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Committee Topic Country

: General Assembly : Partition of Sudan : Brunei Darussalam

After announced statement of Sudanese President al-Bashir on 9 February 2004 that obtaining the progress to end conflict in Darfur, another issue but related, that emerges in line with the crucial political disputes among Sudanese people divided in two strongholds; Northern and Southern. It would be an umpteenth of separation phenomena in African land. Killing, burning, discrimination, looting, violence, genocide and intimidation so all of criminal conduction were arising and caused many factors to break the regional security and abused the allocation of governmental budgetary in supply of weapons. This is a look of the darkness and possibly could raise the number of terrorists. Spreading of terrorism influences the stance of Islamic Countries, such Negara Brunei Darussalam or the country with Moslem domination. But essentially, the core of hostility that has to be discussed together in international community is the effect of partition of Sudan as domestic problem. Causal Factors Roots of the dispute are inequality of governing mechanism caused by the diverse of ethnic, religion, and region, also culture which are both strongholds naturalized by different substances. As Northern, the customs of people in carrying out their life are adopted from Islamic values and laws. In another line, Southern is dominated by Christians. But the significant clashes between Arab militia and Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) caused several deteriorating impacts for welfare of civil societies. Among international community, a clash of option is not able to be avoided because of high political interest underlying their action to undergo their foreign policy in responding the partition in Sudan. The cross option is stated by Egypt and Libya. Both suppose that Northern and Southern to stay united. So other opted that partition of Sudan is allowed but even monitored by related elements. Policy Signing establishment of UNMIS (United Mission in Sudan) which would be complete its mission by the end of April 2011 and UNAMID (United Nations-African Union Hybrid Operation in Darfur) 2007 showed that Brunei Darussalam support peace deal in African region, and for this context, Sudan is being our focus. But we see different to promote UN in conducting with no more intervention within because of the reality of dispute exists domestically. Although there is a need of international reaction, just for supplying goods and disarming movement, also supposing the closing countries in Africa not to benefit this phenomenon and monitor the implementation of referendum. So we believe in right of governing should be prominent that we have to keep. And that will resolve as fast as we hope. Proposals To United States of America, we argue that would be threatening perspective within Sudanese if the state sends more intervention. To all of member of Committee, we ask to receive Sudanese partition as the domestic problem and have the special jurisdiction that we have to honor and together help Sudan with our openness. To African countries, we hope to be able to monitor Sudan in referendum implementation and its justice.

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