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This is a wok of friction. All the names, characters,

businesses, places, locals and incidents are the products
of the author’s imagination.


This book is dedicated to all my Facebook readers who

supported me from the start of my writing till now. Thank
for boosting my confidence in writing and believing in me
more than I believe in myself.
If you’re reading for the first time, I hope you enjoy !

For more of my books ; contact :

Facebook : @Threads.
WhatsApp number : 071 058 6724.


“Come on Siya, hold on.”
“ I ... (coughs out blood) take care of ma, Mvelo.”
“ Ungazo khuluma amasimba la wena ! ungavali lawo
mehlo! ” (don't talk rubbish here, don't close those eyes)
Meh big brother shouted, everything is so hard for Siya,
he really wants to hold on but he keeps on losing blood
and the wound is so sore ! After some few minutes their
private doctor, Dr Davis got in with his medical kit.
“Where is he ? ”
“ Ngilandele. ” (follow me)
The big brother said, the doctor followed him then he got
in, rushed to Siya and started removing the bullet while the
others were counting money.
“Ubhuti naye akamameli. ” (our brother doesn't listen)
“ Uthini Ziyanda ? ” (what did you say?)
Ziyanda : (clears his throat) Lutho bhuti omdala. (nothing
big brother)
They then kept quiet and continued counting money as
they knew that whenever their big brother is angry,
everything in the house becomes so hard and you have to
count your words. Meet the Ngcobo brothers : Melusi

Ngcobo (the first born) ; Siyabonga Ngcobo (the second
born) ; Mvelo Ngcobo ; Mmeli Ngcobo ; Ziyanda Ngcobo
and their little sister Langelihle Ngcobo along with their
mother Thandaziwe Mseleku - Ngcobo. THIS IS THEIR


The pain is unbearable, they always say “indoda ayikhali”
(a man doesn’t cry) but this time around ? I guess I
became sissy. Well doctor Davis is done taking out the
bullet but I keep on feeling weak.
Dr Davis : Mr Ngcobo ? Are you okay sir ?
Me : (groans & nods)
Dr Davis : Sir, you will need blood, you’ve lost a lot of
I just don’t know why this nigga keeps on talking because
he can see that I don’t have any strength after a while I
closed my eyes. My name is Siyabonga Ngcobo, a twin
brother to Mvelo Ngcobo, I’m 29 years old.

This can’t be happening, Siya can’t and won’t leave me
here alone ! I know that I have more brothers but Siya is
my rock , my keeper. While sitting alone in my room at the
warehouse, the door opened up, Ziyanda got in looking
Me : (panics) Ziyanda ? Whatsup ? Is Siya okay ?

Ziyanda : Angazi Mvelo futhi why are you acting like a
woman ? Qina Mvelo, uyindoda ! ( I don’t know and … be
strong, you are a man)
Me : Ukhuluma nobani njalo Ziyanda ? (who are you
talking to like that?)
Ziyanda : Ngiyeke ngifuna ukulala ! (leave me alone, I
want to sleep)
He then got in bed and closed his eyes slowly, I then got
out of the room to see what’s happening with Siya, my
name is Mvelo Ngcobo, a twin brother to Siyabonga
Ngcobo, I’m 29 years old.


The mission didn’t go the way the boys planned. After their
father’s death they had to provide for their mother since
was a house wife. Melusi had to take care of the taxi
family business and other businesses but when the taxi
started fighting over his father’s taxi, he had to let them
take over and then continue with other businesses. That
gave them a chance to do heists only on taxis so that they
can get their father’s taxis back but this mission went
wrong, even though they got the taxi and went to do bank
Meanwhile in Siyabonga’s room, Mvelo keeps on sniffing
with his brothers annoyed as a fuck. In all the brothers,
Mvelo is the most emotional one but he always has to hide
his emotions around Melusi, because ubhuti omdala is not
a fan of cry babies. The other brothers are watching over
Siya while Melusi goes to check up on their mother and
their sister, with Mmeli going to the club to de – stress.
It’s so annoying to watch on the crying Mvelo, he is
irritating ! Well right now I’m on my way to the club, I have
never ever thought that our missions will go wrong one

day, well but it is what it is. I then got into the club, parked
my car and got in. I walked over to the counter, I found
Bonolo serving as usual.
Me : Sho B, the usual please.
Bonolo : Okay.
She then gave me a beer.
Me : Please give me something stronger.
Bonolo : (concerned) Wanna talk about it ?
Me : As I always say, I love …
Bonolo : (interrupts me) I love someone who likes minding
their own business (rolls her eyes) .
Me : (cold response) So ?
Bonolo : Coming right up sir !
She then walked away, my name is Mmeli Ngcobo, I’m the
third born of the house and I’m 28 years old. Well I’m what
you can call a free person and I’m a bachelor !


Me : (groaning) Oh shit ! Mommy wait for me I’m coming !
“ (moaning & crying) I can’t Lusi , I just can’t, oh ! Do it
After a while I released, at last ! I then got off her and took
off the condom and went to dump it. After that went to just
drink a glass of whiskey when I came back from the
bathroom, I found her crying. I know that I said I’m going
home but on my way home I felt really stressed so I
needed to release the stress fast.
Me : (annoyed) Yini manje Kamohelo ? (what is it now?)
Kamo : (sniffs) Nothing .
Me : Gcoka, ngifuna ukuhamba mina . (wear you clothes, I
want to leave)
Kamo : (wipes her tears) Ke kopa ho hlapa pele ? (can I
bath first please)
Me : (bored) Make it snappy .
She then disappeared to the bathroom, I took clean
clothes and wore them after few minutes she came out
limping, oh shit ! I’ve hurt her, well not that I care she just
one of my fuckbuddies but with her there’s something
different, I just want to make love to her not fuck her, I
wonder what is happening to me. She then took her

clothes and wore them, we then left and I gave her some
Me : (stops the car) Ngizokushayela ucingo mangifika
endlini . (I will call you when I arrive home)
Kamo : (nods)
Me : Kamo, yini? Why are you giving me silent treatment?
(what is it ?)
Kamo : (cries)
Me : Yini ? was I too harsh ? (what is it ?)
Kamo : (sniffs) Eya , I mean no. (yes)
Me : (concerned) Kamo , talk to me .
Kamo : (gets off the car) Bye Lusi .
What the hell is going on with her ? I mean, what the hell
is going on with me ? When did I started promising to
calling my fuck buddies ? Get your act together Melusi ! I
then watched her get into the compound then I drove off
and went to check on my mother. My name is Melusi
Ngcobo , I’m 32 years old and I just fuck around with no
string attached but I think I’m falling for one if my fuck
buddies, I just don’t know ! Well the mission was perfectly
planned and I don’t know what went wrong but I just hope
my brother makes it because if it doesn’t, this will definitely
kill Mvelo.


I don’t know why do I keep on crying, I mean for the first
ever, Melusi was too harsh on me, I check my neck, wow !
Perks of being a light skinned, I’m so angry at myself now.
I got inside the house, I’m never doing rough sex with
melusi ever ! I got inside the house, I found Nikiwe sitting
on the couch.
Nikiwe : (sipping her red wine) Yes girl !
Me : (cold response) Hello.
Nikiwe : Wassup ?
Me : Nothing, I’m just going to take a nap .
I then walked to my bedroom, well Nikiwe is the girl I share
a room with. I then got in my room, got into the blankets
and drift to sleep with my heart bleeding and regretting
going to Melusi. My name is Kamohelo Modau, I’m 23
years old, a third year student of teaching and I am

It’s been two weeks since the incident of Siyabonga
getting shot, after the boys let they mother knew about this
incident, she just become so stressed but a week after
they told her, Siya started responding to the medicine that
he was given. Everything is now better, well Mvelo
stopped being a cry baby a little bit which made his
brothers happy.

A good thing is that Siya is responding to the medicine that
Dr Davis is giving him. I’m glad that he is responding ! At
last, well after he responded to the medicine I became
better than before, well right now I’m at the warehouse
checking up on him, what hurts is that mother hasn’t see
him yet, we had to lie about everything else. I got inside
his room and I found him awake .
Me : (excited) Bafo ?!
Siyabonga : (coughs) Water please.
I then rushed to the cabinet and pour the glass of water for
him and helped him to drink. After a while he stopped
Me : Are you okay ?
Siyabonga : (nods)
Me : (sighs) Let me call the doctor for you .
I then got out and went to check on Dr Davis.
Me : He’s awake .
Dr Davis : Let’s go !
We then rushed to him and doctor Davis did some few
check ups on him.

I just can’t believe that I’ve passed out for almost two
weeks for the first in the thug life, I was shot to almost
death. well the bullet got in my left rib cage but I didn’t die,
I’m so lucky.
Me : Mvelo ?
Mvelo : You can talk ?
Me : (laughs) Call the others bafo .
Mvelo : (chuckles) Okay .
He then went out and I was left alone.


Siyabonga just decided to go AWOL on me for a whole two
weeks, I mean who does that to their partner ? I just hope
he’s okay. I got inside the house and found my mother
busy cooking, this girl is the best !
Me : (kisses her cheek) Sawubona ma . (hello mom)
Mom : (smiles) Hello ntombi.
Me : (sits down) I’m so tired !
Mom : How was work baby ?
Me : (sighs) Busy as always love.
Mom : I’m sure you’re so tired .
Me : (sighs) I need a bath and some cooked food .
Mom : okay baby, go and take a bath .
I then went to do my personal hygiene, this Siyabonga
thing is stressing me. While bathing my cell phone rang, I
got out of the bath and went to fetch my cell phone.
Me : (answers the call) Hello .
Voice : Sawubona sphalaphala sami . (hello my beautiful
Me : (blushes) Fuze lami elihle.
I just how soft I become when he calls me like that.

Siyabonga : Ukahle yini ? (you okay?)
Me : (sniffs)
Siyabonga : Hawu mama, yini manje ? (what is it now?)
Me : You didn’t call me for two weeks Siya !
Siya : I’m sorry baby, can I see you on weekend ?
Me : Sure but only on one condition, promise me that you
will call me before you sleep.
Siya : I will baby, ngiyakuthanda yezwa ? (I love you
understand ?)
Me : (blushes) Nami .
Siya : (chuckles) Nawe ini ? (you what?)
Me : (smiles) I love you too idiot !
Siya : Your idiot !
I then hang up and continue with my personal hygiene, at
least now, I know that my gent is fine, phew ! My name is
Nokuthula Dladla, a cashier in PicknPay and a 5th year ,
medicine student. I live with my mother, Lebohang Dladla
and I’m 26 years old !

Melusi arrived at his mother’s house, he got in and found
his mother reading a bible verse with his younger sister.
While he was about to greet his cell phone rang.
Melusi : (answer the call) Bafo.
Mvelo : Bhut’omdala, uSiya uvukile futhi uthi ucela
ukunibona nonke expect from uma no Lange. (Siya is
awake and he wants to see all of you expect from mom
and Lange)
Me : Kulungile ! (okay)
At last his brother is awake, he then hang up and went to
greet his mother and sister.
Melusi : (kisses their cheeks) Sanibona futhi nisale kahle
! (hello and stay well.)
He said that running out of the house leaving his mother
and sister confused, he started his car and drove to the
warehouse. After a while he arrived and parked his car in
the garage and got in .
Melusi : (panting) Uphi ? Ukahle ? (where is ? is he
Mvelo : (chuckles) Go and look for yourself.
He then ran upstairs meanwhile the other brothers arrive.
After 15 minutes they were all gathered in Siyabonga’s
room, cracking jokes after a while Siya cleared his throat.


Me : (clears my throat)
They then all turn to look at me .
Mvelo : (concerned voice) Yini bafo ? Ukahle ? (bro
wassup? Are you okay?)
Ziyanda : (annoyed) Hayi awume Mvelo, stop being sissy
man ! (stop it mvelo)
I just love how Mvelo always fights with Ziyanda because
Mvelo is too soft for Ziyanda’s liking !
Me : (chuckles) Imani nina nobabili, (looks at my
brother) bhut’omdala, ngithunyewe, ngithunywe ngu
baba, uthi ngikubuze ukuthi lentokazi oloki uyilimaza ,
kungani wenze njalo ? (stop it you too, big brother, I am
sent by dad, he says I should ask you that the girl you
keep on hurting, why do you keep on doing that?)
Melusi : Ngi … (i)
Me : (interrupts him) Ngicela ungangiphazamisi bhuti ,
okunye ubaba uthi kuzomele sithole uDlangamandla ezosi
geza futhi alungise nomuzi wakhe. (please don’t interrupt
me brother, another thing that says we should find
Dlangamandla [traditional healer/sangoma] so that he can
cleanse us and fix his house)
Them : (shocked)

Me : Bhut’omdala ? (big brother)
Melusi : Siya, just heal first.
Me : Hmmm.
I knew that he was going to say this because I’ve
mentioned that he had rough sex with one of his fuck
buddies and she nearly killed her (laughs). Anyways I
can’t wait to meet with my girl.


(sighs) Is Kamohelo the chosen one for me ? I mean I
didn’t know, I just hope the ancestors forgive me. Well I’m
on my way back home again to let mom know about Siya’s
issue and everything. Whilst I’m driving my cellphone rang
and it was connected to the speaker so I answered it.
Me : (answering the call) NguFuze okhulumayo . (Fuze
Voice : Ya Fuze nyana wakhona, awuthi ngikwazise la
wena shlama sakho ! Noma yini le oyenze uKamo , trust
me you will pay ! How dare you make my little sister cry
like this ? Awuna nembeza huh ? Ulibambe lingashoni
ngoba lashona uzonya nxn ! (yes Fuze, let me let you
know you idiot! Whatever you did to Kamo … don’t you
have gut ? hold it and let it down go to dawn cause if it
dawns ? you will shit yourself!)
The person then hang up , wow just wow ! I then decided
to call Kamo. It rang for about 2 minutes then it sent me to
voicemail, in fact why am I worried about her ? she’s just a
fuck buddy, after a while I arrived home then parked my
car outside .


I knew that telling Nikiwe will be the worst decision ever, I
just regret telling her cause now Melusi is busy blowing my
cellphone with calls and messages that he wants to talk to
me , well after my crying session, I took a decent bath and
everything felt okay, right now I’m with Nikiwe and we are
watching the show, someone knocked.
Me : (looking at Nikiwe) Expecting someone ?
Nikiwe : No, let me go and check.
She then stood up and went to check on the door after a
while she came back.
Nikiwe : (looking at me) There’s a male figure for you at
the door.
Me : (shocked) Ok … Okay !
I then stood up , fasten my gown belt and wear my shoes
and went to check on the door, I found Melusi standing,
can the Earth open up for me please ?
Me : Lusi.
Melusi : (angry) Woza, asambe ! (come, let’s go!)

Me : (with some attitude) Melusi , I’m not your girlfriend
so you cannot come from anywhere and command me to
leave with you !
Melusi : (serious voice) Kamohelo, you want me to drag
you or you will walk ?
Me : (chuckles) You will not drag me and I will not walk !
bye !
I then slammed the door and walked back to the living
room to continue with my show.
Nikiwe : (grins) So baby sis , who was that hunk ?
Me : (focusing on the television) Just one of my fuck
buddies Kiwe.
Nikiwe : A fuck buddy that comes to your house ? Awume
wena ! (stop it you!)
Me : (shrugs my shoulders)
Nikiwe : (giggles) hmmm , I smell something here !
I then side eye her and continued with watching the show,
Nikiwe is nosy too much !

For the first time in my life, a girl closed a door infront of
my face but I did not attempt to do anything stupid ! right
now, I’m outside Kamo’s compound and calling her after a
while she answered.
Kamo : Melusi, o batlang vele vele ? (what do you want
Me : (sighs) Ngifuna ukukhuluma nawe Kamo ! (I want to
talk to you )
Kamo : (shouts & giggles) Hayi man Nikiwe , stop being
nosy !
While she giggles I felt some goose bumps on my body
and some zoo in my stomach, wait ! did or am I falling for
the little girl ?
Kamo : (sighs) Sorry about that, where are you ?
Me : Outside the apartment compound.
Kamo : Mphe metsotso ye meraro, ka tla. (give me three
minutes, I’m coming)
I felt my heart doing a little dance.
Me : Okay.
After almost 5 minutes, she came to the car wearing a big
white t – shirt with black leggings. Why is she show other
men my properties ? but she looks very cute, she then

gets in then and I quickly press child lock as soon as she
gets it.
Kamo : (chuckles) I will scream if you do anything I don

I then interrupted her with a kiss , at first she hesitated and
lastly she answered and kissed me after some few
minutes I stopped and looked at her.
Kamo : (annoyed) From when do we kiss ?
Me : (licks my lips and chuckles) From now .
Kamo : (irritated) Talk , what do you want ? I don’t have
the whole day !
Wait, why is she angry ? Damn women are surprising
sometimes !
Me : (clears my throat) I’m sorry about what I did Kamo, I
was stressed and I had to take … Ahem, I mean I wanted
to release some tension.
Kamo : you’ve hurt me Lusi and I had to sit on bed for the
whole week but it’s fine.
Me : (grinning) really ?
Kamo : (rolls her eyes) no !
Me : (sad) hmm .
Kamo : (laughs) I’m joking, yeah really.
Wait , rewind that when did I start to become so weak ?
no, no ! I have to stand my ground !


Me : (clears my throat) okay, that’s all .
I then unlocked the doors and Kamo stepped out and went
back to her apartment while I drive away back home. After
30 minutes I got home , found Ma sitting alone drinking
her cup of tea.
Me : (kisses her cheek) Slukazi sami. (my granny)
Ma : (weak smile) Fuze, unjani uSiya ? (how’s Siyabonga)
Well everyone calls me like this in the house since I’m the
first born and our dad is no longer alive.
Me : (sitting down) He’s awake mama.
Mom : (puts her tea cup down) Oh Nkulunkulu,
ngiyabonga baba ! (looks at me) Ngempela ? (oh Jesus,
thank you father, really?)
Me : (smiling) Yebo kodwa kuzofuneka sithole
uDlangamandla ngokushesha . (yes but we have to find
Dlangamandla fast)
Mom : (stands up and walks to the kitchen) Ezo
kwenzani loyo lana ? (what is he going to do here?)
You see, why I don’t like letting my mom know about
anything !

Me : USiya uzoqaza kusasa meka buya. (siya will explain
tomorrow when he comes back)
Mom : Hmmm.
Me : Let love and leave you, ngizophinde ngibuya
mangibuyisa uLange. (I will come back when I bring
I then walked out of the house and drove straight to the
taxi rank to check up on the taxis, I’m glad that mom is
happy a little bit (sighs) !

Dlangamandla was in his hut busy looking at the herbs
that he should mix for his clients when one of his workers
got in.
Worker : Thokoza baba, kuno mama ngaphandle uthi
uqela ukubona ubaba. (greetings dad, there’s a woman
looking for you outside)
Dlangamandla : (looks over the worker) Isbongo?
Worker : Akashongo baba. (she didn’t say)
Dlangamandla : Mtsheleni ukuthi angene. (tell her to get
MaNgcobo had to do this for her sons’ lives even though
she swear that she will never go to Dlangamandla after
her husband’s funeral because of some past they’ve got
together. MaNgcobo took off her shoes and got inside the
hut, Dlangamandla turned around and looked at his long
lost lover , he was shocked to see her.
Dlangamandla : (shocked) Thanda ?
Mangcobo : (calm) Sizwe.
Dlangamandla : Sit down .

He said that also sitting down, MaNgcobo sat down as
Dlangamandla or should I say Sizwe starring at her like
the first time they met, this was one of the reasons that
made MaNgcobo got angry when they told her about
Dlangamandla, after few minutes Dlangamandla came
back from his imagination world and cleared his throat.

I just can’t believe what my ancestors are doing right now,
they just to bring back the love of my life, I’ve always let
her knew that she is my soulmate but instead she never
believed me and went for that weak ass Mxolisi, as for him
? well I’m responsible for his death but we will talk about
that one day, right now I’m glad that I’m seeing this
beautiful soul in front of me.
Me : (smiles) Awu ! siyabonga boMntungwa.
MaMthombeni , kunjani ? (thank you [praise the ancestors]
. how are you?)
MaNgcobo : (cold) I’m not here for chit chats
Dlangamandla, I just need you to help my sins and that’s
Me : Kodwa sthandwa … (but my love …)
MaNgcobo : Awume Sizwe, uzongisiza nomanjani ? (stop
it Sizwe, you will help me or what?)
Me : (sighs) okay, I will help you.
MaNgcobo : Right, I will come back with my sons
tomorrow and please let’s respect each other
Me : Okay.
She said that and head out, I mean how did I lose over
such an stupid man like Mxolisi ? but at least at the end of

the day I killed him (laughs). My name is Sizwe Dlomo,
known as Dlangamandla, I’m 54 years old and I’m a
traditional healer.

I got out of the car and got inside Dabula’s hut , I mean I
don’t trust Dlangamandla at all ! after everything he has
done to Mxolisi, he still decided that we should get help
from his enemy ! I will never ever become a fan of
Dlangamandla even though we’ve once dated .
I took off my shoes and got inside the hut.
Dabula : Thokoza MaNgcobo.
Me : Dabula.
Dabula : Hlala phansi, ngiyazi uzengani. (sit down, I know
why you’re here)
Me : Dabula.
Dabula : Ngibhekile, uDlangamandla akezanga ngokuhle !
ngicela ukuthi ulethe izingane kusasa kimi before niya
kuye. (I’m looking, Dlangamandla is not bearing any good
things ! please come with the kids tomorrow early in the
morning before you go to him)
Me : Dabula .
Dabula : Futhi nize ekuseni kakhulu. (come early)
Me : Okay.
I then got up, took my shoes and got out of the house and
drove back home, this thing is complicated. My name is

Thandaziwe Mseleku Ngcobo, I’m a mother to 5 kids and
I’m 47 years old .

The Ngcobo family, woke up and fixed themselves. After a
while , MaNgcobo called them so that they can go to
Dabula first.
Mangcobo : (sighs) Bafana, ngiyethemba ukuthi
niyazibuza ukuthi kungani nginibizile. (boys, I’m sure
you’re asking yourself that why did I call y’all)
Them : Yebo ma. (yes mom)
Mangcobo : Ngifuna sidlule ku Dabula ngaphambi kokuthi
siye ku Dlangamandla. (I want us to pass at Dabula before
we go to Dlangamandla)
The boys then turned to Siyabonga and then Siya looked
at them defeated.
Siyabonga : (sighs) Kulungile ma. (okay ma)
Mangcobo : Ngiyabonga Siya, akube yindlela. (thank you
Siya, let’s go)
The boys got into the taxi while their mother took her G63
with her guards, they all drove to Dabula’s house, after 19
minutes they arrived and they went out and waited for
Dabula so that they can get in.

I knew that MaNgcobo would do anything to protect the
boys, after I visited Siyabonga, I had to make sure that I
convince him to visit Dlangamandla on my behalf just to
make sure that he is still alive, after all we have to avenge
for the death of Mr Mxolisi Ngcobo ! I mean he thought he
can trap my soul but knowing that Dabula was loyal , he
had let me know before anything happened (laughs) ! I’m
just glad that Siyabonga was able to convince his
brothers, now we need to imply the mission but at first I
will wait for Siya to tell me the way forward.


“ They’re protecting you baby, bekezela sthandwa sami. ”
(have patience my love)
Me : Hlezi usho kanje Zweli, ngikhathele ! abayeke
ukungiphathisa ukwe ngane ! (you’re always saying that
Zweli, I’m tired. They should stop treating me like a kid)
Zweli : (sighs) Babe, calm down sthandwa sami.
Me : (crying) I’m even afraid to introduce you to them
cause I’m scared that they will hurt you futhi
ubhut’Ziyanda is capable of that ! I’m 23 years old for
heaven’s sake ! I’m no longer the sixteen year old girl that
most her father !
Zweli : (opens his arms for me) Woza kwi babazo lakho
mama. (come to your daddy , mommy)
I then walked to him and he embraced me, I mean my
brothers always shout me out ! now everyone os going to
get cleansed and I was told that “it doesn’t inlove you
Lihle, sivikela wena la.” (we’re protecting you here). I haye
it , I just hate it ! they always shout me out ! (sighs) but I’m
glad that Zweli is here for me, I will forever be grateful for
him. My name is Langelihle “Ntombazane Eyodwa Ka
Baba” Ngcobo. I’m 23 years old soon to be 24 years old in
three days and this is the story, well I just don’t know.


