/80ft (1
Sharp damage)
The arrogant and incredibly vain Sunstreaker,
Hands: 1
golden twin brother of Sideswipe, is even more
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
difficult and hard to work with than him. Though
Traits: Ballistic
a capable warrior, Sunstreaker doesn’t believe in
giving his enemies second chance (or long to exist) Chassis-Cracker (Might): +d6, Reach ×2 (2
Sharp damage)
if they choose to cross him.
Alternate Effects: Intimidating, Target is Impaired
THREAT LEVEL: 10 for 1d4 rounds
SIZE: Large/Long HEALTH: 10 Hands: 2
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Ground Requirements: Bot Mode Only
(Alt Mode) Traits: Anti-Tank, Inaccurate (↓1)
STRENGTH: 7 SPEED: 8 Ram (Driving): +d4, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
SMARTS: 6 SOCIAL: 5 Alternate Effects: Trip
TOUGHNESS: 19 EVASION: 18 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
WILLPOWER: 16 CLEVERNESS: 15 before attacking
Traits: Integrated
Unarmed Combat (Might): +d4, Reach (Stun 1)
• Acrobatics +d4 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Alertness +d4 (↓1)
• Brawn +d4 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Culture +d2 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Deception +d4
• Driving +d4 POWERS
• Initiative +d4
Shadowed Spark (1/turn, Free): Sunstreaker
• Intimidation +d4
has a shadow over his Spark, and when given
• Might +d6 the opportunity to unleash that malevolence, his
• Performance +d2 enemies suffer. Once per turn when Sunstreaker
• Persuasion +d2 successfully makes a melee attack against a
• Streetwise +d2 target suffering any Condition, he can spend a Free
• Targeting +d4 action to immediately attack that target again.
• Technology +d6
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Junkion, GEAR
Quintesson Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
Weapons: Blaster, chassis-cracker (see page 71)
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and HANG-UPS
Alt Mode.
My Only Friend: Sunstreaker’s brother, Sideswipe,
Numb: It is difficult to emotionally manipulate is the only person he counts as his friend (even if
someone as detached from his feelings as the feeling is less than mutual). Sunstreaker can’t
Sunstreaker. He can’t suffer from the Frightened Lend Assistance to anyone except Sideswipe.
Condition, and all attempts to use Intimidation or
Persuasion against him suffer ↓2. No, I Can’t Fail!: Sunstreaker truly believes that
he can accomplish the goals set before him at any
Piling On: Sunstreaker is a brutal opportunist, and given time, and any proof of his fallibility will cause
he will not think twice about taking advantage of him great pain and anguish. Anytime Sunstreaker
someone’s poor situation. He gains ↑1 on attacks Fumbles when someone else is watching, he
against targets that are Prone. immediately suffers 1 Psychic damage.




Energy Slingshot (Targeting): +d4, Range
25ft/60ft (1 Energy damage)
This rhyming, rambunctious youngster is a good
Alternate Effects: Target is Stunned until end of
sign for the next generation of Autobots, as that he
their next turn
has a strong Spark and a deep sense of right versus
Hands: 2
wrong. His adolescence might get him into trouble Traits: Reload, Silent
now and again, but making mistakes is how young
Ram (Driving): +d4, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
bots learn lessons!
Alternate Effects: Trip
THREAT LEVEL: 4 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
SIZE: Common/Long HEALTH: 4 before attacking
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Aerial Traits: Integrated
(Alt Mode)
Unarmed Combat (Finesse): +d2, Reach (Stun 1)
STRENGTH: 1 SPEED: 7 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
SMARTS: 4 SOCIAL: 2 (↓1)
TOUGHNESS: 12 EVASION: 17 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
WILLPOWER: 14 CLEVERNESS: 12 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent

• Acrobatics +d2 Disappear (1/scene, Free): For a scout to survive
• Alertness +d2 getting seen, they need to get unseen again as
• Athletics +d2 quickly as possible. Wheelie turns Invisible until
• Culture (Earth) +d4* the end of his turn.
• Deception +d2
• Driving +d4
• Finesse +d2 Armor: Light armor matrix (+1 deflective to
• Infiltration +d2 Toughness)
• Performance +d2 Weapons: Energy slingshot (Targeting
• Targeting +d4 sidearm element)
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Universal Interac
Other: Energon snack (see page 71), emergency
PERKS rescue beacon

Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a HANG-UPS

Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and
Rhyme Time: Wheelie’s rhyming speech patterns
Alt Mode.
can be confusing or aggravating. Wheelie suffers
Sharpshooter’s Grace: Wheelie’s aim is ↓1 to Social-based Skill Tests for conversations
surprisingly good for a robot who uses a slingshot. that last at least 1 minute.
He doesn’t suffer Snag when making a ranged
attack outside a weapon’s normal range and gains
↑2 on ranged attacks made at targets farther than
30 feet away.




Close Combat Blade (Might): +d4, Reach (1
Sharp damage)
An Autobot member of the Wreckers, Whirl is the
Hands: 1
personification of weaponized chaos. His behavior
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
in battle if often erratic, relying on unorthodox
Traits: Silent
strategies to overwhelm enemies that try to use
conventional tactics. Flyby (Driving): +d4*, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
Alternate Effects: Trip
THREAT LEVEL: 7 Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
SIZE: Large/Extended HEALTH: 7 before attacking
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 45ft Aerial Traits: Integrated
(Alt Mode)
Mini-Laser (Targeting): +d4, Range 30ft/60ft (1
STRENGTH: 3 SPEED: 8 Laser damage)
SMARTS: 5 SOCIAL: 4 Hands: 1
TOUGHNESS: 15 EVASION: 18 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
WILLPOWER: 15 CLEVERNESS: 14 Traits: Computerized

SKILLS Rotary Laser (Targeting): +d4, Range 80ft/250ft

(1 Laser damage Blast: 15ft radius)
• Alertness +d6 Alternate Effects: Target is Blinded until the end of
• Brawn +d2 its next turn
• Culture +d2 Requirements: Alt Mode Only
• Deception +d4 Traits: Computerized, Integrated
• Driving (Aerial) +d4*
• Infiltration +d4 Unarmed Combat (Finesse): +d4, Reach (Stun 1)
• Initiative +d2 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Might +d4 (↓1)
• Persuasion +d2 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Streetwise +d2 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Targeting +d4
• Technology +d2
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Italian, Mark Target (1/scene): At the beginning of a
Universal Interac scene (including combat), Whirl designates a
creature he can see or a specific individual he
PERKS expects will be in the scene. He gains ↑1 on Skill
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a Tests related to that creature until the end of
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and the scene.
Alt Mode.
On My Mark!: Allies that attack a target that Whirl
Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
has nominated as his Mark (see Mark Target)
count all of the target’s Defenses as 1 lower for
their own Skill Tests. Weapons: Close combat blade, mini-laser
(Targeting sidearm element), rotary laser
Warrior Rush: Whirl knows his place on the
(Targeting integrated element)
battlefield and rushes to get there as soon as
possible. On the first turn of combat, Whirl doubles Other: Advanced sensor suite
his Movements until the beginning of his next turn.
Essence of Chaos: Whirl thrives only
when he is giving himself over to his erratic
randomness. Whenever Whirl uses the same
skill for consecutive Skill Tests, the second (and
subsequent) Skill Test suffers ↓1.




