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- Special Report -


How To Find A Treasure Trove
Of Hot Online Sales Letters
Pulling In Millions Of Dollars!

By John Anghelache
Direct Response Copywriter

You Do NOT Have The Right To Reprint,

Resell Or Give Away This Report!

Copyright © 2009 John Anghelache


You may not sell or give away this report or any portion thereof.


While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this
publication, neither the author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for
errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice.
The Publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be
subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to
retain competent counsel to determine what state and/or local laws or regulations
may apply to the user’s particular business.

The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of
these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and
regulations, both federal and state and local, governing professional licensing,
business practices, advertising and all other aspects of doing business in the
United States or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser
or reader. The author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability
whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials.

Any perceived slights of people or organizations is unintentional.

Copyright © John Anghelache

About The Author
John Anghelache is a direct response copywriter and marketer.

He is responsible for over $40,000,000 in online and offline sales of various

products and services including: real estate brokerage, real estate investing,
stock market investing, copywriting, marketing consulting and various information
products in the business opportunity and business growth markets.

He has worked with some of the top online and offline marketers in the world. His
list of clients reads like a “Who’s Who” of marketing.

Some of those clients are: Gary Halbert, Joe Vitale, David Garfinkel, Michel
Fortin, Yanik Silver, Peter Stone, Pat O’Bryan and Dave Moore.

John has recently perfected an email marketing and copywriting process

resulting in consistent double-digit response rates. Several of his biggest winners
resulted in response rates of 28%... 19%... and... 13% respectively. These
response rates represent actual orders.

This email marketing process works best for business owners who are releasing
new products and services... repackaging old products and services... and...
bolstering orders for new subscriptions and renewals to: online and offline
newsletters... ezine lists... and... membership websites.

For further details about John’s marketing system (which he shares with paying
clients only) you can contact him at...

John L. Anghelache
17566 Merlin Drive
Lowell, IN 46356

Phone: (219) 789-4456

John’s websites include:

Copyright © John Anghelache


What Others Say About

John Anghelache…
"John is only one of a handful of new copywriters
on the scene I'd trust. In fact, I hired him recently
to write a sales letter for one of my $6,250 products.
He jam-packed the letter with killer salesmanship.
I'm delighted with the results."
Gary C. Halbert,

"When I read the copy John wrote about my Breakthrough

Copywriting Seminar, I became so enthused I wanted to watch
the DVDs all over again!... He 'gets' it -- and if you're lucky
enough to have him write copy for you, you'll profit from it!"
David Garfinkel, World Copywriting Institute

"I have to tell you the bullet copy you just wrote for
me is fantastic. You pack benefit after benefit into your
copy that practically glued my eyes to every page
from beginning to end."
Yanik Silver, Sure Fire Marketing, Inc.

"But more than that, his sales letter is pulling sales

and making money, which is the real world test.
He's an excellent copywriter."
Dr. Joe Vitale, Hypnotic Marketing Inc.

"By the way folks, John is primarily an offline copywriter...

and a damn fine one. (I know, I've hired him!)"
Michel Fortin, The Success Doctor, Inc.

“John, I can count the number of copywriters I’ll hire

on one hand and still have enough left-over digits
to hold a pencil securely. For the quality, timeliness
and hassle-free results you delivered, I’ll
confidently hire you again."
Peter Stone,

Copyright © John Anghelache


Special Report...
How To Find A Treasure Trove Of Hot Online
Sales Letters Pulling In Millions Of Dollars!

By John Anghelache

The purpose of this Special Report is simple:

To show you in step by step fashion how to

track down and uncover a virtual storehouse
of multi-million dollar direct response online
sales letters. Which you can model to craft
your own blockbuster promotions.

When you’re done reading this report you’ll know...

 The best way to uncover a fresh supply of up-to-date killer sales letters!

 Why you need to opt-in to the email lists of the top online direct response
companies in the world! (It’s easy once you know how!)

 A secret way (legal and ethical) to use Google as your own “private eye”...
and... access millions of dollars worth of pure advertising gold!

 How to pillage thousands of current letters and controls at the touch of a button!
(Imagine rummaging through the best direct response promotions money can
buy with a few simple clicks of your mouse!)

 Five steps to building a virtual swipe file that can help you create winner
after profit-rich winner! (If you’re not getting excited yet check your pulse!)

