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PhD (Management, Computer Science, Economics, and Islamic Business and
Finance), MS (Management, Project Management, Computer Science, Development
Studies, Economics, Islamic Business & Finance, Governance and Public Policy, and
Data Science) Programs and MBA for Business & Non-Business Graduates Program
(Saturday & Sunday)

Weightage Scheme - PhD Programs


1 16/18 Years Education 45%
2 Written Test 40%
3a* Interview 10%
3b* Statement of Purpose 5%
*Qualifying percentage is 40% out of 15 (3a+3b).

Weightage Scheme - MS & MBA Programs


1 16 Years Education 50%
2 Written Test 40%
3 Interview 10%

General Instructions
1. Qualifying the written Test and appearance in the Interview are compulsory requirements for
2. Only those applicants who qualify the written test shall be eligible to appear for the Interview.
3. The List of the candidates to appear for the Interview shall be displayed on the Institute’s Official
4. Entrance Slip shall be generated in an online application portal for all the Candidates appearing
in the Test. No one shall be allowed to enter the Examination Hall/Premises without the Entrance
Note: Applicants having a valid ETS-GRE general test/NTS GAT-General/IM|Sciences’ own test score or
any other test required by HEC for MBA/MS/PhD Programs will not be required to appear in the
test, however they may take the IM|Sciences Entrance Test to improve their score.
5. Applicants must take care of their entrance slip. In case the entrance slip is misplaced, a duplicate
copy can be obtained from the Admissions office of IM|Sciences on payment of Rs.500/.
6. All Original Documents shall be verified at the time of Admission. Students are required to attach
their complete academic documents and identity documents, including: DMCs, Degrees, Board
Certificates, and Equivalence Certificates etc., domicile, CNIC and 03 passport size photographs
with admission form. Applicants must write their name and father’s name on the back of all
photographs. Hardcopies of the documents will be accepted after admission interviews.
7. The Documents once submitted with Admission forms shall not be returned.
8. No separate call letters are issued to the candidates for Test and Interviews. All Information
regarding Admission shall be displayed on the Institute’s Official Website.
9. Prospectus along with sample question papers for the entry test may be downloaded from the
online admission portal (
10. Hostel accommodation may be provided to the candidates, subject to the availability of seats.


1. Passing Marks for qualifying the Written Test for MBA program are 40% (40 marks out of 100),
for MS programs are 50% (50 marks out of 100) and for PhD programs are 60% (60 marks out of
100). Passing Marks for qualifying the Interview are 40%.
2. In order to conduct the test smoothly, we need your cooperation in the form of carefully
following the instructions given here and by the instructors conducting the Test.
3. The entry test questions will be self-explanatory and we believe that you have studied and
understood the instructions given here, therefore no question will be entertained.
4. During the test, do not talk, whisper, or turn your eyes or head away from your own paper. Any
evidence of cheating or non-compliance with Instructions will disqualify you from the test.
5. During the test, choose the correct answer by selecting the appropriate option i.e. A, B, C or D.
6. The test is divided into 3 parts. The Instructions for each part are given on the question paper.
Please follow the Instructions carefully and take care of time.
7. There will be NO NEGATIVE MARKING in any part of the test.
8. Total duration of the test is 120 Minutes.
9. All the questions in the Entry Test are MCQ’s and they are checked thoroughly. However, if
someone is interested in rechecking, the candidate shall apply for the same within three days of
the declaration of the test result. The fee for rechecking of the paper is Rs.500.
10. The composition of Entry Test Paper will be as follow:

Category Quantitative Verbal Analytical

Master Programs 30% 40% 30%
PhD Programs 30% 40% 30%

11. The result of the Entry Test will be available on IM|Sciences official website.
Instructions for PART 1 (Quantitative)

You are required to solve each problem and indicate the answer by filling in the answer sheet the
appropriate letter i.e. A, B, C........
Note: -Use of Calculator is not allowed.
Marks: 30
1. If the average of 2 & x is 7, find value of x.

