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A Summer Internship Project Report


“To Study the Role of Data Analytics in Healthcare, CME, Consumer

Goods, ICT, Construction and Manufacturing”

“Allied Analytics LLP.” Pune


“Nikhil Wagh”

MBA-II (Marketing)
Batch (2022-24)

Under the guidance of

Dr. Shrikant Waghulkar

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Submitted to


Behind Crystal Honda Showroom, Uttam Nagar, Bhunde Vasti, Bavdhan, Pune, Maharashtra

I, Nikhil Wagh of Ramachandran International Institute of Management, I certify that this project
report is my original work based on the research conducted on the project and presented in the MBA
program. In addition, I confirm that the personal data and information received from the respondents
during the research will be used for educational purposes only and will not be shared with anyone.
This project report will not be submitted to other universities for another degree. This project is the
result of my field research.


PLACE: - Pune

Name & Signature: -


I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the individuals who played a pivotal role in
the successfulcompletion of my internship and the subsequent preparation of this report.

First and foremost, I am immensely thankful to my industrial mentor, Mr. Surya Naga.
His unwavering support, invaluable guidance, and deep insights into the industry were
instrumental in shaping my learning experience during the internship. His patience,
willingness to share their knowledge, and continuous encouragement greatly enriched
my understanding of the field. I am truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to work
under their mentorship.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to my faculty mentor, Dr. Shrikant

Waghulkar, for his scholarly advice, constructive feedback, and keen interest in my
internship project. Prof. Shrikant's expertise and dedication to nurturing the growth of
his students have been a constant source of inspiration throughout this journey. His
mentorship has been pivotal in bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Additionally, I am grateful to the entire team at Allied Analytics LLP, where I

completed my internship, for providing me with a conducive learning environment and
the chance to apply my academic knowledge in a real-world setting.

Lastly, I am thankful to my educational institution for allowing me to undertake this

internship, which has been a valuable part of my academic and professional


I certify that the work incorporated in the Research Report titled, “To Study the Role of Data
Analytics in Healthcare, CME, Consumer Goods, ICT, Construction and Manufacturing’’
submitted by Nikhil Wagh is the original work which was carried out by the candidate under my
supervision and guidance.


(Signature of Faculty Mentor)



“To whom it may concern”

This is to certify that Mr. Nikhil Rajendra Wagh is a bonafide student of this
Institute enrolled for the MBA Course.

He has successfully completed his Summer Project titled To Study the Role of Data
Analytics in Healthcare, CME, Consumer Goods, ICT, Construction and
Manufacturing at Allied Market Research for partial fulfilment of his Master of
Business Administration at ARIHANT INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS

We wish him good luck and best wishes for a bright future.

(Dr. Shrikant Sir)

Internal Project Guide External Project Guide

Company Certificate

Title Index

Sr. No. Contents Pg. No.

1 Introduction 9

2 Industry Overview 12

3 Company Overview 14-16

4 Objectives 17

5 18
Why Allied Market Research
6 Industries Catered 19-23

7 Literature Review 24-26

8 Task Report 27-30

9 Industrial Work – Making report descriptions 31-35

10 Findings & Observation 36-39

11 Sample Size 40

12 Conclusion 42

13 Suggestion 43

14 Limitation 44

15 Bibliography 45

Executive Summary

This executive summary provides an overview of the tasks undertaken during my

tenure as a Research Associate under the guidance of the Senior Research Analyst. The
primary objective of this role was to enhance content quality assessment and develop a
comprehensive database to support business development endeavors. One significant
aspect of the role involved the meticulous segmentation of content, ensuring that
information was structured and organized effectively to cater to the specific needs of
the target audience. Subsequently, comprehensive write-ups were crafted,
incorporating the segmented data to provide a more accessible and relevant
informational resource.

Furthermore, a critical focus was placed on content quality assessment, encompassing

rigorous checks for plagiarism and ensuring the accurate representation of market
names. The assessment process also involved the incorporation of essential data related
to key industry players, market segmentation, and the benefits offered to stakeholders.
This holistic approach was instrumental in elevating the overall quality of the content

Market study and analysis, on every domain and sub-segment, by prioritizing future
insights, and determining studies by analyzing data as collected. Finalizing segments
and sub-segments, on every division and key market, by scrutinizing statistics and
ascertaining studies. I had to understand the market definition by conducting secondary
research based on government publications, research papers, and other secondary
sources as gathered through web searches, publications, journals, etc. Marking analysis
on market drivers, restraints, and growth opportunities on domains. I had to conduct a
conclusive analysis of the dominant and lucrative segments of each market as studied.
Also, I had to study In-depth regional analysis based on the dominant region and
fastest-growing region by analyzing top companies in the global market.

The culmination of these efforts resulted in the creation of a robust and expansive
database. This database encompassed professionals from various countries and regions,
serving as a valuable resource for networking and communication within the industry
on a global scale. It stands as a tangible asset, facilitating business development
initiatives and fostering connections that transcend geographical boundaries. In
summary, the role of the Research Associate encompassed a multifaceted approach to
content quality assessment and the creation of a comprehensive database. By ensuring
content accuracy and relevance while establishing a dynamic networking resource, this
project significantly contributes to the advancement of business development efforts
within the targeted industries on a worldwide scale.

Chapter 1

Global companies are working in different markets of the world at present. Globalization has
brought the competitive business environment as the most effective means to retain the
competitive edge. Lots of global companies are working in different markets of different
countries, so the global business environment is competitive. It is urgent to be effective in gaining
a competitive advantage for global companies by overcoming the drawbacks of the global business
environmentand the benefits from the global markets. Here comes the role of the researcher which
pertains to critically evaluating some kinds of literature to understand the benefits and drawbacks
of a global business environment for any particular sector.

