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African Educational Research Journal

Vol. 5(2), pp. 120-125, April 2017

ISSN: 2354-2160
Full Length Research Paper

Effect of training on market women’s level of

awareness and their disposition towards solid waste
management in Lagos metropolis
Adebisi A. Ajiboye
Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education Otto-Ijanikin, Lagos, Nigeria.
Accepted 30 March, 2017


The most important and recent subject that affects and worries mankind is the issue of waste and its
management. Waste can be described in a relative or subjective term; relative because it is viewed in
different ways by different persons or group of people and subjective because what is waste to some may
not necessarily be to others. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of training on market women’s
level of awareness and their disposition towards solid waste management in Lagos State, Nigeria. A 2×2
schematic type of quasi-experimental design was used for this study. The population for this work consists
of all market women selling raw farm produce in Lagos State. A sample of forty women was selected from
two markets using a simple random sampling technique. A questionnaire on “effect of training on market
women’s awareness level on solid waste management” was used, having a reliability co-efficient (r) of 0.84
was established. Analysis of Co-Variance (ANCOVA) was used to analyze the data while post-hoc analysis
was further used to identify which of the variables allowed for the significant effect in the study. The three
formulated hypotheses were rejected showing that there is a significant effect among training on level of
awareness, change in behaviour and rate of patronage of waste infrastructures in the respective markets
sampled. It was concluded that more efforts from private bodies, government and even market officials
should be saddled with the responsibility of sensitizing these market women in other states so that waste
management can be a thing to be practiced in our respective houses.

Keywords: Awareness, waste management, training, behaviour.

E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +2348037174132.


The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP, The Organization for Economic Cooperation and
2005) referred to waste as unwanted materials, Development, OECD (2002) said wastes can be
substances or objects which are disposed or intended to classified into three major areas in line with how they are
be disposed off by the provision of the law at state or generated. The three classes are as follows:
national levels. It was further seen as substances or
objects discarded as useless or unwanted from human 1. Municipal: This consists of household waste,
and animal activities. Waste can be generated during the commercial and trade waste, waste from office building,
extraction of raw materials, processing of raw materials institution and small scale businesses, yard and garden,
into intermediate and final products, consumption of final street sweeping, contents of litter containers, market
product and other human activities (Zurbrugg, 2004; cleaning and so on.
Puwpiel and Owusu-Ansah, 2014). In real sense, wastes 2. Hazardous waste: This is mostly generated by
include all items that people no longer have any use of, industrial activities which relates mainly to toxic
which they either intend to get rid of or discard due to contamination of soil, water and air. This type of waste
their hazardous nature. creates serious environmental risks if not properly
Ajiboye 121