Flyby (Driving): +d4*, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
A youthful and skilled warrior who can trace her Alternate Effects: Trip
Spark-chain back to the Titan Caminus, Windblade Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
before attacking
puts her duty and personal honor first in most
Traits: Integrated
things. Between her instinctual connection to the
city-sized mechanoids and the ancient relic she Stormfall Sword (Might): +d6, Reach (2
Sharp damage)
wields, the Stormfall Sword, few question her worth
Alternate Effects: 1 Strength Essence Damage,
to the faction.
THREAT LEVEL: 10 Hands: 1
SIZE: Large/Long HEALTH: 10 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
MOVEMENT: 35ft Ground (Bot Mode); 60ft Aerial Traits: Anti-Tank, Martial Arts, Silent
(Alt Mode) Special: Adds +2 to Toughness and Evasion
STRENGTH: 7 SPEED: 7 Defenses while being wielded
SMARTS: 5 SOCIAL: 7 Unarmed Combat (Might): +d6, Reach (Stun 1)
TOUGHNESS: 19 EVASION: 17 Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
SKILLS Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Alertness +d4
• Animal Handling +d2 POWERS
• Athletics +d4 Blade Pods (3/scene, Free): Windblade
• Culture +d4 increases the damage of her Flyby attack by 1 for
• Deception +d4 the remainder of the turn and changes its damage
• Driving (Aerial) +d4* type to Sharp.
• Infiltration +d2 Turbine Blast (3/scene, Move): Windblade fills
• Initiative +d2 a 60ft cone with hurricane-gale winds. All targets
• Intimidation +d4 in the area that are Huge or smaller are Impaired
• Might +d6 until the beginning of Windblade’s next turn.
• Persuasion +d4
• Science +d2 GEAR
• Streetwise +d4 Armor: Medium armor matrix (+2 deflective to
• Targeting +d4 Toughness)
• Languages: Cybertronian, English, Quintesson,
Weapons: Stormfall Sword (Might medium melee)
Spanish, Universal Interac
Honor and Glory: Windblade’s personal sense
Earlier is Better than Later: Windblade is always
of self is reflected by her elevated need for glory
the first to get into the fight. While in Alt Mode,
and honor. She never benefits from her allies’ Lend
Free actions used for additional Movement add 10
Assistance actions while in a combat.
feet to her Movement instead of 5. By spending
enough Free actions, this can more than double
her Movement.
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and
Alt Mode.
Roll With It: Windblade can ride the force of a
blow to safety. Once per turn, when she takes
damage, she can immediately move 10ft away
from the source of the attack.




Focused Blaster (Targeting): +d4, Range
25ft/80ft (1 Energy damage)
Leader of the Junkion population on the planet of
Hands: 1
the same name, Wreck-Gar is an honorable warrior
Requirements: Bot Mode Only
that has earned his right to sit on top of the heap,
Traits: Computerized
so to speak. He is an honorary member of the
Autobots, wears their insignia, and proudly fights for Mauler-Axe (Might): +d6*, Reach (1
Sharp Damage)
the, but he usually remains neutral for the safety of
Alternate Effects: 1 Strength Essence Damage
his people and planet, however.
Hands: 1
THREAT LEVEL: 13 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
SIZE: Huge/Extended HEALTH: 15 Traits: Armor Piercing
MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground (Bot Mode); 40ft Ground Particle Gun Array (Targeting): +d4, Range
(Alt Mode) 60ft/150ft (2 Energy damage)
STRENGTH: 10 SPEED: 6 Alternate Effects: 2 Energy damage—Multiple (2)
SMARTS: 10 SOCIAL: 6 Targets (60ft, ↓1)
TOUGHNESS: 23 EVASION: 16 Hands: 0
WILLPOWER: 20 CLEVERNESS: 16 Traits: Computerized, Integrated
Shredder Grenade (Athletics): +d4, Range
SKILLS 20ft/50ft (2 Sharp damage Blast: 10ft radius)
• Alertness +d4 Hands: 1
• Animal Handling +d2 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Athletics +d4 Traits: Consumable, Wrecker
• Brawn +d4
Spiked Ram (Driving): +d4, Reach (1
• Conditioning +2 Sharp damage)
• Culture (Pop Culture) +d6* Alternate Effects: Trip
• Deception +d2
Requirements: Alt Mode Only; Move at least 10ft
• Driving +d4
before attacking
• Infiltration +d2
Traits: Integrated
• Initiative +d2
• Intimidation +d2 Unarmed Combat (Might): +d6, Reach (Stun 1)
• Might (Axes) +d6* Alternate Effects: 1 Blunt damage (↓1), Maneuver
• Performance +d2 (↓1)
• Persuasion +d4 Requirements: Bot Mode Only
• Science +d2 Traits: Martial Arts, Silent
• Streetwise +d2
• Survival +d4 POWERS
• Targeting +d4 Irrefutable Order (Standard): Even Wreck-Gar’s
• Technology +d2 enemies respect his authority. As a Standard
• Languages: Junkian, Cybertronian; see Incoming action, he can attempt a Persuasion Skill Test
Transmissions below against the Willpower Defense of a target whose
level is not higher than his Threat Level. On a
PERKS success, he gives the target a one-word order,
Incoming Transmissions: Due to Junkion’s such as “halt” or “flee.” As long as the order does
constant attraction of interstellar communications, not put the target in immediate harm, violate
Wreck-Gar’s mind is filled to overflowing with one of the target’s core beliefs, and can be
languages, anecdotes, stories, and more. There accomplished with a Move action, they use their
is a chance that Wreck-Gar has access to any Move action to follow the command to the best of
given language or factoid at any given time. He can their ability on their next turn.
attempt a DIF 14 Culture Skill Test to access a Welds, Rivets, and Ideas (1/scene): Wreck-Gar
specific language or piece of information. is adept at using metallic scrap, plastic debris, and
Mode Conversion: Cybertronians spend a similar inorganic refuse in a variety of different
Standard action to convert between Bot Mode and ways. By succeeding at a DIF 12 Technology
Alt Mode. Skill Test that takes 2d6 × 5 minutes, he can
emulate any single piece of equipment, weapon,
weapon upgrade, or armor upgrade (of no greater

than Limited Access) using these materials. The through the collected transmission of interstellar
emulated item functions for a single scene. advertisements, broadcast media, and pop culture.
This can make him difficult to understand at times,
GEAR and he suffers ↓1 to Social-based skills when
Armor: Modified junkplate (+3 plating to dealing with a target unfamiliar with these forms of
Toughness and Resistance to Fire) information distribution.

