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An Early Conception of Inflammation in

the Hippocratic Treatise Diseases I

William H. Adams

VAST LIBRARY OF WRITINGS exists on humoral theories,
including those originating from India, Egypt, and the
Middle East, and the variety of humors, their balance in
maintaining bodily homeostasis, diseases caused by their im-
balance, and therapies to restore balance have been perennially
popular topics. Some trace aspects of humoral theory back to
Empedocles who theorized there were four elements, indestruc-
tible, that composed all substances: water, fire, earth, and air.1
As a structural biological theory his four elements might be
interpreted as representing fluidity (water), energy/metabolism
(fire), tissue (earth), and oxygen (air or πνεῦµα pneuma). There is,
however, no logical progression from the elements of Em-
pedocles to a theory of health and disease. Instead, it is the fifth
century B.C. Hippocratic treatise Nature of Man that provides a
true humoral theory, one with characteristics inherent in man
and comprising bile, phlegm, black bile, and blood. Its compo-
nents were within the body, whereas the Empedoclean com-
ponents were the body. One of the supporting arguments for a
humoral theory is observational in that the author of Nature of
Man had seen a sequential change in vomitus as induced by a
potent (toxic) medicine: the initial appearance of the vomitus he
interpreted as being bile, followed by phlegm, then black bile,

1 W. H. S. Jones, Hippocrates IV (Cambridge [Mass.] 1931) xxvii. The Hip-

pocratic treatises cited in this paper are from the twelve volumes of the Loeb
Classical Library edition. Nature of Man is at IV 3–41; chapters 1–8 discuss
aspects of humors.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207
ISSN 2159-3159
Article copyright held by the author(s) and made available under the
Creative Commons Attribution License

and finally blood, a valid observation if not deduction.2

Like branches of a tree, humoral theories continued to
emerge, as they do even today, for their geometric elegance and
subtle intangibility are an open invitation to philosophic and bio-
logic speculation.3 A Hippocratic example of another humoral
theory is found in Diseases IV in which the humors are phlegm,
bile, blood, and water (rather than black bile). But this paper
deals neither with humoral theory per se nor with its varieties and
legacies, instead being an analysis of the terminology commonly
used in Greek humoral theories and specifically as used in
Diseases I. 4 This Hippocratic work discusses bile, phlegm, blood,
and black bile but does not cite them as humors. By the analysis
offered here, a fundamental physiological process applicable to
all human disease, the process of inflammation, is unmasked at
its most primitive stage of understanding.
The motivation for this analysis stems from a recently com-
piled wordlist of terms useful in translating Hippocratic medical
treatises.5 When the new translations of some of its words were
applied to Diseases I a plausible theory took the place of a fictive

2 Nature of Man 6. The gastric response to a locally ‘toxic’ substance could

indeed have caused, in sequence, bilious (bile) and then mucoid (phlegm)
emesis from gastric irritation which, if sufficiently erosive to gastric mucosa,
could cause superficial bleeding which, if quickly digested by gastric acid,
would have appeared in vomitus as the typical black ‘coffee-grounds’ of
gastritis and thus called “black bile.” Then, should deeper tissue damage
occur, there would be massive hemorrhage (red blood).
3 David Greaves, “Biomedical, Humoral and Alternative Systems of Medi-

cine,” The Healing Tradition (Oxford 2004) 135–148.

4 Diseases I and IV are in volumes V and X of the Loeb (1988, 2012), transl.

Paul Potter, who interprets the “imbalance” of four “moistures” (X 101 ff.) as
giving rise to disease.
5 W. H. Adams, The Natural State of Medical Practice: Hippocratic Evidence

(Maitland 2019) 522–623. The Hippocratic works translated include Prog-

nostics, Aphorisms, Prorrhetic I, The Epidemics, Oath, an excerpt from Aretaeus’ On
Diabetes, and an excerpt from Thucydides’ description of the plague in
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