The Ngcobo brothers arrived at Dabula’s hut, they then got
in and Dabula gave something to drink that will protect
them over anything that Dlangamandla is planning to do.
But Dabula realised that there’s only one child missing.
Dabula : MaNgcobo ? (groans) Uphi untombazane ?
(MaNgcobo, where is the girl)
Mangcobo : (sighs) Simshiye endleni baba. (we left her
Dabula : Akabizwe, MaNgcobo, uDlangamandla uzo zama
ngazo zonke izindlela ukuthi ubuye kuye ! akabizwe
untombazane ! bafana ngilandeleni ! (call her,
Dlangamandla will try everything to be back at you, call
the girl, boys follow me)
He then got up while the boys followed him in a line ,
starting from the eldest to the younger , they walked to a
kraal , when they arrived Dabula told them to take off their
clothes. Meanwhile in Dabula’s hut MaNgcobo calls
Lange. After the boys were done taking off their clothes,
Dabula gave each of them a bucket full of water and some
traditional herbs.

Dabula : (groans) Wee Siyabonga, ake uyeke ukufihlela
abafowenu lento ! manje , nizo khuluma konke enifuna
kwenzeke ezimpilweni zenu , mese nitshele abaphansi
banivike mese niyageza nikhuluma ka njalo, siyezwana
boFuze ? (stop hiding things from your brothers. Now y’all
going to talk everything you want to happen in your lives ,
tell the ancestors to protect you then you bath talking, do
you understand?)
Them : Yebo baba . (yes)
Dabula : Manje yenzani njalo , uSiyabonga uzonazisa
yonke into mase nibuyile ekhaya ! (do it then, siyabonga
will tell you everything when you’re home)
Dabula then got out of the kraal and watched the boys
bathing themselves while talking .


I knew that at the end they will call me, I just wish that dad
treated me like the big brothers maybe I would’ve knew
everything they do . now I’m on my way to Dabula’s hut,
mom called and told me that I’m needed. After 40 minutes,
I arrived. Wait ?! why are my brothers so dramatic ? in
every vehicle in the house they just chose to come with a
whole quantum ? wow ! I got off the car, fixed my dress
and doek then I walked to the hut. I found mom sitting
Me : (taking off my shoes) MaMthombeni.
Mom : Hey baby, come sit.
I then sat down after a while , my brothers and Dabula
came in, wow ! the brothers smelled so funny !
Dabula : (greeting me) Nkosazane yabo. (their princess)
Me : (clap my hands) Thokoza baba. (greetings father)
Dabula : Bafana, okwenu sekuphelile, ninga hamba.(boys,
everything is done, you can leave)
The brothers got out and I was left with mother and
Dabula : MaNgcobo, the child is highly protected by the
ancestors since she’s the only girl in the bloodline so
nothing will happen to her, please tell the boys to be

careful, you can take this herbs and use them to bath only
at night, now you can go.
Wow ! So they called me for nothing ? Nxn, we then got up
and went to take our cars then we drove , well I don’t know
where to cause I was just following around . We then
arrived at some creepy place and I felt my body getting
goose bumps along with my hairs standing up, I switched
off the engine and waited for the brothers to come out after
some few minutes, bhut’Mvelo came to check up on me.
Mvelo : Baby girl ? Ukahle nkosazane ? (you okay
Me : (scared) No bhuti , something about this place is
creepy, I’m not going in.
Mvelo : Okay, just stay here don’t leave, I will let mother
know, siyakuthanda yezwa ?(we love you)
Me : (nods) I love you guys too.
He then walked away then I locked the car and waited for
them to get in but something is off about this place man ! I
hope they come out safe (sighs) .


I don’t know why but when the boys came with their
mother , I couldn’t see anything on them like the only thing
I could see was a huge cloud that’s not understandable, as
for their mother ? everything was so blank ! I mean I
prepared every herb I want her to drink , I don’t what’s
happening .
Me : (fakes a groan) Ngicela nibuye kusasa, okwamanje
ngisase busy. (can you come back tomorrow, now I’m stull
MaNgcobo : Hmmm.
They all got up and went out ! Damnit Sizwe ! Pull yourself
together, you have to get woman, my mind said that to me.
I wonder what is going on with this family ! I just don’t see
anything anymore but I will make a plan as I always do !


Ever since the other day, Siyabonga has never ever called
me again, this man loves playing games . today I’m off and
helping mom with some laundry after that I’m going to
study while doing that my cell phone rang, oh ! it’s my
friend Zoey. I answered the call.
Me : Chomzaza ! (friend)
Zoey : Awume wena , uyarasa ! (stop it you, you’re making
Me : (laughs) Lo mlungu okhuluma IsiZulu ! Uthi ufunani ?
(the English girl who talks IsiZulu, what do you want?)
Zoey : So , here I was thinking, friend, pretty please can
we hit the club later on ? well Dipss will be there too,
please !
Me : sure.
Zoey : (screams) Ngiyabonga oe, ngiyakuthanda yezwa ?
sure ! (thank you friend, I love you)
Anyways it’s a Friday and I need fresh air , so why not ?
well Zoey , Dipou and I have been friends for almost two
years now, they’ve always been the for me so I’m hitting
the club later on and I will also make sure that I get myself
a man that won’t go AWOL on me like Siyabonga Ngcobo

does ! I then continued with the work while mom sits down
to eat so that she can drink her pills.



(sighs) I couldn’t open up to my brothers so I decided to
call him so that we can meet at my club so that we can
arrange how to tell the brotherhood . well they’ve been
annoying me and threatening me , telling me that if I don’t
tell them what’s going on, they will disown me.
I then got into the club, wait a minute ! is that Nokuthula ?
and why is that man touching my woman’s body ? okay ,
calm down Siya, walk to the office ! I then walked to the
office and I found him drinking his whiskey.
Me : Baba.
Him : Fuze.
I then sigh and sit down, I took a glass and drank the
whiskey first .
Him : Yini manje ? (what is it now)
Me : (breath out) Umkami umatasa namandoda
ngaphandle . (my wife is busy with a man outside)
Him : Kuphi ? (where?)
Me : Ukhona la. ( here)
Him : Okay, igama ? (name)
Me : Nokuthula Dladla.

Him : What is she wearing ?
Me : A short tight black dress .
Him : Okay .
He then went out and I was left there drinking, after a
while Nokuthula got in , and she looked very tipsy.
Nokuthula : (laughs) Oh ! hey baby !
Me : (sighs) Thula ? Are you drank ?
Nokuthula : (burps) Nope !


Siya : (sighs) MaDladla, woza , hlala phansi mama .
(come, sit down baby)
He said that taking me to a couch, oh ! it feels so cold but
then I will sit. Well as I was busy with a man who was
giving me his attention after a while I was called to come
forward and a man just decided to take me go and office
and here I am with a man who promised to see me
yesterday since today is Sunday.
Siya : (calm) Sthandwa sami ? (my love)
Me : (tipsy) Hmm ? Kahle kahle ufunani Siyabonga ?
(infact , what do you want?)
Siya : Ngifuna siyolala baby . (I want us to go to bed)
You see with Siya , he’s always calm not making noise, he
uses sex to punish me, he never shouts and when he says
he wants us to go and sleep ? I already know that I will not
get any orgasms since I was busy with a man .
Me : (burps) Cha, angifuni Fuze , angithi wena
uyangithembisa mese ungazifezi izithembiso zakho.
(nope, I don’t want to, you promise me the you don’t fulfil
your promises)

Siya : (gives me a bottle of water) Phuza lapho,
mawuqeda nje siyahamba. (drink there, when you are
done we are leaving)
He then stood up and help me to drink the water and after
a while the bottle was finished up and a man entered by
the door . they then talked after a while Siya decided to
just carry me and we went to his car and drove to his
apartment . after a while we arrived and got out of the car
and got in of the apartment .
Siya : (standing by the kitchen counter) Hamba
uyogeza mawuqeda ungagcoki lutho , uhlala embhedeni
ngiyeza ! (go and bath , when you finish don’t wear
anything sit on the bed, I’m coming)
Oh Lord, well now I was kinda of sober so I just walked to
his bedroom and took a bath and then went to sit on the
bed (sighs).


Siyabonga got on his bedroom after a long smoke and a
glass of whiskey, he got in , took off his clothes , hand
cuffed Nokuthula into the bed and went to shower after a
while he came out, went to wear his boxers and a sweat
pant and we nt to take a glass of whiskey and a cigar
downstairs . meanwhile at the club the two girks were
looking for their friend who was nowhere to be found with
Nokuthula ’s phone ringing besides her at Siya’s house.
After a while Siya came back with his glass ,a cigar and
some few sex toys with Nokuthula shocked, he the heard
Nokuthula’s phone ringing , he put the thungs dow and
answered it for her.
Nokuthula : (clears her throat) Hey friend.
Zoey & Dipou : (sigh) Are you okay ? E either safe ?
Nokuthula : I’m okay babe, I’m at my boyfriend’s place.
Dipou : Ra leboha, at last someone will remove those
webs down there, bye we love you ! (thank you)
Her friends the hang up and Siyabonga just chuckled ,
switch off Nokuthula’s phone and took the sex toys and
and got into the bed along with him holding his cigar and
whiskey glass, he then uncuffed Nokuthula’s right hand
and looked at her.

Siyabonga : (calm) Uzofunda namhlanje ukuthi akukho
muntu we slisa uzoku potopotoza ngesakhona mina ,
siyezwana mama ? (you will learn today that no one will
touch you while I’m alive, do you hear me?)
Nokuthula : (scared & nods)
Siyabonga : (calm) Ayivume ngomlomo MaDladla. (agree
with your mouth)
Nokuthula : Yebo Ngcobo. (yes Ngcobo)
Siyabonga: Kuhle lokho, thatha. (that’s good, take)
Siyabonga then gave Nokuthula the dildo and he looked at
Siyabonga : (puffs his cigar) Sibenzisa leyonto, mina
ngizobuka, iphutha elilodwa ? hayi nawe uyazi . (work with
that thing, I will watch, one mistake? You also know)
He then went to sit over a chair while puffing his cigar and
drinking his whiskey. Meanwhile Nokuthula started her job.


Nokuthula : (moans so loud) OH ! FUCK ! YES !
Her moans are driving me so crazy, even Mapholoba (his
d!ck) down there is itching as a f!ck. I then drink the
whiskey and gulps so hard then take my cigar, okay !
that’s it ! I then stood up and walked to her and took her
hand, leaving the dildo on her v!gina and went to cuff it
again, I took out the dildo and smoke some cigar first then
puffed in her vagina , then I put the cigar aside took off my
sweat pants , oh ! Mapholoba is already leaking some pre
cum , I then looked her into her eyes.
Me : MaDladla ?
Nokuthula : (bit her lower lip) HMMM.
Me : Ungalinge uphinde lento oyenzile siyezwana ? (don’t
ever try what you did today, do you hear me?)
Well I’m horny as a fuck and my d!ck is by her v!gina
entrance, I just want her to beg me to insert it after all I’m
Nokuthula : (crying) yes , please stop teasing me
Me : (chuckles) yes what ?

Nokuthula : (cries & scrams) I WILL NEVER REPEAT IT
Me : Ngine fucken dick manje ? okay . (I have a fucken
dick now?)
I just love seeing her like this, I went off the bed with my
fucken dick then sat on the chair I was sitting on earlier
with my so hard fucken dick.
Me : Ngibheke Nokuthula, hlala kahle, angithi mina ngine
fucken dick . (look at me, sit up straight, I have an fucken
dick right?)
She then sat up straight wanting to get off the cuffs so that
she can get her orgasm, there’s no way that she’s going to
get one ! that’s what she get for disrespecting me. I then
took my fucken dick and started hand jobbing myself
slowly, she looked at me and swallowed hard .
Me : (groans) Yini wase ungibheka kabuhlungu ? (what is
it , why are looking me like that?)
Nokuthula : Baby, please.
Me : (close my eyes and bite my lip while doing the
job) Please ini Thula ? (please what?)
Nokuthula : I’m sorry baby okay , please.


I just hate it when he does this to me, I mean why ? I was
reaching my orgasm when he took out the dildo and right
now here I am crying for his dick, oh Lord help me ! wait,
wait, why am I calling God in this rubbish ? but I literally
need him more than ever right now !
Me : (sniffs) Okay Mapholoba, Fuze lami elihle,
ngiyakucela bandla baba, ngiyacolisa sthandwa sami.
Siyabonga : (stops jerking himself and went to the
bathroom to fetch a towel)
What the fuck ? I really need this. He then came back after
few minutes and he got up into the bed and looked at me.
Siyabonga : (looking inside my eyes) I love you .
Me : I love you too, plss put it in.
He then slowly went down to my vagina and put some
saliva on it and came to kiss me, he then put his dick on
my vagina entrance and he got in and he started thrusting
Siyabonga : (thrusting & groans) Oh ! Fuck mami, you’re
so warm and tight
Me : (moaning) Tha … OOOOH ! Thank … OH MY ! GO

He then started thrusting faster and I could feel my p!ssy’s
walls opening up time by time. After a while he then came,
what the fuck ? I’m not even there yet.
Siyabonga : (stops thrusting)
What the fuck ? I was near again ! he then unlocked the
cuffs and I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom, I
have to finish off the job ! this is the worst punishment
ever. After a while I heard the shower door open and he
turned me around and he went down on his knees and
started muffing me slowly after a while I squirt, at last ! he
got up licking the squirt on his mouth then he got up and
turned my head and gave me the most passionate kiss
then he insert his dick from the behind and he started
thrusting very fast ! okay , this is the best punishment
ever, after that round we bath and went to bath, wow ! my
lady down there is so sore. (sighs) But it was worth it !


Ever since the day that he made me feel cheap, he never
came but right now he’s here, I don’t what is that he want !
Me : (sighs) O batlang Melusi ?
Melusi : (sighs) kamo, kanti owungixolelanga ?
Me : (chuckles) hayi wena, ska tshegisa, ke re o batlang ?
Melusi : can you get in the car please ?
This zulu mf is so stubborn, knowing him , he won’t leave,
I then got into the car then he drove away.
Me : Melusi, you can’t be serious !
Melusi : (silence)
Me : I look so crusty dude, you can’t be serious !
Melusi : angiyena udude mina Kamo futhi ngikuthanda
ucrusty kanjalo. (I’m not your peer and I love you like that)
Me : (blushes)
Melusi : (chuckles) oh ! the diva is blushing.
Me : (gives him a fuck you hand)
Melusi : (chuckles and continue driving)

Okay, I didn’t mean to blush , okay I have to go back to the
serious Kamo mood. After a while we were in McDonald,
wait what are were doing here ?
Melusi : I’m going to get you food, ufuna ini ? (what do you
Me : can we do the drive thru plss ?
Okay, that’s it, he has learnt that I’m a foodie so he
decided to bribe me with food, we then went for the drive
thru and I ordered a big mac, nuggets and ice cream. After
a while went to a plaza , okay !
Me : (giggles)
Melusi : (looks at me) woza asambeni.
I then got off the car , well rephrase he actually opened the
car door for me and he held my habd and we walked to
Woolworths food and we bought some ice cream, cookies
and flowers , well we actually bought snacks after that we
walked back to the car .
Melusi : (smiles) siyakwami mama futhi angifuni sicabane .
Me : (scared) Lusi , the last …
Melusi : I’m not allowed to have sex for a week , so chill
ntombi !
He started the car and we drove off, okay this man is
going to drive me crazy ! phew ! (giggles) .


The other 3 brothers hit the club since they don’t know
where did they elder brothers went to. They arrived at the
club that’s owned by Mmeli and Siyabonga, where
Siyabonga found his girlfriend. They then request the VIP
space and goes there , meanwhile the ‘baba’ that
Siyabonga was talking to earlier came down.

I decided to take my brothers to the club since Melusi and
his brother went where no one knows, well we are sitting
by the VIP venue and girls are busy throwing themselves
to as usual, well Ziyanda loves entertaining them , after a
while a felt like going to the bathroom, I got up and went
upstairs. On my way there a short , chubby lady just
decided to , wait !
Me : (shouts) what the fuck !?
A tall girl : oh my word, I’m so sorry sir , it’s always like this
when she’s drunk to much, sorry sir !
Me : (disgusted) ewww !
I then took off the shirt, well the mother fucker just decided
to puke on me .

Tall girl : let me have that shirt sir , also your address, we
will get it delivered .
Me : (gives it to her) you better !
While walking to the bathroom my cellphone vibrated and
it was a message from Mvelo.
💌 : “ come to Siya’s office right now! ”
I then turned around and walked to Siya’s office (sighs) .

Mmeli got in Siya’s office and found, woah !
Mmeli : (shocked) baba ? (dad)
Fuze Snr : (sighs) Mmeli mfana wami. (mmeli, my boy)
Mmeli : wait, wait, what’s going on here ? Mvelo ? Ziyanda
Ziyanda : (chuckles) loma sen … (this ..)
Mvelo : Ziyanda ! awukhuzeke ! (be respectful)
Ziyanda : (sighs) kodwa bhuti … (but bro)
Mmeli : mamela Ziyanda ! baphi obhut’omdala ? (listen
ziyanda! Where are the big brothers?)
Ziyanda : (stands up) ngizobashayela ucingo ngoba
ngaqubeka ngahlala lana ngizoyibulala kwangempela
lenja , nxn ! (let me call them because if I continue sitting
here, I will kill this dog for real)
Ziyanda then walked out leaving his father with the other
two sons. Meanwhile Melusi is cuddling with Kamo
watching some romantic movies, his cell phone beeped.
💌 : “bhuti oyafuneka e club’ini manje !” (brother you are
wanted at club)
Melusi : (curses) fuck !

That fuck alone just made Kamo so wet, okay we aren’t
there though, Melusi looked at Kamo and kissed her
forehead and stood up.
Melusi : mama, ngicela ulale lana, ngiyabuya manje !
(baby, please sleep over, I will be back now)
Kamo : Melusi , you can’t be serious.
Melusi : ngiyakucela MaModau . (please)
Kamo : (sighs) Fine, just promise you will be back by
sunrise .
Melusi : I promise.
He then kissed her forehead and ran out of the house and
went to fetch his car and drove off. The same thing
happened to Siyabonga. After a while the big brothers
arrived and went straight to the office, well Melusi was
already told by Siyabonga when he was at the hospital.
They found their dad drinking his scott and the boys just
standing the looking at their father.
Siyabonga : boFuze.
Ziyanda : (annoyed) bhuti , ngiyakucela , ungaqali !
(brother, please, don’t start)
Melusi : (chuckles) wena Ziyanda loki waqala ukunyoba
uzizwa uyindoda ne ? (ziyanda eber since you started
sexing you feel like a man right?)
Mvelo : bhut’omdala, ngiyacela bandla hayi manje. (big
brother, please, not now)

Well Mvelo being his calm self, he just doesn’t like noise.
Mmeli : bhut’Siya , sicela uqhaze. (please explain)
Fuze Snr : (clears his throat) hayi ngoba niqedile
ukuzenza amakati, ngizoqhaza , hlalani phansi ! (no, since
you are done acting like cats, I will explain, sit down)
The boys then sat down and looked at their father
meanwhile Ziyanda wanted to swear at him for making his
mother and little sister cry for nothing but he kept quiet .



Dlangamandla : (angry) uzitshela ukuthi ungangithathela
intombi mese mina ngiku yeke Mxolisi ? (you tell yourself
that you will take my girlfriend and I will let you do that
Mxolisi ?)
Me : (spilts blood) noma ungenzani Sizwe , uZiwe uthanda
mina ! (whatever you do Sizwe, Ziwe loves me)
Dlangamandla : (evil laugh) ngiyengane ye dlozi mina !
(I’m the ancestors’ kid)
Me : (annoyed) nami nginalo idlozi , yenza loyo msebenzi
wakho uqede, uyigwala Sizwe ! uyigwala, uvesena
wangibopha phezu kwale stolo ngoba wazi ukuthi
ngizokushaya vele ! arggg ! (I also have ancestors, do that
job and finish, you are a coward Sizwe! You tied me on top
of this chair because you know that I will beat you up!)
Dlangamandla : (slaps me)
Well it started 9 years ago when Sizwe and I were friends
not just any friends but brothers, we would do anything for
each other. I met Thandaziwe before Sizwe did, even I met
her first I couldn’t tell her about how I felt after a while
Sizwe also met Thandaziwe after I did. Sizwe the
persuade Thandaziwe before I did, Thandaziwe went

ahead and she dated Sizwe just to become close to me as
I loved her. They dated but still on that relationship,
Thandaziwe and I continued talking, until this one day at
the riverside where she was going to fetch water (smiles) .
I will never forget this day, she found one of my cows
drinking water, well I had to wait for the cow because if I
didn’t my dad was going to kill me ! I looked at her while
she was humming and busy trying to get the bucket out of
the water, with her shortness she couldn’t so I went over to
her .
Me : (laughs) hlezi ngisho ukuthi umfishane Ziwe , hayi ! (I
always say that you are short Ziwe, no)
Thandaziwe : (sighs) uqalile we mxo, ungazongidina
uyabona ukuthi le bucket liyangindina , ungalinge mfana
kwa Ngcobo ! (you’ve started Mxo, don’t annoy me , you
see that the bucket annoying me, don’t try me Ngcobo
Me : hayi suka , awuthi ngikusize . (move, let me help you)
While I was about to take the bucket out of the river, she
pushed me and I got into the river so I decided to take her
with me, I did the same then I had to help her since she
couldn’t swim , I held her then after few seconds we
kissed that’s when Sizwe appeared .
Sizwe : (screams) MXO !
Thandaziwe : (looks down)
Me : I will deal with him.



I then helped Ziwe to get out of the river and I walked to
Sizwe that’s where he beat me up and walked away, from
that day I never saw him until he came back after 4 years,
that’s where he thought he killed me but instead I ran
away , one of his workers helped me to run away till today
he thinks he killed me since he didn’t found me in the
room that he had me in.

Ziyanda : (laughs) hayi ke , uyinja ye game ! (you are the
top dog/dawg)
Me : (laughs)
I knew that my boys are still crazy ! I missed bonding with
them but now I’m back & we will do the heists together !
Mvelo : baba, you know how did we survive ? we were
chased away from our own fucken house back home
cause it is believed that mama killed you !

Me : (sighs & sits down) ngiyazi mfana kodwa ngibuyile
manje , I will deal with everything. (I know boy but I’m back
Mmeli : (looks at his elder brothers) benazi ngalokho ?
(you knew about this)
Melusi : (rubs his hands on his face) yebo kodwa sazi
ngenkathi uSiya esa gula. (yes but we knew about it when
Siya was sick)
Mmeli : (stands up) I’m going for a drive !
Well they all know that Mmeli is short tempered so they let
Me : (sighs) ngiyaqolisa bafana. (I’m sorry boys)
Melusi : kulungile baba, awuthi ngiphuthume, ngizonibona
ksasa. (it’s okay dad, let me hurry, I will see you tomorrow)
Me : hmm, kazi igama lakhe wubani. (I wonder what’s her
Mvelo : (laughs) ubhuti no mjolo ? angeke Fuze ! (brother
and relationship? Never)
Me : (chuckles) kwazi bani ? ngaphambi kokuthi uhambe
ngicela ningamtsheli umawakho ngalento, ngifuna sihlaseli
uSizwe ngaphambi kwakho konke . (who knows, before
you go please don’t tell your mother’s about this, I want us
to attack Sizwe before everything.)
The boys : Fuze !

I see , they still had that respect (laughs). I missed them
and I’m glad , I’m back now I will have to see my princess
since I left her when she was only 15 years old.