 Why using current controls to model your ads, sales letters and web copy is often
better (much better) than relying on old ads!

 And much more!

Anyway, I encourage you read this report through at least three times. You’ll end up
using it as a desk top reference whenever you need to find a hot ad to swipe. In reality,
this report is worth at least several thousand dollars in research alone. Not to mention
the edge you’ll gain by using proven ads as templates.

Use it wisely and prosper!

Copyright © John Anghelache


The number one problem people have when preparing a piece of advertising is knowing
what to say. This problem is so insidious it permeates businesses across the country.

Case in point...

A long time ago, I used to sell real estate. One day, while hiding in my cubicle, I
overheard a curious conversation. The office manager wanted to place a house ad in a
local paper. He was at a loss for words. He quite literally did not know what to say.

Exasperated by the situation, the office manager threw his hands up in the air. He then
told the secretary to write something – anything – and submit the ad pronto. I have
never forgotten that scene.

Once I learned how to write effective ads I realized how difficult it is for most people. But
it does not have to be. There are many reasons why writing ads is hard. In my opinion,
the number one reason is...

Most People Trying To

Write Ads Never Think About Using
A Proven Ad As A Template!

Yet, the easiest way to craft your own blockbuster ads is to find the current blockbusters
and simply model them.

Listen close: Modeling proven ads can as much as triple your chances of creating a
successful ad of your own. Not only that but it also eliminates writer’s block. And it
allows you to write more effective ads faster.

But the other problem is...

How To Find Current

Million Dollar Ads!

Now, you might be thinking...

“Hey, why not use the old classics instead of new ones?”

Good question. And, of course, the answer is simple. You can use the old classics as
swipes. But you better be careful. Because what worked back then may not work as
well now. It’s a question of relevance. Times change. So does what works in
advertising. Timeless principles remain timeless. But they must be applied in new ways
to get the same impact and response.

Five or ten years ago, setting up a website would cost $2,000 to $5,000 or more. Now
you can put hundreds of websites up for a one time cost of $200 for specialized
software... and... about $50 for domain registration and hosting.

Copyright © John Anghelache


The point is this: Things change and you have to be on top of...

What’s Working Now... Today... In Direct

Marketing Online And Offline!

In any case, I’ve broken down the process of finding current online controls into five
easy steps. By the way, a control is the most responsive and highest profit pulling ad or
sales letter currently being used.

Here are the five steps and then we’ll dive into them one by one...

Step One: Get on the email lists of the top online direct response companies.

Step Two: Read their main site and ezines and click on the promotional links within.

Step Three: Make a note of each sales letter web address.

Step Four: Do a Google search on each web address to find all the other ads and
sales letters.

Step Five: Repeat the above with each ezine in turn and build your online swipe file.

Okay, so let’s talk in detail about each step...

Step One
Get On The Email Lists Of
The Top Online Direct Response
The first thing you must do is find each of these top direct response companies. Then
do a Google search on each company. To get on their email list you simply opt in to the
ezines they offer either on their home page or specific landing pages for each ezine.

The hardest part of this process is finding these companies.

You won’t have to go through any stress or struggle because I’m going to give you a
few of the very best of the bunch below. They include...

Agora Publishing (main website is at...

Phillips Publishing (main website is at...
Weiss Research (main website is at...
Boardroom Inc. (main website is at...
Health Resources (main website is at...

Okay, there you have a starter list of massively successful direct response publishing
companies who hire the best copywriters in the world.
Copyright © John Anghelache


As I mentioned, each of these powerhouse marketing companies have ezines. By

subscribing to them you get their sales pitches. Let’s take Agora Inc. for instance. As of
this writing, on their main page, they have a section called...

“Free Resources from Agora Inc.”

When you click on that link what comes up is a page with every single ezine Agora
publishes. Some of these ezines are published daily.

You enter your email and first name and check off all the ezines you want to receive.


You will now have access to their current sales letters.

Again, it’s worth restating that these companies hire the best pen slingers in the world.
They often put their offline controls online too. And, again, a control is the best selling
ad or letter as determined by millions of dollars worth of scientifically run split tests.

A split test is where an ad is run against another ad to the same list to see which ad
pulls better results. Half the list gets letter “A”. Half the list gets letter “B”.

The one that pulls in the highest sales or return on investment is the winner.

So finding and modeling these letters is like having access to millions of dollars of
copywriting and marketing research. Agora, for example, is just one company. It does...