Hippocratic terminology
As background: Hippocratic physicians had yet to apply avail-
able optics to the study of human tissues, and the cause of many
diseases therefore wanted explanation.6 A nosological frame-
work was required for them to initiate a systematic organization
of diseases that might be useful in prognostication and therapy.
Thus, despite the known importance of the association of certain
diseases with weather, season, and environment and in the ab-
sence of other obvious external physical threats, the idea of an
internal source of disease was entertained. They considered that
humans intrinsically carried what has been termed “promotors”
of disease, especially the classical components “bile” and
“phlegm,” these being translations applied by moderns to
represent Greek χολή khole and φλέγµα phlegma. But have these
translations been accurate?
Bile is highly irritating, and its colors vary from dark green to
yellow. The word is derived from the Latin bilis, used by the
Roman playwright Plautus in attributing a personality trait (or
“temperament”) to “black bile” (atra bilis, Capt. 596). This indi-
cates that by the third century B.C. the Greek χολή as commonly
employed and understood by the general educated public
reflected one’s temperament. χολή finds its root meaning in
“wrath” and “bitter anger,” which also can be considered tem-
peraments. In the Iliad its anatomic location is repeatedly stated
to be in the chest (the source of Achilles’ wrath, 4.513) rather

6 In the Archeological Museum of Rhodes can be seen a series of graded

sixth century B.C. quartz lenses probably used by jewelers, but similar lenses
could have (and I believe would have, given more time) been adapted for
histological study. Examination of lesions and excreta with a lens is merely
an observational extension of the physical examination, and lenses were at
hand. Stone (λίθος) and glass (ὕαλος) describe burning lenses that were avail-
able at apothecaries (Aristophanes Clouds 766–767), and Pliny comments that
physicians use crystals for cautery (HN 37.28 urenda corporum).

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

than the gall bladder, and in the Septuagint, translated into

Koine Greek in the third century B.C., it is associated with bitter-
ness and with a botanical component.7 Linguistic investigation
also indicates an Indo-European etymological association be-
tween χολή and χλοή, the latter being the color “yellow-green.”
Furthermore, bile is not black, and yet the term “black bile”
(µέλαινα χολή) was used to describe other disease states (discussed
below). It is suggested, therefore, that Hippocratic χολή referred
to the biliary system only tangentially at best.
If reference to χολή as gallbladder fluid was unintended by
early Hippocratic authors, perhaps their use of the term was one
of convenience, a euphemism for a substance that, while physi-
cally observable, was likened to a wrathful temperament; it was
bitter and could cause pain or irritation. It also was tinted and
accompanied many diseases. Green-to-yellowish matter is often
seen in pus from wounds, drainage from abscesses, pharyngeal
drainage from infected sinuses and purulent respiratory
catarrhs, diarrheal stools with rapid transit times, jaundiced skin,
and some urine and urine sediments in persons with urinary
symptoms. It is proposed, therefore, that the Hippocratics im-
pressed into service the word χολή to describe two categories of
disease: (1) ξανθὴ χολή (xanthe khole, usually translated as “yellow
bile”) for diseases associated with purulence and local irritation
and (2) µέλαινα χολή (melaina khole, usually translated as “black
bile”) for those that did not display purulence. Supporting argu-
ments are given below. The names had nothing to do with bile.
Indeed, the term χολή could be translated as something like
“greenish-yellowish matter” or “purulence,” but because the
term “bile” is brief and so engrained in our definitions it will
remain in use in this paper.

7 χολή in the Septuagint has been translated as “gall” and is linked to

bitterness. Deuteronomy 29:18 has it as a component of a root, and at 32.32
it is a component of a grape. Elsewhere the Hebrew term rosh, translated as
χολή, refers to a bitter plant, including wormwood and hemlock.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

