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Art Appreciation 2.

Fine Art – HAVE NO FUNCTION other than

providing aesthetic or intellectual stimulation to
Etymology and Definition of ART the viewer.
Art – it is a skill of doing something. Examples: drawing, painting, sculpture
 derived from a Latin term “ars”, which Decorations, displays
means skill, talent or ability. Has no utility
 expression of the creative skill and
imagination = capacity to imagine Three Parts of a Work Art
Art, Philosophy, language, Literature, 1. Subject – image that you can easily identify
Music, Religion, History
Art is the center of the seven fields Ang una nga makita nimo kay makabalo
because this provides enhancement of dayun ka sa subject
the individual. Two Types of Subjects of Art
a. Representational Art – Reality (makit-
Functions of Art (PSP) an nato sa paligid)
 Art as PERSONAL – self-expression or b. Non-Representational Art – do not
gratification rely on representation; departure from
(1) Gusto nimo i-express imong reality
feelings and thoughts Dili tinuod
(2) Coping Mechanism Based ra siya sa imagination
(3) Earn Money/Commission 2. Form - overall organization of the artwork;
 Art as SOCIAL – opposed to one elements of art
person’s point of view
Naa kay gikalaban/gikontra pero Porma
makatabang sa society.
3. Content – emotional and intellectual messages
 Art as PHYSICAL – created to perform
of an artwork.
some service.
Ginawa ang art kay naa siyay Message sa art
pulos/silbi. Meaning of an artwork
Ex. Fijan war club- pangbokbok sa
ulo/sa kontra ARTIST and ARTISAN

Classifications of Art  Artist – learn to sketch and begin with a

pencil and sketchpad
1. Verbal Nagadrawing
Make-up artist
 Literature – prose or poetry
Tattoe artist – Whang Od
 organization of words; accessible art
 Artisan – make practical artistic products
 Oratory – public speaking
such as earrings, urns, stained glass and
2. Non-Verbal – walay words and languages other accessories.
Examples: architecture, fashion, design, Sculptures
weaving, ceramics (pottery), and photography Weaver- Lang-dulay
(capture still images)
Form and Composition
3. Mixed
1. Two-Dimensional Art – width and
Examples: theater and drama, opera, cinema, height/length
and performing arts (Singing and Dancing)
 decorative spaces or plastic faces
Major Classifications  only bound to work within the frame
1. Applied Art – refers to the application (and kailangan pa ipapilit
resulting product) of artistic design to A. Painting – applies colors to surfaces
UTILITARIAN OBJECTS in everyday use. using paint brush, painting knives, or
Examples: architectural, textiles, furniture rollers.
Pigments + Painting brush = Paintings
Common Painting Techniques  Archetypal Renaissance man
Sistine Chapel ceiling, Creation of
 Watercolor – done on the paper; water-
Adam, Pieta
based solutions
 Fresco – color dries into the plaster Famous Filipino Painters:
(secco, gaseal sa secco)
o Fernando Amorsolo
Moist plaster surface with colors
ground in water Grand Old Man of Philippine Art;
The wall for tempera is prepared using First National Artist (1972)
lime paste Impressionist painter
 Tempera – mixed with eggyolk or egg Sikat na Painting: Dalagang
white Bukid
 Pastel – stick with dried paste to provide o Carlos “Botong” Francisco
richness onto the subject. Painter of Fisherfolks in Angono
hard to maintain the vibrance Rizal
dili magdugay, makuspaw ra Famous Mural Painting in Manila
 Encaustic – wax colors with fix heat → o Juan Luna (During Spanish Regime)
blower he earned gold medal at the
 Oil Painting – heaviest of the painting Exposicion de Bellas Artes
mediums; mix with “linseed oil”. Spolarium
dries slowly 2. Three-Dimensinal Art – real depth
Ex. Starry Night – Vincent
Vangough  Viewed across different angles
 Acrylic – synthetic paint is mixed with  plastic arts not plastic spaces
acrylic emulsion makastand on their own; Ex. Architecture
 Easel painting – portable support such as
A. Architecture
a panel or canvas
Magpaint ka, mogamit kag stand  art of designing and constructing
 Mural painting – painting done on a large buildings; build structures
Ex. Pader sa eskwelahan Eight Wonders of the World
Vandalism – street art 1. Great Wall of China – Qin and Ming dynasty
Graffity – spray painting (21,196 kilometers)
 Relief – images are raised on the surface
nagauslig, nagbogdo, nag-aangat Ang architecture sa China kay resilient →
nindot gihapon
Famous Renaissance Artists:
2. Chizen Itza – Mayan City in Mexico
A. Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) – Florence,
Italy 365 steps – solar year; advanced
astronomical knowledge
Works: Fortitude, The Birth of
Venus 3. Petra – Jordan’s southwestern desert
 Yaga-yaga MEMO: Married kay Venus
“Rose City” – UNESCO ang nagpangalan
anak kay si Fortitude, nagpuyo sa
Florence, Italy 4. Machu Pichu – Peru
B. Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) unparalled achievement → hindi pantay-
 epitome of a Renaissance man
architecture; land use → makikita sa
Works: The Last Supper, Monalisa,
toktok ng bundok
Vitrovian Man
Inca civilization legacy → giabandon kay
C. Raphael Sanzio (1483-1520) gisakop sa Espanyol