A. 9
B. 18
C. 12
D. 14
Answer: - C

2. The average weight of 16 boys in a class is 50.25 kg and that of the remaining 8 boys is 45.15
kg. Find the average weights of all the boys in the class.

A. 47.55 kg
B. 48 kg
C. 49. 25 kg
D. 48.55
Answer: - D

3. In a survey it was found that 80% of those surveyed owned a car while 60% of those surveyed
owned a mobile phone, if 55% owned both a car and a Mobile phone, what percent of those
surveyed owned a car or a mobile phone or both?

A. 65%
B. 80%
C. 85%
D. 97.5%
Answer: - C

4. Two numbers are in the ratio 3:5. If 9 is subtracted from each, the new numbers are in the ratio
12: 23. The smaller number is: ________?

A. 27
B. 49
C. 33
D. 55
Answer: - B
Instructions for PART 2 (Verbal)

You are required to solve each problem and indicate the answer by filling in the answer sheet the
appropriate letter i.e. A, B, C........

Marks: 40
Fill in the lettered word or phrase that is most similar in meaning to the word in capital letters.
A. Policy
B. Rich
C. Goal
D. Power
Answer: - C
6. Fill in the lettered option in the answer sheet the word that best completes each
He is holding the ------- charge of his own post as president and that of Foreign Minister.
A. Duel
B. Dual
Answer: - B
7. Select the correct sentence by filling in the lettered option in the answer sheet
A. We sell cars and rent.
B. We rent and sell cars.
Answer: - B
8. Fill in the blanks by filling in the lettered option in the answer sheet
Whatever _______ takes, you must do to accomplish your task.
A. May
B. Can
C. Do
D. It
Answer: - D
9. Fill in the lettered word or phrase that is most dissimilar in meaning to the word in capital
A Confused
B Humane
C Honest
D Clear

Answer: - D
Instructions for PART 3 (Analytical)

You are required to solve each problem and indicate the answer by filling in the answer sheet the
appropriate letter i.e. A, B, C........

Read the following and choose the correct answer by filling in the answer sheet the appropriate letter
A, B, C...
Question 10 – 16
Nine individuals: Ahmed, Bilal, Danish, Faisal, Haroon, Liaquat, Maryam, Shiza and Zeeshan are to
serve on three committees labeled A, B and C.
▪ Each candidate should serve on exactly one of the committees
▪ Every committee must have at least one member
▪ Committee A should consist of exactly one member more than that of committee B
▪ Among Maryam, Shiza and Zeeshan none can serve on committee A
▪ Among Faisal, Haroon and Liaquat none can serve on committee B
▪ Among Ahmed, Bilal and Danish none can serve on committee C
10. In case Danish and Zeeshan are the individuals serving on committee B, how many of the
nine individuals should serve on committee C?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6
11. Of the nine individuals, the maximum number that can serve together on committee C is
A. 5
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9
12. In case Ahmed is the only individual serving on committee B, which among the following
should serve on committee A?
A. Bilal and Danish
B. Bilal and Faisal
C. Bilal and Liaquat
D. Faisal and Haroon
E. Danish and Haroon
13. In case, any of the nine individuals serves on committee C, which among the following could
not be the candidate to serve on committee A?
A. Ahmed
B. Bilal
C. Danish
D. Liaquat
E. Shiza
14. In case, Bilal, Danish and Maryam are the only individuals serving on committee B, the total
membership of committee C should be
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
E. 1
15. In case, Bilal, Danish and Maryam are the only individuals serving on committee B, then the
members of committee C should be
A. Haroon and Shiza
B. Maryam and Zeeshan
C. Shiza and Zeeshan
D. Faisal and Shiza
E. Haroon and Maryam
16. Among the following combinations which could constitute the membership of committee C?
A. Danish and Shiza
B. Faisal and Maryam
C. Liaquat, Maryam and Shiza
D. Faisal, Haroon and Liaquat
E. Ahmed, Faisal, Maryam and Zeeshan

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