Herbal Remedies

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Moved from Cancer - January 7, 2002

Mistletoe, the whole herb, is used in making an extract having hypotensive properties.
There are many active principles in mistletoe, and the full action is based on the total
complex rather than on individual extracts. Apparently its hypotensive property is due to
a choline derivative related to acetylcholine. Choline derivatives are known to dilate
blood vessels. Cold water extracts of mistletoe have a digitalis-like effect on the heart,
though only if injected. Mistletoe comes behind Rauwolfia serpentina in its hypotensive
effect. Since mistletoe is a gentle herbal treatment, it is one that can be used for extended
treatment. (See also Experimental Cancer Routine.)

Since the early 1990s herbs have been coming more into favor with medical doctors. The
September, 1993 edition of Infectious Disease News, a front-page article chronicled the
fact that AThe Chinese have been using herbs as therapy for@ hundreds of years. AOne
researcher is looking at their ideas for a >new= malaria treatment.@ The article describes
the very encouraging use of an extract of Artemisia annua in the treatment of drug-
resistant malaria, a growing problem throughout the world. Resistance of micro-
organisms to antibiotics in general may spur more research into the simple herbal
products that are mostly free of side effects.

Our hope is that you will be inspired to learn much more about these simple Aherbs of the
field.@ Remember that they are only one of the many remedies the Lord has provided for
the healing of mankind=s illnesses. There are non-toxic medicinal properties of many
common herbs. Every family should have the knowledge of these properties, knowing
how to identify the herbs in the woods and fields, and having certain herbs fresh and
available for use. Dried herbs should be stored in an airtight, dark container to prevent
loss and strength. It should be stressed that herbs are not curative: they are supportive
and assist the body, particularly the immune system, in ridding itself of toxins, infections,
and disease. However, unless instruction is given regarding the causes of disease and the
lifestyle changes that must be made to avoid (disease?), as well as to overcome the
particular problem, herbal remedies will have little effect. We should learn the herbs that
are definitely toxic or poisonous and avoid them, such as Dogbane, Iris, Oleander, and
Jimson Weed. Some toxic herbs may be used with caution, but only with the advice of a
specialist practiced in their use. Pennyroyal is an example of this class of herbs. Many
who have used or sold herbal remedies have translated this into completely safe under all
circumstances and entirely natural without any thought of caution. We must bear in mind
when using herbs that the potential side effects and dangers are nothing like severe
enough to be compared to prescription drugs, but are certainly not entirely without need
for safeguards.

The effectiveness of herbal remedies is as pronounced as in prescription drugs. Some

herbal remedies do not do what they have been reported to do, but neither do prescription
drugs always do what they have been reported to do. The dangers of prescription drugs
are well known, yet most people who use them do not use them with caution; therefore,
adverse reactions to prescription and over-the-counter medicine kill around 106,000
Americans and seriously injure an additional 2.1 million Americans every year. These
reactions do not include prescribing errors or drug abuse and represent the sixth leading
cause of US deaths, just behind heart disease, cancer, lung disease, strokes, and
accidents. Serious injury was defined as being hospitalized or having to extend a hospital
stay or suffering permanent disability. More than two-thirds of the cases involved
reactions outside of hospitals rather than in hospitals. [Ref. Ledger Inquirer, April 14,

Herbal remedies on the other hand, have no deaths, or almost none, only one here and
one there (almost always getting publicity by the communications media). Almost 100
percent, if not 100 percent, of serious side effects or fatalities from herbs have been due
to gross overdoses or very long term use of the herb, spanning several years. There are
some cautions in the use of herbs, however, that should be born in mind. We will make a
small discussion of a few of these cautions.

Herbal products obtained from outside the United States have been most likely to be
improperly packaged and incorrectly labeled, and are sometimes illegally spiked with
drugs, hormones, or heavy metals. One herbal pill we personally were involved in
observing was promoted by the importer as being excellent for arthritis. One woman
who contacted us after taking one day=s dose said it was the most wonderful herb she had
ever had, and had relieved her pain in one day. We asked that the product be analyzed
and it was discovered that the pill had cortisone in it. Needless to say, the woman took
no more of it for her arthritis.

Herbal Remedies

Directions for Making Herb Tea

Where instructions are not stated with the remedy, use the standard of one teaspoon of
the dried herbal leaves/ground root to one cup of water. Boil the water, add the tea,
cover tightly, and set away from the fire to steep for 15-30 minutes, then strain. For
barks and roots that are not finely ground, they will need to be actively boiled for 5-30
minutes or more. Drink two to four cups per day for one week unless otherwise directed.

A. Make Your Own Tea

Leaves are used for teas. There are many herbal teas that have a medicinal use. These
teas can be beneficial in certain disorders. We promote familiarity with these teas and
their use. Instead of using the irritating teas such as pekoe, colas, and coffee, we
recommend one of the delightful beverage teas. They should be lightly brewed so that
the harsher tasting elements in the herb will not be extracted from the plant The
alkaloids in the injurious teas are mutagenic, causing changes in sex cells that can bring
about abnormalities in the children or in mature cells to cause cancer. Further, caffeine is
irritating to the nerves, it is dehydrating to certain body tissues while promoting swelling
of feet, face, and fingers. They cause one to be unsteady on the feet, and cause sterility
in susceptible persons. They irritate and congest the stomach and bowel. The pancreas
and heart are adversely affected by caffeine, and children are made hyperkinetic. These
are only a few of the ill effects of these drinks; therefore, the innocuous beverage herbals
should be investigated to find a favorite for you and your family.

Unless special instructions come with the tea, use the following directions:
1. Bring one cup of water to boiling.
2. Add one teaspoon of the leaves, or one-half teaspoon of powder.
3. Cover and set off the fire to steep for 15 minutes.
4. Strain and drink fresh for most teas. Some can be stored.

Teas may be taken between meals, as can water. It is not wise to drink generously of
either water or tea while very hot and thirsty. Take only three to four ounces at first until
you are cooled, so that the stomach will not cramp. Never lie down after eating for one
to two hours, if possible; but one may lie down within a few minutes after drinking clear
tea or water.

B. How to Make a Decoction

Roots, stems, and bark are used for decoctions.
1. Get the material finely divided such as in a powder or chopped (this can be done with a
blender or seed mill).
2. Use one tablespoonful of the material or medicinal tea.
3. One quart of water
4. Gently boil together for 20 to 30 minutes, strain, cool, and drink or store up to one day
in the refrigerator.

C. How to Make an Extract Using Vinegar or Alcohol

1. Use a good grade of distilled vinegar, or grain alcohol, or ordinary rubbing alcohol for
external use only. If using alcohol, mix with sufficient water to make a 30 per cent
solution B about one part of alcohol to two parts of water for 95 per cent grain alcohol, or
one to one for 70 per cent rubbing alcohol.
2. Use one ounce of the herb to one pint of the extracting solution.
3. Swirl once or twice a day for two to three weeks, at which time the extract will have
reached its full potency.
4. Strain and squeeze.

D. How to Make Herbal Preparations

Method for taking garlic: Blenderize nine cloves with one-quarter cup lemon juice or
more (enough to make the blender blades turn). Refrigerate. When ready to take the
dosage of garlic, add two tablespoons of the lemon-garlic to one cup of hot tomato juice.
Drink three times daily. If tomato juice cannot be used, substitute any vegetable broth
tolerated, or plain hot water. The garlic does not usually burn the mouth with this

Plantain ointments. An ointment may be made by putting one pint of petroleum jelly, or
paraffin and one-half cup of olive oil in the top of a double boiler. Add two ounces of an
herb such as plantain, calendula, yarrow, golden seal, or arnica. Stir in thoroughly and
heat gently by boiling the water in the double boiler for about two to three hours. The
herbs will become crisp. Strain the mixture through a gauze lined kitchen strainer,
squeezing as much of the oily material as possible into the container. Pour while it is still
warm into clean storage jars with a large mouth. Plantain ointment is used to heal
hemorrhoids; calendula or yarrow for skin rashes and fungus; golden seal for skin
infections; and arnica ointment for muscle aches and pains.

Oil liniment: One pint of olive oil (keep cool to prevent rancidity), mixed with two good
hands full of arnica (or may weight out four to six ounces of any herb to make a
liniment). Set the mixture aside. Shake it vigorously every day for two weeks. Strain it
and bottle it, keeping it in a cool place. If you prefer, you can put the oil:herb mixture in
the top of a double boiler and boil for two to three hours. Cool and add three drops of
vitamin E oil as a preservative. Strain and store.

Salve: Mix coconut oil and lanolin half and half. Melt one pint of the mixture and add
four to six ounces of herbs. Simmer gently one to two hours. Let it set overnight, then
melt and strain, then add one ounce of bee=s wax in the winter, or two ounces in the
summer as a stabilizer. Add one tablespoon of Aloe vera oil if desired, as a soothing and
healing agent. Add three drops of vitamin E oil as a preservative.

Tincture (such as hawthorn berry): Use 100 per cent Vodka which needs no dilution, or
190 proof Everclear (grain alcohol), which should be diluted according to the following
formula: one pine of Everclear to two pints of water. To this add 12 ounces of herbs
(four ounces to the pint). Seal it, label it with the date, and set aside for two weeks,
shaking vigorously every day. Strain and store in a dark bottle.

Conditions Treated with Herbs

The following herbal remedies are remedies which have been personally used by us or
that we feel would be helpful in the treatment of disease. No attempt has been made to
be exhaustive. We thank the Lord for providing in nature so many remedies for the
treatment of most common ailments.
Abortion, Incomplete
Ten drops of tincture of black cohosh and blue cohosh each, every hour.
To induce abortion when the baby dies before birth use the following abortifacients:
Try blue cohosh first. Use one teaspoon of the tincture every two hours. If not effective
in two days, try cottonwood bark. It is a very powerful abortifacient.

Herbal remedies: a poultice made of golden seal tea leaves, comfrey leaves, or ordinary
pekoe tea (the common beverage tea from the grocer), crushed potato peels, onion and
other substances may be used between heat treatments.

Egg yoke stiffened with salt to make a paste will cause a carbuncle to open and drain out.

1. Heat treatments with hot compresses using hot water, hot golden seal tea, hot baking
soda water, or hot comfrey compresses.

2. Herbal tea compresses may be used such as witch hazel, ephedra, mullein, slippery
elm, and white oak bark. Compresses may be applied to the face or other body part, hot
or cold.

3. A tincture of cayenne can be enormously helpful in some cases. Make the tincture
yourself by putting two teaspoons of red pepper (cayenne) in a jar with a screw cap. Add
two ounces of ordinary rubbing alcohol. Swirl the solution twice daily for three weeks.
It may be used immediately, but does not develop full strength until three weeks. Then
the alcohol portion may be poured into a dark dropper bottle and the used pepper
discarded. Use the dropper to scatter drops over the face while gently spreading evenly
with a cotton tipped stick. Label APoison@ because of the alcohol. Avoid introducing into
the eyes or nose.

4. Hydrotherapy may help clear acne. Use hot compresses for 20 minutes, once a day,
ending with a 30 second ice cold compress.

5. Also an ice massage over the face three minutes once daily can reduce redness and
inflammation. One young man felt his acne was helped by a ten second application of
ice every 30 minutes as often as he was able to do it during the day.

6. Red clover, burdock root or dandelion root tea can be profitably used. Drink four cups

7. Peppermint oil rubbed on the face before the hot compresses can speed the rate of

Antioxidant herbs (anti-aging): rosemary, licorice root. Prepare a tea by using one
tablespoon of licorice root in one quart of gently boiling water. Simmer for 20 minutes,
then pour the entire mixture into a container having one heaping tablespoonful of
rosemary. Steep for 30 minutes. Drink two to four cups a day.

Catnip tea taken in the daytime can have a very calming effect. Just prior to leaving the
house take a cup of tea. If necessary, take a bottle of the tea with you to drink if
symptoms return.

Eye bright and golden rod can strengthen the immune system against allergies. Take four
cups of the tea of either or both daily.

Mullein tea, stinging nettle tea (gather your own), slippery elm tea, may all help allergies.

Alopecia, Bald Spots

Rub a halved clove of garlic over bald or thinning areas of scalp. Repeat at least three
times daily. Allow the area to dry before rinsing off. We have been told that you should
notice results in a few weeks. We have not had experience with it, but it may be worth a
try.BJude's Herbal Home Remedies by Jude C. Williams, M.H. 1996, Llewellyn
Publications, P.O. Box 64383-869, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383

Ginkgo and gotu cola should be taken regularly in Alzheimer=s disease.

Use spirulina for both calcium and iron. Take kelp in the liquid form, one-quarter
dropper twice a day. When anemia is better, drop down to one to two drops daily.