So early someone decides to knock on my , oh ! I mean
our house, I just don’t know how the fuck people think.
Well I share the house with Mmeli and he came back very
drunk yesterday and I’m sure he is still sleeping .
Me : (shouts) hayibo ! ngithe ngiyeza we muntu ka satan !
(I said I’m coming you devil’s child)
I then walked to the door, unlocked it and open the door,
wait , rephrase this is definitely God’s angel !
Her : good morning sir, I’m looking for Mmeli Ngcobo.
Me : (jealous) so early ?
Her : oh ! I brought his t-shirt since my friend decided to
puke on him yesterday .
Me : oh , ngiyabona, igama wubani usisi ? (oh, I see, your
Her : Zoey sir .
Me : umuhle ke Zoey, ngiyabonga I will give it to him. (you
are beautiful Zoey, thank you)
Zoey : usale kahle. (stay well)
Did she talk zulu ? oh ! shit, I had morning breath but it
doesn’t matter, I looked at her as she walked away, hayi

wadla umfana wakwa Ngcobo bafethu , ngewami ke lona !
I closed the door after her car drove away and I just
decided to put Mmeli’s shirt on the table , oppps ! the man
had morning breath and I didn’t even wear a t-shirt ! oh
shit ! I don’t mind though. I then went upstairs, washed my
body and drove to the gym.

Me : (laughs) I’m telling you Dipss, okay he looked so fine
with his body that looks like Kagiso’s body (from the
queen) , but his morning breath ! ewww !
Mamello : (laughs) you love exaggerating Zoey, calm
down !
Me : well I think I fell for him, he’s better than the rude
Mmeli .
Mamello : (embarrassed)
Me : (laughs) the puke lady, hayo Mamello wena !
Mamello : waphapha hle Zee ! (you are forward)
Me : I love you too, I’m at the gym !
I then dropped the call and took my sports bag and got
inside the gym. I went to change then started gyming after
a while a felt someone touching my shoulder, I took off my
headphones and looked at them.
Him : sawubona Zoey. (hello)
Oh ! it’s the morning breath guy but this time he looked so
fine in his sweat pant with his dick print visible enough.
Me : (giggles) oh , hey .
Him : are you done ?
Me : almost.

Him : ngicela siyophuza I coffee mawuqeda. (can we drink
coffee after you’re done)
Me : sure.
I then continued with my gyming as he walked to the
bathroom, I guess he is going to freshen up . after a while
a was done then I went off the gyming equipment and I
also went for a bath. My name is Zoey Adams (coloured) ,
I’m 22 years old and a teacher at Durban South Girls High


The brothers along with their father have been planning
everything so that they can attack Dlangamandla and
they’re doing that in three days time. Well Zoey and Mvelo
had their coffee date which was filled with love , as for
Kamohelo ? she’s busy enjoy being pampered by a zulu
man . Siya and Nokuthula have been perfectly okay, okay
rephrase not perfectly okay but they’re okay.
Well , MaNgcobo and Langelihle don’t know about the
return of Fuze Snr . everything is running smoothly in the
Ngcobo household with MaNgcobo being happy that her
sons are still protected but she doesn’t know that soon
there will be a war .


“Baby, you can
Ride it, ooh, yeah
Bring it over to my place,
And you be like :
‘baby who cares?’,
But I know you can,
Bring it over to my place 🎵.”
Under the influence by Chris Brown played in the
background as I continue to my job on the pole after 15
minutes I was done, I then went down the pole and went
over the bar.
Me : 2 strong shots apho Mvumeleni, don’t tell me abot the
rules !
Mvumeleni : coming right up.
He brought the shots and I drank them then I went
upstairs, I found my manager Tracy waiting for me in my

Tracy : oh ! sky , here you are, one man down there
request a lap dance strictly from you so get ready for an
Me : yes ma’am.
Tracy : here, this is the room number.
Me : no sex right ?
Tracy : you know the vibes sky, we strictly do laps dances,
pole dances no sex unless you two agree on that .
Me : (sighs) okay thanks Tracy.
I then changed into a white sexy lingerie with some red
high heels then I went to the room , well I found the guy
waiting for me, I switched on the lights and “cuff it” by
Beyoncé started playing on the background, I just can’t
believe this.
“we gonna fuck up to night, black lights 🎵.”
I started doing my job for an hour max then when I was
done I went out, phew and I’m done for the day,I changed
my clothes and wore appropriate clothing then went home.
Hey don’t judge , this is my side hustle but I’m glad that I
will be done with my teaching degree soon this means I
will have a better future (sighs) .

Phew ! at last , I’m home. I got in, well I found Nikiwe as
usual .
Me : good night sis.
Nikiwe : (sips her wine) whoa ! wha ! etla , boa ! (come,
come back!)
Me : (bored) keng ? (what?)
Well Nikiwe is my elder sister, her father is Zulu and our
mother is Tsonga. I then sat next to her, this one is always
drinking her red wine with no life problems.
Nikiwe : (puts her glass down) uzomtshela nini uMelusi,
Kamo ? (when are going to tell Melusi?)
Me : about ?
Nikiwe : don’t act here Kamohelo, you know exactly what
am I talking about !
Me : (sighs) if I tell him, I will have to leave the job Nick.
Nikiwe : do you realise that this man loves you ?
Me : (looks down) yes.
Nikiwe : so ? Kamo what you’re doing is not fair !
Me : I’m not his girlfriend though .
Nikiwe : you think so ? take your phone, call him and I will
talk to him.

I then took out my cell phone and called Melusi.
Melusi : (answers the call) sthandwa senhliziyo ? (my
heart’s love/ heart beat)
Nikiwe : hello, ukukhuluma no nikiwe, her sister. (you’re
talking to nikiwe …)
Melusi : (clears his throat) oh, sawubona sisi . (hello sis)
Nikiwe : what are you & Kamo doing ?
Melusi : (coughs) nge nkulu inhlonipho, mina naye
siyathandana . (with due respect, we are dating)
Me : (whispers) what ?
I mean the nigga didn’t even ask me out for heaven’s sake
Nikiwe : (giggles) kulungile . (okay?
Melusi : hmmm.
I then quickly hang up.
Nikiwe : you see ? be open to him otherwise kuzoba kubi !
(laughs) (it will be bad)
Mxm, I then get up and went to bath while thing about this,
phew !



Well the boys and their father are ready to attack ! right
now everyone is at Melusi’s house wearing all black. They
did went to Dabula twi days ago just to get power because
of how Dlangamandla can be. Everyone took his gun, and
they went out .Melusi then requested to make a call before
they go, he took out his cellphone and called Kamohelo .
Kamo : (in a sleepy voice) hello .
Melusi : (smiles slightly) sawubona mama . (hello baby)
Kamo : (giggles) oh ! hey Lusi.
Well Melusi finds Kamo’s giggles super sexy .
Melusi : wase uhleka nje, yini ukitazwa yini lapho ? utshele
loyo mfana ukuthi ngine AK-47. (why are laughing like
that? What’s tickling you there? Tell that boy that I have an
Kamo : (laughs) ako tlogele ka drama Ngcobo ! (stop it
with the drama)
Melusi : (sighs) I just wanted to hear your voice sthandwa
sami, yazi ukuthi ngiyakuthanda yezwa ? (my love, know
that I love you okay ?)
Kamohelo : (smiles alone) hmmm.

Melusi : kulungile ke, sho. (okay then, bye)
Melusi then hang up then his dad took the phone, well
anything can happen to them but they aren’t going to let
Dlangamandla live after what he did to their father. They
all got into the taxi and Melusi hit the road after an hour
they arrived at Dlangamandla’s hut.
Fuze snr : nikhumbule, siyamthamtha loya Dlangamandla
wakho simusa kwi man cave. (remember, we take
Dlangamandla to the man cave)
The boys : yebo baba. (yes dad)
Fuze snr : ayihlome ihlasele bafana ! (let’s attack boys)
The boys then took out their guns and Fuze Snr went out
first, he started by shooting one of Dlangamandla’s
workers then the guards started to shoot too , that’s when
Mmeli , went out. He took his sniper gun and shot all the
guards neat and nice, meanwhile in the house
Dlangamandla is planning to run away but it is too late …


Voice : hands up, don’t try anything funny !
They got me, but how ? I just did as I was told after some
few minutes, they put something on my nose and I was
drowsy then lights out .
I wake up from a banging headache and blurry vision, wait
! why am I tied up ? I asked for water but instead I heard a
voice saying ,“ningamniki bafana!” (don’t give him boys) .
wait, wait, is this who I think is ? but how come ? I killed
him and I made sure of that ! I should’ve made him
umkhovu (zombie) , he is a problem !
Me : (groans) amanzi ! (water)
The boys : (laughs)
After a while footsteps got closer and I rose my head to
see this motherfucker who think he can just kidnap me just
like that .
Mxolisi : sawubona bafo ! (hello bro)
What ? no, no ! this can’t be, the ancestors can’t do this to
me !
Mxolisi : (laughs) oh ! manje usaba umkhovu wakho ?
(now you’re are scared of your zombie)

Me : I killed you Ngcobo ! you’re dead !
The boys : (laughs loudly)
Mxolisi : cha , angikho dead kodwa ke namhlanje wena
uzo dead , yangithola chief ? (no, I’m not dead but today
you are going to die, you get me chief?)
Me : (scared)
Mxolisi : (chuckles) bafana ! akube yi party ! (boys, let’s
The boys brought every different type of weapons and put
them in front of their dad, well they had this planned that’s
why I couldn’t see anything the other day . while I was
thinking about that I felt my body getting shook and here
we go.


Dlangamandla gave up early for his life, he didn’t even
fight for his life. Right now he is the most weak person on
earth ! Mxolisi tortured him like nobody’s business. But the
brothers realise that Dlangamandla is near the finishing
line so they asked they their father to finish him off so that
they can go and celebrate his death !
Mxolisi : (talking to dlangamandla) Ziwe was mine first
Sizwe , so this is for her !
He then pulled the trigger and it hit Dlangamandla’s
forehead and lights were off for him.
Mxolisi : (laughs) we will meet in hell dear old friend !
guards , clean up everything and make sure you dump his
body .
Guards : yes sir !
The guards did as told meanwhile the Ngcobo changed
and went to Dabula, where they will get cleansed.
They arrived at Dabula’s hut and their father walked in first
followed by Melusi and so on. Their father then greeted
Mxolisi : Thokoza.
Dabula : (groans) Fuze ! bafana wozani ngilandeleni !
(boys come follow me)

The boys followed Dabula and he gave them the same
thing he gave them when they were going to
Dlangamandla before and instructed them to do the same
thing as the last time. Meanwhile theur father was getting
cleansed using powerful herbs so that they protect him
since he will go back to the taxi industry.
After getting cleansed they drove to Melusi’s house and
gate crashed there.

It’s been a month and half since we killed Dlangamandla,
well now I’m stress free about enemies, I’ve been wanting
to go home but I’m scared that what if Ziwe doesn’t love
me anymore ? well I currently live in Melusi’s house and
right now I’m busy making myself breakfast while making
breakfast someone knocked at the door.
Me : (shouts) Melusi !
Melusi : baba ?
Me : kuno muntu emnyango ! (there’s someone at the
Knowing Melusi he will take twenty minutes to come
downstairs, I then went to open the door, OH !
Her : (screams)
Me : (calm) calm down MaMthombeni .
Thandaziwe : (cries) no, no !
She then got in and started shouting Melusi’s name. oh!
She’s still dramatic (laughs) . I then closed the door and
found her sitting on the sofa with Melusi patting her back.
Me : (looks at melusi)
Melusi : (clears his throat & goes out)
Me : mama wabafana . (the boys’ mother)

Thandaziwe : (scared) get away from me, you’re a ghost !
Me : (laughs) sthandwa sami, angisona ispoki mina,
yimina uMxolisi wakho .
Thandaziwe : (sniffs) no, this can’t be ! Fuze died nine
years ago !
Me : (sighs & sternly) ngibheke Thandaziwe ! (look at me
She then looks at me with her eyes full of tears, she
definitely knows it that I haye it when she cries ! the only
time that she must cry by , is when we’re making love or
when she’s overwhelmed by something.
Me : ungakhali MaFuze, ngiyakucela. (don’t cry please)
Thandaziwe : (nods & sniffs)
I then gave her a glass of water and she drank slowly
looking at me , I would say she’s drooling but because of
the pain she’s just looking at me.



I look at him , it is him ! this man infront of me, he is
definitely my husband ! well I sniffs and smell something
burning .
Me : (runs to the kitchen)
Oh ! he was doing breakfast, I then turn off the stove and
remove the pot with him looking at me.
Mxolisi : (sighs) Ziwe ?
Me : (sniffs) hmm ? can I hug you ?
He then opened his arms , I then got in and he hugged me
while I cried. He kept on shushing me until I was okay then
we went to the guest bedroom.
Mxolisi : (sighs) lala sthandwa sami, ngizoqhaza yonke
into mase uvuka . (sleep my love, I will explain everything
when you wake up)
Me : cuddle with me Mapholoba, ngiyakucela ! (please)
I don’t why am I not scared but everything feels so normal
! he then came closer and snuggled me into his strong
arms then boom I went to sleep .

I woke up and felt some strong hands holding me.

Me : hmmm ! I wanna pee !
He then let me go and chuckled , I know why is he
laughing ! I then went to the bathroom, did my business
then came back after that I sat up straight and lokked at
Mxolisi .
Me : baba wabo , kungani ? (their dad, why?)
Mxolisi : (rubs his face using his left hand & sighs)
wuDlangamandla mama. (it’s Dlangamandla baby)
Me : (wipes my tear) explain.
That came out as a whisper. He the started narrating the
story and I found myself crying again.
Mxolisi : ngiyaqolisa kakhulu sthandwa sami, ngiqolisa
ukuthi uye wadlula ezintlugwini ngingekho mama, ngicela
ukuqolele ? (I’m so sorry my love, sorry that you went
through hard time while I wasn’t there baby, please forgive
Me : (nods)
Mxolisi : (smiles & kisses my forehead) ngiyakuthanda
yezwa? (I love you, hear me?)
Me : (nods)
I just really don’t know what to say to this man but I’m glad
that he is back ! at least I’m going to remove the webs

The boys got in, finding their parents cozy on Melusi’s
couch. The parents we were watching their favourite
Mvelo : (laughing) awusuke Fuze, sifuna ukuhlala no
mawethu . (move Fuze, we want to sit with our mother)
Fuze : (looks at his wife) uyafuna ngisuke mama ? (you
want me to move baby?)
MaNgcobo : (looks down)
Ziyanda : (shouts) haaa ! Fuze madoda !
The boys then started dancing and whistling until the door
opened up .
Voice : oh ! y’all parting without me ?
“ shit! ” the boys said as their little sister got in and she just
looked at her dad whose sitting next to Mvelo.
Langelihle : (crying) baba ?
Fuze : nkosazane yethu . (our princess)
Langelihle : (looks at Melusi) is this a dream ?
Fuze : (smiling) cha, woza kubaba mntanami. (no, come to
dad my child)
Langelihle : (shouts) no ! no ! my dad died nine years ago!
MaNgcobo : (looks at Fuze) I will take from her my love .

The boys along with their sad father went out of the lounge
and went to sit by the pool as they wait for their mother to
take and explain everything to Langelihle.


Everything feels so foreign, I mean how could dad do this
to me ? I yearn for father’s love even though bhut’Melusi
was there to fill that space but there was a gap that
yearned for his touch, his words, his love and everything .
my told me his reasons but still everything still hurts after
mom told me everything I just decided to drive back home
without saying anything. I’ve been crying since icame back
from bhut’Melusi’s house, everything stings so hard, I
mean it HURTS ! while crying, I heard a soft knock on the
Me : (sniffs) come in .
My brothers got in with bhut’Mvelo infront, he has always
been the one who deals with my emotions since the others
can’t deal with a crying woman (laughs) .
Bhut’mmeli : nana ? (baby)
Me : (sniffs) bhuti ? (bro)
Bhut’mmeli : uyazi ukuthi siyakuthanda angithi ? futhi
konke esikwenzayo sikwenzela ukuvikela wena ? (you
know that we love and everything we do we do it because
we’re protecting you?)
Me : (sits up straight) yebo bhuti . (yes brother)

Bhut’siya : as well as what we did ngendaba ka baba,
besazi ukuthi awukabi right ukuthi ungahlangana naye
kodwa ke manje nakho senihlangene, besicela umxolele
nkosazane ? (with dad’s matter, we knew that you are not
ready that you can meet with him but now that you’ve met
him, we ask you to please forgive him , princess.)
Me : I’ve forgive him bhuti kodwa I still need time to digest
this , ngiyancela ? (please)
Them : (nods)
We then went silent which is kinda of weird when
bhut’Ziyanda is around but I guess they sympathize with
me after a while they all came for a group hug then they
went out and I just zoned to sleep, I just hope that I find it
in my heart to build a relationship with my dad (sighs) .



Me : (screams) ke kopa maitshwarelo Nathi, ka kopa hle !
(I’m sorry Nathi, please)
Nathi : (kicks me) you piece of rubbish, nywere
maitshwarelo wokunuka ! how dare you !? uzongazi kahle
namhlanje ! (sorry rubbish… you will know me today!)
He then took me and put me on top of the couch and
ripped my clothes and started penetrating me ! oh no ! oh
my Lord ! not this again ! he raped me like there’s no
tomorrow after he was done he spilt on me with his saliva
and gave me a hot slap !
Nathi : (buckles his trousers) mawuqeda ukukhala
uhambe uyogeza ! nxn ! (when you’re done crying go and
He said that and walked to the door, I knew that he was
going to his precious lover, I continued crying on the sofa
till there were on tears left after that I got up and went to
bath after bathing, I went to fix the mess that Nathi caused
when beating me ! after that I walked to the bedroom,
drank some pills and drifted to sleep.


As always I woke up without him next to me, I just wonder
why did my dad had to arrange such marriage for me even
if I try to tell my mom about Nathi abusing me all she says
is “lenyalong ho a kgotlelelwa Mamello.” (in marriage you
have to be patient) . I just bath and wear my scarf as
always just in case I have bruises around my neck , since I
don’t look at myself in the mirror (sighs). I then walked to
the car and drove to the nearest pharmacy to buy some
ointment for my scars. I arrived at the pharmacy, went to
the ointment section while trying to get an ointment for
myself I just couldn’t reach it .
“ngingakusiza?” (can I help?)
A voice said behind me, I turn to look at him.
Me : uhm , yeah sure.
Him : which one do you want ?
I then showed him, he then got it for me.
Me : ka leboha . (thank you)
Him : (brings his hand for a handshake) Mmeli Ngcobo .
Me : uhm, I have to go !
Knowing Nathi, he has people watching me around. I then
went to pay then went to my car and I found the Mmeli guy
standing next to my car smoking cigarette , what does he
want ? oh Lord ! my name is Mamello Phuti married to
Nathi Ndlovu and I’m 24 years old and a house wife .


I see her coming towards me, I then quickly switch off the
cigarette and throw it away, there’s something about her
that makes me nervous and so sweaty !
Me : (looks at her) ngicela igama lodwa muntu wami. (can
I please have your name my person?)
Her : ake yena muntu wakho or whatever it is bile ke
nyetse , read my mouth m – a – r -r – i – e – d abuti ! (I’m
not your person … and I’m married … )
Me : I guess I will be following you around married .
Her : (laugh) you’re so stubborn, my husband is definitely
going to kill you !
Me : (stern voice ) as he’s doing to you right ?
Her : (teary eyes) bye !
Opps, that came out wrong ! ‘Mmeli you need to learn how
to talk.’ My mind said. (sighs) at least I’ve taken her
number plate, I then get into my car start the ignition with
my favourite Sjava song playing out loud, I then drove to
my crib. I found Mvelo with some chick.
Me : (looks at Mvelo) sho bafo, we need to talk !
Mvelo : (kisses the woman’s cheek) I will be back .

He then followed me to our study then I called the other
Them : sho .
Melusi : bengizazo bhebha Mmeli, yini ngani ? anina
timing man sies ! (I was about to have sum, what’s up with
y’all? You don’t have timing)
Us : (laughs)
Trust ubhut’omdali in loving sex.
Me : (talks) I think I’ve found the one .
Mvelo : (clears his throat) nami futhi . (me too)
Melusi : ini ? (what)
Mvelo & I : yes !
Melusi : we’re all coming over to your place in thirty
minutes !
Bhut’omdala then hanged up and also Siya then we were
left with Ziyanda on the call. My big brothers are dramatic
right ? I know ! (laughs)
Me : bafo ?
Ziyanda : bhuti ?
Me : I want you to track some number plate for mina, I will
sms it right away .
Ziyanda : sure .

I then hang up and Mvelo and I looked at each other
forgetting about his girlfriend downstairs (laughs) .


Zoey is sitting by the television feeling very uncomfortable
since Mvelo left her and went to attend his brother, Mvelo’s
look alike got in .
Siya : (in a deep voice) sawubona . (hello)
Zoey : uhm , hello .
Siya : hmm .
He then walked away and got inside the private study
room with Mvelo and Mmeli drinking and smoking cigar.
Siya : (laughs) umuntu okwehliwe yintombi yakhe ubusy
no cigar la ! (a person forgot about his girlfriend and he is
busy with cigars here)
Mvelo : shit !
He then git out fast and found Zoey sitting uncomfortable
Mvelo : mama ? ukahle sthandwa sami ? (baby? You’re
okay my love?
Zoey got shocked after hearing Mvelo saying that to her.
Zoey : uhm , yeah sure , can I go Mvelo ?

The way Zoey said Mvelo’s name, Mvelo wanted to rip
Zoey clothes immediately and become burued inside her
but die to that she wasn’t his yet, he had to calm himself
Mvelo : sure, but I will request an uber for you while you
wait you can go and sit in my room .
Zoey : (nods)
Mvelo : behind you then .
Zoey walked infront of Mvelo since Mvelo wanted to hide
his huge boner ! they git upstairs and Mvelo showed Zoey
his room while he went back to his brothers. Melusi and
Ziyanda were already there, immediately when Mvelo got
in, the brothers started laughing.
Ziyanda : (laughing) awu ngeke, wase wabamkhulu
kangaka Mapholoba ? (no, it can’t be, then why are so
hard Mapholoba?)
Mvelo : ngasho ngathi nize ntabani nina, nifunani
ezindabeni zami ? (I once said that y’all gays, what do
you want in my affairs?)
Mmeli : hawu shem, uZoey uku … (Zoey …)
Mvelo : hayi fuseg Mmeli, ngisase mdala nakuwe njalo !
(stop Mmeli, I’m still the elder one here)
Melusi : (laughing) hayi , nimfuzile uyihlo yezwa ! (y’all
inherited everything for your dad)

Mvelo : (annoyed) bafo ? usibizele ukwenza ihlekisa
ngami ? (bro, you brought us here to do a joke about me)
Melusi : cha . (no)
After a while they went back to the serious mood they then
started talking about what Mmeli and Mvelo said over the
phone , Mmeli narrated everything as well as Mvelo but
their bug brother told them not to hurry up with things then
they agreed after that the other brothers webt downstairs
as Ziyanda gave Mmeli the information about Mamello.


“ yes boss, it was her. ”
Me : okay sure Stix .
I then hang up, out of the people on earth she chose my
enemy ? the Ngcobo boy ?! I’m going tl show her flames !
she got in carrying a pharmacy plastic, thinking she can
fool me ,pss !
Me : (drinking my scott) ubuyaphi Mamello ? (where are
you coming from?)
Mamello : ke tswa pharmacy Nathi. (I’m coming from the
Me : (stands up) sengiwu Nathi manje ? (I’m nathi now?)
Mamello : (scared) I’m sorry baby .
Me : (puts the scott glass down) kungani uqolisa Melo ?
(why ar you apologising mamello?)
Mamello : (moves back)
talking to you)
Mamello : (cries)
Me : (unfasten my belt) SULA LEZO NYEMBEZI
USONDELE ! (wipe those tears and come closer)

Mamello : (wipes her tears)
Me : NGITHE SONDELA MAMELLO ! (I said come closer
She then got closer , I then started weeping her with the
belt .
Me : ucabanga ukuthi ngiyi sdomu ? huh ?! you go out
acting like you are going to the pharmacy knowing very
well that you’re going to your side chick ? no matter what
you do ! ngizomshada uSthe ! yangizwa ?! (I will marry
Sthe, you hear me?)
I continue weeping her as she wail like a kid after I was
done I drag her to our bedroom and put her inside the
closet and lock it and went back downstairs and took my
car keys and drive to Sthe’s house (sighs). My name is
Nathi Ndlovu, married to Mamello, well it was arranged by
my grandfather and I just don’t love her at all ! after my
grandfather died , I blamed her for his death and I guess I
was right since she was meeting with the Ngcobo guy , the
very same Ngcobos that killed my dad and my grandfather
because of the taxi industry ! I’m 33 years old and a father
to a cute chubby boy, a taxi owner and business man.


