Revisi - Absolute Sword Sense

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Chapter 1

One evening near the base of Tianmen Mountain in Xinjiang, a group of individuals were observed
wandering with torches in hand for illumination. It appeared as though they were in search of
something. I have been scouring Tianmen Mountain for two weeks now, and at last, I have stumbled
upon it, he murmured upon perusing the contents of the document. Although the script on the paper
was peculiar, there was no doubt that it was the original text. This document was a confidential
message. The hidden message contained within was a fabled technique passed down by a sword master
six centuries ago. Inwardly, he thought, I wish to keep this to myself, but it is of no use to me with my
damaged dantian. Moreover, martial arts experts will attempt to seize it from me if they discover I
possess it. I must conceal it. He took the initiative to ingest the scroll containing the confidential
message. However, upon swallowing it, he began to choke. I should have brought water to aid in
swallowing it smoothly, he lamented. Ah, you are here, he exclaimed in shock as two individuals
suddenly addressed him. They were members of the murim alliance and the leader of the golden dragon
clan, Mo Yongsoo. Greetings, spies from the Blood Cult. Have you located the secret notes of the sword
sage? Anxious, he replied, Yes, sir. I have found it and secured it in a safe location. I will entrust it to you
if you uphold your end of the bargain. The elderly man, stroking his beard, responded, I am aware of
your request. You seek the removal of the blood parasite in your chest, correct?

Baek Wihyang, the old man, was one of the esteemed elders of the murim alliance. Surprisingly, Mo
Yongsoo unsheathed his sword, affirming the existence of an agreement. However, he stated that there
was no need for us to seize it. Even if we were to remove the blood parasite from your chest, you would
have no place to return to. Am I correct in assuming that you are Woon Hwi from the radiant earth clan?
After your dantian was destroyed due to a Qi deviation, you were banished from your clan.
Furthermore, ten years ago, you were abducted by the blood cult, who implanted a blood parasite in
your chest. Since then, you have been manipulated as a puppet under their control. Even if I grant you
freedom here, where else would you go? Am I mistaken?

Woon Hwi was taken aback by Mo Yongsoo's extensive knowledge about him. Curious, Woon Hwi
inquired about his true intentions. While waving his sword, Mo Yongsoo demanded the surrender of the
sword sage's secret notes. If Woon Hwi complied, Mo Yongsoo would consider removing the blood
parasite from his chest. Calmly, Woon Hwi responded that the secret notes were concealed in a location
known only to him. Mo Yongsoo himself understood the predicament Woon Hwi was in. Woon Hwi did
not seek any special treatment; he simply desired liberation from the clutches of the Blood Cult and the
chance to live a normal life. Woon Hwi also proposed a deal to Baek Wihyang. Firstly, remove the blood
parasite from my chest. If you do so, I will willingly hand over the secret notes. Both Woon Hwi and Baek
Wihyang shared a laugh. You are quite astute. Unexpectedly, while laughing, Mo Yongsoo thrust his
sword into Woon Hwi's left chest, remarking, It's evident. How does a spy conceal things? I suspect you
have hidden it on your person.

It appears that their intention was to eliminate me from the very beginning. Witnessing Woon Hwi's
suffering from his injuries, Mo Yongsoo expressed, Do not hold any grudge against us. Once you become
a spy, your fate is sealed to meet such an end. Despite the agony he was enduring, Woon Hwi was taken
aback. Why must I endure such a life? Why do I have to keep tearing apart? Woon Hwi searched for the
hidden note, only to be astonished when his sword cut through the sword sage's secret notes. It was
revealed that the secret note was concealed within his own body. What was even more astonishing was
that, after Mo Yongsoo approached him, a blue light flashed. What is this? What is happening? Why are
flames emerging from my body? Woon Hwi's consciousness began to fade, his vision growing dim. There
is no hope. I do not feel any heat. Is this fire merely an illusion? However, none of that mattered, as he
was facing death. If a second life truly exists, I hope the next one will not be as sorrowful.