Anti-inflammatory herbs
Echinacea and chamomile both have anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile is very
effective for its anti-inflammatory actions.

Antimicrobial factors
Garlic has been used to treat cryptococcal meningitis. Nearly a 70 percent effective
treatment rate was obtained.
Garlic effectively inhibits staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, streptococcus, and
Boiling for a few seconds causes a marked loss in antibacterial potency, but does not
affect the benefits in asthma or blood pressure. Any alkali will inactivate the medicinal
Garlic loses its efficiency when administered continuously. It should be administered for
three to four days, skipping the fourth.
Kava kava is specific for anxiety. Also use catnip, hops, valerian root, chamomile,
skullcap; make tea with varying combinations, depending on severity of symptoms.

Agrimony, golden seal, and Aloe vera.

Arthritis liniment or General Skeletal Pain
Two single hands full of dried arnica flowers, 18 ounces (two cups) of olive oil, four
ounces (one-half cup) of lanolin or two or three ounces of beeswax. Bring the olive oil to
a very gentle boil in the top of a double boiler (the oil does not boil, but the water below).
Stir in the two handfuls of arnica. Stir until wet, cover and simmer gently for two or
three hours. Strain immediately, add lanolin or beeswax and stir while still hot; and put
in individual bottles. Store in a cool place.

An arthritis liniment can be prepared called "Rub John," by adding only enough of a
camphor ointment to give a distinctive camphor fragrance. It has been found to be quite

Use 300 milligrams of bromelain three times a day for two to three months for
rheumatoid arthritis.

Feverfew, flaxseed oil, turmeric, chaparral, wild yam, Oregon grape root, ginger root,
boswellia, white willow bark, and glucosamine sulfate are all natural products useful in

Blend six cloves of garlic in one cup of lukewarm water. Prepare at the same time one
clove blended in tomato juice B until thoroughly blended. Pour up into two separate
cups. Give the six cloves in water as fast as the patient can drink it down. Some patients
will have nausea and vomiting after drinking the solution, which assists greatly in
loosening bronchial secretions and makes them watery so that coughing will be
successful in bringing up dried secretions. Inducing vomiting is an old fashioned remedy
once used in emergency rooms for acute asthma, using syrup of ipecac. The breathing
may improve dramatically with this treatment alone. (Now, we never use syrup of ipecac
in asthma.) Whether or not vomiting occurs, give the second cup slowly so that the
active ingredient in garlic can be excreted through the lungs after intestinal absorption.
The second cup of the garlic mixture is administered promptly after vomiting subsides,
during the "refractory phase," when vomiting usually will not occur again. The active
principal in garlic loosens the secretions, encourages coughing, and relaxes the tight
For an acute attack, administer one or more of a variety of hot herbal teas such as catnip
tea, mullein, ephedra, lobelia, slippery elm, camomile, fenugreek, comfrey, Aloe vera,
Coleus forskohlii, black cherry bark, and white oak bark. A cup of tea from among this
list should be given each hour, or if no tea is available, even a cup or two of plain hot
water will be helpful.

Boil some (one to five) Aloe vera leaves in a pan of water and inhale the vapors with a
towel over the head. Can also do the same with a few boiled potatoes. Or boil two cups
water with one tablespoon thyme. Pour into a bowl or basin and inhale.

At bedtime take one tablespoon of sunflower or corn oil before retiring. It helps
breathing during sleep. Magnesium by mouth can also help nighttime breathing.

Cranberry juice contains an ingredient that dilates bronchial tubes. Cover with water and
gently simmer one cup of fresh or frozen cranberries for five minutes and mash the
cranberries. Place in a tightly closed glass container and refrigerate. During an asthma
attack, add three to six teaspoons to a cup of hot water. Sip while hot.BRef. Jude's
Herbal Home Remedies by Jude C. Williams, M.H. 1996, Llewellyn Publications, P.O.
Box 64383-869, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383

Prevention: (See hay fever) In addition to the above teas, use flaxseed oil; Quercetin
with C (two caps three times daily); selenium 200 mcgm daily (adults); vitamin E 800-
1200 u daily; pycnogenol 60 mg three to six daily; magnesium 500 mg orally.

Athlete's Foot
(a) Golden seal, thyme, garlic, witch hazel, comfrey root, and other teas made double or
triple strength may be used to bathe or soak the feet. You may make an alcohol extract
by soaking four ounces of any of the herbs in one pint of alcohol for three weeks.

(b) One clove of garlic can be blended in one to two quarts of water and used as a
solution to bathe the feet or anoint them with the solution.

(c) If unable to walk on the feet, a poultice of red clover tea may be useful. Do not wear
shoes on moist feet, as that increases the likelihood of getting a severe inflammation.
Never put oily ointments or moist compresses on the feet when the skin is irritated if you
must walk around much. The softened skin is more subject to blistering, even if the
shoes are well worn.

Dust your feet with goldenseal powder mixed with bentonite clay or cornstarch. Castor
oil or tea tree oil may be rubbed on the feet at night to treat or prevent athlete=s foot..

St. John's Wort or mullein tea, is excellent for bed wetting.

Blood Pressure
Garlic reduces blood pressure. Use it liberally on food, and a garlic clove may be taken
with every meal to good advantage. For very high blood pressure, an entire bulb of garlic
may be taken at each meal. The bulb must be steamed lightly in order to prevent a
reaction of the stomach.

Adding barley to the diet may assist in reducing both blood pressure and cholesterol
levels.BThe Post, September 26, 1982, p. A-11

Celery has recently made headlines as a blood pressure reducer. Use some in the diet
from time to time, and daily the use of three large stalks, blenderized to make about
three- quarters to one cup of puree can be helpful for moderately high blood pressure.

Blood purifier
Yellow dock, alfalfa, burdock: Use as the tea.

Bones, Broken
Horsetail rush used as a poultice over the broken bone can promote healing.

Bowel Disease, Inflammatory

In addition to being strictly dairy-free and strictly gluten-free for ulcerative colitis and
Crohn=s disease, use teas made of the following: Aloe vera; slippery elm powder; golden
seal by mouth and as retention enemas, along with marshmallow and licorice root. You
should also use magnesium or sodium butyrate and charcoal by mouth. Some persons
will fare better with one of the clays, such as bentonite or Pascolite, as they are better

Bronchitis, Chronic
Pour one can of asparagus in a blender. Liquify and refrigerate. Drink one-quarter cup
every morning and every night. Add hot water to make a hot drink if preferred. You
should notice quite an improvement in chronic bronchitis in a few days.BJude's Herbal
Home Remedies by Jude C. Williams, M.H. 1996, Llewellyn Publications, P.O. Box
64383-869, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383

In bruising or swelling use arnica tinctures or ointment extract externally. Arnica tincture
can also be used externally for TMJ.

Buerger's Disease
Take ginkgo tea, one cup four times a day; or two capsules four times daily.
Take niacin as a trial to see if it can be of help. Use only 50 to 100 mg taken just after
meals to minimize the unpleasant flush. Never use a sustained action niacin, as it may
damage the liver.

Hawthorn berry tea should be taken, one cup four times a day (may be mixed with
ginkgo); or may be used as a tincture, 30-40 drops four times daily.

Foot or back massage, using a massage oil to which aromatic oils have been added, can
be very palliative in terminal care. Pain, anxiety, depression, and inability to relax may
all be helped by a combination of massage and aroma therapy. Good aromas are
lavender, eucalyptus, and myrrh. Ask the patient which is preferred.

Anticancer herbs are pau d=arco, chaparral, blue violet, red clover, garlic, and amygdalin.
Amygdalin is a nutrient which works similarly to chemotherapy, and is found in seeds of
apricots, bitter almonds, cherries, choke cherries, the seeds of peaches, pears, apples, and
plums, and in cassava root and millet. The symptoms of poisoning after long use are
goiter, loss of ability to walk steadily, and blurring of vision leading sometimes to
blindness. Apparently a fairly large quantity of any of these items is needed to produce
toxic symptoms.

Childbirth Pain
Partridge berry, cotton root bark, black cherry, buckwheat plant, squaw vine, and red
raspberry leaves are all very good for childbirth pain.

Cholesterol Reduction
Green tea has been shown to reduce total cholesterol, triglycerides and very low density
lipoprotein cholesterols. Consumption of more than ten cups a day was related to
decrease in the concentrations of markers in the serum for liver problems.

Colds or Fever
Any of the following may be used for the common cold: Basil, woodruff, boneset, red
clover: one teaspoon ginger powder, one teaspoon garlic powder, one cup of plain hot
water; garlic tea with fresh lemon (may add a pinch of cayenne pepper powder if

Colic in Babies
Wild ginger tea, along with a change in the diet of breast-fed babies can be soothing for
the colic. Babies may be sensitive to a food or beverage the mother is eating, most
commonly milk, coffee or its brown relatives, citrus fruits and juices, apples, bananas,
strawberries, tomatoes, yeast, wheat, but also many other foods. Give the baby one
tablespoon of the tea every two hours.
Catnip and American elder may be used to make a tea for colic. Give the baby one
tablespoon of the tea every two to four hours when crying with colic..

Senna tea and licorice root tea area both good to relieve constipation. Bulk agents
include wheat bran, psyllium seed or husks, ripe olives, slippery elm powder, ground
flaxseed, or WATER!

Chamomile (for cleansing the intestines), linseed (a mild purgative), Aloe vera,
mayapple, blue flag, or one tablespoon of flaxseed blended with three prunes in water
every morning with breakfast.

Mullein tea is excellent for coughs.

Cystitis (See also Kidney)

Use the diuretic herbs.

Pour one pint boiling water over one-half cup chopped parsley. Let it stand 30 minutes.
Massage into the scalp and allow to stay on 15 minutes. Use also as a final rinse after
shampoo.BJude's Herbal Home Remedies by Jude C. Williams, M.H. 1996, Llewellyn
Publications, P.O. Box 64383-869, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383

Corn oil rubbed into the scalp, or vinegar and soap root powder to make a solution can
help heal dandruff.

St. John's wort (or the derivative called Hypericin) is one of the best herbal treatments for
depression, but can cause photosensitivity and the skin become sensitive to sunlight.
When using it, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.BJude's Herbal Home Remedies by
Jude C. Williams, M.H. 1996, Llewellyn Publications, P.O. Box 64383-869, St. Paul,
MN 55164-0383

Skullcap and kava kava increase the mood, relaxes the body, and energize the central
nervous system. Vervain used in tincture form is also helpful as a nervine. Other
nervines may be used satisfactorily in depression

Sage tea - for nerves.

Use cedar berries for diabetes. See also fenugreek, fig leaves, flaxseed, Gymnema
sylvestre, mint
Guggulin from gum guggul, is an Indian herb for diabetes. It works by improving the
quality or the action of the insulin receptors.

Chromium B the glucose tolerance factor. It improves glucose tolerance.

Vanadyl sulfate is helpful in diabetes. It is a vanadium complex.

Large doses of wild yam can be used as a natural contraceptive agent in diabetic women
whose health would be threatened by a pregnancy.

Winter huckleberry tea and Agrimony eupatoria are good for diabetes. Use the leaves
and roots of either.

Diabetic Neuropathy
For diabetic neuropathy use evening primrose oil, devil=s claw, ginkgo, and St. John=s

Diaper Rash
Calendula tea applied with every diaper change. Allow tea to air dry.

Cranesbill root has good properties for treating diarrhea or dysentery (diarrhea with

Ragweed tea is helpful for diarrhea.

Yellow root can be helpful for diarrhea.

Non-specific cause (viral/food poisoning): Activated charcoal; psyllium seed or husks

(ground); wild strawberry leaf tea; blackberry root tea. Parasites as a cause: Artemisia
annua, golden seal, garlic, grapefruit seed extract; gentian root extract. Bacteria as a
cause: Same as for parasites except for artemisia which can be omitted. In addition add
the AFriendly bacteria@ (Lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidus, etc.).

Comfrey tea, scraped apple half, catnip tea, carob powder and water paste, and sage tea
are all effective for diarrhea.

Bay leaves can be used for nerves and as a digestive aid.

Peppermint leaf and flower, sweet fennel seed and powdered ginger root B use one
tablespoon of each in a quart of water.
Use any of the following herbs to make a tea B steep one tablespoon of the herbs in a
quart of freshly boiled water for 30 minutes: Burdock, alfalfa, corn silk, uva ursi, buchu,
watermelon seed powder, or carob powder (make a thin paste with water B take up to
one-quarter cup).

Peach seed fried in oil, or prickly ash bark fried in oil until it begins popping, can be used
for earache: a drop or two of the cooled oil into the ear.

Edema or localized swelling

Strong pekoe tea (ordinary grocery store tea) used as a poultice (three bags per cup of

Spurge (irritates stomach lining).
Six cloves of raw garlic blended in one cup of plain water.

