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STATE OF MINNESOTA POSITION DESCRIPTION A DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Employee's Name: Shane Roper Position Control Number: 00370250 ‘Agoncy/Division: Public Safety/State Patrol Activity: Classification Title: State Trooper Working Title: State Trooper Prepared By: Captain Ronald Silcox ‘Appraisal Porlod: to EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE/DATE ble ri Fi leas ray current job) POSITION PURPOSE This postion exists to provide the only statewide uniformed police services authorized by Minnesota State Statute 2890.03, Troopers serve as the first responder to statewide critical incidents. Troopers provide public safety services and ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic through education, enforcement, and assistance. Troopers provide direct police services and assist other law enforcement and governmental agencies inthe detection and apprehension of criminals. Troopers are called upon to provide executive, dignitary protection and critical infrastructure protection. IGNATURE/DATE Ba Fe omolpees oT) REPORTABILITY Reports to; State Patrol Lieutenants State Patrol Captain ‘Supervises: Incumbents in this position do not generally have supervisory duties; however they often provide direction to local public safety officials and civilian volunteers. DIMENSIONS Budget: None Clientele: Citizens of and visitors to the State of Minnesota, Dignitaries, educational institutions, federal and state courts, the Governor and legislators, Various federal, state, and local governmental agencies, professional and civic, organizations as the need calls for. NOTE: The contents for this position descrintion were drawn from references contained within the previous position description, ‘Denotes essential funetlons under the Americans with Disabil Act (Ada), POSITION DESCRIPTION | PHPLOvIpenanin Siena B State Patrol 00370250 2.4 POSITION CONTROL NUMBER: To provide law enforcement and public safety services within the Stato of a | 70 Minnesota, ‘A. Protect life and property and detect and prevent crime through proactive patrol presence and observation within an assigned work area, To dedicate all unobligated ‘work time to patrolling highways within that assigned work area, in a manner consistent with the agency strategic pla. 8, Respond to emergencies Including manmade and natural disasters, critical incidents, traffic crashes and other requests or needs for assistance, ©. Respond to civil disorders and rlots and use learned skills and training as required to affect an arrest, disarm or render an antagonist ineffective, or otherwise quell the disturbance, D. Manage, investigate, document, and report all incidents and crashes attended, To take appropriate enforcement action on all violations detected during any investigation, , Initiate and assist in the apprehension and conviction of criminals, To take appropriate enforcement action on all violations committed in thelr presence according to State Patrol policy. Enforce all state, federal, and local criminal statutes to provide maximum protection and service to the public. F. Save lives and minimize injury through the administration of first aid in medical emergencies, extrication of crash vietims, and other rescues. G._ Direct and control the movement of traffic to ensure the safety of al those using our roadways and to restore the efficient movement of traf H. Assist persons in distress and document all acts of assistance, |. Notify and comfort family members of victims killed or Injured in tragic incidents. ‘J. Provide viotim rights information to victims of crimes. K. Serve arrest warrants, plan and execute digitaltelephonic search warrants, issue forfeiture notices and other legal documents, L. Act as a severe weather observer of the National Weather Service and local agencies. M._ Stay proficient on emerging law enforcement technologies as they relate to the trooper's responsibilities. Knowledge of computer aided dispatch and the data privacy requirements and training associated with access to these restricted databases. To investigate crimes, complaints, and motor vehicle crashes A | 15 ‘A. Respond to all crashes which directed to attend, with due regard for the safety of others, B. Protect crime and crash scenes and render appropriate aid, *Denotes essential functions under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) POSITION DESCRIPTION _ | FMPLOYEE'S NAME: Stane Roper POSITION CONTROL NUMBER: B State Patrol 00370250 ‘and take statements from suspects, witnesses, and others, 188, crashes, and incidents, D. Identity, gather, preserve, and process evidence obtained at crime and crash scenes, E. Apply advanced crash techniques and the science of physics to research the causative factors of motor vehicle crashes. F. Ask for the assistance of a Motor Vehicle Crash Reconstructionist in those crashes that will need expert inspection and testimony. G. Manage and monitor case disposition with responsiblties including records and evidence maintenance, courtroom testimony, and professional assistance to ensure a sucessful conclusion of each case, 1 | | H. Fumish the required information to the participants of the crashes within twenty-four hours following the date of the crashes. |. Prepare complete, accurate, and legible reports according to Minnesota State Patrol policy, J. Submit all required warrants, complaints and reports on a timely basis as required or directed. KK. Maintain a comprehensive knowledge of laws and procedures pertaining to DU! | and drug seizure; including but not limited to forfeiture law. | 3, | To provide directions, assistance, and support to law enforcement agencles and Als ]a other organizations for the furtherance of public safety. ‘A. Rescue people from life threatening situations. B. Provide first response following a natural disaster, nuclear or other hazardous | material disaster, and arrenge and coordinate response of public safety personnel | and the evacuation of civilians. C. Establish positive, integrated working relationship with local law enforcement agencies, providing mutual ald fo ensure effective law enforcement services are provided to all communities, | D. Assist and provide resources to other law enforcement agencies during critical incidents. E, Search for fugitives, evidence, and missing persons by coordinating ground and airborne personnel. F, Arrange