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7/15/24, 5:21 PM FCAW-S vs FCAW-G!

– General Technical knowledge

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FCAW-S vs FCAW-G! 1/4
7/15/24, 5:21 PM FCAW-S vs FCAW-G! – General Technical knowledge

 Date: June 13, 2021 Author: Thanh Nguyen Le  0 Comments

FCAW-S: Self-shielded, flux-cored wires, are often described as “a stick electrode that is
inside out”. Just like covered or stick electrodes, they rely solely on their slag system and
the gases produced from chemical reactions in the arc to protect the molten metal from
the atmosphere.

The flux ingredients in the core perform multiple functions, which include:

1) They deoxidize and denitrify the molten metal.

2) Forms a protective slag, which also shapes the bead and can hold molten metal out-of-

3) Adds alloying elements to the weld metal to produce desired mechanical properties.

4) Affects welding characteristics (i.e. deep penetration characteristics and high

deposition rates).

You can think of the FCAW-S process as a productivity extension of stick (i.e., manual)
welding, providing much higher deposition rate capabilities with a semi-automatic
process for almost all the same applications as stick electrodes are used.

They are very popular for outdoor welding, as there is no need for an external shielding
gas (where the gas can easily be blown away by wind and result in porosity with gas-
shielded processes). 2/4
7/15/24, 5:21 PM FCAW-S vs FCAW-G! – General Technical knowledge


FCAW-G: Gas-shielded, flux-cored wires use both a slag system and an external
shielding gas to protect the arc from the atmosphere. The two most common types of
shielding gas used are 100% carbon dioxide (CO2), or a 75 – 85% argon (Ar) / balance
CO2 mix (with 75%Ar / 25% CO2 the most popular).

These wires are often described as “double shielded” electrodes. Like self-shielded
wires, the core ingredients produce a slag, add the desired alloying elements to the weld
metal and affect the welding characteristics. However, they do not provide any
protection from the atmosphere, but rather the FCAW-G process relies completely on an
external shielding gas around the arc to do this.

In addition, the use of shielding gas greatly improves the operator appeal and usability
of these wires.


Document refer:
cored-electrodes.aspx 3/4
7/15/24, 5:21 PM FCAW-S vs FCAW-G! – General Technical knowledge

Published by Thanh Nguyen Le

Marine & Offshore -Worked at Triyards -Worked at Hyundai Vinashin View all posts by
Thanh Nguyen Le


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