Suddenly, two individuals chuckled as they splashed water on Woon Hwi. Look at you, how pitiful. Woon
Hwi realized, feeling his damp body, that he was not injured and had no burns. Hey, feeble Woon Hwi,
you have finally awakened. We are as swift as Hunan Daos in winning that game once more. Surprised,
he muttered to himself, pondering the situation. These champions were Song Jwabaek and Song
Woohyun, the black and white duo from Blood Cult. Why do they appear so youthful? Not to mention, I
just perished in flames. Yet, I recall that we were quite close when we were young. Suddenly, Woon Hwi
yelled in shock as he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror.

This is my countenance from my youth. Without delay, Jwabaek swiftly delivered a kick to Woon Hwi.
Are you still under the influence of alcohol? It is time for you to awaken and settle your debts. Although
it pained him, he was taken aback by the intensity of the sensation. It feels so genuine that it seems like
a mere illusion. Woon Hwi awakens. He promptly becomes intrigued and inquires about the current
date from Jwabaek. Startled, Jwabaek seizes his hand. What are you speaking of? Woon Hwi responds, I
simply asked for today's date. It is not a complex question. Woohyun also mentions that it is currently
August 9, the 11th year of the sexagenary cycle. This calendar system utilized 60 years as a single cycle.
Reflecting on the 11th year, if today is August 9th, this 11th year is a decade prior to my demise.
Woohyun asks, what year do you believe it is now? Have you lost your wits due to excessive drinking?
Embracing Jobek, Won bursts into laughter. I am delighted to see you. Jwabaek, I am truly grateful to
God. Subsequently, Woon Hwi comprehends. Wait exactly 10 years. If this was precisely a decade ago,
then today is not the present day. The night grows late. Suddenly, a group of individuals clad in black
attire arrives. The innkeeper, roused from his slumber, is taken aback. He assumes that these individuals
are patrons. With so many guests arriving at this late hour, he summons someone within the inn.
Quickly, come out and welcome them. Abruptly, one of the men in black swiftly decapitates the guard.
In the room, Woon Hwi frantically searches for something that should be present.

Jwabaek believes that Woon Hwi is in search of money. Instead of denying it, it is a clear warning that if
you wish to survive, you must leave this place immediately. Jwabaek was taken aback by Woon Hwi's
peculiar words. You have been behaving strangely ever since. Should I teach you a lesson? Finally, when
he found the item he had been searching for, they finally met. It is my mother's sole inheritance. I
deeply regret the loss I experienced in my previous life. Even if it is crucial to escape, I must take this
sword with me. Suddenly, a loud scream pierced through the air. Someone out there shouted for help. It
appeared as though the sound was originating from outside. Woon Hwi believes that the volume of the
scream is too loud if it is coming from outside. Now is not the time to ponder over that. This scream
signifies the beginning of a massacre. Jwabaek and Woohyun cautiously peered through the window and
witnessed a group of individuals dressed in black charging towards them. Who are they? What should
we do? Woon Hwi hurriedly approached the window. Step aside and let me see. It turns out that they
truly are a blood cult. August 9th of the 11th year was the day I was abducted...

Jwabaek murmured, questioning if the intruders were bandits aiming to plunder the area. Woon Hwi
promptly refuted the idea, stating that they were actually members of the Blood Cult. Time was running
out, and they would soon arrive. If they wished to survive, they needed to flee immediately. Jwabaek
was taken aback, finding it hard to believe that they were truly followers of the Blood Cult. Perhaps they
had vanished after their defeat by the murim alliance. Upon hearing this, Woohyun suggested that they
should also escape. Woon Hwi wasted no time and ran off, leaving Jwabaek and Wahin behind. Dwelling
on their fate was pointless; they would likely become martial arts experts after being taken by the Blood
Cult. As long as he survived, everything would be fine. Suddenly, Woon Hwi recalled someone else who
was with them. It turned out that there was another person in their group. Ah Song was frantically
searching for them. Woon Hwi realized that Ah Song should also join them. He was the only one from
the shining earth clan who stood by his side. He couldn't disregard someone he considered his own little