for ground and airborne emergency transport of persons, properly, body fluids, organs, tissue, possible rabid animal samples for analysis. | G. Provide security and protection of critical infrastructure and coordinate protection | efforts with allied agencies as needed. "Denote essential functions under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) POSITION DESCRIPTION B State Patrol POSITION CONTROL NU 00370250 4, | Toreduce the loss of life, injury, ind property through education and Information, | A, ‘A. Encourage voluntary compliance of state, local, and federal statutes through formal ‘and informal public contact. B. Provide necessary expertise and information for law revisions and other public safety improvements, ©. Submit draft legislative changes through the chain of command and testify at legislative hearings if necessary, D. Continue the training of probationary troopers by acting In the capacity of a field tralning officer, E. Train future and present users of the transportation system in traffic safety practices. F. Lead end conduct trafic safety training seminars for other law enforcement offcers, citizen groups and business professionals as requested G._ Provide up-to-date information to all requesters. H. Inform the public of department goals and activities through contact with public officials and the media. 5, _ | To follow procedures and directives as outlined by the genoral orders, policy, and | A written and oral direction of supervisors. A. Follow the chain of command in regards to the normal day to day order of business. ‘There will alvays be exceptions to this requirement, butts essential that the ligutenant who is responsible forthe station thatthe trooper is assigned to must be made aware of communications that would be exchanged with other supervisors B. Prepare complete, accurate, and legible reports and submit those required reports and forms on a timely basis as required or directed, C. Possess working knowledge of law enforcement best practices and procedures enabling the trooper to maintain a proficient- level of performance. In addition, there will be times when a trooper may receive constructive criticism from his/her supervisor. The trooper must be able to apply this constructive criticism in a positive manner and provide proper feedback to the supervisor. D. Possess a good knowledge of departmental rules, policies and procedures, and apply and comply with these rules, policies, and procedures. E, Maintain good grooming habits and physical appearance so that the professional image of the Minnesota State Patro! will be enhanced. Comply with department regulations in regard to uniform, appearance, and personal grooming habits. F. Properiy utilize, maintain, and store all State Patrol Issued equipment and supplies so that they are serviceable ‘and readily available at allimes, Report all damaged, lost, or stolen equipment immediately to a supervisor, ‘Denotes eseatlal unetions under the AP ans with Disabilities Aet (ADA) A td (00370250 activities and promote orderly conduct of State Patrol affairs within the individual station area. Prepare and recommend master work schedules. Prepare special schedules as needed for meetings, schools, sick leave, vacation, ete. Provide the district radio communications with the weekly station work schedule no later than five days prior to the start of the work week. Schedule station meetings, assign and schedule station troopers for celebrations, parades, races, etc Grant time off within district policies and the work contract and adjust the work schedule accordingly. Has authority to grant vacation requests not to exceed two (2) weeks, comp time off, and mutually agreed shift changes, notifying radio communications of any changes. The Station Sergeant must obtain his/her personal schedule change approval from a district supervisor, Reoommend training based upon apparent needs of station troopers. Assist station troopers in case preparation, crash investigation, breath testing, and other technical areas upon request or as directed. Conduct a station inventory as needed and order station supplies and equipment. He/she will ensure that there is an adequate quantity of supplies and forms. He/she is responsible for maintenance and accountability of assigned station equipment. Issue clothing and other equipment or forms as directed. He/she will report to the appropriate district office staff any defective or missing equipment Assist district supervisors in implementing district programs. Represent the station at district supervisor's meetings and serve as liaison between troopers in the station and the district office, Attend all scheduled meetings and report information to station troopers. Keep district supervisors advised of any special station problems and/or special events, Meet and confer with authorized tow companies to verify compliance with State Patrol towing policy. Assist in the coordinati municipal agencies. N of allied agency enforcement efforts with county and POSITION CONTROL NUMBER: POSITION DESCRIPTION C EMPLOYEE'S NAME: Shane Roper PON: 00370250 NATURE AND SCOPE (relationships; knowledges, sklls and abies; problem solving and creativity; end freedom to ect) RELATIONSHIPS Troopers must build strong, mutually benefcial relationships with local and state law enforcement agencies to glve and receive information and to coordinate enforcement actives. Troopers establish rapport and working relationships with suspects, witnesses and victims to obtain information for investigations. Additionally, Troopers are expected to maintain professional working relationships with prosecution and defense attorneys and courts to prepare for and testily in trials ‘Troopers maintain close relationships to the State Patrol organization, paying close attention to chain of command relationships. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Each trooper must possess and maintain a Minnesota Peace Officer's license, First Responder certification, Data Master Transportable certification and a valid Minnesota driver's license. After altending a lengthy initial rgorous tralning course, troopers are required to attend 48 hours of continuing education training every three years to keep their Peace Officer's license current. in addition to state licensing required training hours, all troopers attend extensive additional training which carries thelr training hours well beyond the required number hours, ‘The trooper's education is extremely diverse. He/she must have a total understanding of many subjects and must have @ good working knowledge of many more. A trooper must minimally possess an Associate Degree from an accredited educational institution but many troopers have an advanced degree. Troopers must be skilled in the use of various firearms and understand laws relating to the use of deadly force. In ‘addition, troopers must be skilled In the use of intermediate weapons (taser, ASP baton, chemical iritants, etc.) and Understand the policies/procedures pertaining to thelr use, Troopers must understand, operate, and maintain a wide variety of equipment to Include the patrol unit that they operate and the equipment that is carried therein. The trooper is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of al the equipment that they are issued and use. Troopers must have excellent driving skils in all areas of driving; good and adverse weather, routine patrol, pursult driving, defensive driving, and emergency response driving. In addition, troopers are trained in stop stick deployment and in the Pursuit Intervention Technique (PIT). Troopers must be physically able and prepared to execute defensive tactics skills, to properly restrain prisoners, to use Pressure point control techniques, and to use the ASP baton, ‘Troopers must be able to carry out a variety of first responder sills and rescue functions which may include extricating Injured persons from hazardous locations. Troopers must have the abilly to assess the hazards of their environment and on the appropriate gear Le. gas mask, riot helmet, hazmat sult, floatation device, etc, ‘Troopers must possess a comprehensive knowledge of federal and state laws, general orders, and the written and oral orders of his/her supervisors, ‘Troopers must have the skills to recognize and take action on a wide variety of violations. For this reason the trooper must be educated and stay current in commercial vehicle law, OWI law, narcotics interdiction techniques, the use of lidar/radar equipment, crash investigation, and vehicle crimes, etc, Because the trooper works alone he/she must have a good knowledge of managerial skills and human relations, Therefore, the effectiveness of the trooper relies on a high degree of self-motivation and self-reliance since immediate supervision and assistance Is most often not present, Through the efforts of troopers, successful Investigation of criminal activity leads to the recovery of significant revenues otherwise lost to the State of Minnesota as well as property recovery for individuals. ‘Several methods of communication are absolutely essential to the position of State Trooper. Troopers must be skilled at writing, listening, and interpreting nonverbal signals. ‘Denotes essential functions under the Amerleans wi Disebilies Aet (ADA) POSITION DESCRIPTION C EMPLOYEE'S NAME: Shane Roper PCN: 00370250 ‘Troopers routinely work alone, and do not have a ‘roll call’ or place to report, Troopers are on duty the moment they leave thelr residence. They are their local community's State Patrol representative and are often called upon by their ‘community, both on and off duty. Troopers rarely have ‘back-up’ unless they have called for additional support which is often a great distance away, Troopers’ abilities to communicate effectively through oral communications, effective listening, and correctly reading non- verbal signals are vital. Effective communication can be the difference between an arrest without force and an arrest involving deadly force. The ability to effectively de-escalate situations Is paramount to successful performance of the trooper's duties. Troopers must possess effective persuasive speaking skils, which are essential in life-threatening situations, where use of force or arrests not an option. Troopers work alone and frequently must effectively communicate with mentally disturbed, irate, drug andlor alcoho! impaired, or sulcidal persons, eto ‘Troopers must be extremely flexible to diverse situations and to changing work demands, Ata single critical incident, troopers must be able to quickly adapt, moving from such extremes as communication with a combative criminal to caring for the victims ofa fatal crash, Troopers must recognize and appropriately respond to human and cultural diversity. They must have the ability to effectively communicate with persons of all ages, races, and genders, ‘Troopers must possess the key ingredients to effective communications; including empathy, sympathy, and compassion. Sensitivity to and a basic understanding of religious differences and practices is also important. Likewise, troopers must bbe prepared for and understanding of the variely of responses by those notified of an unexpected violent death. Troopers must be able to possess a command presence at all times, even in emotionally charged, dangerous, and stressful situations, Because of the mobile and independent nature of ther job, troopers must be skilled at writen communications including writing investigative reports, taking statements from suspects, victims, and witnesses, and waiting letters o court Personnel, vicims, and suspects. Writen documents prepared by troopers are a basic building block of the criminal Justice system, ‘Troopers must be able to give prepared and impromptu presentations to the public, ranging from lengthy training sessions, to local media questions at the scene of an emergency. Troopers must also be able to communicate at a moment's notice to change human behavior through persuasive speaking. PROBLEM SOLVING AND CREATIVITY ‘Troopers must have the ability to make instantaneous decisions, ranging from whether to take enforcement action, restrict freedoms, begin forfeiture of property, or take a human if, Decisions made by troopers result in long term and potentially very serious consequences, impacting the emotional and finanolal status of the persons affected by those decisions. For example, when pursuing Suspected felons, troopers have to make the decision whether to use force, deadly foroe, continue a pursuit which may jeopardize the safety of innocent Persons, or discontinue the pursult and allow the suspect to escape. Troopers must maintain a level of hyper vigilance necessary for developing the proper course of action in an ever changing environment. The constantly evolving crisis situation requires