“Phlegm,” the modern term for mucoid expectoration derived
primarily from the respiratory tract, is the usual translation of
φλέγµα even though the Greek noun and its verb φλέγω signify
“fire/blaze.” The modern use of “phlegm,” however, comes
from Late Latin describing it as moist and cold, those being
classical characteristics of phlegm as one of the humors. Greek
synonyms of “phlegm” include µύξα muxa from which “mucus”
would later be derived, and βλέννα blenna. With such alternatives
why would the modern term “phlegm” be the translation of
φλέγµα, a word derived from fire? Homer had used φλέγµα to
describe an unquestionably fiery “evil flame” (Il. 21.337). Per-
haps φλέγµα was not like our “phlegm” and was perhaps not
even mucoid. There are inconsistencies. Herodotus (4.187.2)
describes it in children as draining from the head, and in Hip-
pocratic works it is described in Aphorisms (7.54) as re-absorbable,
in Nature of Man 5 as something to be vomited, and in Air, Waters,
Places (3, 10) as moist and flowing down from the head. Galen
states that Prodicus concluded there were two types of φλέγµα,
one that was like mucus and the other a denser “cooked” φλέγµα
called from πεφλέχθαι, “to be burned.”8 Aristotle describes it as
“viscous” (or “oily,” λιπαροῦ: Metaph. 1044a20).
It is proposed here that the “fiery” attribution refers to the
biting and bitter nature of, for example, a pathological postnasal
drip, one that is often associated in viral catarrhs with a sore
throat, with the acid reflux of gastric juice into the mouth, with
pharyngeal drainage, cystic fluids of various pathological states
and lesions including hydrocephalus and hydatid cysts, the non-
purulent fluid sometimes present in chronic abscesses and
pleural effusions, and transudates of wounds, blisters, and
eczemas. Thus, φλέγµα was a mix of exudates, transudates, and

8 Vorsokr. 84 B 4. Cf. David Wolfsdorf, “Prodicus on the Correctness of

Names: The Case of τέρψις, χαρά and εὐφροσύνη,” JHS 131 (2011) 131–

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

secretions whose common features were, compared to χολή,

more fluid and not colorful. It is likely that φλέγµα was generally
accepted as having physical characteristics of a mucoid sub-
stance by the time of Herodotus, abnormal in that its fiery nature
was expressed in its association with disease, painful swelling,
and perhaps in taste. This distinction from normal mucus was
made in the Hippocratic work The Sacred Disease (8) and by Prodi-
cus as described above. A unifying term is therefore proposed
for φλέγµα, namely “tissue fluid,” for exudates, transudates, and
secretions can be considered intracellular alterations of tissue
fluid, but “phlegm” is brief and familiar and so will be used
Using the text and context of Diseases I the clinical roles of χολή
and φλέγµα in inflammation can now be addressed by referring
to specific sections.9 What happened when either or both χολή
(bile) and φλέγµα (phlegm) were in the blood? Both were liquids
(20, p.148: ἡ δὲ νοτίς ἐστιν ἀπὸ χολῆς καὶ φλέγµατος), soluble in
and dispersed by the blood or dilution (28, p.172: ἡ γὰρ φλὲψ,
ὅσον ἔνι ἐν αὐτῇ χολῆς καὶ φλέγµατος … µετὰ τούτου µεθίσησι τὸ
πολὺ ἔξω, and ὑπό τε φαρµάκων ποτῶν διαχεῖται). Both were
considered cooler than blood (24, p.162: ψυχρότατον γὰρ τοῦ
ἀνθρώπου φλέγµα, θερµότατος δ’ αἷµα, ψυχρότερον δὲ καὶ χολὴ
αἵµατος) and thus were factors in causing chills. And when blood
was cooled by them and returned centrally in the body to be
heated, more heat energy than normal was required to bring the
mixture up to the normal temperature. The mixture did then
warm up, but perhaps the blood itself, being innately hotter at
baseline, became overheated relative to bile and phlegm when
they were present (24, p.164: καὶ γίνεται τὸ αἷµα θερµότερον αὐτὸ
ἑωυτοῦ πολλαπλασίως). Whatever the mechanism, when the
overwarmed blood was distributed throughout the body it gave
rise to fever.

9 The Loeb edition of Paul Potter, V (1988) 94–183, is cited by section and
then page number.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