This research project pertains tothe identification of the benefits and risks of globalization on the
business environment of any firm. This project aims to evaluate and measure the benefits and
challenges of a global businessenvironment by estimating and analyzing competitiveness, market
scope, and regional analysis, and scrutinizing the advantages so that the report gains valuable
inputs and can be used by industries.

Market research

Market Research is any organized effort to gather information about markets or customers. It is
a very important component of business strategy.
Market research is a key factor in maintaining competitiveness over competitors. Market research
provides important information to identify and analyze the market need, market size, and
Market research, which includes social and opinion research, is the systematic gathering and
interpretation of information about individuals or organizations using statistical and analytical
methods and techniques of the applied social sciences to gain insight into support decision-making.
Market research is for discovering what people want, need, or believe. It can also involve
discovering how they act. Once that research is completed, it can be used to determine how to
market your product.

There are two major types of market research.

• Primary research.
• Secondary research.

Salient Contributions of the Project

• This project report consists of analyzing the Construction and Manufacturing to

forecast growth in terms of CAGR and also estimating the market drivers that
project key areas to focus on for future investments.

• The report also consists of studying and determining the opportunities interms of
recent developments in the prototyping of Artificial Intelligence, business growth,
public awareness, and technological advancement which caters to the positive side
and overall effectiveness of market growth.

• The research also contains restrains affecting the market development of construction
and manufacturing due to cost constraints, higher cost of living, the downfall of other
technological and social infrastructural facilities, etc. Coupled with otherfactors of
growth hindrance.

Chapter 2
Industry Overview

Industry Overview
The marketing research industry in India is about 38 years old and its turnover is about INR 325
cores. In the last few years, the market has been growing at about 30% annually. Marketing
research in India has been focused more on fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG). Besides, the
most significant growth area for the marketing research industry in India is the media
measurement business. Next would perhaps be the AI, Auto, Telecom, Healthcare sectors, and
Durablegoods industries. Customer satisfaction and customer insights in all industry sectors are
thegrowing segments for the market. Large companies are spending anywhere between $5
million to $100 million on marketing research these days.
It has been posited that research expertise available in India is truly top of the rung, and
methodologies used in India are comparable with the best in the world (Abraham, 2004). And
this is part of the reason that India is heading towards becoming an outsourcing hub in market
research for the rest of the world. But where India is falling behind is in the area of use of
technology for data collection. That is because most of the technologies used for data collection
in the advanced world today are internet and telephone-based. With low internet penetration and
tele-density, Indian marketing research firms have to rely on face-to-face interviewing along with
paper and pencil methods of data collection. The market for rendering outsourced marketing
research services seems to be growing in the country.
2020’s crises profoundly changed the relationship between consumers and brands – altering
expectations and redefining relationships. At the same time, it presented an opportunity for
businesses to rethink and re-invent their approach to market research.

Economic growth was put into reverse, supply chains were tested to and beyond breaking point,
consumers turned to stockpiling and their relationships with brands shifted from a position of
choice to one of necessity.

While some brands pivoted smartly, others, especially in the hospitality and leisure sectors, were
overwhelmed by the crushing pressure of COVID-19. Knowledge-based industries were perhaps
the least hard-hit, with a shift towards remote working keeping the lights on. Overall,though,
there were few winners. Our research showed that almost 2 in 3 companies canceled orpostponed
some of their planned research.

Those that weathered the storm were frequently those who turned to technology for
a competitive advantage. Economizing and cutting costs were the goal for market researchers,
who leaned on consumer foods and food and beverage to take the pressure off resource-heavy
human-led operations.

Though nothing new, market research technology came into its own during 2020 as a means to
alleviate cost burdens and do more with less. Growth in MR tech accelerated rapidly, especially
when it came to tools for consumer goods.

Chapter 3
Company Overview

Company overview

Allied Market Research has played a significant role in the field of market research and business
consulting since its inception in 2013. As a constituent of Allied Analytics LLP, headquartered
in Portland, Oregon, our primary objective has been to offer valuable insights to businesses
through rigorous research efforts. Our approach encompasses a blend of qualitative and
quantitative analysis to comprehensively evaluate various markets and provide actionable

Our dedicated team of experts, driven by a passion for their work, works tirelessly to serve our
clients' needs. Our foundational values of honesty, quality, and reliability underscore our
commitment to aiding businesses in achieving growth and success. With a diverse clientele that
includes major players in the Fortune 500 as well as smaller enterprises, we contribute to their
strategic growth, competitiveness, and exploration of new market avenues. Through fostering a
culture of collaboration, competence, transparency, and continuous improvement, we aspire to
ascend as a leader among global market research firms.

At Allied Market Research, our offerings span the gamut of market research and consulting
services, designed to cater to the unique requirements of businesses, regardless of their size. Our
consulting services aim to guide businesses in their market entry strategies and sustainable
expansion endeavors.

Our research methodology is grounded in a comprehensive analysis that combines primary and
secondary research approaches. By leveraging both spoken and written data sources, we gain
insights into the intricacies of various markets. We uncover the key factors that influence market
dynamics, both locally and globally.

Allied Market Research operates as a vital arm of Allied Analytics LLP, headquartered in
Portland, Oregon. We provide "Market Research Reports" and "Business Intelligence Solutions"
that empower global corporations, medium-sized enterprises, and small businesses with valuable

Our research process commences with a profound understanding of our client's specific needs
and objectives. Recognizing that each market is driven by distinct factors, both close to home and
on a global scale, our analysts delve deep to identify these driving forces. This helps our clients
comprehend their significance and impact. Furthermore, we identify potential barriers within the
market and formulate recommendations to overcome these challenges, drawing from an in-depth
study of the prevailing market conditions. Going further, we delve into market trends,
encompassing both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the current market landscape. This
analysis is segmented by relevant business domains and performance metrics across diverse
global regions.

