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Danger Close: Domestic Extremist

Threat #1 Comes Clean Patrick Byrne

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Danger Close: Domestic Extremist #1 Comes Clean

Copyright © 2024 Patrick Byrnes

(Defiance Press & Publishing, LLC)

First Edition: 2024

Printed in the United States of America

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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This book is a work of non-fiction. The author has made every effort to ensure that the accuracy of the information in this book was correct at time of publication. Neither the
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ISBN-13: 978-1-963102-10-9 (Paperback)

ISBN-13: 978-1-963102-11-6 (Hardcover)
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To my mother, Dorothy M. Byrne, who drew me this way.
PROLOGUE: By General Michael T. Flynn
PREFACE: By Maria Butina

Through my work as a senior intelligence officer in the world of national security and special operations, I have
known about the courageous work Patrick Byrne has been directed to do on behalf of the United States Government.
Most people don’t understand the work of “national intelligence assets,” but that is what Patrick has been asked to
be within the opaque world of government-to-government relationships. He’s been placed into extremely difficult
positions and has had to use his judgment to accomplish his directed missions to the best of his ability.
This takes extraordinary judgment and courage. I’ve gotten to personally know Patrick over the past few years
because of his USG directed role in rooting out corruption. He has been unshakable when it comes to his relentless
pursuit of exposing the deep levels of corruption within our government. For a man who thought his life would be
spent engaging an overseas adversary, he found himself battling his own government.
The incredible story of bribery, blackmail, rape, murder, and other tales—normally the stuff found in novels—are
the truth coming from a man who was asked to enable, encourage, or conduct these actions on behalf of our very
own government. Patrick’s story is for real, he’s for real, the corruption he’s exposed is for real, and it only gets
worse the further you read.

General Michael T. Flynn (ret.)

July 2023
Sarasota, Florida
Prisoner #374794
US Bureau of Prisons

In the nineteenth century, the expression “The emperor has no clothes” was firmly planted in the world’s lexicon
thanks to the children’s morality tale by Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen. Since then, it has come to be used
in the context of the uncertainty that a person feels attempting to criticize someone or something that is highly
regarded and supported by the masses.
Over the course of two centuries, the expression’s usage has expanded to more than one hundred languages of the
world. And despite its considerable age, its use is more relevant than ever, as today’s society seems less able than
ever to process critically the information given to it.
Fortunately, not everything is lost. The braves, the lone wolves continue to emerge, men and women courageous
enough to tell the truth despite the crowd’s blindness.
Now in modern America such a fearless knight is Patrick Byrne.
The Fate brought us together on a sad occasion—the American government decided to set me up then scapegoat
me for so-called “Russian Collusion” with Trump’s presidential campaign (collusion which was non-existent, as
both the Durham and Mueller reports later confirmed). I ended up in an American prison for eighteen months.
To my deep regret, Patrick was directly related to this, as he became “patient zero” in the Maria Butina case
working for the FBI against me.
However, when Patrick figured out what was happening behind the scenes and how both he and I were simply
being used in Barack Obama’s political games, he went public and told the truth about his role in this case, and the
dirty games of the American deep state.
Patrick lost everything: the truth cost him the company he created, a huge media campaign was launched against
him, he was threatened with criminal prosecution. But Patrick has pressed on. Just as he did once at other times in
his life, such as when he exposed the truth about the Wall Street corruption, and more recently, the fraud of the 2020
US presidential election.
He doesn’t give up. He just keeps going. Just as he is doing now.
Patrick Byrne is the man who in today’s America who is not afraid to say, “The Emperor has no clothes.”
This is worthy of respect.
During those rare times we had together, Patrick and I spent hours and hours talking. I have translated his articles
and books into Russian. And as a Russian I can say for sure that, although Patrick isn’t Russian by nationality, he
has the depth of soul of a Russian.

Maria Valerievna Butina

November 2023
Moscow, Russia
“These days, when people talk of Byrne, the word ‘vindication’ comes up a lot,” opened an article in the Salt Lake
Tribune as the financial system quaked into crisis in August 2008.
Not long after that, financial journalist Charles Gasparino scolded his CNBC cohosts on-air for how they had
endlessly attacked Byrne from 2005-2008 regarding claims about which he had turned out to be correct: “Patrick
Byrne was right, all along…the Overstock guy…that everybody made fun of…” rebuked Gasparino to a shame-
faced Jim Cramer and Becky Quick.
Months later, the Wall Street Journal included Byrne in its year-end list (“2008 Look back: Best Calls of the
Year”) of five people who deserved credit for seeing the financial crisis coming (others included Jamie Dimon,
Nassim Taleb, and Nouriel Roubini).
In October 2008, Alan Greenspan explained to Congress the origins of the financial collapse, and gave testimony
that became famous:

“By ‘fraud,’ Greenspan was referring to Bernie Madoff,” says Patrick Byrne, when asked to comment on his
relationship to these events. “By ‘securitization,’ Greenspan was referring to the role played by mortgage-backed
securities in the 2008 financial crisis. But when Greenspan said ‘settlement,’ he was referring to what in 2005-2008
I had been pointing out to anyone who would listen. I had doused myself in gasoline and self-immolated in front of
the SEC to warn the country about settlement failures and systemic risk. That day in October 2008 Greenspan told
Congress the same thing. Everyone in financial circles knew that I had been proven correct.”
It was a fitting denouement to one of the strangest sagas that ever played out on Wall Street. But it is as good a
place as any to anchor the story of Patrick Byrne.

According to PBS, Patrick Byrne is now the “kingpin” of the movement that asserts that election integrity is
significantly sloppier than is generally understood, that election-rigging now occurs with methods beyond anything
that can be discovered through rudimentary audits, and (though he claims he never voted for Trump) that the 2020
election was rigged.
Byrne joined in calling for Americans to rally in DC on January 4–6, 2021. Though he insisted those rallies be
peaceful, he has offered to pay the $350,000 of damages to the Capitol Building which get stacked onto the charges
of each J6 defendant, making their sentencing more severe. “I look at it this way,” says Byrne. “Assume I invited a
bunch of friends to a bar and a riot of suspicious origin broke out that evening. As a gesture of goodwill, before we
got to the subject of whether my friends or the bouncers started the fight, I might be inclined to pay for the damages.
Simply on the principle of, ‘They were my guests, it got out of hand, I’ll cover the broken mirrors and furniture…’”
Byrne closes his thought with a chuckle: “But if there’s going to be talk about filing charges, let us look at the
security cameras and see who really started the riot.”