Weapons: Focused blaster (Targeting sidearm

element), mauler-axe (Might medium melee),
particle gun array (Targeting integraed element),
shredder grenades (2, Athletics sidearm explosive)
Other: Restricted Repair Kit

Quirky Communication: Wreck-Gar and his people
learned many of their verbal communications


Top Secret: For the Energon with any of their superiors, the three
commandeer a group of Decepticon recruits to
GM Eyes Only help them quietly hijack the train and steal the
precious resource.
The following adventure is a 4-hour mission meant
to introduce 3–5 new players and a first-time Game
Master to the Essence20 Roleplaying System and
Preparing the Game
the setting of the Transformers Roleplaying Game To prepare for this adventure, read in its entirety
from the Decepticon’s perspective. As such, this before running it. Sometimes crafty players
chapter is “Need to Know.” If you are planning on come up with new or unintended solutions and
participating in this mission as a player, you don’t understanding the adventure ahead of time better
need to know. helps you (and your players) maintain the storyline
flow despite such hiccups.
We get it. You want to play a Decepticon and

break all the rules. Cheating to get a leg up on the
challenges ahead is what your character would do.
Well, you’re only supposed to pretend to be bad.
“The Great Energon Robbery” takes place over
Unless you plan to run this mission, reading it spoils
four parts.
the twists and turns, and would make playing it
much less fun. Part 1: We’re Not on the Nemesis Anymore—
Acid Storm and Thundercracker tell the Decepticon

Summary rookies to take the spacebridge to a seldom used

transport location in the American state of Kansas
The Autobots are transporting a large supply of to meet up with Astrotrain. The energy surge from
Energon cubes from a hidden processing facility the teleportation causes some trouble for the
near the East Coast of the United States to the Ark team, including an unexpected cave-in and the
via train, but Astrotrain and a pair Decepticon investigation of some local Earthling authorities.
Seekers, Acid Storm and Thundercracker, have Part 2: Finding the Right Place for Their Wrong
gotten wind of this shipment. Not wanting to share Time—After telling the team about the Energon



shipment that is on a Union Pacific freight train You lugs are going to use the bridge and meet
moving through the area, Astrotrain sends the Astrotrain near wherever it comes out. He’ll tell
Decepticons to investigate the route and look for you what comes next.”
the prefect ambush point. To do so safely, they must Acid Storm shoves a storage pack into one of
first deal with the Autobot Whirl, who is patrolling your hands. “This is everything you’ll need…
the area in the sky. the transit code, the meet-up coordinates, a
Part 3: Stick ‘Em Up!—Much to the Decepticons’ couple of hi-ex grenades just in case, and a
surprise, a pair of Autobots are protecting the train little gift from Blackout. Switch that thing on,
and its cargo! The team must battle the do-gooders and nobody is getting word in or out for a few
Mirage and Rollbar and, when they learn the train megamiles!”
was a decoy, interrogate the two to figure out where Thundercracker grabs a different one of you
the Energon has been taken. by the shoulder and pulls you in close enough
Part 4: Last Stop… Calamity and Chaos—Making to smell the Energon fumes of his exhaust.
their way to the disused railyard where the real “So what are you waiting for? Get down to
Energon shipment is being prepared for the final the bridge, plug in that code card, and get
leg of its journey, the Decepticon rookies discover movin’. You cranks get this right and we’ll owe
that the cubes are being guarded by Blaster and you, big time. Screw it up… and you’re spare
his Recordabots! They must figure out a way to parts, got it?”
handle the veteran communications officer so that
Astrotrain can fetch the Energon—and them!
Requisition Budget?
The speed at which the two Seekers send

Part 1: We’re Not

the characters on their way to the Nemesis’s
spacebridge platform eliminates the opportunity

on the Nemesis
for the PCs to acquire additional items or upgrades.
The PCs have their personal equipment with them,

Anymore along with the pack given to them by Acid Storm.

That pack contains the following items, which can
be divvied up between the character as they see fit.
• A one-use spacebridge transit code plug-in card
with a built in 24-second delay (which allows all
The Decepticon player characters are on the
characters to be on the platform when it activates)
recreational deck of the half-buried starship-turned-
headquarters, the Nemesis, when Acid Storm and • A data stick containing a set of coordinates in the
Thundercracker interrupt them. When the two middle of western Kansas (though the PCs are
Seekers have the team’s undivided attention, read or unlikely to recognize the exact location)
paraphrase the following: • A number of hi-ex grenades (see page 71) equal
to the number of PCs
• A broadwave signal jammer (see below)
Acid Storm says, “Hey, look sharp, you dents
and dings! ‘Cracker here and I need you to do a MISSION EQUIPMENT: BROADWAVE
little job for us. It’s a little mission that we think
you would be perfect for. Also, we don’t want
to do it.” The broadwave signal jammer (BSJ) is roughly a
cubic foot of scalloped metal casing with a few
Thundercracker jabs a finger in your
switches on one side. It can be activated by a
direction, his voice a growl. “Listen up. There
character holding it as a Standard action and by
is an old, half-cracked spacebridge in… Can-
spending an Energon Point. This creates a roughly
zass? Yeah, some canning place the Autobums
5-mile-radius area where wireless communications
disconnected a few cycles ago, but we have
can’t penetrate, but within which they are still freely
it on good authority that it is still accepting
accessible. This allows characters to communicate
incoming travel packets.
with one another and raises little suspicion from

locals—unless they try to make a longer-distance When the characters emerge, they find themselves
call! The BSJ can be shut off as a Free action. underground. Cybertronian technology occupies
the surrounding chamber, though it appears
The Old Bridge Platform damaged and disused. Mining tunnels branch
off in multiple directions, but many of them are
Once the characters insert the plug-in card into the partially or completely collapsed. A moment later,
Nemesis’s spacebridge computer, they can step onto a sparking explosion emanates from the equipment,
the platform to be instantly teleported elsewhere. followed by a deep rumble from the ground and
This is probably their first time using a spacebridge, dust beginning to fall from the ceiling. A PC who
so describe the slight disorientation and the feeling succeeds at a DIF 10 Science or Technology Skill
of rapidly moving from one place to the next as they Test realizes that the energy from their arrival has
step through the portal. caused the old machinery to catastrophically fail,



which in turn, has triggered an imminent cave-in.

If no one succeeds at this Skill Test, a chunk of rock “What happened? My sensor suite just spiked
falling from above should tell the group that they off the charts! Did you make it? Are you still
should quickly escape. mission-worthy? Anybody get blasted to bits?
Never mind. If I picked up that disturbance,
However, if the group wants to poke around the someone else surely did, too. You need to get
equipment, they have just enough time for each PC out of there. You have my coordinates, so get
to attempt a DIF 12 Alertness (Perception) Skill Test. here as fast as you can. Just be careful out there.
On a success, that PC finds one of the following, in If the Earthlings report seeing you… especially
order from highest result to lowest result. some of you… Prime’s lackeys will surely hear
• Mauler (see page 73) about it, and then we have other troubles to
• Concussion pistol (see page 72) worry about. Get a move on, ‘Cons.”
• Container with 2d2 Energon snacks (see page 71)
• Limited Repair Kit (multiple Repair Kits can be Astrotrain is right. Some local seismic monitoring
discovered if necessary) equipment has picked up the spacebridge
Any character that Fumbles on this Skill Test spends explosion and mine collapse. Local fracking
too long poking around and risks having the ceiling efforts have left the surrounding miles riddled with
collapse around them. The cave-in gains Edge on dangerous pockets, and concerned environmental
their attack against that character in Get Out! below. scientists are always watching their equipment.
Once each character has tried to search the room They have reported the incident immediately in
or when everyone has decided to leave, proceed to case someone has gotten hurt. This means local
Get Out! below. authorities and emergency services are on their
way to the area.
GET OUT! The coordinates given to the Decepticon team by
As the subterranean chamber and tunnels begin to the Seekers lead to a site several miles away from
collapse around them, the characters must move their current location. This will need to avoid any
quickly to escape. Luckily, any remaining passages run-ins with the locals. As they make their way across
lead toward the surface, so there is no chance for the Kansas landscape, the Decepticon rookies will
them to get lost. Have each player describe how need to contend with the following challenges.
their Decepticon is making their way through the
tunnels. Do they convert to Alt Mode for extra EYE IN THE SKY
speed? Do they barrel their way through a fallen Immediately after the monitoring scientists
timber blocking their path? reported the explosion, one of them sent an aerial
The cave-in makes an attack against each PC as surveillance drone speeding toward the site. As it
they flee, with a skill level of +d4. On a success, the zooms across the plains, it has a chance of spotting
target PC takes 1 Blunt damage. the Decepticons fleeing the scene!