I don’t know whether I’m dreaming or what but I think its
already dark outside and I’ve been waiting for the uber
since 16;30, while sitting on Mvelo’s bed thinking of
requesting my own uber , the door opened up and Mvelo
came in holding a tray with a plate and a glass of juice,
what is going on here ?
Mvelo: some food for you .
Me : (looks at him with straight face) Mvelo ?
Mvelo : (puts the plate next to me) mama ? (baby)
Me : don’t try that Mvelo, where’s the uber ?
Mvelo : don’t try what mommy ?
Oh ! I see , so he’s going to avoid my question ? okay , I
can play that too but with him calling me “ mama or
mommy ” , it’s going to be hard.
Me : Mvelo, I want to go home .
Mvelo : ngizokusa ekhaya, ngicela udle mama . (please
eat then I will take you home baby)
Me : (sulks) no , I want to go home !
Mvelo : (makes puppy face)
A whole Zulu man ? wow !

Me : (sighs) okay, fine then !
I then digged in and started eating, wow the food is so
tasting. I ate my food with Mvelo looking at me which is
kinda of creepy after I was done, I drank the glass of juice
then I gave Mvelo the tray.
Me : (smiles) thank you.
Mvelo : (murmurs) not with a kiss even ?
Me : ain’t your girl dude, now take me home !
Mvelo : (murmurs & walks away) ngoba sewusuthi , eyy
futhi amantombazane ! (because you are now full, girls)
Me : (laughs) ngizwile njalo wena Ngcobo ! (I heard you)
He then took the plate went out after few minutes he came
back and told me that the coast is clear we can go. I got
into his car , which happens to be an BWM 325i , wow ! I
just never thought I would ride in it . after few minutes we
arrived at my house and I looked at Mvelo.
Me : (smiles) thank you.
Mvelo : anytime MaFuze .
Me : ha.a , bye !
I then got out of the car with Mvelo watching me until I got
inside the house then he drove off. I got in took a bath ,
made a mental note that I will call Dipss tomorrow.



Mamello is now losing oxygen while her cellphone rang
,she then noticed that she has it on her. She quickly takes
it out and answer it.
Zoey : (screams) hey Dipsss !
Mamello : (breathing heavily) friend, (breaths in) nathi has
done … oh my , (breaths in) he has dine it again Zoey ! I
need your help please !
Zoey : (scared) I’m coming, please don’t hang up Dipss,
please !
While Zoey puts Mamello (Dipss) on hold , she called
Mvelo since he’s the only person Zoey could think of.
Mvelo smiled when he sees Zoey’s call.
Mvelo : (in his deep sleep voice) good morning mommy .
Zoey felt the wetness in her panty but this is about her
friend and serious !
Zoey : (panicks) Mvelo, I need your help, please !
Mvelo : (quickly gets up from his bed) yini sthandwa sami
? (what is it my love?
Zoey : it’s my friend Dipss Mvelo , please help !
Mvelo : calm down baby, I’m on my way .

Mvelo quickly wash his face and teeth, he then takes his
gun and trigger it and went to wake up his brother.
Mvelo : Mmeli , vuka mfethu ! code RED manje ! (wake
up, code RED now!)
Mmeli quickly wakes up as Mvelo calls his other brothers .
they all answer their calls.
Mvelo : code RED !
He then hanged up and went to his car and drove to
Zoey’s house as he sends his brothers a location. He
found Zoey crying, he quickly ran to her.
Mvelo : (concerned) sthandwa sami ? yini ? khuluma nami
. (my love, what is it? Talk to me)
Zoey : (crying) Mvelo, he has done it again and if I don’t
save her, she will die this turn please help us !
Mvelo : okay, calm down baby, yini ? (what is it)
Zoey just pointed her cellphone as Mvelo heard someone
breathing heavily as like they are running out of breath.
Mvelo quickly grabbed Zoey and they got inside the car.
Mvelo : show me her house.
Zoey directed Mvelo as they drove to Mamello’s house.


Zoey directed Mvelo to Mamello’s house , as the other
brothers follow them behind. When they arrived, Zoey
talked to guards and the guards opened up for them, they
all got inside the yard. Zoey quickly got out of the car
rushing to check up on her friend. She ran upstairs calling
out her name loud, when she arrived she found Mamello
on top of the bed with Nathi playing perfect husband .
Nathi : (smiles) oh , hey Zee .
Zoey : (runs to her friend) baby ? you okay Melo ?
Mamello : (nods)
Voice : (calling out Zoey’s name) Zoey !
Mamello : (scared & whispers) who is that Zee ?
Zoey : I came with Mvelo babes, I’m sorry .
After Zoey said that she went out and bumped into Mvelo
who just decided to kiss her.
Zoey : (mumbles) Mvelo, we’re at Mamello’s house.
Mvelo : (pulls out) I just thought you went missing baby .
Zoey : hmm .
Mvelo : where is your …

While Mvelo was about to ask that Nathi got out of the
bedroom and looked at Mvelo.
Nathi : (angry) Ngcobo .
Mvelo : (grins) oh ! Gatsheni , we meet again .
Nathi : (looks at zoey) take your man and get the hell out
of my house !
Mvelo : (chuckles & sternly) ungakhulumi nomkami kanjalo
Ndlovu ! (don’t talk to my wife like that!)
Nathi : uzongenzani ? ngicela ningiphumele ngo muzi
Ngcobo ! (what will you do? Please get out of my house
Mvelo : (gets closer to Nathi) ayika pheli mfana ! (turns to
zoey) let’s go baby . (it’s not over)
He then took her hand and they went out , got in the car
and drove out while his brothers were standing by the
gate, he just texted them and said “code BLUE, call dad
also !” Mvelo is so pissed , he then drove back to Zoey’s
apartment and left her there without saying any word and
he drove to the warehouse.



Was it necessary for Zoey to come with her boyfriend ? oh
my God ! Nathi got in carrying a gun and looking at me
intensively so.
Nathi : (sits on the bed) manje usuyintombi yakwa Ngcobo
ngezi nkomo zika Ndlovu ? (now you’re the Ngcobo
girlfriend with the Ndlovu’s vows?)
Me : (shakes my head no)
Nathi : (looks at me) awuna mlomo Mamello ? (you don’t
have mouth)
Me : uh , I’m not anyone’s girlfriend baby .
Nathi : manje yini ngala bafana bakwa Ngcobo beloki
bekulandelelela ? (now why are the Ngcobo boys following
you around)
Me : uhm, the guy is Zoey’s boyfriend .
Nathi : (chuckles) ngiyi sdom mina angithi ? (I’m a stupid
He then stood up and slowly walked to me and he spit on
me with his saliva after that he started beating me , he just
decided to beat like a little baby. I just let him beat me
without crying until I was conscious, then lights out for me.

Nathi continued beating Mamello until he realised that
Mamello is no longer moving. He then shook her but there
was no response . Nathi quickly took his cellphone and
called his mother as she always picks after him .
Mrs Ndlovu : ngane ? (child)
Nathi : (panicking) ma, it’s Mamello, I made a mistake ! I
didn’t mean to.
Mrs Ndlovu : usu wenzeni Nathi ? (what did you do?)
Nathi : I don’t love her ma , I just made a mistake !
Mrs Ndlovu : drive to the hospital, I will make a plan.
Nathi quickly took Mamello and put her inside the car and
he drove to the nearest hospital after a while he arrived
and Mamello got admitted. Meanwhile the Ngcobo are still
discussing over the issue that Mvelo got in earlier .
Fuze snr : niyazi ukuthi ngangiphakathi kwamathanga ?
(you know that I should be inside thighs)
The boys : (disgusted)
Ziyanda : baba ! (dad)
Fuze snr : (laughs) sibekwa yini la bafana bami ? (what do
we want here?)
Mvelo : uNdlovu usaphila ! (Ndlovu is still alive)

Mmeli : ini ? how come ? baba ? bhut’omdala ? (what?
Dad ? big brother?)
Fuze Snr : angikaze ngabulala uNdlovu mina Mmeli futhi
angikaze ngathembisa ukubulala uNdlovu. (I’ve never
killed Ndlovu Mmeli and I’ve neber promised to kill him)
Melusi : (sighs) Mmeli,ngabe sambulala nga nathi safa . (if
we would’ve killed him, we would’ve died too)
Mmeli : (shouts) don’t you dare tell me that rubbish ! HE
want to date now)
Fuze Snr : (sternly) Ziyanda, thatha lokhandashisa wakini !
(take this hot head of yours)
Ziyanda quickly took his brother out as he was angry
fuming as hell. Back to the hospital, the doctors are doing
everything so that they can’t lose Mamello.


Me : (gulps down third glass of whiskey & groans)
I just can’t believe that the pervert is not des ,! I wasn’t
allowed to kill him myself cause if I was ? I would’ve made
sure that he dies !
Me : (smiles at her) hey you !
Her : (smiles) hey daddy .
Me : how you guys doing ? let me hold him .
I then kneel down and hold her tummy and greeted my
son who just started kicking .
Her : uhm, Fuze .
Me : what is it ? don’t bribe me sthandwa sami.
Her : I’m craving for some ice cream.
Me : okay , let’s go .
We then got in the car and drove away to the mall. While
driving a car came out of nowhere and started shooting at
our car. The bullet got inside her stomach then lights out
for her.

I still remember this day like yesterday ! I never thought
that Zama would die under my care from that day I
promised myself that I would find the person who did that
after finding out who did it , o was ready to kill but my
brothers being brothers they took on and promised me
that they would kill him, neither way they didn’t ! I just
throw the glass across the wall then take my car keys and
go out ! a drive would do right now, I just can’t believe this!

Mmeli : (angry) just let me help you Mamello for heaven’s
sake !
Mamello : o kae Zoey ? ke batla yena nna ! (where’s
zoey? I want her)
Mmeli : (sighs) okay !

Mmeli then went out to fetch Zoey in the car, who was
busy playing lovey dovey with Mvelo.
Mmeli : (opens the car & annoyed) go, fetch your friend,
she’s getting on my nerves !
Zoey then got out of the car and kissed Mvelo’s cheek.

Mvelo : (clears his throat)

Mmeli : ngiyaqolisa bafo . (sorry bro)
Mvelo : (pissed) you will apologise to my girl not me !
Mmeli : (nods)
After a while Zoey came back with Mamello, Mmeli quickly
ran to help them and pushed Mamello to the car after that
he helped he to get in the car then went to the driver’s sit
and drove off .


Here I am left with Mamello alone in the car, well Zoey and
Mvelo went to buy food for us also some feminine things
for Mamello. I just look at her , this one is definitely the
definition of beauty, oh Lord !
Mamello : starring is rude Mmeli .
Me : (shifts then clears my throat) oh , hey .
Mamello : (blushes)
Me : (frowns) what’s funny manje ?
Mamello : nothing , you just look like you’re in your own
world, wassup ?
Me : nothing.
Mamello : okay.
We then went silent for about 2 minutes then I loked at her
again, well I think she has a strong effect on me cause my
big guy down there is busy itching. “Mmeli, ask her out,
stop being a coward.” The inner me said. Now or never !
Me : (clears my throat) empeleni wena ntokazi , can I take
you out tomorrow ? (infact my lady)
Mamello : come on Mmeli, which part of I – A – M – M – A
– R – R – I – E – D , don’t you get ?

Operation zulu charming on , I can’t lose her over that
idiotic abuser !
Me : awu kodwa mama , awuphela ngiyacela ntokazi
yakwa Phuti , awu MaPhuthi madoda , ngiyacela
sthandwa sami ? (but baby ? please, please my love?)
Mamello : (blushes) it’s still a no .
Me : (gets closer to her) noma ngingaku shaya nge lamza
kusazoba ngu no ? (even if I can kiss you , you will still
say no?)
Mamello : (sighs) okay fine ! just one date though .
Me : (chuckles) we don’t know about that one kodwa
ngiyabonga MaPhuthi. (but thank you MaPhuthi)
I then looked at her and she looked at me after a while she
broke the contact by giggles, perks of being a yellow bone,
she’s now reddish. After a while Mvelo and his coloured
meddie got in and we drove off to Zoey’s house.


I get off the car and walked into the hospital with my
mother, well I last saw Mamello the last time I told her
about me taking a second wife and I hope she had enough
time to think about it. We got in and walked over to the
Him : good day sir, how are you ?
Me : I’m here for Mamello Ndlovu .
Him : let me quickly check for you.
The receptionist did his work but after few minutes he just
looked at me with a face that has no emotions .
Me : what ?
Him : (sighs) sir, are you sure that you about that ?
Me : yes .
Him : actually sir, here it shows that Mamello was taken 3
hours ago and she was taken by Mr N.Ndlovu .
Me : okay .
I then walked to the car and found my mom starring at me.
Me : she was discharged and this has the Ngcobo
brothers written.
Mom : don’t jump to conclusions Nathi .

Me : (angry) I need something strong !
I said that starting the car ignition, this has the Ngcobo
boys written and I will definitely find them !



If they think I will let my wife slip ? they’ve got it all wrong. I
quickly call Stix to come and track Mamello’s ring, I will
find her no matter what ! Mamello is mine and i’m not
going to share her with anyone or anything !
Me : do you find anything ?
Stix : yeah boss , it shows that she’s at Zoey’s apartment .
Me : okay , let me go.
I quickly took my car keys and went to my car and drive off
to Zoey’s apartment , I knew that she will stay here since
Zoey has a house nxn, stupid ! after fifteen minutes I
arrived, got out of the car and used the stairs after some
few minutes, I arrived at Zoey’s apartment. I then knocked.
Male voice : hayibo ! uzophula leso sxabha wena shlama !
(you will break the door , you idiot)
I knew that she is with him ! I just knew it ! he then slowly
opened the door and looked at me and chuckled .
Mmeli : (chuckling) sawubona mbulali .
Me : (push him) suka emnyango, ngifuna umkami mina !
(move on the door, I want my wife!)

Mmeli : (angry) ungazongiphusha kanjalo we Ndlovu !
(don’t push me like that Ndlovu)
Me : (avoids him & shouts) yewena Mamello ! Mamello !
(hey you!)
I said that going upstairs leaving the coward standing by
the door, when I arrived at the bedroom, I found Mamello
asleep, I quickly wake her up .
Me : awuvuke , siyahamba ! (wake up, we’re leaving)
Mamello : (scared)
I then picked her up in a bridal style and walked
downstairs with her . I found Mmeli with his brothers, oh,
touch one , touch all (laughs) .
Melusi : (scary face) oh , Ndlovu we meet again !
Me : (annoyed) sukani, ngifuna ukuhamba no NKOSIKAZI
WAMI . (move , I wanna leave with my wife)
Ziyanda : (laughs) hehe , uzokubulala ubafo wena ! (my
bro will kill you)



Me : (chuckles) if loyo bafo wakho beka funa ukungibulala
nga wangibulala ngelanga engabulala ngalo uNthabiseng !
(if that brother of yours wanted to kill me, he would’ve kill
me the day I killed Nthabiseng)
I just want to annoy the shit out of the Mmeli character, he
just keeps on messing with my territory ! but now it’s my
turn to mess up with him !
Mmeli : (angry) uthini ?
Me : (drags Mamello) suka endleleni wemfana wakwa
Ngcobo ngidlule nomkami ! (move our of my way , you
Ngcobo boy, I want to pass with my wife)
Melusi : (stands in front of the door) hamba wedwa
Ndlovu! (go alone Ndlovu)
In all the brothers, this one is the one who intimates me so
much to the point of which I can even pee on myself but I
won’t show it !
Me : (clears my throat) sakhishelwa inkomo zako Gatsheni
lesfebe ! (we paid cows for this bitch)
Mmeli : (gets up & trigger his gun) call her like that one
more time Ndlovu !

Me : (laughs) lempi ayifuni iskhali ifuna sibambane
njengamadoda ! (this war doesn’t need a weapon but it
needs us to fight)
Melusi : (bangs the door) NGITHE YEKA UMAPHUTHI
NDLOVU ! (I said let go of MaPhuthi Ndlovu)
I then slowly let go of Mamello whom I will definitely kill
after this !
Melusi : (sternly) ZIYANDA , TAKE YOUR BROTHER’S
ASAMBENI ! (Ndlovu and you Mmeli, let’s go)
I then walked slowly and scared, I quickly texted my
mother on our way out .
MENS.” (it’s bad…)
I then walked to my car and drove off following them
scared as hell !


All the boys drove into a sacred place and they parked
their car. The Ngcobo brothers got out of their car as well
as Nathi who was scared as hell . after a while they
walked and formed a circle.
Melusi : Mmeli, bring the guns .
Mmeli slowly took out all of his guns with the help of
Ziyanda, well Mvelo and Siyabonga are busy at the club
fixing some mess thay was made by Ziyanda ! after the
guns were all out, Melusi looked at the two boys and
Melusi : yenzani eniziwa ngazo ! (do what you are known
The boys started beating each other up with Nathi losing
balance there and there.


I’m so stupid ! I knew that Nathi was going to look for me, I
should’ve went home to him straight, if anything happens
to Nathi or Mmeli , I will tale the blame . while sitting by the
better overthinking everything, Mmeli got in with a
bleeding nose and a t-shirt that’s full of blood, oh Lord !
Me : (panicks) Li ? are you okay ?

Mmeli : (smiles) ohhh , I already got a nickname .
Me : (giggles) come on Mmeli, this is serious man !
Mmeli : (flinches) ngikahle MaPhuthi, this is nothing new .
(I’m okay)
Me : o kae Nathi ? (where is nathi)
Mmeli : available .
He said that got inside the bathroom then I heard the
shower running, I guess he is bathing, now that he is back,
I will just have to let him know that I made a decision and
I’m going back to Nathi, I don’t want to cause any trouble,
even though it’s hard to live with Nathi (sighs) .


Even after 5 years the boy still has his moves , I just can’t
believe that I lose over that small boy but what I know is
that Mamello will be back to me and I will threaten her in
every way ! I limped towards the house and I found
Nomfundo (my side chick & my baby mama) with my
mother busy gossiping .
Me : (limps) sanibona bo my queen .
Nomfundo : (runs toward me) hi , come sit this side baby
I then went a the dining room with Mama promising to do
something for me.
Nomfundo : talk to me,yini ? (what)
Me : nothing,just help me, we need to move to cape town
tonight !
Nomfundo : what ? no , Nathi the weeding is going on this
weekend !
Me : baby, let’s not fight, sho .
I quickly stood up and went to them bedroom, strip naked
and walked inside the shower thinking about what Mmeli
said, shit ! I always mess up with wrong people, shit
(screams) !



It’s been a two weeks and a half since I saw Melusi, the
fact that he doesn’t call nor text makes me want to break
my cell phone because the guy on and off. Well today it’s
my lucky day ! I’m just taking a break from work and I
decided to go to the mall to buy myself few clothing then
come back. Well I’m done with my personal hygiene, I
wore my white short tight dress with a white vans then
went out of my bedroom to make some breakfast. While
doing the breakfast my cellphone rang, oh ! it’s my so
called boyfriend, nxn .
Me : (answer the phone) ya .
Melusi : hawu ? wee Kamo !
Me : o batlang Melusi ? (what do you want?)
Melusi : (hangs up)
Wasn’t it necessary for him to cause such drama ? Zulu
men can be irritating sometimes . I quickly took my bag
and when I opened the door, I found Melusi on my
doorstep, what the hell ?
Melusi : (angry) bewuzongitjela nini wee Kamohelo ?
(when were going to tell me?)
Me : what Melusi ?

He pushed me and got inside the apartment, the good
thing is that Nikiwe slept over at her boyfriend’s place.
Wait, which assets is he talking about ? I don’t remember
him buying me and owning me ! this is such a Zulu man !
Me : (chuckles & scared) which assets Melusi ? are we
married ?
Melusi : (bangs the table) UNGANGITSHELI LOYO DODI
LAMANYALA AKHO ? FUTHI WOZA ! (don’t tell me that
rubbish Kamo ! you want me to marry you in order for you
to stop this rubbish? And again come!)
He just picked me up in a bridal style and went to my room
and he put me on my bed.
Melusi : KHUMULA KAMO ! (take off your clothes)
Me : (crying) Melusi , please let’s talk about this .
This angry Melusi brought up all the memories of the first
day we met , I mean that was the worst day ever.
Melusi : Kamo , don’t …
His cell phone ran while he was about to talk, I quickly ran
to my ensuite bathroom while he was talking to his cell
phone, I regret not telling him about my side hustle, I just
hope he doesn’t beat me up !


Ziyanda : bafo, do not kill her or do anything that will harm
her please .
Me : (annoyed) hayi, hayi ! ngikuzwile we Ziyanda ! (I’ve
heard you Ziyanda)
I then hang up fast before he could even speak, I then
turned around and looked at , wait ! where is she ?
Me : (shouting) Kamohelo, ngiyazi ukhona , phuma la
ukhona ! (I know you’re here, get out of where you’re)
Kamo : no, you will beat me up Melusi !
Wait , what did she say ? she thinks I would stoop so low?
hell no ! I love her to the moon and back but I just can’t
believe that she’s busy showing men my assets !
Me : angizikwenza lokho Kamo, manje phuma ! (I won’t do
anything to you, come out now)
Kamo : (opens the bathroom door)
She then get out of the bathroom and she looked scared.
Me : wase uma kude kanje Kamohelo ? (then why are you
so far?)
Kamo : (sighs & whispers) I’m scared Lusi .
Me : (sighs) Kamo , you know that I love you right ?

Kamo : (nods)
Me : (side eye her)
Kamo : (clears her throat) um , yeah .
Me : manje kungani ungangitshelanga nge side hustle
yakho ? (now, why didn’t you tell me about your side
Kamo : I was scared Lusi .
Me : (chuckles & mocks her) “ I was scared Lusi” ,
Kamohelo , uyangijwayela yazi ! you go around showing
your ass to men out there mese uzongitshela ukuthi
ubusaba ?! ubusaba yini mewu busy ujaiva kwi pole huh
?! worse part you (screams) . yazini I’m out ! (you’re
disrespectful , then you come and tell me that you were
scared? What is it that you’re scared of when you’re busy
dancing on the pole?)
Kamo : (crying) Lusi , please let me explain !
Me : (takes my car keys) SHUT IT KAMOHELO !
I then went out of the room, I just don’t want to hear
anything from her mouth ! I mean I was (bangs the
steering) I’M SUCH A STUPID ! I just drove out and went
to my mother’s house, maybe I can cool off there !


It’s been almost a week since I’ve talked to Siyabonga and
it’s been almost 5 weeks since I’ve saw him . well the last
time I saw him was the time that he didn’t want to give me
my orgasms but I ended up getting as always ! today I’m
meeting with the girls (Dipss & Zoey) , well Zoey told me
about what happened to Mamello and she told me that her
man who happens to be Mvelo Ngcobo and his brothers
saved Mamello. I wear my blue oversized sweater with my
black baggy jeans and some black nike sneakers. I then
took my cell phone, request an uber and waited for it while
eating my noodles, well my mom went to women’s prayer
nton ntoni ! after a while the uber was here, I got out of the
house and went to the mall .
When I arrived I found Zoey alone at Fish&Chips .
Me : (screams) hey babe !
Zoey : bitch !
We the hugged while giggling.
Me : where is Mamello ?
Zoey : we just have to go to her house since she’s still
insecured about going out .
Me : (confused) her house ?
Zoey : (sighs) she went back to Nathi .

People were giving us looks as I walked faster than Zoey, I
want to beat Mamello up ! after everything Nathi did to her,
she still goes back to him ? I want to kill her ! after a while
we got into Zoey’s car and drove to Mamello’s house.
When we arrived Zoey parked and we greeted the
Me: sawubona bab’Mdlalose . (hello)
Him : hawu, nkosikazi omncane . (my little wife)
Well he calls me like that, he always says he will make me
his last wife, which I’m not even volunteering in .
Me : ukhona uMamello ? (is Mamello available?)
Him : yebo kodwa … (yes but)
Me : akasifuni ? (she doesn’t want us)
Him : (nods)
Oh ! this has Nathi, Mamello doesn’t even get tired of us , I
then told Zoey we then drove to her house , well well , I
guess we will never see our friend again.