Ah Song, who was in a deep slumber, was startled when Woon Hwi let out an unexpected scream. Ah
Song quickly woke up, exclaiming, I assure you, sir, I wasn't sleeping! Ah Song felt a wave of relief wash
over him when he realized it was the young master. Oh, it's you, sir. You startled me, he said. Woon Hwi
swiftly grabbed Ah Song, urging him to get up as they needed to leave immediately. We are currently
under attack by the Blood Cult. They will soon infiltrate this inn, Woon Hwi informed him. Ah Song found
it hard to believe, considering that the murim alliance had supposedly defeated the Blood Cult.
Nevertheless, Woon Hwi continued to lead Ah Song in a hurried escape. Trust me, we cannot leave
through the main entrance. The entire city is surrounded, and we will be caught if we attempt to flee,
Woon Hwi explained. Upon hearing this, Ah Song suggested hiding in a cupboard as a possible solution.
However, Woon Hwi immediately dismissed the idea, calling it foolish.

You will certainly discover the truth there. Their intention is not to steal our treasures, but rather to
apprehend individuals like us. They will meticulously search all potential hiding spots, such as cupboards
or large jars. Ah Song inquires of the master whether they will be captured and executed. Please refrain
from speaking of such dreadful possibilities. Regardless, we must find a secure hiding place, one that is
unexpected. Even if they consider searching there, they will not suspect anyone to be concealed. They
decided to continue until they stumbled upon a hut. Is this the location you mentioned, sir? Indeed, I am
confident that they will not suspect anyone to be hiding here. Ah Song objected to hiding in the toilet,
expressing discomfort. Sir, if this spot is comfortable, it would be wise for you to conceal yourself here.
Woon Hwi insisted, urging Ah Song to comply. You must hide here, as there is only space for one person.
I will search for an alternative hiding place. It is unlikely that even the blood cultists would search this
area. I will locate another hiding spot before the cult arrives. Upon noticing the tied horse, it became
apparent that fate had other plans for me. I released the horse to mislead the cult members, rather than
riding it. I must remain vigilant and hold onto my sword, as skilled martial artists could detect me
through their Qi.

You will certainly discover the truth there. Their intention is not to steal our treasures, but rather to
apprehend individuals like us. They will meticulously search all potential hiding spots, such as cupboards
or large jars. Ah Song inquires of the master whether they will be captured and executed. Please refrain
from speaking of such dreadful possibilities. Regardless, we must find a secure hiding place, one that is
unexpected. Even if they consider searching there, they will not suspect anyone to be concealed. They
decided to continue until they stumbled upon a hut. Is this the location you mentioned, sir? Indeed, I am
confident that they will not suspect anyone to be hiding here. Ah Song objected to hiding in the toilet,
expressing discomfort. Sir, if this spot is comfortable, it would be wise for you to conceal yourself here.
Woon Hwi insisted, urging Ah Song to comply. You must hide here, as there is only space for one person.
I will search for an alternative hiding place. It is unlikely that even the blood cultists would search this
area. I will locate another hiding spot before the cult arrives. Upon noticing the tied horse, it became
apparent that fate had other plans for me. I released the horse to mislead the cult members, rather than
riding it. I must remain vigilant and hold onto my sword, as skilled martial artists could detect me
through their Qi.