In addition, Byrne has publicly offered to face all nonviolent charges from that day. Those accused can say they
did it because they listened to Byrne, and Byrne will agree to stipulate this is true, on the condition he can defend
himself in televised proceedings. “I’ll face charges for 1,000 of the J6 rally-goers. I won’t face charges for anyone
who broke a window or touched a cop, but I will for everyone who was peaceful, on the condition that I can defend
my actions in a televised trial. Lay it on me, and I will answer for it all to a DC jury.”
Byrne delivers the idea with no hint of bluster or menace but in a friendly, helpful manner. In a similar tone, he
notes that law enforcement from around the country who are receiving training at DHS have gotten word back to
Byrne of a phenomenon he calls, “disconcerting.” When trainees ask, “Whom do you fear more, Russia or China?”
DHS trainers have been instructed to reply, “We are keeping our eyes on both, but above all we worry about this guy
Patrick Byrne and the movement he has going.”
According to Byrne, it began happening in the summer of 2022, just months before the 2022 election, “and Law
Enforcement who experienced it got in touch to let me know that DHS is telling people I am Domestic Extremist
Threat #1,” says Byrne with a broad grin.

Over the years, Byrne’s trajectory has reminded some of the character Colonel Kurz from Apocalypse Now—an
early “golden boy” who goes off track through (say some) insanity, genius, or some dark impulse that cannot be
unraveled. Now for the first time since his departure from acceptable society, Byrne has sat long enough to give a
comprehensive interview touching upon all corners of his life and activities.
Because it is easy to find Byrne’s manner and language disorienting, some sections of this interview will not be
summarized, but will remain as Q&A transcript, for the reader to digest directly.

“My life has had so many tailwinds it is almost comical,” answers Byrne when asked about his origins. “It is easy
and not inappropriate to see it as a silver spoon. The truth is slightly more interesting: over my first twenty-five
years my family lived a Horatio Alger dream, and I saw it unfold.” Asked to expand, Byrne answers, “For the 1960s
the Byrne family was Tuna-Helper, for the 1970s it was Hamburger-Helper, by the 1980s it was steak and lobster,
by the 1990s it was King Airs, and from 2000 onward, private jets.”
Only after some prodding does Byrne go into details. According to him, “Both parents are from New Jersey Irish
working-class backgrounds. My mother’s father was a lineman in Cape May, New Jersey. My father’s side was
from Patterson tenements that were then Irish and Jewish, by the 1960s were Black and Hispanic, and are now
Muslim. In the Depression they moved to Wildwood. Pop went Air Force ROTC to Rutgers, ticked off a general,
served his years in an ice station in northern Greenland, discharged and married Mom. On the G.I. Bill, broke-as-a-
joke, they moved to University of Michigan so Pop could get a master’s in actuarial Math and land an insurance job,
which had been his dream since he was ten, oddly. Michigan and Indiana are where we three kids popped into
existence. Our dear middle brother passed away several years ago.”
“While I was an infant, we moved to New England. My father bounced among jobs in Massachusetts and
Connecticut, which is where I went to grade school, but our family time was all in Vermont and New Hampshire,
which began to feel more like home.”
Byrne tells a story about his youth. “Since childhood, our folks’ message was, ‘We will support you through your
education, but then you are on your own. Nothing can make us prouder than you focusing on education, but that is
that all you are owed.’” And he launches into a story that ultimately reveals his connections to Washington, DC.

When Byrne was thirteen his father was passed over for a promotion at an insurance firm in Hartford, The Travelers.
“When I was older, he let me know that he felt it was because he was Irish Catholic, in the mold of Tip O’Neil: a
big, chubby, garrulous Irishman. He also hired Jews and Blacks. How he saw it, the WASPs at HQ liked him
because of his ability to work with insurance agents, who were often Jewish or Black because they start small
insurance agencies to avoid big-firm discrimination. But the Brass did not want Jews and Blacks at HQ and opposed
a Catholic rising too high. “The promotion went instead to a WASP out of Hollywood Central Casting, a man who
never made his numbers, who over the next twenty years ran The Travelers into the ground,” says Byrne the
younger. “I was with my father in his dying days and that setback haunted him, though for decades I told him it was
the best thing that ever happened to the Family Byrne.”

Why that was the best thing that ever happened to the Byrne family became clear as the story continues. “Pop quit
in disgust and took a job at a failing car insurance firm down here in the South, a job for which they could find no
one else because it was near bankrupt. An actuary was an odd choice to run a car insurance company, but like I said,
they could find no one else. So in 1976 we moved to Maryland. He was at his new job only a week or two before he
came home and said that he had a plan to save the firm. It would be…energetic.”
Weeks into it, his father received a message that a Nebraska stockbroker wanted to meet and talk about what he
was doing. “My dad went to see him and did not come home until dawn. He had never done anything like that.
When he came back in the morning he told us, “I’ve just met the smartest man I’ve ever met in my life. He is some
kind of farmer-investor.’”
Byrne continues, “Our family had our order in for our first new car, a $7,000 station wagon. Pops promised it to
my mom to assuage her about our sudden move. But that morning he told us we were canceling the new car and
buying stock in his new friend. It turned out that new friend was excited about the meeting also, because he went out
and bet big on my dad.”
Finally, Byrne drops his reveal. “That new job of my dad was at GEICO, which almost disappeared in 1976. And
his new Best Friend Forever was Warren Buffett.” At the time, GEICO was 1/100th its current size, and Buffett was
virtually unknown.
According to Byrne, Buffett bet one-third of his net worth on Byrne’s dad, and that became Buffett’s first billion.
“That $7,000 car, invested instead in Berkshire Hathaway stock in 1976, along with the rest of that decade at
GEICO, worked out ridiculously well for the Byrne family.”