Our extensive network of industry relationships facilitates the acquisition of precise market data,
contributing to the creation of highly accurate research data tables and dependable market
forecasts. Our data collection process involves conducting interviews with key personnel from
industry leaders. Additionally, our secondary data collection involves thorough online and offline
research, complemented by insightful discussions with seasoned industry professionals and
analysts. Our utilization of consumer surveys enables us to extract unbiased insights, aiding
clients in developing products and services aligned with consumer demands. Concurrently, we
assist emerging businesses in designing products that resonate with their target audience.

Our suite of comprehensive business intelligence solutions equips decision-makers with tools to
craft strategic plans, poised for sustained success.

Our market research department starts with the research task considering specific concerns and
ambitions of the client. We understand that every market is driven by certain key factors locally
as well as globally. Our analysts dig out those factors, helping clients understand the importance
and impact of every such driving force. Moreover, possible restraints of the market are discovered
and suggestions to tackle those restraints are formulated after extensive research and analysis of
the overall market conditions. Making an even deeper insight, we analyze the market trend
including both qualitative and quantitative present market scenario in every geographical region
segmented as per the business domain concerned and overall performance in different regions
throughout the globe.

We are in professional corporate relations with various companies and this helps us in digging
out market data that helps us generate accurate research data tables and confirms utmost accuracy
in our market forecasting. Each and every data presented in the reports published by us is
extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of domain
concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline
research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry. We even
conduct consumer surveys to get raw and unbiased information that helps our clients to offer
better products/services that match with consumer demands, and entry level companies are able
to better design their products and services. Business intelligence solutions offered by us help
you take strategic success-oriented decisions.


► To study the data of different market.

To comprehensively analyze diverse market data, researchers examine various sectors, scrutinizing
trends, consumer behavior, and economic indicators. This multifaceted approach involves
collecting and interpreting information on product demand, competitive landscapes, and regulatory
influences, enabling a nuanced understanding of market dynamics and informing strategic
decision-making for businesses and policymakers.

► To know how to check the quality of content.

Checking the quality of content involves assessing its relevance, accuracy, clarity, and
engagement. Evaluate whether the information is up-to-date, supported by reliable sources, and
effectively communicates the intended message. Consider readability, grammar, and overall
coherence to ensure the content meets standards for credibility and user satisfaction.

► To Create the segmentation of the specific market.

Segmenting a specific market involves categorizing consumers based on distinct characteristics

such as demographics, psychographics, and behavior. By understanding these segments,
businesses can tailor their products, messaging, and strategies to meet the unique needs and
preferences of each group, optimizing their marketing efforts for greater effectiveness and success.

► Analyzing drivers, restraints and opportunities to forecast the trend for a specific market.

Examining the factors influencing a particular market involves scrutinizing drivers that propel
growth, restraints impeding progress, and opportunities creating favorable conditions. Through this
analysis, a comprehensive understanding emerges, enabling the formulation of informed forecasts
to predict the future trend and dynamics of the specified market.

► Analyzing market segmentation for a product and interpreting its effect across future
market trends.

Examining the market segmentation of a product involves assessing its target audience,
demographics, and psychographics to tailor marketing strategies. By understanding consumer
needs and preferences, businesses can adapt to evolving market trends, ensuring sustained
relevance and competitiveness in the dynamic marketplace of the future.

► To understand the market, analyze it, and make research designs.

To comprehend market dynamics, conduct thorough analyses, and formulate research designs, one
must delve into consumer behavior, industry trends, and competitive landscapes. This multifaceted
approach involves data collection, statistical interpretation, and strategic planning to glean
actionable insights that inform effective decision-making and optimize business strategies in the
ever-evolving marketplace.

Why Allied Market Research?

Infallible Methodology:
Allied Market Research is driven by an unwavering commitment to excellence, as
demonstrated by its infallible methodology. The company meticulously crafts its research
process to uphold the highest standards of data integrity, precise analysis, and accurate
forecasts. Every stage of this methodology is subjected to rigorous quality checks, ensuring
that the insights provided are not only credible but also well-founded. By adhering to this
methodology, Allied Market Research offers clients a reliable platform for making informed
decisions based on data that withstand rigorous scrutiny.

Analyst Support:
At Allied Market Research, client satisfaction takes precedence. The company's dedicated
team of analysts is readily available to provide comprehensive support to clients. These
expert analysts possess deep industry knowledge and insights, enabling them to assist clients
with questions, additional information, and clarification on complex matters. With their
guidance, clients can navigate the intricacies of data interpretation and gain a comprehensive
understanding of the market landscape.

Allied Market Research takes pride in its highly customizable approach to reports,
recognizing the uniqueness of each client's needs. The company's on-demand customization
ensures that the scope of the report is tailored precisely to match specific requirements. This
personalized approach ensures that clients receive insights directly relevant to their
objectives, without any extraneous information. This bespoke approach allows clients to
derive maximum value from the report and extract insights that directly influence their
business strategies.

Targeted Market View:

Understanding the value of clients' time, Allied Market Research's reports offer a targeted
market view. Instead of sifting through voluminous information, the company focuses on
providing clients with pertinent insights that are of utmost significance. This approach
streamlines the research process, enabling clients to swiftly identify data aligned with their
research goals. Through this focused presentation of information, Allied Market Research's
reports save clients time and effort while delivering the insights they seek.

