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EDITION mSixtyNine
UBB - Wingman is a graphical overhaul of the second version of BGG's user
Bloof solo rules for Undaunted: Battle of Britain.

"It aims for almost-zero agency from the player.

It does not aim for rhe AI being the most competitive person in the world.
It aims for the AI to make decisions YOU wouldn't make (otherwise might as well play
both sides).

For solo rules, zero-agency and very good AI is almost impossible to achieve.
You can easily achieve zero-agency by simply fully randomizing the AI, but then you get
the "worst opponent AI".
This system tries to have a reasonable AI with some randomness. I tried to leave as little
agency to the player as possible, there should be just one selected move/attack/etc target
and destination. But it isn't perfect."


7 Solo Reference Cards

In order to play Undaunted Battle of Britain - Wingman (a Fan made solo
mode), you should print or have a digital version of the 7 solo reference cards:
1. Section Comms
2. Section Comms Special
3. Squadron Comms
4. Bombers
5. Fighter Plane Protection
6. Fighter Plane Offensive
7. Figther Plane Target Selection

8 Hit Tokens
In order to play Undaunted Battle of Britain - Wingman (a Fan made solo
mode), you should have 8 Hit Tokens. Those can be simples cubes or printed, on
paper or 3d.

Choose a scenario and set it up as normal.

Choose the faction you wish to play as.

Place the solo reference boards next to the play area. Your opponent will be played
by a bot.

Construct de bot's starting deck as you would for a player.

Take all Supply cards from each Section and shuffle them by section. This will
create “Supply Decks” for the bot. There should be one Supply Deck per Section.
The Bomber cards are all in one Section

Take 4 cards for yourself and for the bot "hand", withouth seeing them. Select a card
from your hand, as normal. Then, draw the top card of the bot "hand" as its
initiative bid.

Resolve the initiative bid as normal. If you win the bid, you will take your turn first.
If the bot wins the bid, it will take its turn first. In addition, if the bot wins the bid,
place the drawn card in its play area instead of in its discard pile.

Take your turn as normal, with the following change:

Successfully Attacking a Bot Unit

If the human player scores a hit, look first in the bot discard for a card that
matches the attacked unit and remove the card from the game. If there are no
matching cards in the bot discard, search the bot deck. If there are no matching
cards in the bot deck, search the bot’s appropriate bolster deck. If there are no
matching cards in the bolster decks, you have the initiative marker and you did
not remove the plane counter from the board, place a hit token on the attacked
unit. A plane counter can have multiple hit tokens on it.
If you do not have the iniative marker, after looking for a corresponding unit
card and not founding one, you can then remove the plane marker, it was

Place 3 cards in bot's "hand" in the bot play area.

If the bot won the initiative bid, there will be four cards in total in its play area,
including the card used for the initiative bid.

If the bot did not win the iniative bid, check if any of the bot units have hit
counters on them. For each hit counter, check if there is a card matching the unit in
the bot play area. If there is, place that card in the discard pile. If there are multiple
copies of the same card, only discard one per hit counter. If there's no matching
card remove the unit, it has been defeated.
Whether or not there is a matching card, return the hit counter to the supply.

Next, arrange all the cards in the bot play area in initiative order, with the highest
initiative card furthest to the left. In case of a tie, rank in this order: H > S > Y > R > G
> P > B.

If the Hand contains a Section Comms card and one or more corresponding unit
cards, move that Section Comms immediately to the right of the rightmost unit
card of that Section. i.e.: the Section Comms will be played after all unit cards of
that Section.

Then, starting with the leftmost card, roll 1d10 and check the appropiate solo
reference cards to resolve each card from left to right, one at a time.

Roll only 1d10 for every card.

If the bot has two copies of the same Unit card (e.g: Fighter R2) you only make 1 roll
on the Fighter card's table (e.g.: Fighter Plane - Protection) so that the unit doesn't
actually do two completely different things in its turn.
Similarly, if the bot has a unit card and a Squadron Comms and the roll for the
Squadron Comms is to Inspire the Fighter card, use the same roll you made for the
first activation of that Fighter card.

Check the solo reference cards for each card. Listed actions are in order of
preference. For each card, find the first line that applies on the matching solo card
and resolve it. In the rare case that no line applies, the bot takes no action.

Whenever you resolve a card, place it in the bot discard pile. Repeat this process
until there are no face-up cards in the bot play area.