These years played out as Byrne attended high school at Bethesda’s Walt Whitman High, ’81 (a National Merit
Scholar who went All-State in Football both ways, and county champion wrestler before taking up boxing at a DC
gym called “Findley’s Gym”). “I was the youngest and smallest of three boys,” explains Byrne. “I grew up getting
my ass kicked by my two big brothers. So, while they learned to golf and kayak, as soon as I was able, I wanted to
learn to wrestle, box, and study whatever martial arts were handy.”

During those years, Buffett would occasionally visit and stay with Byrne’s family. “Mr. Buffett would call ahead
and tell my folks, ‘Have Patrick be home next Thursday at 11:00 a.m. for two hours.’ In Dorothy Byrne’s household
there was no such thing as ‘skipping school,’ but my parents were so enamored of this guy from Nebraska that they
would pull me out of school just so I could sit with him for a few hours. Once I got a message from him, ‘I’ll be in
New York City next week, come by such-and-such a hotel and spend Tuesday afternoon with me, 2-4 PM.’ One
summer, I found myself hitchhiking around the county and he had me stop in Omaha to take me to dinner at Gorat’s,
which has since become famous in Buffett-World.”
Somewhere in those years, Byrne says, he and Buffett started to use the term “Rabbi” to describe Buffett’s
relationship to Byrne (because it resembled the relationship a young Jewish boy would have with his own Rabbi). “It
was absurdly generous of Mr. Buffett, looking back,” says Byrne. “I was thirteen, maybe fourteen when it started. I
still remember verbatim parables Buffett told me. My life’s direction was changed by those afternoons he took for
me. As was my father’s life. After ten years at GEICO, he moved on and spent the rest of his career repeating what
he had done at GEICO, fixing broken insurance companies with Warren Buffett as his partner.”

Byrne describes his first foray into entrepreneurship. While a sophomore at Whitman High in Bethesda, he and his
brothers ran a Christmas Tree business out of a parking lot off McArthur Boulevard. Byrne can still recite the
numbers: “500 trees bought for $8/tree in Maine and trucked down in a Ryder by my oldest brother, that we then
sold in Bethesda for $30/tree. That was 500 trees X $22 gross profit =$11,000 in gross profit, minus our expenses.”
Byrne and his brothers sold Christmas trees by a trashcan fire for four years, he says. “The first year we were
making money on paper, but two days before Christmas 40 percent of our trees were unsold. That is when I first
learned about ‘overstock’. Two days before Christmas we gave them away to a Korean church in Virginia. But the
second and third years, we netted about $8,000 with two weeks’ work, and thought we had discovered the wheel.
Then the fourth year someone else opened up in the same lot, and we learned why Buffett says, ‘Allah loves a

In 1981 Byrne graduated from Bethesda’s Walt Whitman High School. “I had a great experience at Whitman,
where a fantastic principle named Dr. Jerome Marcose led a fine institution. I had teachers and coaches with whom I
stayed in touch for years out of gratitude for how they touched my life. I had wonderful friends throughout those
years, whom I remember fondly. But I could not wait to go back to New England, and the day after I graduated, I
moved back to New England.
“Growing up around New England, especially northern New England, meant that by nature we were not
flatlanders. The Byrne Family had spent all our non-school time in New Hampshire and Vermont, and over time,
those states came to feel most like home. Maybe that is why I have always been conscious of being around city
people. You know how to city folk, people from the country seem odd? It works the other way around, too. Frankly,
to people from the country, city people seem like kooks. What passes for normal behavior in city environments will,
if you do it in the country, lead people to think you’re an idiot.
So the day after I graduated from Whitman, I drove to a farm in Vermont, which became my favorite period in

Byrne moved to Vermont, and he soon joined his two older brothers at Dartmouth College, in nearby Hanover, New
Hampshire. Why did all three boys go to Dartmouth when his father had gone to Rutgers? “Because of that
attachment to northern New England, we had always assumed Dartmouth would be the place, when the time came.”
At Dartmouth Byrne majored in Philosophy (the Western kind, his favorite course being logic) and Asian Studies.
He played football for two years and worked on the farm. “I was a grind,” says Byrne, “and decided that while at
college I would never enter a party, a fraternity, or a church. I did not want to be in a room where everyone felt
pressure to think the same way. I worked on the farm, and two or three days per week I was in class and spent a
great deal of time in the library and language lab. Seasons went by where I spent days in the library and evenings
studying Chinese.”

Giving up his last two years of college football in 1983, Byrne went to China as it opened to foreign students,
spending a year at Beijing Teacher’s University. Initially he studied Chinese language but went on to history and
philosophy. “It started with Laozi, Zhuangzi, Confucius, and a certain Tang Dynasty writer I admired, but I
continued through Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thought.”
In 1983, seven years after the Cultural Revolution, Patrick Byrne was in Beijing studying Maoism? “Yep,” he
replies cheerfully, and speaks in Chinese regarding Dialectical Materialism and the Cultural Revolution.

From China Byrne went to Thailand for six months, studied Thai language and kickboxing, returned home to the
US to graduate after writing a thesis in each of his Dartmouth majors. One was a translation from Classical Chinese,
the other, on Marx. “I was already trying to work out what was wrong,” he tells me. “I had these wonderful teachers,
both in China and in the US, who were Lefties. I suppose I was trying to make sense out of how that could be, how
people so smart in so many ways were so backward in others. But I could not put my finger on it.”
In that endeavor he was guided by two philosophy professors visiting Dartmouth when Byrne returned. David
Luban, now a Georgetown Law professor, and his wife, Judith Lichtenberg, of Georgetown Philosophy, both
distinguished philosophers. “David is known in many sub-disciplines such as Legal Ethics and is a major figure in
the Torture Debate,” says Byrne. “Judy is a social and moral philosopher.” Byrne says that both are highly regarded
and associated with the Left.
“We’ve maintained an intellectual friendship for decades, one that generally transcended our political differences.
But now that DHS tells people I am Domestic Extremist Threat #1, things may be a bit chilly,” Byrne says, sadly.
“When they come to understand that I was right about elections, I fear they will never forgive me.”

