Learning Plan (Methodology and Instruments)

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Teacher’s Activity Students’Activity

A. Introduction

Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am Kath.

I am Ms. Katherine Joyce Lapiz and I

will be your teacher for today. You can
call me Ma’am Kath.

To officially start our class for today,

let’s have first aprayer. Yes, . Kindly lead
the prayer. (Students do as told.)

Once again, good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am Kath.

Before you take your sets, kindly pick up

pieces of paper on the floor and align
(Students do as told.)
your chairs.

Do we have absentees today? None, Ma’am Kath.

How about assignments to be passed?

None, Ma’am Kath

Clap your hands twice if you are all ready

to learn today. (Students do as told.)


Now, class, please give me one adjective

that summarizes your feeling this
(Students answers vary.)
morning. Yes, ______
It's comforting to know that the majority
of you are fine and safe.

Alright! For us to have a harmonious

class this morning, I want you to
remember our classroom rules.Be
responsible and respectful. Respect all the
people around you and be responsible at
all times.

Are the rules clear to you class? Say

crystal clear if it is. Crystal clear, Ma’am Kath.

1. Review

Last meeting, we’ve discussed about the

literature review of a research paper, its
definition, and the other terms we could
encounter in creating the literature review
of a research paper.

Before we proceed, let us have an activity

first, to test if you’ve really understood
our discussion last meeting. The title of
our activity is “Make A Match”


“Make a Match”
1. Group the class into 2.

2. Match the term in Set A with its

corresponding definition in Set B.

3. Write your answer on the sheet


4. Do this in 2 minutes
1. B
SET A 2. A
3. F
4. C
5. D




a. -refers to the use of someone else’s

words or ideas without giving proper

b. -provides a review of what others have

written or researched on concernig topic.

c. -is a brief citation of the source placed

within the body of the paper.

d. -is to restate or reword information

from a source.

e. is a book, article, magazine, website,

and encyclopedia that provides
information for a research paper.

f. is to repeat a source word-for word.

I. Motivation

Wow! It’s electrifying to know that

you’ve really understood our discussion
last meeting. So this time class, we will
have an activity.

Alright so for this afternoon, you will

become mssengers. All you have to do is
to pass and relay the message from the
first person up until the last person
without breaking your line. Am I clear?



1. Group the class into three.

2. Relay the message without breaking

your line through whispering to the
person behind you the word that is being

3. Write your answer on the board.

4. Do this in 2 minutes.
Yes, Miss.

Is the set of mechanics clear class?

(Students do as told.)

Alright. Let us begin.

Words to be relayed:







Good job everybody! Did you enjoy

relaying the messages?

Wow! That’s great to hear. So again,

what are the words you’ve relayed?
Everybody read, begin.







No, Ma’am.
Very good! Do you know class how these
terms would relate to our discussion this

Alright! Set back and relax because this

afternoon, we will be discussing about
Terms Used in Research: The
Methodology and Instrument.

II. Statement of the Objectives and

Subject Matter (Students do as told.)

For us to have a clear direction with our

class this morning, here are our learning

Kindly read, .

a. Identify the two types of research


b. Discuss the types of research

instruments through a graphic organizer.

c. Explain the importance of

adaptability. Yes, Ma’am.

Are the objectives clear?

B. Interaction

Alright! So to start our discussion, let us

start through knowing what research
(Students do as told.)
methodology is. Kindly read the
definition of research methodology class,

-the specific procedures or techniques
used to identify, select, process, and
analyze information about a topic. Specific procedures or techniques.

Very good! So what type of procedures It is used to identify, select, process,

or techniques is research methodology analyze information.
Information about a topic.
Excellent! What is its purpose?

Alright! What information is being

analyzed? None, Ma’am.

That is right! Information about the topic. Non, Ma’am.

Do you have any question class?