There was a sudden noise that caught Woon Hwi's attention. He frowned at the insolent child before
him. Don't touch me with your dirty hands, he warned, urging the child to remove them. Who do you
think you are? I told you to clean your hands, he scolded, frustrated by the child's disregard. Woon Hwi
was taken aback when the sword spoke. Why does this sword speak? he wondered aloud, surprised by
the unexpected occurrence. He couldn't help but question if the sword was possessed by a ghost. Is your
head ghost a ghost? he asked, bewildered. The sword identified itself as the Sodam sword, passed down
from his mother. Woon Hwi couldn't believe his ears. Wait, are you answering me? he asked, realizing
that he could hear the words of the sword. Astonished, he witnessed the sword transforming into a
fairy-like figure. So, the sword's true form is that of a fairy, he mused, still in awe. Curiosity struck him,
and he wondered if he could also see the fairy's form. If you can hear me, can you also see my form? he
inquired, eager to understand the extent of his newfound ability. Woon Hwi couldn't help but question
his own sanity. Am I hallucinating? he pondered, considering the possibility of it being an illusion.
Frustrated, he admitted, I cannot see you. I can't hear you. However, the sword fairy reassured him,
claiming that Woon Hwi could indeed see and hear it. We sword fairies can read the minds of humans
who have wielded the swords, the fairy explained, dispelling any doubts. Woon Hwi was amazed to
realize that it wasn't an illusion after all. I could actually see and hear it, he acknowledged, his
astonishment growing. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps interrupted their conversation. The fairy urged
Woon Hwi to be quiet as the approaching figures drew near. Despite the distraction, the fairy continued
to babble, causing Woon Hwi to wonder if it was because of the approaching person. The fairy assured
him, Don't worry, you're the only one who can hear me. As the person approached, Woon Hwi observed
their movements, his hand ready to grip his sword in preparation for any threat.

Upon witnessing Woon Hwi's response, the fairy gently inquired about your intentions to harm him.
Whether or not you possess supernatural abilities, it won't make a difference if he catches you. I
questioned whether you had the courage to listen to the sound of your own heartbeat or if fear had
taken hold of you. Recalling the moment when Mo Yongsoo ruthlessly seized the sword sage's
confidential writings, resulting in his brutal demise. The followers of the blood cult were drawing near.
Woon Hwi swiftly struck and eliminated him. As the cult member breathed his last breath, Woon Hwi
vowed with a fierce determination. I am not afraid. In fact, I am thrilled. Just wait and see, I will endure.
Regardless of what challenges life throws my way this time.

Chapter 2

The sword fairy was astonished to see Woon Hwi successfully take down one of the special members. It
seems like you have some skills after all. I used to think you were just a drunken fool at work. Perhaps I
misjudged you. Where did you learn to fight like that? Woon Hwi, annoyed by the sword fairy's constant
chatter, told her to be quiet and ignore the situation for now. The Blood Cult warriors are known to
operate in groups, usually consisting of three members on a mission. It's likely that the slain member's
comrades will arrive soon. Despite hiding the body, it's only a matter of time before they discover it.
Woon Hwi realized that if he got caught, he would be killed immediately. He needed to finish the task at
hand and leave quickly.

Suddenly, the sword fairy sensed someone behind Woon Hwi and warned him. Woon Hwi turned
around to find one of the special members observing him. Are you bothered by my presence? Please
continue with what you were doing. I've only been observing you. Why did you suddenly fall silent? How
long have you known I was here? Woon Hwi noticed the warrior's belt and realized he was a middle-
class warrior. He braced himself, knowing that he was not well-equipped to face a warrior of that caliber
in his current state.