Industries Catered

• Life Sciences
• Consumer Goods
• Materials & Chemicals
• Construction & Manufacturing
• Food & Beverages
• Energy & Power
• Semiconductor & Electronics
• Automotive & Transportation
• ICT & Media
• Aerospace & Defense

Life Sciences : A sector as vibrant as Life Sciences requires a dedicated team to keep pace with
continuous changes in dynamics. At Allied Market Research, we offer experts’ opinion and
proficiency to move into new zones of the business. Here, the life sciences sector covers diverse
portfolios, such as restorative gadgets, and more extensive issues such as pharmaceutical
outsourcing and method, and specialty parts, including drug convenience. In addition, it
comprehends key patterns and developments in this sector to support your key strategic plans and
business decision.


• Pharmaceuticals
• Medical Devices & Supplies
• Healthcare
• Diagnostics and Biotech
• Therapeutics

Healthcare IT

Consumer Goods: Allied Market Research offers well examined and distinctive data to firms
and investors. Our reports assist numerous companies, in the consumer goods market, to
understand the marketdemand pattern, latest trend, change in consumer taste, competitor’s strategy,
and future industry potential.


• Consumer Electronics
• Home Products
• Luxury and high value products
• Personal care and cosmetic
• Apparel & Fashion
• Retailing
• Consumer and general services
• Sports, Fitness and Leisure
• Baby products and supplies
• Office products and supplies
• Pet products and supplies
• Entertainment Products
• Travel & Luxury Travel
• Packaging
• Hospitality

Materials & Chemicals : Manufacturers of chemicals & materials aim at leveraging constant
growth opportunities and new investment pockets, while facing challenges such as rise in demand
from customers and changes in regulations. Our reports provide relevant information suppliers
need to have a competitive edge, win more consumers, and curtail cost. In addition, Allied
Analytics provides in-depth information about strategies adopted by the leading players of the
sector to the new entrants.


• Renewable, Specialty and fine chemicals

• Bulk Chemicals
• Composites
• Advanced Materials
• Paints, Coatings and Additives

Construction & Manufacturing : The construction & manufacturing sector holds considerable
opportunities owing to heavy investment. We are instrumental to offer detailed reports that help
evaluate and understand the market risks and supplement best decisions.


• Packaging
• Manufacturing
• Manufacturing Services
• Engineering, Equipment and Machinery
• Heavy Manufacturing
• Roads & Highways
• Residential Construction and Improvement
• Construction Materials

Food and Beverages: The food & beverages industry is the highest revenue generator across the
globe. Allied Market Research provides an exclusive set of reports that aid manufacturers to
understand various driving factors and highlight their dynamics. In addition, these reports make
new entrants aware of the novel investment pockets and their geographical significance.


• Food Services and Hospitality

• Food Ingredient
• Additives and Supplements
• Advanced Packaging and Tracking Technologies
• Nutraceutical/Wellness food
• Convenience Food/Frozen Food
• Agriculture & Agri Products
• Beverages

Energy and Power: The energy & power sector is influenced by various factors such as highly
volatileoil prices, rise in environmental concerns, and changes in regulations. We provide reports
that help manufacturers develop a clear understanding of various strategies adopted by leading
players in the sector. In addition, it helps assess new market opportunities by offering a detailed
account of rapidly emerging trends and intense data to support.


• Green/Alternative/ Renewable Energy

• Non-Renewable/Conventional
• Storage and Distribution

• Combined Heat and Power
• Energy Efficiency and Conservation
• Utility
• Equipment and Devices

Semiconductor and Electronics: The semiconductor and electronics market is perceived to be

one of the most vital sectors in the global economy that requires massive capital investments. We
publish reports that provide sharp and accurate assessment of the industry to help stakeholders
understand the dynamic nature of the market across the world.


• Sensors and Controls

• Semiconductors
• Electronic Security
• Electronic Systems and Devices
• Display Technologies
• Emerging and Next Generation Technologies

Automotive and Transportation: The automotive & transportation sector is witnessing dynamic
changes owing to continuous technological development. The manufacturers need to constantly
update themselves in order to thrive in the sector and our reports serve this purpose in the best
way. It includes a pool of market data that gives blueprint covering its size, share, revenue
forecasts, value chain, market & product trends, price trends & regulations, competitive landscape,
leading players, their key developments, and strategy & profile among others.


• Infotainment, Navigation and Telematics

• Safety and Security Systems
• Automotive Aftermarket
• Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
• Freight & Logistics
• Automotive systems and accessories

ICT & Media: The influence of the ICT & media market on other industries is well observed by
our experts and provides a closer look at the macro and micro indicators at a global level to arrive
at correct strategies. In addition, our reports provide relevant information, such as business
performance by each leading manufacturer in the industry.


• Telecom & Wireless

• Information, Infrastructure & Network Security
• High Tech, Enterprise & Consumer IT
• Communication Services - Providers & Operators
• Software and Services
• E Commerce and Outsourcing
• Entertainment & Media Technologies
• Infotainment, Navigation and Telematics

Aerospace & Defense: Companies that wish to excel in the aerospace & defense sector ought to
be proactive in reading and understanding the market place. Therefore, we publish those reports
that keep them well informed about the industry developments and develop competitive
intelligence to overcome any technological challenges. It helps them adapt to changes in the
business environments and incorporateeffective strategies geared toward growth.


• Commercial Aviation
• Defense
• Homeland Security
• Space

Chapter 4
Literature Review

Review of Literature

The Construction and Manufacturing & Energy and Power sectors are vital components of the
modern economy. Life Sciences encompass fields like civil engineering, architectural design, and
project management, while Energy & Power encompass electric power generation, energy
services, and natural gas processing and distribution industries. These sectors are in a state of
constant evolution, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer preferences.