instant decision making without benefit of supervisory guidance. The very nature of the trooper position is to restore order when there is none. The presence of a trooper brings with It an ‘expectation of control and confidence In problem solving through decision making, The environment and conditions under which troopers make their decisions mandate the ability for them to adapt their problem solving process. Problems are solved under conditions of high stress, in life-threatening situations, under sleep deprivation, during inclement weather and reduced light conditions, etc. Troopers must be prepared to make an immediate transition from work tedium to work crisis. State Patrol troopers are responsible for the safety of the public 24 hours a day, seven days a week. An example of the difficult situations under which troopers exhibit skilled problem "Denotes essential funetions under the Americans with Disablities At (ADA) POSITION DESCRIPTION C EMPLOYEE'S NAME: Shane Roper PCN: 00370250 solving techniques is during call-out status. During periods of crisis, days off are cancelled and shifts extended until the crisis ends, The independent nature of the job performed by troopers creates dificulty in communications that are not experienced by persons in other law enforcement postions. Troopers do not have the benefit of ‘roll call’ or other frequent staff meetings. ‘The geographic cistribution of the State Patrol employees substantially minimizes the resources avallable to troopers When they desire supervision or assistance in problem solving. In addition, as representatives of a statewide agency, troopers are expected to possess and display a higher standard of professionalism and decorum when compared to their colleagues in local pubfc safety agencees, State Patrol troopers develop human relations skills which allow them to effectively obtain and manage information received from informants, witnesses, and victims. This information is essential for effective problem resolution. FREEDOM TO ACT Limited supervision provides considerable freedom from both technical and administrative oversight while Work progress. The employee has freedom from control over the sequence of assignments, a substantial degree of responsiblity for determining what shall be done next, and a substantial degree of independence in planning and ‘organizing the employee's own work. Society has empowered troopers with great freedom to act, They act with considerable independence and freedom from Supervisory direction and have extensive authority to exercise individual discretion and Judgement. Troopers must establish daily work priorities and retain the freedom to change these priorities as required. Troopers must rapidly adjust and respond to ever-changing priorities, ‘Troopers are responsible for enforcing a variely of laws and through rules, policies, and thelr own discretion, determine when citizens will be deprived of life, freedom, or property. The State Legistature has given troopers the power to detain, interview, interrogate, and/or arrest persons for criminal activity. Troopers also serve warrants and seize property through forfeiture. The greatest responsiblity ofa trooper isthe right to use necessary force and the ably to use deadly force prevent death or great bodily harm tothe trooper or another. ‘The consequence of error by a trooper is extreme, The crisis decision-making and immediate actions that troopers take can have long term and significant social and economic consequences. An error within a trooper's freedom to act can result in the wrongful death of a ciizen, creating a local and potentially nationwide Impact, An error in action could spark uble unrest, create financial iabily for the department, and severely impact the state agency budget and reputation Even appropriate decisions can have unforeseen costs and implications. Troopers are under substantially more scrutiny than other non-iaw enforcement public empioyees. The gravity of making an error in judgement creates an addtional stress that makes exercising appropriate decision making more itfict. The increased mobiity of the population requires troopers to become routinely involved with homicides, stolen goods, human traficking, illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and related investigations involving multiple law enforcement jurisdictions. ‘Troopers have the authority and duty to temporarily restrict a person's freedom of movement, Troopers make decisions on a dally basis whether to arrest or not arrest, and when to issue warnings as an enforcement alternative. They are responsible for depriving citizens of their property through the towing and impoundment of vehicles, and other seizures. ‘Troopers also determine commitments to crisis centers or detoxification facilies ‘Troopers are responsible for organizing and integrating evolving statutory and case law into thelr activities Troopers are responsible for independent and undirected decision making at routine and critical incidents (use of deadly force, life saving, imitations of a person's rights, etc.). Troopers are the primary law enforcement officers who use thelt powers to put commercial vehicles out of service when necessary. ‘Troopers must continuslly monitor and respond to rapidly changing priorities. Thelr dally activites are managed and self directed through individual discretion with litle supervisory oversight ‘Troopers have authority to purchase vehicle maintenancelrepalr goods and services up to $1000 per incident without prior supervisory approval. In addition, troopers have input regarding budget expenditures for district training and programs within their area of expertise. *Denotes essential unetions under the Americans with Disabilities Aet(ADA) Shane Roper EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND. Certificate in Law Enforcement with SKILLS Courses . Graduated: Jume 2018 + Rochester Community and Technical College in Rochester, Minnesota + Minnesota Peace Officer Standards end Training Boutd Certified + GPA:3.66/40 Bachelor of Science: Criminal Justice/Law Enforcer + Winona State University in Winona, Minnesota + GPA:3.72140 + Dean’s List Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, and Spring 2014 + Graduated with Cum Laude honors Assoctate's Degree: Criminal Justice Graduated: May 2012 Southeast Technical College in Red Wing, Minnesota GPA: 3.63/40 Dean's List Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, and Spring 2012 Member of Pi Theta Keppa Honor Society Graduated with Honors designation Graduated: May 2014 WORK EXPERIENCE ‘Mimesota Department of Natural Resources April 2013 - Present ‘+ Level Il Invasive Species Watercraft Inspector * Complete watererat inspections on entering and exiting wetererat to achieve compliance with Minnesota regulations using a professional, tactful and persuasive menner (Orelly communicate the laws and issues surrounding invasive species in Minnesota’s waters slong With explaining the laws, requirements, and procedures of Minnesota watercraft Record data nevessury (o evaluate the potential spread of invasive species, the progress of control ‘measures, and key research points ‘Manage sssigned workload in adverse conditions and verying shifts * Convey information regarding violations to conservation officers when necessary ‘Mississippi Natlonal Golf Course in Red Wing, MN ‘February 2008 ~ October 2012 + Bunguet Server + Engaged in teamwork to prepare, serve, end present meals forall guests + Maintsined exemplary work ethic while in stressful and time-consteaining situations + Treated all guests with respect and genility + Sous Chef + Amassed an in-depth familiarity with kitchen operations in «short amount of time + Managed the kitchen in the absence ofthe head chet + Personal/Cart Attendant for Cart Services * Responsible for mansging and training new employees in the department VOLUNTEER AND ENRICHMENT EXPERIENCE, ‘Volunteer Reserve Police Officer at Cannon Falls Poliee Department May 2014 - Present + Provide assistance to the public in emergency and non-emergency situations Maintain w high level of confidentitity Aid the community in the event of a disaster Handle a wide variety of situations with tact and sensktivty, being aware of all persons involved Prepare necessary reports and documentation for purposes of recording actions at en event o sitaation Shane Roper Cannon Falls Police Department Internship, August 2013—December 2013, + Contributed time and talents to sorting and scanning case files + Gained a working knowledge ofthe department and personnel involved ‘+ Bstablished end maintained professional lationships with police officers and community members ‘+ Attended trials, responded to calls, and accompanied officers during varying shifts in order to gain an ‘experiential understanding of the local law enforcement community + Cooperated with other law enforcement jurisdictions including the Minnesota State Petrol and Goodhue County Sheviffe Department Goodhue County Sheriffs Department Citizens Academy 20112012 + Galned a working knowledge of the Goodhue County Sherift’s office including personnel, policies, ané procedures RELEVANT CERTIFICATIONS AND TRAINING Chemical Aerosols with Exposure to Freeze+P Certification Expiration: May 2,2018 Pressure Polnt Control Tactics Defensive Tacties Basie Certification Expiration: May 13,2017 Emergency Medical Responder Certification Expiration: October 31,2016 Firearms Completion Certificate one 10, 2015 Emergency Vehicle Operations and Police Pursults Course ane 10, 2015 Law Enforcement Radar Completion Certificate May 20, 2015, Controlled Marijuana Burn Completion Aprit4,2015 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Standardized Feld Sobriety Testing Certification ‘March 28, 2015 Accident Investigation Certificate Marek 7, 2015, Crime Scene Processing Training February 21,2015 '32-hours SIMmersion Hands-on Interview and Interrogation Training April 2014 ADDITIONAL SKILLS Able to maintain confidentiality of sensitive information Able to understand and carry out writen and oral instructions and procedures Cooperstes asa team member Uphold standards of professionalisin and integrity in difficult situations Proficient in Microsoft Word Able to work under pressure and remsin calm in emergency situations Communicates effectively both written and orally Maintains « physical condition which permits the satisfactory performance ofall assigned duties and responsibilities AaIHO 4BONV1'D MBHLLVIN TNO! zzoz ‘sz Avnwess 4adOY ANVHS “da OL GA.LNASaYd 120d LNAWSOYOANZ LT Lvas yor duvyMy NOILVONSWWOD S,AsgIHD 1IOULVYd ALV.LS VY.LOSANNIA Department of Public Safety STATE OF MINNESOTA State Patrol Division OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: January 28, 2022 To; Captain Christina Bogojevic Commander, District 2100 FROM: Colonel Matthew C. Langer=t_ Chief PHONE: 651-201-7117 SUBJECT: LIFE SAVING AWARD Trp. Shane Roper has been approved to receive a Life Saving award for his actions during an incident that occurred on December 18, 2021. Please make the proper presentation of the enclosed bar for this award. The corresponding certificate will be sent to the district office in the near future. Trp. Roper will recognized during the annual awards ceremony scheduled to be held virtually on Friday, February 25 at 1300 hours. A link to join the event (view only) will be provided closer to the date. cc: Human Resources ~ Personnel File aa TnaividvalRistoy Name: |Shane E Roper LUeense Nbr: [23768 UPENEE) ctve 4 Sponsor Course Name ee lear Penae 1 PaliceOne Academy Bioodbome Pathogens R |_| anea02e 2” PoiveOne Academy Biabetc Emergencies RO anterao2 3. PoliceOne Academy Head injrios R_| 1 | 47672024 | 4 PoleeOne Academy lamputaion and Hemorrhage Control Root arierzoza 5 hin State Patrol \iecstisemai spencer 2 Smee Hoh TR | a] sezoae 3 PoiceOne Academy Hate Crimes Training For Law Enforcement [a a TO 7 North Memorial [First Aid Centralized R 4 \10/27/2023 o- Mn State Patrol [Use of ForcerTaser/DT Centralized R_| 4 fiorzer2005 70 Mn State Patrol IEVOC Centralized R 2 [10252023 71 Pn State Patrol ‘affieIncigent Management (TIM) Training R_|_1 frowsr033 72 PotceOne Acadamy sis Intervention in Dealing with Mentaly Subject R_ | 2| sr9r2023 13 |PoliceOne Academy yommunity Policing Strategies R 4 | 9/19/2023 [fa Potceone Academy [Autism for Law Enforcement. Promotng Safe Outcomes | R_ | 2 | 9718/2028 15 PolceOne Acagemy [onsis intervention Training-Ino to Mental Heath Crisis | -R| 1 | omevaoza 76 Win State Patrol IRT Chemical Agent Response Team Less Lethal Ro] oto | erso023 17 PoliccOne Academy Penetrating Neck Trauma R 1] 67212023 | 18 PoiceOne Academy [Phest Trauma ROT er2025 | 19 PoiceOne Academy [Bloodborne Pathogens R_| +] e22023 20 PoleeOne Academy EMS Response fo Active Shooter neers R 1] en2023 21 fin State Patel IRE (Drug