Grammar Lesson Plan - Task 2

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Grammar Lesson Plan Template

Unit number/Topic: Unit 4 Level: Grade 10 Lesson Length: 50 minutes

Type of lesson: Grammar Teaching Date: Teacher Trainees:

Main aim (s): By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the Past Simple and Past Continuous with when and while.
Subsidiary aim(s): For students to practice intensive reading focusing the forms and meanings of The Past Simple and The Past Continuous.
Personal aim(s): Provide clear instruction and create a motivating environment for learners.
Materials (including sources): English 10, Video, Slides
Assumptions: Students have already learned the forms of the simple past & the past continuous tense.

Anticipated learners’ difficulties/problems with exercises/ tasks: Suggested Solutions:

- Students may mispronounce “ed” ending sounds. - The teacher conducts a pronunciation drill on ED ending after
speaking activities.

Language Analysis
Forms & Examples Meaning Phonology

1. when + Past simple
2. while + Past continuous We use the past continuous for a past action
in the progress (longer action).
Ex1: Frank was practicing his role when the director We use the past simple for an action which
called him into her office. interrupted another action.

Ex2: At 7 o’clock yesterday evening, I was listening to

music while Ann was watching TV.

Stage/Time Stage aim Procedure Interaction Aids

Teacher’s & Learners’ activities
Review(5 Reviewing past Show a video and ask learners to write down verbs in past simple tense as TW/C Video
mins) simple tense many as possible.

Presentation Tell Ss to look at the sentences in 4 in Getting Started. T-W/C Slide

(10 mins) Ask them how when and while are used in these sentences

Look at the sentences with when and while.

Concept questions:
Which actions are shorter? (Came, saw the advertisement); which action are
Which verb tenses do we use ‘when’ or ‘while’?
Which tense do we use for longer actions/shorter actions?
Do we use "when " or "while" with the past simple/Past continuous tense?
Practice (1) Practice in using Ask Ss to do the task 1, page 44 S Book
(5 minutes) Past simple and SS are given 2 minutes to finish the task, then compare their answer with
Past continuous partners.
with “when” and

The teacher nominates Ss to answer.

Feedback 1. was working

2. told
3. were helping
4. realised
Practice (2) Practice using Past Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the sentences: S-S Slide
(*) simple and Past 1. While my mom was cooking, .....
(less continuous 2. When I came home, ....
controlled 3. She was watching while....
practice) 4. They were running at the park when ...
(7 mins)
Feedback Possible answers:
(3 minutes) 1. While my mom was cooking, I was reading books.
2. When I came home, my sister was watching TV.
3. She was watching tv while her brother was listening to music.

4. They were running at the park when it rained.
Production S
(10 mins) (**) - The teacher asks students to narrate a time when you took part in
community activities.
- Students are given 2 minutes to recall or make up a story based on
guided questions:
1. What happened?
2. When did it happen?
3. Where did it happen?
4. What did you do?
5. How did you feel?
- The teacher asks 4 – 5 students to describe their stories in front of the
- The teacher takes notes students’ mistakes.

Feedback The teacher corrects students’ mistakes after listening to students’ talk T-W/C
(5 mins) if there are mistakes related to The past simple and The past
Practice 1: Exercises 1, 2, 3 on pages 131-132
(*) Try to create incomplete sentences & ask learners to complete them by using 3 types of adjective phrases they have learned.
(**) Create your own exercise for learners to practice using 3 types of adjective phrases.

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