Construction and Manufacturing:

1. Sustainable Construction: Literature in this area often explores sustainable practices in

construction, including green building materials, energy-efficient design, and waste reduction

2. Advanced Construction Materials: This section reviews developments in materials science

for construction, such as self-healing concrete, smart materials, and advanced composites.
Studies may assess the performance, durability, and environmental impact of these materials.

3. Lean Manufacturing in Construction: Literature explores the application of lean principles

from manufacturing to construction processes. Lean construction focuses on minimizing waste,
improving efficiency, and enhancing overall project delivery.

4. Robotics and Automation in Construction: Researchers investigate the use of robotics and
automation to enhance construction processes, improve safety, and increase productivity.
Topics may include autonomous vehicles, drones, and robotic construction equipment.

5. Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing: This section delves into the impact of Industry 4.0
technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and big data, on
manufacturing processes.
Studies may explore the implementation challenges and benefits of adopting Industry 4.0 in the
manufacturing sector.

Energy and Power:

1. Renewable Energy Sources: Literature extensively covers the development and deployment
of renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass.
Studies assess the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact of these

2. Smart Grids and Energy Storage: Research emphasizes the role of smart grids in enhancing
the efficiency and reliability of power systems. Energy storage technologies, such as batteries
and pumped hydro storage, are explored for grid stability and managing intermittent energy

3. Power Generation Technologies: Traditional power generation methods (coal, natural gas,
nuclear) are assessed in terms of efficiency, environmental impact, and technological

4. Energy Efficiency and Conservation: Literature highlights the importance of energy

efficiency measures and conservation strategies in reducing overall energy consumption. The
role of advanced metering, energy-efficient technologies, and demand-side management is

In summary, this literature review provides a foundational understanding of the construction &
manufacturing and energy & power sectors, focusing on the latest developments. It underscores
the need for organizations in these sectors to remain agile, innovative, and well-informed to
effectively navigate the ever-changing landscape.

➢ Dillman, Don A.; Groves, Robert M.; Couper, Mick P.; et al.: Researchers like Dillman and
Groves have made significant contributions to survey methodology, discussing various strategies
and technologies for improving data quality in market research surveys.

➢ Churchill, Gilbert A. Jr.; Peter, J. Paul: This literature explores the concepts of data quality
and measurement validity in market research. Authors like Churchill and Peter delve into the
nuances of constructing valid and reliable measurement instruments.

➢ Deutskens, Elisabeth; de Ruyter, Ko; Wetzel’s, Martin: With the rise of online and mobile
research, authors like Deutskens and colleagues discuss the challenges and opportunities in
maintaining data quality while conducting research through digital platforms.

➢ Silverman, David: Silverman's work explores quality assurance in qualitative research, focusing
on techniques for ensuring the rigor, credibility, and trustworthiness of qualitative data collection
and analysis.

➢ Wang, Rui; Strong, Diane M.: In the era of big data, Wang and Strong address quality assurance
challenges related to large datasets, discussing issues like data integration, accuracy, and privacy.

➢ Malhotra, Naresh K.: Malhotra's work highlights the ethical dimensions of market research,
emphasizing the importance of ethical conduct, participant privacy, and data handling in ensuring
data quality and research integrity.

➢ Han, Jiawei; Kamber, Micheline; Pei, Jian: Han, Kamber, and Pei have contributed to the
field of data mining, which is critical for uncovering valuable insights from databases. Their work
explores data mining techniques for business development purposes.

➢ Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary: Kotler and Armstrong discuss market segmentation and
targeting strategies, which often involve creating databases to identify and reach specific
customer segments for business development.

Chapter 5
Task Report

Task Report

1. To know how to check the quality of content:


➢ Content Evaluation: The primary objective is to learn how to evaluate the quality of
content, which can include written articles, reports, videos, websites, social media posts,
and more.

➢ Credibility Assessment: Understand how to determine the credibility and reliability of

the sources and authors of content.

➢ Relevance: Learn to assess whether the content is relevant to your research, goals, or the
topic at hand.

➢ Accuracy: Develop the ability to spot inaccuracies, errors, or misleading information

within content.

➢ Audience Appropriateness: Understand how to gauge whether the content is

appropriate for the intended audience and if it meets their needs.

➢ Bias Recognition: Be able to recognize and evaluate any potential bias, whether political,
commercial, or ideological, in the content.

➢ Ethical Considerations: Understand the ethical considerations related to content quality,

including plagiarism, data manipulation, and transparency.

Learning Outcomes:

By focusing on how to check the quality of content, you can expect to achieve several learning
outcomes, including:

➢ Improved Critical Thinking: Develop critical thinking skills to assess content

objectively and make informed judgments.

➢ Enhanced Research Skills: Gain the ability to conduct thorough research to verify the
claims made in content.

➢ Better Decision-Making: Be able to make better decisions based on the quality and
reliability of the information presented in content.

➢ Stronger Communication Skills: Improve your ability to communicate effectively by
using high-quality and accurate content in your work.

➢ Reduced Information Overload: Learn to filter out low-quality or irrelevant content,

which can help manage information overload in the digital age.

➢ Increased Trustworthiness: As you become proficient at evaluating content, you'll

become a more trustworthy source of information and analysis in your professional or
academic field.

➢ Effective Content Creation: Apply the knowledge gained to produce high-quality

content yourself, whether for marketing, research, or educational purposes.

➢ Informed Decision-Making: Use your content evaluation skills to make informed

decisions in various contexts, such as business, academia, or personal life.