Me : (crying) please Nathi, I promise you I will ever be in
contact with Zoey ever again !.
Nathi ( laughs & semi-shouts) you think I’m stupid right ? I
will not untie you till whenever !
Okay, the thing is , well I was craving for some ice cream
and for some reason I wanted to be alone and take a walk.
I walked to the ice cream store then when I was about to
buy the ice cream someone just came out of nowhere and
shot everyone then boom I was the only one left.
When I was about to run , I heard a familiar voice telling
me that one mistake I die so I just walked over to him and
that’s how he got me back (sighs) . right now, we’re in … I
actually don’t know where we are due to my dizziness and
the beatings, ever since we arrived here , I’ve been tied in
a chair and I guess maybe we’re still in our house due to
how I smell things .
Nathi : you know Mamello, your father gave you to me and
you must know that you’re MINE AND MINE ALONE !
angeke ngize ngidle igqe yami nomfananya ongathathile
ekhanda yangizwa ? angeke ngize ngivume ukuthi isiyoyo
nje somfana singithathele unkosikazi nxn ! (I won’t eat my
p**sy with some boy that doesn’t think straight, you hear
me? I won’t allow an idiotic boy to take my wife)

He then walks slowly to the door, oh ! I’m in the basement,
wow. He then on stand halfway to the door .
Nathi : and remember, you’re getting a sister wife soon but
after the wedding ? you’re coming back here HOEWIFE !
He went out and slammed the door, I just stayed there
crying and having regrets, if maybe I called Mmeli , this
wouldn’t be like this and I’m sure Nathi made it as if I
came back on my fucken own way ! I SO HATE THIS


Me : (shouts & angry) shit ! lomasaka ngizombulala
mangimthola ! (I will kill this idiot when I find him)
Melusi : yehlisa umoya bafo . (calm down bro)
Me : (breaks a glass) IT’S BEEN FUCKEN 5 DAYS
Everything is dull without her, I regret not answering her
call . I mean the idiot made sure that Mamello loses her
cellphone because he knew that I would look for her, this
is becoming so frustrating ! I’m at the warehouse with
Melusi and the others are looking for my wife out there .
while we are sitting my cellphone rang and it’s bhut’Siya, I
just hope he has good new for me .
Me : (answer the call) bafo .
Him : put me on loud speaker .
I then did that and Melusi just looked at me, well this one
is so cool for my liking, I mean if it was his wife, we would
be infact don’t mind , I’m just stressed !
Bhut’Siya : ngiqeda ukukhuluma noMaDladla manje , uthi
uMamello akavumanga ukuba bona kodwa angikholwa
ukuthi uyena ongafuni ukuba bona futhi lomasaka
uyashada kusasa . (I’ve just talked to MaDladla and she

says Mamello didn’t want to see the but I don’t believe that
it’s her and this stupid is getting married tomorrow.)
Me : (sighs)
Melusi : (sternly) buyani bafana , sizokwenza esidume
ngazo ! Siya , call your father . (come back boys, let us di
what we are known for)
After saying that he just went back to looking at his
cellphone and bhut’Siya hang up, I then went for a glass of
scott . this is definitely my fault, I should’ve stayed with her
the whole time !


Kamohelo has been planning how to apologise to her
man, well scratch that she is planning how to apologise to
Melusi since he found out about her being a stripper, she
knows that this will be a long process but she has to do
this after all she loves how Melusi treats her and
everything that he does for her . Meanwhile the Ngcobo
brothers and their father are planning how to attack,
tomorrow . knowing the Ndlovu family, they have tight
security so the boys have to find an inside person but
apart from finding an inside person Ziyanda just decided to
hack the cameras of Nathi’s house . after a while the
computer showed everything and Mmeli saw Mamello
sitting on the chair tied up like a cow . he just screamed
and drank a glass of scott .
Mmeli : (groans) we have to find her ! let us plan hard .
The boys were surprised in seeing Mmeli like this because
this is the first time they see him like this . well as for Fuze
Snr he wasn’t surprised cause he knew that Mmeli is the
one that the beast in him . the boys continued planning
until midnight where their plan came out very successful,
their father then called Dabula and he came to make the
strong and the boys slept at the warehouse, planning to
attack in the morning !



Well Nathi untied me early in the morning today because
his uncles and mother are coming , apparently they’re
coming with the new wife , well I really don’t know what’s
going on but what I see, people are busy going up and
down and I don’t know what are they preparing . well I had
to wear make because I have to hide my bruises and I’m
wearing long things (sighs) , I just wish Mmeli saves from
this. I know he is not God but I know that he is capable of
saving me.
Aunty : hayibo makoti, yini ? asikushadelanga ukuthi
ulengise nje ! sebenza ntombi ! (what is it? We didn’t
marry you for you to sit. Work girly)
I knew that his nosy aunty will be on my case ! I stood up
from the couch and went out to see what I can help with . I
went over to his cousins, well Nathi’s family hates me to
the core and they wouldn’t mind even if he abuses me .
well only his sister Thembi loves me . while I was looking
for something to do , Thembi appeared behind me .
Thembi : Melo, you need to get ready, your sister wife is
on her way .
Me : (nods)

Thembi : let’s go .
We then walked upstairs, well Thembi is a fashion
designer and also a make up artist. When we arrived
upstairs, she gave me a beautiful red with white dots
shweshwe with white sneakers and a doek .
Me : (clears my throat) thembi , can I , you know ?
Thembi : hayi Melo, wash your face first I wanna do your
make up .
Me : uhm , no I can do it myself thanks .
Thembi : melo , ain’t taking no for an answer, do as I say
please !
I then slowly walked to the bathroom, washed off the make
up and boom, my ugly bruised face . I then walked back to
the bedroom and found Thembi taking out her make up kit,
she then talked .
Thembi : oh ! you’re ba… (turns around) wait ! Melo ? who
did this to you ?
Me : (sarcastically) I fell .
Thembi : ain’t a stupid Melo !
Me : (sniffs) you.. umh , your brother .
Thembi : what ?!


Thembi couldn’t believe what she has just heard, out off all
the things her sweet brother could do , abuse is one of
them ? Thembi has been in an abusive relationship
whereby Nathi ended up killing her boyfriend is front of
Thembi : (looks at Mamello) are you for real ? bhut’Nathi
did this to you ?
Mamello : (crying & nods)
Thembi : (walks to her & hug her) oh my , I’m so sorry
Melo !
They stayed in the hugging position so that Mamello can
finish crying . after full ten minutes of crying Mamello
stopped and looked at Thembi .
Mamello : (husky voice) I’m sorry but can I take a nap ?
Thembi : (nods)
Thembi then went out of the bedroom leaving Mamello
alone. This sucks ! Mamello got into the bed and cried till
she fell asleep. After an hour , the Ndlovu arrived with their
bride and the aunts started causing a chaos which led to
Mamello waking up . she then peeked through the window
and saw the pregnant makoti which showed , this hurts oh,

she didn’t think it will hurt like this after some few minutes
Thembi got in .
Thembi : oh , hey . I just wanted to tell you that your sister
wife and your husband are here.
Mamello : uhm , can you do my make up and please
Thembi don’t tell anyone about this .
Thembi was unsure of that but knowing how an abusive
person can be , she just let it slide . Mamello sat down and
Thembi started with the make while the people are settling
outside .


Fuze Snr : nikhumbule bafana , clean and out ! Mmeli you
go for your wife and make sure you control your temper,
siyezwana ? (remember boys … you hear me?)
Mmeli : (sighs & rubs his face roughly with his hands)
yebo baba . (yes dad)
Fuze Snr : Siya , Melusi , you guys take our target .
Them : Fuze !
Fuze Snr : Ziyanda , umsebenzi wakho uyawazi , don’t
flop, help your brother to find his wife ! (you know your job)
Ziyanda : baba . (dad)
Fuze Snr : nina madoda , we just shoot at anything that is
carrying a gun , ayihlome ihlasele ! (you men … let’s
Them : FUZE !
They then wore their balaclavas , take their guns and went
out. They got into their taxis and drove off . well they
added more ten men and they were now 14 . after 30
minutes they arrived at the Ndlovu resident and Mmeli
talked to Ziyanda over the earpiece .

Mmeli : usase sendlini uMaPhuthi ? (is MaPhuthi still
inside ?)
Ziyanda : uhm, uzophuma manje . (she will come out)
Mmeli : (to the men) attack guys !
The boys got out of the taxi and started shooting at the
guards , all the guards at the gate were down then Mmeli ,
Fuze , Siya and Melusi got inside the yard with the others
covering them. After a while some few men covered Mmeli
and they got inside the house while the others walked to
Nathi with bullets flying around and every female species
screaming after a while Fuze talked.
Fuze Snr : (sternly voice) THULANI ! NATHI NDLOVU,
WOZA KIMI ! (shut up, come to me!)
Nathi looked at Fuze and he stood up slowly, seeing his
pregnant wife scared and he walked to Fuze …


I get inside the house with three men covering me, I walk
upstairs where Ziyanda is telling me to go to through the
Ziyanda : turn left, first door .
I then turn left and get inside to room , I find her crying and
the other girl is busy hugging her while crying too.
Me : Mkami .
Mamello : (looks my direction) Mmeli ?
Me : shh , let’s go .
The lady let go of her and whisper something on her ear
and just nod and walked over me and I carried her in a
bridal shower style. I walked out with her. After a while I
gave the other men a signal and ran out of the gate with
some people screaming Mamello’s name . I got inside the
H1 that we brought and drove to our house with the others
drove the warehouse with Nathi , the things I’m going to
do to him ? he will even regret messing up with my
territory (laughs) .



I just don’t know how will I apologise to Melusi because
he’s not even my man , okay fine , I crush him so I will
what I would’ve done if we were dating . I wear my black
sexy number with a coat on top with some heels then I
request an uber to Melusi’s house . I just hope this works. I
arrived after 15 minutes, I then get out of car, walk to the
car , then press the intercom then the gate just opened up,
wow , there is an taxi , this means his brothers are here,
shit ! I slowly walked to the door feeling very nervous, I
then knocked and he opened up then door wearing only a
sweat pant trousers and he was barefoot, well this means
he is alone .
Me : (clears my throat) uhm , hey .
Melusi : (bored) ya , ufunani Kamo ? (yes, what do you
want kamo?)
Me : (nervous) can I come in ?
He then moved aside , I then entered then unbutton my
coat showing my sexy lingerie waiting for him to turn
around, he then closed the door and turned around .
Melusi : (turns around) Kamo , I got no … shit !
Me : (naughty smile) I’m here to apologise daddy .

Melusi : (walks towards me) really ?
Me : (nods)
He then didn’t waste any time and he grabbed me with the
bridal style and we walked to his bedroom with him looking
deep into my eyes with his eyes that are full of lust ! we
got in his bedroom and he didn’t waste no time. He started
kissing me with the hunger kiss .


I swear she doesn’t know the half of the things I’m going to
do to her, I swear she will regret showing off my assets to
all the men at the club. I helped her to take off her coat
fully then I then put her down and looked at her while
biting my lower lip , I can feel Mapholoba very hard down
there .
Me : (biting my lower lip) twirl for daddy my love !
She then turned around and I spank her ass then carry her
again to the bed , I then put her on the bed and I start
kissing her again but this time slowly and passionately. I
kiss her while my other hand is down on the outside of the
sexy black lingerie busy brushing her nuna from the
outside . She then moaned between the kiss , I went down
to her neck and suck her neck like nobody’s business, yes
I’m marking my territory ! after I was done with the marking
of my territory, I went down to her beautiful twins . I then
suck them slowly and passionately .
Kamo : (moaning) come on Mel .
I then chuckled while brushing her nuna down there
whereas she keeps on closing her tighs then I would just
pinch her to open up . she then open up and I just stopped
sucking the breasts, I then tear apart the lingerie,
revealing her beautiful body . I take my hand and put it

back to her nuna then continue brushing it , I go up to her
ears and whisper .
Me : (groans) you’ve got such a nice and beautiful body
mami , now mase ngiqeda la , every men out there will not
mess with my assets or territory, otherwise I will kill them,
understood ? (when we finish here …)
Kamo : (nods)
Me : (breathing heavily) amagama mkami . (words my
Kamo : (breathing heavily) ye … (moans) oh !
I just insert my finger inside and I know this is driving her
insane .
Me : baby ? did you hear what I said ?
Kamo : (moaning) hmm , uhm … oh ! yesssss Mel !
Me : (insert the second finger) good then .



I’m already up and I’m at the warehouse, waiting for the
rest to arrive, I just want to get over and done with thus
idiot here . I got inside the house and I found him sleeping,
wow nice ! I just kicked him on his chest .
Me : vuka shaya abafazi ! (wale up you abuser)
Nathi : (wakes up & coughs)
While he was coughing the brothers got in with my dad.
Fuze Snr : umenzeni Mmeli ? (what did you do?)
Me : lutho baba . (nothing dad)
I can feel my anger rising up every second, I feel like
there’s something that wants to show itself ! after a while I
felt my body betraying me and I just landed down.

KILLER (Mmeli’s beast)

Me : (laughs) sanibona madoda, (looks at Nathi) ya
Ndlovu ,we meet again . (hello men, yes Ndlovu)
The boys : (shocked) Killer ?

Me : in flash boys , hawu Fuze, ubuyile ? asthembe ukuthi
umngani wami uSnipper usaphila . (you’re back? Let’s
hope that my friend Snipper is still alive)
Fuze Snr : ya Killer , manje yehlisa umoya . (yes Killer,
calm down)
Me : (angry) ngalinge ungitshele lawu masimba ! lesiyoyo
sicale sabulala intombi yami , ngathula manje sibusy si
shaya umkami ! (don’t you dare tell me that rubbish.this
idiot first killed my girl , I just shut up now he is busy
beating my wife)
After a while I got in the active mood, I then faced Nathi
and started beating him until I saw blood after seeing
blood and that he’s weak, I just looked at him the ripped
his chest apart the I took out his heart and laughed . after
doing that I felt dizzy then boom lights out for me !


Mmeli wake up with a banging headache with Mamello
sitting next to him and reading her books. He just looked
at her with a genuinely smile and he cleared his throat,
from the type of headache he was feeling he knew that
Killer was out. Well Mmeli is the only one that has the
beast among the boys and he only comes out when you
mess up with the one that he really loves,this means Killer
loves Mamello. Meanwhile Nathi’s body was delivered to
his house with a note that says “sizo sizokhokha ilobolo
lenu futhi ” (we will pay your bride’s price again) . everyone
was still shocked expect from Thembi, who knew who did
this but she can’t blurt it since she promised not to but
she’s definitely going for revenge after her brother’s
funeral. Kamo woke up with no Melusi around and once
again she felt used and useless, she just got up from the
bed, took a shower, wore her coat and requested an uber
to her house then she left Melusi’s hose because clearly
her presence is not needed her.



Me : Mmeli, come on , you can’t do that, that’s cheating !
Mmeli : ha.a baby , nawe uslowly ! (no baby, you’re slowly)
Me : (laughs)
Mmeli : (shouts) GOALLLLLLL ! Yes !
Me : (roll my eyes) CHEATER !
I then stood up fast before he could say anything and I
went to the kitchen to put the dishes in the dishwasher.
Well I practically live with him now. Oh ! where are my
manners, well it’s been two months since the rescue, Nathi
got buried but I was never allowed to his funeral of which I
don’t know why . I’m here playing FIFA with Mmeli who
always cheats and I know that ! he then got in while I’m
putting the dishes in the dishwasher.
Mmeli : (curses) shit ! kodwa baby , sakhuluma
ngalendaba yakho yokudunusa ! (but baby , we’ve talked
about this thing of yours of bending over)
Me : (laughs) hayibo Mmeli , o re ke sebetse bjang ?
oskabe wa ntebella tlhe . (no Mmeli, how will I work ? don’t
look at me)

He just chuckled and take out a bottle of hunter’s dry and
went to sit over the kitchen counter looking at me.
Basically we’ve been living together for the past two
months, he always uses the words , “asazi
kuzokwenzalani baby.” (we don’t know what will happen).
So I just let him stay . well let me re-introduce myself, my
name is Mamello Phuti , I’m 22 years old and I don’t know
whether I’m married or what but this is my healing journey!


Being with her brings so much peace to my heart . I just
love how she treats me , I wish I can just marry her but I
will have to deal with sick Ndlovu family ! well right now,
I’m going to the boys we are planning some mission with
Fuze because he has been out in the game for a while
now . let’s all talk about Killer (laughs) . I was only 19
years old when I found out about Killer . at first I thought I
was bipolar because I couldn’t handle him, he would just
come out of the cage whenever I get into a fight and he
end up killing people then my dad had to clean after me .
that’s when my mom met Dabula and Dabula told my
mother about Killer who had to be controlled so I went to
Dabula and we did some rituals that helped me a lot . now
with Killer, he only comes out when Mmeli can no longer
handle the heat, he comes out to protect everyone around
him , especially the ones that he loves. The first time I met
Mamello I believe that Killer was out because I became
rude to her after she vomited on my shirt . that’s how Killer
fell in love with Mamello but Mmeli fell in love with
Mamello in a different way than Killer. Back to Mmeli , I
park the car at the ware house and got in, I found dad and
Ziyanda, oh ! the single man , the first one to arrive .
Me : (greets) baba . (dad)
Fuze Snr : ya . (yes)

Ziyanda : kodwa bhuti ? (but brother)
Me : (sits down) sawubona mfana ongena mfazi .(hello
single boy)
Ziyanda : (smirk) ngoba kujola oMmeli , kuzomele sijole
nathi ! (cause Mmeli is dating, we should date too)
Me : (serious face) ngizokushaya Ziyanda , uzonya nyi ! (I
will beat you up Ziyanda)
Ziyanda : (silence)
Good , I knew that I would just shut him up . well overall,
I’m in love with Mamello and I’m a happy gentleman.


(we’ve talked about this)
Kamo : Mel, I need money !
Me : (chuckles & takes out my black card) THATHA !
Kamo : Melusi , I want to be INDEPENDENT !
UYAKWATISA KAMOHELO NXN ! (you will not go back
there! I will kill that manager of yours if I find you there.
You make me angry Kamohelo)
I then grabbed my car keys and looked at her .
Me : ngisaya emajiteni , uphume kuyola mnyango ?
uzongazi kahle ! (I’m going to the gents, you go out of that
door ? you will know me!)
I then walked out of the door, got into the car and started
the ignition and drove to the warehouse. Kamo always
knows how to press my anger button, we talked about the
club issue and she promised not to go back there again
but I found some message from one of my men that she’s
busy shaking her ass on top of some man’s little dick, I

mean what the hell is that ?! I’m on my way to the boys ,
this girl will be the death of me !


Everyone is at the warehouse and the mission is coming
out well . with Melusi being stressed, he is clearly not
focusing and he is the one who creates bombs for the
gang, Fuze realised that and called him aside .
Fuze Snr : (looks at Melusi) thatha leya whiskey uphuze .
(take the whiskey and drink)
Melusi went straight to the bottle and drank from it.
Melusi : (gulps) ngikhathele wuKamohelo Fuze , hayi ! (I’m
tired of Kamohelo, no)
Fuze Snr : shada lomntana Melusi uyeke ukuziphathisa
ikhanda ! (marry the child and stop stressing yourself)
Melusi : okay !
Meanwhile Kamo is at Melusi’s house wearing his t-shirt
and drinking some wine watching movies with the stress
that she has but this turn she has to apologise in a normal
way because she wants her orgasms more than anything
(sighs) ! this is difficult for her, she never knew that getting
into a relationship with a Zulu Men means she’s going to
leave some of the things she does to hustle for herself.


Siyabonga : (shouts my name) my baby ? !
Me : bathroom Siya !
I then heard footsteps coming to the bathroom, wait , is
Siya naked ? this man can’t be serious, I’m not in the
mood for sex right now .
Me : (getting out of the bath tub)
Siya : hayibo MaDladla, yini manje ? (what is it ?)
Me : I’m leaving Siyabonga and you want sex , I know .
Siya : manje angikwazi uku bond’a nawe ngenxayo
mdavazo MaDladla ? (now I can’t bond with you just
because of sex?)
Me : (walking to the bathroom) leave me alone Siya, geza
wedwa Mapholoba, mina ngiyahamba. (bath alone , I’m
I then got in the bedroom and finished up my personal
hygiene then I went downstairs to cook for him since I
didn’t give him his cow. Well while I’m cooking my
cellphone rang and it’s my mother, what the hell ? I quickly
answer the call .
Me : sawubona ma. (hey mom)

Her : yini Nokuthula ? awusangithandi na ? uhamba
izinsuku ungasho ukuthi ukuphi ! (what is it Nokuthula?
You don’t love me me anymore? You leave for days and
don’t tell me where you are)
Me : ngishilo njena ngathi ngiyaku Zoey mama. (I did say
I’m going to see Zoey)
Well , that’s my mom for you, she just love exaggerating .
while I was talking to her , Siya came downstairs wearing
a black jean with sunglasses and a white shirt , wait is he
going out ?
Me : ma , ngizophinde ngikushayele ucingo ! (I will call you
I quickly hang up and looked Siya with a questioning look.
Siya : yini ? ngiphuma namatjita . don’t wait up ! (what ?
I’m going out with the gents)
He said that walking out of the door. Oh ! he’s mad at me
for refusing to give it to him ! fuck him , I don’t care , I just
switched off the stove and went to take my sleepover bag
and requested an uber to Zoey’s house, I’m going out too !
this is my vagina and I won’t listen to SIYABONGA


Nokuthula requested an uber to Zoey’s house and after 50
minutes , she arrived at Zoey’s house , paid the uber
driver and got out of the car and went to knock at the door.
Mvelo is here with Zoey , well they’re actually planning to
go out to meet up with the gents since Mvelo wants to
introduce Zoey to the boys first before taking her to his
mother and father’s house. Well actually the Ngcobo
family is back together, meaning that Mxolisi (Fuze Snr)
moved back to his house with his wife and Langelihle who
is always avoiding her dad, yes she not ready to forget
and forgive yet . Back to Nokuthula, she knocked and
Mvelo opened the door .
Nokuthula : sawubona bhuti , ukhona uZoey ? (hello
brother, is Zoey available)
Zoey : (calling out) Mvelo ! Baby ! who is that ?
Zoey shouted coming downstairs, she then realised that
it’s Nokuthula.
Zoey : (pushes Mvelo aside) oh , hey friend , get in.
Nokuthula : (fakes a smile) you know what ? never mind
sis, I love you !

Nokuthula then walked away, walking to the club that’s
near to Zoey’s house, she got in a found people busy
dancing. She just went straight to the bar and order shots.
Nokuthula : (drunk) just keep them coming .
The barman didn’t even mind, he was busy minding his
own business and doing whatever he was employed for.
After 3 : 00 am everyone was gone and the only person
who was there it was Nokuthula. After a while the own of
the club got in , well he’s here to check out on his club .
Siya : (shocked) MaDladla ?
Nokuthula : (burps & laughs) if it’s not the man who left
because of pussy at home then who is it ? THE ONE AND
The workers looked at each other as the woman in front of
their boss just disrespected their boss .
Siya : (to the workers) hambani bafethu, ngizokhiya. (go
guys, I will lock)
Them : mhloniswa. (mister)
They all went out leaving Siyabonga and his MaDladla all


Me : but baby , you should’ve told me that we’re meeting
with your brother .
Mvelo : Zoey, awume .(stop)
Me : Mvelo ? are you for real ? like you just ambush me
with your brothers mese uzongitshela ukuthi angime ?
(then you will tell me to stop?)
Mvelo : (shocked)
I walked to the door , opened the door for him and he just
stood up from the couch and went upstairs, ZULU MENS
ARE SO IRRITATING ! who said I was ready to meet THE
BROTHERS ? I told him many times that I’m not ready but
today he lied to me and told me that we’re going to the
club only to find out that I’m meeting the brothers ! I’m
angry because he tricked and lied to me ! I then take off
my heels , throw them on the couch then walk to the
bedroom upstairs, I hear the water in the shower running,
I’m dealing with him after bathing. After a while he came
out looking all drippy and hot with a towel on his waist .