Recognition Expert) School R_| 72] _srarg0x3 22 fin Stale Pato old Foree Operations (a MN ESE 23 han State Patol bie rea rows ils wsoTsarnee Opwaion] | g| ss) a Wn Stale Pav FST Refresher [3 EN IESE 25 fn State Patol Firearms Distiet i-Senvice (ST) R_| _4| n6r20%3 [26 Marie Ridgeway LICSW, LLC (Mindfulness for Resilience R 2 | sisi2023 27 [Mn Slate Patrol Big Mecicine & What to Eat - Dr. Paul Nystrom R | 2 | 362003] 28 fin State Pato Handheld OC Chemical Taiing (Onine) Rot frarner2022 | 29 fin tet Pato ears seas eed rine R | a| ova002 30M Slate Parl [Use of Force/TaserDT Centralized F_ | 4 | seine 31 Mn State Patil VOC Centaiizea RK] _2| eraor0as 32 Mn State Patol Fears Centaized Ro | wraorz0ae 33 [Mn Slate Patio onfict Management R_| 1 | es0ra0a2 24 Mn State Patol [ras intervention Training: Dementia R | ers0ro02 35 North Memoria First Al Centralized R_| 4] es0ra0a2 36 Mn State Patrol [Understanding Autism Spactum Disorders R 2 | sris022 37 fn State Patrol Jautism Spectrum Disorder Rt] sramoae 3B Mn State Patel Firearns Distictin-Senvce a a I 40 fin State Pato ale ae vee Se te reas Bae HT ae | ee ai fin State Patol ffaser7 User Training R_|_6| _snmox raz fin State Patrol ISieep Seminar-Rethinking SleoplOr Chris Winter R 2 [21072022 | 43 [PoliceOne Academy [Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders R 1] 1728/2022 [44 \PoliceOne Academy __——=(Basic First Aid = R 2 | 4282022 45 [PoliceOne Academy [interacting with the Wentaly Mas a Firet Responder | _-R_| + | w/aara002 26 [PoliceOne Academy [Airborne and Bloodborne Pathogens Rot | ssva0ae 7 [in State Patrol [EvoC Centraizea Rf 4 [1132024 48 fin State Patrol Use of Force/TaseriDT Centralized Rf | svereo2t 49 [in State Patol First Aid Centralized R_| 4 | twarzo2t 50 [Mn State Patrol Firearms Centralized R 4 | 11/1/2021 51 fn State Patrol [isis interventon-Three Step Model R_| 2 | twz021 | 52 |PoliceOne Academy [Back Injures: R 1] 2/15/2021) 53 PPoliceOne Academy [Dealing with Cold Stress R 4 | 2/15/2021 a aoe ae esperders Atak PrteingratResponaeFiom | | anazo 55 PolceOne Academy fannual Conducted Electrical Weapon (CEW) User R + | 271872001 | 56 [PoliceOne Academy Airborne and Bloodborne Pathogens R 4 | 2/14/2021 57 [True North Consutional Policing [True North Constitutional Pocing Course Rs | aaro0o4 6 fn State Patrol [Confict wanagement Ro | foreora090" 59 |n State Patrol lUse of Force/Taser/DT Centralized R 3 foz072020, ‘60 [Win State Patrol = [EVOC Centralized R 4 | 40/7/2020 61 Min State Patrol irst Aid Centralized R 4 | 1072020 || 62 |Win State Patrol Firearms Centralized Ra | 01679000 63 [PolceOne Academy Understanding & Responding to Excited Delrium Cals | -R | 1 | 672672000 64 [PoliceOne Academy [Dealing with Heat Stress R 4 | 5/25/2020 85 PolceOne Academy [COVID-19 For Law Enforcement R| 1 | siter2az0 66 [PoliceOne Academy ‘irborne and Bloodborne Pathogens R 4 | 6/18/2020 67 vn Slate Patrol iret Ad Centralized R-| 4] enioi9 8 [Mn State Patrol [Firearms Centralized R 4] srtor0%8 | ‘69 |Win State Patrol Ise of Force/Taser/DT Centralized R 4 | 9/10/2019 70 fn State Patrol [ric Incident Training Ro [| soi 71 fin State Pato [Use of Force Poicy Review R_| 1] 9010 72 [in State Patol rears Spring In-Service RI 4) snore 73 |Mn State Patrol [EVOC Spring In-Service R 4 | 4/30/2019 74 |Min State Patrol Policy Review Pursuits R 4 | 473072019 75 [Mn State Patrol [WI Refresher R 4 | 4729/2019 76 PoiceOne Academy fazmal First Responder Awareness Level Ro 2 | ananote 77 |PoliceOne Academy Suspects in Medical Distress R 4 | 4/28/2019 76 PolceOne Academy [irborne and Bloodborne Pathogens Rot | aerre019 79 [PoliceOne Academy [Cuttural Awareness 1 R 4 | 1/3/2019 |} 80 [PoliceOne Academy [Responding to People with Mental liness R 2|_11372019 || 81 PolceOne Academy Suicide by Cop R | 1] war016 Pee Emoteral ResienceSennarcr wenaitiess "m4 Maaore| 85 ln Stale Patol erticarneident R_| 1 fosvaore 84 Nin State Patrol [First Aid Centralized R 4 [io7s12078 85 [Min State Patrol |Use of Force/Taser/DT Centralized R 4 [10/30/2018 || G6 fin State Pato IEVOC Centraized Ro] 4 flosozore &7 fin State Patrol Firearms Centralized R | 4 flonenote epee Jroduciion to Explosives Rr | afocseote| 39 fin State Patol |mplct Bias Distict In-Service R_| 1 | aeroore 90 |Mn State Patrol Use of Force/Taser District In-Service R 4 | 4/25/2018 SF fin State Patrol [EVOC District in-Service R 1] 46/2018 82 [in State Patrol [Firearms District In Service R 3 | aas018 83 |EMS1 Academy [Facial Trauma R + | 26/2018 94 JEMST Academy [Head injuries R | 26/2018 [95 |EMS1 Academy loodbome Pathogens R 1 | 3720/2018 96 |Win State Patrol IEVOC Centralized R 4 | gr2arzor7 | 97 [Mn State Patrol Ise of Force/Taser/DT Centralized R 4 | 9727/2017 || ‘96 Mn State Patrol Fist Aid Centralized R 4 | 9727/2017 99 [Mn State Patrol Firearms Centralized R 4 | 1262017 Hoo)hn State Patrol implicit Bias Centralized In-Service R 1 | e6r2017 [107)Mn State Patrol JRadaritidar Update R 1 | srz6i2017 jroz Minnesota County Attomeys ow & Trafic Safety Webinar R 4| 722017 [103 |Mn State Patrol /OC District In-Service R 1 | 4727/2017 || [104]Mn State Patrol Firearms Distnct In-Service R 4 | 4272017 [105 Mn State Patrol lUse of Force/Taser District In-Service R 1 | ari2017 1106 Mn State Patrol implicit Bias District In-Service R 7 | aa72017 107 prehension ea [DataMaster DMT Operator Recertification R 3| ser2017 108)EMS1 Academy jiabetic Emergencies R 4 | 2727/2017 [109 EMS1 Academy [Stroke R 1 | 22712017 ‘10 EST Academy Depression/suede R 7 | 220077 [111 EMS1 Academy loodborne Pathogens R 1 | 22072017 H142)hn State Patrol [Use of Force/Taser/DT Centralized R 4 | erts2016 -13|Mn State Patrol [EVOC Centralized R 4 | sia2016 | I114)hn State Patrol irst Ald Centralized R 4 | errar2o16 fit5 tn State Patrol rowd Control R 7 | sr13720%6 | 176 fia State Patrol Firearms Centralized R 4 | sar016 [117 fn State Patrol PUE - Occupant Protection Usage Enforcement R 3|_718/2016 [118 fin State Patrol [Training Academy Courses R_ | 128 | sri7ao16 [19)Mtn State Patrol [Use of Foree/Combatives (Academy) R_| 40] s/aaot6 H20)pin State Patrol jehicle Contacts (Academy) R_ | 85] _s/s2016 121 hin State Patrol irearms (Academy) R_| 47 |_ssn20r6 | i122) State Patrol [EVO (Academy) R_ | 56] 532076 | 1123 Mn State Patrol Hee ieador ce pared Driving R 9] si2i2016 [i24|n State Patrol [Crash investigation (Academy) R_|__ 00] annore [125 fn State Patrol [Taser (Academy) R_| 24] _svar2on6 H26)Mn State