Overall, the objective of learning how to check the quality of content is to empower individuals
with the skills needed to assess information critically, ensuring that they can rely on trustworthy
sources and make well-informed decisions in an information-rich world.

2. To make report descriptions (RDs) for various reports created by the company.

Objective: The primary objective was to generate concise and informative report descriptions
for various reports produced by Allied Market Research. These descriptions aimed to provide a
brief overview of each report's content, including the market it covers, key players, market
segmentation, drivers, trends, restraints, challenges, opportunities, industry regulations, mergers
and acquisitions, and valuable industry insights.

Key Responsibilities and Methodology:

The approach to creating these report descriptions involved a structured and systematic process:

➢ Keyword and Market Description: The initial step was to define the keyword and the
market associated with it. This included a brief overview of the market's scope, size, and

➢ Top Players: Research was conducted to identify the top players operating in the market.
This information highlighted key industry leaders and major competitors.

➢ Market Segmentation: An exploration of the market's segmentation, including

submarkets or product categories, was conducted. This provided insight into the market's

➢ Market Drivers, Trends, Restraints, Challenges, and Opportunities: In-depth
research was undertaken to uncover the drivers propelling the market growth, emerging
trends shaping the industry, restraints limiting progress, challenges faced by stakeholders,
and opportunities for market players.

➢ Industry Regulations: Information regarding industry-specific regulations and

compliance requirements was gathered, shedding light on the regulatory landscape.

➢ Mergers and Acquisitions: Insights into recent mergers and acquisitions within the
industry were compiled, offering an understanding of strategic moves made by key

➢ Industry Insights: The final step involved synthesizing all gathered data into
comprehensive report descriptions. These descriptions encapsulated the essence of each
report, highlighting key market attributes, challenges, and opportunities.


➢ Market Familiarity: An enhanced understanding of various markets and industries

covered by Allied Market Research reports.

➢ Competitive Analysis: Proficiency in identifying top players and major competitors in

each market.

➢ Market Dynamics: The ability to discern market drivers, trends, restraints, challenges,
and opportunities, providing a comprehensive market outlook.

➢ Regulatory Insight: Awareness of industry-specific regulations and compliance


➢ Mergers and Acquisitions: Understanding the strategic landscape through insights into
recent industry mergers and acquisitions.

➢ Industry Expertise: The development of industry-specific knowledge and an ability to

provide concise yet informative report descriptions.

Chapter 7
Industrial Work – Making Report Descriptions

Report Format and Market Study

Throughout the internship, a diverse array of 160 titles spanning beyond the realm of healthcare
into CME (Chemical, Material, and Energy), Consumer Goods, and ICT (Information and
Communication Technology)were encountered, allowing me to gain comprehensive insights into
the multifaceted diverse industries.
To comprehend the intricacies of the market study procedure, we delve into a discussion centered
around a sample report format. This discussion not only elucidates the framework for structuring
a report but also delves into the derivation of its content. By dissecting this sample report
description format, we gain a comprehensiveunderstanding of how the particulars of a report are
meticulously formulated and tailored to suit the specific objectives and insights sought within the
context of market analysis. This approach allows us to grasp not only the overarching principles
of report construction but also the nuanced considerations involved in assembling a document
that effectively encapsulates the findings and implications of a comprehensive market study.