Of their site of production in the body Diseases 1 makes no

comment. It is now known that tissue fluid (another medical
designation is “interstitial fluid”) is found throughout the body
and surrounds every individual cell (all 20,000,000,000,000 of
them), whereas the ancient Greek φλέγµα seems to have become
concentrated where there was a problem. The author indicates
that it was the normal systemic moisture, i.e. tissue fluid, and
fluid from blood (plasma) that became clinically important when
it was concentrated (15, p.134: ἀποδιδοῖ πάλιν ἁλές τε καὶ παχύ),
but elsewhere (Sacred Disease 8) it is an “impurity,” although the
same passage paradoxically states it was to be found even in a
fetus. The Hippocratics were aware that bodily constituents re-
quired moisture to function, and perhaps they thought φλέγµα
was not necessarily bad. This makes sense, for one to two quarts
of mucus are produced daily by mucous membranes of the
respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, much of which is involun-
tarily swallowed throughout the day. It seemed to become a
problem only when it was excessive, either locally as in a swollen
abscess, systemically if in all tissues (generalized edema), or if it
was concentrated, thickened, and thereby blocked anatomical
passages. The same could be said of χολή (bile); when dispersed
at low levels there was no problem (28, p.172), but when it be-
came concentrated it produced pain, misery, and heat. There
was some logic, therefore, in the idea that by phlebotomy both
of these agents could be lowered to less dangerous levels and
improve a patient’s status. It is unnecessary to postulate their
removal as a mechanism to repair any ‘imbalance’ of humors. It
is proposed, therefore, that the Hippocratics thought that “bile”
and “phlegm” were not necessarily noxious but could become so
when locally concentrated and/or activated. In this sense they
would be considered enablers of disease, now to be discussed.
Consider as an example a patient with an abscess on his neck.
That abscess is caused by a pathogenic bacterium, often Staphylo-
coccus aureus. The abscess is called the disease, the cause is the
staphylococcus. But if there were no bodily defenses against bac-
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

teria the staphylococcus would proliferate exponentially, invade

deeper, rapidly spread throughout the body, and kill the patient
within hours before any obvious localized physical evidence of
disease was apparent. The body, however, resists infection and
its defenses include inflammation. There is a prompt release of
mediators that dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow near
the site of the bacterial invasion. Many substances are then re-
leased from the blood that limit the local infection, one being
bradykinin, which dilates blood vessels, thereby increasing the
redness of the surrounding area and also making it warm be-
cause blood from deeper tissues is shunted to the affected area.
Bradykinin also makes blood vessel walls more permeable,
thereby permitting easy passage of fluid out of the blood and into
the affected area. While that fluid carries in it many proteins that
help fight the developing infection, the fluid itself leads to local
swelling. Finally, some of those infection-fighting substances,
especially bradykinin, trigger pain receptors and thus cause the
developing lesion to be painful, the value of pain being that the
patient now knows there is a problem with his neck and will at-
tempt to avoid its further injury.
Thus, the four classical features of inflammation identified by
Celsus, namely pain, swelling, redness, and heat, are, on the one
hand an indication that the body’s defense mechanism is at
work, but, on the other hand, in containing the infection it is
producing an abscess which is generally considered the disease.
Ask a patient with an abscess if he has a health problem and he
will answer, “Yes, I have a bad infection,” and he will point to
the abscess. And yet the “abscess” is not the infection; it is the
body’s response to the infecting organism. We cannot blame the
Hippocratic physician for considering an abscess a manifestation
of a disease rather than its containment. We cannot blame him
for thinking that those agents that enabled clinical manifesta-
tions of disease, namely phlegm and bile, were the problem and
should be the object of therapy when in fact they enabled the

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

As bile and phlegm collected at a disease site the author of

Diseases I concluded that the swelling, tenderness, heat, and red-
ness were the consequence of their presence, rather than the
cause. Thus, the Hippocratics not only identified the clinical
features of inflammation (although they did not use a group
name that combined those features in the manner of Celsus, viz.
inflammatio, which is derived from inflammare, “to set on fire”) but
they also designated mechanisms that produced them.10 In
proposing mediators of those actions, pain and heat were caused
primarily by χολή (bile, or greenish-yellow matter), swelling was
caused primarily by φλέγµα (phlegm, or tissue fluid), and those
two fluids were distributed by and squeezed out of the αἷµα
(haima, blood), with the latter, on becoming thicker (παχύνεται),
producing the redness (hyperemia) associated with inflammation
(20, p.148). Importantly, the absence of any discussion of the
three substances in the context of a humoral theory relegates
such theories to irrelevance at the time of, or in the mind of, the
author of Diseases I. Furthermore, the idea of an imbalance is not
raised in the text, although it is discussed in detail in another
Hippocratic treatise, Nature of Man, where its importance to
humoral theories was analyzed by Jacques Jouanna: “Good
health is defined as the balance and mixture of humors, whilst
their imbalance and separation is the cause of disease.”11
The cardinal features of inflammation named by Celsus can
be compared to the equivalent Hippocratic ‘promoters’ of in-
flammation and to two major components of the inflammatory
process identified by modern science:

10 Celsus (1st cent. A.D.) De medicina 3.10 on inflammation. At proem. 15 he

states that the Hippocratics used the term φλεγµονή phlegmone as the equivalent
of his inflammatio, but see Adams, The Natural State 13, for an opinion to the
contrary, that φλεγµονή is properly translated as a “localized soft-tissue swell-
11 Jacques Jouanna, “The Legacy of the Hippocratic Treatise The Nature of

Man: The Theory of the Four Humours,” in Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to
Galen (Leiden 2012) 335–359, at 335.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

Celsus: dolor tumor calor rubor

(pain) (swelling) (heat) (redness)
Hippocratics: Bile Phlegm Blood Blood
(purulence) (tissue fluid) (heat) (redness)
Modern: Bradykinin Histamine
(pain) (increased vascular permeability
and local blood flow)
From this list it can be discerned that the terms provided by
Celsus are descriptive, whereas the Hippocratic components are
mechanistic. Modern mediators of inflammation are more spe-
cific and include bradykinin, which triggers pain receptors, and
histamine, which causes increased vascular permeability and
vascular dilation that increases local tissue fluid and increases
blood flow that causes redness and warmth. Both bradykinin and
histamine are often cited in simplistic descriptions of acute
inflammation in the body’s response to bacterial invasion, al-
though the entire mechanism of inflammation, including its
cellular responses, is exceedingly complex. The components,
stages, systems, and processes that are triggered, stimulated,
regulated, retarded, and resolved in the inflammatory process
number in the thousands and encompass the panoply of human
Black bile
Yet to be considered is the special case of the enigmatic “black
bile.” Clinical effects of black bile have been viewed as of
mysterious origin, one of the options posed by Vivian Nutton, or
perhaps “black bile” was considered the ancient equivalent of
today’s “idiopathic” as applied to diseases without a connection
to any known cause, of which there are many.12 The first men-
tion of black bile as a humor in the Hippocratic corpus is in

12 For a scholarly review of the many and complex versions of humoral

theory see Vivian Nutton, Ancient Medicine (New York 2005), ch. 5, especially
for the concept of “black bile.” He also has documented the rise to prom-
inence of humoral theory following the writings of Galen (130–210 A.D.) in
“Humoralism,” in W. F. Bynum et al. (eds.), Companion Encyclopedia to the
History of Medicine (London 1993) 281–291.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

Nature of Man. In Diseases I, however, µέλαινα χολή melaina chole is

not identified as a humor but is associated with a non-
inflammatory disease and is translated as “dark bile” by Potter.
Furthermore, it is mentioned only once (3, p.104) where it is
stated to be a cause of stroke (mechanism, appearance, and
source not identified) with necrosis of part of the brain. The color
was unlikely to have been black, however, and black/brown/
sepia, colors of cephalopod inks, better cover the range if in-
tended by the Hippocratics for damaged/dead nonpurulent
tissue. It may be no coincidence, therefore, that cephalopod ink
is one of the translations for χολή listed in LSJ. The common
feature of “black bile” pathology, therefore, may be diseased
tissue in the absence of inflammation, whereas bile, phlegm, and
blood are all mentioned in relation to diseases associated with
signs of inflammation.
Thus, black bile could have caused, in Hippocratic thinking,
diseases due to ischemia or infarction with secondary necrosis or
gangrene. Its stiffening might have been thought sufficient to
occlude blood vessels as is described in Regimen in Acute Disease
(Appendix) 7 and implied in Airs, Waters and Places 10. Although
twelve categories of diseases, including “melancholy” (µελαγχο-
λία), are listed in proximity to the mention of black bile in
Diseases I (3 p.104), as implied by the phrase ἀπὸ τῶνδε and as
pointed out by Jouanna, there is no clinical association that
could have been intended by the ancient author.13 Although the
author of Diseases I barely mentions black bile, from the brief
reference plus information at hand from other Hippocratic
sources it is tentatively proposed that the Hippocratics con-
sidered black bile to be a cause of what they considered non-
inflammatory diseases, with vascular occlusion (infarction) and
its associated death of tissue as one of its mechanisms.
Modern analogies
There are other concepts hinted at in the Hippocratic descrip-
13 Jouanna, “At the Roots of Melancholy: Is Greek Medicine Melan-
cholic?” in Greek Medicine from Hippocrates to Galen 234.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