(Students do as told.)
Alright! This time, we’ll dig deeper on
the types of research methodology. First
we have the qualitative research. Kindly
read the definition of qualitative research,

Qualitative research involves collecting
and analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., Non-numerical data Ma’am.
text, video, or audio) to understand
concepts, opinions, or experiences.

What type of data are bing collected in a Text, video, or audio.

qualitative research class?
Very good! Non- numerical data. What
are examples of non-numerical data?
To understand concepts, opinions, or
That is right! It could be video, audio, experiences.
text, or other information obtained
through observation. Now class, why are
these non-numerical data were being None, Ma’am.
gathered and understood?

Excellent! To understand concepts,

opinions, or experiences. Do you have
any question class?
(Students do as told.)
Alright! Let us now proceed to another
type of research methodology. We have
the quantitative research. Kindly read the
defiition, begin.

Quantitative research is the process of
collecting and analyzing numerical data.
It can be used to find patterns and
averages, make predictions, test causal Numerical data, Ma’am.
relationships, and generalize results to
wider populations.

What type of data were being collected in

a quantitative research class? Yes, Ma’am.

Very good! Numerical data. When you

say numerical data, does it deal with (Students asnwers may vary)

Brilliant! It deals with numbers and

statistical data. How are thesa statistical
data used class?

Brilliant! It can be used to find patterns

and averages, make predictions, test None, Ma’am.
causal relationships, and generalize
results to wider populations.
Qualitative and quantitativ Ma’am.
Do you have any questions class?

Alright! Again what are the types of

research methodologies we’ve tackled?

Very good! We have the qualitative and

the quantitative research. (Students do as told.)

This time class, we will proceed to

research instruments. Kindly read the
definition begin.

a tool used to collect, measure, and A tool, Ma’am.
analyze data related to your subject.
Statistical tool, Ma’am.
Again, what is a research instrument

Very good! A tool in research. What

type of tool?

That is right! A tool used to collect, (Students read every definition.)

measure, and analyzed data related to
your subject.
I want you to take note of these
instruments class:


-the collection of information from a

sample of individuals through their
responses to questions


- a research tool featuring a series of

questions used to collect useful
information from respondents.


- a form that is used for quickly and

easily recording data or identifying
actions or requirements.


-a set of answer options—either

None, Ma’am.
numeric or verbal—that cover a range of
None, Ma’am.
opinions on a topic.

Do you have any quations class?

How about clarifications?

C. Integration
(Students do as told.)
This time class, we will have an activity.
This is for me to check whether you have
fully understood the discussion. Our
activity is called,“GRAPH ME BABY!”
1. Divide the class into 4.
2. Create a graphic organizer on the types
of research instruments.
3. Post your answers infront.
4. Do this in 2 minutes.

Values Integration
Very good class! I am very much
thankful that you’ve truly exhibited (Students’ answers may vary.)
evidences that you’ve understood our
topic this aftrenoon. Now class, what
have you learned aside from the terms Yes, Ma’am.
that we have defined and discussed
earlier? Why do we need to develop
adaptability within us?

Is it good to be adaptable?
Ys, Ma’am.
Very good! In life, we need to develop
adaptability within us because nothing None, Ma’am.
stays constant here on earth. We have to
adapt with the changes around us. Am I
clear class?

Alright! Do you hav any question?


To further assess your knowledge about our lesson today, let us have another activity.
This activity is titled, Identity Check.

Activity 3. “Learning Corner”

Directions: Identify what is being referred to in each item. Write your answer on a 1/4
sheet of paper. Do this in 3 minutes.

1. It is a tool used to collect and analyze data in research. ________

2. It is the collection of information from a sample of individuals through their
responses to questions.
3. It is a research tool featuring a series of questions used to collect useful information
from respondents.
4. It is a form that is used for quickly and easily recording data or identifying actions
or requirements.
5. It is a research method that deals with numerical data.


Search for an example of research instruments found online. Make sure that it
is from a legit source. Pass this next meeting.

Prepared by
BSEd- English IV

Approved by
Cooperating Teacher

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