managed. different areas of the environment such as the

3. Nuclear (radioactive) waste: This is generated at recreational sites, roads, alleys and even markets are
various stages of nuclear fuel cycle such as uranium, being fed up by rats and houseflies which can serve as
mining and milling, fuel enrichment, reactor operation and host of transmitting diseases to man directly and
fuel reprocessing. It also arises from decontamination indirectly, thereby threatening human health.
and decommissioning of nuclear facilities and from other Iriruaga (2012) from his own research conducted on the
activities using isotope such as scientific research and process of managing solid waste identified the following
medical activities. problems and challenges especially in developing
Considering the three classes of waste above, the
Federal Government of Nigeria at the 2005 1. Lack of comprehensive legal framework and
Environmental statistics workshop in Dakar, Senegal enforcement of the existing regulations;
presented some critical problems generated from waste 2. Low investigation in infrastructure;
and which serve as major concern in relation to the 3. Inadequate human capacity of administrative and
health of the populace. Out of these problems and related technical issues;
to this study is the issue of municipal waste which 4. Wrong attitude of the public towards solid waste
encompass the market (Federal Republic of Nigeria, disposal;
2005). In relation to this, Agwu (2012) identified that high 5. Financing cost recovery is low in most area and in
rate of urbanization, rising standard of living results in some no funding;
increased generation from waste. Also, Kadafa, Latifa, 6. Poor planning: low data management and uncontrolled
Abdullah and Sulaimon (2013) looking at the developing urbanization uncoordinated institutional functions;
countries, identified that rapid social development, 7. Low academic research and industrial linkages;
population growth, resource exploitation and unchecked 8. Lack of the needed political will.
technological advancement create the main problems of
waste. Quoting the United Nation’s report on sanitation of The problem of solid waste management has become a
2004, Ojelade (2014) and Nandini, (2013) said, while debilitating factor towards sustainable development in all
developing countries are busy improving access to clean countries of the world especially as it concerns human
drinking water, they are falling behind on sanitation goal health and this has yet to be properly addressed (Ayuba,
especially on the disposal of solid wastes”. 2013).
Solid waste management is the generation, prevention,
characterisation, monitoring, treatment, handling, reuse
and residual disposition of materials produced by human Factors responsible for increasing solid waste
activities in order to reduce their effect on health and the
environment (UNEP, 2005; Ragassa et al., 2011). Of all Adewole (2009) and Agbaeze et al. (2014) in their studies
the municipal waste generated, OECD (2002) noted that on waste management in Nigeria using Lagos and Enugu
solid waste from trade in the markets and marketing States as case studies respectively discovered factors
sweeping need to be looked into. This is due to the fact responsible for the increase of solid waste such as
that the product from these markets are either consumed improper waste disposal habit, poor attitudinal behaviour
raw or processed before consumption and can be or perception of people towards solid waste, non
hazardous to human health if not properly taken care of. availability of waste bins in strategic areas, lack of
Globally and considering the above assertions and notion provision of waste infrastructures, government policies,
the disposal of solid waste which has created numerous lack of education (illiteracy), poor sanitary system, natural
challenges may not be seen as the real problem, but its factors as well as among others, militate against effective
management by different nations of the world. The waste management.
management in the real sense refers to people’s habit In line with the associated problems, Adejobi and
and behaviour towards the said waste. Olorunnibe (2012) quoting Olokesusi (1994) discovered
that solid waste disposal is perceived to have negative
social impacts on the entire area being generated and
Waste management: Problems and challenges poses major risk to man health.
Also, in a bid to survive and put food on the table,
According to Banga (2011), waste management is the traders especially women resort to engage in perishable
most important issue that starts from its generation to the foods. These women sell varieties of plantain, papaw,
handling effects and creates worries to man. Solid waste pineapple, oranges, coconuts, bananas, peppers, corns,
which is a by-product of human and animal activities and tomatoes, vegetables, fruits of all kinds. These are highly
the most common waste within man’s environment can perishable especially in humid conditions in which Lagos
be very hazardous and dangerous if not properly taken State falls into. Such produce hardly last for a week or
care of. Heaps of solid waste disposed indiscriminately in two depending on the nature of such produce. Due to this
Afr Educ Res J 122

also, the market women prefer to have the produce recent one, the Lassa fever. A close interaction with
exposed in a cross ventilated area within the markets. some market women reveals that lack of adequate
Should any harsh condition be meted on this farm awareness on what solid waste is, lack of provision of
produce, it can lead to mass destruction and high level of these infrastructures around markets, failure of relevant
solid waste. These women discard the wastes or spoil agencies to provide training and enlightenment on waste
produce indiscriminately in and around the markets management are some of the causal factors responsible
thereby generating different offensive odour which is a for the indiscriminate disposal of waste in markets,
vehicle to breed sicknesses and ailment of different kind. schools and even in our houses respectively.

Women and solid waste management practice in Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study seeks to establish the following
Women as the catalyst of population growth, play major objectives:
roles in the society where they serve as primary
harvesters of natural resources, managers of market 1. To determine the awareness level of women on solid
environment of the natural resources and chief home waste management.
managers in the effort to promote a clean and decent 2. To investigate the availability /provision of solid waste
environment (Omosehin, 2004). In doing this, the little infrastructure used in the market.
knowledge on how to manage the solid waste collected 3. To determine the effect of training on the behaviour of
or generated is applied. Recently as population increases market women on solid waste management.
with advanced technology, this little knowledge is still
applied particularly in Nigeria but yield is little. Therefore,
to tackle the problem of solid waste management in Research hypotheses
which a high proportion of generator falls on the women,
Olofin (2004) stressed the need to bring them into Ho1: There is no significant effect between awareness
limelight due to their composite roles. level of women on waste disposal and solid waste
Ho2: There is no significant effect between avail-
Lagos State and solid waste management ability/provision of waste infrastructures in the market and
solid waste management.
In a bid to ensure adequate sustainability of the Ho3: There is no significant effect between women’s
environment, the Lagos State Government established behaviour and training administered on solid waste
Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA) and management.
charged with the underlisted responsibilities to ensure
proper waste management system in the state and these
responsibilities are as follows: Significance of the study