tions in Diseases I relevant to inflammation. (1) Fever was

triggered by the delivery to the body core of excess φλέγµα and
χολή from the site of inflammation, similar to the modern view
of exogenous pyrogens from bacteria at a peripheral site of in-
fection being circulated to a central locus (the hypothalamus in
the brain) which in turn induces fever. (2) Like bile and phlegm,
a static collection of blood was thought to decompose and then
evolve into purulence (14, p.126; 17, p.136; 19, p.140), an
indication that bile, phlegm, and blood can each be a focus of
disease in certain situations, but only if they are concentrated
and cannot be drained. This Hippocratic association of stasis
with secondary infection remains today an everyday considera-
tion on surgical wards. (3) Most remarkably, mechanisms pro-
posed by the Hippocratics permitted the body to control and
limit its own response to inflammation:
(a) The heat resulting from the activation of or action by
bile/phlegm could then enable their dispersion (20, p.146:
σκίδναται ἀνὰ τὸ σῶµα πᾶν).
(b) Blood flow delivered bile and mucus to a lesion, but, the
flow being increased, it also could disperse excessive bile/
phlegm throughout the body so that the diluted and cooled
bile/phlegm levels that resulted were no longer pathogenic
(20d, p.146: ἕλκουσι γὰρ αἱ φλέβες µᾶλλον τῶν σαρκῶν).
(c) The blood, by dispersing a focus of phlegm and bile
throughout the tissues and under the skin, eliminated them in
the sweat, and local heat evaporated some so that their vapor
could be eliminated in the breath (7, p.112; 25, p.164: καὶ σὺν
τῷ πνεύµατι µισγόµενον ἔξω χωρέει).
(d) There is an implication that a shortened transit time of
bowel contents might lead to expeditious excretion of “pus”
(15, p.134: τὸ πῦον τὰ ἐπιρρέοντα κακὰ ἢ τὰ ἀπορρέοντα).
The concept of feedback and self-limiting control mechanisms
in biology is a relatively new, mainly twentieth-century, phe-
nomenon, but it was hinted at in the mechanisms proposed by
the Hippocratics: the increased heat led to a decrease in phlegm,
one of the causes of the heat; the blood that transported bile and
phlegm to the injured area could also transport them away from
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

the area if their quantity became excessive because of increased

blood flow through dilated blood vessels; their pathologic con-
centration could thereby be reduced by peripheral dilution and
excretion, thus mitigating their local effects; and the bowel, al-
though adversely affected by pus, expedited its excretion.
In conclusion, by interpreting χολή and φλέγµα as “greenish-
yellow matter” (or nascent “purulence”) and “tissue fluid,” re-
spectively, rather than gallbladder bile and phlegm, a believable
concept of inflammation has been exposed. Early Hippocratic
physicians were devising a framework, a work in progress, that
supported a plausible explanation for their clinical observations
of various disease states. They impressed familiar terms into
service to explain their clinical observations. Concurrently, how-
ever, some of those same terms were being applied by others to
theoretical constructs of human health and disease commonly
referred to in the aggregate as humoral theory. Diseases I does
not use the word “humor” (χυµός), but three substances discussed
herein (bile, phlegm, and blood) are fluid and thus might be
considered a precursor of humoral theory. But in no sense are
these substances in balance with one another. And in section 2a
the author of Diseases I identifies only bile and phlegm as causa-
tive of internal disease, a further segregation of early Hippocratic
thinking from humoral theory. Finally, the focus of this paper
has been on individual substances and their locally observed
responses to an inciting event (e.g., an infecting agent). In other
words, the focus has been on local causation of disease, not
systemic maintenance of health. What Diseases I makes clear is
that the distinguished reputation of Hippocratic medicine rests
in no way on a humoral theory, and that subsequent promoters
of such theories would have had no story to tell had they not
appropriated the terminology of Hippocratic insights for the
verbiage of humoral theory.

February, 2024 Cooperstown

[email protected]

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 64 (2024) 195–207

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