Immediately upon graduating Dartmouth in 1985, Byrne was diagnosed with cancer. It would hit him three times in
his twenties, which were largely spent dealing with cancer and convalescing. He declines to discuss the subject,
saying only, “I have told that story once publicly, and once was enough.”1
Byrne limits himself to dropping a few statistics about his health. Of roughly 22,000 nights on Earth, Byrne says,
he has spent over 800 in hospitals. He draws his collar aside and reveals a fresh surgical scar near the base of his
neck, not even a week old, still bandaged. “Last week I had surgery #115. They removed a tumor. It was benign,
humd’allah. I’ve also had my heart stopped about 400 times. So I’ve ridden that Death Train about 500 times.”

Each of the three times Byrne had cancer, he had hospital stays lasting up to six months. When he left the hospital
after each of his three bouts, as a way of rebuilding himself Byrne flew to California, bought a bicycle, and rode east
until to the Atlantic Ocean, increasing his pushups and pull-ups throughout every day of the journey. The latter two
trips were solo, but he completed the first with his oldest brother, John, and their middle brother Mark joined them
in Houston to finish the trip. Byrne’s parents tracked them down on a Louisiana highway and provided support their
last 400 miles: Byrne believes the resulting photo, taking outside Jacksonville, Florida, with just a few miles left to
pedal, is the last photo of his nuclear family together as one unit.
During his years in-and-out of hospital in his twenties, Byrne began graduate studies in mathematical logic at
Stanford University, in Palo Alto, California. “Stanford Philosophy was tremendous to me, and those studies
brought me close to a religious experience,” says Byrne. “One hears about a botanist studying a flower and seeing
God in the petals of a rose. For me, it was that period of studying logic. One night I left Greene Library at midnight
to ride home in the dark, and as I bicycled, I had what I suppose was a religious experience. For some it is the Bible,
for some it is a rose, for me it was Computation Theory.”

At Stanford Byrne first encountered what he calls “Early Woke,” seeing it as “Maoism with American
characteristics,” says Byrne. He describes the worldview of Marxists:
“‘The world is divided into knaves and fools, and we need to stop the knaves from oppressing the fools.’ That
presupposes a third class of individuals, ‘experts’ who will make decisions for BOTH fools and knaves in order to
prevent that oppression. Unfortunately, history has shown that people drawn to that position of ‘expert’ are almost
invariably authoritarians with a desire to rule others, which they mask in the language of compassion.”

Byrne continues, “Let’s go from Marxism to Maoism. Mao came to power in 1949, but by the 1960s he was being
put out to pasture, having made mistakes such as, The Great Leap Forward. So he called for a ‘Cultural
Revolution,’” Byrne explains. “In the ideology of the Cultural Revolution, there were five bad kinds of people:
landlords, capitalists, rich peasants, right-wingers, and anti-revolutionaries. Adults in these bad categories were
humiliated, trotted around with dunce caps, tortured, rusticated, even killed. Worse yet, their children inherited their
‘Bad.’ The only way out of it for the children was to adopt a new identity: ‘Red.’”
“Map that onto what is occurring here: ‘Bad’ identities are White, male, Christian, Cis. ‘Good’ identities are
‘intersectional’ and an alternate identity with which all youth can redeem themselves is ‘Woke’ or eighty-seven
flavors of ‘Queer.’”
Byrne concludes, “This is Maoist ‘Movement Warfare’ with American characteristics, mutatis mutandis.”

Byrne won a Marshall Fellowship and went to Cambridge University in England for two years, switching from
logic to moral and political philosophy, and studying with legends of philosophy and economics. There he also
encountered Full Woke “anti-intellectual, uninformed… about what current US university life has become many
places.” Still convalescing and in-and-out of hospitals, Byrne returned to Stanford and discovered that in just a few
years it had started reorienting on a Woke agenda. He found himself reacting against this academic environment. “I
found myself shifting more towards political philosophy, trying to understand how people who were good, decent,
and smart in so many ways could be willing to jettison the values and principles underlying Constitutional
republicanism for stale, uninformed Marxist bromides.”

At Stanford Byrne had studied the origin of Western principles such as tolerance, free speech, and rights of the
accused, but found those principles unraveling at a great American university. “I had always looked at World War II
differently than teachers wanted us. In high school they wanted to tell us that the great lesson of WWII was, ‘Don’t
be nationalistic.’ That seemed incorrect. The great lesson from World War II was, ‘When authoritarians challenge
the values of political liberalism, defend them immediately. Don’t surrender an inch.’”
Yet in the early 1990s Byrne saw these values abandoned in university “culture wars.” Now he says a glorious
2,500-year-old intellectual tradition is at risk of being lost to what he calls “a horde of intellectuals who have had no
deep commitment to those principles and lack knowledge of history and economics.”

1. pmc-threshold-moment-by- billy-starr

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:

Conducted by W. A. Kellerman.

Item 1. It has been asked how many species of plants occur in

Ohio. Only a guess can at present be made. In the Catalogue of Ohio
Plants, by Kellerman and Werner, prepared in 1893, there were
listed 1,925 Spermatophytes, 68 Pteridophytes, 335 Bryophytes, and
1,400 Thallephytes. The Fourth Catalogue, by the writer, published
in 1899, gave 2,025 species of Pteridophytes and Spermatophytes.
While many additions to the previous list were included, very many
species formerly reported were excluded because unauthenticated by
herbarium specimens, and others were undoubtedly extra-limital for
Ohio. Two Annual Supplements to this catalogue have been issued,
bringing the number of species of the vascular plants, nearly all
authenticated, up to about 2,150. The mosses, the higher fungi and
the lichens have been listed with some degree of fullness, but most of
the other lower plants have been very incompletely placed on record,
though large collections, only partially worked up as yet, are now in
the herbarium of the State University.
Item 2. Miss Ruth E. Brockett, of Rio Grande, Gallia County, Ohio,
has found the Showy Skullcap, Scutellaria serrata Andr., previously
unreported for this State. The distribution, as given in Britton’s
Flora, is New York and Pennsylvania to North Carolina, Illinois and
Kentucky. In the Rio Grande region many interesting or new plants
for the Ohio list have hitherto been detected by Miss Brockett, as the
Fringe Tree (Chionanthus virginica), the Purplish Buckeye (Aesculus
octandra hybrida), and others too numerous to mention.
Item 3. An interesting and suggestive study has been published by
Herman Dingler (Muenchen) on the organs for wind-dispersal (flug-
organe) in the Vegetable Kingdom. The title of the book is “Ein
Beitrag zur Physiologie der passiven Bewegungen im Pflanzenreich.”
After describing fully the mechanics involved, and the methods of
investigation, the author enumerates the Chief Types of the flight
organs as follows (prefixing to the word “flyer” the descriptive words,
1, dust; 2, granule; 3, bubble; 4, hair; 5, pan; 6, umbrella; 7, sail; 8,
disk-twist; 9, barrel-twist; 10, plain-twist; 11, screw, and 12, screw-
I. Group.