Once each character has avoided or weathered Ask the players how their characters are leaving
the effects of the cave-in, the rookie Decepticons the mine entrance and traveling toward Astrotrain’s
emerge from the mine entrance into the open coordinates. Likely, they will be driving or flying
air, just as the spacebridge chamber detonates in their Alt Modes, as they offer greater speed and
spectacularly behind them, sending a plume of chance to not arouse suspicion with humans. After
indigo-colored smoke and tan dust into the sky. a few minutes, each Decepticon should attempt a
They have barely escaped certain doom, but there’s DIF 12 Alertness (Situational Awareness) Skill Test.
now no easy way to return to the Nemesis! On a success, that PC spots the small surveillance
drone about to pass above them, heading in the
opposite direction. The team can react to this
Night Moves information how they see fit, with some ideas
After the Decepticon rookies have brushed presented below. If no one spotted the drone,
themselves off, picked up their gear, and noted secretly roll the drone’s Alertness (+d4) against
any damage they might have suffered, they get an the Infiltration of the character with the lowest
incoming communication from Astrotrain. die in that skill; if the group made pains to move


stealthily, they can use the standard bonus to their Alertness or Driving Skill Tests they might make in
Infiltration skill from their Hail Megatron! Perk. Police Presence below.
Drive Casual: The PCs should attempt a group POLICE PRESENCE
DIF 12 Infiltration Skill Test. If half or more of them
succeed, the drone doesn’t notice them and passes Several cars from the Kansas State Police force
by. Remember that Decepticons receive a bonus to rush toward the explosion site and encounter the
their Infiltration when in Alt Mode, but if any of the Decepticons as they head to their rendezvous.
group is in Bot Mode and is Large or larger, they Unless the team took exceptional care to stay off
suffer ↓1 to the Skill Test as there aren’t many places the roads (or can all fly above them), one squad
to hide a giant robot nearby. car with two State Troopers inside slows down to
investigate why the Decepticons are in the area. The
Shoot it Down: A PC can attempt a ranged team can react to the police how they wish, with
attack at a distance of 100 feet against the drone some ideas presented below. The stats for a State
(Toughness 11, Evasion 13). Dealing any damage to Trooper are on page 190, and if you need them
the drone causes it to crash before spotting them. use the stats for a Compact Car (page 259 of
Each PC can make this attack once before the drone the Transformers Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook)
gets too close. with 2 Health to present a State Trooper’s squad car.
Hack the System: A PC can attempt a DIF Stay Cool: If all the Decepticons are in their
14 Technology Skill Test to use their own Alt Modes and don’t want to draw attention to
communications gear to jam the drone’s control themselves, each PC should attempt an Infiltration
systems and cause it to crash or effectively blind it Skill Test opposed by a single State Trooper’s
to their presence. The PC needs to have clear line of Alertness Skill Test. If half or more of the team
sight on the drone, meaning the team gets only one succeeds, the State Trooper doesn’t find their
chance to try this tactic. presence unusual. If they fail, however, the squad
If any of the above (or one of the group’s car initiates pursuit (see Gun It below).
devising) plans fail, the drone records something Gun It: The Decepticons rookies can try to outrun
suspicious. The scientists report what they see to the the cops! To do so, each PC should attempt a Driving
approaching authorities, who gain Edge on the first Skill Test opposed by a single State Trooper’s Driving



Skill Test. If half or more of the team succeeds, Aftermath

they quickly lose the State Troopers. If they fail, the If the Decepticon rookies snuck past the State
Troopers’ car keeps pace with them and they can Troopers or lost them in a high-speed chase, the
attempt the same opposed Skill Test. Once again, Autobots aren’t alerted to their presence. If they had
half or more of the Decepticons succeed, they flee a more obvious confrontation with the police, win
from pursuit. But if they fail a second time, the squad or lose, the news eventually reaches the auditory
car cuts them off and the Decepticons will need to receptors of the Autobots. Luckily, no one believes
Smash the Humans (see below) to escape. the cops about the encounter, but Whirl picks up on
Smash the Humans: The Decepticons can either the chatter and gains Edge on his Initiative Skill Test
ram the Troopers’ squad car in their Alt Modes in Whirl Wind on page 192.
or convert to Bot Mode to start a firefight. If the
Decepticons damage the squad car enough to Defeat
it, they can drive away without being pursued. If
State Trooper
the PCs initiate a normal combat, the State Troopers Trained to protect and serve, there aren’t a lot of
stop their vehicle and use it for cover as they engage things State Troopers can’t handle, but alien robots
the robots. During the first round, one State Trooper might make that list!
attempts to radio for backup. If needed, you can use THREAT LEVEL: 2
the map for Whirl Wind on page 193 for such a fight. SIZE: Common HEALTH: 2
If the Decepticons are somehow Defeated by the MOVEMENT: 30ft Ground
State Troopers, the police get back in their cars and STRENGTH: 2 SPEED: 4
drive away fast, terrified that there might be more SMARTS: 2 SOCIAL: 2
giant robots waiting to descend upon them. If the TOUGHNESS: 13 EVASION: 14
PCs Defeat the State Troopers, they can continue on WILLPOWER: 12 CLEVERNESS: 12
to meet with Astrotrain.