Over $100 Million Per

Year In Revenue!

Let’s look at Phillips Publishing.

On their site,, there is a sign up box for their free investment
newsletter, Investor Insights. Put in your first and last name and email and you’re in.

Weiss Research is a little more tricky. Because their main site is a portal to their other
websites. When you go to the main page they list all their sites. The one you want is
Money And Markets. Go to that page and sign up for their free newsletter.

If you follow this simple step you will have...

“Seeded” Yourself On
The World’s Best Direct
Response Email Lists!

Stand by for a flood of great financial and health information. And, of course, their hot

Copyright © John Anghelache


sales letters. Getting seeded is just the beginning of the process. If that’s all you do
you’ll never access all the great online controls from each company.

Which leads us to...

Step Two
Read Their Main Site
And Ezines And Click On The
Promotional Links Within
So let’s look at what you get when you join Agora’s Daily Wealth ezine.

Note: There are no promotional links on Agora’s main site as of this writing. We’ll look at
their ezines instead.

First of all, Agora has a full time staff writing their ezines. Most focus on the stock
market and other investing opportunities. Within the main body of each ezine article
you’ll find a section that looks like this...

- - - - - - - - - - - Advertisement - - - - - - - - - - - -
I’m Pretty Sure This Will Shock You...

We just made an amazing discovery here at S&A – a discovery that could

make 2009 your most profitable year ever.

If you haven’t heard about this yet, you’re definitely missing out on some
tremendous opportunities.

Click here to learn more.


Guess what happens when you click on that link.


A new window opens up with a sales letter. The headline for this letter is...

2008 S&A Research Audit Results:

Our top-performing service of 2008

returned 1,458%

Are you getting these picks?

Besides the main ezine article, Daily Wealth also has at least one or two mini display
ads on the side of the ezine. Here’s one as an example...
Copyright © John Anghelache



Becoming a “1-Share Millionaire”

1 share may not sound like much...

But if you own stocks – there’s a

way to potentially pocket thousands
of dollars a month on just a single
share... by getting it through the
U.S. Mail.

Quite simply, this secret approach

can pay you 10 TIMES more than
using a broker. As San Francisco
Chronicle says, “It’s almost
impossible not to make money.”

Click here for the full details.


When you click on that link a sales letter comes up with this headline...

U.S. Postal secret could make you a

“1 share millionaire”

How cool is that?

The other Agora ezines work the same way. There’s a lot of content and within that
content there are little display ads with links to sales letters. The same thing applies to
most of the other companies as well.

A big problem rears its ugly head with this approach of finding online controls. In a
nutshell, the problem is you’re limited to the available letters in the ezines. You don’t get
full access to ALL the sales letters online from each company. At least all the ones that
can be accessed.

Come closer and listen up: The key to finding similar sales letters as the ones in each
of these ezines is to go on to...

Step Three
Make A Note Of Each
Sales Letter Web Address
Here’s where things get exciting...

Copyright © John Anghelache


While going through each of these various ezines click on the promotional links.

That will take you to the respective sales page. Look at the top of each page and you’ll
see the URL or web address of that page. Copy and paste it in a document. It’s
important to note you don’t have to copy and past the entire URL.

Most of the URL’s are very long.

Each of these web pages is usually encrypted to protect consumers while they go
through the check out process. The only part of the URL we are interested in is the
part that...

Clues Us In To How We Can Access

Other Similar Sales Letters!

Let me explain with an example...

Go back with me, if you will, to the first ezine ad I went over. The one that started out
with... “I’m Pretty Sure This Will Shock You”.

Remember that one? You do! I thought you would. Anyway, when I clicked on the link in
that ad the sales letter that popped up had this long URL...

The second ad – the one that talked about the 1-share millionaire – had this long URL...

Question: What part of each of these URL’s is similar? Because that’s the only part we
care about. That’s the only part that allows us to search the Internet for hundreds and
even thousands of similar letters.

Anyway, the answer is...

That is the only part of both URL’s we need. Armed with this information we can now
rummage through the Internet and...

Find Similar Sales Letters From

The Same Company At The Touch Of A Button!

Follow along as I go through the same process for another ezine. How about Money
And Markets from Weiss Research?

Okay, so I got an ezine entitled... How Low Can Oil Go?

Copyright © John Anghelache


While scrolling through this ezine, I notice an ad that reads...