2 2


1 Title: Type of Unit/Card. Find the appropriate solo reference card for the unit/card. For
Fighters, two solo reference cards exist:
a. The “Protection” solo reference card is used in scenarios where the Fighters have to
protect Bombers or other units to achieve objectives (e.g.: scenarios 2, 3, 4, 6, etc).
b. The “Offensive” solo reference card is used in other scenarios.
c. Some scenarios have mixed objectives where both Bombers and Fighters can score
objective points, use common sense to decide which solo reference card to use.
2 Lines: the different effects a card might have when it is resolved. Look for the situation
applicable to the unit, in top-down priority order. In the example card to the left, check if
the “Unit can Attack objective target”. DON’T FORGET that there is a first line in this solo
reference card! The priority of the Fighter is ALWAYS to attack objective targets.
3 Die: Roll a d10 to determine what the unit wants to do. The Actions of the card are listed
top down in order of priority. Sometimes the Manoeuvre action is NOT necessary for the
Fighter to Move to where it wants to go, in that case, always try to conduct an Attack action
either before or after the Move.
4 For Fighters, there is a Move guideline which indicates how much the Fighter wants to
remain in Comms Range or get back into Comme Range.
“is secondary”: achieving the screening objective is the first priority.
“if possible”: the Fighter will do its best to remain in Comms Range or get back into
Comms Range, however, sometimes it is not possible due to the compulsory Move
of 1 hex. In that case, try to remain or get as close as possible to other unit in the
“is allowed”: the Fighter will optimize its Attack opportunity (i.e.: going into the back
arc of the target or as close as possible to the target to lower the target number
“is the priority”: the Fighter will Move and Manoeuvre to get into Comms Range
following the shortest possible path.
5 Green instructions only apply if the corresponding Section is Out of Comms. Ignore those
instructions if the Section is within Comms Range. These are found in the Section Comms
and Squadron Comms cards.
6 Special instructions are a list of instructions on it's on card.

When checking if an AI unit “can Attack” a target, always take into account the possible
Move of that unit. For example, if the unit cannot currently Attack a target but by
Moving one or two hexes forward it could Attack a target then that unit is considered
to be “able to Attack a target” when selecting the Situation.


Example for Comms card:

The bot has no Section Card in hand,
therefore he'll follow III.
He rolls 1d10 and gets a 2.
First the card tries to Bolster. If that is not
possible (i.e.: no cards left to Bolster) then go
to the second choice which is Discard. The
choice is in green, which means it only applies
if the Section is Out of Comms! If the Section
is Out of Comms then do not conduct any
actions with this card and simply Discard it
(i.e.: the bot does not want to take a Discord
card). If the Section is in Comms Range then
go to the next choice Coordinate. If that
choice is not possible (i.e.: there are no Discord
cards in the bot hand), then move to the last
instruction Inspire.

DISTANCE for Movement selection is measured by how many hexes the plane
would have to Move to get to its destination, this can be different than the number
of hexes in a straight line.
Example: the plane has an enemy/objective directly behind it, that enemy/objective is 10 hexes

BOMBERS will try to score points, move shortest paths to targets, ignore player
fighters. If there are several options for shortest path choose the path that has the
most cover (clouds, friendly planes, etc) or the path that is not in the line of fire of
enemy planes. If both options are equal, randomly determine where the Bomber
will move.

Move & Manoeuvre the Fighter to the closest bomber (measure by how
many hexes the Plan would have to Move).
End in the same hex as the Bomber.
Manoeuvre the Fighter to have the same facing as the bomber.
If the Manoeuvre action is not necessary to achieve its movement
objective, the plane will try to conduct an Attack action before or after its
Move, whichever option has the lowest number to hit.

Move & Manoeuvre the Fighter towards its Section plane by the shortest
possible path.
End Move one or two hexes away from wingman. End Move two hexes
away ONLY if “one hex away” puts the Fighter into enemy’s Attack arc,
otherwise always try to move to adjacent hex.
Manoeuvre the Fighter to have the same facing as its wingman.
If the Manoeuvre action is not necessary to achieve its movement
objective, the plane will try to conduct an Attack action before or after its
Move, whichever option has the lowest number to hit.

Can the Fighter Attack ANY target this turn before or after Move? Then
follow the logic below otherwise go to “Fighter cannot Attack this turn”.
Start by selecting the TARGET of the Attack. See “Target Selection” below.
Select the Move distance of 0/1/2/3 hexes following these instructions:
“Stay in Comms if possible” or “Move into Comms Range if possible”: can
Attack > can Attack in rear > can Attack next activation > remain or get
into Comms Range > lowest Attack number required to hit > closest
distance to wingman
“Move outside Comms is allowed”: can Attack > can Attack in rear > can
Attack next activation > lowest Attack number required to hit > remain in
Comms Range.
If 0 hexes is the best option, conduct Attack first then Move 1/2/3 hexes
following the same logic starting at “can Attack next activation”.
If no Move options can lead to an Attack, then Manoeuvre instead of
Attack and follow the exact same logic as above to select destination hex.
If 1/2/3 hexes are the selected option then Move that distance and conduct
the Attack.
FIGHTER CANNOT ATTACK THIS TURN: select target as per the “Target
Selection” then Manoeuvre & Move following this logic:
“Stay in Comms if possible” or “Move into Comms Range if possible”: can
Attack next activation > can Attack in rear > remain or get into Comms
Range > lowest Attack number required to hit > closest distance to
“Move outside Comms is allowed”: can Attack next activation > can Attack
in rear > lowest Attack number required to hit > remain in Comms Range

In all situations, if multiple choices are equal, select randomly.

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