SKILLS There is no sign of activity except for a few, almost
• Alertness +d4 unnoticeable, Cybertronian sensor nodes implanted
• Driving +d2 here and there. The Decepticon rookies are in the
• Initiative +d2 right place.
• Might +d4
Once inside the grounds, the team easily spots a
• Persuasion +d4
prefab metal structure in the center of the quarry.
• Targeting +d4
• Languages: English The telltale glow of Cybertronian technology leaks
out from under the building’s door, which is sized
PERKS for large robots. Inside, the team finds Astrotrain
Squad Training: State Troopers can Lend looking over a larger holographic map. Numerous
Assistance to another State Trooper within 10 feet glowing lines vein spread throughout the map.
as a Free action. Several blinking, some of which are in motion, are
visible on the lines. A PC who succeeds at a DIF 10
Culture or Technology Skill Test recognizes that the
Baton (Might): +d4, Reach (1 Blunt damage) map shows train routes throughout western Kansas,
Alternate Effects: Maneuver (↓1) eastern Colorado, and northeastern New Mexico of
Hands: 1 the United States.
Handgun (Targeting): +d4, Range 60ft/100ft (1
Sharp damage)
Astrotrain will gesture for the group to join
Alternate Effects: 1 Sharp damage—Multiple (2) him. When they gather around the map, read or
Targets (60ft, ↓1) paraphrase the following:
Hands: 1
Traits: Ballistic “Welcome to Kansas. Glad you made it. The
GEAR airwaves have been a little crazy since you
blew up the spacebridge on your way in. I
Armor: Protective vest (+1 deflective to
mean, it’s no big deal. Nobody used the rusty
ol’ thing anyway. Shockwave probably won’t
Weapons: Baton (Might sidearm melee), handgun even notice, right? Right. Anyway… let’s get
(Targeting sidearm projectile),
down to it.”
Other: Personal radio, handcuffs
He runs a steel gray fingertip down a specific
POWERS glowing line of the map.
Call for Backup (1/scene, Move): A State Trooper “This is the Union Pacific 2040 route. Some of
can use their personal radio to call for backup, my rail drones have let me know that the Earthlings
attempting a DIF 12 Persuasion Skill Test. If successful,
are sending a dedicated storage car on this track
one additional squad car holding two State Troopers
arrives on the scene in 1d4 × 10 minutes. tomorrow morning, that contains a collection
of ‘cubed unknown energy source materials’ for
HANG-UPS somewhere on the east coast. You don’t have to
Brave, Not Stupid: State Troopers are paid to read between the lines to know that’s an entire
handle most situations, but they have their limits. freight car FULL of Energon! The fleshbags don’t
Whenever an ally is Defeated within 30 feet of a know what to do with it, so they are sending it to
State Trooper, roll 1d4. If the result is higher than the some research place in Autobot turf. So, before
amount of Health that State Trooper has remaining,
those lugnuts can get involved, we… and by we, I
that State Troopers flees from the scene.
mean YOU… are goin’ to hit that train and take it!”

Astrotrain’s Quarry Astrotrain explains the plan, covering the

When the PCs reach the coordinates to which following:
they’ve been directed, they find a huge, abandoned
• He can’t be present at the train robbery; he is
quarry that has been cordoned off with brightly
90% sure the Autobot Defense Grid picked him
colored tape, barricades, and several signs that
up when he flew into the area. “They’ll be trackin’
say “Closed For Public Safety” and “Trespassers
my signature for at least the next twelve hours.”
Will Be Prosecuted To The Full Extent of the Law.”



• The characters are expected to head out in the capable Autobot with an agile helicopter Alt Mode,
next few hours to figure out the best ambush point and his patrol route takes him over the roads the
to take the train, then hide nearby until they can PCs are on. When he flies in close to investigate
spring the trap! their little convoy, his overconfidence means he
• When the Energon-hauling freight car has been might get spotted.
freed from the rest of the train, they can risk A little more than an hour after the PCs leave the
sending for Astrotrain to come and pick it up— quarry (rejecting a couple of spots that either provided
and them, if need be. little cover or were too far away from the train
• It would be wise to use the BSJ the characters tracks along the way), they should attempt a group
were provided during any engagements, planned DIF 14 Alertness Skill Test. If at least half of them
for or not. Astrotrain knows there are Autobots succeed, they notice that they are being followed
lurking around somewhere, and they will surely by a helicopter in the sky. It is keeping its distance,
be listening for reasons to come find them! but its erratic movements betray that it might not be
Astrotrain’s hideout has two Limited Repair Kits an ordinary Earth vehicle. If fewer than half the PCs
for the characters to use if they need it, and he succeed, Whirl gains Edge on his Initiative Skill Test
can be persuaded to share a small stack of three and the PCs are surprised when he gets close enough
standard Energon cubes (which hold a total of to fire on the team (see Whirl Wind below).
6 Energon Points, with two in each cube) with The PCs might want to try to evade their tail, but
a successful DIF 18 Deception or Persuasion it won’t be easy. If the group wants to outrace the
Skill Test. helicopter, each Decepticon should attempt a DIF
18 Driving Skill Test. If at least half of them succeed,
they lead Whirl on a merry chase for a few miles,
Part 2: Finding the eventually eluding him by passing under a few
highway overpasses. If the group wants to hide from
Right Place for the helicopter, each Decepticon should attempt a
DIF 18 Infiltration Skill Test, gaining at most ↑1
Their Wrong Time from the inconspicuousness of their Alt Modes as
Whirl has already clocked their forms. If at least half
of the team succeeds, they manage to find a barn or
gully to hide in as Whirl passes overhead and loses
Astrotrain directs the Decepticon team to find the their trail. In either case, however, success costs
perfect ambush spot along the freight train’s route, time, and the team has only four hours before the
noting that much of this part of the United States train arrives when they do reach the ambush point
are plains, rocky foothills, and desert scrubland. (see Ambush League on page 195).
He describes it as “not much to look at,” especially If half or more of the PCs fail either of the two
when compared to the alloyed spires and shining group Skill Tests described above, Whirl’s suspicions
streets of Cybertron. While Astrotrain’s map provides are confirmed, and he swoops down to harry the
some details about the areas near the tracks, it isn’t team. Alternatively, the Decepticon rookies may
very detailed, so the PCs will have to head out into want to blast their helicopter tail out of the sky
the field to get more information. instead of running or hiding. In either case, proceed
to Whirl Wind below.
On the Road Again
Luckily, quite a few streets run parallel to the train Whirl Wind
tracks, so the Decepticon rookies can follow them Whether they were surprised by Whirl’s attacks,
in their Alt Modes while scouting for a spot that will were unable to lose him, or decided that a good
made a good ambush site. defense is a good offence, the confrontation with
Unfortunately, as Astrotrain mentioned, the Whirl (see page 178) occurs on a stretch of
Autobots are on the lookout for Decepticon activity Kansas road near a large billboard. Before combat
in the area ever since he blasted in from the begins, read or paraphrase the following.
stratosphere. One such scout is Whirl, an erratic but




defeated Decepticons. This will give the characters

As the helicopter comes in for a strafing run, a chance to pick themselves up, repair some
a Cybertronian voice emerges from the pilotless damage, and flee the scene. As long as they don’t
vehicle. “What do we have here? A little stick around for the Autobots to find them, they get
nighttime sightseeing for Megatron’s rabble- away and can continue with their mission, but they
rousers? Whatever you’re up to, it can’t be have only four hours to prepare the ambush site (see
good! Why don’t you just run along then, eh?” Ambush League on page 195).
If the Decepticons Defeat Whirl, the Autobot
Whirl is a capable combatant and could make for collapses onto the ground, crumpling into a
a difficult fight for the characters. However, he is smoking, sparking pile. With a final gasp of
just a scout in this situation and doesn’t stick around “You won’t get away with this…”, he enters an
if his Health is reduced to 4 or lower. emergency shutdown state and ceases to be a
problem. The Decepticon rookies may wish to
If Whirl Defeats the Decepticons, he will make
restrain the Autobot to hide him from possible
a quick joke about “not needing any backup but
passersby or leave him where he fell. They can then
having to go get some help for cleanup” before
continue with their mission.
flying off to get assistance with capturing the