i) To provide unprecedented efficient waste management This study will be important to the various waste agencies
service to all domestic, industrial and commercial clients; in the state on the need to provide adequate waste
ii) To ensure adequate provision of waste receptacles as infrastructures, that is, waste bins in strategic locations to
an alternate to indiscriminate waste dumping; ease indiscriminate dumping of wastes by trader. Also,
iii) To ensure adequate public enlightenment and the market women will find the outcome of this work very
education for re-orientation on decent waste collection important because it will go a long way in changing their
and disposal habits; disposition towards waste management in and around
iv) To ensure effective partnership with the private sector their markets. They will also be able to adapt strategies in
and other stakeholders in waste management. turning waste to wealth.

Statement of problem Scope and limitation of the study

Indiscriminate disposal of wastes around undesignated The study is limited to Lagos State due to its
areas which produce offensive odour de-face the general cosmopolitan nature, high population of consumers, large
good aesthetics of the state environment. Appalling sight markets that serve as depots of raw farm produce
of heaps of refuse littered around which serves as habitat (pepper, tomatoes, different kinds of vegetables and
for the breeding of rodents, cockroaches, mosquitoes, fruits) brought from different parts of the nation, thereby
flies, snakes who are potent carriers and transmitters of increasing the mass of waste generated from such
various epidemic diseases like malaria, cholera and most produce.
Ajiboye 123

METHODOLOGY Data analysis

Research design The data of the study was analyzed with mean, standard deviation
and ANCOVA tested at the 0.05 level of significance.
The research adopted a quasi-experimental design, a non-
randomized pre-test and post-test control group design. Treatment
was at two levels (one experimental group and one control
condition). Gender operated at one level (female only) and the
women were pre-tested and post-tested in the study, which adopted
a 2×2 factorial design. Table 1 revealed that market local government women in
the control group (Oyingbo Market) has a mean score of
2.0 which is higher than those in the experimental group
Sample (Iyana-Iba Market) with 1.0, as well as the age of women
The study comprised of all market women trading in perishable farm
in experimental group tend to be older with mean of 2.20.
produce in Lagos State Metropolis. A total of forty (40) market Surprisingly both groups have the same marital status of
women participated in the study as sample. Two markets were 1.80 for its mean and 0.405 for their standard deviation.
selected as main study through simple random sampling technique However, the level of education of market women in
with twenty (20) women from each. One was used as experimental control group revealed that they are more educated than
and the other as control. The two markets were Oyingbo (20 market
those in the experimental group with its mean as 1.80
women) and Iyana-Iba (20 market women). These markets have
similar characteristics of being large markets, depots for raw farm and 1.65, respectively. Slightly difference is that, women
produce like pepper, tomatoes, vegetables and fruits of all kinds in control group tend to trade more in varieties of
coming from other neighboring states. The existence of these perishable produce than women in the experimental
features allowed for interaction with the market women with respect group.
to the effect of level of awareness and their disposition towards From Table 2, it is shown that solid waste management
solid waste management in their various markets.
has its sum of square as and mean square as 280.335,
F-calculated value as 33.487 and a significant value as
Instrumentation 0.000. Also Level of awareness and availability/provision
of infrastructures recorded an increase in partial eta value
A structured questionnaire on the assessment of market women but training displayed a significant value of 0.000 which
knowledge towards waste management (MWKTWM) was used as depicts significance, that treatment is responsible for the
instrument to collect data. The questionnaire was exposed to face
validation by experts in measurement and evaluation. The construct
significant witnessed.
and content validity was determined by research fellows in the Also Table 2 shows interaction between Awareness *
department of adult education and lecturers in the faculty. A field Availability, Behaviour * Availability and Behaviour *
testing of the instrument with twenty market women trading on farm Awareness. However, change in behaviour and
produce in other markets distinct from the markets used in the work awareness recorded the lowest partial eta value but with
yielded reliability co-efficient of 0.84 using Kuder Richardson (KR-
the highest significant value, although still showing a
20). This is an indication of a high internal consistency of the
instrument. significant interaction effect between the variables.
Meanwhile, Behaviour * Availability * Awareness show a
3 way interaction effect and a partial eta value of 0.004
Administration was recorded and 0.042 significant value was
ascertained, however, from the three interaction model, it
In other not to interrupt the women during sales, the researcher
scheduled all the research exercises for Thursdays which took
shows a strong relationship among the variables.
place consecutively for one month in the market where treatment Conclusively from Table 2, the R Squared 0.295 was
and Focus Group Discussion took place. This decision was taken observed, meaning that about 29.5% of the error can be
with the view between the hours of 8 am to 10 am, on Thursdays; accounted for while the remaining 70.5% of errors can be
all markets in Lagos State observed compulsory environmental attributed to factors outside the model.
exercises. The experimental group was exposed to treatment and
after which the women were grouped into eight and a Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) was formed. The theme for the discussion was
based on the research title; “market women’s level of awareness DISCUSSION
and their disposition towards solid waste management” which was
discussed extensively in the presence of the market
Solid waste generated, dumped and not properly handled
The two groups (experimental and control groups) were exposed can create lots of problems and result in unhealthy living
to a pretest exercise, after which the experimental group was environment. They affirmed that solid waste management
exposed to treatment package as regards the awareness level of especially of farm products in terms of raw food and
women on solid waste management. At the end of the last different kinds of fruits is a big challenge as they generate
Thursday of the month, the same groups were again exposed to a
high proportion of solid waste.
post test exercise. It should be noted that the market used as
control group is very distant from the experimental group, so The findings in this study revealed that treatments
conditions like, item contamination, interference among others were (trainings) have a far contributory factor to the attitude of
controlled. these women on the usage of the available
Afr Educ Res J 124

