State The Function of A DE Multiplexer

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State the function of a DE multiplexer as a digitally controlled multi position switch in which the

select input code determines to which output DATA input will be transmitted.
A demultiplexer (DEMUX) is essentially the reverse of a multiplexer. It takes a single input data
line and routes it to one of several output lines. The specific output line is determined by a set of
select inputs, which control the switching mechanism. Here’s a detailed look at its function as a
digitally controlled multi-position switch:
Function of a Demultiplexer
A demultiplexer functions as a digitally controlled multi-position switch in which the select input
code determines to which output the DATA input will be transmitted.
1. Single Input, Multiple Outputs: A DEMUX takes one input data signal and directs it to
one of many outputs. It has multiple output lines but only one input line.
2. Select Inputs: The selection of which output line the input data should be routed to is
controlled by a set of select inputs (also known as control inputs). The number of select
inputs nnn determines the number of possible outputs 2n2^n2n. For example, if there are
3 select inputs, the demultiplexer can have 23=82^3 = 823=8 outputs.
3. Routing Based on Select Code: The select inputs function like a binary code that
determines which output line the data input should be sent to. For example, if the select
inputs are set to '101', the data input will be routed to output line 5 (assuming 0-based
4. Switching Mechanism: Internally, the demultiplexer acts as a switch. Depending on the
select input code, it connects the single input line to the chosen output line, allowing the
data to flow through that path.
Practical Example
Suppose you have a 1-to-4 demultiplexer (1 input line, 2 select lines, and 4 output lines). Here’s
how it functions:
 Select Inputs: 2 bits (e.g., S1 and S0).
 Possible Output Lines: 4 (e.g., Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3).
Depending on the combination of S1 and S0, the data input (D) will be routed to one of the
output lines:
 S1 S0 = 00: Data input D is routed to output Y0.
 S1 S0 = 01: Data input D is routed to output Y1.
 S1 S0 = 10: Data input D is routed to output Y2.
 S1 S0 = 11: Data input D is routed to output Y3.
1. Data Distribution: In communication systems, a demultiplexer can be used to distribute
a single data stream to multiple channels.
2. Memory Access: In memory systems, a demultiplexer can be used to route data to the
correct memory location based on the address inputs.
3. Digital Logic Circuits: In digital circuits, demultiplexers are used to control the flow of
data to different parts of the system based on control signals.
4. Signal Routing: In systems requiring signal distribution, such as in audio and video
systems, a demultiplexer can route signals to different output devices.
A demultiplexer, as a digitally controlled multi-position switch, uses select input codes to
determine which output line will receive the data from the single input line. This functionality is
crucial in various digital and communication systems for efficient data routing and distribution.
Draw the logical diagram of a one line to eight Demultiplexer and Explain it’s operation
Sure! Here’s the logical diagram of a 1-to-8 demultiplexer and an explanation of its operation:
Logical Diagram of a 1-to-8 Demultiplexer
The 1-to-8 demultiplexer has one data input (D), three select inputs (S2, S1, S0), and eight output
lines (Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, Y7).
Copy code
| |
| 1-to-8 |
D --->| DEMUX |---> Y0
| |---> Y1
S2 -->| (S2, S1, S0) |---> Y2
S1 -->| |---> Y3
S0 -->| |---> Y4
| |---> Y5
| |---> Y6
| |---> Y7
Operation of the 1-to-8 Demultiplexer
1. Inputs:
o Data Input (D): The single input line that carries the data to be distributed to one
of the eight outputs.
o Select Inputs (S2, S1, S0): Three control lines that determine which output line
will be active.
2. Outputs:
o Output Lines (Y0 to Y7): Eight output lines, where only one will be active at any
given time based on the select inputs.
3. Select Input Combinations:
o The select inputs (S2, S1, S0) are binary values that range from 000 to 111.
o Each combination of select inputs activates one specific output line and
deactivates the others.
4. Truth Table:
Select Inputs (S2, S1, S0) Active Output (Y)
000 Y0
001 Y1
010 Y2
011 Y3
100 Y4
101 Y5
110 Y6
Select Inputs (S2, S1, S0) Active Output (Y)
111 Y7
Explanation of Operation
 The data input (D) is connected to all output lines through AND gates.
 Each output line is controlled by an AND gate that also takes the select inputs as part of
its inputs.
 The select inputs (S2, S1, S0) are used to determine which AND gate should be enabled,
thereby passing the data input (D) to the corresponding output.
For example:
 If the select inputs are set to 101 (binary for 5), the AND gate controlling Y5 is enabled,
and the data input (D) is transmitted to Y5. All other outputs (Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y6,
Y7) remain inactive (0).

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