Ambush League • A PC can attempt a DIF 17 Science or Technology
Skill Test to set up delaying or destabilizing
Some time after their encounter with Whirl, they elements on the tracks, granting Edge to that
Decepticons find a good ambush site near the hour’s preparatory Skill Test.
Kansas-Colorado border. Some large loose stones
provide enough cover for the whole team but don’t For each Critical Success a character achieves
block too much line of sight to the tracks if a firefight during this preparatory time, add a Story Point to
breaks out. Most importantly, there’s enough room the players’ pool. When the team has attempted
for Astrotrain to arrive and grab the Energon car. The their last Skill Test, the sun begins to rise and the
area closes to the tracks appears on the map on page Decepticons can see the plume of exhaust from the
197 if the players want a good look at it. 2040’s engine on the horizon.
The team has only a few hours to fully prepare
the ambush site before the train arrives. If the team
fought off or Defeated Whirl, they have 6 hours Part 3: Stick ‘Em Up!
to prepare. However, if the team was Defeated
by Whirl or spent the time to flee from him, they
have a total of only 4 hours to prepare. To put
themselves in the best position for when the train The Decepticon rookies are poised to pounce
arrives, one member of the team should attempt a on the oncoming train and steal its precious
DIF 15 Alertness, Deception, or Infiltration Skill Energon cargo, but little do they know that the
Test at the end of each hour of preparation. If the Union Pacific 2040 is a completely automated
team achieves a number of successes with this decoy! The Autobots moved the real freight in a
preparatory Skill Tests equal to the number of PCs, more surreptitious manner to unnamed railyard a
grant the team a Story Point. few miles to the southwest of the team’s current
location. To make matters worse, the 2040 is
accompanied by a pair of Autobots—Mirage and
Eye for Appraisal Rollbar—to take out any Decepticons who dare try
to hijack the train!
If one or more of the characters are of the
Raider Role and have Eye for Appraisal Role Right on Schedule
Perk (see page 61), the team automatically
succeeds at one hourly Skill Test to prepare As the train draws nearer to the ambush site, ask the
for the ambush. PCs where they are lying in wait on the map on page
197; a PC with a fast enough speed might even take
position somewhere off the map if they wish. Each
Each hour, other members of the team can character can perform one of the following actions
perform additional activities to aid the preparatory before the ambush kicks off in earnest.
Alertness, Deception, or Infiltration Skill Test. Below
Get Ready to Spring: A PC within 10 feet of the
are some examples, but allow the players the
track can position themselves to leap onto the train,
freedom to use other skills.
which doubles the distance they can jump during
• A PC can attempt a DIF 12 Survival Skill Test the first round of combat.
to create camouflaging blinds or dig a hidden
Scan the Train: A PC can scan the train for signs
trench, granting ↑1 to that hour’s preparatory
of Energon to determine which car holds their
Skill Test.
target cargo… only to discover that there are none!
• A PC can attempt a DIF 14 Targeting Skill Test to
However, if the character succeeds at a DIF 16
examine possible firing lanes, granting ↑1 to that
Alertness or Technology Skill Test, they notice that
hour’s preparatory Skill Test.
the train is trailing a lot of dust in its wake, which is
• A PC can attempt a DIF 15 Brawn Skill Test to very unusual. A pair of vehicular forms are obscured
roll one or two additional boulders closer to the within the dust. A PC who notices this gains Edge
tracks, which allows a reroll of a single skill die on their Initiative Skill Test for the fight.
during that hour’s preparatory Skill Test.



Switch on the BSJ: Nearby communications (see page 170) to defend the train. The two of them
are jammed as noted in the device’s description try to maintain the façade that the 2040 holds a
on page 186. Of course, only one character can bunch of Energon cubes. This includes shouting out
this action. statements such as, “Don’t let them get their mitts
Take Aim: A PC can set their sights on the train (or on all this Energon!”, “No, you Decepticons cannot
any guards who might be on it) to gain ↑1 on any rob our Energon train!”, and “This shipment is too
attacks made during the first round of combat. important to lose!”

Whether or not the team notices anything strange Mirage might be a decent enough actor, but
about the train, when the first car of the six-car Rollbar is far from it. Whenever he delivers one of
commercial train reaches the eastern edge of the these lines, he attempts a single Deception Skill Test
ambush site, everyone (including the train and against each Decepticon’s Willpower Defense. Any
hidden Autobots) should roll Initiative! PC he doesn’t succeed against can easily tell the
Autobot is trying too hard to be convincing. If the
ruse has already failed, the Autobots drop the act
Ambush Within an Ambush and simply focus on stopping the Decepticons.
Guessing that the Decepticons might want to get Otherwise, Mirage and Rollbar fight until they
their actuators on a huge shipment of Energon, are Defeated.
Autobot high command had the cubes sent
On each of its turns, The 2040 (see below)
elsewhere via a hidden route. The Autobots Mirage
moves 40 feet forward along the track, making Ram
and Rollbar were then ordered to follow the decoy
attacks against any creature in its path. Unless the
train, the Union Pacific 2040, to keep any attacking
2040 engine is stopped by a Decepticon getting on
Decepticons busy. The two have been driving
board and succeeding at a DIF 15 Technology Skill
behind the train in their Alt Modes, hiding within a
Test to override the autopilot (as a Standard action)
pair of holographic dust clouds (created by Mirage’s
or destroyed, the train and its five cars eventually
holo-projectors) behind the rearmost train car.
pass by the ambush site.
When Initiative is rolled, Mirage (see page
154) drops his holograms and orders Rollbar