Endocrine System Conditioner

1. Take a nap daily before meals.
2. Use bee pollen
3. Use mandrake one-half teaspoon boiled in one quart of water.
4. Licorice root
5. Spirulina
6. Regular exercise and sleep
7. Trust in divine power

Catnip decreases the withdrawal symptoms from drugs used for epilepsy or hypertension,
and street drugs, alcohol and smoking. See also hyssop.

1. Magnesium in the form of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) one-half teaspoon in a

glass of water should be given twice a day; if diarrhea results, use magnesium oxide
tablets from a health food store, two tablets four times a day, which is less likely to be
laxative than magnesium sulfate. Magnesium citrate which is a liquid, may be better
absorbed. Try taking one ounce three times daily for epilepsy. If diarrhea occurs, less
can be taken.

2. Valerian root, give two caps four times a day.

3. Taurine (an amino acid), two caps (approx 500 mg in each cap) two hours after supper,
and at bedtime. If necessary, increase the taurine to four times a day, taking it 30-45
minutes before meals. You can increase to three caps each time if necessary.

4. Take l000 mg of tryptophane two hours before and again at bedtime.

5. Take l000 mg of taurine between the two doses of tryptophane.

6. As needed 500 mg of tryptophane can be given on arising and before lunch.

7. Cow parsnip has been used beneficially in epilepsy.

Bee pollen causes an increase in energy and reduction of fatigue.

Bayberry, Joe-pye weed, meadowsweet, white willow bark and wild lettuce may all be
used for fevers.

Fever Blisters
Lips and genitals C golden seal, use internally as tea and externally as poultice, mixing a
bit of the powder with water of glycerine to make a paste.

Fungus Nails (also in Listings) [See under formulae - V]

An excellent remedy for fingernail fungus is DMSO (from a feed store) and grapefruit
seed extract, marketed under names such as NutriBiotic, GSE, or Citricidal. Mix the two
liquids half and half. Apply to the fingernails affected six to ten times a day, and after
each hand-washing.

Marshmallow leaves, bruised, and mixed with a little vegetable oil, can be laid as a
poultice on gangrene, or bound to the leg or foot with roller bandage.

Gallbladder and Gallstones

Aloe vera as a stimulant; marshmallow root and freshly ground flaxseed as soothers; mint
oil as a calming agent; golden seal and echinacea as antibacterial agents; and charcoal by
mouth and by poultice to reduce swelling and toxicity. Cleavers is very good for

Charcoal; npapain, bromelain, other digestive enzymes.

Aloe vera juice/gel one to two ounces before meals; finely powdered slippery elm, 1
tablespoon in water after meals and as needed; Rhizinate (Deglycyrrhizinated licorice
extract) two tablets chewed and swallowed on arising, between meals, at bedtime, and as
needed for pain or discomfort. Anti-H. pylori measures: Bismuth: Pepto Bismol; golden
seal two capsules four times daily; Grapefruit seed extract (NutriBiotic, GSE, Citricidal,
etc.) five to six drops in a glass of water three times daily; Liquid Kyolic one teaspoon
three times daily.

Garlic may lower uric acid. Comfrey poultices may relieve pain, as can Aloe vera both
internally and externally.

Strong sage tea combed through the hair can be used for gray hair as a tint.

Hay Fever/Allergies
See Asthma prevention and use the same herbs, plus nettle tea (one cup), or capsules
(two capsules) three times daily.

Migraine: Prevention C Feverfew, escholziaCS, flaxseed oil.
Other types of headache: Try to ascertain the cause (chilled extremities, constipation/
intestinal toxins, animal products, anxiety/tension, food sensitivities/allergies, insufficient
air in the bedroom, formaldehyde (as in new buildings/mobile homes), Asick building
syndrome,@ acute/chronic sinusitis, etc.) and eliminate! Use white willow bark capsules
three to four every four hours (much more effective when taken on a regular basis and
not just when the head aches); St. John=s wort; valerian and devil=s claw. Use lavender
oil, a drop rubbed into scalp over the painful parts and on both wrists.

Other herbs for headaches include skunk cabbage, pennyroyal leaves, several stalks of
celery eaten raw, the juice of one lemon or orange blended with two tablespoons of
sesame seed.
Heart, Calcium Deposits on Valves
Stone root can reduce the loudness of heart murmurs by helping reduce the size of
calcium deposits on heart valves. Noises in arteries (bruits) can be reduced through the
same treatment, used with lifestyle changes and diet.

Heart failure: Hawthorn berry, magnesium/potassium (unless kidney function is

Diuretic teas: Dandelion leaf, buchu, cornsilk, watermelon seed, juniper berry, burdock
root (various combinations), flaxseed oil, CoQ-10. Salt restriction is essential.
Angina: Hawthorn, magnesium/potassium, flaxseed oil, possibly chromium (I prefer
chromium polynicotinate [Chromate] 200 mcgm before meals), ginkgo.
Arrhythmias: Hawthorn (if necessary, take one cup or two to four capsules every hour),
magnesium/potassium, lily of the valley, motherwort.
Hyperlipidemias (high cholesterol, high triglycerides): Flaxseed oil, chromium
(Chromate), guggalon (gum gugul), d-limonene.
Hypertension: Garlic C try large doses of Kyolic, as four capsules/tablets of
Superformula 102 four times a day; chromium (used for insulin resistance); magnesium
(as the oxide, sulfate, or citrate); Coleus forskohlii (Forskohlia); tea made of ginkgo,
hawthorn, and yarrow.
(Dr. Deatherage adds mistletoe C although some feel it is toxic, we have seen no
problems in our limited use.) STRICT SALT RESTRICTION IS ESSENTIAL!

Hemorrhage, Postpartum
Use shepherd's purse, motherwort, bayberry, and a pinch of cayenne. Make this into a
tincture which would be on hand to be used in case of the emergency. Also tincture of
cinnamon can help postpartum hemorrhage.

Aloe, witch hazel, calendula

Herpes and Other Viral Formula

St. John=s wort flower, lomatium root, lemon balm leaf, hyssop leaf and flower, garlic
bulb, thuja leaf, tea tree oil and echinacea seed may be used internally or applied with a
cotton swab externally directly to the lesions. Use for shingles, chicken pox and other
viral lesions. Try using osha for genital herpes or fever blisters. Osha is antiviral and
antifungal. Echinacea, chaparral and osha. These herbs will break the cycle of herpes.

Dill weed or seed as a tea.

Wild ginger tincture, one teaspoon put in water, along with an enema of charcoal water C
one tablespoon in a quart of water C can be curative for acute hives in 20 minutes. One
dose may be sufficient. If not a second may be taken every 20 minutes for four doses.

Hormonal Control
Herbs for most endocrine problems C Black cohosh, fenugreek seed, red raspberry leaf,
wild yam, American sarsaparilla, chaste tree, licorice root (very important as it has
cortisone-like action), alfalfa, camilerian, camomile, saw palmetto, and hops. Other
herbs having hormone properties include the following: Ginkgo, Siberian ginseng,
silymarin, pycnogenol, bilberry, garlic, astragalus.

Hormones, Male and Female

Ginseng is good for impotence, a rejuvenator, an adaptogen, and a good tonic for the
prostate and ovaries.
Progesterone Replacement: Chaste Tree
Estrogen Replacement (use for the menopause syndrome and for cancer of the prostate):
Wild yam, black cohosh, licorice tea, angelica, and burdock. These preparations bind to
estrogen receptors like estrogen.

Immune Boosters
A cup of echinacea and golden seal tea taken three times daily for three days may assist
in healing. Garlic has the quality of boosting the immune system, and can be taken
minced with meals, or as a garlic tea.

Immune Stimulation
Ginseng, echinacea, and astragalus enhance the immune system and also fight against the
development of cancer.

Infected Wounds, Skin Infections, Post Operative Wound Infections

1. Witch Hazel wash or poultice made from strong witch hazel tea.

2. Antibiotic tincture C To one cup of grain alcohol put one ounce of each of the
following herbs: echinacea, gotu kola, chaparral, and astragalus. Swirl twice daily for
three weeks. The tincture has strong antibiotic properties. Take about one-quarter to
one-half teaspoonful three or four times a day.

Acute: echinacea, golden seal, astragalus, garlic, grapefruit seed extract, elderberry tea or
extract, gentian root extract, chaparral.

Use any herbal remedy mentioned in the following dosage schedule:
One teaspoon three times daily, not with meals. Remember that the cycle is divided into
estrogenic and progesterone phases, the progesterone phase being the last two weeks of
the cycle, and the estrogenic phase being all the remainder. SemisifugaCS is especially
good in the estrogenic phase. Useful also in painful menstruation.

Alfalfa (estrogenic) and is helpful when estrogens are low or high. When low a chemical
structure of the active ingredient acts as the estrogen hormone, but when estrogens are
high, it blocks receptor sites. It is a tonic to the uterus and contains vitamin A, folic acid,
and riboflavin.

CamilerianCS C This is a strengthening or tonic agent to the reproductive organs.

Saw Palmetto C This herb has been used for prostate problems. It has an estrogenic
effect on both the male and the female body.

Hops is anti-aphrodisiac and can be used in youngsters as a sedative in over sexuality. It

is also a mild anodyne and relieves painful menstruation.

Valerian is very good for endometriosis, anxiety, pain, stress, and is a good anti-
spasmodic. It has also good antibiotic characteristics.

Insect Bites
Vinegar is beneficial in the stings of wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets, used with
charcoal compresses, or by itself. Insect bites should never be scratched; that increases
the extent of venom.

Apply tea tree oil, peppermint oil, clay, or comfrey compresses to insect bites.

Black Widow Spider

As soon as possible, apply a large, slightly soupy charcoal compress. Change the
compress every ten minutes for the first hour, then every 30 minutes for the next two
hours, then every hour until bedtime. Arise every two hours during the night to change
compresses. If symptoms do not progress, or seem to be abating, nothing further need be
done. Keep up four times daily compress changes until swelling ceases. There are
immune serums which may be administered if the symptoms progress.

Insect Repellent
Golden seal, pennyroyal herb tea, basil repels flies (a little of the herb tied in the corner
of a handkerchief and pinned to the clothing).

Insomnia (See also Sleep)

Same as for anxiety; may increase valerian and add wood betony and St. John=s wort.

Dill weed tea, hops, partridgeberry, catnip, and sage may all be used for insomnia. Use
up to seven herbs in one tea.

Aroma therapy is quite good for sleeplessness. Try lavender oil rubbed on wrists or
forehead. Some have made an herbal pillow made of many dried herbs and sewed into a
cloth bag. These may contain as many sedative herbs as grow in your area, probably no
more than four in one pillow. Place the bag beside your pillow as you sleep for a very
restful night.

Intestinal parasites
Tests show that feeding garlic to humans or dogs infested with hookworms significantly
reduces the number of larvae grown. Perhaps the dosage needs to be six teaspoons or
more of raw minced garlic daily. It can be swallowed with water.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Aloe, slippery elm, charcoal, Enteropep (enteric coated peppermint oil, two capsules with
meals and as needed for cramps or discomfort).

Kidney and Bladder (See Urinary)

For cystitis [bladder]: Uva ursi (astringent and antiseptic), use it with marshmallow root,
two tablespoons in a quart of water. Simmer for 30 minutes. Pour onto three tablespoons
of uva ursi and steep for 30 minutes.

Sumac root bark, broom sage, squaw vine, and yellow dock can all be used for kidney
and bladder afflictions.

Kidney Stones
Trailing arbutus, one teaspoon of olive oil stirred together with the juice of one half a
lemon every morning. Rinse mouth after using lemon juice as it can cause sensitive teeth
or erosion of enamel.

To stimulate the onset or encourage slow labor use blue cohosh.
Induction of labor B Ten drops of both black cohosh and blue cohosh every hour.

Chamomile, spurge, nettles.

Lice, Head
One quart of boiling water over one large handful of fresh tobacco leaves, or one pack of
cigarettes or one package of chewing tobacco. Let it steep several hours. Strain. You
need to reuse the liquid for 15 pours over freshly shampooed hair C so have a bowl or
basin ready to catch the liquid. Comb the hair after each rinsing to remove nits (attached
eggs). Then cover the head with a shower cap, wrap in a towel and leave it wet for
several hours before shampooing it out.BJude's Herbal Home Remedies by Jude C.
Williams, M.H. 1996, Llewellyn Publications, P.O. Box 64383-869, St. Paul, MN 55164-

Moisten scalp and hair very lightly with thyme oil. Put on a plastic shower cap and wrap
the head in a towel for two hours. Shampoo with dish detergent liquid. Again, comb out
any nits with a fine tooth comb.