1. Staubflieger, e. g. Micrococcus, Puffball, Spores of Mosses,

2. Körnchenflieger, e. g. Poppy, Species of the Pink Family,
3. Blasenflieger, e. g. Ironwood (Ostrya), Valerianella, Rhus
4. Haarflieger, e. g. many Bromeliaceæ, Pitcairnia, etc.
5. Napfflieger, e. g. Wafer Ash (Ptelea trifoliata),
6. Schirmflieger, e. g. the Compositæ, Milkweeds
(Asclepiadaceæ), Willows.

II. Group.

7. Segelflieger, e. g. Cross-vine and seeds of other Bignoniaceæ.

III. Group.

8. Scheibendrehflieger, e. g. flattened seeds of the Iris, and Lily

9. Walzendrehflieger, e. g. Silver bell (Halesia), Knotweed
(Polygonum), etc.
10. Plattendrehflieger, e. g. Tecoma stans. (The Ailanthus type.)

IV. Group.

11. Schraubenflieger, e. g. Maples, genera of Coniferæ,

Sapindaceæ, etc.
V. Group.

12. Schraubendrehflieger, e. g. fruit of Liriodendron tulipifera.

Item 4. The recent death of Thomas Meehan, horticulturist and botanist,
removes from the list of active American workers one whose numerous, accurate
and original observations contributed greatly to the advancement of botanical

W. A. Kellerman.

A critical inspection of the nomenclature used for the first Fascicle of the Ohio
Fungi might seem to warrant the conclusion that the judgment of more recent
workers is sometimes ignored and that a too conservative course has been adopted.
But it should be remembered that the main purpose is to furnish Ohio material
accompanied by names (occasionally synonyms) that were undoubtedly applied to
the species represented. I have preferred to use for the Rust on Sunflower, Puccinia
helianthi, rather than P. tanaceti—recent work on other species suggesting that
with this also when fully studied, a physiological distinction may supplement the
too insignificant morphological difference. Again, I have used Aecidium album,
which Clinton applied to the first stage of the Uredine found on Vicia, not ignorant
of the fact that Dietel gives this as a stage of Uromyces albus—but should not this
first be substantiated by cultures? It is to be added that through inadvertency
Peck’s later name (Aecidium porosum) was used, hence here follows a corrected
label with both Clinton’s and Peck’s descriptions:
2. Aecidium album Clinton.
Aecidium porosum Peck.
On Vicia americana Muhl.
Lakeside, Ottawa Co., O. May 17, 1901.
Coll. W. A. Kellerman.
“Aecidium album Clinton, spots none; peridia scattered, short, white, the margin
subentire; spots subglobose, white, about .0008 inches in diameter.” Report on the
State Museum, State of New York, 26:78. 1873.
“Aecidium porosum, Pk. Spots none; cups crowded, deep-seated, broad, wide-
mouthed, occupying the whole lower surface of the leaf to which they give a porous
appearance; spores orange-colored, subangular, .0008–.001 inch in length.”
Botanical Gazette, 3:34. April, 1878.

Robert F. Griggs.

