Speech On Importance of Cleanliness

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Speech on Importance of Cleanliness

. You must have heard a wise saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”.

Cleanliness is related to spirituality. Moreover, one who is clean
develop and is mentally strong. We should keep our surroundings clean.
Also, our workplace should be clean. Moreover, we should keep our
environment clean.

Importance of Cleanliness

You all must have heard a good say “ A healthy mind lives in a healthy
body. Thus, a person who is clean develops a high intellect. (In other
words - Furthermore, a healthy person is free from the diseases caused
by the unclean atmosphere.

Since he is free from diseases, he can be more productive. Thus, he will

develop the quality of effectiveness and efficiency in his work. Also, a
clean person is seen as having the quality of spirituality.

How to keep clean?

We must practice habits related to personal hygiene such as washing

hands and brushing teeth. It will help to keep bacteria, viruses, and
illnesses away. Also, we can maintain cleanliness by not littering and
letting others litter. We should not throw garbage here and there. We
must use the dustbin.

Moreover, we should clean the dustbin once in a day. If not cleaned,

flies and mosquitoes would spread and cause harmful diseases.
Furthermore, we can contribute to the welfare of the nation by keeping
clean. A clean place is free from pollution. A pollution-free
environment leads to sustainable development. Thus, we should adopt
environment-friendly measures. We should avoid using plastic bags.
Also, we should use biodegradable materials.

Furthermore, we should recycle and reuse materials. We should also

plant more and more trees to keep the environment clean. Planting of
trees adds to the beauty of nature. Also, it provides greenery and life to
everyone. Moreover, Narendra Modi has initiated a cleanliness
campaign in the near past.

This was known by the name “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” or “Clean

India Movement”. He focused on the sweeping of streets for
maintaining cleanliness. Students must listen to his motivating speech
on cleanliness. We all should try at our levels to be a part of such a good


Now, I would like to conclude the topic. We should maintain physical

as spiritual cleanliness. It is not a single person’s responsibility to
maintain cleanliness. Also, it is not only the work of government and
municipal corporations to maintain cleanliness. We all can contribute to
the individual-level by using eco-friendly measures.

Similar to the basic necessities of life like food, water, shelter,

cleanliness also holds great value in life. It is, in fact, one of the most
important requirements for a healthy living. By maintaining cleanliness,
we can show gratitude towards our Mother Earth in a true way.

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