Into one quart of water stir one-quarter cup of echinacea purpura; two tablespoons of
marshmallow root; one tablespoon of wahoo; and two tablespoons of milk thistle
(silymarin). Simmer for 30 minutes and pour onto three tablespoons of uva ursi and
steep for 30 minutes. Take one-quarter of the tea four times a day. Make it up fresh
every day.
Also for the liver use two ounces of Aloe vera three times daily 15 minutes before meals
for one month, then drop to one ounce. daily. Bear in mind that golden seal is also an
hepatic and cholegogue herb (increases bile flow).

Lung Congestion
Fuzzy Mullein

Red clover, as well as deadly nightshade B dried bark of the root treats malignancies.

If a child has fever and the rash has not broken out yet B pour three cups of boiling water
over one tablespoon of calendula B steep 15 minutes. Flavor with one drop of
peppermint oil. Drink one cup of the hot tea per day in four divided doses.BJude's
Herbal Home Remedies by Jude C. Williams, M.H. 1996, Llewellyn Publications, P.O.
Box 64383-869, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383

Catnip tea can also cause measles to break out, as can red clover tea.

Memory, Mental Clarity

Lily of the valley blended with thistle. Also, for memory use a combination of gotu kola,
ginkgo, and rosemary.

Red maple tea will calm hot flashes.
Wild yam orally or as a cream (Pro-Gest cream), black cohosh, red raspberry, squaw
vine, alfalfa.

Menstrual Cycle Regulation

Nettles and red clover. Steep in hot water for 4 hours and use 4 cups per day. Mix the
herbs equally, and use one tablespoonful per cup. Nettles is a very useful herb. It is used
also as a diuretic and a galactagogue, and for allergies as well as general debility and
convalescence from illnesses.

Menstruation, Painful
Menstrual pain B False Solomon=s seal, one-half cup of the tea per day, white cedar bark,
black cohosh, skullcap, tansy.

Prolonged Menstrual Bleeding - Black cohosh (a good source of estrogen), helloneousCS

root (false unicorn), red raspberry leaf.

Pains, strains, inflammations: External: Tincture of wild yam, arnica ointment, comfrey.
Make a solution of white willow bark tincture three parts, DMSO one part as stock
solution. Add tincture of cayenne (hot pepper) one part to three parts of stock mixture.
Paint on affected areas three to four times daily until better, then may decrease to one to
two times daily as needed. Decrease proportion of cayenne tincture as needed, if there is
excessive burning; add more if there is an insufficient response (pain should go away or
greatly diminish) in four to six days.

In the herbal line, we could try for this very difficult disorder all herbs known to have an
influence on the nervous system - lobelia, catnip, gotu kola, mint, golden seal, methyl
salicylate (willow bark), licorice, hops, and liquid kelp preparation. Our reasoning here
considers the principle back of the use of amphetamines, stimulants, for hyperactivity in
children. It might be that in narcolepsy there would also be a paradoxical reaction.
Licorice root, one-half teaspoon in a cup of boiling water; allow to cool for 10-15
minutes, stir and drink it all. Repeat four times daily. Several drops of liquid kelp under
the tongue several times daily should make a difference within a week if it is going to be

Charcoal has been helpful in so many unexpected places that we recommend it frequently
when we do not know anything else to do. Since we are navigating uncharted seas in the
natural treatments of narcolepsy, some experimentation may be essential. We suggest a
heaping tablespoon of activated charcoal powder three times daily for a six week trial.

Nausea and Morning Sickness

Wild yam, catnip, ginger, cinnamon, catnip tea, double strength B sip; carob paste; mint
tea. If vomited up, repeat immediately after vomiting, and she can usually hold it down.
Also ginger and ginger root, peach tree leaves, mint tea and mint oil (hold finger over
open bottle, tip to wet finger and lick it off the finger).


Skullcap, catnip, hops.

Night Vision
Bilberry and blueberry has a purple pigment in it B anthocyanins (visual purple) which
assists in night vision.

Spurge rubbed into them to toughen, or golden seal. Remove the herb completely before
Nipple Fissures
Poultices of comfrey root or leaf, ordinary grocery tea, or witch hazel may be used very
effectively for sore nipples.

Moisten a folded facial tissue in the tea, lay it over the nipple for 20 minutes, dry and
expose to air for 20 minutes. Rinse the nipple before the next nursing.


Red clover tea contains calcium and phosphorous and can be used as a beverage in
osteoporosis.BJude's Herbal Home Remedies by Jude C. Williams, M.H. 1996, Llewellyn
Publications, P.O. Box 64383-869, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383

1. White willow bark and wild lettuce for pain, fever, and inflammation.

2. Oil of cloves, oil of tarragon, and oil of all spice B all contain eugenol, a mild local
anesthetic which can be used for toothaches. Do not swallow a large quantity (over a
tablespoon at once) of the oil as it can cause nausea and vomiting, and even convulsions
in small children. It is quite safe to be rubbed on the gum or the tooth.

3. Black haw B Make a decoction (see first of this section) of black haw for menstrual
cramps, fever, headache, general aches and pains. Use three tablespoons of the dried
black haw bark per quart of water and boil for 10 to 20 minutes. Use three to four cups
per day. You may also make a tincture with one ounce per cup. Two teaspoons, three
times a day of the tincture may be used. Do not use during pregnancy.

4. Meadowsweet B Use for pain, fever, and inflammations. Make a tincture. Take half to
two teaspoons, three times a day. Do not use in pregnancy or under age two. Can be
used as a digestive aide, and in inflammation of the bowels.

5. Red Raspberry B Use for painful menstruation, labor pains, and infant diarrhea. May
also be used for morning sickness, threatened miscarriage, and menopause symptoms.
Raspberry has also been useful in diabetes management, reducing blood sugar when it is
elevated. Use it in threatened abortion.

6. Cayenne, red pepper, capsicum B Use for chronic pain, rubbing red pepper mixed with
alcohol into the skin to treat muscle and joint pains. May be obtained in over-the-counter
preparations such as Zostrix, Heet, Stimurub, and Omega Oil.

Capsaicin ties up P-substance, a chemical produced by nerves to send pain messages to

the brain. Shingles, diabetic foot pain, and for migraines and cluster headaches B for the
first two of these the preparation of red pepper must be applied four to six times daily,
expecting no pain relief for the first five to ten days. For migraines or cluster headaches,
the capsaicin preparation can be rubbed inside the nostril on the affected side, or a
tincture can be atomized or squirted into the nostril, and the skin of the nose should also
be rubbed with the capsaicin preparation. Pain relief occurs shortly. Burning nostrils and
a runny nose lasts for 12 to 15 minutes or less with the application, and will subside
significantly if applications are daily, usually in about one week.

7. Oil of tarragon contains eugenol, as does all spice and cloves. The fresh leaves of the
herbs may be chewed for toothache, or be crushed and applied to ant bites, bee stings,
and painful scrapes and bruises. If you have the tincture use half to one teaspoon, three
to four times a day.

8. Vervain can be used for pain, fever, inflammation, headaches, or as a laxative. Also
mullein flowers and mullein root tea mingled, also mingled with catnip, mint, nettle,
skullcap, giant Solomon=s seal, or chamomile, use one or several.

Parasites (Intestinal parasites above?)

Wormwood or Artemisia annua can be highly effective for parasites.

Parasite Formula
Wormwood leaves and flowers, sage leaves and flowers, black walnut hulls, pomegranate
root, garlic bulb.

Peptic Ulcers
Irish treatment for stomach ulcers B after boiling scrubbed but unpeeled potatoes, save
and drink the water. It will help to cure ulcers if done on a daily basis. Use with a
course of herbal treatments as described elsewhere.BJude's Herbal Home Remedies by
Jude C. Williams, M.H. 1996, Llewellyn Publications, P.O. Box 64383-869, St. Paul,
MN 55164-0383

Aloe vera juice or gel one to two ounces before meals; finely powdered slippery elm, one
tablespoon in water after meals and as needed; Rhizinate (deglycyrrhizinated licorice
extract) two tablets chewed and swallowed on arising, between meals, at bedtime, and as
needed. Anti-H. pylori measures: Bismuth: Pepto Bismol; golden seal two capsules four
times daily; Grapefruit seed extract (NutriBiotic, Citricidal, etc.) five to eight drops in an
eight ounce glass of water four to six times daily; Liquid Kyolic one teaspoon three times

Comfrey tea, comfrey cooked as greens, cabbage juice taken very fresh (in first three to
five minutes after juicing), charcoal, violet leaf tea, Aloe vera.
Sassafras tea has an anticlotting quality that enables it to be used for phlebitis.

Plantar Wart
Milk weed. Rub sap on, cover with waterproof tape for several days. Dissect the wart
off, or scoop it out with a sharp knife. (See also calendula.)

Poison Ivy
Jewel weed leaves crushed and rubbed over the exposed areas, Aloe vera, charcoal

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Wild yam orally or as a cream (Pro-Gest cream), black cohosh, red raspberry, squaw
vine, dong quai, chaste tree, and usnea.

Psoriasis or shingles
Oat straw, shave grass (horsetail). Mix these half and half. Use one tablespoon of the
mixture per cup of boiling water. Steep for 30-60 minutes. Drink two quarts per day.
For shingles also try using B-complex.

Psychoses (Mental Illness)

Catnip, alone or in combination with St. John=s wort, skullcap and other herbs can be
effective. The effectiveness increases as it is taken regularly for the first month. The
treatment may be long-term.

Devil's shoestring prepared as a tea is useful for rheumatism

Ringworm, Tinea
This superficial fungus infection can be treated in essentially the same way athlete's foot
is treated with vinegar or herbal treatments. Simply smear the area having the fungus on
it with vinegar four to six times a day, or if located on the back or groin, twice a day, for
30-60 days. It will usually disappear in that time.

Crushed mulberry leaves may be used as a compress for ringworm.

Sedative (See Insomnia)

Black cherry root bark, peppermint, lemon verbena, several stalks of celery eaten raw,
hops, catnip, sage. Valerian root is very potent to produce sleep. It contains valeric acid.

Dissolve one 500 mg. vitamin C tablet in one-quarter cup of warm water. Put directly
into the nostrils with an eye dropper using one-half dropper-full on each side, two times a
day.BJude's Herbal Home Remedies by Jude C. Williams, M.H. 1996, Llewellyn
Publications, P.O. Box 64383-869, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383

For wrinkles of the face: Aloe vera gel and tea tree oil. Start out with two drops of tea
tree oil to ten drops of Aloe vera gel. Increase the oil, as you see the skin tolerates it
well, to six drops in ten drops.

Steam fresh cabbage until it is limp; drain, apply as a compress for 15 minutes, covered
to keep it warm.

Calendula tea compresses, and charcoal compresses.

Scrape a raw potato half and place the scrapings on a paper towel. Fold the towel and
apply to the eyes as a poultice.BJude's Herbal Home Remedies by Jude C. Williams,
M.H. 1996, Llewellyn Publications, P.O. Box 64383-869, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383

Stress formula
Skullcap, feverfew, willow bark, meadowsweet, valerian, passion flower, kava kava,
catnip, chamomile, cramp bark, fennel, lemon balm, linden flower, motherwort: Use any
five of these.

Cornflower tea is said to aid in returning the use of limbs after a stroke, if used regularly.
Take four cups a day.BJude's Herbal Home Remedies by Jude C. Williams, M.H. 1996,
Llewellyn Publications, P.O. Box 64383-869, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383

Sassafras tea has an anticlotting quality that enables it to be used to prevent strokes.

Aloe vera. Put the part in a tub of cool water.

Teeth, Stained
Clean gently with the pulp of strawberry. Crush a strawberry or a few cranberries, dip
the toothbrush into it, put on a small dollop of toothpaste and brush the stain away. More
than one brushing may be needed to remove stubborn stains.

Throat Sore, Gargle Formula

Echinacea root, garlic bulb, tea tree oil, peppermint oil in a glass of water with a dusting
of red pepper. Shake well and gargle for at least one minute three to six times daily as
Mix three to ten drops of tea tree oil with one-quarter cup olive oil. Use to paint the
throat with a cotton swab.

Bugleweed (lycopus) has a beneficial effect for persons suffering with Graves' disease in
either reversing or slowing the disease progression. Lycopus has been used since ancient
times in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. It is often used in combination with other
herbs like lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), and Lithospermum ruderal. These three
herbs have antithyroid activity. Lycopus inhibits activation of thyroid cells, and inhibits
peripheral T-4 conversion. The inhibition of the thyroid secretion appears to be
independent of any effect on TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone from the pituitary).B
Journal of Naturopathic Medicine 1:10-18,1990, also Arzneim-Forsch Drug RES 44:41-

Dulse is good for low thyroid (if desired, use the glycerated tincture of dulse, 1/2 dropper
twice a day).