By its configuration, Porto Rico is divided into two parts very

distinct from each other in almost every respect and of primary
importance in all the affairs of the island. The north side, which
comprises about two-thirds of the total area, is kept constantly wet
with almost daily rains. On the south it has been known not to rain
for a whole year in some places. On the north side grows an
abundance of luxuriant, tropical vegetation; on the south in many
localities are barren hills covered only with scrub brush. But
throughout the island there is great local variation in all the climatic
and physical conditions.
Along most of the north side there stretches a low, coast plain, out
of which rise numberless, small, steep hills. This plain, everywhere
well watered, is in most places very fertile, but in the vicinity of Vega
Baja it becomes a sandy waste. This sand desert is one of the most
peculiar places it has ever been my fortune to visit. There is no grass
(turf-making grass is almost unknown in the tropics), neither are
there large trees. Everywhere are low bushes not much more than
ten feet tall. The sand beneath them is bare in many places, but is
covered in others with various forms of herbage, most of which,
instead of being composed of desert forms, as would be expected, is
made up of the most typical water-loving plants, among which,
Sphagnum (two species) and Utricularia are noteworthy. Imagine, if
you can, a sphagnum bog shading into loose sand in a distance of
only ten feet with no change in level. The explanation of this peculiar
fact is, however, not hard to find. The rainfall is so copious that
wherever there is any means of holding it, the hydrophytes take hold
and spread, themselves acting as water holders when once started,
while in other places the water quickly soaks into the sand and leaves
it as dry as ever.
The plain on which this sand desert is located is separated in most
places from the sea by low hills. It is very level and was probably
once covered with water out of which projected many rocky islands—
the limestone hills of to-day. These hills are a very characteristic
feature of the country. From an incoming vessel they are plainly seen
projecting like saw teeth all along the coast; from an eminence back
in the country they appear to have no system or regularity whatever,
but stick up anywhere sharp and rugged as though shaken out of a
dice box onto a board. Further inland they are closer together with
no plain between, though in other respects like those of the coast. It
is as though they were eroded when the sea stood lower than it does
to-day, perhaps very much lower; then the valleys were filled up
during a period when the sea was slightly higher than at present,
whence it has receded and left the island of to-day. They are covered
with a characteristic jungle, rising conspicuously out of which is the
“Llume” palm (Acria attenuata) whose graceful stem, only about half
a foot thick at the base, attains a height of a hundred feet, tapering
till it is only three or four inches thick at the top. It is nearly white
and at a distance entirely invisible, so that the crown of leaves looks
as though it were floating around in the air above the surrounding
Further inland the limestone hills give way to others of red clay.
The clay, like the limestone, is very deeply eroded. In most places it
is so continually washed down that the sides of the hills stand always
at the critical angle and are ready to slide from under the feet of the
explorer. Indeed it would be impossible to climb them were it not for
the numerous bushes everywhere standing ready to lay hold on. Here
abound ferns, Melastomaceae and other plants of humid regions.
Tree ferns are very common; the largest belong to one species of
Cyathia. Its beauty is simply beyond description. Imagine, you who
have never seen it, a trunk thirty feet tall surmounted by a crown of a
dozen or fifteen great leaves made up of a score or two pinnae of the
size and grace of ordinary ferns and you have the components—not
the ensemble—of the tree fern.
This red clay region is the land of coffee. Everywhere the novice
thinks the hillside covered with jungle, which turns out to be only
poorly kept coffee plantations. The coffee region is coextensive with
the range of several plants. Two or three species of the pepper family,
with large peltate or round leaves, are found only here; and with one
or two exceptions the Melastomaceae occur only in this wet country.
They are a very large group of plants common throughout the
tropics, but represented in the northern states by the common
Rhexia. Its members may be known anywhere by their three-nerved
leaves, many of which are beautifully patterned and marked so that
even among other tropical plants they are conspicuous for their
When we cross the summit we come upon a different sort of
vegetation; cacti take the place of tree ferns, and instead of wet
jungles we have dry scrub brush full of spiny and thorny shrubs with
almost every sort of prickle one can think of. One who has never
encountered them can scarcely appreciate the abundance and
effectiveness of tropical thorns. These thickets of brush extend over
most of the undisturbed portion of the south side. Everywhere
through them there are scattered cacti of several sorts; but near
Guayanilla, a few miles west of Ponce, these become relatively much
more numerous so as to form a veritable cactus desert. Only here is
the largest form present. It is a large Opuntia with a bare stem and
long arms radiating in one or two whorls near the top. Besides it
there are several species of Cereus and another small Opuntia similar
to the common prickly pear, together with a species of the same
group cultivated for its fleshy branches which are eaten. All through
this dry region agaves or century plants are very common. There
seem to be several species, but they are such terrors to botanists that
it is hard to tell anything about them.
From this brief sketch it will be seen what a diversified flora Porto
Rico offers to the student. There are opportunities for several
ecological studies of surpassing interest, and on the systematic side
the work has only been begun. At present there are scant facilities for
the student, but with the fuller occupation of the island by American
government and customs, we may hope that some of our enterprising
universities will establish there a school of tropical agriculture and
botany, fields now white for the harvest but almost without workers.
Washington, D. C., October 30, 1901.

Max Morse.

On May 25, 1901, Prof. Hine, while collecting in the hills at Sugar
Grove, Fairfield County, O., found a salamander under a piece of
pine log on the slope of a hill, about a hundred yards from water. It
was, for the time, put in a jar along with several individuals of
Desmognathus fusca Raf., which were taken in, or within a few feet
of the rivulets which flow down the valley. Aside from this specimen
taken on the hillside, all the specimens were found not farther than a
half dozen feet from the water. When the collections were examined
in the laboratory it was found that the single specimen just
mentioned differed in many respects from the others. This led to
investigation and it was found that it corresponded closely with the
description of D. ochrophæa Cope. Thus, the posterior portion of the
mandible was edentulous; no tubercle in canthus ocelli; belly paler
than in any of D. fusca taken; length nearly three-fourths of an inch
shorter than the others; a light bar from eye to corner of mouth;
tongue free behind; parasphenoid teeth separated behind. The
specimen was kindly examined by Dr. J. Lindahl, of the Cincinnati
Society of Nat. Hist., who is acquainted with the form. He agreed that
it corresponded with the description of Cope. Whether the characters
as given above are sufficient to place the specimen under ochrophæa
is a matter hard to decide. Cope gives the range of ochrophæa as “in
the Alleghenies and their outlying spurs.” Dr. Lindahl has a specimen
from Logansport, Ind., taken November 10, 1900.

E. B. Williamson.

The present short list is published, not because of any records of

special interest, but in order that a record may be made of the fish
known certainly from the headwaters of Beaver Creek. In the case of
fish the most logical and significant way to indicate distribution is
certainly by streams, and a very small contribution to the ichthyology
of the above named stream is here presented.
About three-fifths of Columbiana County is drained by Beaver
Creek, one-fifth by the Mahoning River and streams leaving the
county to the west, while the remainder enters the Big Yellow and
Little Yellow Creeks. Beaver Creek is practically confined to
Columbiana County, though it empties into the Ohio River in
Pennsylvania at Smith’s Ferry, just above the state line. The relation
of Beaver Creek to the Mahoning River is interesting, the two being
in general, arcs of concentric circles with the Mahoning outside. A
person going directly west from Salem crosses Middle Fork of Beaver
Creek first, then the Mahoning, and the same is true if he goes
directly north or directly east. South-west of Salem the small streams
empting into the Mahoning have not been seined. From one of these
Herman McCane has taken a specimen of Ichthyomyzon concolor
which is preserved in the Salem High School collection with the
other species here recorded. All the other streams in close proximity
to Salem are part of the system of the Middle Fork of Beaver Creek,
with the exception of Cold Run, which flows almost directly south
into the West Fork of Beaver Creek, the stream thus formed soon
being augmented by the waters of the North Fork.
Seining has been done only near Salem in small tributaries and
where Middle Fork has an average width of not more than ten or
twelve feet. Mr. Albert Hayes, Mr. J. S. Johnson and Mr. F. W.
Webster have helped me draw the seine. Mr. Webster has also given
me many valuable suggestions as to suitable localities.

