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Online Preparation Course

for TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test)

Course Overview 3
Quick Facts

About TKT 4
Content of TKT

Who is TKT and the 5

Preparation Course for?
Why Attend the Course?

Course Syllabus 6

Selected Trainer 7

How to Apply 8
Course Overview
The course is designed to prepare teachers for TKT (Teaching
Knowledge Test). The course is for teachers, who wish to refresh
and extend their teaching knowledge. It is a 2-month course
and includes 18 lessons focused on preparing participants for
all the three modules. The course aims to introduce participants
to the test structure, the main current theories and approaches,
concepts and terms about teaching and learning that are central
to TKT. After completing each module, they will write a practice
test which gives them opportunities to do sample test tasks and
become familiar with the format of the test.

Quick Facts

Date October – December 2021

Course starts In the week of 18th October 2021

Teaching mode Online

Course days Any 2 days from Monday to Saturday

Hours 36

Lessons 2 per week (2-hour lessons)

Participants Maximum 15 per group

Course fee + material 700 GEL (divided into 2 installments)

20% discount for Teachers’ Union


About TKT
TKT is a series of modular teaching qualifications which tests
knowledge about the teaching of English to speakers of other
languages. This knowledge includes concepts related to
language, language use and the background to and practice of
language teaching and learning and is assessed by means of
objective format tests, which are simple to administer and to

TKT offers candidates a step in their professional development as

teachers and enables them to move onto higher-level teaching
qualifications and access professional support materials.

Content of TKT
TKT is divided into separate modules. Candidates can take them all, or
choose the modules that meet their needs. A certificate is received for
each module completed. The core modules are designed to provide a
foundation in the principles and practice of English language teaching:

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3

Language and Lesson planning and Managing the
background to use of resources for teaching and
language learning language teaching; learning process.
and teaching;

For each module, candidates are required to answer 80 questions by

selecting a letter for the correct answer. Candidates are not required
to listen, speak or produce extended writing when taking TKT.

Who is TKT Preparation Course for?
TKT is suitable for teachers of English in primary, secondary
or adult teaching contexts and is intended for an international
audience of non-first language or first language teachers of

This preparation course and TKT itself can be taken by:

Pre-service teachers;

New and experienced teachers;

Teachers who teach primary, secondary or adult learners;

Teachers who wish to refresh and extend their teaching


Teachers who need a globally recognised certificate.

Why Attend the Course?

To become familiar with the format and style of the TKT exam;

To get introduced to the main current ELT theories and


To get introduced to the concepts and terms about teaching

and learning;

To build your confidence in teaching;

To step forward in your professional development as teachers;

To move onto higher-level teaching qualifications;

To get an internationally recognised qualification.

Course Syllabus

Lesson Module Topics

Lesson 1 Course Introduction Module 1 Describing language and language skills • Grammar • Lexis
Lesson 2 Module 1 Describing language and language skills • Phonology • Functions
Lesson 3 Module 1 Describing language and language skills • Reading • Writing
Lesson 4 Module 1 Describing language and language skills • Listening • Speaking
Lesson 5 Module 1 Background to language learning • Motivation • Exposure and focus on form
Lesson 6 Module 1 Background to language learning • The role of error • Differences between L1 and L2 learning
Lesson 7 Module 1 Background to language learning • Learner characteristics • Learner needs
Lesson 8 Module 1 Background to language teaching • Presentation techniques • Practice activities and tasks • Assessment types and
introductory activities for language and skills tasks
Lesson 9 Module 1 Practice Test
Lesson 10 Module 2 Planning and preparing a lesson or sequence of lessons • Identifying and selecting • Identifying the different
aims components of a lesson plan

Lesson 11 Module 2 Planning and preparing a lesson or sequence of lessons • Planning an individual • Choosing assessment
lesson or a sequence of activities
Lesson 12 Module 2 Selection and use of resources and materials • Consulting reference re • Selection and use of
sources to help in lesson coursebook materials
Lesson 13 Module 2 Selection and use of resources and materials • Selection and use of • Selection and use of aids
supplementary materials
wand activities
Lesson 14 Module 2 Practice Test
Lesson 15 Module 3 Teachers’ and learners’ • Using language • Identifying the functions of • Categorising learners’
language in the classroom appropriately for a range of learners’ language mistakes
classroom functions
Lesson 16 Module 3 Classroom management • Teacher roles • Grouping students
Lesson 17 Module 3 Classroom management • Correcting learners • Giving feedback
Lesson 18 Module 3 Practice Test

Selected Trainer

English Book Education always chooses trainers with huge experience

in ELT and the ability to present complex concepts and new trends in
the field. We choose trainers who set high standards in teaching and

This training course will be conducted by Nata Gugushvili, an

experienced EFL teacher and trainer.

Nata is an English Language teacher and ELT trainer with more than 20
years of experience. She started working for English Book Education
in 2015 as an English language teacher for Ilia State University project.
Nowadays, Nata cooperates with English Book Education in terms of
delivering various training sessions.

How to Apply

Step 1 Step 2

Fill out the registration A representative of

form at: English Book Education
will contact you to
confirm the registration

Contact info:

Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Tel: 599313289

Online Preparation Course
for TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test)

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