Me : (swallow hard) Mvelo ? how dare you walk out on me
when I’m still talking ?
Mvelo : (chuckles) MaNgcobo , you really want to do this ?
I can fuck you brainless now !
Me : try me Mvelo ! wena ujwayele amasimba ! (you are
I then stood and tried to walk but he just pulled me closer
to him . I can feel my heart pounding, I’m now scared . I
mean we haven’t been sexually active, I am not a virgin
though .
Me : (acts brave) yini ? ngiyeke MVELO NGCOBO. (what?
Let go of me)
Mvelo : (looks deep into my eyes) repeat what you said
mami .
Me : (swallow) what did I say?
Mvelo : (chuckles & bites his lower lip)
Me : let go Mvelo.
He just kissed me slowly and passionately.
Mvelo : (mumbles under the kiss) do you still want me to
let you go ?
Me : (shakes my head no)
He then picks me up then I wrap my legs around his waist
and he walk to the bed putting me down gently .

Mvelo : (looks at me) I love you Zoey kodwa angijwayelwa
kabi mina, ngiyindoda yomzulu futhi ngizikubhebha
ukhohlwe igama lakho ! (but I will not ne disrespected , I’m
a zulu man and I will sex you till you forget your name.)
He then kissed before I could even answer, he continued
kissed me while putting his hand on my left boob ,
squeezing it slowly, I keep on moaning between the kiss.


Being disrespected by a woman is the last thing I will
allow, ubhut’omdala (the big brother) taught us how to
discipline a woman so I won’t let Zoey disrespect me, I
know I was wrong for tricking her but I just wanted the
brothers to know her, we live a dangerous life so yeah.
Me : (chuckles) so now you can’t make noise ?
Well right now I’m taking off her dress with her help and
she is horny , you can even feel her hard nipples and she
can’t even make noise .
Me : (commands) lay down Zoey .
She then layed down and looked at me with the “what’s
next look.” I just chuckle, how can one being a sex addict
after 3 months of celibacy ? I then took off her lacey
panties and my eyes met her beautiful nuna which is
perfectly shaved. I took the panties and sniffed them , she
smells nice. I put my finger in her nuna and it just slide in,
oh !
Me : (wiggles my eyebrows) ready for daddy ,I see.
I then took my finger out and lick it and I unwrap the towel
on my waist and I hear a gasp.
Me : what ?
Zoey : it won’t fit Mvelo ?

Me : (suppress my laugh) what won’t fit mami ?
Zoey : (points my dick)
I just look at her and shake my head , then I take Ngcobo
Jnr and insert him on his partner .
Zoey : (moans) oh !
I slowly get in while groaning.
Me : (groans) shit !
I start thrusting slowly.
Zoey : (moans) OH MVELO ! OH MY !
After a while I get motivated by her moans and I start ging
hard and harder, she deserves rough sex but cause this is
for the first time, I will just be gentle. I then thrust with her
moaning and crying. I FOUND THE ONE !
Zoey : (crying & moans) OH BABY ! FASTER , I’M ABOUT
Me : (groans) oh shit ! wait for me mami please.
I then go faster and faster till we both reach our climax
after that I just fall aside with Jnr inside her after a while I
hear a snore , I mean I haven’t even clean us , I then take
Jnr out of his partner take the towel I was using earlier,
wipe everything then sleep too.



I wake up , wait ! my head hurts damn, infact what time is
it ? I take my cell phone check the time , damn it’s 12:40. I
just get out of the bed with a banging headache , well
Siyabonga is not next to me, I’m still angry at him though. I
walk slowly to the bathroom, did my hygiene process then
put a towel around my body. I went back to the bedroom
and I found my cell phone ringing, shit! It’s my mom ! I
quickly answer it .
Me : saw…
Mom : (ululates) ALILILI ! AWU YEYENI MADODA !
mntanami wangenza umuntu ebantwini ! (my child, you’ve
made a person in people)
Me : (shocked) wait, wait , Ma , kwenzenjani ? (what’s
going on?)
Mom : (happy) buya ekhaya uzobona ukuthi kwenzenjani .
(come back home so that you can see what’s going on)
Me : hmm.

Mom : ngiyakuthanda . (I love you)
She then hang up, I wonder what’s going on. I just
continue with my hygiene when I was done. I went
downstairs and I found Siya with pile of male figures
laughing . I then turned around to go back to the bedroom
while trying to run away, I hear the laughing sound fade
and I feel some eyes on me behind my back after that ,
Siya just decided to run behind me on the stairs, he holds
my hand.
Siya : (runs) uh – huh ! woza MaVezi . (come MaVezi)
Me : (whispers) I have a headache ne bhabhalazi Siya .
Siya : (laughs) ngikwenzele ismoothie, asambe
siyephezulu uyofaka isketi . (I made you a smoothie, let’s
go upstairs so that you can put on a skirt)
He holds my hand and we walk upstairs, get into our main
bedroom and he goes to the closet choose a black tight
skirt . well I do have some clothes here.
Siya : sukuma phela. (stand up)
I then stand up and he unbuttons my jeans, take them out
also with my white lace panty .
Me : awume Ngcobo, buyisa phela ! (stop it Ngcobo, bring
it back)
Siya : (put the panty inside his trouser pockets) thatha leso
skirt ugcoke MaVezi . (take the skirt & wear it)

He said that looking at me sternly without laughing. I took
the skirt and wore it without a panty , wow !
Siya : asambeni ke. (let’s go)
We then went out of the bedroom back downstairs and I
found the male figures watching soccer, one looked at us.
Him : (sips his beer) mese ngithi niyabhebhana phela
singoFuze asidlali nge duku. (I thought you are sexing
each other, the Fuze clan doesn’t play with when it comes
to d!ck)
The others : (laughs)
Siya : uzonya Ziyanda ! (you will shit yourself)
Oh ! his name is Ziyanda.
Siya : (clears his throat) ake nibheke mina nomkami
niyeke itv , ayibaleki. (look at me and my wife , the tv won’t
run away)
The male figures all looked at us, wait ! why are they so
creepy and a bit identical ? there are two of them who
definitely looks like Siya, wait ! Siya has a twin and I didn’t
know ?!
Siya : (clears his throat)
Well I’m brought back to earth by him, I mean he has a
twin and I didn’t even know about that DAMN !
Siya : sthandwa sami, leli yibutho lakwa Ngcobo. Bofozas
, lo wo kotiza , they will introduce themselves though ,
kodwa loyana wekhanda lembuzi yiwele lami uMvelo , the

rest hayibo bo baba yenzani umsebenzi wenu. (my love ,
this is the Ngcobo clan, brothers this is the bride … but
that one with a goat’s head , he’s my twin Mvelo . bros , do
your job)
Them : (nods)
The first one : Melusi , ubhut’omdala. (the big brother)
The other one : Ziyanda , the fifth born (winks) .
Siya : ngikushaya we Ziyanda ! (I will beat you up
The serious one : Mmeli , the fourth born.
Wow ! I just look at them then swallows.
Me : Nokuthula, uhm , Nokuthula Dladla .
Melusi : (sternly) siyajabula ukukwazi , bafo asebeni
yindlela. (we happy to know you, brother , let’s go)
Okay , I thought the Mmeli character is uptight but the big
brother? He takes cup.y
Siya peeks my cheek and goes out with his brothers and
they just left the house untidy, now I have to forget about
my hangover and clean !


Well the boys drove straight to the warehouse for some
reasons after a while they all arrived. They’ve been
planning the heist for almost three weeks now and the
plan is getting on action tonight. Meanwhile Nokuthula is
busy drinking her smoothie and making sure that the
house is perfectly cleaned so that she can go back to her
house. Well Zoey woke up with no Mvelo near her, she
just got into the bathroom, bath and wear some
comfortable clothing then made her bed then she went
downstairs to make food for herself. The boys found their
father waiting for them, they got in and greeted him then
sat down. Their dad stood up and looked at them.
Fuze Snr : the plan is that Ziyanda will hack the cameras
remember ? mese Melusi you deal with the shooting of the
guards while Mvelo put the bomb inside after the ATM
booms , we all go in , take the money and run, angifuni
amaphutha siyezwana ? futhi Ziyanda uzohlala emotweni .
(I don’t want any mistakes, hear me? And Ziyanda, you
will stay in the car)
Ziyanda : (sulks) kodwa baba ngihlezi … (but dad , I’m
Fuze Snr : (interrupts him & sternly) angikubuzi
ngiyakutshela mfanami ! (I didn’t ask you, I’m telling you)

Ziyanda : (nods)
Fuze Snr : hambani niyozilungisa . (go and get ready)
The brothers went their separate ways , yes everyone has
a room here. So Siya went to change , while he was
changing Nokuthula’s underwear fell from his pocket, he
took it and smelled it and he became hard then he decided
to call her just to say he loves her. The phone rang but it
was unanswered, Siya decided to write a message to her .
💌 : “i’m so hard thinking about you but know that I love
you MaVezi wami.”
After they were all done with the changing, their dad
Fuze Snr : (clears his throat) Baba wethu ose … (pauses)
hayi asambeni bafana akuyona into yami le . (Four Father
who is in … no , let’s go boys , this is not for me)
The boys : (chuckles)
Ziyanda : (laughing) ave nithanda izinto baba ! (you love
things dad)
Fuze Snr : (gives him the look)
Ziyanda : nxese kodwa nawe . (sorry but you)
They then got into their H1 and they drove to the ATM.
Fuze Snr : BHOVA IS BACK ! (laughs)


The boys arrived at the ATM and Ziyanda started hacking
the cameras immediately after 15 minutes of hacking, he
finally got it and Fuze saw everything.
Fuze Snr : right , manje Melusi phuma , just shoot one
bullet to scare them , they got no guns , lungisa leyo
balaclava . (now Melusi get out, fix that …)
Melusi fixed his balaclava and went out of the H1 which
has no number plate , he then shoot on the air and the
guards started panicking and looking around, one of them
got up and started looking around , while he was looking
around he got where Melusi was and Melusi just shot him
and he was down. After the guard was down , Fuze Snr
instructed Melusi to come back through the ear piece and
Mvelo went to drop the bomb by the ATM at after fifteen
minutes the bomb exploded .
Fuze Snr: ASAMBENI ! (let’s go)
Mmeli , Melusi, Mvelo and Fuze Snr went straight to
picking up money after they were done filling two bags
they heard a siren . they looked at each other and got the
bags and ran away to the H1 , after they got in, Ziyanda
just pressed on the accelerator and they drove away while
the police are coming .



It’s been one week and a half since I found out about Siya
wanting to pay ilobolo (bride price) for me and guess whst
? when I asked him about it he just said “hayibo MaVezi ,
wena ucabanga ukuthi ngingasuka ngikwazise kwi butho
mese ngingaku shadi ? ngizimisile ngawe ntokazi yakwa
Dladla . (you think I can just introduce you to the boys then
not marry you ? I’m serious about you .) I couldn’t believe
what I heard so I just went with the plan on well today
Wednesday and the Lobolo negotiation takes place Friday
and I’m so scared but I really hope everything will go well .
Right now, I’m at work whereas I should’ve be home and
prepare everything but my mother and few aunts just
decided to take over , I literally got no say in this , it’s not
even a wedding, well from my knowledge. I’m on break
and I’m craving for some chicken feet but knowing that the
Ngcobo brothers might be there , it might be (sighs) … I
really don’t know what to say but I’m scared of them . I just
went out of the shop and walks to the taxi rank while
walking my cellphone beeped, oh it’s a message from
💌 : “uyaphi ? ufuna abafana be rank ba buke izinto zami
mama ?”

I just giggle , I know he’s around, he does this always.
Me : (replies back) “ngihalele amawontwana babakhe.”
💌 : “babakhe? Hmm , awu kodwa mkami , woza ku
babakhe ngizokuthengela.” (daddy? But my wife , come
to daddy I will buy them)
I just looked around and he was standing about 2km away
from me holding flowers in his left hand , what the hell is
this ? I just froze and looked at him , my cellphone beeped
again .
💌 : “hayibo , yini manje ? ulindile ubabakhe phela.” (no,
what’s up now? Daddy is waiting for you)
I slowly walked towards him as he meets me halfway, he
looked at me and kissed my cheek.
Siya : mawezingane . (mother of the children)
Me : (blushes)
Siya : (gives me the flowers) izimbali ezinhle for umuntu
oyi mbali empilweni yami . (beautiful flowers for a person
who is a flower in my life)
Me : (kiss him) ngiyabonga. (thank you)
Siya : asambeni siyothenga . (let’s go and buy)
We then walked to MaGumbi to buy the chicken feet. We
ate the chicken feet while we were chilling, I realised I got
only 5 minutes left (sighs) . I then got up and went to give
MaGumbi her plates and walked back to work , well I also

promised Siya that I will meet with him after works since
he is seeing me for the last time today (laughs).


Me : (crying) Mvelo come on, I just want one piece plss .
Mvelo : ha.a Zoey, this is unhealthy for you , nawe uyazi .
(you know it too)
Me : KODWA I WANT IT ! (but …)
Mvelo : okay fine , have it !
Me : (wipes of my tears) thank you baby , I love you .
I don’t really know what’s going with me lately , I’ve been
eating fries with vanilla ice cream which is kind of weird.
Well Mvelo and I were fighting over a tin of ice cream
which I’ve been stuffing since early morning, I just don’t
know what’s goi… oh wait ! SHIT ! I MISSED MY PERIOD
Me : (shouting his name) WEEEE MVELO NGCOBO !
BUYA LAH ! HOW DARE YOU ?! (come here)
He came downstairs running and he looked at me.
Mvelo : (bored) yini manje Zoey ? (what is it?)
Me : (stutters) baby … I … thi … (clears my throat)
Mvelo : really Zoey ? fuck you !

He then turned around to go back upstairs, well literally he
has moved in with me but he says immediately after we
get married he is buying me a house cause he won’t stay
under a woman owned property, what if he get chased
away one day ?
Mvelo : (turns around) what ? are you sure ?
Me : I just said I think , you fuckin’ moron !
Mvelo : uhm , what do we do then ?
Mvelo : (breaths in) Zoey , awuyeke ukumemeza
mawungafuni eyisibili ingane . (stop yelling if you don’t
want a second child.)
Me : (sighs) I’m sorry .
Mvelo : it’s okay , I get it that you’re scared . asambeni
siye mall ke. (let’s go to the mall then)
I then got up and wear my shoes and Mvelo wore a t –
shirt with shoes and we drove to the mall. DEAR FATHER


I can’t believe that I might have scored , well right now
we’re back home and momma bear is busy testing .
Me : (anxious) how many minutes do we have to wait
more babe ?
Zoey : it’s been over ten minutes, check it.
I then walked to the closest , picked the pregnancy test ,
okay it says to lines the what ?
Zoey : (sniffs) what does ut say Mvelo ?
Me : (confused) ino line abalili nje kphela . (it has two lines
Zoey : oh my God , this can’t be .
Me : (grins) this means we’re pregnant my love ?
Zoey : (crying & nods)
Me : (dances & praising his ancestors) nina

NGIYABONGA MAMI ! (hugs her)
I just can’t believe it that , I Mvelokuhle Ngcobo, I’m going
to be a father ? Zavele zangi gidela izinyanya zami (my
ancestors really looked out for me). Okay now a research
about preggy mamis , I’m definitely sending a letter to
Zoey’s house, I know that her father is a French Man but
her mother is Zulu so she knows these things , I’m
officially making her mine soon !



Today is thee day and I’m so nervous, well everything is
prepared as I’ve said before that my mother and aunt took
over everything and they have planned pretty well but with
my mom she has been acting dodgy lately, I just don’t
know what’s going on . well the Ngcobos haven’t arrived
yet and here I am in the room alone waiting for tea , yes I
have been locked in here since yesterday evening. While
waiting for the tea , I heard some people calling out the
family clan names, oh ! they are here, I am becoming
One man : (shouting) DLADLA, MGABADELI,
While they called out the clan names, mom got in the
Mom : hayibo Nokuthula ! ngeke suka lapho ! (no
Nokuthula. Never, move from there.)
Well I’m watching them by window but no one is even
entertaining them .
Me : (nervous) kodwa ma , kungani ningabavulile ? (but
mom, why don’t you open up for them?)

Mom : (laughs) ngangi njena ubaba wakho meka letha
abakhongi ekhaya , ngacishe ngangashadi ngenxayo
mlomo wami omkhulu. Buya woza uzogeza , uyeke
izingakufuni . (I was like this when your father brought his
uncles at my house, I nearly didn’t get married because of.
My big mouth. Come and bath , leave the things that don’t
want you)
Yes my mom is or was married, my dad died when I was
doing matric, I never want to talk about that because his
death hit so hard (sniffs) . I then slowly walked towards my
mom while walking slowly my cellphone beeped and I
quickly ran to it.
Mom : (laughs) awugeze Nokuthula uyeke izinto izinga
phezu kwakho . (bath Nokuthula, leave things that are
above you)
She then went out of the bedroom and I quickly open my
cellphone and it is a message from Siya.
💌 : “don’t stress yourself, I love you and I can’t wait to see
your beautiful self baby. Yours the pussy owner”
For real ? pussy owner ? I just laughed and replied the
message with emojis and then started bathing while the
old men out the continue shouting their lungs out (sighs) .


The Ngcobo uncles continue calling out the Dladla clan
names for about 2 hours and 30 minutes after that the
Dladla opened up for them and they got in. well they
negotiated everything and it turned out so well. Siya paid
for everything. Meanwhile Nokuthula was getting ready ,
yes she was also surprised when she saw a make up
artist and a hairstylist. After the artist were done with what
they were doing to her , they went out and her mother got
in and helped her to wear a Zulu bride attire but instead of
isidwaba , they used a normal black Zulu skirt and they
went out. When they arrived out , Nokuthula found a tent
with Zulu decorations with her man wearing formal clothes
with umqhele , he looked so hot. Nokuthula walked to him
slowly and she finally arrived at him , she hugged him and
looked at him . after the hug , Siya went down on his
knees and Nokuthula was shocked.
Siya : (nervous) ngiyazi ukuthi I wasn’t a best boyfriend
kodwa you changed me to a best man ever. Kukho konke
sthandwa sami, ngibonga inhlonipho ungiphe yona , waba
yintombi elungile kimi , kodwa kwamanje abelungu bathi
“can we take this to the next step?” . mkami , ngicela
ungenze ngibe ngowakho , sibe moya munye ? ( I know
that … but . in everything my love , thank you for the
respect , you become a good girlfriend to me but now the

white ones say … my wife , please make me yours , and
become one soul?)
Nokuthula was still amazed by the diamond ring that she’s
seeing and she was crying while not knowing what to do
but she just nodded but with Siya , he just looked at her
with wiggling eyebrows (giggles).

I just can’t believe that I’m going to marry the life of my
love. I’m still kneeling down waiting on her answer . I
looked deep into her eyes and whispered something.
Me : (whispering) amagama mkami. (words my wife)
Nokuthula : (crying) yes ! I will marry you !
I then insert the ring and hug her while whispering .
Me : ngiyabonga mkami, ngiyakuthanda . (thank you my
wife, I love you)
We then went to sit down by the bridal chairs , well this is
a celebration of the lobolo. I’m definitely doing a traditional
wedding after Melusi and Mvelo’s lobolo , we planned to
do that all in one in , I mean we have to. I FEEL SO
HAPPY AND ALIVE (smiles) !



Melusi has been clingy lately , oh ! yeah ! I’m still alive
(laughs) ! well I was introduced back two days ago at
Melusi’s family , I don’t know why but I’m glad he did that
cause I got close to Nokuthula (the 1st bride) along with
Zoey (Mvelo’s baby mama) , right now I’m on a call with
the two girls, Nokuthula and Mamello.
Me : (laughs) I’m telling you guys , Melusi has been so
clingy lately , vomiting every morning, well basically I’m
living with him since he is always in my apartment wanting
cuddles and sex.
Nokuthula : (laughs) hayibo ntombi , don’t let
ubhut’omdala hear that ngoba uzonya !
Me : literally, I regret quitting my job shem …
While talking to the cellphone, Melusi got in.
Me : (whispers) girls , the clingy man is here , shap !
I quickly hang up and Melusi walked up to me and gave
me a forehead kiss.
Melusi : sthandwa sami .
Me : Fuze .
Melusi : (naughtily) can I tap today , please ?

Well , for today since I’m in need of dick too .
Me : (licks my lips) you want to what ?
He then grabbed my waist and went to whispers in my ear.
Melusi : (seductively & breathing heavily) I want to rip that
nuna of yours .
Me : hmmm .
He then kissed me passionately while I moan inside his
mout , shit ! I turned him more on, I always forget . he then
put me on the couch and went to lock the door and came
back with whipped cream ; ice cubes ; strawberries and
chocolate syrup. I gave him a questioning look.
Melusi : (lick his lips & in a hoarse voice) yeka indoda
yenze umsebenzi wayo mama.
I just nod and he put the things he is carrying aside and
started undressing me . I just looked at him while he does
that after a while I was left with a bra and a panty. He then
slowly unhooked my bra and took the whipped cream and
spray it on top of my nipples. He then started licking me
from the neck down to my breasts, he started licking
slowly and I felt a pain a bit.
Me : (stops him) ouch , Mel, it hurts .
He then looked at me with a questioning look while he was
about to answer , he just … shit ! Melusi just vomited on
me while we were trying to make love .

Melusi : (embarrassed) ngiyacolisa mama .
He then gave me the dress , I wiped off the vomit and
stormed upstairs with a panty on and I took a shower ,
fuck MELUSI !


I just don’t know what is wrong with me , I just keep on
vomiting lately. Well I’ve already sent a letter to Kamo’s
family and now she’s angry. I got up from the couch and
walled upstairs, I got into the room and I heard the water
running, I guess she’s taking a shower. I then sat on bed ,
took out my cell phone and texted my brothers, we have a
group for emergencies only but this one is also an
💌 : “kushubile , se ngivese ngahlanzela phezu ko Kamo.”
(it’s bad, I’ve just vomited on top of Kamo)
Ziyanda : (laughs) hayibo muntu mdala , yini ke manje ?
ufuna ukuya kuDabula ? (no big brother, what is it now ?
you want to go to Dabula?)
Mmeli : awuyeke ukuphapha Ziyanda, ngizokususa kule
group! (stop being forward Ziyanda, I will remove you
from the group)
Ziyanda : hayibo Mr Uptight .
💌 : “fuseg bafana, ngikhuluma ngento eserious lana !”
(boys, I’m talking about something serious)
These two can really annoy you !
Mmeli : (laughs) qolisa bafo, akukho okunye. (apologise
bro, there’s nothing more)

When I was about to type Kamo came out of the bathroom
looking very hot , okay! I then swallowed hard and she just
continued with drying herself with a towel when she was
done , she wore a black... whoa ! is she testing me ? I
then stood up and walked to her and hold the black g-
string and took out a red lacey number and gave it to her .
Me : (brushing my hard cock behind her) uyabona ukuthi
wenzani ? (you se what you do?)
Kamo : (sighs) Mel , don’t try.
Me : (kisses her neck) ngiyaqolisa mkami , awuthi ngithise
kancane nje. (I’m sorry my wife, let me tap a little bit)
Kamo : (breathing heavily) Mel …
I just kissed her neck and let my hand down brushing her
nuna, well she didn’t even wear that panty. I brush it slowly
while kissing her neck .
Me : (whispers) ngithe ngiyaqolisa, uyangiqolela ? (I said
I’m sorry , do you forgive me?)
Kamo : (nods)
Me : (breathing heavily) you know that I want words .
Kamo : (sighs) uhm …
While she was about to answer , I just insert my finger
inside her and she moaned.
Kamo : (moans) uhm , y … I mean ! (moans) Oh ! Melusi !

