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At the end of the lesson, the pupils’ should be able to:

1. describing words;
2. make use of adjectives as describing words; and
3. value our environment by using adjectives.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Adjectives


Angeles, Evelyn B., 2014. Across borders through language. Araneta Ave.,Quezon
City: Vibal Publishing.


 Classroom Rule
 Visual Aids
 PowerPoint Presentation

Value/s Integration: Environmental Care/Science/Filipino

III. Procedure:
1. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Setting of Standards
 The Teacher will post a copy of Classroom Rules at the board.



 The Teacher will post 5 pictures of ice cream cone or the score board.
 Each cone represents the points of each group.
 Throughout the lesson, every time someone answers from the group the
cone of that group will have an additional cup of ice cream, which
represents their points.
 But every time somebody from the group breaks the classroom rules we
will take away a point from that group.


2. Motivation
 The teacher will post a table on the left side of the board and a list of
different nouns on the right side of the board.
 The table is divided into four categories: Person, Place, Thing, and
 Pupils task is to sort out the nouns to their right category.


Clock Tiger Lion Principal

Swan South Fireman Television
Florida Lolipop Jungle Parent

3. Lesson Proper

A. Activity
 The teacher will post a copy of a paragraph on the board.
 Pupils will read the paragraph and study the underlined words.

It was a warm and sunny day. Mon and I set out to work in our big yard. First, we pulled out the
thick weeds. Then we removed the big and small stones. Mon shoveled the hard soil to make it
soft. I made small holes with my finger and planted tiny seedlings. Mon watered the small
seedlings carefully. After that we covered them with big leaves. When our work was finished, we
rested under the shade of a tall tree. Mon and I ate a filling snack of cold juice and delicious

B. Analysis
 The teacher will ask the following questions:
1.Who set out to work in the big yard?
2. Why did Mon shovel the hard soil?
3. What did Mon and I plant?
4. Why is it good to plant some vegetables in our yard?
5. Why is it important to take care of our environment?
6. What are the underlined words in the paragraph?

C. Abstraction

 The teacher will introduce adjectives as describing words.

 The teacher will post a table of some examples of adjectives.

These words that are underlined in the paragraph are called adjectives. They describe a noun or
a pronoun. They tell how things look, feel, taste, sound and smell.

Red Hot Sweet Noisy Smelly

Fat Soft Bitter Soft Odorous
Pretty Smooth Sour Loud Fresh
Shiny Cold Delicious Quite Pungent

 The teacher will post sentences on the board.

 Pupils will read and study the sentences.
 The sentences are as follows:

1. The blue flag is up.

2. The cat has a long tail.

3. Mother has a happy face.

The encircled words are adjectives. They described the underlined words which are nouns. In
these sentences, the adjectives come before the nouns.

 The teacher will post another set of sentences on the board.

 Pupils will read and study the sentences.
 The sentences are as follows:
1. The boy is tall.
2. The leaves are green.
3. I am sad.

Look at the adjectives. They come after the be-verbs am, is and are. Adjectives may come before
the noun that it describes or after the be–verbs am, is and are.

 The teacher will post a copy of the generalization of the topic on the
 Pupils will read it with modulated voice.
 Teacher will let the pupils copy this in their notebook together with their
today’s assignment after the whole lesson.


Adjectives are words that describe a noun or a pronoun.

Adjectives may come before the noun that it describes or after
the be-verbs am, is and are.

D. Application

 The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups.

 Each group will create a simple presentation that shows their
understanding of the lesson
1. First group will do a simple act or drama.
2. Second group will do a poster and explain their work.
3. Third group will create a jingle or cheer.
 This activity is for 10 minutes only.
 These are the criteria:
Performance – 40%
Content- 40%
Timeliness- 20%
Total= 100%

E. Evaluation
1. Each pupil will be given out a quiz paper.

Name: _____________________________________________________

Part A: Underline the ADJECTIVES in the sentences below.

1. Annie is my best friend.

2. Cathy is a pretty girl.
3. A white rabbit hopped into the yard.
4. Australia is a beautiful place.
5. Put all your toys in a pink basket.
6. Do not touch the wet paint.
7. Tom is reading a scary book.
8. Jack fixed the broken car.
9. There was a big pumpkin on the porch.
10. Sam got a red car for Christmas.

Part B: Write an adjective on each blank to complete the sentences. Select your
answer from the box.

Green Round

Tall Sweet White

1. Sugar is ________________.
2. Sampaguita is a _____________ flower.
3. The ball is ______________.
4. That ____________ tree is narra.
5. The worms eat the ___________ leaves.

F. Assignments:
Bring a Picture of your favorite cartoon character and list down at least 5 words
that would best describe your favorite cartoon character.

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