Upon witnessing Woon Hwi's reaction, the fairy's excitement grew instantly. Are you prepared to
engage in combat? I am here to assist you. Allow me to demonstrate the true power of a middle-class
warrior's sword, the fairy eagerly expressed. Slowly approaching Woon Hwi, he remarked, It appears
that you have not studied self-defense. Nevertheless, even if it was a surprise attack, you displayed
enough strength to defeat a low-class warrior like him. The fairy also assessed Woon Hwi's capabilities,
stating, Based on my observation, it seems that your abilities align with those of a middle-class warrior.
Offering a proposition, he continued, I will present you with an opportunity. If you surrender now, I will
spare your life. Hearing this offer from a member of the blood cult, Woon Hwi attempted to provoke
him. If your intention was truly to kill me from the beginning, you wouldn't be discussing intermediate
quality or anything of the sort. So, in reality, you desire to engage in a fight with me. However, I am too
formidable, and you fear suffering the same fate as that individual, Woon Hwi confidently asserted. The
fairy was taken aback by Woon Hwi's words. Are you out of your mind? Why are you provoking him?
Ignoring the sword fairy's concerns, Woon Hwi continued with his plan. I will feign arrogance to lower
his guard even further. Let's see if he falls for it, he thought. Upon hearing Woon Hwi's boastful chatter,
the warrior burst into laughter. You certainly have a talent for acting. It would be a pity to have to
eliminate a young individual like yourself. It seems you are doing your utmost to avoid a confrontation,
the warrior remarked. Suddenly, the warrior swiftly launched an attack on Woon Hwi. Let's find out if
you truly possess the strength you claim, he challenged.

Woon Hwi deftly evaded the assault. Despite being a warrior with a destroyed dantian, I could still
perceive such attacks with clarity. Woon Hwi attempted a counterattack, but his movements were
sluggish, allowing the warrior to easily seize his arm. I must admit, I am impressed by your keen
eyesight, although your speed leaves much to be desired. Your unexpected retaliation caught me off
guard. I will overlook the fact that you defeated a lower-ranked warrior. Remember, do not engage
when your opponent is unprepared. Woon Hwi swiftly freed the knife from his grasp and aimed a direct
strike at the warrior's face. Despite being taken by surprise, the warrior managed to evade the attack. It
seemed impossible for him to dodge an assault from his blind spot. Enraged, the warrior forcefully
kicked Woon Hwi, sending him flying a great distance. Enduring the pain, I questioned my own
confidence. Could he truly dodge such close-range attacks?

Woon Hwi made an effort to rise to his feet, while he wiped away the blood from his mouth. He realized
that he had no other option but to confront the situation head-on. The sword fairy persisted in
persuading Woon Hwi to accept her assistance in order to defeat the middle class warrior. I promised to
aid you. Without my help, your chances of winning against him are slim, she asserted. Reflecting on the
circumstances, Woon Hwi pondered on how to overcome this formidable opponent. The previous attack
failed to eliminate him, but since his left eye was injured, targeting his vulnerable left side seemed like
the best strategy. Despite the pain in his eyes, the warrior endured. Even though I tried to be kind to
you, you continue to act like a despicable person. Do you truly desire death? Initially, Woon Hwi only
intended to teach him a lesson and deliver him to the blood cult clan. However, due to his insolence,
Woon Hwi decided to put an end to him right then and there.

The warrior charged towards Woon Hwi, utilizing the fundamental sword technique of the Blood Cult
known as the killing blood blade to launch an assault. He relentlessly unleashed a series of sword strikes
at Woon Hwi, carefully observing the warrior's attack pattern. Despite enduring the onslaught, Woon
Hwi realized that the warrior deliberately avoided targeting his vital areas, opting to prolong his
suffering. Filled with determination, the warrior executed a final attack, leaving no room for remorse.
Your fate is sealed to perish in this place, he declared. Despite being familiar with the intermediate
warrior's tactics, Woon Hwi found himself only able to defend without the opportunity to retaliate.
Resorting to deceptive maneuvers once again, Woon Hwi pondered his next move. Acting impulsively,
he attempted to strike back, hoping to land a blow. In a moment of desperation, the sword fairy
whispered to Woon Hwi, revealing that the warrior would launch a frontal thrust. Reacting swiftly,
Woon Hwi blocked the incoming attack aimed at his midsection. Although he managed to withstand the
blow, the force behind the middle-class warrior's strike sent Woon Hwi tumbling backwards. Witnessing
his failed attempt, the warrior was taken aback, realizing that his meticulously planned feint had not

Upon attempting to rise, he pondered over what transpired. How was I able to endure his assaults so
effectively? You witnessed how you managed to withstand that strike. Were it not for me, you would
likely be deceased. Inquiring if the voice just heard belonged to him. So you can anticipate the attacks.
The sword fairy could discern the strike of a middle-class warrior wielding a sword like that. It is quite
simple for us to interpret. While turning Woon Hwi's head, what is your next course of action? Should I
maintain silence as instructed by you? Woon Hwi sheepishly admitted, I apologize for disregarding you
twice. I implore you, can you assist me?

