1.2 Từ có 2 âm tiết

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Stress Course 2021

Lesson 1: Bài tập trọng âm từ 2 âm tiết – No.2

I. Choose the word which has different stress from the others.
1. A. retire B. compete C. announce D. trophy
2. A. promote B. defeat C. hero D. postpone
3. A. involve B. honor C. final D. nation
4. A. district B. control C. global D. cover
5. A. sickness B. cancer C. purpose D. conserve
6. A. result B. hardly C. method D. farmer
7. A. farmer B. farewell C. happy D. fairy
8. A. cattle B. country C. canal D. cover
9. A. money B. machine C. many D. mother
10. A. borrow B. agree C. await D. prepare
11. A. suggest B. manage C. visit D. listen
12. A. decide B. educate C. supply D. provide
13. A. ocean B. divide C. modem D. water
14. A. shortage B. complete C. release D. increase
15. A. seafood B. pollute C. mammal D. proper
16. A. destroy B. planet C. farmer D. forest
17. A. endanger B. invade C. invite D. fauna
18. A. solemn B. express C. succeed D. event
19. A. anthem B. lyric C. excite D. celebrate
20. A. cartoon B. fiction C. fascinate D. horror
21. A. voyage B. suppose C. tragic D. iceberg
22. A. table B. tourist C. tunnel D. today
23. A. morning B. fifty C. fifteen D. August
24. A. mistake B. thoughtless C. become D. remove
25. A. darkness B. writer C. attack D. lucky
26. A. passport B. well-dressed C. raincoat D. suitcase
27. A. exhaust B. expect C. extra D. except
28. A. discharge B. honey C. decide D. appoint
29. A. captain B. belong C. respect D. avoid
30. A. approve B. foreign C. master D. woman
31. A. because B. bedside C. behind D. between
32. A. language B. nation C. private D. themselves
33. A. address B. approach C. other D. respect
34. A. belong B. involve C. people D. enjoy
35. A. hockey B. involve C. review D. select

Tài liệu lưu hành Anh ngữ Sao Mai Ms Huong: 090.730.5858 – 096.2062525 1
Stress Course 2021
II. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words:
1. a. paper b. police c. people d. purpose
2. a. damage b. destroy c. demand d. deny
3. a. ancient b. attack c. alive d. across
4. a. person b. purpose c. possess d. pirate
5. a. ruler b. river c. retire d. rapid
6. a. sentence b. suggest c. species d. system
7. a. attack b. defeat c. believe d. happen
8. a. release b. pleasure c. leaver d. creamy
9. a. spaceship b. planet c. solar d. surround
10. a. brilliant b. daily c. extreme d. protein
11. a. appoint b. gather c. threaten d. vanish
12. a. button b. canal c. failure d. monster
13. a. disease b. humour c. cancer d. treatment
14. a. persuade b. reduce c. offer d. apply
15. a. farmer b. farewell c. factory d. fairy
16. a. cattle b. country c. canal d. cover
17. a. money b. machine c. many d. mother
18. a. borrow b. agree c. await d. prepare
19. a. cannon b. chaos c. culture d. direct
20. a. Easter b. festive c. rename d. harvest
21. a. highlight b. enjoy c. reverse d. review
22. a. invest b. major c. perform d. machine
23. a. leather b. account c. adapt d. decide
24. a. answer b. believe c. rely d. decrease
25. a. police b. result c. correct d. traffic
26. a. funny b. pretty c. lucky d. alone
27. a. breakfast b. pepper c. hotel d. ticket
28. a. parade b. copy c. replace d. arrive
29. a. darkness b. warmth c. market d. remark
30. a. begin b. comfort c. apply d. suggest
31. a. direct b. idea c. suppose d. figure
32. a. revise b. amount c. village d. desire
33. a. standard b. happen c. handsome d. destroy
34. a. provide b. product c. promote d. profess
35. a. desert b. retail c. reform d. attract
36. a. product b. produce c. promise d. professor
37. a. fancy b. portrait c. endless d. require
38. a. accuse b. admire c. enter d. deny
39. a. remind b. purpose c. direct d. consult
40. a. police b. teacher c. mother d. pilot
Tài liệu lưu hành Anh ngữ Sao Mai Ms Huong: 090.730.5858 – 096.2062525 2

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