1. Ameiurus melas (Raf.). Rare, only in main stream.

2. Catostomus commersonii (Lac.). Common, main stream and
3. Catostomus nigricans Le S. Taken only in a small tributary.
4. Moxostoma aureolum (Le S.). In a small tributary.
5. Cyprinus carpio L. Only in main stream.
6. Campostoma anomalum (Raf.). Everywhere.
7. Chrosomus erythrogaster Raf. In two small tributaries.
8. Pimephales promelas Raf. In main stream only.
9. Pimephales notatus (Raf.). Everywhere.
10. Semotilus atromaculatus (Mitch.). Everywhere.
11. Leuciscus elongatus (Kirt.). In one tributary and in Cold Run.
The iridescent coppery red of the sides anteriorly in the living
fish, taken in October, turned scarlet in alcohol.
12. Abramis chrysoleucas (Mitch.). Taken only in main stream.
13. Notropis cayuga Meek. A single specimen taken in Cold Run.
14. Notropis cornutus (Mitch.). Everywhere.
15. Notropis rubrifrons (Cope). Taken only in main stream.
16. Notropis umbratilis lythrurus (Jordan). Taken only in main
17. Ericymba buccata (Cope). Everywhere.
18. Rhinichthys atronasus (Mitch.). In the smallest tributaries.
19. Hybopsis amblops (Raf.). In Cold Run.
Hybopsis kentuckiensis (Raf.). Taken only in Cold Run, a single
21. Umbra lima (Kirt.). Taken only in the main stream.
22. Eucalia inconstans (Kirt.). Taken only in the main stream.
23. Ambloplites rupestris (Raf.). In main stream and one tributary.
24. Apomotis cyanellus (Raf.). Taken in Cold Run.
25. Lepomis megalotis (Raf.). Taken only in the main stream.
26. Eupomotis gibbosus (Lin.). One specimen taken in a tributary;
determined by Dr. Evermann. Numbers 25 and 26 probably
represent one species.
27. Micropterus dolomieu Lac. Taken only in the main stream.
28. Boleosoma nigrum (Raf.). Everywhere.
29. Etheostoma flabellare Raf. In the main stream and Cold Run.
30. Cottus ictalops (Raf.). Taken only in Cold Run.

Mr. A. J. Pieters, Assistant Botanist in the U. S. Dept. of

Agriculture, has written an interesting and useful article[1] on the
plants of western Lake Erie. This report should be read by all who are
interested in the hydrophytes of Ohio, or in the flora and fauna of
Lake Erie. In addition to some introductory remarks, the paper treats
of the plants in Put-in-Bay, in Squaw Harbor, near Gibraltar Island,
in Hatchery Bay and in the open lake, and the plants of East Harbor.
The swamp vegetation is also discussed, including the plants in the
Portage River swamps and in the swamps about Sandusky Bay. The
ecological conditions and the ecological adaptations of the flora are
treated quite fully, and at the end are given alphabetical lists of the
plants studied, including angiosperms, stoneworts and desmids.

John H. Schaffner.
1. A. J. Pieters. “The Plants of Western Lake Erie, with Observations on their
Distribution.” Bull. U. S. Fish Commission, 1901, pp. 57–79. Pls. 11–20.

James S. Hine.

The habits of flies belonging to the family Tabanidæ, commonly

called horse-flies or gad-flies, furnish much material for study and
observation. I take this opportunity to record some of the notes
which I have taken in the last few years while endeavoring to collect
and study the local species of the family. Although the eggs, larvæ
and pupæ of many species have been studied, what I have to say in
this paper pertains wholly to the adults. Members of the family are
usually taken by every entomologist who does general collecting, but
as a usual thing males are seldom taken; in fact this sex is so poorly
represented in collections that no key has been published for
identifying the males of our American species. The student must use
the key to the females as far as possible and guess at the rest. In very
many cases the male is not even described, so that sometimes, when
the sexes are unlike, they can be associated only by observations in
the field. By careful collecting and observation we have procured
practically all of our local species in both sexes, and the derived
benefit, satisfaction and enjoyment have paid us fully for our time
and pains.
In the first place the mouthparts of the two sexes are different—the
male lacks the mandibles which are present in the female. This
makes it necessary for them to procure their food from different
sources, the male obtains his from flowers, while the female lives by
puncturing the skin and sucking the blood of warm-blooded
vertebrates. Thus it is evident that during the time spent in procuring
food the sexes cannot remain together. From an economic
standpoint the female most concerns the student and she is often
taken for study without an attempt being made to procure the male.
At this point I can say collect females around horses, cattle and
other animals, and males on flowers; but this is not enough, for
knowing the general habits of insects we are certain that there is a
common ground where the two sexes may be found together. One
finds this common ground in the vicinity of water, where their
transformations take place and where their eggs are laid, also in
various other places, which we shall take occasion to discuss as we
The females of all our local species of Chrysops with Tabanus
pumilus and nivosus come buzzing around the collector in numbers,
and at such times may be taken easily with a net. Other species of
Tabanus come near enough that the sound of their wings is
recognizable, but are so active that it is almost impossible to procure
During the time the female is ovipositing the male is often sitting
near by on the foliage. At Georgesville, Ohio, June 4th, I observed C.
mœchus ovipositing on foliage overhanging a mill-race; soon after
specimens of the male sex were observed resting on the upper leaves
of the same plant on which females were ovipositing. In a few
minutes collecting, a dozen or more specimens of each of the sexes
were procured. The only males of C. indus I have ever taken were
procured at Columbus, on the border of a small pond, where the
females were ovipositing.
The sexes of many species of Tabanus often alight on the bare
ground of paths or roads that run through or along woods. At
Cincinnati, June 10th, in company with Mr. Dury, we procured large
numbers of the sexes of different species resting on some furrows
that were plowed around a woods to prevent the spread of fire. We
also took the same species resting in paths and roads that ran
through the woods. Some of these same species were also taken from
low-growing foliage in sunny places among the trees. At Medina,
Ohio, males and females of T. vivax and trimaculatus were taken
while resting in a road that ran through a dense woods.
One of the best places I have ever found to get the sexes of
Chrysops and Tabanus is in the tall grass that skirts the marshes of
Sandusky Bay. This grass is the Phragmites of botanists and grows to
a great height by July 1st. On July 6th, at Black Channel, when the
wind was high I went into a patch of this grass that was so dense that
I could not use a net to advantage. Here I saw an abundance of flies
and found that by approaching them very slowly I could readily pick
the specimens off with my fingers. The male and female of T. stygius,
nivosus, C. æstuans and flavidus and the male of T. affinis and
bicolor were taken in this way. I found that this same species of grass
afforded excellent collecting wherever found, but most material was
procured when the wind was high. On the same date and near the
same place the male of C. flavidus was taken from the flowers of the
common spatter-dock, and this and æstuans were procured by
sweeping in the adjacent low-growing herbage. R. C. Osburn informs
me that he has had excellent success in collecting Tabanids from tall
grass near water in his experience.
Tabanus sulcifrons Macq. is an abundant species in northern Ohio
during the latter part of July and all of August. So common that by
actual count twenty-eight specimens were taken from a cow in ten
minutes, while a few that alighted on the animal during that time
were not procured. August 1st of the present year I was at Hinckley,
Medina County, and spent the day taking observations on this
species. In the morning about nine o’clock I went to the border of a
woods where I had often observed the species before. Here males
and females were found in abundance crawling over the trunks and
foliage of trees, on the fence along the woods and flying about
generally. One pair was observed in copulation on the fence, and I
am of the opinion that the presence of so many flies in the locality at
the time is explained on the ground that it was the general mating
place of the sexes. On several occasions I have made observations
which lead me to believe that the sexes of various species of the
family copulate among foliage often high up in the trees. As Tabanids
are not easily procured with a net from the surface of a rough rail, I
tried the experiment of picking the specimens off with my fingers
and found that it was surprisingly successful, if the movement
toward them was made very slowly until just ready to touch them
when the fingers were gripped quickly. Near a watering trough where
a herd of cattle drank daily I found males in numbers resting on the
ground where the turf had been tramped off. Along Rocky River I
observed both sexes fly down to the water and dip several times in
succession and then away to alight on a stone on the bank or
disappear from sight altogether.
On July 29th I rode from Sandusky to Cleveland by boat. Although
we were from two to five miles off shore all the time, males and
females of T. sulcifrons often came on board and alighted on the
canvas and rigging of the boat. From this it is evident that this
species at least may fly for some distance over water.
We have taken Goniops chrysocoma on several occasions. It has a
habit which is of value to the collector. At Hinckley, Medina County,
I took several females and observed that they have the habit of
stationing themselves on the upper side of a leaf, where by vibrating
their wings rapidly and striking the upper surface of the leaf at each
downward stroke, make a rattling noise which can be heard plainly
several feet away. At Vinton last spring Mr. Morse and myself
identified the characteristic sound of the species and were guided by
it to procure specimens.
I have taken the male of Pangonia rasa on blossoms of sumac at
Medina, Ohio, in August.