 perfection and grace in his artwork; 5. Christ the Redeemer – Mount Corcovado in
MASTER Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Works: School of Athens
130-foot statue designed by Heitor da
D. Michelangelo Bounarroti (1475-1564) Silva Costa
365 tons → kabog-aton niya Father of Philippine Sculpture
Obliation, Bonifactio Monument
6. Colosseum – Rome Italy
2. Napoleon Abueva
ancient amphitheater; hosting gladiatorial
contests  Father of Modern Philippine Sculpture
public executions; katong ¼ nga Nawala Works:
Judas’ Kiss and The Transfiguration
7. Taj Mahal – India (Form of Gift)
3. Eduardo Castrillo
marble; Emperor Shah Jahan → ang
nagpabuhat ani  Famous of landmark sculptures
Mumtaz Mahal → ang wife niya, ang iyang Ex. People power monument
gihatagan ani
C. Textile Arts
8. Angkol Wat – Heart of Cambodia
 Use plant, animal, or synthetic fibers to
Pompeii Italy →kalaban niya sa pag-ilog construct practical or decorative objects.
sa 8th place
Textile Arts in the Philippines
Famous Filipino Architects
1. T’nalak
1. Juan Nakpil
– T’boli tribe in South Cotabato
 First national artist for architecture (1973)
2. Pis-yabit or Seputangan
Father of Philippine architecture;
Renovated Quiapo Church – Tausugs of Sulu usually used as head
Gregoria De Jesus – mama niya; asawa coverings
dati ni Andres Bonifacio
Julio Nakpil – papa niya 3. Ikat

2. Leonardo Locsin – Ifugao style; dyeing process

 CCP (Cultural Center of the Philippines 4. Dagmay

 PICC (Philippine International – Mandaya; making it involves a mud-
Convention) dyeing technique
B. Sculptures 5. Inaul
 used are clay, glass, plastics, wood, – Means weaved; Maguindanaon
stone, or metals.
6. Banig
Techniques used in Sculpture
– Basey, Samar; over strips of materials to
1. Carving – cutting away (kuhaan aron makabuo make unique geometrical designs.
og structure)
7. Puso
2. Modeling – adding (dugangan og clay)
– old method in food preparation; putting
shaping materials rice into it
3. Casting – creating a form (with the use of D. Technological Media
molding); pouring liquid material
 new media technologies, comprising
Ex. Maniquin → product of casting virtual art, computer graphics, computer
4. Assemblage – joins together (nagassembleya) animation, digital art, etc.

5. Molding – “moulding”; shaping materials 1. Photography

(nacreate na, nabuhat na) – capturing optical images
Famous Filipino Sculptures First camera in history –
1. Guillermo Estrella Tolentino First old camera – “Kodachrome”
 First National Artist for Sculpture (1973)
2. Films 6. Value – chiaroscuro; lightness or darkness of
a color
– Most advance art; including MOVEMENT
A. Tinting – light values; add White Color
3. Computer Arts
B. Shading – dark values; add Black
– Computers now also have a plethora of Color
software applications to create art such Ex. Pink is a tint of red, maroon is a shade
as: of red.
Adobe, Photoshop, Affinity Designer, Clip
C. Color – property of light
Studio, Paint Pro, Art Weaver, Art Rage,
and etc. When the light goes out, color goes with it.

For Personal Study/Supplementary Dimensions of Color

Materials 1. Hue – name of color
Elements of ART 2. Intensity – brightness/darkness of a color
1. Line – created by a point of moving 3. Value – lightness/darkness of a color
One-dimensional – width, direction, length Color Wheel
Types of Line 1. Primary Colors – blue, red, yellow
o Vertical Lines – height, strength, dignity, 2. Secondary Colors – green, orange, violet
Ex. Petronas Towers 3. Intermediate Colors – mixing a primary and
o Horizontal Lines – width, distance, secondary color
calmness, stability
Color Schemes
Ex. Horizon
o Diagonal Lines – action, lack of stability 1. Monochromatic Colors – different shades of
Ex. Leaning Towers of Pisa one color
o Zigzag Lines – excitement, fear, anxiety,
2. Complementary Colors – placed next to each
color – create strongest contrast for those two
Ex. Sydney Opera House
o Curved Lines – comfort and ease;
sensual quality of the body Also called “opposite colors”
Ex. Sofa chair
3. Analogous Colors – very similar to each other
2. Shape – objects in space
Principles of Design
2 Dimensions – height and width
1. Harmony – impression of unity
3. Form – objects in space
2. Rhythm – indicates movement
3 Dimensions – height, with, and depth
3. Balance – combining elements to add a feeling
A. Geometric – mathematical bases of equilibrium or stability
B. Free Form – irregular in structure; 4. Emphasis – to carry the eyes from the center
combinations of curves and angles of interest or dominant part
4. Space – outer and inner spaces 5. Proportion – relationship of certain elements
to the whole
A. Positive Space – subject/areas of interest
in an artwork 6. Variety – diversity or contrast
B. Negative Space – background/area that Using different: shapes, sizes, colors
surrounds the subject of the work
5. Texture – surface quality of an object; sense
through touch hard, soft, rough, smooth, hairy,
leathery, sharp, etc.
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
1. Great Pyramid of Giza
 Only surviving ancient wonder
was built by: Egyptian pharaoh Khufu
2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
 built by King Nebuchadrezzar II for his
3. The Temple of Artemis of Babylon
 most famous was the statue of Artemis
made of Gold
4. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
 carved from ivory, on a throne of
created by Greek sculptor Phidias
5. Mausoleum at Halicarnasus
 built as a tomb for Mausolus, a governor
in the Persian Empire
6. Colossus of Rhodes
 people of Rhodes built sun of god Helios
7. Lighthouse of Alexandria
 located in the island Pharos in the harbor
of Alexandria
the lighthouse is the most famous in the

Additional !
 build structures – Architecture
 additive process – Modeling
 kind of art that is documentary – film
 pigments – painting
 detailed painting stage wall – mural
 mixing egg yolk – tempera
 2 Dimension (not characteristic) –
has dimension deep

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