Me : (finger fucking her slowly & making hickeys) yini ?
ngibuze umbuzo ! (what? I asked you a question)



Kamo : I (moans) , ke ya go tshwarela Melusi , oh !
(moans) (I forgive you Melusi)
I then took my finger out and turned her around, I’m pretty
sure my eyes are red by now. I then slowly kissed her
while rubbing her nuna. I then pushed her to the bed then I
took off my t-shirt while she is watching me , after that I
unbuckle my trousers, took off everything.
I then got into the bed and looked deep into her eyes .
Me : (horny) ngiyakuthanda mkami . (I love you my wife)
Kamo : (impatient) I love you too , just do your job Mel
Me : (chuckles)
I then position my dick into her entrance, I then enter
slowly while she moans.
Kamo : (bite her lip) shit ! deeper Melusi !
I then enter fully and started thrusting fast with Kamo
moaning hard.
Kamo : (moaning) I love you so much Fuze !
I just smiled and continued thrusting in and out faster!

Me : (angry) Mamello, you can’t be telling me that shit !
Mamello : Mmeli , you have to understand that I’m still
married to Nathi .
Me : (chuckles) nangu usathane angilinga nkosi yezulu ,
Mamello, you’re busy there acting like you loved Nathi ,
you know what ? yenza into efunwa yikhanda lakho Melo ,
ngkhathele ukuncenga wena mina ! (satan is testing me…
do what your head what Melo, I’m tired of begging you)
I then hang up and gulp down the scott infront of me ! after
my hard work , Mamello decided to go back to the Ndlovu
resident ! I just hate how stupid I am. I will just have to let
go of her but with Killer being the main man at some point
it’s hard , I just dialled Siya’s number and called him . it
rang for about two seconds then he answered.
Siya : sho bafo. (hello bro)
Me : (breathing heavily) Siya , Killer is coming out !
While I was about to talk , the phone just dropped down
and I also fell down !



I don’t know why is Mmeli so weak , I always have to
make decisions for him . I then got up from the ground ,
pour some scott for myself, drink then take the car keys ,
when I was about to open the door , Siya got in . what
does thus weakling want ? oh ! he was called by Mmeli ,
the weak !
Me : (laughs) Siyabonga Ngcobo , ufunani lah ? ubizwe
wubhuti wakho ? (what do you want here? You were called
by your brother)
Siya : Killer , man don’t make any stupid decisions , hlala
phansi . (sit down)
Me : (irritated) Siyabonga, intombi yami ibusy nabo Ndlovu
! uzongitjela amasimba lana ! (my girl is busy with the
Ndlovu, don’t tell me rubbish)
Siya : Killer , please, I will just call Mamello for you .
Me : (annoyed) call yani ? uzongidina . (call for what?
Don’t irritate me)
After saying that , the whole army entered , shit ! with
Bhova (Fuze Snr) ? damn !
Me : kanti nifunani nina vese ? (what do y’all want?)
Bhova (Fuze Snr) : Killer, stop making stupid decisions,
bring back Mmeli .

EVEN TAKE CARE OF MY GIRL ! (mmeli is weak Bhova
Bhova : if you show yourself to Mamello you think she will
want to be with you ever again Killer ?
I just calm down and Siya poured the herb mixture of me
so that Mmeli can come back, THIS WEAKLING !



After Dabula stated that Mmeli has to pay lobolo for
Mamello, the other brothers paused their negotiation and
they went on with the urgent problem but Mmeli has not
even wake up. His mother has been stressed with his
father blaming himself for Mmeli’s skeleton (Killer) . well
Mamello has been pale since she found out that Mmeli is
not awake. Langelihle went missing, two days after
Mmeli’s pause in life and from then , everything has been
a hectic in the NGCOBO family , even Ziyanda the joker is
always grupmy lately. Well Mamello is with Siya right now,
apart from everything Mamello’s parents understood the
situation, well because of money , obviously. In everything
Dabula assured them that everything will fall in place when
the time Is right.


“thokoza gogo.” (greetings)
Me : (burps) emakhosini . (the great ones)
“sesifikile iskhathi sakho sokubuyela ekhaya uyosiza
umfowenu , ukulindele.” (your time to go back home to
help your brother has arrived, he is waiting for you)
Me : (claps) thokozani.
“hamba kahle MaNgcobo , Mashiy’ Amahle!” (go well)
She then disappeared out of nowhere, I then quickly
looked aside and I no longer saw her . I then started
walking .
“gijima MaNgcobo.” (run)
I quickly listened to the voice and started running towards
where it is calling me when I arrived, I found some old
grandmother who stated to be my father’s grandmother,
she called me and we went to the river from there I didn’t
even see what was happening .
Today , is the day I go back home , well they say I’ve done
well in my training and now I have to get my brother out of
his dark world. I walked until I arrived home, I got in and

found my mother sitting by the couch watching her
favourite television show.
Me : (clears my throat) sawubona Nontombi .
Mom : (looks at my direction) HAWEEEE JEHOVAH !
She quickly ran at me and hug me , I hugged her back so
tightly and after a while I heard some sniffs , trust my mom
in being emotional (laughs) .


Lihle’s mother was crying over her shoulders until her dad
came downstairs and was met by Lihle’s eyes.
Fuze Snr : (shocked) nkosazane yethu ? (our princess)
Lihle : (smiles) Mapholoba .
Fuze Snr : welcome back nana .
Lihle : thokoza , ma kuzomele ungiyeke , I have to help
bhut’Mmeli before the sun dawn. (mom , you have to let
me go)
Her mother then let her go and Lihle ran upstairs where
her brother was, she opened the door of the room a’d
found a pale Mmeli, she then walked slowly to him. She
looked at him with so much pity and she called out her
Lihle : (groans) Ma ! Baba ! (mom , dad)
Her parents came running and she told them to call
Mamello and bring all the traditional things in the house.
Her parents started running like headless chickens while
they call the other brothers along with Mamello to come
and help her husband who has been pale for almost two

Chapter 100.

Mmeli ngcobo .

Me : hello ? somebody out there ?

My voice echoes behind after saying that , where am I
and why is it so dark in here ? I mean !
Me : (talks again) kunomuntu lah ? (is there anyone here?)
After saying that, well with my voice echoing obviously
some woman wearing white clothes walled towards me .

Me : gogo? (grandma?)
Her : nguyena ucobo ! sawubona Mmmelikhaya waka
gogo, ngiyathemba usalimele ikhaya mfana wami . (it is
me in flesh , hello Mmmelikhaya, I hope you are still
standing for your home my boy)
Me : (smiles) gogo , angiyena uMmelikhaya kodwa ngingu
Mmeli . (grandma,I’m not Mmmelikhaya but I’m Mmeli)
Gogo : (frowns) kuyafana wena man ! (it’s the same)
Me : (chuckles) ngikuphi la ? (where am i?)
Gogo : Mmeli, mele ukwazi ukulawula uKiller, awu yena
yokuqala ekhaya ukuhamba ne beast , manje
ngizokufundisa ukulawula uKiller mfana . (you have to

know how to control Killer, you are not the first one walking
with a beast so I habe to teach how to control Killer boy)
Me : (nods)
Gogo : woza asambeni . (let’s go)
I then followed het and we arrived at some river where we
found dome lion , wait ! what us this lion doing here firstly?
Gogo : ungathukwa . (don’t be scared)
I then sigh , we the continued walking until I was tired,
when I was about to turn , I saw gogo changing . wait ! she
also has a beast ?
Gogo: yebo futhi no makoti wakho unayo .(yes and your
bride has it too)
Wait ! I’m married ? what’s going on here ? she the started
to take beating me up and I can feel my
Heart pumping fast , what is she doing ? after a while a
changed into KILLER’S mood .



Me : (groans in pain) ouch , Lange ! do something !
Lange : Melo , focus baby .
Me : I’m trying , (groans) I can’t Lange .
Lange : you are already there , can you feel Mmeli’s soul?
Me : (nods)
Lange : let go and go !
I then found myself in some weird dark place .

This woman can’t be serious, I won’t fight with her . I
quickly got up from the ground and looked at her.
Me : (chuckles) manje silindeni ? (now , what are waiting
Gogo : for your wife .
After a while , Mamello came out of nowhere, what is she
doing here ?
Me : Melo ? ufunani lana ? go back home now!
I said this sternly but she just looked at me in a weird way,
oh ! the Killer mode !

Me : I’m still your Mmeli, now go back home !
When saying that, the lion I saw earlier slowly wqlked to
Mamello and I quickly ran to her and got her .
Me : stay behind me !
Mamello : we’re married Mmeli , we are going to fight this
together !
After a while , I heard her breathing heavily, oh shit ! so the
old grandmother wasn’t lying ! the lion was slowly coming
to us with me waiting for Mamello to full transform, this is
beautiful ! after a while she was fully transform med and
she looked at me .
Mamello : Killer , meet your partner Razor The Babe .
Me : (wiggling eyebrows) nive to meet you !
I’ve never been this soft to anyone in this mood, them
Mamello character, this definitely mean she the love of my
life after a while I heard the lion roars and it started to rain,
wait ! am I not suppose to fight or something ? if not , why
am I not Mmeli and Killer right now ? out of nowhere, my
grandma showed up .
Gogo : well done Killer, I hpe you treat her well , kow back
to the LAND !
She then disappeared and we also disappeared.


It’s been a week and Mmeli with his wife , well they are
recovering pretty well. Everything in the Ngcobo
household seems to be coming in back in order . well as
for Kamo , today she’s going to the doctor since it’s been
the 2nd month now of missing her periods.
Zoey is 3 months pregnant with her happy Mvelo who is
even ready to be a father today with everything happening
Langelihle is hapoy that she zlso made peace with her
dad, well Nokuthula is continuing with her studies before
getting a baby, I mean only few months left for her to bag
her degree.
The other two Ngcobo brothers are still planning on getting
married, well now they will all combine their traditional
weddings expect from the white one since every girls has
a drram wedding, well except from me , IDC a wedding is
a wedding (laughs) .


After Melusi’s drama , I just wore my black leggings with a
big black baggy t-shirt then with crocs. Well it’s been 1
month and two weeks since I’ve seen my period so today I
decided to go to see the doctor. Well I’m scared to do my
pwn pregnancy test since Melusi has been moody lately , I
just don’t know why ! I got out of the bedroom and found
Melusi sitting by the couch watching television.
Me : we can go .
Melusi : (looks at me from toe to head & naughty smirk)
hello mami .
Wait , wasn’t he angry two minutes ago ? wow , just wow !
Me : Mel, ga le batle , areye . (I don’t want to , let’s go)
Melusi : (begs) kancane sthandwa sami, bheka ungenzeni
(showing me his hard dick) . (just a little bit my love, see
what have you done?
Me : nope , areye man ! (let’s go)
I then took my slide bag and went to the garage , he
always requests quickies when it’s time to go and those
quickies end up being four to five rounds of sex .

After a while he came to the garage, looking grumpy , I
don’t care. He then unlocked the car and got in , okay ! “
” my mind said, I just got in the car and he started the
ignition and we drove to the doctor . I really hope I get
some news on this. After 15 minutes we arrived at the
dpctor , he parked and went out to my door and opened
up for me , oh ! we pretend like everything os fine , okay.
We then walked to the surgery hand to hand and we went
to the receptionist and greeted her.
Me : (smiles) hey .
Her : (lifts her eyes) he …
Drooling over my man , I know (laughs) !
Melusi : (clears his throat & stern voice) sizobona
udokotela Mthembu . (we’re here to see Dr. Mthembu)
Okay , I know him, he will be rude (laughs) !


Me : (straight face) sisi ? ukhona udokotela noma cha ? (is
the doctor in or no?)
Her : well , uhm (stutters) she is in , yes !
Kamo : (pinchs me) stop doing that.
Me : (still keeps a straight face) tell her that the Ngcobos
are here.
We then moved from the receptionist to the chairs, I mean
you can never ever drool over someone’s man , that’s
definitely a no ! so I had to put her on her lane , I’m
someone’s property and the someone is my property.
After 15 minutes , Doctor Mthembu walked towards us all
smiley , I really hope she won’t cause any trouble .
Dr. Mthembu : Mr & Mrs Ngcobo, sanibona bandla. (hello)
Me : (replies fast) sawubona dokotela . (hello doctor)
Dr. Mthembu : follow me .
We then stood up and followed her with Kamo giving me
the ‘we’re going to talk about this’ look . after a while we
arrived in her office, we then sat down.
Dr. Mthembu : (fixing her white coat) ngingani siza ngani ?
(how can I help you?)

Me : (clears my throat) I’ve been moody lately also having
stupid cravings and my wife here hasn’t had a period
about a month and two weeks now.
Dr. Mthembu : Mrs Ngcobo, do you realise that you’re
pregnant ?
Kamp : (nods)
Dr. Mthembu : kulungile ke , just to ensure that let’s do a
pregnancy test, Mrs Ngcobo, follow me. (okay then)
I just sat down , waiting, if this means that I’m going to be
a father ? then I will buy Kamo heaven & earth ! I mean I
have been waiting for this ever since ! (smiles)


I’ve been staring at this pregnancy test which came out
positive, I mean what the hell ?! Why did I have to become
so careless ? I took the test and went out of the bathroom
and gave the pregnancy test to Dr Mthembu, she then
side smiles and I look at Melusi’s reaction. Be is definitely
kind of scared but trying by all means to play it safe.
Dr Mthembu : (smiling) Congratulations guys.
Melusi : (smiles) Ngempela ? (really?)
Dr Mthembu : (shows Melusi the pregnancy test) Yebo
Bab’Ngcobo, imida emibili isho ukuthi uMaNgcobo la,
uzokuzazela. (yes Mr.Ngcobo , two lines means Mrs
Ngcobo here is going to give you kids)
Melusi : Hawu, yeyeni! (stands up & dance)
AMAHLE ! (kisses my cheek & panting) Ngiyabonga
sthandwa sami. (thank you (clan names) , thank you my
Me : (fakes a smile & nods)
Dr. Mthembu : Now Mrs Ngcobo, please get into the bed .

I then went to the bed and Dr Mthembu asked me to take
off my t-shirt and she put some gel on my stomach and
started moving around the sonar around my stomach.
Dr Mthembu : (smiles) Ooh ! I hear heartbeats, wait
there’s another one.
Me : (cries) Damn, I can hear them too, wait ! Why are
they heartbeats not a heart beat ?
Dr Mthembu : (smiles) Congratulations Mr & Mrs Ngcobo,
y’all having triples .
Melusi : (shocked) Hayibo, kanjani ? (no, how?)
Me : (chuckles) Kahle, I will explain everything when we
get home, now those are your kids .
I said pointing the screen, well I’m obviously sure that he
is still confuse as he sees nothing but three little dots by
the screen. After a while I asked some photos and a video
from Dr Mthembu then when she was done we drove back
home, at first I regretted this but this is definitely the best
gift ever, well Mr Ngcobo is going to spoil me tonight!


Me : (annoyed) Mvelo , ngicela uyeke ukungidina ! (stop
irritating me)
Mvelo : Really Zoey ? You said chocolate not vanilla.
Me : (cries) Hayibo, you blame me for your baby’s
cravings ? Mvelo , you are the one who knocked me up
remember ? I didn’t even ask for this pregnancy khanda
lakho ! (you big head)
Mvelo : (groans) FINE, I WILL GO !
He then went out of the car and went back to Woolworths,
yes ! It serves him right for knocking me up without my
permission. Whiile waiting for Mvelo, my cellphone rang .
oh ! The girls are calling and it’s a video call, I just wipe my
tears and answer it.
Me : (smiles) HEY GIRLS !
Them : Wait , you’re crying ? What did Mvelo do to you ?
Me : Nothing , I just wanted vanilla ice cream but he
brought chocolate .
Nokuthula : (laughs)
Kamo : (sighs) Wa bhora Zoey tlhe ! (you’re annoying

Me: (sniffs) Oh ? Nani futhi ? Did I knock up myself ? (you
Nokuthula : (looks at me) Yithina esathi ube busy
nabafana ? (are we the one who said you should be busy
with boys?)
Me : (angry) FUCK YOU THULI !
I then hang up after hanging up Mvelo got in the car and
we just drove off without talking to each other , look this is
definitely not me but the hormones are playing with me ! I
looked at him and back to the road , okay , o won’t be able
to take this silent treatment, I just took my right hand and
brush his thigh .
Mvelo : (looks me) Susa Zoey , angikho kwi mood.
(remove Zoey, I’m not in the mood)
Me : (sighs) I’m sorry baby , I’m sorry for shouting at you .
it’s just that your baby is acting up lately .
Mvelo : Hmm .
Okay ? I just shut my big mouth before I say anything
wrong , we then continue driving in silence until we arrived
home , I then got pff the car and went straight to bed , it’s
not me but it’s ZeMvelo , but I will have to die for her !



As the Ngcobo boys promised to marry their partners, they
are doing exactly the thing , well today Melusi is going to
take his stubborn wife from her home in Soweto , he had
to beg to go back there so that the negotiations can take
place , well with the pregnancy thing , Melusi said to
Kamo, she shouldn’t tell anyone and Kamo did just that .
well Melusi has never been this scared in his life .
Melusi : (sighs) Baba , whatever price they want , don’t
forget to pay all the damages.
Fuzr Snr : (chuckles) Hayibo wemfana , ngizwile . (boy,
I’ve heard you)
Melusi : (rubs his hands together) Okay then .
The elders got out of the car and walked to Kamo’s house
and they started calling out the Modau clan names and
letting them know why they are here.
Meanwhile in the house , Kamo is pacing up and down
with her mother busy drinking the expensive wine she
brought since her mother would just chase her out of she
had no alcohol, yes her mother is a low-key alcoholic .
after a while Nikiwe got in .

Nikiwe : Hlala phansi wena , bangenile futhi uzo stress’a
nengane . (sit down you, they’ve entered and you will
stress the kid)
Kamo : (shocked) Which child Niky ?
Nikiwe : (laughs) The one you’re carrying, now I will make
food for you.
Nikiwe went out, leaving Kamo confused in how dod she
find out about the babies with her mother just sitting by the
corner drinking, well ever since Kamo’s father died , she
has been like this but she was able to take care of her
babies even though it was tough . Meanwhile in the other
room the negotiations are coming to an end .


I’m so scared to the point of which I even forgot to text my
baby mama, shit ! I’m the worst baby daddy ever.
Me : (talking to Ziyanda) Bafo ? Awubonanga ucingo
lwami ? (didn’t you see my cellphone?)
Ziyanda : (rolls his eyes) Next to you .
I then looked around then I found it. I then called my baby,
I’m pretty sure she is angry wherever she is .
Kamo : (answers the call & sighs) Baby ?
Me : (worried) Mama ? Ukahle yini ? (are you okay?)
Kamo : (sniffs) I don’t know baby, ke tshogile , what if my
uncles don’t accept your proposal ? (I’m scared …)
Me : (chuckles) Yehlisa umoya wena lovie wami , thina
singoFuze , nothing will make them reject us . (calm down
my lovie , we are Fuze)
Kamo : (sniffs) I hope so .
Me : Okay , manje sula lezo nyembezi ke , ngiyakuthanda
noma sishadile noma singashadanga yezwa ? (now , wipe
those tears, I love you with or without marriage)
Kamo : Hmmm .

Me : Baby mama ?
Me : (chuckles) It will take two to fuck later on my love , I
love you too .
I then quickly hang up and look at these idiots I call
Me : Yini manje ? (what now?)
Ziyanda : (laughs) bengingasho ukuthi ngelinye ilanga
ubhut’omdala uyoke ahleke kanje . (I didn’t think that one
day, the big brother will laugh like this)
Me : (shows him the middle finger)
I then look the other way and started chatting with my
future wife , just to make sure that they’re okay .


Zoey : (sulks) Come on, Mvelo, you can send Ziyanda ,
please .
Well, the negotiations are now done, and every brother is
sitting outside with their soon to be wives. Zoey has been
pestering Mvelo about her kota cravings, and now Mvelo
has to look for the kota.
Mvelo : Ziyanda, mfana ngicela uyofunela ukoti wakini
ikota . (boy , please go and look for your bride a kota)
Ziyanda : (groans) What ? hayibo bhut’Mvelo
bengingekho mawumithisa . (I wasn’t there when you were
busy having sex)
Mmeli : (laughs)
Melusi : (sternly) Ziyanda, yenza lokho ubhut’ wakho
akushoyo ! (do what your brother says)
Ziyanda then stood up and went to take his car keys and
drove to look for a kota around Soweto (sighs).


My brothers are big bullies , I mean, I always wear a
condom whenever having sex but no, they just decide to
hit it raw because they’re elders. Here I am looking for a
kota for someone who I don’t even smash, this is so
irritating. While driving around, I just see a store for kotas.
Me : (talking alone) Asbonge !
I then drove to the store, parked the car, got out of the car,
wore my sunglasses, fixed myself, and walked to the
store. I walked to the counter and greeted the lady there,
wait ! reverse that , not just a lady but the most beautiful
lady ever !
Me : (taking out my sunglasses) Sawubona ntokazi.
(hey lady)
Her : (smiles) Molo bhuti. (hello)
Wait , her smile? A 11/10, why am I complimenting a
stranger, though?
Me : (clears my throat) Can I get your biggest kota ?
please, ngoba yey. (because wow)
Her : Akho nxaki, it will cost R50 . (no problem)
Me : (swallow hard) Okay.

Whenever she talks, the little guy down there just twitches.
I mean, she is just a stranger for heaven’s sake ! this is
Ziyanda Ngcobo, the last born of the warriors, I am 25
years old, danko !


Ziyanda has never thought that one day he will fall in love.
He has always been the fuckboy of the boys and he didn’t
even believe in love but right now ? He definitely think he
has met the one for him since he feels unfeelable things
(laughs). Everyone back at Kamo’s house is waiting for
him to come back cause it’s been almost three hours since
he went to buy the kota.
Siya : Hayibo , wee Mvelo ?! uZoey uzokushaya wena !
(Zoey will beat you up)
Nokuthula : (laughs) Baby , stop it .
Zoey : Wee Siyabonga Ngcobo , ungazojwayela indoda
yami futhi asambe Mvelo. (don’t disrespect my man, and
let’s go Mvelo)
Mvelo got up and took his lady’s hand, and they walked to
their car. Meanwhile, Ziyanda is busy doing jokes for the
kota girl whose name is NoMonde. After a while,
NoMonde’s boss got in.
Bongi : NoMonde !
NoMonde quickly ran to hear what her boss was saying.
After that, she went back to Ziyanda and gave him the
kota and went back to work since her boss just decided to
be a violent person.


Working over time and having to take care of a sick parent
is always a difficult thing to do . but in everything, I’m
grateful that my mother is still alive. Well, right now, I’m
closing up the shop since Bongi had to attend a family
crisis. After I was done locking, I turned around, and I
found … OH MY GOD !
Me : (scared) Don’t you ever do that, Ziyanda .
Ziyanda : (chuckles) Molo sisi. (hello sis)
Me : (rolls my eyes) Don’t do that, ufuna ntoni apha ? I
mean, the shop is already closed, and I have to get home
pretty fast. (what do you want here …)
Ziyanda : (clears his throat) Ngifuna ukuphelezela
Me : (laughs) Hayibo ! Nyani Ziyanda ? Intombi ?
Ziyanda : (looks down) You know what, I mean, Momo.
Me : (smiles) Okay.
Well, he just gave me a pretty nickname, I mean, why not
agree ? I’m not an easy target girl, but I am tired, and the
sooner I get home, the better. I just got inside the car, and
he started the ignition and drove off. Well, let me introduce
myself. My name is Nomonde Mgaga, I’m 19 years old,
but I look like someone who is 24 – 25 years. I’m from

Soweto, Protea Glen, and I live with my sick mother. I
don’t know my dad, and I have no interest in knowing him.
Please welcome me as I take this journey with the


I can’t believe that I have her in my car. When I told the
brotherhood, they just laughed, but the older brother with
his arrogant said I should go for it, and I just did that, I
hope I get her cellphone numbers.
Nomonde : (giving me directions) Turn left.
I just turned left, and she pointed out a house that was
painted in black. Wait, what’s happening over there ?
Nomonde : (panicking) NO, NO, STOP THE CAR
Instead of stopping the car, I just drove fast to the house
fast after a while I stopping and she got out fast.
I watched her as she ran towards the paramedics, I then
slowly walked to a man who was standing.
Me : (clears my throat) Sawubona baba, ngicela
ukubuza. (hello father, can I please ask)
Him : (looks at me) Buza mfana. (ask)
As I was about to ask him, I heard Nomonde wailing, I
quickly ran to check up on her. I found her sitting on the
floor crying.
Me : (heartbroken) Momo, yini ? (what is it?)