The 2040 such as Anti-Tank weapons. Damage to a vehicle

can be fixed with a Standard Engineering Kit or a
The freight cars of the 2040 are made of corrugated Technology Skill Test.
metal walls and are designed to be attached to ATTACKS
one another in a line. This autonomous decoy
Ram (Might): +d2, Reach (1 Blunt damage)
is a utilitarian railway vehicle perfect for long-
Alternate Effects: Trip
distance shipping.
Traits: Drive-By
If the Autobots manage to Defeat the PCs, they
SIZE: Extended II HEALTH: 3
put the Decepticons in stasis cuffs (see page
MOVEMENT: 40 ft Ground
76), as Rollbar brought a full container of eight
STRENGTH: 4 SPEED: 2 sets. Mirage then receives an emergency call
on his comm link and the two Autobots race off
TOUGHNESS: 15 EVASION: 12 unexpectedly. The PCs can try to free themselves,
WILLPOWER: — CLEVERNESS: — but if they are unsuccessful, Astrotrain arrives to
SKILLS pick up the Energon. He is disappointed to see
the Decepticon rookies’ predicament but frees
• Brawn +d6
• Driving +d2
them. They have a bit of time to repair their dents
• Initiative +d2 and dings before Mirage and Rollbar return for
• Might +d2 a surprise rematch, though they haven’t had the
opportunity to repair themselves. This gives the
PERKS players a second chance to Defeat and capture the
Crew: 1 driver (autopilot) up to 8 passengers in Autobots, especially with Astrotrain’s help (who
each freight section automatically deals 1 Sharp damage to an Autobot
Firepoints: 2 on freight sections if open with his claw-tether at the end of each round). If
Traits: Advanced Autopilot, Land, Vehicle
the PCs are Defeated a second time, Astrotrain
saves their fenders by taking down the Autobots,
Advanced Autopilot: If the 2040 has no
though the team suffers Snag on any attempts to
drivers, it operates like a normal vehicle with at
least 1 driver. get the captured Autobots to talk.
Freight Carry: The 2040’s freight cars have large When the Decepticon rookies Defeat Mirage
storage areas behind sliding doors on either side and Rollbar, they discover the latter’s collection of
of each car’s main body. It can carry up to three stasis cuffs (see page XX) and can use them to take
times its normal carrying capacity (based on its the Autobots prisoner. If they do so, Mirage spits
Brawn) inside each storage area. Alternatively,
lubricant at the closest character and says, “Do your
each storage area can carry up to the equivalent
of two Huge creatures. worst, Deceptiscum! You’ll never make us talk!”
Land: The 2040 is a land vehicle.
Linked Cars: The 2040 is the primary locomotion Making Them Talk
force of a larger chain of five other connected If Astrotrain hasn’t already arrived on the scene,
vehicles of the same size. Each additional linked he does so after the PCs take Mirage and Rollbar
car has a Health value equal to half (round up) of
the primary vehicle, and an Evasion Defense value
captive. He is furious to learn that the Energon
that is 2 lower than that of the primary vehicle. shipment isn’t on the 2040 and tells the Decepticon
team to figure out if the two Autobots know where
Vehicle: As a vehicle, the 2040 is a sophisticated
piece of equipment that requires at least one the cubes are. Then, he flies back to his quarry
driver to operate. Without a driver, it is considered hideout to do his own investigations.
a Threat level 0 object, and all attacks target its The PCs are left to their own devices to get Mirage
Toughness. It has no Willpower or Cleverness.
Effects that affect a target’s Willpower or
and Rollbar to talk. At this point, you may need
Cleverness only affect it if it has a driver, in to remind your players that torture isn’t a reliable
which case they target the driver’s Willpower or method to do this (see the sidebar on page 87), even
Cleverness. It is immune to Conditions and effects if they are taking on the roles of evil Decepticons.
that exclusively affect the living, like poison, but However, through descriptive threats or clever
is susceptible to effects that affect machines, conniving, the PCs might be able to extract the




information they need from the two Autobots. We Need a Plan

To question the captives, a PC can attempt The Decepticon rookies are aware of the railyard’s
a Deception Skill Tests targeting an Autobot’s general location and can head in that direction
Cleverness Defense, an Intimidation Skill Test when they’re ready, possibly leaving the captive
targeting an Autobot’s Willpower Defense, or a Mirage and Rollbar behind to deal with later. They
Persuasion Skill Test against an Autobot’s Willpower might want to take some time to repair any damage
Defense. The team can attempt two such Skill Tests they sustained during their last fight, but if they
on each captured Autobot. After two failures, that take too long, they receive a communication from
Autobot either passes out from the strain or refuses Astrotrain asking about their progress. He doesn’t
to speak any longer. If the team gets a total of two accept any backtalk from the team, and expects
successes during this questioning (a Critical Success them to be able to figure out the next step of the
counts as two regular successes), they learn that the mission on their own. If the players are struggling,
Energon was taken to an old railyard a few miles to Astrotrain can suggest that they head to railyard
the southwest of their current location. coordinates, but quietly, as more Autobots are likely
If the team doesn’t have the necessary skills or guarding the place.
the inclination to talk to Mirage and Rollbar, they As the characters make their way across the
might think to examine the controls of the 2040 countryside again, they can discuss how they
(presuming they stopped it) for any pertinent data. want to approach the railyard. The team knows
A PC who succeeds at a DIF 15 Technology Skill nothing about how the area is situated or how many
Test can tell that the train’s advanced autopilot was Autobots are present, so a stealthy recon would be
engaged only an hour ago. By recalling Astrotrain’s the most tactical decision. However, the Decepticon
map with a successful DIF 15 Alertness or Culture rookies might brashly decide to rush in, hope to
Skill Test, a Decepticon remembers of an offshoot catch the Autobots by surprise, and then figure out
of the tracks about where the 2040’s autopilot was the next step on the fly. While the latter option is the
engaged that leads to a disused railyard a few miles more dangerous one, there is a certain appeal to it,
to the southwest of their current location. There’s a especially to those characters who are upset about
good chance the Energon was taken there! being tricked by the Autobots.
If the group finds the location of the Energon,
award them with a Story Point. Rhino Wrangling
If the Decepticon rookies fail either method of Blaster has sent one of his minions, Ramhorn, to
figuring out where to go next, Astrotrain hails them make a wide patrol around the railyard to help the
on their personal comms to give them the location brutish Mini-Con work out some excess energy.
and tells to get their “fenders into gear and get me Ramhorn’s rhino Bot Mode would be out of place
that Energon!” in the surrounding biome, even if he weren’t made
out of metal, so the Recordabot tries to keep a low

Part 4: Last Stop…

profile during his circuit.
As the Decepticons get closer to the railyard
Calamity and Chaos coordinates, have each team member attempt a
DIF 12 Alertness Skill Test. Those who succeed
spot Ramhorn moving carefully between some
outcroppings of rock, but the Mini-Con hasn’t seen
When the Autobots planned to divert the Energon them yet. If the entire team fails, they blunder past
shipment onto another train to take it to a disused Ramhorn (see page 167), who initiates a fight
railyard in Colorado, they gave Blaster and several (see below).
of his Recordabots the job of watching over the
resources until they could be retrieved. Luckily, There are a few ways that the Decepticons can
not many humans live near the railyard to hear the deal with Ramhorn if they spot him. Many of their
veteran Autobot pump up his music to relieve the reactions may adjust Off the Rails on page 203.
boredom of waiting. Avoid: If the team doesn’t want to deal with
the Mini-Con, they can try to sneak past him. The




team attempts a group Infiltration Skill Test against Smack Down: The Decepticons might wish to
Ramhorn’s Alertness Skill Test (rolled with Snag simply engage the Mini-Con in a fight to ensure
due to his lack of attention). If at least half of the he doesn’t cause any problems later or report back
team succeeds, they can see where Ramhorn’s to Blaster. This is a normal combat scene, and you
patrol will take him and quietly go in the opposite can use the map on page 204 if needed. Ramhorn
direction while still moving toward the railyard; attempts to flee the fight if reduced to 1 Health; if
later, Ramhorn hears the fighting at the railyard and he manages to get away, the Decepticons will face
joins that combat after 2d2 rounds. If fewer than the the injured Mini-Con alongside his compatriots.
team succeeds, Ramhorn happens to look in their In the unlikely event that Ramhorn Defeats the
direction at just the wrong moment. The impetuous Decepticons, he goes off to inform Blaster of their
Mini-Con then initiates a fight (see below). presence. When the team approaches the railyard,
Frighten Off: If the Decepticons present enough Ramhorn is there with any damage he sustained,
of a show of force, they can make Ramhorn flee the but the entire Autobot team gains Edge on their
area and not return for some time. The team needs Initiative Skill Test for the fight.
to succeed at two Intimidation Skill Tests against
Ramhorn’s Cleverness Defense to do so (a Critical This Must Be the Place
Success counts as two regular successes). The PCs
Regardless of how the team deals with Ramhorn,
can Lend Assistance to the PC attempting these Skill
they eventually reach the edge of the disused
Tests as usual, but also if they have at least a +d4
railyard. They have a good vantage point near some
in either Might or Targeting to flaunt their attack
hills to see the area’s many tracks and buildings
prowess. With two successes, Ramhorn runs off in
without being spotted themselves. However, there
the opposite direction of the railyard; he doesn’t
is a 200 feet of empty space between their current
participate in the fight there. If the team fails twice
position and the facility’s perimeter.
before succeeding twice, Ramhorn initiates a fight
(see below). From their position, the Decepticon rookies can