Tinnitus and Hearing

Drop a few drops of onion juice in the ear; put six large cloves garlic in blender, add one
cup olive or almond oil. Blend until the garlic is minced. Put in a glass jar and steep,
covered, for one week. Strain and put several drops in the ear to stop ringing and help
hearing.BJude's Herbal Home Remedies by Jude C. Williams, M.H. 1996, Llewellyn
Publications, P.O. Box 64383-869, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383

Chaparral has a general toning effect.

Pekoe tea (three bags to one cup water). One large mouthful as a gargle every half hour.
Tannic acid is active ingredient.

Heat equal parts of plantain root powder and myrrh crystals or powder in enough olive oil
to make a paste. Apply directly to the tooth.

Comfrey root tea (one ounce of the dry root in one quart water. Use four ounces daily).

Ulcers of the Skin

Comfrey poultice, charcoal poultice, hot water soaks.

Urinary Problems
Cystitis, acute: Uva ursi, buchu, cranberry extract, NutriBiotic. and WATER! May be
necessary to give a cup of uva ursi-buchu tea every 10-15 minutes until pain and spasm

Cystitis, chronic: Try to ascertain the cause (food sensitivity is commonest; holding the
urine long B one to two hours B after receiving an urge to void; chronic urethritis due to
repeated injure from such trauma as large sanitary napkins, marital relations, horseback
riding, etc.; contamination from colon; swimming in public pools; chronic candidiasis;
etc.). The same treatments as for acute cystitis, but possibly adding garlic, goldenseal,
and echinacea. Long-term cranberry extract (two months or more) may be necessary to
prevent recurrence.

Prevention, both acute and chronic (women): Determine your food sensitivity using the
Elimination and Challenge diet; avoid known causes as far as possible; wear cotton
panties; take showers, not tub baths; after bowel movements, wipe from front to back, not
back to front; dilute Lysol (one teaspoon per quart) pour after bowel movement. For
persistent yeast vaginitis/cystitis: Sterilize panties in a microwave oven about two
minutes, after washing in hot water. Treat the colon with garlic, nystatin, grapefruit seed
extract, lactobacillus, charcoal powder, etc.

Comfrey root tea, buchu tea or golden seal tea used as a douche. Repeat the douche
daily, using one quart of tea made with one tablespoon of the herb to one quart of water.
The comfrey and golden seal are simmered gently for 10 to 20 minutes, but the buchu is
steeped only, for 30 minutes.

Wild mint leaves, mint oil and ginger root. Charcoal B one tablespoon stirred into one-
half cup of cool or cold water B drunk every ten minutes until vomiting subsides, is one
of the best remedies.

Apply garlic oil or vitamin E oil directly to the wart. Cover with water proof tape. To
make garlic oil, gently saute several garlic cloves in one-half cup olive oil five to ten

Resources for Information about Herbal Remedies

Dr. Christopher Deatherage, naturopathic physician, will instruct and consult by
telephone on medical problems, suggesting herbal/simple remedies. He can supply
custom tinctures, bulk herbs, etc. Dr. Deatherage makes a charge for phone consults.
Address: HC 73, Box 74-A; Drury, MO 65638. Phone 417-261-2399 between 2 p.m. and
6 p.m. Central time. If he is not convenient to you, find a good herbalist in your area.
Eclectic Institute, 11231 S.E. Market St., Portland, OR 97216. Phone 503-256-4330.
Supplies high quality freeze-dried herbal capsules, tinctures, extracts. Generally sell only
to health professionals, but will probably sell to you if you have found there is no local
outlet for their products.

Bio-Therapeutics/Phyto-Pharmica, P.O. Box 1348, Green Bay, WI 54305. Phone 414-

435-4200. Similar to Eclectic. They supply more standardized herbal extracts; some
prefer these to the whole herbs, but their efficacy/value over high-quality whole herbs has
not been established. They also sell primarily to health professionals. If necessary, get a
friendly chiropractor, naturopath, etc., to order for you.

Frontier Herbs, P.O. Box 299, Norway, IA 52318. Phone 800-669-3275. Frontier is a
good-quality supplier of bulk herbs of all kinds. Ask for their catalog.

Toxicity of Herbs, both Real and Supposed

There are more than 1,800 herbs sold in the United States today, and in 1996 sales
reached an estimated 1.6 billion dollars. Even with all this consumption of herbal
remedies, the American Association of Poison Control Centers reports of adverse
reactions are so few as to be almost impossible to track. Herbs often get the blame for
adverse reactions falsely. For example, 15 deaths were reported to be due to ephedra
products in 1996, yet on investigation, many of the individuals had actually died of some
other cause including one individual who died of knife wounds! Ephedra, also known as
Ma Huang, has a long history in Chinese medicine, safely and effectively used in treating
asthma, and other lung, and sinus congestion. Synthetic forms of this herb have been
sold under the name of Sudafed and Primatene in grocery and drug stores since the

Many plants, including some foods, have toxic properties which, if taken in large
quantities or over a long period, can have an adverse influence on the body. One well
known food is cabbage. It can cause goiter (a condition of the thyroid) with heavy or
prolonged use. Some of the herbs that can cause reactions are listed below. Watch for
problems if you take these herbs.
Ginseng C swollen or tender breasts, fluid retention
Lobelia C nausea and vomiting
Pennyroyal oil C Miscarriage
Juniper berries C stomachache
Horsetail C excitement
Mistletoe C stomachache
Carrageenan C Irish moss (derived from the seaweed Chondrus crispus). There are
suspected hazards in using large quantities of this herb in causing gastrointestinal
ulceration, colon cancer, antibody suppression, and negative consequences on mineral
balance. The large quantity necessary to produce these effects may not be in the realm of
probability of normal human consumption in foods.
Coltsfoot C This herb contains large amounts of vitamin C and has been used to fight
respiratory infections. It has been reported in Japan to cause cancer in experimental rats
and has been banned in Canada. There are safe substitutes.

It seems highly unlikely that most herbs used to make teas as ordinarily brewed, and
taken for an occasional illness could be dangerous to the health. Therefore we
recommend that the medicinal herbs containing toxic principles be taken as teas, not as
concentrates, and that the tea leaves be steeped for only 15 minutes C and the roots or
other herb parts be boiled only the five to 20 minutes specified. Herbs should not be
allowed to stand a long time before straining.

Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy

To Avoid
Angelica C emmenagogue C stimulates menstrual flow
Cascara sagrada C laxative, unless you can be certain not to overstimulate the bowel,
which can reflexively cause uterine contractions.
Damiana C nervous system and hormonal activity
Ephedra C cardiac stimulant, unless used judiciously as for asthma
Juniper berries C possible feto-toxic (might injure the baby)
Mugwort C emmenagogue
Nutmeg C slightly toxic
Pennyroyal C emmenagogue
Rue C emmenagogue
Senna C laxative (See comment above on cascara)
Tansy C emmenagogue
Wormwood C emmenagogue, unless used judiciously

Safe in Pregnancy, but watch for signs of overdose

Barberry C uterine stimulant
Blessed thistle C strongly bitter
Butternut C laxative
Colt=s foot C possibly feto-toxic
Golden seal C uterine stimulant
Gotu kola C affects the nervous system
Osha C emmenagogue; good for viruses, but use sparingly and stop its use if uterine
contractions should occur.
Pleurisy root C cardiac stimulant
Rhubarb C laxative (see comment above on cascara)
Sarsaparilla C hormonal activity
Scotch broom C cardiac stimulant
Shepherd=s purse C hemostatic

Herbs and Their Uses

Agrimony eupatoria C There are water-soluble components in this herb that enhance
glucose metabolism and stimulate insulin secretion. It is an anti-diabetic plant. It is best
used as a tea because the active qualities are water soluble.

Aloe vera C This herb has many uses. Externally, use the full leaf concentrate or gel, or
make a gel from fresh leaves. Biostymin, a substance found in Aloe vera acts as a
biologic stimulator in allergic and infectious diseases. A beneficial effect in various
diseases is believed by investigators to be due to a stimulatory reaction in the adrenals,
spleen, and reticuloendothelial tissues. The increased production of immune bodies and
the increased hormonal activity of the adrenals appear to be the means of benefit in such
diseases as asthma, chronic leg ulcers, shingles, baldness (both spot baldness and falling
hair) and in acne. It can be applied externally and used internally. We can almost say
about aloe Awhen in doubt, use Aloe vera.@ Aloe can be used for burns, sunburn,
digestive disorders, viral infections of all kinds, perhaps for cancers, poison ivy, mouth
burns, gum disease, canker sores, pyorrhea, Chron=s disease and ulcerative colitis, peptic
ulcer/gastritis, colon cleanser. and a host of other disorders.

Other uses of Aloe vera

Infected wounds
Poison Ivy Insect stings
Fever blisters Diaper rash
X-ray burns Abscesses
Mouth ulcers Sore throat
Pyorrhea Peptic ulcers
Colitis Constipation
Diverticulitis Arthritis
Liver diseases Skin problems
Fungus diseases Warts
Rashes Psoriasis
Dry skin
Dandruff (use as a shampoo)

Alopecia, Baldness, Hair Loss

Some have reported benefit from the use of Aloe vera, both in spot baldness and falling
hair. Rub it on the area of hair loss four to six times a day, and take one to two ounces
two to three times daily, ten minutes before meals.
Take the commercially available Aloe vera liquid or Aloe vera gel by mouth, one to two
ounces once or twice daily. The fresh Aloe vera plant may be taken by opening a leaf,
scooping out the soft gel-like interior with a spoon, using one to two tablespoons of this
blenderized with about one-half to one cup of water. This may be taken once or twice

Arnica C This herb is excellent when used for muscle and joint pains, acute or chronic.
It is also good for sprains and bruises. Make an oil extract with olive oil and massage it
in. The good pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties are due to helenalin and
dihydrohelenalin. Some will get a rash if it is rubbed on a sensitive area or over a place
of broken skin.

Bilberry C Anthocyanosides are the active ingredients of bilberry. It helps the

microcirculation of the eye and other internal organs, including the brain, prevents
hemorrhoids in women following pregnancy and childbirth, stabilizes and strengthens
capillaries, has a very good effect on vision and other eye conditions, burns, and injuries,
both external and internal. Use after surgery to speed up healing.

Black Cohosh (Squaw root)

This is a natural alternative to estrogen for menopause. It is also useful in high blood
pressure as it relaxes blood vessels and reduces the pressure.

Bromelain C This enzyme from pineapple allows speedier recovery from injuries. Use
five hundred milligrams of bromelain three times a day thirty minutes before meals with
some water for a period of one to three weeks.

Buchu C Cystitis, diuretic, kidney problems, genital tract diseases of all kinds.

Burdock C Five antioxidant compounds have been extracted from the root of burdock.
It has two polyacetylenes which give it most of its effectiveness. The leaf tea is widely
used for skin diseases and the root is used as a blood cleanser and diuretic, sweat-
producer, and as a treatment for gout, arthritis and gastrointestinal inflammation.

Calendula B The common Marigold officinalis. The active ingredient is hyaluronan

which increases the number of microscopic blood vessels in cases of injury, ulcerations,
wounds, and infections. For mouth ulcers or canker sores wet a small cotton ball in
calendula tincture and hold it on the ulcer for three minutes. It is an excellent remedy for
these sores. Calendula tea is a good blood purifier, liver cleanser, and aid in excreting
toxins. It should not be used during internally pregnancy as it can stimulate the uterus in
some women.

The topical application of calendula for corns and calluses is well-known. The use of
Tagates erecta, leaf and flower preparations, is used in the same way as calendula.
Awareness of marigold and tagates should be kept in mind for various kinds of skin
lesions, particularly hard plantar warts, corns, etc.

Camphor C A headache balm can be made by combining camphor, menthol, cajuput,

and clove oil which was applied to the temples or to the area of the headache. When this
headache balm was compared to the effectiveness of Tylenol and with placebo, it was
found that Tylenol was no better at relieving headaches at three hours than was the
headache balm. Furthermore, the headache balm was much superior in relieving the
headache at five minutes and fifteen minutes than Tylenol.[Ref. Australia Family
Physician 25:216;1996]

Capsaicin or Cayenne C Red pepper extract C Capsaicin can be used externally for
pain since it ties up P-substance, a neurotransmitter for pain. It has also been used for a
heart tonic, for sore throats, and for viral infections. It is very good for the pain that
follows shingles (post herpetic neuralgia B see under Shingles). Use the red pepper
powder in a hot foot bath to increase the effectiveness of the hot water.