The sword fairy haughtily responded, I suppose I will aid you. I cannot allow a being like you, who has
finally heeded my words after forty-seven years, to perish in this manner. The sword fairy also inquired
about your intentions. After being able to predict the attack patterns, Woon Hwi attempted to
strategize. How can I defeat him? I have contemplated it. However, it remains quite challenging given
my current circumstances. He has already fallen victim to my counterattack once. Therefore, he will not
dare to approach the range of my sword again. Undoubtedly, he will always maintain a safe distance
from my grasp. With a piercing gaze, Woon Hwi devised a plan. If we lure him and provoke impatience,
then we may have an opportunity to overcome him. The middle-class warrior was still taken aback. He
believed he had blocked my strike. How did he manage it? Perhaps he is familiar with my sword
technique. I am certain it must be a mere coincidence. It is inconceivable that a feeble individual like him
could intentionally withstand my attack. The warrior launched another assault. Behold, this time I shall
end your life.

The sword fairy provided instructions to Woon Hwi, instructing him to first defend against all incoming
attacks to create a window of opportunity. Woon Hwi requested the fairy to inform him about the
direction of the attack. The fairy revealed that it would be a deceptive attack aimed at the left shoulder,
advising Woon Hwi to focus on his right side. Witnessing Woon Hwi's swift reaction and ability to
withstand the attack, the warrior became even more astonished. He wondered how this seemingly weak
individual could anticipate his moves. As the warrior's left eye became obstructed by blood, he became
careless, allowing Woon Hwi to launch a sudden counterattack. The fairy had predicted that the warrior
would become impatient if his blind spot was targeted, resulting in a horizontal attack. Woon Hwi
patiently waited for the warrior to strike. True to the fairy's prediction, the warrior executed a horizontal
attack when he believed Woon Hwi would attack his vulnerable side. However, it turned out to be a
ruse. Although one might expect Woon Hwi to be caught off guard by this maneuver, he remained
composed. The warrior forcefully kicked Woon Hwi, sending him flying through the air. With a mocking
laugh, the warrior taunted Woon Hwi, questioning if his hand was broken. Despite acknowledging Woon
Hwi's ability to exploit his blind spots, the warrior belittled him as a mere lowly warrior. The warrior
proceeded to launch another attack, vowing to kill Woon Hwi.

Woon Hwi's face lit up with a smile, knowing that the timing was perfect. With a swift movement, she
launched herself towards the warrior, aiming directly for his neck. She couldn't believe how easily she
defeated someone of his caliber. Triumphantly, she declared her victory, having successfully severed his
neck. The sword fairy commended her acting skills and expressed surprise at the seemingly broken arm.
Woon Hwi explained that any suspicion of her hand not being truly injured would have jeopardized her
plan. The fairy praised her for her excellence and admired her final attack. Woon Hwi acknowledged the
fairy's assistance and expressed her gratitude. The fairy blushed, denying any feelings of shame and
claiming to be merely surprised. She suggested that Woon Hwi show her gratitude by properly cleaning
her sword. Suddenly, Woon Hwi felt a sharp pain as a punch landed on her face, causing her to lose
consciousness. It turned out that a member of the special blood cult had arrived and attacked them. The
situation seemed unreasonable, as both Woon Hwi and the warrior had been defeated by this seemingly
weak individual.