List of 160 Report Description Titles

1. Educational Tourism Market

2. Food Waste Management Market
3. Low Profile Additives Market
4. Kids Storage Furniture Market
5. Period Panties Market
6. Polypropylene Nonwoven Fabric Market
7. Pet Food Ingredient Market
8. Pneumatic Conveying Systems Market
9. Recycling Equipment Market
10. Industrial Refrigeration Systems Market
11. IoT Device Management Market
12. Plastic Dielectric Films Market
13. Construction Equipment Rental Market
14. Essential Oils Market
15. Insecticides Market
16. Cold Chain Packaging Market
17. Marine Adhesive Market
18. Veterinary Pharmacovigilance Market
19. Carbon Steel Market
20. Insulation Market
21. Aluminum Wire Market
22. Self-healing Materials Market
23. Animal Feed Organic Trace Minerals Market
24. Limestone Market
25. Biogas Market
26. PV Inverter Market
27. Aluminum Casting Market
28. Heat Transfer Fluids Market
29. Submarine Cables Market
30. Energy Storage Systems Market
31. Polyurethane Market
32. Bioplastics Market
33. Microgrid Market
34. 1-Decene Market
35. Smart Lock Market
36. Dodecanedioic Acid Market
37. RFID (Radio-frequency Identification) Smart Cabinets Market
38. Gelatine Market
39. Virtual Reality Market
40. Power over Ethernet (PoE) Chipset Market
41. Lubricant Additives Market
42. Aerospace And Defense Materials Market
43. Liquid Crystal Polymer Films and Laminates Market
44. Retinol Market
45. Emergency Medical Services Products Market
46. Computer Numerical Control Machine Market
47. Additive Manufacturing Market
48. Aging In Bathroom Products Market
49. Armored Vehicle Market
50. Smart Home Appliances Market
51. Moscato Wine Market
52. Stone Removal Basket Market
53. Internet Of Things (IoT) In Retail Market
54. Residential Lithium-ion Battery Energy Storage Systems Market
55. Residential Outdoor Storage Market
56. Biological Seed Treatment Market
57. Building And Construction Fasteners Market
58. Commercial Heating Equipment Market
59. Vapor Deposition Equipment Market
60. Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Services Outsourcing Market
61. Heavy Movable Bridges Market
62. OTC Health Products Market
63. Healthcare Payer Analytics Market
64. Copper Scrap Market
65. Infection Imaging Services Market
66. Recycled Polyvinyl Chloride Market
67. PVC Films Market
68. UPF Sun Protective Clothing Market
69. Dental Splint Market
70. Nutritional Supplements Market
71. Ornamental Fish Market
72. Collaborative Robots Market
73. Intermediate Bulk Container Liner Market
74. Group Level Disability Insurance Market
75. Minor Cannabinoids Market
76. Medical Footwear Market
77. Chondroitin Sulfate Market
78. Empty IV Bags Market
79. Ferrous Scrap Recycling Market
80. Beverage Cans Market
81. Circuit Protection Market
82. Data Catalog Market
83. Structural Wood Screws Market
84. Thermoplastic Vulcanizates Market
85. Veterinary Point of Care Diagnostics Market
86. Hybrid Fiber Optic Connectors Market
87. Lawn Mowers Market
88. Mass Notification System Market
89. Wireless In-Flight Entertainment Market
90. Action Figures Marke
91. Automotive Infotainment Market
92. Kids Storage Furniture Market
93. Period Panties Market
94. Polypropylene Nonwoven Fabric Market
95. Underground Gas Storage Market
96. Blood Pressure Monitoring Devices Market
97. Fire Suppression System Market
98. Biofilter Market
99. Clinical Trial Supply & Logistics Market
100. Healthcare Smart Card Reader Market
101. Welding Equipment Market
102. 5G Security Market
103. Clinical Trials Management System Market
104. In-vitro Toxicology Testing Market
105. Nebulizer Market
106. Polypropylene Market
107. Pet Food Ingredient Market
108. Pneumatic Conveying Systems Market
109. Recycling Equipment Market
110. Data Center Cooling Market
111. Industrial Pumps Market
112. Neurology Clinical Trials Market
113. Optical Character Recognition Market
114. Pet Travel Services Market
115. Smart Transportation Market
116. Power Transformer Market
117. Rainwear Market
118. Rapid Tests Market
119. Wellness Tourism Market
120. Industrial Automation and Control Systems Market
121. Microcurrent Facial Market
122. High-k And CVD ALD Metal Precursors Market
123. IT Professional Services Market
124. Natural Stone Slab Market
125. Industrial Refrigeration Systems Market
126. IoT Device Management Market
127. Plastic Dielectric Films Market
128. Electric Kick Scooter Market
129. Erythropoietin Drugs Market
130. High Purity Alumina Market
131. Firewall As a Service Market
132. Industrial Gases Market
133. Inflammatory Bowel Disease Treatment Market
134. Finance And Accounting Business Process Outsourcing Market
135. Goat Milk Products Market
136. Virtual Production Market
137. Radiation Oncology Market
138. Cleanroom Technology Market
139. Retinal Disorder Treatment Market
140. Physical Security Market
141. Rare Disease Clinical Trials Market
142. Sports Betting Market
143. Cold Chain Packaging Market
144. Marine Adhesive Market
145. Veterinary Pharmacovigilance Market
146. Carbon Steel Market
147. Insulation Market
148. Aluminum Wire Market
149. Investment Casting Market
150. Self-healing Materials Market
151. Animal Feed Organic Trace Minerals Market
152. Limestone Market
153. Biogas Market
154. PV Inverter Market
155. Aluminum Casting Market
156. Heat Transfer Fluids Market
157. Submarine Cables Market
158. Energy Storage Systems Market
159. Polyurethane Market
160. Bioplastics Market

Chapter 8
Findings And Observation

Findings & Observations

1. Market Research for Quality Check Findings:

➢ Content Source Diversity: Quality content often stems from diverse and reputable sources.
To ensure content quality, our research emphasized the importance of using peer-reviewed
articles, reports from established market research firms, academic publications, and
government sources.

➢ Data Integrity: One critical aspect of content quality is data accuracy. It was found that cross-
referencing data across multiple reliable sources helps in verifying data integrity. Ensuring
data is current and up-to-date is also crucial.

➢ Author Credibility: We learned that evaluating the credibility of content authors is essential.
Authors with relevant qualifications, experience, and affiliations with reputable organizations
are more likely to produce high-quality content.

➢ Fact-Checking Procedures: Implementing fact-checking procedures is a key practice.

Utilizing fact-checking tools and consulting authoritative fact-checking organizations can help
verify the accuracy of claims made in content.

➢ Relevance to Objectives: Content quality is closely tied to its relevance to our research
objectives. The report highlighted the importance of aligning content with specific research
goals to ensure that the information collected is useful and pertinent.

2. Creation of a Database for Business Development Findings:

➢ Industry and Market Segmentation: Our research emphasized the significance of

segmenting industries and markets based on criteria such as geography, size, and growth
potential. This segmentation allowed for more targeted business development efforts.

➢ Data Privacy and Compliance: We identified the importance of adhering to data privacy
regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) when collecting and storing contact information. Ensuring
compliance with relevant laws is crucial to protect individuals' privacy and avoid legal

➢ Ethical Data Collection: Ethical data collection practices were stressed in our findings. We
ensured that data collection efforts were transparent, and individuals' consent was obtained,
when necessary, especially when dealing with personal contact details.

➢ Cross-Cultural Communication: Establishing cross-cultural communication skills and

considering cultural differences in business interactions was found to be essential when
connecting with professionals from various countries and regions.

➢ Contact Information Accuracy: Maintaining the accuracy of contact information within the

database is crucial for effective business development. Regularly updating and verifying
contact details ensures that communication channels remain open and active.

➢ Network Expansion: Through the database, we successfully expanded our network of

industry professionals. Building strong relationships and fostering collaborations with
individuals in various industries and regions has led to potential business opportunities.

➢ Global Connectivity: The database facilitated global connectivity and enabled us to engage
in international business development efforts. This expansion has opened doors to new
markets and partnerships.