James S. Hine.

Agromyza setosa Loew—The larvæ of several species of the genus

Agromyza are known to mine the leaves and stems of various plants.
Cabbage, potatoes, corn, clover, strawberries, verbenas,
chrysanthemums and sunflowers are among the cultivated plants
from which various species of the genus have been reared; while
plantain, round-leaved mallow, golden-rod, aster, cocklebur, rag-
weed and wild-rice are given as their food-plants. In some cases a
single species of fly has been reared from a half dozen or more
different plants. Agromyza setosa Loew, as determined by Coquillett,
was reared in numbers from leaves of wild-rice, Zizania aquatica, at
Sandusky during August of each of the years 1900 and 1901.
Professor Osborn studied the species and its work in 1900, while my
observations were made a year later. Although I include the notes
taken by both of us, many points are needed before a detailed
account of the habits and life history of the species can be given.
The eggs are conspicuous on account of their abundance and white
color, and are deposited chiefly on the upper surface of the leaves of
the food plant.
The larvæ upon hatching bore into the leaf and feed beneath its
upper covering. When full grown they measure about 6 mm. in
length, are white, or greenish on account of chlorophyl taken in with
their food, and are furnished with strongly chitinous mouth parts.
The mines which they make in the leaves are irregular in width and
extend for varying lengths on one side or the other of the mid-rib.
These variations in extent are usually explainable from the fact that a
variable number of larvæ occupy the different mines. The work of the
larvæ is apparent from the first on the upper side of the leaf, and may
be seen beneath after a few days because of the fact that the parts
beneath the mine sooner or later turn yellow.
The pupa is to be found either in the mine or clinging to the
surface of the leaf. It is brown in color, with two prominences
anteriorly where the attachment with the leaf is effected, and is
contained within the last larval skin so that the legs and wing-pads
are at no time visible from the outside.
Bibio albipennis Say—Larvæ observed in colonies under fallen
logs, and boards which were lying on the ground. Specimens taken
April 4th pupated May 5th and the adults appeared May 13th. The
adults were unable to fly for several hours after they emerged on
account of their wings remaining soft. I observed the first males
flying out of doors on the 23d of May.
Chrysopila ornata Say—Larva about an inch and a half in length,
white in color, cylindrical, with an enlargement at the posterior end
bearing a number of fleshy elongations which are about the length of
their basal breadth. Found under rotten wood May 1st. Pupa brown,
last segment armed with six spinose teeth, the two on the ventral
side arising from the same base, the remaining abdominal segments
furnished with a circlet of spines near the posterior third. The adult
emerged the 18th of June.
Ohio State University.

Six Colleges well equipped and prepared to present the best

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MUSEUM. other Fungi; Abnormal growths and
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Prof. W. A. Kellerman,
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Columbus, Ohio.

GEOLOGICAL Will exchange Hudson, Corniferous and

MUSEUM. Carboniferous fossils. Address

Prof. J. A. Bownocker, Curator,

Geological Museum, Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio.

ZOOLOGICAL Birds, Insects, Reptiles, etc. We wish to

MUSEUM. make our collections representative for the
fauna of the state and will greatly appreciate all contributions to that

Address, Prof. Herbert Osborn,

Department Zoology and Entomology,
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Ohio State University, Lake Laboratory. Located at Sandusky on

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Laboratory courses of six and eight weeks beginning June 30,
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Process and Wood Engraving, Electrotypers

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Issued November 15th, 1901.

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LL. D., Dean.
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