Chapter 3

Woon Hwi's body underwent examination by specialized blood cult troops, revealing identification tags.
Surprisingly, this boy's true name is Soo Woon Hwi, originating from Yiyang district in Luoyang city. The
records indicate that he hails from a time when the earth shone. One of the warriors recognized his
name, recalling him as a loser from Henan province and labeling him as the outcast of Luoyang city.
Regrettably, his own family treated him as a stranger, especially after his dantian suffered a ki deviation.
However, I have a suggestion, sir. Considering his lineage as a child of an orthodox clan, what if we were
to take him in and train him as a spy? The warrior captain dismissed the idea, deeming it unnecessary.
He believed there was no point in raising this individual who lacked a dantian of his own. In fact, he was
certain that even basic training would lead to his demise. It appeared that Woon Hwi was incapable of
enduring such hardships. Furthermore, observe his current state. Despite his origins from a relatively
renowned clan, he was so terrified that he involuntarily urinated. This indicates that he cannot be
considered a valuable asset. It is best to eliminate him completely.

Upon hearing the warrior captain's words, Woon Hwi wept and pleaded, Please spare my life, sir. I
promise to do whatever you ask, even if it means becoming a spy. Woon Hwi's hands were bound
behind his back, and he couldn't help but recall the sword fairy. Despite his efforts to avoid this
situation, he found himself in a predicament once again. The warrior captain commended Woon Hwi for
his skills, acknowledging his prowess even without a dantian. This recognition brought a sense of relief
to Woon Hwi, who vowed to stay positive and ensure his safety for the time being.
The warrior captain abruptly declared that the boy must be killed. However, one of his subordinates
interjected, suggesting that the boy could be a valuable asset if properly trained. The captain insisted
that the boy could serve as a spy, but acknowledged that there were others with more potential for
espionage due to their dantians. Frustrated, the captain ordered for the boy to be swiftly eliminated.
Woon Hwi pondered on how to persuade the captain, realizing that the only difference was the
captain's perception of him. With no other option, Woon Hwi resorted to pleading once again. Amidst
laughter, the captain mocked Woon Hwi for attempting to beg after testing his limits. The captain urged
Woon Hwi to face the consequences of his actions for causing harm to his comrades. In a state of
desperation, Woon Hwi contemplated that the situation was even more dire than his past experiences.
He resolved to buy some time, even if only momentarily, refusing to meet his end after returning to the
past. As a warrior member prepared to strike with his sword, the captain continued to taunt Woon Hwi
for his desperate attempts to escape. Woon Hwi was taken aback when he noticed a decorated sword
positioned behind the warrior captain.

I have encountered that sword previously. The white embellishment on the sword's hilt caught my eye.
Woon Hwi promptly bowed down to the ground, offering praise to the diamond and wishing the Blood
Cult longevity. I am unworthy to be in the presence of a blood star. Upon hearing Woon Hwi's words,
the warriors were taken aback and exchanged glances. Is the blue star among us? Observing the
reactions of his subordinates, the warrior captain reprimanded them for being too loud. How could
someone like the Blood Star be here? Before he could finish his sentence, the warrior captain was
stunned and immediately prostrated himself upon seeing one of the blood stars standing behind him.
The eleven executives who lead the Blood Cult, the fourth venerable ones, and the seventh blood stars. I
have never encountered any of them before. However, I have heard rumors that blood stars sometimes
disguise themselves as low-ranking warriors to observe them. He slowly approached Woon Hwi and
instructed him to raise his head. You are quite perceptive. I have never been discovered during an
inspection before. I am Do Jang Ho, one of the members of the fourth blood star in the Blood Cult. How
did you manage to find me when you are not a member of the Blood Cult? Woon Hwi calmly replied,
pointing to his sword, sir. The intricate design on the hilt gave you away. I have heard that the
decorations are meant to match your horse's saddle. Upon hearing Woon Hwi's spontaneous response,
Do Jang Ho smiled faintly. You have keen eyes. Do Jang Ho proceeded to question Woon Hwi further.
Now, answer this. How would someone who is not part of the Blood Cult know about this?