Internal Sponsorship
President Obama’s #1 nightmare is
unfolding even as he takes the oath of office...

Bank Crisis II Goes Global

As our new president took the oath of office yesterday, he

inherited the greatest financial catastrophe any U. S. president
has had to deal with in at least 76 years: Bank Crisis II.

The new global banking crisis is compelling new evidence of the

great “financial famine” we warn about in our video: A long
period of time in which every source of income and profits you
count on is in extreme danger.

Click here for more information...

When you click on the link a sales page pops up. The interesting thing is that the URL of
the ezine is not the same as the URL of the sales page.

What I mean is this: The URL of the ezine is...

The URL of the sales page is...

The same thing holds true for other sales pages. Their URL’s always start with...

So that’s the common link URL that will help us find...

All Of The Available Online

Sales Letters For Weiss Research!

This should tell you something.

You will have to go through each letter and note the common part of each sales page
URL. There is no shortcut to this process.

The great thing is, once you know the “root” of the sales page URL’s, you’re in

Armed with these sales page URL’s we can go on to...

Copyright © John Anghelache


Step Four
Do A Google Search On Each
Web Address To Find All The Other
Ads And Sales Letters
This is where the rubber meets the road.

Here’s what you do...

Go to In the search box you take one of the sales page URL’s and type in
the following search command...

Click the search button and what you get is 82 web pages from the URL above. Not all
82 web pages are sales letters. But a lot of them are. In fact, here are a few of the

The U.S. Govt’s Secret Colorado Oil Discovery

California Overnight Dividends

Canada’s Secret “Oil & Gas Prosperity Plan”

I can go on and on and on.

How about doing a Google search for the Weiss Research letters? What will that
bring up? Let’s see...

Again, using, in the search box I typed in...

Oh, wait a second here! Only one search came up. There is a link that says...

“repeat the search with the omitted results included”.

When I click on this link 131 web pages from the above URL come up. Now that’s more
like it if you ask me. Not all of these web pages are sales letters. Here are a few of the
headlines from the ones that are...

Bank Crisis II Goes Global!

Mega-Profits From The Commodity Supercycle

Inflation Taking Off Like A Moon Shot!

Copyright © John Anghelache


Let’s move on to...

Step Five
Repeat The Above With
Each Ezine In Turn And Build
Your Online Swipe File
You now know how to access millions of dollars worth of sales letters by the biggest and
most profitable online direct response companies. Simply follow Steps One through
Four and repeat this process with each ezine.

Also, for those company websites that do have links to sales letters on their main page,
make a note of those sales page URL’s. Then go through the process of doing a Google
search to find more sales letters and magalogs from that company.

To make it even easier on you, I’m going to give you...

The Sales Letter URL’s From

My Personal Swipe File!

• Agora Inc.

• HSI (health subsidiary of Agora Inc.)

• Phillips Publishing

• Weiss Research

• Casey Research

• Health Resources

Copyright © John Anghelache


In conclusion, I’d like to personally...

Thank You For Investing

In This Special Report!

At first glance, it seems like nothing more than words on paper. However, this report is
much more than that. It is, in fact, your secret intelligence blueprint for finding proven
online sales letters. Back in the day, when the Internet was only a figment of Al Gore’s
imagination, you’d have to pay hundreds of dollars to get “seeded” on the mailing lists of
the top direct response companies.

Even then you could not access all of the currently circulating top promotions. It was
simply impossible. Thanks to the Internet and the secrets of proper research you can
now tap into and collect...

Millions Of Dollars Worth Of

Promotions Almost Instantly!

I know from personal experience, as a direct response copywriter, how important having
a well-stocked swipe file is.

Because it can help you...

 Access “Big Ideas” you never thought of for new promotions!

 Find a headline template to revive an old promotion that’s “petering out”!

 Pinpoint a hot offer you can tweak for your market!

 Come up with new product ideas!

 And much, much more!

The possibilities are endless when you have access to these hot promotions.

Anyway, I wish you well and hope you use this new-found knowledge to craft killer sales
messages for your business or your clients.


John Anghelache
a.k.a. “The Swipe Master”

P.S. One more thing: In case you don’t have it, you may want to take a look at The
Copywriting Crash Course. Because this course shows you how to swipe these
blockbuster promotions the right way. To check it out... click here.

Copyright © John Anghelache


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