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Midterm Major Output

Aspe, Judielle Angela C.
Villamor, Hajin Leo
Lim, Niccolo
Macascas, Juspher Joel
Parane, Gabriel
Olimpain, Norhan Subject: Theology 4
Leader: Aspe, Judielle Angela Schedule: Days / Time
 Villamor, Hajin Leo
 Lim, Niccolo
 Macascas, Juspher Joel
 Parane, Gabriel
 Olimpain, Norhan

“Project proposal”
I. TASK #1

A. Environmental Issue

(What is happening in the Philippines? Why did it happen? Include the cause and effect. Do this
in paragraph form.)

The island nation of the Philippines suffers from severe air and water pollution. Air
quality is deemed moderately dangerous, exceeding World Health Organization (WHO)
standards by more than twice.

This dangerous trend is caused by a variety of causes, including car emissions,

industrial activity that emits pollutants, and a significant reliance on fossil fuels such as coal for
electricity generation (Interactive Country Fiches, 2023). Furthermore, the extensive use of
solid fuels for cooking in households contributes to air pollution. The effects of this
environmental deterioration are serious. Air pollution is predicted to cause tens of thousands of
premature deaths per year and economic losses of more than 1% of GDP (Pollution/Philippines,
2023). The contamination of water is another emerging problem. Unregulated mining,
inappropriate waste disposal techniques, and agricultural runoff all contribute to water pollution
and harm to marine habitats (Pollution: Philippine Clearing House Mechanism, n.d.).

These difficulties need a multifaceted approach to creating a cleaner and healthier world.
The Philippines must migrate to cleaner energy sources, impose stronger rules on industry and
waste management, and promote cleaner cooking alternatives for homes.

Midterm Major Output

4-5: The group demonstrates good research.
1-3: Needs more research.
0: No answer or no output.

5: The essay has a strong structure, logical flow, and clear progression of ideas.
3-4: The essay has a weak structure, but an understandable thought process.
1-2: The essay was wandering, incoherent, or unorganized with little agreement between ideas.
0: No answer / no output.

B. Solutions of the Catholic Church

(What do the Doctrine of the Church, the Bible, and the Pope/saints/theologians say about the
issue? Do this in paragraph form.)

Taking care of God's creation is always our top priority because climate change can
have an impact on us and others. Pollution is our main issue because people always do
something bad about our environment because they don’t care about God’s creation.

That's always our main problem when the act of God happens. From the manufacturing
companies and businesses that always do something bad to our community, having their plastic
waste thrown into the water and causing black smoke that damages our air quality, especially
our ozone layer, in our country there's flooding and an increase in heat because there's no
trees. In the Philippines, the Catholic Church states concern about environmental issues, and
the CBCP identified 12 action points towards the end, committing to live the spirit and principles
of Laudato Si. The Catholic Church needs to advocate for Christians and say about the gospel
so that they will know the importance of taking care of our environment and will make people
open their eyes to the fact that our planet needs to be taken care of.

They need to influence people by doing outside activities like cleaning the streets,
canals, planting trees, saving energy, etc. To make our community better is to have concern for
our environment, and it’s always our duty to help our planet recover from our wrongdoings
because we can save our home, God’s creation, and make a peaceful life if people care about
our environment.

4-5: The group demonstrates good research.
1-3: Needs more research.
0: No answer or no output.

5: The essay has a strong structure, logical flow, and clear progression of ideas.
3-4: The essay has a weak structure, but an understandable thought process.
1-2: The essay was wandering, incoherent, or unorganized with little agreement between ideas.
0: No answer / no output.

Midterm Major Output

C. Solutions of the Government

(What do the law/bill, and government officials especially the DENR say about the issue? Do
this in paragraph form.)

The national government is intensely mindful of the genuine issue of contamination and
the inconvenient impacts it has on public wellbeing and the environment. In reaction, they've
taken conclusive action by underwriting enactment pointed at bringing down defilement levels.
The endorsement of R.A. is one such vital degree.
Clean Talk about Act (Act No. 8749) and R.A. Started by the Office of Environment and
Characteristic Resources (DENR), Act 9275 is the Philippine Clean Water Act. These rules point
to progress worthy squander administration hones across the nation and force more exacting
controls on surges. Given the gravity of the circumstances, the DENR has made reinforcing the
authorization of characteristic laws a must in order to guarantee compliance. Furthermore, the
DENR effectively advances the allotment of cleaner essentialness sources and the execution of
workable squander administration procedures to relieve the harmful impacts of contamination
on our biological system. The government is committed to tending to the defilement
circumstance and defending the wellbeing of our individuals and famous treasures for future
eras through these helpful exercises. Understudies like us can draw a qualification when they
watch the defilement all around them. We can handle this issue as a group by reminding each
other of our basic characteristics. Together, we can guarantee a shining future for future eras by
taking care of our world.
It is within our control to have a helpful impact. By effectively taking part in eco-friendly
hones and supporting government activities like the Clean Examine Act and the Clean Water
Act, we contribute to the collective effort of protecting our environment. Each little step towards
supportability can lead to noteworthy positive impacts on both our wellbeing and the planet's

4-5: The group demonstrates good research.
1-3: Needs more research.
0: No answer or no output.