Patrol IDWWISFST (Academy) R_|__28 | 26/2016 [127/Mn State Patrol ISFST (Academy) R_|__16 | 27252016 1128 Mn State Patrol IkS/Drug interdiction (Academy) R 16 | 2/17/2016 1129 Mn State Patrol RadariLidar (Academy) R 24 | 2/11/2016 | Hache eC USoecemees a Ge Bliscraneie [151 fin State Patrol [Traffic Law (Academy) R_| 20] 2016 haf acta Erecarey Manegerien Prragieion lnedertConvnand yee IOS 0010-0 [ 7 Slee FFederal Emergency Management National Incident Management System (NIMS) An [33fasency (FEMA) Irtoduetion 1S-00700 =~ R 3 | Werrore STATEMENT OF CHARGES AGAINST SHANE ROPER ‘A MEMBER OF THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL Lt. Colonel Rochelle Schrofer, as Assistant Chief of the Minnesota State Patrol, files with the Commissioner of Public Safety, State of Minnesota, the following Statement of Charges against Trp. Shane Roper (badge number 502), a member of the Minnesota State Patrol, who she believes is guilty of: Violations of General Orders: + 0210-029, Conduct - Sworn Members ‘© VI. Performance of Duty - Sworn members of the State Patrol are expected to fulfil their obligations to the citizens of the state of Minnesota by performing their duties to the best of their ability. ‘+ 13-30-04, Patrol Unit Operation and Maintenance © Il. Operation, D, State Patrol personnel shall not operate on duty or off duty any State Patrol unit in a careless or reckless manner. + 12-20-01, Patrolling, Parking, Methods of Speed Enforcement. © ILA. All members who operate department vehicles shall demonstrate exemplary driving behavior. Circumstances related to the above allegations are as follows: On February 16, 2019, Trp. Shane Roper crashed into another state unit while responding to a call for assistance resulting in extensive damage to both state units and injury to the driver of the other unit. Trp. Roper failed to operate his State Patrol unit in a manner consistent with State Patrol policy. Dated: March 27, 2019 Assistant Chief Department of Public Safety STATE OF MINNESOTA State Patrol Division ‘OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: April 2, 2019 To: Trp. Shane Roper District 2100 FROM: Captain Mark Holm Commander, District 2160 PHONE: 507-923-2051 SUBJECT: LETTER OF REPRIMAND This memo shall serve as a written reprimand for the one vehicle state unit crash you were involved in on February 16, 2019. Your actions constituted violations of General Orders 10- 029, Vi,, Conduct - Sworn Members, 30-004, IL.D., Patrol Unit, Operation and Maintenance, and 20-011, 1LA., Patrolling and Parking, as outlined in the Statement of Charges dated March 27, 2013. Per Article 15, Section 1, of the MLEA Work Agreement, a copy of this letter of reprimand will bbe placed in your Human Resources personnel file. Provided no further disciplinary action is taken against you for a period of two years from the date of this letter, you may request in writing that it be removed from your file, Be advised that any same or similar conduct may result in further disciplinary action. This written reprimand may be appealed pursuant to grievance procedures set forth in Article 16 of the work agreement. cc: Lt. Colonel Schrofer Major Sokot Trp. Deliwo Lynn Mueller Jodean Thronson Julie Bever STATEMENT OF CHARGES AGAINST SHANE ROPER ‘A MEMBER OF THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL. Ut. Colonel Rochelle Schrofer, as Assistant Chief of the Minnesota State Patrol, files with the Commissioner of Public Safety, State of Minnesota, the following Statement of Charges against ‘Trp. Shane Roper (badge number 502), a member of the Minnesota State Patrol, who she believes Is guilty of: Violations of General Orders: + 02-10-029 Conduct - Sworn Members ‘© Vi. Sworn members of the State Patrol are expected to fulfil thetr obligations to the citizens of the state of Minnesota by performing thelr duties to the best of their ability. + 13-30-004 Patro! Unit, Operation and Maintenance © MD. State Patrol personne! shall not operate, on-duty or off-duty, any State Patrol unit ina careless or reckless manner, + 12-20-01 Patrolling and Parking © ILA. All members who operate department vehicles shall demonstrate exemplary driving behavior, Circumstances related to the above allegations are as follows: On May 22, 2021 at approximately 1826 hours, Trp, Shane Roper was assigned to routine patrol duties in the 2150 station (Rochester). While on routine patrol, Trp. Roper was involved in traffic crash with another motorist resulting in property damage to both the patrol unit and the other involvedvehicle, ‘The results of the investigation showed that Trp. Roper was on routine patrol duties and was not responding to any call for service or in pursult of an actual/suspected violator. His vehicle's emergency lights/siren were not active. Stop signs are posted on both the right and left sides of the roadway with no observed visibility obstructions. A stop ahead sign was posted approximately 400 feet prior to the stop signs. Trp. Roper entered the intersection, falling to yield the right of way toa {eft turning motorist, and struck the left rear of the other vehicle, Trp, Ropers statement during the investigation indicated he id not recall seeing the stop sign nor did he recall any events that led up to the crash. Hls conduct isin violation of policy and does not reflect the core values of the State Patrol, Dated: January 6, 2022 Ut. Colonel Rochelle A. S Assistant Chief Department of Public Safety STATE OF MINNESOTA State Patrol Division OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: January 18, 2022 To: ‘Trp. Shane Roper District 2100 FROM: Lt. Colonel Rochelle Schrofer $25 Assistant Chief PHONE: 651-201-7113 SUBJECT: DISCIPLINARY ACTION This is to inform you of my decision to take disciplinary action against you in the form of a one day (8 hour) suspension for violations of General Orders as outlined in the Statement of Charges dated January 6, 2022, ‘The suspension will be reflected by an eight (8) hour deduction from your vacation bank. This action may be appealed pursuant to the grievance procedures set forth In Article 16 of the labor agreement between the Minnesota Law Enforcement Association and the State of Minnesota. Major Huet! Captain Bogojevie Set. LeDoux Lynn Mueller Annie Porbeni Kate Rios Jason Goble Formal Complaint Filed 01/32/2022 STATEMENT OF CHARGES AGAINST SHANE ROPER AMEMBER OF THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL Lt, Colonel Rochelle Schrofer, as Assistant Chief of the Minnesota State Patrol, files with the Commissioner of Public Safety, State of Minnesota, the following Statement of Charges against Trp, Shane Roper #502, a member of the Minnesota State Patrol, who she believes isguilty of: Violations of General Orders: + 12-20-011 Patrolling and Parking © ILA. All members who operate department vehicles shall demonstrate exemplary driving behavior. * 14-40-0121 Mobile Data Computer (MOC) © VILB. Field Events Circumstances related to the above allegations are as follows: (On December 29, 2021 at about 1727 hours, Trp. Shane Roper was responding to assist the Dodge County Sheriff's Office with serving an order for protection when he struck @ deer in the roadway causing damage to his patrol unit. The investigation supports the following findings: Roper reported that while on a phone conversation with Sgt. Steph French of the Dodge County Sheriff’ Office, Set. French received a call over her radio of a female who was causing self-harm ‘and asked him if he was available to come and assist. He responded to St. French’s request for, assistance without notifying State Patrol dispatch or creating a CAD event as required by policy. Roper traveled at speeds in excess of the posted 5S mph speed limit, without the use of ‘emergency lights or sirens, on an ice/snow-packed roadway. GPS indicates he was traveling at 77 mph (22 mph over posted speed limit) within the minute prior to the crash, Trp. Roper’s conduct is in violation of policy and does not reflect the core values of the State Patrol. Dated: March 31, 2022 ef LAS. Ut Colonel Rochelle A. Assistant Chief fer Department of Public Safety STATE OF MINNESOTA State Patrol Division OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: April 20, 2022 To: Tep. Shane Roper District 2100 FROM: Lt. Colonel Rochelle Schrofer RS) Assistant Chief PHONE: 651-201-7113 SUBJECT: LETTER OF REPRIMAND. This memo shall serve as a written reprimand for violations of General Orders as a result of your actions as outlined in the Statement of Charges dated March 31, 2022, Per Article 25, Section 1, of the MLEA Work Agreement, a copy of this letter of reprimand will be placed in your Human Resources personnel file. Provided no further disciplinary action is. taken against you for a period of two years from the date of this letter, you may make a written request to Human Resources that it be removed from your file. Be advised that any same or similar conduct may result in further disciplinary action ‘This written reprimand may be appealed pursuant to grievance procedures set forth in Article 16 of the work agreement. cc: Major Huett! Captain Bogojevic Sgt. LeDoux Lynn Mueller Kate Rios Jewel Vang Formal Complaint Filed 05/05/2023 STATEMENT OF CHARGES AGAINST SHANE ROPER 'AMEMBER OF THE MINNESOTA STATE PATROL. Ut, Colonel Christina Bogojevic, as Assistant Chief of the Minnesota State Patrol, files with the Commissioner of Public Safety, State of Minnesota, the following Statement of Charges against Trp. Shane Roper #502, amember of the Minnesota State Patrol, who she believes Is guilty of: Violations of General Orders: + 12-20-011 Patrolling and Parking. ‘+ 08-20-033 Emergency Vehicle Operations Circumstances related to the above allegations are as follows: On April 10th, 2023, at approximately 1736 hours, Trooper Shane Roper was assigned to routine patrol duties in the 2150 (Rochester) station. He was stationary on the 6th street on ramp to Hwy $2 $B when he observed a speeding vehicle. Trooper Roper accelerated to a high rate of speed to catch the speeding, vehicle. The suspect vehicle exited to 16th street. His squad video camera activated as a result of the speed sensor (speed above 90 mph). Trooper Roper followed the vehicle onto the exit ramp. Trooper Roper was visually traveling at a high rate of speed and lost control of his patrol car, left the roadway to the left, and struck a cable median barrier with the left side of the squad, No emergency lights or siren were activated at the time of the crash. ‘The investigation supports the following: ‘+ Trooper Shane Roper was working Lidar on the 6 Street ramp (observing southbound traffic} He observed a speeding vehicle, and intended to conduct a traffic stop. The subject vehicle continued in the left lane until it approached the 16" Street exit, moved to the right, and exited onto the 16" Street ramp. Trooper Roper was also in the left lane at a fast speed, When the vehicle exited to 16" Street, Trooper Roper cut across all lanes of traffic, attempting to decelerate. Trooper Roper entered the clover leaf-like ramp and lost control. Trooper Roper stated that there was “brake fade" as he entered the ramp. Under General Order 12-20-011, Patrolling and Parking, Troopers are expected to operate department vehicles with exemplary driving behavior. Trooper Ropers excessive speed inhibited the abillty to safely exit the highway. Under General Order 08-20-033, Emergency Vehicle Operations, whlle on emergency runs atleast one lighted red light to the front of the State Patrol unit must be activated, Trooper Roper was attempting to catch up to a violator at a speed much greater than the posted speed of 60 mph, neglecting to alert the ‘motoring public. Trooper Shane Roper’s conduct isin violation of policy and is inconsistent with the core values of the State Patrol, Date : June 13, 2023 Ramey Lt. Colonel Christina Bogoje Assistant Chief Department of Public Safety ‘STATE OF MINNESOTA ‘State Patrol Division OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: June 26, 2023 To: Trp. Shane Roper #502 District 2100 FROM: Lt. Colonel Christina Bogojevic OR” Assistant Chief PHONE: 651-201-7113, SUBJECT: _ DISCIPLINARY ACTION ~ NOTICE OF SUSPENSION ~ FORMAL COMPLAINT FILED 05/05/2023 This is to inform you of my decision to take disciplinary action against you in the form of a one day (8 hours) unpald suspension for violations of General Orders as outlined in the Statement of Charges dated June 13, 2023, ‘The dates of the suspension will be Tuesday, July 18, 2023. This action may be appealed pursuant to the grievance procedures set forth in Article 16 of the labor agreement between the Minnesota Law Enforcement Association and the State of Minnesota. cc: Major Huett! Captain Buck Sgt. LeDoux Lynn Mueller Kate Rios ‘Angela Longworth

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