Woon Hwi paused briefly, contemplating how to respond in a manner that would not raise any
suspicions from Dojan. It would be odd for him to suspect me without reason. In my past life, I operated
as a spy for the Blood Cult within the orthodox faction, encountering similar situations countless times
over the span of seven years. With composure and caution, Woon Hwi provided an answer, drawing
upon the fact that I have familial ties to the Blood Cult. I harbored a deep sense of confidence in my
ability to deceive when necessary. The warriors were taken aback upon learning of Woon Hwi's
connection to the Blood Cult. Did he just reveal that there were descendants of the Blood Cult within
the radiant earth clan? How could this be possible? Woon Hwi went on to explain that my grandfather
from my mother's side had fought in the orthodox war as a low-ranking soldier in the wolf blood troops.
Following a severe injury sustained in battle, he embarked on a journey to seek a new home with his
sole family member, my mother. This led my grandfather to settle in Luoyang city. Woon Hwi elaborated
on the challenges my grandfather faced in finding a place to call home after fleeing from the war, as the
wounds he carried within could not be easily healed. My mother took on the responsibility of covering
my grandfather's medical expenses while working as a servant for the radiant earth clan. It was during
this time that my mother crossed paths with my father, sparking a romance that ultimately resulted in
my birth into the radiant earth family.

The man inquired, So, your grandfather was a member of the Blood Wolf Squad. Quite intriguing, please
continue your story. During my childhood, my grandfather trained me. Whenever I complained or
struggled with a difficult workout, my grandfather would immediately mention Captain Noh Joman and
his son Noh, who were part of the Wolf Blood Army. He would tell me that Captain Noh Joman's son had
completed all the training of the Wolf Blood Army at my age. The warriors were astonished when Woon
Hwi mentioned the Wolf Blood Captain. They wondered how this boy knew the name of the current
captain. Moreover, my grandfather always warned that the Blood Cult would come looking for us one
day. Even five years ago, in his final moments, he nostalgically spoke about the blood wolf.

Upon hearing this, Do Jang Ho thought, I understand now. This explains how you were able to kill two of
our followers, despite having a destroyed dantian. Surprisingly, the warrior captain exclaimed, Oh Lord
Blood Star, please disregard what that boy said. I have no idea where he learned about the Wolf Blood
Army. Before he could finish his sentence, Do Jang Ho abruptly turned around with a piercing gaze. He
questioned Captain Oh, Who gave you permission to interrupt me? Being the captain of the Diamond
Tiger Warriors doesn't grant you the audacity to defy the words of a star. Instantly, the warrior captain
submitted, saying, Forgive my impertinence, sir. I will not repeat it again. Witnessing this incident, Woon
Hwi remained silent. It was astonishing to see a captain succumb to fear with just a few words and a
stern look. This was one of the powers of the Blood Star.

Do Jang Ho then approached Woon Hwi once more. However, there was an oddity in the situation.
While it is permissible to kill our members in self-defense, why did you choose not to reveal your
identity to Captain Oh and instead pleaded not to be harmed? Woon Hwi maintained his silence, looking
down as he attempted to provide an explanation. I was afraid of facing consequences for eliminating
two Blood Cult members. Please forgive me, sir, he said, bowing his head in resignation. Woon Hwi
considered himself quite perceptive, realizing that even when he mixed truth with lies, Do Jang Hoo saw
through his words and identified inconsistencies immediately. Suddenly, Do Jang Hoo burst into
laughter, remarking casually, It appears my jest was too harsh, isn't it? Understanding Woon Hwi's logic
that their shared Blood Cult lineage made them akin to brothers, Do Jang Hoo expressed his desire to
welcome Woon Hwi as a cult member to carry on his grandfather's legacy. What is your decision? Will
you accept? Woon Hwi replied, It would be an honor for me to accept, sir. My grandfather would have
been proud as well. Deep down, he thought, I suspected something was amiss, but his sudden laughter
put me at ease. At least I am safe now. However, in the end, I made the choice to join the cult willingly.

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