➢ Market Insights: The collected data provided valuable market insights, including trends,
preferences, and potential areas of growth. These insights have guided our business
development strategies and decision-making processes.

By incorporating these findings into our market research and business development efforts,
we have improved the quality of our content, enhanced our networking capabilities, and
positioned our allied company for growth and success in an increasingly competitive global


➢ Content from established market research firms and government sources consistently
demonstrated higher reliability.

➢ Accurate and up-to-date data within content was crucial for informed decision-making and

➢ Author credibility, including expertise and qualifications, significantly impacted content


➢ Content diversity, stemming from multiple sources and perspectives, enriched our
understanding of the market.

➢ Continuous fact-checking was necessary, especially in rapidly evolving industries or markets.

➢ Segmenting industries and markets based on criteria like geography and industry type allowed
for more effective business development efforts.

➢ Strict adherence to data privacy regulations and ethical data collection practices was
imperative for legal and ethical reasons.

➢ Global outreach through the database expanded our network and broadened business
development opportunities.

➢ Ongoing database maintenance, including regular updates and data verification, was essential
for its effectiveness.

➢ Cross-cultural communication skills and an understanding of cultural nuances were critical

when connecting with professionals from different regions.

➢ The database served as a valuable networking tool, leading to business opportunities and

➢ Insights gathered from the database informed decision-making, highlighting emerging trends
and growth areas.

➢ Ethical engagement practices, such as transparency and respect for privacy, were consistently
upheld throughout business development efforts.

Sample size

In structured equation modeling (SEM), there is no set formula for determining an appropriate
sample size. I used online tools like company website and annual reports to collect data related to
our market research, I took a sample size related to my market, for example my market is canned
fish. Here I selected 15 companies related to my market and then wrote. Company overview, key
person, segment, net sales, R&D values, region and products to join my market after finding the key
strategies and achievements in this section are filled with company product launch, joint venture,
partnership, innovation, merger, Acquisition.

Chapter 7
Conclusion, Learning and Suggestions


In a nutshell, this on-the-job training (OJT) has been an excellent and rewarding experience. I can
conclude that there have been a lot I’ve learnt from my work at Allied Analytics LLP. Needless to
say, the marketing components of the work I’ve done are not flawless and could be enhanced with
enough time. As someone with no prior experience with market research work whatsoever I believe
my time spent in research and discovering it was well worth it and contributed to finding an
acceptable solution to build fully functional modules in Allied Analytics LLP Market Research.
The necessity of time management skills and self-motivation are two major lessons I've learned.
Moreover, I have gained newknowledge, skills and met many new people. I achieved several of
my learning goals, however for somethe conditions did not permit. I got insight into professional
practice. I learned the different facets of working within an organization. I have experienced on-
the-job training was also good to find out what my strengths and weaknesses. I have learned the
better of writing research that can be understandable and scalable.

I have learnt about market research basics and have received the chance to work on many modules
including company profiles, report description, executive summary, and different other segments
which was a great learning experience for me. This helped me to define what skills and knowledge
I have to improve in the coming time.

My job as a secondary research associate entails conducting extensive study into the market's
difficulties and prospects as assigned by the team leader. Inworking environment, teamwork is vital
in contributing to a strong organization. Teamwork is also essential in reaching the goals of the
organization as an entity. Thus, communicating and sharing is much needed in the working
environment. Therefore, we should be respecting each other in work, and working together as a
team, instead of working alone. This is because working together as a team is easier in reaching
our targets, rather than operating individually.

Suggestions for Improvement

➢ Expand on Data Privacy and Compliance: While the report mentions the importance of data
privacy and compliance with regulations, consider providing more detailed information on specific
regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) that may apply to your industry and how your company ensures
compliance. This will demonstrate a thorough understanding of legal obligations.

➢ Include Case Studies: To illustrate the practical application of your research and database creation,
consider including case studies or examples of how the database has been used for successful
business development. This can provide concrete evidence of the database's value.

➢ Discuss Data Verification Strategies: Elaborate on the specific strategies and tools used for data
verification and quality assurance within the database. Detailing these processes will enhance the
report's credibility.

➢ Address Ethical Challenges: Explore any ethical challenges encountered during the database
creation process and how they were addressed. Discussing ethical dilemmas and their resolutions
can showcase your company's commitment to ethical practices.

➢ Provide Metrics and KPIs: If applicable, include metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs)
related to the effectiveness of the database in driving business development. Metrics can
demonstrate the tangible impact of your efforts.

➢ Offer Recommendations: In addition to findings and observations, provide actionable

recommendations for further improving content quality checks and expanding the database's
utility. Offer insights on how the database can be leveraged for future business growth.


o Insufficient sample size for statistical measurement: My research report has 50 respondents
only, due to covid, I had to survey over the social media platforms, which has its own
demerits, such as I am unable to understand the mindset of my respondent on biasness

o Time constraints: I had a limited time to cover up for my project report, which tends to be a

o Issue in the portal: Sometimes while making the reports portal stops working due to this, we
have to make the report from the starting.

o Time constraints: Time limitations posed a constraint as I had a restricted timeframe to

complete my project report.

o Language Barriers: Gathering information from various countries may require dealing with
language barriers, potentially leading to inaccuracies or misunderstandings in data collection.

o Missed Opportunities: Due to not having the opportunity to work from the office, my exposure
to the work environment was restricted, resulting in missed opportunities.

o Resource Expertise: Access to subject matter experts with in-depth knowledge of each industry
is essential for accurate analysis and report curation. However, resource limitations in terms of
expertise may limit the ability to cover all industries comprehensively.

Chapter 8


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