A Cayenne Ointment
You may make your own ointment base by a one to four mixture of beeswax to Crisco.
If you have eight ounces of Crisco, melt it and add two ounces (four tablespoons) of
beeswax. While the ointment base is still warm and liquid, add the 20 drops of cayenne
tincture per ounce of base. Stir until the mixture has congealed. Since you are adding 20
drops per ounce, you need 200 drops of the cayenne tincture.

To make the cayenne tincture, use one ounce of red pepper powder available from a
grocery store to one pint of 60 to 90-proof whiskey or 95 percent alcohol purchased as
Ever Clear, using one part of the Ever Clear to two parts of water to make a 30 percent
solution. Allow the cayenne and alcohol mixture to steep for two weeks, shaking daily.
Pour off the clear liquid and discard the used cayenne.

Carob Powder C A good agent for diarrhea in children. Infants aged 3-21 months do
very well with a paste made from carob powder which is administered to the child from a
spoon. Let the child nibble on the carob paste. May be mixed with soy milk powder if
desired, to make it more palatable.

Catnip C A very good sedative. It also has good sleep-producing properties. In infant
colic use a tablespoon of the tea for excellent results. The active ingredient is

Daytime calmative for anxiety; as a component of sedative tea for insomnia; nausea,
diarrhea, headaches, colic in infants (one tablespoon of the tea every ten minutes as
needed for six to eight doses).
Cat=s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) C This herb may be beneficial in the treatment of
cancer, arthritis, genital herpes, allergies, candidiasis, PMS, bowel and intestinal
disorders, depression, Chron=s disease, and leaky bowel syndrome. Cat=s claw has the
ability to inhibit platelet aggregation and clotting, prevent strokes, and reduce the risk of
heart attacks by lowering blood pressure. It has been used to impede the multiplication
of viruses including genital herpes and HIV. It enhances phagocytosis (eating of germs
by cells). Starting dose is about 2,000 milligrams per day or less for the first week to ten
days, then increase over the next week or two and gradually build up to 30 grams for
serious or life-threatening diseases. Use it for several weeks to several months.

Chamomile C It relaxes smooth muscle contraction and is useful for stomach and
menstrual cramps, reduces pain in most tissues, soothes canker sores and mild skin
irritations. It is a member of the daisy family as is ragweed.
This plant is very effective for its anti-inflammatory actions. It is also able to cause
sedation and bring sleep.

Chaste tree (vitex agnus castus) C The fruit is the medicinal portion containing a
number of flavonoids such as agnuside and aucubin. Leaves and flowers also are
medicinally active containing progesterone- and testosterone-like substances. Chaste tree
has been used for PMS, postpartum hemorrhage, retained placenta, corpus luteum
insufficiency, and regulation of the menstrual cycle. It has also been used for hot flashes
of menopause, uterine fibroids (growth has been reported arrested by the use of vitex in
superficial fibroids). Side effects with the heavy use of the herb may include a rash or
itching in one to two percent of patients. Menstrual flow increases during chaste tree use.

Cinnamon C Cinnamomum zeylanicum [AMT to look up additional uses]

Cinnamomum zeylanicum is effective against candida. The active ingredients are
cinnamic acid, eugenol, and methoxycinnamaldehylde. Three out of five patients showed
clinical improvement in their condition after only one week of treatment. Thrush cleared
in one patient in one week.

The vapors from cinnamon bark oil have been used successfully to treat respiratory tract
fungus infections.BAllergy 50:995-999;1995

Clove Oil C This substance can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat such
afflictions as wasp stings which, when used in a salve base and applied to the skin, causes
a reduction in swelling. The main component is eugenol and counteracts the influences
of oxygen radicals appearing as a result of inflammation.

Coleus forskohlii contains a nutrient called forskolin which has a number of properties
enabling it to treat cardiovascular disease, respiratory disorders, painful urination,
insomnia, convulsions, glaucoma, hypothyroidism, depression, digestive disorders,
metastatic cancer, and to increase the activity of the immune system in a very powerful
way. Perhaps its most widely used function is in reducing blood pressure for which it is
quite helpful. It may also be used in eczema, psoriasis, and angina.

Comfrey C This healing herb has been used to treat bruises, injuries, and inflamation by
compresses, fight infections in rashes, eczema, and boils, and when used internally to
treat arthritis and gout. Internally, in large quantities or with prolonged usage it has been
reported to be associated with liver damage, but is probably not damaging in short term
use of two to three months. Its active ingredient is allantoin and the FDA calls its
toxicity Aundefined,@ meaning it is low in toxicity or nontoxic.

Comfrey is the best general healer we know for trauma from accidents, injuries and acute
Poultices on chronic skin ulcers, inflammations and superficial infections; nutritional
supplement; cancer, and tuberculosis. Do not take internally over 12 weeks.

CoQ-10 C Ubiquinone
This nutrient is good for a variety of heart problems ranging from heart failure and heart
attacks to myocarditis and irregular heart beats such as atrial fibrillation. CoQ-10 has
also been reportedly administered to cancer patients with apparently good results. For
cancer patients use 300-400 milligrams daily.

Cranberries C The active ingredients include ellagic acid, flavonoids and anthocyanins.
Cranberry juice may be useful in preventing and treating urinary tract infections from
most causes. It can prevent some kidney stones, those which tend to form in alkaline
urine. Cranberry juice can reduce the quantity of mucus in the urinary tract and thus
clear debris from the urinary tract and prevent blockage of catheters.

Dill seeds C Chewed, for bad breath; insomnia

Echinacea C This plant was used by American Indians more than any other plant in the
treatment of illnesses and injury. It has a very effective immune boosting quality.
Echinacea can protect against viral infections and make those that do occur less severe.
[Ref. International Immunopharmacy 13:27;1991] An extract of echinacea called
Echinacin has been administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intravenously, or by
mouth. The active ingredients include the alkylamides.
Echinacea juice incubated with a sample of blood for 15 minutes showed a significant
increase in phagocytic activity after incubation with the echinacea. [Ref. Med. Sci. Res.

Elderberry C Sambucus nigra

A commercial liquid made from elderberry called Sambucol can half the length of the
time required to treat flu. It is also available in lozenges which are less effective. You
can make your own preparation from elderberries by simply canning them as you would

Elderberries have antiviral properties and can be properly used for coughs, colds, and flu,
as well as any other viral illness. Extracts are available commercially or you can gather
the elderberries and grind them while fresh in a blender. They can be preserved by
adding 95 percent grain alcohol in quantity sufficient to make a 33 percent mixture with
the blended elderberries: one part alcohol to two parts of the ground elderberries.

Ephedra (ma huang) C For years this herbal remedy has been used in teas to increase
energy and vitality, to fight depression and other emotional disorders, but has been said
to cause adverse reactions such as liver damage, hypertension, and stroke. It should be
used judiciously.

Eucalyptus Oil C Helpful externally to increase blood flow to the skin and muscles, and
in a vaporizer to reduce nasal congestion and improve breathing in people with colds or

Fenugreek C Trigonella foenum C This herb has been used to prevent diabetes in
susceptible individuals, and can reduce glucose levels in animals and humans by 15-18
percent. Two tablespoons of fenugreek seed powder daily has been shown to cause a
reduction in cholesterol and triglyceride levels. [ Ref. Phytotherapy Research
10:332;1996] Fenugreek has been used for many different afflictions including those of
the sinuses, lungs, kidneys, and bowels.

Feverfew C This is a very good pain remedy used in arthritis and migraines. Feverfew is
good for migraines, but must not be heat-dried. It is a branch of the daisy family.

Fig Leaves C A tea made from Ficus carica leaves caused a significant reduction in
blood sugar in diabetic rats.BPhytotherapy Research 10:82;1996 Used for arthritis in
Colonial days.

Flaxseed C The oil is a rich source of omega-3 and linolenic acid, fatty acids which help
reduce cholesterol. It also contains omega-6 and other essential fatty acids. It is high in
antioxidant nutrients, including beta carotene and vitamin E (15 IU per tablespoon). It
can lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides as much as 25 percent and 65 percent,
respectively. It decreases the probability of blood clots which might lead to a stroke or
heart attack. High blood pressure can be brought down by omega-3 fatty acids. Flax oil
has also been administered as an anticancer agent and to lower blood sugar and reduce
the insulin requirement of diabetics. Arthritis, premenstrual syndrome, asthma, and
allergies have been treated with flax oil.
Flaxseed ground into powder is very good for constipation. The highest known plant
source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory, lower cholesterol, and are
beneficial for the heart and blood vessels (usually used as the oil for these indications).

Garlic C Garlic=s many uses could hardly be listed without devoting an entire book to its
use. It has antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It helps with fevers,
constipation, and warts. It is considered useful in cancer. It boosts the immune system,
works as an antioxidant, and prevents internal clotting of blood. Garlic has a very good
effect on blood pressure, reducing systolic blood pressure by 5.5 percent in studies on 41
men treated for six months. Total cholesterol fell by 6.1 percent. [Ref. American Journal
of Clinical Nutrition 64:866;1996] Hamsters treated with garlic showed an effective
anticancer result. [Ref. Cancer Letters 66(3):207;1992]

Ginger C Along with garlic and ginseng, ginger is one of the most thoroughly
investigated plants. It is a good digestive tonic and anti-inflammatory agent, protects
against ulcers, colds, flu, and heart disease. Its antinausea effect is unrivaled in the plant
kingdom. Use one-quarter teaspoon twice a day for morning sickness in pregnancy.

Ginkgo C The active properties of ginkgo include ginkgolides and bilobalide (lactones)
and bioflavones and flavonols. There is an inhibition of platelet activating factor by these
components, but there are unidentified components that have antioxidant activity.BPlanta
Med. 61:126-9;1995

Suggested uses: memory loss associated with aging, early stages of Alzheimer=s, poor
circulation to the extremities, stroke recovery, ringing in the ears, and early stages of
macular degeneration. Its active ingredients are flavone glycosides. Ginkgo has also
been used for cancer, asthma, pyorrhea, liver disease, cataracts, and for its antiviral
effects. It will dilate blood vessels in the brain and other internal organs. Ginkgo also
helps with vertigo, deafness, and swelling of the legs occurring in the menstrual
period.B . Alternative Medicine Review 1(4):236;1996 Depression can be treated with 80
milligrams three times a day. In one study there was a 50 percent reduction in the
severity of depression after four weeks, and 68 percent reduction after eight weeks.
Ginkgo helps with asthma and can reduce the damage caused by radiation.

Ginkgo biloba administered along with tacrine (a cholinesterase inhibitor) was studied to
determine the effect of cholinergic neuronal activity. It was found that ginkgo extract
increased the cholinergic neuronal activity, indicating a good usage for ginkgo in persons
with memory loss.BDementia 3:304-7,1992

There is a marked increase in alpha wave quality after a single dose of ginkgo in the EEG
pattern as compared to a control substance. After five days of treatment with ginkgo
there was an increase in the quality and activities of not only alpha but theta and beta
waves. There was an increase in amplitude and decrease in latency (lag time between the
stimulus and the onset of waves). The researchers characterized the changes in the EEG
as an enhancement of vigilance and improvement of cognitive skills.BPhytotherapy
Research Compendium by Brown and Yarnell NPRC (Natural Product Research
Consultants), 1996, page 11

Ginseng C This oriental herb has been used as a cancer fighting agent, a muscle builder,
an aphrodisiac and general tonic. It has been observed to cause hypertension,
nervousness, insomnia, painful breasts, and vaginal bleeding.

It can be used to relieve hot flashes. Ginseng increases mental alertness and stabilizes
blood pressure, boosts energy and normalizes the mood, being either a stimulant or
tranquilizer as the need arises.

Glucosamine Sulphate C Glucosamine sulphate is an effective treatment for arthritis,

reducing the degeneration of cartilage. It is helpful in any condition involving tendons,
muscles, or joints. [Make a statement as to source. CLT, AMT]

Golden Seal C Golden seal (Hydrastis) is a herb with many properties, antibacterial,
antiviral and antifungal, but also good for hemorrhage after childbirth and for painful
menstruation. It has anticonvulsive activity in rats and may be helpful in human
epilepsy. It lowers the blood pressure in hypertensive laboratory animals and seems to do
so in man as well. Berberine from golden seal is useful against bacterial diarrhea,
intestinal parasites, and trachoma infections in the eyes. It will reduce fevers in
experimental animals. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties the topical use of
berberine works quite well in psoriasis when applied three times daily. The effect is
slower in onset than the medication Dithranol, but golden seal has no side effects.