Table 1. Means and standard deviations on features unique to the women in both markets.

Control group (Oyingbo Market) Experimental Group (Iyana-Iba Market)

Mean SD Mean SD
Local Government 2.00 0.000 1.00 0.000
Age 2.07 0.349 2.20 0.607
Marital status 1.80 0.405 1.80 0.405
Level of education 1.80 0.405 1.65 0.483
Types of product 3.25 1.480 3.22 1.458

Table 2. Summary of Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) of level of awareness, availability/ provision of waste infrastructures, change in
behaviour and solid waste management.

Tests of between-subjects effects

Dependent Variable: Solid Waste Management
Type III sum of Partial eta
Source df Mean square f Sig.
squares squared
Corrected Model 896.314 12 74.693 8.922 0.000s .295
Intercept 2856.822 1 2856.822 341.254 0.000s .571
Solid waste management 280.335 1 280.335 33.487 0.000s .116

Main Effects
Level of awareness 484.667 2 242.334 28.947 0.000s .184
Behaviour .364 1 .364 .043 0.035s .000
Availability / provision of infrastructures 49.258 1 49.258 5.884 0.01s .022

2-Way Interaction Effects

Awareness * Availability 15.188 2 7.594 907 0.030s 007
Behaviour * Availability 24.226 2 12.113 1.447 0.027s .011
Behaviour * Awareness .681 1 .681 .081 0.036s .000

3-Way Interaction Effects

Behaviour * Availability * Awareness 7.777 2 3.888 .464 0.042s .004
Error 2143.114 256 8.372
Total 49310.000 269
Corrected Total 3039.428 268
a. R Squared = .295 (Adjusted R Squared = .262)

infrastructures in the markets. This finding was in line only proper awareness can bring about improvement of
with that of Williams and Shiju (2009) in a discussion people well being, their environment, strengthen their
panel on “behaviour makes the difference”, where he values, knowledge and technology as well as motivate
referred to behaviour as the way a thing or situation is them to create changes in the society. Awareness serves
perceived either positively or negatively. Williams and as base of people’s attitude, behaviour and disposition
Shiju (2009) on the same issue said that due to the towards a course or issue. It serves as an eye opener in
unique nature of human being they can alter their lives by things in and around an individual, group of people,
altering their attitudes. He added that a positive attitude community or nation. Desa et al. (2012) emphasized that
constantly improves productivity and quality of work, awareness is what is what people think about and in their
reduces stress, forms a pleasing personality while also thought, there is need for change in habits, behaviour
having a good growth and performance level. Through and participation if need be. They asserted further that
awareness exercise, change in attitude can occur which once information has been given, the receiver shares the
will culminate to affect their perception towards solid new information and their activities with families, other
waste management. The findings of this work was also in adults and the community at large and this will probably
conformity with that of Oladipo (2006) who asserted that have some positive implications and practices.
Ajiboye 125

RECOMMENDATION Oladipo, E. O. (2006). Sustainable Development, Concept and Practice

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provide more trainings and platforms where women Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD,
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characteristics and traits of the market women can be
identified and worked upon extensively.


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