5: The essay has a strong structure, logical flow, and clear progression of ideas.
3-4: The essay has a weak structure, but an understandable thought process.
1-2: The essay was wandering, incoherent, or unorganized with little agreement between ideas.
0: No answer / no output.

D. Your Solution/s

(What is your opinion and solution for this problem? Do this in paragraph form.)

We can end pollution by instilling discipline in ourselves. It sounds cliché, but having this
kind of attitude can help lessen the pollution we are experiencing. Along with proper actions like
raising awareness through social media or attending environmental-related protests, we can
also help our mother earth.

Midterm Major Output

Based on my research, a common finding is that very few people ever bother to register
any complaints with public officials about air pollution, even if the respondents recognize that air
pollution exists in their area. Racial and socioeconomic differences in environmental attitudes
are noted. It is argued that behavioral scientists can play an extremely important role in
increasing public concern about air pollution and, therefore, helping to clean up the air. Not only
does the public require more information about air pollution, but people must also know what to
do with the information to be effective. There is also a need for social scientists to work with
government agencies to increase opportunities for citizen participation in environmental
management. This may sound like a long shot, but a small step is still progress. Swan, J. A.

Public response to air pollution. In J. F. Wohlwill & D. H. Carson (Eds.): Let us be an

example to each other and act responsibly as human beings. Having this kind of mindset
instilled in everyone can make the world a better place to live.

4-5: The group demonstrates good research.
1-3: Needs more research.
0: No answer or no output.

5: The essay has a strong structure, logical flow, and clear progression of ideas.
3-4: The essay has a weak structure, but an understandable thought process.
1-2: The essay was wandering, incoherent, or unorganized with little agreement between ideas.
0: No answer / no output.


A. Title of the Project: "Forms of Pollution: Understanding Their Impacts and Exploring
Mitigation Strategies"

We have chosen "Pollution" as the title of our project due to its immense relevance in
today's world. Pollution is an omnipresent and crucial element in nature, posing a significant
challenge that we have struggled to effectively manage. This obstacle not only affects our health
but also harms the delicate balance of the ecosystem. As responsible citizens, we are deeply
committed to observing and understanding the actions individuals take to mitigate this problem.
By raising awareness about pollution, we aim to contribute to our society and make a positive
impact on combating this pressing issue.

4-5: Has a connection to the issue; catchy; has a good explanation
1-3: Needs improvement.
0: No output

Midterm Major Output

B. Purpose

(Why do you want to address this kind of environmental issue?)

Pollution can always be caused by human activities and can affect human health and
well-being. Therefore, in order for us to mitigate and avoid serious pollution, I want to express
my concern and also contribute how to avoid contamination from being a small thing that
becomes a big problem for our well-being.

Tending to a few sorts of contamination—air, water, and soil pollution—is vital when it
comes to the environment. In order to diminish contamination and its inconvenient impacts on
the environment and human well-being, this includes campaigning for more grounded
enactment, supporting cleaner innovations, empowering maintainable propensities, and
expanding an open understanding of contamination causes and their effects. We can contribute
to and help our environment through recycling and properly treating toxic waste and water to
reduce pollution. However, another strategy to combat air pollution is to reduce the extraction of
fossil fuels by corporations.

We can secure environments, develop open well-being, and ensure characteristic assets
for future eras by decreasing contamination.

4-5: Good and understandable
1-3: Needs improvement
0: No output

C. Tasking
Task 1
a. Aspe, Judielle Angela C.
b. Lim, Niccolo
c. Macascas, Juspher Joel
d. Villamor, Hajin Leo

Task 2
a. Olimpain, Norhan
b. Parane, Gabriel

5: Complete information – all members are mentioned with their assigned tasks.
2: Incomplete
0: No output

Midterm Major Output



 Earth.Org (2024, January 24). 4 Biggest Environmental Issues in the Philippines in 2024.
 Arellano law foundation, 1999
 Legarda, 2004
 Swan, J. A. (1972)
 StudyCorgi. (2020, December 18). Pollution Forms, Effects and Mitigation.
 Ecojes, 2019
 Nathanson, J. A. (2024, March 30). Pollution | Definition, History, Types, & Facts.
Encyclopedia Britannica.

Additional Criteria in the Rubric:

References (for Task #1)
5: The group provides sources.
1-4: There are questionable parts of the paper due to no indicated sources.
0: Totally no sources, or no output.

5: Followed the APA.

1-4: Needs to improve the citation/references.
0: Totally no sources, or no output.

8-10: Very Good
5-7: Good
1-4: Fair
0: No output.

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