Other berberine-containing herbs include barberry, and Oregon grape root. Apply
externally for fever blisters, chronic skin ulcers and various sores (including canker
sores) in vagina, mouth, inside the nose; inflammatory bowel disease; infections (herbal

Gotu kola has been shown to have anti-tumor effects. It is triterpenic acids that have the
cytotoxic effects and show the ability to retard the development of solid tumors,
increasing the life span of tumor bearing mice.BJournal of Ethnopharmacology 48:53-

Grapefruit Seed Extract C This herb is a natural germ killer for bacterial and viral

Green Tea C This herb contains flavonoids, approximately 30 percent of the weight of
the dried leaves. Green tea has a quality of being a free radical scavenger. Applied
externally to susceptible skin (sun exposed areas), it has an effect to prevent skin cancers.
It is hazardous to use, however, because of its caffeine.

Gymnema sylvestre C This herb has been used in controlling blood sugar. It has been
shown to reduce insulin resistance in diabetic rats. [Ref. Diabetes Research and Clinical
Practice 29:11;1995] It also suppresses the desire to eat sweet foods, but this effect lasts
for only one to two hours.

Hawthorn Berries C This herb has been used for the heart and blood pressure, as well as
for an anti-inflammatory agent. It possesses medically active flavonoids.
Persons with congestive heart failure were given exercise tolerance tests on days 7, 28,
and 56 of a study comparing hawthorn berry with Captopril for eight weeks. Nine
hundred milligrams of hawthorn extract, or 37.5 milligrams of Captopril were
administered daily. Both groups showed a 50 percent decrease in shortness of breath and
fatigue after exercise. Very different, however, from Captopril, no serious adverse
effects have ever been reported using hawthorn. Hawthorn is a heart stimulant useful in
angina, a very mild sedative, lowers high blood pressure, and has anti-inflammatory

Hops C Sedative for anxiety, poultices on abdomen for inflamed bowel or skin or soft
tissue abscesses; poultice may be combined with charcoal for greater effectiveness.

Hyssop C Make a strong tea and put it in a vaporizer to prevent a virus from spreading
through the entire family. It has air-purifying properties. It can also be used for an
inhalation therapy for persons suffering with a stopped-up nose from colds or flu. It is a
very mild nervine and can be used in epilepsy along with skullcap. It is particularly good
for children. It is more mild than hops but can be useful in combination with other herbs
to induce sleep.

Jewel Weed
Instructions on how to make a jewel weed extract: (Should this be with liniments, etc.ask
Get three ounces of fresh jewel weed leaves (small stems are fine). Put three ounces of
these small leaves in a blender with four ounces of water and four ounces of grain
alcohol. This makes a very gummy product. Put this product in a tightly capped
container such as an empty cosmetic jar with a good seal. With your fingers spread the
gummy mixture a few times a day on the rash of contact dermatitis such as poison ivy,
until the rash is gone. It is unusually good for poison ivy.

Kava Kava C Anxiety (specific for this disorder), depression, and panic attacks have
been successfully treated with kava kava. It is excellent for this purpose.

Lemon C Suggested uses of lemon include as an antiseptic, for bad breath, asthma, colds
and coughs, infections such as erysipelas, scarlet fever, and diphtheria. It has been used
in congestive heart failure, fevers, rheumatism, scurvy, headaches, for tartar removal on
teeth, to increase endurance, for fatigue, as a douche solution when diluted with water,
and as a help in kicking tobacco and alcohol habits.

Licorice Root C Licorice root increases the effectiveness of the immune system.
Licorice has been used as a cough remedy, and for stomach ulcers, arthritis, herpes,
various types of infections, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. Its effectiveness for the hormone
system is also well accepted. It has been reported to have some ill effects in very large
doses taken for long periods, such as swelling of the ankles and elevated blood pressure,
but we have not seen these effects. It has excellent anti-inflammatory effects. It
stimulates the immune system, and helps normalize the function of any endocrine system
problem such as over or under active thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, testes, pituitary, etc.

Licorice has been suggested for use in burns. Glycyrrhizin, an active constituent of
licorice root, has an effect of inhibiting suppressor T cells (a type of lymphocyte in the
immune system). Suppressor T cells appear increased in burn patients, increasing the
likelihood of infections, and reducing the healing. Licorice root is effective in
suppressing the appearance of these cells, and therefore increases the resistance burn
patients have to infections.BImmunol Cell Bio 71:181-9,1993

Lobelia C This herb can improve digestion, relieve muscle spasms, help with epilepsy,
and induce sleep. In high doses, however, lobelia can cause vomiting, slow breathing,
rapid pulse, coma, and eventually death. The evidences of early toxicity include loss of
appetite and vomiting. Stop using the herb at that point and do not take it again for a
week or longer if symptoms persist. Use a smaller dosage if you must use the herb again.

Melissa (lemon balm) can be used to treat herpes simplex and herpes zoster.
Application of a one percent extract caused reduction in redness and swelling of these
lesions. Lemon balm has also been applied to the skin in cases of bruising, and is as
effective as any other form of application to a bruised area.

Milk Thistle C Silybum marianum C Suggested uses include as an antioxidant,

stimulating the liver to regenerate, protecting against gallstones, and treating psoriasis.

Mint C For stopped up nose in colds or allergies, a drop of mint oil on the collar of a
child=s pajamas will promote free breathing all night. Peppermint oil reduces glucose
absorption, and can be used in diabetes to lower blood sugar and reduce blood sugar
levels.BGut 39:214;1996 Peppermint oil applied to the forehead and temples is a
common traditional herbal headache remedy.

Oregano C The antioxidant quality in oregano is quite high. [Ref. International Journal
of Food Science and Nutrition 47:493;1996] It may be used liberally on foods, or taken
daily as tea or home made capsules.
Passion Flower C A cup of passion flower tea is excellent for inducing sleep.

Pennyroyal C This herb has been used to treat menstrual cramps and to induce abortions
in women whose unborn babies have died but not been expelled. The concentrated oils
of the plant have resulted in at least one documented death. A good lesson to learn from
this case is that the concentrated extracts of the plants, such as the oil extract, should be
used very cautiously if you are not familiar with the oil extract of the herb. Use teas or
tinctures. They are safe.

Red Clover C General tonic, cleanser

Salicylates are found in willow leaves and bark, myrtle leaves, and many other plants,
especially those belonging to the natural order Salicaceae. About one-fifth of a teaspoon
of powdered willow bark taken in water every four hours can successfully treat patients
with fevers. The salicylates will also help to reduce uric acid and can be helpful in gout.

Aspirin, acetyl salicylic acid, has been used for 100 years, since 1897, but the herbs
containing methyl salicylate have been used for centuries, by the ancient Assyrians and
Egyptians.BLancet 350:437;1997 Aspirin causes many deaths each year, but none of the
herbs has ever caused a death.

Sarsaparilla C Sarsparilla can be used to increase the secretion of testosterone for men.
It has also been used in arthritis and as an alterative for eczema and psoriasis. Use it as a
tea internally for all these conditions.

Sassafras C For centuries sassafras has been used as a beverage tea and has been
claimed to have a number of medical benefits such as reducing fever, promoting healing
from infections, and other medical benefits, none actually proven. It has been reported to
cause damage to the liver in high doses or with prolonged use over months or years. The
single use to combat fevers is not harmful.

Saw Palmetto C Has been shown to be quite effective for benign prostatic hypertrophy,
prostatic enlargement or inflammation, chronic prostatitis, and male genital problems.

Senna C The laxative effects of senna are caused by the irritative quality of this herb,
and should probably not be used since there are many gentle and equally effective
laxatives. Senna can rob the body of minerals and has been involved in at least four
deaths according to Newsweek May 6, 1996.

St. John=s Wort C Hypericum perforatum C The active property in hypericum is

Rypericin, a specific pattern of flavonoids, with effects similar to those of anti-
depressant pharmaceuticals which are inhibitors of monoamine oxidase.
It has a long history in treating persons with depression. It also has antiviral activity, but
its most useful application is for depression, anxiety, fear, nervousness, sleeplessness,
etc. St. John=s wort has caused photosensitivity in animals grazing extensively on the
plant. St. John=s wort oil can give temporary relief of minor aches and pains when
massaged into painful areas. You can make your own St. John=s wort oil by filling a
wide-mouth jar with moderately loosely packed fresh St. John=s wort flowers and cover
with olive oil. Leave it in a warm room for three weeks, shaking or stirring the jar daily.
Strain and discard the flowers. The process can be speeded up by putting the mix in the
top of a double boiler for two to three hours, boiling gently. The amount of St. John=s
wort used varies between 500 and 900 milligrams per day. The herb must be taken for
two to four weeks before its mood-elevating effects become most intense. There have
been no reports of toxic reactions, although it has been used extensively in Germany
since 1984. In 1994 it accounted for total sales of over 50 million dollars from
physicians= prescriptions.

As an antispasmodic use St. John's Wort as the tea of the flowers or leaves.

Tea tree oil C Externally: skin infections, fungus nail infections, infected wound
cleanser, antifungal, psoriasis B many uses. Internally: gum infections, sore throats as a
swab, tooth abscess, mouth ulcers.

Tumeric C This herb is an antioxidant and prevents internal blood clots. The active
principle is curcumin. It protects the liver and can prevent damage due to hepatotoxic
drugs. It inhibits the growth of endothelial cells from the umbilical vein and is believed
to have some anticancer properties because of this ability to inhibit cell growth. [Ref.
Cancer Letters 107:109-115;1996] In animals its anti-inflammatory effect and
antioxidant properties have been shown to be effective in preventing cancers of the skin,
stomach, and mouth in laboratory animals. [Ref. Annals of the New York Academy of
Sciences, p.201,1996]

Valerian Root C Comparing valerian to antihistamines and Halcion show valerian to be

as effective as the pharmaceuticals but also to be gentle, safe, and usually without a
morning hangover. In very high doses it can produce some drowsiness the next morning.
[Ref. American Journal of Natural Medicine 2:7;1995]

Active ingredients in valerian are valeric acid, choline, a volatile oil, flavonoids, sterols,
alkaloids, and valerine. Valerian also has antispasmodic effects, relieving menstrual
cramps, and intestinal pain. It can also relieve skeletal muscle pains, bronchial spasm,
and coughs.

Wild Yam C Anti-inflammatory, internally and externally; PMS; menopause symptoms.

Witch Hazel C This herb can be used as a wash or as a poultice for wound infections. It
has a very powerful antibacterial function when combined with echinacea, gotu kola,
chaparral, and astragalus.

Witch hazel can be used for many inflammatory skin diseases, for hemorrhoids, and for
astringent action. The flavonoids and ketones are the active ingredients.

Allergy Formula
Ephedra, lobelia seeds, echinacea, golden seal root, eyebright, horseradish root, nettle
seed, yarrow flowers, kola nut, peppermint oil. Use from one to five of the nine herbs
listed in a single formula. Take one cup of the tea four times a day. The tea is more
effective than commercial pills. Use the peppermint oil to open up nasal passages.

Helpful herbal remedies include ginkgo, mistletoe, hawthorn berry, and ginseng. Put one
tablespoon of the hawthorn and mistletoe in a quart of water and gently simmer for 25
minutes. Remove from heat, add the other two herbs and steep for 30 minutes. Strain.
Add enough water to make one quart. Take one cup four times a day. Make it up fresh

Anti-inflammatory formula:
Comfrey root C 2 tablespoons
Wild yam C 1 tablespoon
Hawthorne berry C 2 tablespoons
Marshmallow root C 3 tablespoons.
Bring two quarts of water to a gentle boil. Add the herbs and simmer for 30 minutes very
gently. Cool, strain and drink throughout the day. Make up fresh every day. Take the
tea daily for two to six months.

Arthritis formula
Burdock two parts, chaparral one part, alfalfa one part, black cohosh one part, echinacea
one part, licorice root one part. Mix these together and put one tablespoon of the mixture
in one cup of boiling water and steep for 30 to 60 minutes. Use only one cup of the tea
the first day, then two cups the second day, three cups the third day, and continue
building up to eight cups a day. If the patient has nausea, headaches, or diarrhea, the
quantity must be reduced. This tea should be used along with barley grass which can be
obtained from Frontier. Use quarter teaspoon the first day and try to build it up to one to
three teaspoons.

Blood Pressure Formula

Hawthorn berry leaf and flower, garlic bulb, cayenne pepper, ginger root, olive leaf,
linden flower, green bean pods, mistletoe herb, dandelion leaf, watermelon seed. A good
combination is hawthorn, ginger root, olive leaf, linden flower, and dandelion leaf. Use
one tablespoon of each. Start by simmering two quarts of water with the hawthorn and
ginger root for 30 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the other herbs. Steep for 30
minutes. Take one cup every two to three hours throughout the day. Garlic should be
taken with meals; the tea between meals.
Blood Pressure Formula B moved from above - V
Mix one part with each of the following: Hawthorne berry leaf or flower, garlic powder,
cayenne pepper, ginger root, olive leaf, linden flower, bean pods, mistletoe, dandelion
leaf, ground watermelon seed.

