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Note – Dear students, Kindly take print-out of this Worksheet and complete your

A- Fill in the blanks using appropriate answers. ( GRAMMAR ON Worksheet)

1. Our thoughts and worries ________(hide) the true essence of our happiness.
2. Due to the irrational use of natural and biotic resources of the Earth in the past,
most of the wildlife _______(destroy) beyond retrieval.
3. _____________(determine) story, to engage the interest of the readers, must
include mystery and adventure.
4. The Chennai region _________(top) for the second consecutive year with 96.18%
of students clearing the CBSE exam in 2010.
5. Children their parents____________ (love) picnics and outings with their parents.
6. ________(can) you give me a glass of water? I'm thirsty.
7. I_____ (will) like to talk about the great scientists on this auspicious day.
8. Do __________(any/some) of you like pasta? I am thinking of ordering two plates.
9. One ____________(ought to/must) help the old and needy people.
10. Would you have ________(a/an/the) one-rupee coin?
11. One day while entering through the gates of the palace, one of the guards
______(stop) him from entering further.
12. Two-thirds of the art supply________ (use) for the week
13. When I went to his house, he......... (leave) for work.
14. You didn't eat __________(much/more) did you?
15. How _______(many/much) kilograms of rice would you need?
16. Very_______ (few) people are as talented as Sam.
17. ________ (Either/Neither) of the two boys has taken the book. Both of them were
present there when the book got missing.
18. "Where did you go for the holidays - Andaman or Goa?" "We went to .....(both/all).
Four days in Andaman and a week in Goa."
19. ____ (Can) you bring me those papers that I left on the table?
20. She _______(live) in Delhi for the past few months as she got transferred to the
Delhi head office.

B. Identify the error and supply correction.

1. I have been living here since I am born.

2. The boys did much acts of mischief.

3. There are less books here than we thought.

4. Rosie watched the movie and cries out loud.

5. If I will get better job, I will buy a car.

6. Every day, I waking up late.

7. How must one gain proficiency in any language?

8. Demonetisation refer to an economic policy where a certain currency unit leases

to be used as a legal tender.

9. Crime and punishment are rather a thrilling and interesting book.

10. The poor subordinates are made scapegoats by there superiors.

C. Answer the following questions in about 100-120 words. (The answers of these
questions must be done in Note – book. )

1. How does the Character of Lencho inspire us to have faith in God and remain
calm in difficult situation?
2. Freedom is inconsequential if it is behind bars of prejudice narrow
mindedness. Explain this statement with examples of real world.
3. If you had been in the place of Mandela, what could you have done?
4. Imagine Robert Frost from A Dust of Snow ‘met Lencho from “ A letter to God
‘and discussed the various ways nature can influence a person’s mood.
Create a conversation between Lencho and Robert Frost. You may begin this
way : Lencho: As a farmer, my livelihood depends on nature and sometimes
nature can be cruel.
5. Imagine that Nelson Mandela read ‘Fire and Ice,.As Nelson Mandela write a
diary entry associating the impact of the troubled history of South Africa with
the idea expressed in the poem.

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