Nomonde : (crying) THEY SAY SHE GONE ZIYANDA,
This is definitely not the way I thought the day would end, I
just went down on my knees and hugged her.
Me : (hugging her) Calm down Momo.
While hugging her, the paramedics came out with her
mother’s body, and she just wailed out even more that
alone just broke my heart more (sighs).



It’s been almost three months since Nomonde lost her
mother, and Ziyanda has been with her ever since then.
After the funeral, Nomonde decided to move from Soweto
to Durban to start a new life, so she left Ziyanda in
Gauteng, but even though she left him there they still talk
and they have a strong bond.
As for Zoey ? she is now eight months pregnant, and she
looks like a hippo. She just feels ugly, but Mvelo is always
there for her, and he has also paid he bride price for. Well,
Kamo is doing her last year studying with her being
pregnant and studying. It was kind of hard at first, but
Melusi is always there for her, so it makes all this easy.
Langilihle is pushing her life slow since she has to heal
people, and every day, she gets a new experience, which
is good. Siya bought his wife a house and a car since
Nokuthula is still studying. She is actually doing her fifth
year, and soon she will be done. And yes, she is still
working at Pick n Pay even though Siya hates it, but he
has to tolerate it. Fuze Snr got off as a chairperson of the
family business, and Melusi took over his father with the
help of his brothers .


Pearl : Your boyfriend called again.
Me : (sits down) He is not my boyfriend but a close friend,
geez Pearl .
Pearl : (laughs) Sekuyafana wena ntommbi yomxhosa
futhi kungani ningajoli ? (it is the same thing you xhosa girl
and why are you guys not dating?)
Me : (takes out my lunch) Stop asking me rubbish Pearl,
I then bite my wrapsta, I mean ! Okay, where do I start ?
After mama’s funeral, I decided to move on with life
because I know that she would’ve wanted me to do so. I
went to Durban at first. I didn’t know what was I going to
do there, but I just figured it out when I arrived there. I got
a job as a P.A. in one of the biggest companies in Durban.
After that, I met Pearl at work. From then she has been my
friend and my apartment mate.
While having my lunch, my cellphone rang . okay, that
might be Ziyanda, and yes, we’ve grew more close since
mama’s funeral, and he is my first true friend because I
had no one. He helped me to fight for mama’s house since
my drunkard aunt wanted to take it, and I’m grateful for
that. I quickly wiped my hands using the serviette.

Me : (answers the call) Mkhulwa wami. (my big brother)
Ziyanda : (chuckles) Sawubona nawe Momo. (hello to
you too)
Me : Ndiyayazi awuthandi nxa ndithi mkhulwa wami kodwa
understand the situation hawu. (I know that you don’t love
I when I call you my big brother, but you have to
understand the situation)
Ziyanda : (chuckles again) You talk too much.
Me : (giggles) Undithanda ndinjalo ! (yju love me like that)
I looked at Pearl who just stood up and took her lunch and
waved at me, I know what she is thinking but fuck her
We continued talking with Ziyanda until my lunchtime was
over, I then hang up and tidy up where I was eating then
went back to work, my mood is always amazing all thanks
to Ziyanda who makes sure that I’m laughing, hey ! don’t
give me that look. Let me go back to work.


All the boys got into their father’s office and sat down, with
their father sitting on his own throne chair. After a while ,
Fuze Snr cleared his throat and all the attention moved to
him as the boys were busy arguing about whatever God
Fuze Snr : (sitting comfortably on his chair) Bafana .
Them : Yebo baba. (yes dad)
Fuze Snr : Mvelo nawe Melusi njengoba nizoba
nabentwana nimisile ukuthi nizobondla ngani ngoba imali
iyaphela ? (Mvelo and you Melusi, as you’re going to have
children what are you going to feed them because money
always runs out)
Immediately Ziyanda’s heart just jumped because he has
been yearning for a mission since he wants to buy a
house in Durban also some gifts for Momo.
Melusi : (clears his throat) Baba, isasekhona imali futhi
yiningi . (the money is still there and it’s a lot)
Fuze Snr : (chuckles & drink his whisky) Don’t tell me
that rubbish Melusi, bengicabanga futhi ngiyanitshela, sino
mission end of month . (I was thinking infact I’m telling
you, we have a mission)

Mvelo : (scratches his head) Baba, ngeke ngikwazi
umkami anga teta noma yinini kusukela iviki elizayo. (dad,
I can’t, my wife can give birth soon from next week)
Ziyanda : Hayi kabi kodwa baba kusomele siye’ze leyo
mission. (not bad dad but we have to do the mission)
While they’re talking Langelihle just barged in the room ,
groaning and calling out the Ngcobo clan names
meanwhile her brothers just got shocked, wellit’s their first
time seeing her in this mood , expect from Mmeli and her
Langelihle : (groans) Yebo , ngilale boFuze, yebo


For the first time, I’ve just interrupted the boys’ meeting. It
wasn’t my intention but I just had some vision and it shows
something that has to do with whatever they’re planning
and it shows some death.
They all looked at me like I’m crazy, I then clear my throat.
Me : (clears my throat) Ngiyaqolisa ukuniphazamisa
kodwa ngiqeda ukuboniswa futhi lento enizo yenza izoza
nobugozi nokufa . (I’m sorry for interrupting but I’ve just
got a vision and the thing you are going to do, it’s coming
with danger and death.)
Ziyanda : (sighs)
Me : (looks at him) Zizi, whatever it is , please drop it
Dad : Ntombi yami , siyabonga MaFuze . (my girl, thank
Me : (clap my hand two times & goes out)
I really hope they don’t go ahead with this because I’m not
ready for anything that consists death, I really hope they
will look out for me and mom.



The boys had to cancel the mission after Langelihle’s
vision . Zoey is giving birth soon so the family was
preparing for the birth of Zoey’s kids. Well Kamo went to a
scan and found out that she’s actually carrying triplets,
Melusi was so happy since the family has twins , now it’s
going to be the triplets.
Today it is the gender reveal party for Zoey, well everyone
is going to be there. The party was arranged by Zoey’s
close cousin who happens to be white. As for Ziyanda ?
he has been talking with Momo and he’s planning to visit
her after the birth of his brother’s child . Kamo is 7 & ½
months but she looks like someone who is almost 9
months, her attitude ? it is doubled now but Melusi loves
her sex drive since she’s pregnant, once a zulu man ,
always a zulu man (laughs) !



Hey, hey ! long time, hey. Ever since I become Mrs
Ngcobo, traditionally everything has been so nice, well
Mvelo moved out of the house that he was living in with
his brother and I also did the same thing, then he brought
a house for me obviously (laughs). Now we live together.
It’s been the toughest eight months ever, but with by my
side, everything was easy. We lost one of our babies. Yes,
I was carrying twins without noticing, but I’m grateful that
one survived. Today, it’s the baby gender reveal that Mvelo
didn’t want I convinced him otherwise, and he agreed.
Me : (calling him out) Babakhe ! I need help, babe !
Mvelo : (shouts back) Ngiyeza MaNgcobo (I’m coming)
He got in running, well it has always been like this,
everything thing is fragile when it comes to me. I’m
preparing for the party and trying to wear a dress
(laughs), after a while he helped me and I was done. He
looked at me and whistles (blushes) . I truly fell in love
with a charmer.
Me : (blush) Awuyeke Fuze. (stop it)
Mvelo : (bites his lip seductively) Ngenzeni mina ? (what
have I done?)
Me : (giggles) stop it Mvelo , go away.

I pushed him out of the bedroom and continued with my



Me : (moaning) OHHHHH ! baby , please !
Melusi : (groans) fuck , you’re so tight!
He continue fucking me till I cum , after that he got out of
me and went to the bathroom with my d*ck dangling
between his legs, I mean my man is gifted. (clears my
throat) oh ! hello people, long time, right ?
Let the girl introduce herself again , just kidding. Well,
everything in life has its own challenges, and we learn to
overcome anything. I’ve been Mrs Ngcobo traditionally
and officially for almost three months now, and it has been
a blissful journey. After Nikiwe found out about me being
pregnant, everything became a mess, and my mom nearly
disowned me, but because of Melusi , here I am now.
Well he came back from the bathroom, wiped my cum
mixed with his then we got up from the bed, lotioned out
body and wore our clothes and got ready for the party.


Me : Wee ! This is the reason I always leave you behind
mama !
Mamello : Ka tla baby . (I’m coming baby)
Me : Five seconds left sthandwa sami. (my love)
We are always late because of her , like always. After a
while she came downstairs looking very hot in her orange
Me : (smiling) Awu sukanini madoda, mka Mmeli madoda
! (oh my gosh, Mmeli’s wife)
Mamello : (twirls)
Me : (spank her ass) Hayi, idlozi lakhetha kahle , hawu
yeyeni madoda ! (naughty smirk) Asambeni ngoze
ngenze nezinto ezi wrong. (the ancestors chose well, let’s
go before I do wrong things)
Mamello : (giggles)
I then hold her hand and we walk out of the door and went
to the car. We then drove to the party. Oh ! it has been five
months of us being married and it has been nothing but
blissful, without any heist we’ve been living off with our
businesses since we are not allowed to do any heist but
the money is running out and we have to do one, I have to
talk to Ziyanda about this.


Everyone arrived at party and only Melusi and his wife
were late. After fifteen minutes they go in. Ziyanda gave
them an eye as he knew that what was going, after they
go in the party then started.
While the party goes on , everyone was waiting for this
moment, the MC looked at Zoey and Mvelo who were
nervous but excited.
Mc : (talking) Abazali mabeze ngaphambali ! (the parents
can come in front)
They then walked to the front holding each other’s hands.
They looked at each like people who are in love.
After a while, it was time to pop the balloon, they took a
needle and popped the balloon.
Mc : (shouts) IT IS A BABY GIRL !
Everyone started cheering and Mvelo just cupped his
wife’s face and looked deep into her easy and whispered.
Mvelo : (sniffs) Ngiyabonga Mkami. (thank you my wife)
He then give her the most mind blowing kiss meanwhile
his brothers dance and become grateful of becoming
uncles (laughs).


Everything has been so good so far, well we’re now going
on a mission on Wednesday night and today it is Sunday
and I’m planning to go to Momo , well yes, today ! I
packed my bags, take my cellphone and got into the car.
I drove to the airport and fly to Durban. After 3 – 5 hours, I
arrived and requested an uber to Momo’s place. After ten
minutes it arrived and I went to Momo’s place. I arrived
and stand by the door, it is now or never, I need to claim
what is mine .
I then knocked and I could hear her voice inside.
Her : (shouting) Ndiyeza ! (I’m coming)
I then waited for 2 minutes with my hands sweating, after
a while she opened the door .
Momo : (screams) OH MY WORD ! ZIZI ?
Me : (chuckles) hey baby girl.
Momo : (hugs me)
I then let go of my bags and hug her tight without
hesitation after five minutes she let go but I hold her with
my hand and look deep into her eyes.
Me : Momo , ngiyakuthanda. (I love you)

Momo : (teary eyes) ngiyasaba Zizi. (I’m scared)
I just gave her the most breath taking kiss and looked at
her again .


I never had a boyfriend before but I’ve seen my friends
getting heart breaks from the people that always say they
love them. Well we’re now insode the apartment and the
good thing is that I’m not sharing with anyone. Well since
Zizi came with his bags, I guess he will use the other
bedroom. I then walked from the kitchen holding a glass of
water, this is honestly making me nervous.
Ziyanda : (clears his throat) Honestly Momo, it has been
almost a year now, I’m in love with you and I want to make
you mine .
Me : (sighs) I will give it a try Zizi but if it doesn’t work we
cut it off .
Ziyanda : (smiles & walks to me) Ngiyabonga !
He then picked me up and I wrap y legs around his waist
and look deep into his eyes then I give him a kiss, wait! I
made the first move. He slowly kissed me with his hands
holding my booty very tight, I mean I’ve had sex twice. He
the pull out off the kiss and put me down, wait ! nigga , I’m
wet down there, you need to remove those webs.
Ziyanda : (chuckles) We still have three days together, I
will do it !

WHAT THE FUCK ? did I say that very loud to the point
that he heard me. I then looked at his erected d*ck, okay
that’s big and will not fit.
Ziyanda : (naughty smirk) Stop staring otherwise I will
remove those webs now.
Me : (giggles) Let’s go and make food for you sthandwa
sami (my love) .


The other big brothers are at Melusi’s office, discussing a
way forward on the heist. Meanwhile Fuze Snr got in and
realise that there’s one boy that’s missing.
Fuze : (sternly) Bafana, uphi uZiyanda ? (where is
Mmeli : Uyobona intombi yakhe baba. (he went to see his
Fuze Snr : (laughs)
He then walked over to Melusi’s bar in the office and pour
himself a glass of whisky and they then start brainstorming
on how they are going to pull off this heist. Meanwhile
Zoey feels some liquid running between thigh, shit ! she
quickly pick up her cellphone and called Mvelo.
Mvelo : (smiles&answers the call) Mamacita .
Zoey : (shouting) COME AND TAKE OUT THIS BIG
Mvelo : (sighs) Woah, calm down baby, what’s going on ?
Mvelo : (panics) Shit! Ngiyeza ! (I’m coming)

He quickly rushed out of the office and drove off back to
his house with a worried heart and mind. (sighs)


I wake up and look at her, and immediately after, she
wakes up and gives me a smile.
Nokuthula : (whispers) good morning, baby .
Me : (naughty smirk) it can be a good one when I do
I then smash my lips on her and slowly kiss her with my
hands behind her, I put them on her bare ass and I grab it,
she then moans between the kiss.
Nokuthula : (moans) OH !
I continue kissing her slowly and remove my left hand on
her ass and slowly open her thigh using it.
The warmth inside is so inviting, I slowly brush them going
up to her nuna while kissing her after a while she removes
the duvet (laughs). I spread her legs with my left hand a
little bit until my hand arrives in her warmer nuna, the
warmth inside is the only thing that matters. I then put my
thumb in her clit and start rubbing it losing as she losing
the power of kissing me back (chuckles).


He slowly finger fucked me with me struggling to kiss him
and breathing heavily, he slowly took his fingers out and
licked them while looking at me after a while, he went
He slowly spread my legs and he looked at my nuna, I
could see his d*ck hard and pre cumming inside his
boxers. He then blow some air and he started licking my
nuna slowly with his tounge.
Me : (moans) OH , YES ! GO … (moans) OH MY, BABY !
He then pushed his tounge more inside and continued
muffing me after a while, wait ! I could feel my legs
shaking and he just stopped, he looked at me and licked
his lips and he took off his boxer and picked me up and
put me at the edge of the bed.
He looked at me again with his eyes full of love and lust,
he is breathing heavily and his eyes are small and reddish.
Siya : Ngiyakuthanda mkami . (I love you my wife)
When I was about to answer, he just insert his d*ck inside
and started fucking me so hard.
Me : (moans) OH ! NA… (moans) NAMI
NGIYAKUTHANDA FUZE ! (me … I love you too)

He then continued doing his job.
Siyabonga: (groans) Shit ! You’re so warm mami, I’m
cumming !
After a while we both released and we just fell on top of
the bed. He then looked at me and laughed.
Siyabonga : Now this is the best good morning ever,
thank you wife.
I just looked at him and smiled.



Yesterday night, I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl
who is named ZeMvelo Lilley Ngcobo. I’ve never saw
Mvelo this happy , I mean he has been happy with me but
not this happy, I just woke up.
Mvelo : (smiles) Good morning mami .
Me : Morning babakhe .
He is carrying Zemvelo obviously cause he never want her
out of his sight. He slowly make his way to me with his
baby girl, he then gives me a kiss.
Mvelo : How did you sleep ?
Me : I slept pretty fine daddy .
Mvelo : Hmm, awuzingibuza mina ? (are you not going to
ask me?)
Me : (chuckles) I know that you weren’t sleeping
babakhe, you were watching over Zemvelo.
He just laughed and gave her to me and I took out my
boob and breastfeed her. Mvelo just looked at me.
Me : what ?
Mvelo : Umuhle futhi you’re going to pay for calling me am
idiot , oh ! And for saying my baby girl is a big head.

I just laughed when I was about to answer the brothers got
in with their wives.
Nokuthula: (smiles) Where’s the baby ?
I just laughed and looked at Zemvelo, I never thought I will
be this happy and connected to Zemvelo and her dad.
This is indeed the blessing in disguise.



Nomonde : (giggles) Baby, come on.
Me : (sternly) Ngiyakuthanda baby, whatever happens
know that I love you and you’re my world.
Nomonde : I love you too baby.
We talked for five minutes then I hang up. Well spending
the time with her for the past three days has been fun. I
had to come back home the day Zemvelo was born but I
couldn’t so I came back last night.
Today when I woke, I woke up feeling down and I just
decided to call my girl and check up on her. Well I haven’t
seen Zemvelo and I was told that I will see her after the
mission that is happening tonight, I mean I thought we’ve
postponed having missions until Langelihle clears the road
for us but here we are. I’m not happy about this mission at
all but I will have to go since I want money, I just hope
everything goes well (sighs).


Today is the mission day, I know that Zoey just gave birth
but we have to get done with this as soon as possible. I’ve
just called Dabula and he is on his way here even though
Lihle warned us about this but this will definitely be our last
After a while of chilling with my wife the boys got in, wow
this ones ! oh ! the prodigal son is back.
Me : (laughs) Ndodana yolahleko . (the prodigal son)
They’re all look at Ziyanda and laugh.
MaNgcobo Snr : (looks at them) Aniyeke ingane nina ,
nxn ! Sawubona Zizi kama . (leave the child alone , you!
Hello my Zizi)
Ziyanda : (sighs) Sawubona ma. (hello ma)
No matter what, this is definitely not the Ziyanda I know,
this is not my son.
Me : (concerned) Bafana hlalani la no ma wenu, Ziyanda
, woza. (boys, sit here with your mother, Ziyanda come)
I have to talk to him and get what’s bothering him, I’m
always concerned about the kids. We the walked to my
office and we arrived and I just pour some whisky for us
and gave it to him, he just gulped down the whisky without
even thinking.

Me : (sits down) Mfana , yini ? (boy, what is it?)
Ziyanda : (sighs) Aku lutho baba nje, angazi futhi . (it’s
nothing dad, I don’t know)
Me : You …
MaNgcobo Snr : (interrupts us) Baba, uDabula usifikile .
(father, Dabula is here)
Me : (sighs) Asambeni sobuye sikhulume.
We then stood up and went out of the office, we really
need to talk because this mission is going on no matter
what, and this is our last one so one needs to go on !


Everyone is now worried about Ziyanda but he just keeps
on saying that he is fine. Langelihle went on a gateway but
she just has a bad feeling that she can’t avoid at all. She
the picks her cellphone up and dial her mother’s number,
after few seconds her mother answers the call.
MaNgcobo Snr : Sawubona ntombazane . (hello girl)
Langelihle : (half shouts) Baphi obaba ma ? Batshele
ukuthi ngithi abayeke leyonto abayizamayo ! (where is
dad , mom ? tell him to stop what they’re trying)
MaNgcobo Snr : (shocked) Hayibo Lihle, khuluma kahle
nami ! (oh my gosh Lihle, talk to me nicely)
Langelihle : (hangs up)
After hanging up she went to take her white candle and
her incense burner.
Langelihle : (sighs) Umuntu akaze aphumule . (a person
never rests)
She then burnt the things and started talking to God and
the ancestors.
Meanwhile the Ngcobo brothers and their father are busy
doing what they’re always do before they go for a mission,
when they were about to be done, the rain just decided to

do its job and the lighting started , Dabula then started
Dabula : Amadlozi akho Fuze awuvume , yekani lento
Fuze ! iyekeni ! (groans & burps) (the Fuze ancestors
don’t agree, leave this thing Fuze)
The boys just got shocked at what Dabula said, they then
wore their clothes and went to the ancestors house and
they just stayed there waiting for the rain to stop.



Melusi has been gone for almost eight hours now , I just
don’t now what’s going but the kids won’t stop with thus
kicking thing, they’ve been kicking ever since their father
left and I just don’t want to call him. Well I got out of our
bedroom and went to make some food for these three
rascals while making food my cellphone rang, oh ! it’s
Me : Thokozani Aunty. (greetings aunty)
Langelihle : (chuckles) Awusaphaphi nje Kamo, ninjani ?
(you’re forward Kamo, how are y’all?)
Me : We’re okay baby but we miss you .
Langelihle : Ngisedleleni ebuyayo . (I’m on my way back)
Me : Hayibo ? How ?
Langelihle : Kahle Kamo, where’s your man ?
Me : (sighs) He went out eight years ago.
Langelihle : Okay, bye, wait ! I love you guys .
Me : (smiles) we love you too aunty.

I just love the relationship between us, when I say us , I
mean Lihle , Zoey , Nokuthula and i. Lihle accepted us
fully as her sister and we love her too, well I just hope my
man comes back.
I really don’t know what’s up with these Ngcobo man who
just don’t listen to me when I’m talking, my flight will take
more than what I thought it will take, I just hope they don’t
go ahead with this cause I just have a bad feeling about
this . (sighs)

Chapter 133.

The boys got ready for the mission since the rain has
stopped, well as for Ziyanda, his mood hasn’t change but
for the sake of money, he has to do this. They all wear
their all black clothes with balaclavas and they fixed their
guns mean while MaNgcobo Snr prayers for her sons and
her husband. Dabula warned them but because of
MONEY they just want to do it.
They all went out of the ware house and got into their H1,
that they normally use for their mission , before they could
go, Ziyanda requested to make a call first. He called his
Momo : (sleepy) Hey baby .
Ziyanda : Ngiyakuthanda sthandwa sami, uyezwa ? (I
love you my love, you hear me?)
Momo : (smiles) I love you too baby.
Ziyanda : (chuckles) Ngizokubetha strong mangiza lapho .
(I will sex you strong when I come there)
Momo : (moans)
Ziyanda : (laughs) I love you !
He then quickly hang up before Nomonde could answer
and he ran to the H1 , meanwhile Lihle’s feeling got worse

and now she was in a plane home, she regrets going to
Brits, she has to protect the family .
Meanwhile somewhere in Soweto, the boys got ready with
their boss who wants to avenge on Fuze Snr who
happened to kill his parents when he was two years old.
The boss : (chuckles) I know the ATM that they’re going to
boom tonight, so boys make sure that the guards are
ready there, male sure that they shoot them without
thinking twice , hear me ?
The boys : crystal clear boss .
The boss : (smiles) code BLUE ! LET’S GO !


The Ngcobo boys drove straight to the ATM and after
fifteen minutes they arrived, well Ziyanda was now feeling
better. After they arrived, they’re started doing their job,
Ziyanda hacked the system and did his thing meanwhile
Melusi and Mmeli checked out the coast.
Ziyanda : (smiles) and done !
Fuze Snr : niyazi sisebenza njani bafana, Ziyanda
uyasala. (you know how we work boys, Ziyanda, you are
staying behind)
Ziyanda : (annoyed) I know .
They then all went out, oh , leaving Ziyanda behind the
wheel , he is the one who drives fast. After the went out,
Mmeli throw the boom and after thirty seconds the ATM
boomed and they ran to collect the money while they were
still collecting, out of nowhere guns started blazing and
bullets started flying around. Meanwhile Ziyanda checked
the time and it has been over thirty minutes they went ot
after a while they all came running and they're got inside
the car .

Ziyanda then stepped on the accelerator and the car
started moving on 120km. while he was driving a black
car, just came besides their car and the driver opened the
window and shoot Ziyanda on his head without noticing,
the H1 got out of control and it caused mini accident but
the boys on the back survived and got out of the car to
check up on Ziyanda, they just found him …
Fuze Snr : (curses) SHIT ! NOT EYAMI INGANE ! (not my
Mvelo just started crying because he knew that his brother
is gone , Mmeli just transformed into Killer’s mood and ran
to look for the killer of Ziyanda, the others just sat there
and watched Ziyanda’s body. Fly high Ziyanda .



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