Common Cold Formula

One teaspoon of elder flowers, one teaspoon of lime flowers, one teaspoon chamomile
flowers added to one pint of freshly boiled water just removed from the heat. Cover and
steep for ten minutes. Drink immediately. Drink one to three cups five times a day for
ten days during a cold or flu.

Diabetes Formula
Onion, garlic, burdock, goat=s rue, gurmar (Gymnema sylvestra), bitter melon or balsam
pear, Korean ginseng, dwarf bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), dandelion, fenugreek and

For diabetic neuropathy use evening primrose oil, devil=s claw, ginkgo, St. John=s wort.

Diabetes Formula - Moved from above - V

Use one part of each of the following herbs you can find to make the formula:
Onion, garlic, burdock, goat=s rue, gurmar (Gymnema sylvestre), bitter melon or balsam
pear, Korean ginseng, dwarf bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), dandelion, fenugreek and
bilberry. Put the dry herbs in a blender and make a fine powder. Use one heaping
tablespoon of the mixture in a quart of freshly boiled water. Set aside for 30 minutes to
steep. Drink one cup four times a day.

Digestive Tonic Formula

Peppermint leaf and flower, sweet fennel seed, and ginger root.

Epilepsy Formula
Black cohosh root, blue cohosh root, blue vervain, skullcap, skunk cabbage root, wild
yam root, lobelia seed pods, and kava kava. Use one part of each herb in the mixture and
make a decoction by simmering gently one tablespoon of the mixture in one quart of
water for 30 minutes.

Flu Formula
Four cinnamon bark sticks, three-inch piece of ginger root slices, one tablespoon of
cardamon seeds. Put in one quart of water and simmer gently for 20 minutes. Remove
from heat and add the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon. Add a bit of honey to taste if
desired. Drink one cup three times a day for seven days during a bout of flu.

Fungus Nails Formulae

Apply daily a vinegar extract of myrrh and calendula made by the following formula:
One pint of vinegar
Two ounces of calendula
Two ounces of myrrh
Mix well and set it aside to soak for three weeks, stirring daily. Use for fungus toenail.

For fungus fingernail:

One pint of DMSO
Half ounce of myrrh
Half ounce of calendula
Soak for three weeks; strain and use on resistant fungus nails.

Fungus Nail Formula (from Mss-B listings)

A vinegar extract of calendula and myrrh may be prepared by putting two ounces of each
in eight ounces of vinegar and allowing it to set for three weeks to develop maximum
strength. The tincture can be used from the very beginning, but strained after three
weeks and stored in a dark bottle.

Formula: one part hawthorn, one part fenugreek, one part horsetail, one-half part passion
flower B Use in the tea form, one teaspoon per cup of boiling water, steeped. Use three
to four cups daily.

Herpes and Other Viral Formula

St. John=s wort flower, lomatium root, lemon balm leaf, hyssop leaf and flower, garlic
bulb, thuja leaf. Tea tree oil and echinacea seed may be used internally or applied with a
cotton swab externally directly to the lesions. Use for shingles, chicken pox and other
viral lesions.

Liver and Gallbladder Formula

Milk thistle, dandelion root and leaf, Oregon grape root, barberry root, artichoke leaf,
beet leaf, wormwood leaf and flower, ginger root, sweet fennel seed.

Use gotu kola, ginkgo and rosemary.

Menstruation, Painful, Formula

Chaste tree one part (can increase hot flashes in menopause)
Wild yam one part
Black cohosh one part
Cramp bark one part
Pain and Headache Formula
White and black willow bark, wild lettuce, feverfew, meadowsweet leaf, St. John=s wort
flower, lavender flower, and periwinkle flower.

Parasite Formula
Wormwood leaves and flowers, sage leaves and flowers, black walnut hulls, pomegranate
root, garlic bulb, pumpkin seed, charcoal powder B one tablespoon in water four times a
day for two weeks.

One part thyme, one-half part fennel, one part black walnut, one-half part Cascara
Sagrada or buckthorn, one part wormwood, one-half part slippery elm powder
Powder these herbs, fill capsules if you prefer, and use four capsules three times a day. If
you prefer, use one teaspoon of the powder mixture three times a day.

Foods for Treating Parasites

Garlic C 1-2 cloves daily, chopped finely into foods
Pomegranate (for pinworms)
Pumpkin seeds (2 or more tablespoons three times daily)
Cabbage, carrots, and onions contain a sulphur compound which helps expel parasites
and worms.

Prostate Formula
Saw palmetto berry, pipsissewa leaf, cleavers, nettle root, thuja leaf, dandelion leaf,
watermelon seed.

Stress Formula
Skullcap, feverfew, willow bark, meadowsweet, valerian, passion flower, kava kava,
catnip, chamomile, cramp bark, fennel, lemon balm, linden flower, motherwort. Mix up
to seven of these herbs and make a tea. Drink one cup at least once a day, and up to four
or five times a day when severe.

Throat Sore, Gargle Formula

Echinacea root, garlic bulb, tea tree oil, peppermint oil in a glass of water with a dusting
of red pepper. Shake well and gargle for at least five minutes three to six times daily as

Charcoal Uses

Charcoal Therapy
The grains of charcoal have many crevices and corners, grooves and channels for the
adsorption of poisons, gases, foreign proteins, body wastes, chemicals and drugs of
various kinds.

Charcoal is recognized as the universal antidote internally or externally for poisoning,

poultices for venomous bites and stings, also for intestinal bloating, gas, indigestion
diarrhea, streptococcal and nonspecific sore throat, infectious skin diseases, allergies,
mouth lesions, pyorrhea, canker sores, peptic ulcers, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn=s
disease, and many other uses.

Every private home should have charcoal on hand as a ready antidote for poisoning, and
as a cleansing and deodorizing agent.

Burned toast or any other food is definitely not charcoal, and should not be substituted. It
is not effective in any condition requiring charcoal. Briquettes used for charbroiling are
not safe for either external or internal use because of additives and methods of storage.

The commercial tablets prevent absorption of a drug or poison by only 48 percent as

compared to pulverized charcoal which is able to prevent absorption by 73 percent.

Care should be used in applying charcoal poultices to freshly broken skin. It is possible
to get a tattooing effect when used on a fresh wound.

Dosage of charcoal
The oral dosage is one tablespoon of powder stirred into a glass of water, four capsules of
activated charcoal, or eight regular tablets taken in the mid-morning and repeated in the
mid-afternoon. Food interferes with its effectiveness. In cholera, give two heaping
teaspoons of pulverized charcoal four times daily, and supplement with one to two and
one-half liters of normal saline.

Charcoal reactions in the intestinal tract

Charcoal reaches its maximal adsorption within one minute. It has also been found that
charcoal does not significantly adsorb nutrients. Syrup of Ipecac and apomorphine both
bring up only about 30 percent of the poison in the stomach. Lavage of the stomach is a
method for treating poisoning, but the use of charcoal is far more effective. Activated
charcoal is very well tolerated, even in amounts up to 100 grams (about three-fourths of a
cupful of pulverized dry powder!) and there is no known contraindication to its use in
acute poisonings. Charcoal is the most valuable single agent currently available for
treating poisonings.

The charcoal poultice

Stir one to three tablespoons of pulverized charcoal into a little water, about one or two
teaspoons. Add more water or more powder until a thick paste is made. Spread, like
buttering bread, over a square of paper toweling of the proper size. Cover with another
square of toweling. Place the poultice on the skin, cover with a piece of plastic that
extends one inch over all edges and cover the entire plastic with an old towel or small
square as the size indicates to catch leaks that may develop. Use a binder of old sheeting
or roller bandage to hold in place, pinning securely. Leave it on for six to ten hours. Rub
the area briskly with a cold washcloth after removing the compress
(Illustration of abdominal poultice p.149)

The poultice can be molded around body parts, such as the ear when treating an earache,
making the poultice fit the side of the jaw, the upper neck, as well as enclosing the ear
lobe and skin behind the ear to the hairline. A sweat shirt snugly pinned can help hold a
charcoal compress against the chest.

(Illustration of ear poultice H.R. p.149)

Charcoal and flaxseed poultice

Mix one tablespoon of charcoal powder in a cup with one tablespoon of flaxseed which
has been ground in a blender. Add 1/3 cup of water and mix thoroughly. Bring to boil,
and use the thick material to spread on a linen piece or folded paper towel, as in the plain
charcoal poultice.

ILLUSTRATION, charcoal poultice p.146
Tylenol (Acetaminophen) poisoning, Aspirin overdose, spoiled food poisoning, bad
breath, anemia of cancer, colostomy and ileostomy odor, such afflictions of the brain as
meningitis and encephalitis; cellulitis of the face, eyelids and ears; otitis media, otitis
externa, intestinal gas, diarrhea, indigestion, peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, and
Activated charcoal can adsorb bacteria, viruses, bacterial toxins, and excess hormones.
Charcoal can be used for old wound dressings, but not for fresh, as it can tattoo skin if it
is freshly broken.
Charcoal will adsorb products of allergies to some degree, and will reduce swelling by
taking up excess tissue fluid and products of inflammation.
Foot and mouth disease virus in a 1 percent suspension can be entirely adsorbed on
charcoal if used in the amount of 10 grams (about one tablespoon) of charcoal per 100
milliliters (one half cup) of fluid.

One of the most welcome uses for charcoal is as an antidote for bites and stings. The
treatment of choice for the brown recluse spider is charcoal. There is no other recognized
treatment except wide surgical excision. There is no known antidote. The brown recluse
spider produces a bite that gives little or no pain at first. In 24 hours a purplish red zone
develops around the bite, and extensive tissue death occurs. It may produce a very deep
and angry ulceration extending down to the bone, which lasts for weeks or months. We
have had three (copied from HR - probably more by now) brown recluse spider bites
successfully treated with charcoal, which produced no ulcerations and only the faintest
purple discoloration after one week. The sooner treatment is begun the better. The
spider is brown and has a fiddle-shaped mark on the back.

ILLUSTRATION, brown recluse spider p.148

In cases of cellulitis and pain a poultice works like a charm.

Neonatal jaundice

ILLUSTRATION of baby nursing charcoal from a bottle

Charcoal can adsorb to a very slight degree gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluids, and
cleaning fluids. Other methods of counteracting these fluids must be sought. Call Poison
Control Center for instructions.

Liver failure or kidney failure should be treated by large doses (two heaping tablespoons
in water every three to four hours) of activated charcoal powder by mouth and by large
charcoal compresses worn each night over the abdomen or back, or both, until the
laboratory tests return to normal, or you find these measures to be inadequate.

Metabolic problems
Serum triglycerides fell an average of 36 percent and serum cholesterol by an average of
67 percent in one study. Itching in patients on longterm dialysis can be relieved by
charcoal by mouth.

Mushroom poisoning has been reported frequently to be handled by large doses of

charcoal by mouth, by enema, and by compress, all used simultaneously.

For abdominal pain use pulverized charcoal on the abdomen as a poultice.
The pain of sore throat, earache, sprains, arthritis, toothache, pleurisy, and all other pains
should be given a trial of charcoal. Nibble charcoal paste for sore throat, mix charcoal
with olive oil and drop it into the ear, use as a charcoal bath, or poultice for sprains,
arthritis, and pleurisy, and as a poultice right against the tooth for toothache. Put
charcoal paste on a one and one-half inch square of paper towel or cotton cloth, put it
directly on the tooth, and gently bite down to hold it in place. Change poultice every
three to four hours.
Theophylline overdose
Charcoal is very effective for theophylline poisoning.


Fever after the birth of a baby was very favorably influenced by intrauterine charcoal
therapy. Make charcoal pencils, as the herb pencils are made, and insert into the cervix.

As materials are secreted from the blood into the gastrointestinal tract, the toxins may be
either digested or reabsorbed into the blood stream. If charcoal is present in the
gastrointestinal tract, the toxic substances adsorb into the charcoal. Charcoal makes a
very efficient cleanser of the blood when taken orally.

Charcoal taken by mouth can assist in bad breath caused by bowel odors, constipation,
allergies, and food odors excreted through the breath. Fats, all dairy products, and many
other foods can be the culprits.

Rinsing the mouth with powdered charcoal will instantly remove all mouth odors, except
that caused by certain foods such as onion or garlic.

We like the following quote from a book written around 1900: "Always study and teach
the use of the simplest remedies, and the special blessing of the Lord may be expected to
follow the use of these means, which are within the reach of the common people."

Kaolin, a white clay, is another material that adsorbs substances from the gastrointestinal
tract. Clay poultices have been used successfully for boils, corns, callouses,
hemorrhoids, ringworm, pinkeye, acne, gangrene, and skin sores and ulcers.

December 27, 2001

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