see a large Autobot of similar build to Soundwave device with a ranged attack. With a successful
overseeing three Mini-Cons (four if Ramhorn has ranged attack against a Toughness Defense of 15
returned to the railyard). Two of the Mini-Cons are that deals at least 1 damage, one of the Energon
humanoid in shape and are moving Energon cubes batteries powering the generator explodes
from a train car and placing them on several hover spectacularly. Blaster takes 1 damage and he
sleds for further transport. The third prowls around and other Autobots falter. Even if they had been
in the form of a large cat. A PC who succeeds at a made aware of an upcoming assault, the Autobots
DIF 10 Culture Skill Test recognizes the Autobot suffer Snag on their Initiative Skill Test in the fight.
in charge as Blaster, the Autobot’s communications However, if the attack misses, the Autobots are
officer who is a veteran soldier and works with an alerted to the Decepticons’ presence and all gain
array of Mini-Con minions; let the players know that ↑1 on their Initiative Skill Tests.
they will likely have a tough time if they face off Smoke Screen: If the group discovered the
directly against Blaster. abandoned fuel tanker car, they can ignite the
A PC who succeeds at a DIF 12 Alertness Skill leftover fuel within by dealing at least 1 Energy, Fire,
Test while surveying the site spots an old fuel tanker or Laser damage by succeeding on an attack (either
car marked with standard explosives warning on the ranged or melee) against a Toughness Defense of
far side of the railyard. Igniting the tanker car could 12. A plume of thick, black smoke rises from the
provide a useful distraction. tanker. The Decepticons can use this smoke as cover
A PC who succeeds at a DIF 14 Technology if they approach from that direction; ranged attack
Skill Test surmises that the facility’s lights, as well against them in the smoke suffer ↓2 for the first 1d4
as the hover sleds, must be getting power from rounds of the fight. Alternatively, if they attack from
some non-Earth source. By following the path of the opposite direction of the smoke, Blaster doesn’t
a few wires, that Decepticon sees a Cybertronian join the combat for 1d4+1 rounds as he goes off to
generator tucked into niche where Blaster inspect the explosion.
is standing.
After the team has thought about how to approach Off the Rails
the facility and had a chance to look around, Whether the Decepticon rookies made a careful
ask them about their plan. Use the following to plan of attack and caused an explosive diversion
adjudicate their possible methods and how they or rush in headlong, they must engage in the
impact Off The Rails. adventure’s climactic battle to wrest control over a
Calling Astrotrain: If the Decepticon rookies large store of Energon! Blaster and his Mini-Cons
feel like they need a little help, they can contact Eject, Rewind, Steeljaw, and possibly Ramhorn
Astrotrain. This requires a successful DIF 14 stand against the scheming Decepticons to keep the
Technology Skill Test to encrypt the communication precious resource out of their hands.
first, otherwise Blaster intercepts the call and warns Eject (see page 166) and Rewind (see
his Mini-Cons, granting all the Autobots ↑1 on their page 168) take up defensive positions near the
Initiative Skill Tests for the upcoming fight. While Energon cubes, while Steeljaw (see page
the PCs wait for Astrotrain to arrive (which takes 169) aggressively closes the distance to meet the
about an hour), they can also engineer a distraction Decepticons. Ramhorn (see page 167), if he
or charge in. is present, does the same, even if he has damage
Charge!: If the Decepticon team decides to from a previous encounter. If an Autobot Mini-Con
rush the railyard all at once, they need to attempt is reduced to 1 Health, they will try to return to
a group DIF 10 Athletics or Driving Skill Test Blaster to dock with him and repair damage on their
to cross the empty space quickly to gain any next turn; the except is Ramhorn, who fights until
advantage. If at least half of the team succeeds, he is Defeated.
they all gain Edge on their Initiative Skill Tests for If he hasn’t been distracted, Blaster (see page
the following fight. 132) sizes up the Decepticon team during his first
Power Drain: If the team noticed the Cybertronian turn, instead of attacking. Read or paraphrase the
power generator and one of them has a weapon following:
with a range of 200 feet, that PC can target the




In either case, the Decepticons can take
“Oh yo, you jokers aren’t going to crash this possession of the Energon!
party! No way! Look… I don’t know you, and
if I don’t know you, that means you’re green.
An’ green don’t want to come dance with me. Conclusion: All Aboard!
You’ll find my tune a little hard for your liking. With the Autobots gone, Astrotrain approaches the
So, take the L, walk away, and you punks get to train car filled with Energon cubes.
dance another day.”
The brightly colored Autobot draws his boom “Unicron’s maw! This is exactly what I…
gun and drops the barrel unceremoniously into we… need! I mean, look at this…”
his opposite hand with a “clunk.”
Astrotrain grabs a pair of shining Energon
“Your lead.” cubes from the stack and holds them for you to
see. An enormous smile forms on his face.
If Blaster was distracted by smoke from an ignited “You guys did good. Real good. Why don’t we
tanker car, he says something similar when he get outta here, sip back a few of these beauties
returns to the scene (after 1d4+1 rounds), giving the back at the Nemesis, and show the rest of those
Decepticons the chance to surrender. The PCs likely hull-kissers who they can’t go pushin’ around
do no such thing. In either case, during a straight anymore, eh?”
fight, Blaster attacks every other turn, using the Stun
alternate effect of his boom gun and being careful
Astrotrain converts to his Alt Mode and asks
not to catch any of his Mini-Cons in the blast.
the PCs to connect the freight car to him. The
However, if the team called in Astrotrain and Decepticon rookies can board if there is room,
waited for him to arrive, the massive Decepticon and everyone makes their way back to Astrotrain’s
squares off against Blaster, essentially removing the hideout at the Kansas quarry. As they wait there
both from the combat. If the Decepticons didn’t for transit back to the Nemesis, they can relax and
radio Astrotrain, he arrives in 2d4 rounds (having repair any damage.
learned earlier of the presence of Blaster at the
Each Decepticon PC advances to 2nd level. In
railyard by eavesdropping on Autobot comms) to
addition, the team has formed a somewhat close
blast and punch the Autobot leader.
camaraderie with Astrotrain and the Seekers friendly
If the Decepticons are Defeated, Astrotrain is able to him, and has earned a reputation for being
to drive off Blaster and his Recordabots, though Decepticons that can accomplish things when
he is heavily damaged in the process. Astrotrain needed (provided they weren’t Defeated by Blaster
offers no praise to the rookies at the adventure’s and his Recordabots).
conclusion, but the result is essentially the same.
The team’s adventures are far from over, and who
When all of Blaster’s Mini-Cons have been either knows which of their sinister superiors might give
Defeated or have docked with him, Blaster will them their next orders…
recognize that he is outnumbered and that even this
amount of Energon isn’t worth getting captured by
the Decepticons. He takes a round or two to collect
any Defeated Recordabots and then withdraws from
the scene, throwing down a sonic charge to cover
his escape.


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